Пример #1
int cmd_ridlist(ibp_connect_context_t *cc, char **argv, int argc)
    ibp_depot_t depot;
    ibp_ridlist_t ridlist;
    char srid[1024];
    int i;
    ibp_op_t op;
    int err, timeout;

    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("cmd_ridlist: Not enough parameters.  Received %d need 3\n", argc);

    store_depot(&depot, argv, 1);
    timeout = atoi(argv[2]);

    set_ibp_query_resources_op(&op, &depot, &ridlist, timeout, NULL, cc);

    err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
    if (err != IBP_OK) {
        printf("cmd_ridlist: Error %s(%d)\n", _ibp_error_map[-err], err);

    printf("Resource list for %s:%s  (%d resources)\n", argv[0], argv[1], ridlist_get_size(&ridlist));
    for (i=0; i<ridlist_get_size(&ridlist); i++) {
        ibp_rid2str(ridlist_get_element(&ridlist, i), srid);
        printf("%s\n", srid);

Пример #2
int _resource_list_insert(Resource_list_t *rl, Resource_t *r)
  int i, n;
  char *crid;
  char str[RID_LEN];

  n = 0;
  if (rl->n == rl->max_res) {  //** See if we need to grow the array
     n = rl->max_res + 1;
     assert((rl->res = (rl_ele_t *)realloc(rl->res, sizeof(rl_ele_t)*n)) != NULL);
     for (i=rl->max_res; i<n; i++) { rl->res[i].used = 0; }
     rl->max_res = n;

  //** Find a slot
  for (i=0; i<rl->max_res; i++) {
     n = (rl->n+i) % rl->max_res;
     if (rl->res[n].used == 0) break;

  //** Finally add it
  ibp_rid2str(r->rid, str);
  assert((crid = strdup(str)) != NULL);
  rl->res[n].crid = crid;
  rl->res[n].r = r;
  rl->res[n].used = 1;
  apr_hash_set(rl->table, crid, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, r);

Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    double r1, r2, r3;
    int i, start_option, tcpsize, cs_type;
    ibp_capset_t *caps_list, *base_caps;
    rid_t rid;
    int port, fd_special;
    char buffer[1024];
    apr_time_t stime, dtime;
    double dt;
    char *ppath, *net_cs_name, *disk_cs_name, *out_fname;
    FILE *fd_out;
    phoebus_t pcc;
    char pstr[2048];
    chksum_t cs;
    ns_chksum_t ns_cs;
    int blocksize;

    base_caps = NULL;

    if (argc < 12) {
        printf("ibp_perf [-d|-dd] [-network_chksum type blocksize] [-disk_chksum type blocksize]\n");
        printf("         [-validate] [-config ibp.cfg] [-phoebus gateway_list] [-tcpsize tcpbufsize]\n");
        printf("         [-duration duration] [-sync] [-alias] [-progress] [-random]\n");
        printf("         n_depots depot1 port1 resource_id1 ... depotN portN ridN\n");
        printf("         nthreads ibp_timeout\n");
        printf("         alias_createremove_count createremove_count\n");
        printf("         readwrite_count readwrite_alloc_size rw_block_size read_mix_fraction\n");
        printf("         smallio_count small_min_size small_max_size small_read_fraction\n");
        printf("-d                  - Enable *minimal* debug output\n");
        printf("-dd                 - Enable *FULL* debug output\n");
        printf("-network_chksum type blocksize - Enable network checksumming for transfers.\n");
        printf("                      type should be SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, or MD5.\n");
        printf("                      blocksize determines how many bytes to send between checksums in kbytes.\n");
        printf("-disk_chksum type blocksize - Enable Disk checksumming.\n");
        printf("                      type should be NONE, SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, or MD5.\n");
        printf("                      blocksize determines how many bytes to send between checksums in kbytes.\n");
        printf("-validate           - Validate disk chksum data.  Option is ignored unless disk chksumming is enabled.\n");
        printf("-config ibp.cfg     - Use the IBP configuration defined in file ibp.cfg.\n");
        printf("                      nthreads overrides value in cfg file unless -1.\n");
        printf("-phoebus            - Use Phoebus protocol for data transfers.\n");
        printf("   gateway_list     - Comma separated List of phoebus hosts/ports, eg gateway1/1234,gateway2/4321\n");
        printf("-tcpsize tcpbufsize - Use this value, in KB, for the TCP send/recv buffer sizes\n");
        printf("-duration duration  - Allocation duration in sec.  Needs to be big enough to last the entire\n");
        printf("                      run.  The default duration is %d sec.\n", a_duration);
        printf("-save fname         - Don't delete the R/W allocations on completion.  Instead save them to the given filename.\n");
        printf("                      Can use 'stdout' and 'stderr' as the filename to redirect output\n");
        printf("-sync               - Use synchronous protocol.  Default uses async.\n");
        printf("-alias              - Use alias allocations for all I/O operations\n");
        printf("-progress           - Print completion progress.\n");
        printf("-random             - Initializes the transfer buffers with quasi-random data.\n");
        printf("                      Disabled if network chksums are enabled.\n");
        printf("n_depots            - Number of depot tuplets\n");
        printf("depot               - Depot hostname\n");
        printf("port                - IBP port on depot\n");
        printf("resource_id         - Resource ID to use on depot\n");
        printf("nthreads            - Max Number of simultaneous threads to use.  Use -1 for defaults or value in ibp.cfg\n");
        printf("ibp_timeout         - Timeout(sec) for each IBP copmmand\n");
        printf("alias_createremove_count* - Number of 0 byte files to create and remove using alias allocations\n");
        printf("createremove_count* - Number of 0 byte files to create and remove to test metadata performance\n");
        printf("readwrite_count*    - Number of files to write sequentially then read sequentially\n");
        printf("readwrite_alloc_size  - Size of each allocation in KB for sequential and random tests\n");
        printf("rw_block_size       - Size of each R/W operation in KB for sequential and random tests\n");
        printf("read_mix_fraction   - Fraction of Random I/O operations that are READS\n");
        printf("smallio_count*      - Number of random small I/O operations\n");
        printf("small_min_size      - Minimum size of each small I/O operation(kb)\n");
        printf("small_max_size      - Max size of each small I/O operation(kb)\n");
        printf("small_read_fraction - Fraction of small random I/O operations that are READS\n");
        printf("*If the variable is set to 0 then the test is skipped\n");



    ic = ibp_create_context();  //** Initialize IBP

    i = 1;
    net_cs_name = NULL;
    disk_cs_name = NULL;
    sync_transfer = 0;
    use_alias = 0;
    print_progress = 0;
    fd_special = 0;
    fd_out = NULL;
    out_fname = NULL;
    do {
        start_option = i;

        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) { //** Enable debugging
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dd") == 0) { //** Enable debugging
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-random") == 0) { //** Random buffers
            identical_buffers = 0;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-network_chksum") == 0) { //** Add checksum capability
            net_cs_name = argv[i];
            cs_type = chksum_name_type(argv[i]);
            if (cs_type == -1) {
                printf("Invalid chksum type.  Got %s should be SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, or MD5\n", argv[i]);
            chksum_set(&cs, cs_type);

            blocksize = atoi(argv[i])*1024;
            ns_chksum_set(&ns_cs, &cs, blocksize);
            ncs = &ns_cs;
            ibp_set_chksum(ic, ncs);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-disk_chksum") == 0) { //** Add checksum capability
            disk_cs_name = argv[i];
            disk_cs_type = chksum_name_type(argv[i]);
            if (disk_cs_type < CHKSUM_DEFAULT) {
                printf("Invalid chksum type.  Got %s should be NONE, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, or MD5\n", argv[i]);

            disk_blocksize = atoi(argv[i])*1024;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-validate") == 0) { //** Enable validation
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-config") == 0) { //** Read the config file
            ibp_load_config_file(ic, argv[i], NULL);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-save") == 0) { //** Save the allocations and don't delete them
            out_fname = argv[i];
            if (strcmp(out_fname, "stderr") == 0) {
                fd_out = stderr;
                fd_special = 1;
            } else if (strcmp(out_fname, "stdout") == 0) {
                fd_out = stdout;
                fd_special = 1;
            } else {
                    fd_out = fopen(out_fname, "w");
                    assert(fd_out != NULL);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-phoebus") == 0) { //** Check if we want Phoebus transfers
            cc = (ibp_connect_context_t *)malloc(sizeof(ibp_connect_context_t));
            cc->type = NS_TYPE_PHOEBUS;

            ppath = argv[i];
            phoebus_path_set(&pcc, ppath);
//   printf("ppath=%s\n", ppath);
            cc->data = &pcc;

            ibp_set_read_cc(ic, cc);
            ibp_set_write_cc(ic, cc);

        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tcpsize") == 0) { //** Check if we want sync tests
            tcpsize = atoi(argv[i]) * 1024;
            ibp_set_tcpsize(ic, tcpsize);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-duration") == 0) { //** Check if we want sync tests
            a_duration = atoi(argv[i]);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sync") == 0) { //** Check if we want sync tests
            sync_transfer = 1;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-alias") == 0) { //** Check if we want to use alias allocation
            use_alias = 1;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-progress") == 0) { //** Check if we want to print the progress
            print_progress = 1;
    } while (start_option < i);

    if (net_cs_name != NULL) identical_buffers = 1;

    n_depots = atoi(argv[i]);

    depot_list = (ibp_depot_t *)malloc(sizeof(ibp_depot_t)*n_depots);
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<n_depots; j++) {
        port = atoi(argv[i+1]);
        rid = ibp_str2rid(argv[i+2]);
        set_ibp_depot(&(depot_list[j]), argv[i], port, rid);
        i = i + 3;

    //*** Get thread count ***
    nthreads = atoi(argv[i]);
    if (nthreads <= 0) {
        nthreads = ibp_get_max_depot_threads(ic);
    } else {
        ibp_set_max_depot_threads(ic, nthreads);

    ibp_timeout = atoi(argv[i]);

    //****** Get the different Stream counts *****
    int aliascreateremove_count = atol(argv[i]);
    int createremove_count = atol(argv[i]);
    int readwrite_count = atol(argv[i]);
    int readwrite_size = atol(argv[i])*1024;
    int rw_block_size = atol(argv[i])*1024;
    double read_mix_fraction = atof(argv[i]);

    //****** Get the different small I/O counts *****
    int smallio_count = atol(argv[i]);
    int small_min_size = atol(argv[i])*1024;
    int small_max_size = atol(argv[i])*1024;
    double small_read_fraction = atof(argv[i]);

    //*** Print the ibp client version ***
    printf("================== IBP Client Version =================\n");
    printf("%s\n", ibp_version());

    //*** Print summary of options ***
    printf("======= Base options =======\n");
    printf("n_depots: %d\n", n_depots);
    for (i=0; i<n_depots; i++) {
        printf("depot %d: %s:%d rid:%s\n", i, depot_list[i].host, depot_list[i].port, ibp_rid2str(depot_list[i].rid, buffer));
    printf("IBP timeout: %d\n", ibp_timeout);
    printf("IBP duration: %d\n", a_duration);
    printf("Max Threads: %d\n", nthreads);
    if (sync_transfer == 1) {
        printf("Transfer_mode: SYNC\n");
    } else {
        printf("Transfer_mode: ASYNC\n");
    printf("Use alias: %d\n", use_alias);

    if (cc != NULL) {
        switch (cc->type) {
        case NS_TYPE_SOCK:
            printf("Connection Type: SOCKET\n");
        case NS_TYPE_PHOEBUS:
            phoebus_path_to_string(pstr, sizeof(pstr), &pcc);
            printf("Connection Type: PHOEBUS (%s)\n", pstr);
        case NS_TYPE_1_SSL:
            printf("Connection Type: Single SSL\n");
        case NS_TYPE_2_SSL:
            printf("Connection Type: Dual SSL\n");
    } else {
        printf("Connection Type: SOCKET\n");

    if (identical_buffers == 1) {
        printf("Identical buffers being used.\n");
    } else {
        printf("Quasi-random buffers being used.\n");

    if (net_cs_name == NULL) {
        printf("Network Checksum Type: NONE\n");
    } else {
        printf("Network Checksum Type: %s   Block size: %dkb\n", net_cs_name, (blocksize/1024));
    if (disk_cs_name == NULL) {
        printf("Disk Checksum Type: NONE\n");
    } else {
        printf("Disk Checksum Type: %s   Block size: " I64T "kb\n", disk_cs_name, (disk_blocksize/1024));
        if (do_validate == 1) {
            printf("Disk Validation: Enabled\n");
        } else {
            printf("Disk Validation: Disabled\n");

    if (fd_out != NULL) {
        printf("Saving allocations to %s\n", out_fname);

    printf("TCP buffer size: %dkb (0 defaults to OS)\n", ibp_get_tcpsize(ic)/1024);

    printf("======= Bulk transfer options =======\n");
    printf("aliascreateremove_count: %d\n", aliascreateremove_count);
    printf("createremove_count: %d\n", createremove_count);
    printf("readwrite_count: %d\n", readwrite_count);
    printf("readwrite_alloc_size: %dkb\n", readwrite_size/1024);
    printf("rw_block_size: %dkb\n", rw_block_size/1024);
    printf("read_mix_fraction: %lf\n", read_mix_fraction);
    printf("======= Small Random I/O transfer options =======\n");
    printf("smallio_count: %d\n", smallio_count);
    printf("small_min_size: %dkb\n", small_min_size/1024);
    printf("small_max_size: %dkb\n", small_max_size/1024);
    printf("small_read_fraction: %lf\n", small_read_fraction);

    r1 =  1.0 * readwrite_size/1024.0/1024.0;
    r1 = readwrite_count * r1;
    printf("Approximate I/O for sequential tests: %lfMB\n", r1);

    io_set_mode(sync_transfer, print_progress, nthreads);

    //**************** Create/Remove tests ***************************
    if (aliascreateremove_count > 0) {
        i = aliascreateremove_count/nthreads;
        printf("Starting Alias create test (total files: %d, approx per thread: %d)\n",aliascreateremove_count, i);
        base_caps = create_allocs(1, 1);
        stime = apr_time_now();
        caps_list = create_alias_allocs(aliascreateremove_count, base_caps, 1);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*aliascreateremove_count/dt;
        printf("Alias create : %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        stime = apr_time_now();
        alias_remove_allocs(caps_list, base_caps, aliascreateremove_count, 1);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*aliascreateremove_count/dt;
        printf("Alias remove : %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);


        remove_allocs(base_caps, 1);


    if (createremove_count > 0) {
        i = createremove_count/nthreads;
        printf("Starting Create test (total files: %d, approx per thread: %d)\n",createremove_count, i);

        stime = apr_time_now();
        caps_list = create_allocs(createremove_count, 1);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*createremove_count/dt;
        printf("Create : %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        stime = apr_time_now();
        remove_allocs(caps_list, createremove_count);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*createremove_count/dt;
        printf("Remove : %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

    //**************** Read/Write tests ***************************
    if (readwrite_count > 0) {
        i = readwrite_count/nthreads;
        printf("Starting Bulk tests (total files: %d, approx per thread: %d", readwrite_count, i);
        r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count*readwrite_size/1024.0/1024.0;
        r2 = r1 / nthreads;
        printf(" -- total size: %lfMB, approx per thread: %lfMB\n", r1, r2);

        printf("Creating allocations....");
        stime = apr_time_now();
        caps_list = create_allocs(readwrite_count, readwrite_size);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
        printf(" %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        if (use_alias) {
            base_caps = caps_list;
            printf("Creating alias allocations....");
            stime = apr_time_now();
            caps_list = create_alias_allocs(readwrite_count, base_caps, readwrite_count);
            dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
            dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
            r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
            printf(" %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        stime = apr_time_now();
        write_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, rw_block_size);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count*readwrite_size/(dt*1024*1024);
        printf("Write: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        stime = apr_time_now();
        read_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, rw_block_size);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count*readwrite_size/(dt*1024*1024);
        printf("Read: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        stime = apr_time_now();
        random_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, rw_block_size, read_mix_fraction);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count*readwrite_size/(dt*1024*1024);
        printf("Random: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        //**************** Small I/O tests ***************************
        if (smallio_count > 0) {
            if (small_min_size == 0) small_min_size = 1;
            if (small_max_size == 0) small_max_size = 1;

            printf("Starting Small Random I/O tests...\n");

            stime = apr_time_now();
            r1 = small_write_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, smallio_count, small_min_size, small_max_size);
            dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
            dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
            r1 = r1/(1024.0*1024.0);
            r2 = r1/dt;
            r3 = smallio_count;
            r3 = r3 / dt;
            printf("Small Random Write: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total using %lfMB or %.2lf ops/sec) \n", r2, dt, r1, r3);

            stime = apr_time_now();
            r1 = small_read_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, smallio_count, small_min_size, small_max_size);
            dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
            dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
            r1 = r1/(1024.0*1024.0);
            r2 = r1/dt;
            r3 = smallio_count;
            r3 = r3 / dt;
            printf("Small Random Read: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total using %lfMB or %.2lf ops/sec) \n", r2, dt, r1, r3);

            stime = apr_time_now();
            r1 = small_random_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, small_read_fraction, smallio_count, small_min_size, small_max_size);
            dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
            dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
            r1 = r1/(1024.0*1024.0);
            r2 = r1/dt;
            r3 = smallio_count;
            r3 = r3 / dt;
            printf("Small Random R/W: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total using %lfMB or %.2lf ops/sec) \n", r2, dt, r1, r3);

        if (use_alias) {
            printf("Removing alias allocations....");
            stime = apr_time_now();
            alias_remove_allocs(caps_list, base_caps, readwrite_count, readwrite_count);
            dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
            dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
            r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
            printf(" %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

            caps_list = base_caps;

        //** If disk chksumming is enabled then validate it as well
        if ((chksum_valid_type(disk_cs_type) == 1) && (do_validate == 1)) {
            printf("Validating allocations....");
            stime = apr_time_now();
            validate_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count);
            dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
            dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
            r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
            printf(" %lf validates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        if (fd_out == NULL) {
            printf("Removing allocations....");
            stime = apr_time_now();
            remove_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count);
            dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
            dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
            r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
            printf(" %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);
        } else {
            printf("Saving allocations to %s instead of deleting them\n", out_fname);
            save_allocs(fd_out, caps_list, readwrite_count);
            if (fd_special == 0) fclose(fd_out);

    printf("Final network connection counter: %d\n", network_counter(NULL));

    ibp_destroy_context(ic);  //** Shutdown IBP

Пример #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ibp_depotinfo_t *depotinfo;
  ibp_depot_t depot1, depot2;
  ibp_attributes_t attr;
  ibp_timer_t timer;
  ibp_capset_t *caps, *caps2, *caps4;
  ibp_capset_t caps3, caps5;
  ibp_capstatus_t astat;
  ibp_alias_capstatus_t alias_stat;
  int err, i, len, offset;
  int bufsize = 1024*1024;
  char wbuf[bufsize];
  char rbuf[bufsize];
  char *host1, *host2;
  int port1, port2;
  rid_t rid1, rid2;

  failed_tests = 0;

  if (argc < 6) {
     printf("ibp_test [-d loglevel] [-config ibp.cfg] host1 port1 rid1 host2 port2 rid2\n");
     printf("     2 depots are requred to test depot-depot copies.\n");
     printf("     Can use the same depot if necessary\n");

  ibp_init();  //** Initialize IBP

  //*** Read in the arguments ***    
  i = 1;
  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) {

  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-config") == 0) { //** Read the config file

  host1 = argv[i];  i++;
  port1 = atoi(argv[i]); i++;
  rid1 = ibp_str2rid(argv[i]); i++;  

  host2 = argv[i];  i++;
  port2 = atoi(argv[i]); i++;
  rid2 = ibp_str2rid(argv[i]); i++;  

  //*** Print the ibp client version ***
  printf("================== IBP Client Version =================\n");
  printf("%s\n", ibp_client_version());

  //*** Init the structures ***
  ibp_timeout = 5;
  set_ibp_depot(&depot1, host1, port1, rid1);
  set_ibp_depot(&depot2, host2, port2, rid2);
  set_ibp_attributes(&attr, time(NULL) + 60, IBP_HARD, IBP_BYTEARRAY); 
  set_ibp_timer(&timer, ibp_timeout, ibp_timeout);

//printf("Before allocate\n"); fflush(stdout);

  //*** Perform single allocation
  caps = IBP_allocate(&depot1, &timer, bufsize, &attr);

  if (caps == NULL) {
     printf("Error!!!! ibp_errno = %d\n", IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("Read: %s\n", caps->readCap);
     printf("Write: %s\n", caps->writeCap);
     printf("Manage: %s\n", caps->manageCap);

  memset(&astat, 0, sizeof(astat));
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_PROBE, 0, &astat);
  if (err == 0) {
     printf("read count = %d\n", astat.readRefCount);
     printf("write count = %d\n", astat.writeRefCount);
     printf("current size = %d\n", astat.currentSize);
     printf("max size = %lu\n", astat.maxSize);
     printf("duration = %ld\n", astat.attrib.duration - time(NULL));
     printf("reliability = %d\n", astat.attrib.reliability);
     printf("type = %d\n", astat.attrib.type);
  } else {
     printf("ibp_manage error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  printf("ibp_manage(IBP_DECR for write cap):-----------------------------------\n");
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_DECR, IBP_WRITECAP, &astat);
  if (err != 0) { printf("ibp_manage error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); }
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_PROBE, 0, &astat);
  if (err == 0) {
     printf("read count = %d\n", astat.readRefCount);
     printf("write count = %d\n", astat.writeRefCount);
     printf("current size = %d\n", astat.currentSize);
     printf("max size = %lu\n", astat.maxSize);
     printf("duration = %lu\n", astat.attrib.duration - time(NULL));
     printf("reliability = %d\n", astat.attrib.reliability);
     printf("type = %d\n", astat.attrib.type);
  } else {
     printf("ibp_manage error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  printf("ibp_manage(IBP_CHNG - incresing size to 2MB and changing duration to 20 sec):-----------------------------------\n");
  set_ibp_attributes(&(astat.attrib), time(NULL) + 20, IBP_HARD, IBP_BYTEARRAY);
  astat.maxSize = 2*1024*1024;
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_CHNG, 0, &astat);
  if (err != 0) { printf("ibp_manage error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); }
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_PROBE, 0, &astat);
  if (err == 0) {
     printf("read count = %d\n", astat.readRefCount);
     printf("write count = %d\n", astat.writeRefCount);
     printf("current size = %d\n", astat.currentSize);
     printf("max size = %lu\n", astat.maxSize);
     printf("duration = %lu\n", astat.attrib.duration - time(NULL));
     printf("reliability = %d\n", astat.attrib.reliability);
     printf("type = %d\n", astat.attrib.type);
  } else {
     printf("ibp_manage error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  //**** Basic Write tests ****
  printf("write tests..................................\n");
  for (i=0; i<bufsize; i++) wbuf[i] = '0';
  len = 3*bufsize/4;
  err = IBP_store(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, wbuf, len);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Error with IBP_store1! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  len = bufsize - len;
  err = IBP_store(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, wbuf, len);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Error with IBP_store2! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  for (i=0; i<bufsize; i++) wbuf[i] = '1';
  len = bufsize/2;
  offset = 10;
  err = IBP_write(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, wbuf, len, offset);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Error with IBP_Write! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  printf("ibp_load test...............................\n");
  len = bufsize;
  offset = 0;
  err = IBP_load(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_READCAP), &timer, rbuf, len, offset);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Error with IBP_load! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);
  } else {
    rbuf[50] = '\0';
    printf("rbuf=%s\n", rbuf);

  printf("ibp_copy test................................\n");
  //*** Perform single allocation
  caps2 = IBP_allocate(&depot2, &timer, bufsize, &attr);
  if (caps2 == NULL) {
     printf("Error with allocation of dest cap!!!! ibp_errno = %d\n", IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("dest Read: %s\n", caps2->readCap);
     printf("dest Write: %s\n", caps2->writeCap);
     printf("dest Manage: %s\n", caps2->manageCap);
  err = IBP_copy(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_READCAP), get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, &timer, 1024, 0);
  if (err != 1024) { failed_tests++; printf("ibp_copy size = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); }

  printf("ibp_phoebus_copy test................................\n");
  //*** Perform single allocation
  caps4 = IBP_allocate(&depot2, &timer, bufsize, &attr);
  if (caps4 == NULL) {
     printf("Error with allocation of dest cap!!!! ibp_errno = %d\n", IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("dest Read: %s\n", caps4->readCap);
     printf("dest Write: %s\n", caps4->writeCap);
     printf("dest Manage: %s\n", caps4->manageCap);
  err = IBP_phoebus_copy(NULL, get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_READCAP), get_ibp_cap(caps4, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, &timer, 1024, 0);
  if (err != 1024) { failed_tests++; printf("ibp_copy size = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); }

  //** Remove the cap
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps4, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_DECR, IBP_READCAP, &astat);
  if (err != 0) { 
     printf("Error deleting phoebus dest cap error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); 
  destroy_ibp_capset(caps4); caps4 = NULL;

  printf("ibp_manage(IBP_DECR):-Removing allocations----------------------------------\n");
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_DECR, IBP_READCAP, &astat);
  if (err != 0) { failed_tests++; printf("ibp_manage(decr) for caps1 error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); }
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_DECR, IBP_READCAP, &astat);
  if (err != 0) { failed_tests++; printf("ibp_manage(decr) for caps2 error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); }

  printf("ibp_status: IBP_ST_INQ--------------------------------------------------------\n");
  depotinfo = IBP_status(&depot1, IBP_ST_INQ, &timer, "ibp", 10,11,12);
  if (depotinfo != NULL) {
     printf("rid=%d * duration=%ld\n", depotinfo->rid, depotinfo->Duration);
     printf("hc=" LL " hs=" LL " ha=" LL "\n",depotinfo->HardConfigured, depotinfo->HardServed, depotinfo->HardAllocable);
     printf("tc=" LL " ts=" LL " tu=" LL "\n", depotinfo->TotalConfigured, depotinfo->TotalServed, depotinfo->TotalUsed);
  } else {
     printf("ibp_status error=%d\n", IBP_errno);

  //** Perform some basic async R/W alloc/remove tests
  base_async_test(2, &depot1);

  //** Now do a few of the extra tests for async only
  ibp_op_t op;

  //*** Print the depot version ***
  set_ibp_version_op(&op, &depot1, rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err == IBP_OK) {
     printf("Printing depot version information......................................\n");
     printf("%s\n", rbuf);
  } else {
     printf("Error getting ibp_version. err=%d\n", err);
  //*** Query the depot resources ***
  ibp_ridlist_t rlist;
  set_ibp_query_resources_op(&op, &depot1, &rlist, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err == IBP_OK) {
     printf("Number of resources: %d\n", ridlist_get_size(&rlist));
     for (i=0; i<ridlist_get_size(&rlist); i++) {
        printf("  %d: %s\n", i, ibp_rid2str(ridlist_get_element(&rlist, i), rbuf));
  } else {
     printf("Error querying depot resource list. err=%d\n", err);

  perform_user_rw_tests(&depot1);  //** Perform the "user" version of the R/W functions

  //** check ibp_rename ****

  printf("Testing IBP_RENAME...............................................\n");
  caps = IBP_allocate(&depot1, &timer, bufsize, &attr);
  if (caps == NULL) {
     printf("Error!!!! ibp_errno = %d\n", IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("Original Cap..............\n");
     printf("Read: %s\n", caps->readCap);
     printf("Write: %s\n", caps->writeCap);
     printf("Manage: %s\n", caps->manageCap);

  //** Upload the data
  char *data = "This is a test....";
  len = strlen(data)+1;
  err = IBP_store(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, data, len);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Error with IBP_store1! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  //** Rename the allocation
  set_ibp_rename_op(&op, caps2, get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Error with ibp_rename. err=%d\n", err);
  } else {
     printf("Renamed Cap..............\n");
     printf("Read: %s\n", caps2->readCap);
     printf("Write: %s\n", caps2->writeCap);
     printf("Manage: %s\n", caps2->manageCap);
  //** Try reading the original which should fail
  rbuf[0] = '\0';
  err = IBP_load(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_READCAP), &timer, rbuf, len, 0);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Can't read the original cap after the rename which is good!  Got err err=%d\n", err);
  } else {
    printf("Oops!  The read of the original cap succeeded! rbuf=%s\n", rbuf);

  //** Try reading with the new cap
  rbuf[0] = '\0';
  err = IBP_load(get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_READCAP), &timer, rbuf, len, 0);
  if (err == len) {
     if (strcmp(rbuf, data) == 0) {
        printf("Read using the new cap the original data!\n");
     } else {
        printf("Read some data with the new cap but it wasn't correct!\n");
        printf("Original=%s\n", data);
        printf("     Got=%s\n", wbuf);
  } else {
     printf("Oops! Failed reading with new cap! err=%d\n", err);

  //** Remove the cap
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_DECR, IBP_READCAP, &astat);
  if (err != 0) { 
     printf("Error deleting new cap after rename caps2 error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); 
  printf("Completed ibp_rename test...........................\n");

  //** check ibp_alias_allocate/manage ****

//**** GOOD
  printf("Testing IBP_alias_ALLOCATE/MANAGE...............................................\n");
  caps = IBP_allocate(&depot1, &timer, bufsize, &attr);
  if (caps == NULL) {
     printf("Error!!!! ibp_errno = %d\n", IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("Original Cap..............\n");
     printf("Read: %s\n", caps->readCap);
     printf("Write: %s\n", caps->writeCap);
     printf("Manage: %s\n", caps->manageCap);

  set_ibp_alias_alloc_op(&op, caps2, get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), 0, 0, 0, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Error with ibp_alias_alloc. err=%d\n", err);
  } else {
     printf("Alias Cap..............\n");
     printf("Read: %s\n", caps2->readCap);
     printf("Write: %s\n", caps2->writeCap);
     printf("Manage: %s\n", caps2->manageCap);

  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_PROBE, 0, &astat);
  if (err == 0) {
     printf("Actual cap info\n");
     printf(" read count = %d\n", astat.readRefCount);
     printf(" write count = %d\n", astat.writeRefCount);
     printf(" current size = %d\n", astat.currentSize);
     printf(" max size = %lu\n", astat.maxSize);
     printf(" duration = %lu\n", astat.attrib.duration - time(NULL));
     printf(" reliability = %d\n", astat.attrib.reliability);
     printf(" type = %d\n", astat.attrib.type);
  } else {
     printf("ibp_manage error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_PROBE, 0, &astat);
  if (err == 0) {
     printf("Using alias to get actual cap info\n");
     printf(" read count = %d\n", astat.readRefCount);
     printf(" write count = %d\n", astat.writeRefCount);
     printf(" current size = %d\n", astat.currentSize);
     printf(" max size = %lu\n", astat.maxSize);
     printf(" duration = %lu\n", astat.attrib.duration - time(NULL));
     printf(" reliability = %d\n", astat.attrib.reliability);
     printf(" type = %d\n", astat.attrib.type);
  } else {
     printf("ibp_manage error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  set_ibp_alias_probe_op(&op, get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_MANAGECAP), &alias_stat, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Error with ibp_alias_probe. err=%d\n", err);
  } else {
     printf("Alias stat..............\n");
     printf(" read count = %d\n", alias_stat.read_refcount);
     printf(" write count = %d\n", alias_stat.write_refcount);
     printf(" offset = " ST "\n", alias_stat.offset);
     printf(" size = " ST "\n", alias_stat.size);
     printf(" duration = %lu\n", alias_stat.duration - time(NULL));

  set_ibp_alias_alloc_op(&op, &caps3, get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), 10, 40, 0, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Error with ibp_alias_alloc_op. err=%d\n", err);
  } else {
     printf("Alias Cap with range 10-50.............\n");
     printf("Read: %s\n", caps3.readCap);
     printf("Write: %s\n", caps3.writeCap);
     printf("Manage: %s\n", caps3.manageCap);

  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(&caps3, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_PROBE, 0, &astat);
  if (err == 0) {
     printf("Using limited alias to get actual cap info\n");
     printf(" read count = %d\n", astat.readRefCount);
     printf(" write count = %d\n", astat.writeRefCount);
     printf(" current size = %d\n", astat.currentSize);
     printf(" max size = %lu *** This should be 40\n", astat.maxSize);
     printf(" duration = %lu\n", astat.attrib.duration - time(NULL));
     printf(" reliability = %d\n", astat.attrib.reliability);
     printf(" type = %d\n", astat.attrib.type);
  } else {
     printf("ibp_manage error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  printf("*append* using the full alias..................................\n");
  for (i=0; i<bufsize; i++) wbuf[i] = '0';
  err = IBP_store(get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, wbuf, bufsize);
  if (err != bufsize) {
     printf("Error with IBP_store! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  printf("write using the limited alias..................................\n");  
  data = "This is a test.";
  len = strlen(data)+1;
  err = IBP_write(get_ibp_cap(&caps3, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, data, len, 0);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Error with IBP_Write! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);

  memcpy(&(wbuf[10]), data, strlen(data)+1);
  len = 10 + strlen(data)+1;
  err = IBP_load(get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_READCAP), &timer, rbuf, len, 0);
  if (err == len) {
     if (strcmp(rbuf, wbuf) == 0) {
        printf("Read using the new full alias the original data!\n");
        printf("  read=%s\n", rbuf);       
     } else {
        printf("Read some data with the new cap but it wasn't correct!\n");
        printf("Original=%s\n", wbuf);
        printf("     Got=%s\n", rbuf);
  } else {
     printf("Oops! Failed reading with new cap! err=%d\n", err);

  //** Try to R/W beyond the end of the limited cap **
  printf("attempting to R/W beyond the end of the limited alias......\n");
  data = "This is a test.";
  len = strlen(data)+1;
  err = IBP_write(get_ibp_cap(&caps3, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, data, len, 35);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Correctly got an IBP_Write error! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("Oops! Was able to write beyond the end of the limited cap with new cap!\n");

  err = IBP_load(get_ibp_cap(&caps3, IBP_READCAP), &timer, rbuf, len, 35);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Correctly got an IBP_read error! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("Oops! Was able to read beyond the end of the limited cap with new cap!\n");

  //** Perform a alias->alias copy.  The src alias is restricted
  printf("Testing restricted alias->full alias depot-depot copy\n");
  caps4 = IBP_allocate(&depot1, &timer, bufsize, &attr);
  if (caps == NULL) {
     printf("alias-alias allocate Error!!!! ibp_errno = %d\n", IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("Depot-Depot copy OriginalDestiniation Cap..............\n");
     printf("Read: %s\n", caps4->readCap);
     printf("Write: %s\n", caps4->writeCap);
     printf("Manage: %s\n", caps4->manageCap);

  set_ibp_alias_alloc_op(&op, &caps5, get_ibp_cap(caps4, IBP_MANAGECAP), 0, 0, 0, ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Error with ibp_alias_alloc_op. err=%d\n", err);
  } else {
     printf("Destination Alias Cap with full range.............\n");
     printf("Read: %s\n", caps5.readCap);
     printf("Write: %s\n", caps5.writeCap);
     printf("Manage: %s\n", caps5.manageCap);

  //** Perform the copy
  data = "This is a test.";
  len = strlen(data)+1;
  err = IBP_copy(get_ibp_cap(&caps3, IBP_READCAP), get_ibp_cap(&caps5, IBP_WRITECAP), &timer, &timer, len, 0);
  if (err != len) { printf("ibp_copy size = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); }

  //** Load it back and verify **
  err = IBP_load(get_ibp_cap(&caps5, IBP_READCAP), &timer, rbuf, len, 0);
  if (err == len) {
     if (strcmp(rbuf, data) == 0) {
        printf("Read using the new full alias the original data!\n");
        printf("  read=%s\n", rbuf);       
     } else {
        printf("Read some data with the new cap but it wasn't correct!\n");
        printf("Original=%s\n", data);
        printf("     Got=%s\n", rbuf);
  } else {
     printf("Oops! Failed reading with new cap! err=%d\n", err);

  //** Remove the cap5 (full alias)
  set_ibp_alias_remove_op(&op, get_ibp_cap(&caps5, IBP_MANAGECAP), get_ibp_cap(caps4, IBP_MANAGECAP), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Error dest deleting alias cap error = %d\n", err); 

  //** Remove the dest cap
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps4, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_DECR, IBP_READCAP, &astat);
  if (err != 0) { 
     printf("Error deleting dest caps error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); 

  printf("completed alias depot->depot copy test\n");

  //** Try to remove the cap2 (full alias) with a bad cap
  set_ibp_alias_remove_op(&op, get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_MANAGECAP), get_ibp_cap(&caps3, IBP_MANAGECAP), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Correctly detected error deleting alias cap with an invalid master cap error = %d\n", err); 
  } else {
     printf("Oops! Was able to delete the alias with an invalid master cap!!!!!!!!\n");

  //** Remove the cap2 (full alias)
  set_ibp_alias_remove_op(&op, get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_MANAGECAP), get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Error deleting alias cap error = %d\n", err); 

  printf("Try to read the deleted full falias.  This should generate an error\n");
  err = IBP_load(get_ibp_cap(caps2, IBP_READCAP), &timer, rbuf, len, 35);
  if (err != len) {
     printf("Correctly got an IBP_read error! wrote=%d err=%d\n", err, IBP_errno);
  } else {
     printf("Oops! Was able to write beyond the end of the limited cap with new cap!\n");

  //** Remove the limited alias (cap3)
  set_ibp_alias_remove_op(&op, get_ibp_cap(&caps3, IBP_MANAGECAP), get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), ibp_timeout, NULL, NULL);
  err = ibp_sync_command(&op);
  if (err != IBP_OK) {
     printf("Error deleting the limited alias cap  error = %d\n", err); 

  //** Remove the original cap
  err = IBP_manage(get_ibp_cap(caps, IBP_MANAGECAP), &timer, IBP_DECR, IBP_READCAP, &astat);
  if (err != 0) { 
     printf("Error deleting original caps error = %d * ibp_errno=%d\n", err, IBP_errno); 


  printf("finished testing IBP_alias_ALLOCATE/MANAGE...............................................\n");

  perform_pushpull_tests(&depot1, &depot2);

  printf("Final network connection counter: %d\n", network_counter(NULL));
  printf("Tests that failed: %d\n", failed_tests);


Пример #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    double r1, r2;
    int i, automode, doskip, start_option, tcpsize, cs_type;
    int q_len, n_allocs, alloc_size, block_size, llevel;
    ibp_capset_t *caps_list;
    rid_t rid;
    int port;
    char buffer[1024];
    apr_time_t stime, dtime;
    double dt;
    char *net_cs_name, *disk_cs_name;
    phoebus_t pcc;
    char pstr[2048];
    chksum_t cs;
    ns_chksum_t ns_cs;
    int blocksize = 0;

    if (argc < 4) {
        printf("ibp_find_drive [-d log_level] [-network_chksum type blocksize] [-disk_chksum type blocksize]\n");
        printf("         [-config ibp.cfg] [-duration duration] [-tcpsize tcpbufsize]\n");
        printf("         [-skip] [-auto]\n");
        printf("         depot1 port1 resource_id1\n");
        printf("         nthreads ibp_timeout\n");
        printf("         q_len n_alloc alloc_size block_size\n");
        printf("-d loglevel         - Enable debug output (5,6 provide minimal output an 20 provides full output\n");
        printf("-network_chksum type blocksize - Enable network checksumming for transfers.\n");
        printf("                      type should be SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, or MD5.\n");
        printf("                      blocksize determines how many bytes to send between checksums in kbytes.\n");
        printf("-disk_chksum type blocksize - Enable Disk checksumming.\n");
        printf("                      type should be NONE, SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, or MD5.\n");
        printf("                      blocksize determines how many bytes to send between checksums in kbytes.\n");
        printf("-config ibp.cfg     - Use the IBP configuration defined in file ibp.cfg.\n");
        printf("                      nthreads overrides value in cfg file unless -1.\n");
        printf("-tcpsize tcpbufsize - Use this value, in KB, for the TCP send/recv buffer sizes\n");
        printf("-duration duration  - Allocation duration in sec.  Needs to be big enough to last the entire\n");
        printf("-skip               - Hit all drives on the depot *except* the resource_id given\n");
        printf("-auto               - Automatically configure nthreads, ibp_timeout, q_len, n_alloc, alloc_size, and block_Size\n");
        printf("depot               - Depot hostname\n");
        printf("port                - IBP port on depot\n");
        printf("resource_id         - Resource ID to use on depot\n");
        printf("nthreads            - Max Number of simultaneous threads to use.  Use -1 for defaults or value in ibp.cfg\n");
        printf("ibp_timeout         - Timeout(sec) for each IBP copmmand\n");
        printf("q_len               - Number of commands queued at any thime.  Controls how long it takes to stop\n");
        printf("n_alloc             - Number of allocations to use\n");
        printf("alloc_size          - Size of each allocation in KB for sequential and random tests\n");
        printf("block_size          - Size of each write operation in KB for sequential and random tests\n");


    ic = ibp_create_context();  //** Initialize IBP

    i = 1;
    net_cs_name = NULL;
    disk_cs_name = NULL;
    doskip = 0;
    sync_transfer = 0;
    use_alias = 0;
    print_progress = 0;
    automode = 0;
    ibp_timeout = 10;

    do {
        start_option = i;

        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) { //** Enable debugging
            llevel = atoi(argv[i]);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-network_chksum") == 0) { //** Add checksum capability
            net_cs_name = argv[i];
            cs_type = chksum_name_type(argv[i]);
            if (cs_type == -1) {
                printf("Invalid chksum type.  Got %s should be SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, or MD5\n", argv[i]);
            chksum_set(&cs, cs_type);

            blocksize = atoi(argv[i])*1024;
            ns_chksum_set(&ns_cs, &cs, blocksize);
            ncs = &ns_cs;
            ibp_set_chksum(ic, ncs);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-disk_chksum") == 0) { //** Add checksum capability
            disk_cs_name = argv[i];
            disk_cs_type = chksum_name_type(argv[i]);
            if (disk_cs_type < CHKSUM_DEFAULT) {
                printf("Invalid chksum type.  Got %s should be NONE, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, or MD5\n", argv[i]);

            disk_blocksize = atoi(argv[i])*1024;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-config") == 0) { //** Read the config file
            ibp_load_config_file(ic, argv[i], NULL);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tcpsize") == 0) { //** Change the tcp buffer size
            tcpsize = atoi(argv[i]) * 1024;
            ibp_set_tcpsize(ic, tcpsize);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-duration") == 0) { //** Adjust the duration for a longer run
            a_duration = atoi(argv[i]);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-skip") == 0) { //** Check if we want skip the RID
            doskip = 1;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-auto") == 0) { //** Check if we want automatically generate the load
            automode = 1;
    } while (start_option < i);

    n_depots = 1;
    depot_list = (ibp_depot_t *)malloc(sizeof(ibp_depot_t)*n_depots);
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<n_depots; j++) {
        port = atoi(argv[i+1]);
        rid = ibp_str2rid(argv[i+2]);
        set_ibp_depot(&(depot_list[j]), argv[i], port, rid);
        i = i + 3;

    //** Tweak the list if needed **
    if ((doskip == 1) || (ibp_rid_is_empty(depot_list[0].rid) == 1)) {
        depot_list = generate_depot_list(&n_depots, depot_list);

        //** The depot thread count is fixed when the host portal is created so to change
        //** it I have to restart IBP.
//    ibp_context_t *ic2 = ic;
//    ic = ibp_create_context();
//    ibp_destroy_context(ic2);

    if (automode == 1) {
        nthreads = 2 * n_depots;
        ibp_set_max_depot_threads(ic, nthreads);
//     ibp_set_min_depot_threads(ic, nthreads);

        q_len = (n_depots == 1) ? 10 : 10*n_depots;
        n_allocs = (n_depots == 1) ? 10 : 10*n_depots;
        alloc_size = 81920*1024;
        block_size = 4096*1024;
    } else {
        //*** Get thread count ***
        nthreads = atoi(argv[i]);
        if (nthreads <= 0) {
            nthreads = ibp_get_max_depot_threads(ic);
        } else {
            ibp_set_max_depot_threads(ic, nthreads);

        ibp_timeout = atoi(argv[i]);

        q_len = atol(argv[i]);
        n_allocs = atol(argv[i]);
        alloc_size = atol(argv[i])*1024;
        block_size = atol(argv[i])*1024;

    //*** Print the ibp client version ***
    printf("================== IBP Client Version =================\n");
    printf("%s\n", ibp_version());

    //*** Print summary of options ***
    printf("======= Base options =======\n");
    printf("n_depots: %d\n", n_depots);
    for (i=0; i<n_depots; i++) {
        printf("depot %d: %s:%d rid:%s\n", i, depot_list[i].host, depot_list[i].port, ibp_rid2str(depot_list[i].rid, buffer));
    printf("IBP timeout: %d\n", ibp_timeout);
    printf("IBP duration: %d\n", a_duration);
    printf("Max Threads: %d\n", nthreads);

    if (cc != NULL) {
        switch (cc->type) {
        case NS_TYPE_SOCK:
            printf("Connection Type: SOCKET\n");
        case NS_TYPE_PHOEBUS:
            phoebus_path_to_string(pstr, sizeof(pstr), &pcc);
            printf("Connection Type: PHOEBUS (%s)\n", pstr);
        case NS_TYPE_1_SSL:
            printf("Connection Type: Single SSL\n");
        case NS_TYPE_2_SSL:
            printf("Connection Type: Dual SSL\n");
    } else {
        printf("Connection Type: SOCKET\n");

    if (net_cs_name == NULL) {
        printf("Network Checksum Type: NONE\n");
    } else {
        printf("Network Checksum Type: %s   Block size: %dkb\n", net_cs_name, (blocksize/1024));
    if (disk_cs_name == NULL) {
        printf("Disk Checksum Type: NONE\n");
    } else {
        printf("Disk Checksum Type: %s   Block size: " I64T "kb\n", disk_cs_name, (disk_blocksize/1024));
        if (do_validate == 1) {
            printf("Disk Validation: Enabled\n");
        } else {
            printf("Disk Validation: Disabled\n");

    printf("TCP buffer size: %dkb (0 defaults to OS)\n", ibp_get_tcpsize(ic)/1024);

    printf("======= Bulk transfer options =======\n");
    printf("Number of allocations: %d\n", n_allocs);
    printf("Allocation size: %d KB\n", alloc_size/1024);
    r1 = n_allocs;
    r1 = r1 * alloc_size / (1024.0*1024.0);
    printf("Total space allocated: %.2lf MB\n", r1);
    printf("Transfer block_size: %d KB\n", block_size/1024);
    printf("q_len: %d\n", q_len);

    io_set_mode(sync_transfer, print_progress, nthreads);

    printf("Creating allocations....");
    stime = apr_time_now();
    caps_list = create_allocs(n_allocs, alloc_size);
    dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
    dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
    r1 = 1.0*n_allocs/dt;
    printf(" %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

    printf("Starting depot writing.  Press ENTER to exit.\n");
    stime = apr_time_now();
    double dbytes = write_allocs(caps_list, q_len, n_allocs, alloc_size, block_size);
    dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
    dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
    r1 = dbytes/(dt*1024*1024);
    r2 = dbytes / (1.0*1024*1024);
    printf("Average for entire run: %lf MB/sec (%.2lfMB written in %.2lf sec) \n", r1, r2, dt);

    printf("Removing allocations....");
    stime = apr_time_now();
    remove_allocs(caps_list, n_allocs);
    dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
    dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
    r1 = 1.0*n_allocs/dt;
    printf(" %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

//  printf("min_threads=%d max_threads=%d\n", ibp_get_min_depot_threads(), ibp_get_max_depot_threads());

    printf("Final network connection counter: %d\n", network_counter(NULL));

    ibp_destroy_context(ic);  //** Shutdown IBP

Пример #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  double r1, r2, r3;
  int i, do_simple_test, tcpsize;
  ibp_capset_t *caps_list, *base_caps;
  rid_t rid;
  int port;
  char buffer[1024];
  apr_time_t stime, dtime;
  double dt;
  char *ppath;
  phoebus_t pcc;
  char pstr[2048];

  base_caps = NULL;

  if (argc < 12) {
     printf("ibp_perf [-d|-dd] [-config ibp.cfg] [-phoebus gateway_list] [-tcpsize tcpbufsize]\n");
     printf("           [-duration duration] [-sync] [-alias]\n");
     printf("          n_depots depot1 port1 resource_id1 ... depotN portN ridN\n");
     printf("          nthreads ibp_timeout\n");
     printf("          alias_createremove_count createremove_count\n");
     printf("          readwrite_count readwrite_alloc_size rw_block_size read_mix_fraction\n");
     printf("          smallio_count small_min_size small_max_size small_read_fraction\n");
     printf("-d                  - Enable *minimal* debug output\n");
     printf("-dd                 - Enable *FULL* debug output\n");
     printf("-config ibp.cfg     - Use the IBP configuration defined in file ibp.cfg.\n");
     printf("                      nthreads overrides value in cfg file unless -1.\n");
     printf("-phoebus            - Use Phoebus protocol for data transfers.\n");
     printf("   gateway_list     - Comma separated List of phoebus hosts/ports, eg gateway1/1234,gateway2/4321\n");
     printf("-tcpsize tcpbufsize - Use this value, in KB, for the TCP send/recv buffer sizes\n");
     printf("-duration duration  - Allocation duration in sec.  Needs to be big enough to last the entire\n");
     printf("                      run.  The default duration is %d sec.\n", a_duration);
     printf("-sync               - Use synchronous protocol.  Default uses async.\n");
     printf("-alias              - Use alias allocations for all I/O operations\n");
     printf("n_depots            - Number of depot tuplets\n");
     printf("depot               - Depot hostname\n");
     printf("port                - IBP port on depot\n"); 
     printf("resource_id         - Resource ID to use on depot\n");
     printf("nthreads            - Max Number of simultaneous threads to use.  Use -1 for defaults or value in ibp.cfg\n");
     printf("ibp_timeout         - Timeout(sec) for each IBP copmmand\n");
     printf("alias_createremove_count* - Number of 0 byte files to create and remove using alias allocations\n");
     printf("createremove_count* - Number of 0 byte files to create and remove to test metadata performance\n");
     printf("readwrite_count*    - Number of files to write sequentially then read sequentially\n");
     printf("readwrite_alloc_size  - Size of each allocation in KB for sequential and random tests\n");
     printf("rw_block_size       - Size of each R/W operation in KB for sequential and random tests\n");
     printf("read_mix_fraction   - Fraction of Random I/O operations that are READS\n");
     printf("smallio_count*      - Number of random small I/O operations\n");
     printf("small_min_size      - Minimum size of each small I/O operation(kb)\n");
     printf("small_max_size      - Max size of each small I/O operation(kb)\n");
     printf("small_read_fraction - Fraction of small random I/O operations that are READS\n");
     printf("*If the variable is set to 0 then the test is skipped\n");


  ibp_init();  //** Initialize IBP

  i = 1;
  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) { //** Enable debugging
  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dd") == 0) { //** Enable debugging

  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-config") == 0) { //** Read the config file

  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-phoebus") == 0) { //** Check if we want Phoebus transfers
     cc = (ibp_connect_context_t *)malloc(sizeof(ibp_connect_context_t));
     cc->type = NS_TYPE_PHOEBUS;

     ppath = argv[i];
     phoebus_path_set(&pcc, ppath);
     cc->data = &pcc;

  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tcpsize") == 0) { //** Check if we want sync tests
     tcpsize = atoi(argv[i]) * 1024;

  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-duration") == 0) { //** Check if we want sync tests
     a_duration = atoi(argv[i]);

  sync_transfer = 0;
  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sync") == 0) { //** Check if we want sync tests
     sync_transfer = 1;

  use_alias = 0;
  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-alias") == 0) { //** Check if we want to use alias allocation
     use_alias = 1;

  do_simple_test = 0;
  if (strcmp(argv[i], "-simpletest") == 0) { //** Just do the simple test
     do_simple_test = 1;

  n_depots = atoi(argv[i]);

  depot_list = (ibp_depot_t *)malloc(sizeof(ibp_depot_t)*n_depots);
  int j;
  for (j=0; j<n_depots; j++) {
      port = atoi(argv[i+1]);
      rid = ibp_str2rid(argv[i+2]);
      set_ibp_depot(&(depot_list[j]), argv[i], port, rid);
      i = i + 3;

  //*** Get thread count ***
  nthreads = atoi(argv[i]);
  if (nthreads <= 0) { 
     nthreads = ibp_get_max_depot_threads();
  } else {

  ibp_timeout = atoi(argv[i]); i++;

   //****** Get the different Stream counts *****
  int aliascreateremove_count = atoi(argv[i]); i++;
  int createremove_count = atoi(argv[i]); i++;
  int readwrite_count = atoi(argv[i]); i++;
  int readwrite_size = atoi(argv[i])*1024; i++;
  int rw_block_size = atoi(argv[i])*1024; i++;
  double read_mix_fraction = atof(argv[i]); i++;

   //****** Get the different small I/O counts *****
  int smallio_count = atoi(argv[i]); i++;
  int small_min_size = atoi(argv[i])*1024; i++;
  int small_max_size = atoi(argv[i])*1024; i++;
  double small_read_fraction = atof(argv[i]); i++;

  //*** Print the ibp client version ***
  printf("================== IBP Client Version =================\n");
  printf("%s\n", ibp_client_version());

  //*** Print summary of options ***
  printf("======= Base options =======\n");
  printf("n_depots: %d\n", n_depots);
  for (i=0; i<n_depots; i++) {
     printf("depot %d: %s:%d rid:%s\n", i, depot_list[i].host, depot_list[i].port, ibp_rid2str(depot_list[i].rid, buffer));
  printf("IBP timeout: %d\n", ibp_timeout);
  printf("Max Threads: %d\n", nthreads);
 if (sync_transfer == 1) {
     printf("Transfer_mode: SYNC\n");
  } else {
     printf("Transfer_mode: ASYNC\n");
  printf("Use alias: %d\n", use_alias);

  if (cc != NULL) {
     switch (cc->type) {
       case NS_TYPE_SOCK:
          printf("Connection Type: SOCKET\n"); break;
       case NS_TYPE_PHOEBUS:
          phoebus_path_to_string(pstr, sizeof(pstr), &pcc); 
          printf("Connection Type: PHOEBUS (%s)\n", pstr); break;
       case NS_TYPE_1_SSL:
          printf("Connection Type: Single SSL\n"); break;
       case NS_TYPE_2_SSL:
          printf("Connection Type: Dual SSL\n"); break;
  } else {
    printf("Connection Type: SOCKET\n");
  printf("TCP buffer size: %dkb (0 defaults to OS)\n", ibp_get_tcpsize()/1024);

  printf("======= Bulk transfer options =======\n");
  printf("aliascreateremove_count: %d\n", aliascreateremove_count);
  printf("createremove_count: %d\n", createremove_count);
  printf("readwrite_count: %d\n", readwrite_count);
  printf("readwrite_alloc_size: %dkb\n", readwrite_size/1024);
  printf("rw_block_size: %dkb\n", rw_block_size/1024);
  printf("read_mix_fraction: %lf\n", read_mix_fraction);
  printf("======= Small Random I/O transfer options =======\n");
  printf("smallio_count: %d\n", smallio_count);
  printf("small_min_size: %dkb\n", small_min_size/1024);
  printf("small_max_size: %dkb\n", small_max_size/1024);
  printf("small_read_fraction: %lf\n", small_read_fraction);

  r1 =  1.0 * readwrite_size/1024.0/1024.0;
  r1 = readwrite_count * r1;
  printf("Approximate I/O for sequential tests: %lfMB\n", r1);

  if (do_simple_test == 1) { 

  //**************** Create/Remove tests ***************************
  if (aliascreateremove_count > 0) {
     i = aliascreateremove_count/nthreads;
     printf("Starting Alias create test (total files: %d, approx per thread: %d)\n",aliascreateremove_count, i);
     base_caps = create_allocs(1, 1);
     stime = apr_time_now();
     caps_list = create_alias_allocs(aliascreateremove_count, base_caps, 1);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*aliascreateremove_count/dt;
     printf("Alias create : %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

     stime = apr_time_now();
     alias_remove_allocs(caps_list, base_caps, aliascreateremove_count, 1);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*aliascreateremove_count/dt;
     printf("Alias remove : %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

printf("-----------------------------\n"); fflush(stdout);

     remove_allocs(base_caps, 1);


  if (createremove_count > 0) {
     i = createremove_count/nthreads;
     printf("Starting Create test (total files: %d, approx per thread: %d)\n",createremove_count, i);

     stime = apr_time_now();
     caps_list = create_allocs(createremove_count, 1);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*createremove_count/dt;
     printf("Create : %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

     stime = apr_time_now();
     remove_allocs(caps_list, createremove_count);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*createremove_count/dt;
     printf("Remove : %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

  //**************** Read/Write tests ***************************
  if (readwrite_count > 0) {
     i = readwrite_count/nthreads;
     printf("Starting Bulk tests (total files: %d, approx per thread: %d", readwrite_count, i);
     r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count*readwrite_size/1024.0/1024.0;
     r2 = r1 / nthreads;
     printf(" -- total size: %lfMB, approx per thread: %lfMB\n", r1, r2);

     printf("Creating allocations...."); fflush(stdout);
     stime = apr_time_now();
     caps_list = create_allocs(readwrite_count, readwrite_size);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
     printf(" %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

     if (use_alias) {
        base_caps = caps_list;
        printf("Creating alias allocations...."); fflush(stdout);
        stime = apr_time_now();
        caps_list = create_alias_allocs(readwrite_count, base_caps, readwrite_count);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
        printf(" %lf creates/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

     stime = apr_time_now();
     write_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, rw_block_size);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count*readwrite_size/(dt*1024*1024);
     printf("Write: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

     stime = apr_time_now();
     read_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, rw_block_size);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count*readwrite_size/(dt*1024*1024);
     printf("Read: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

     stime = apr_time_now();
     random_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, rw_block_size, read_mix_fraction);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count*readwrite_size/(dt*1024*1024);
     printf("Random: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

     //**************** Small I/O tests ***************************
     if (smallio_count > 0) {
        if (small_min_size == 0) small_min_size = 1;
        if (small_max_size == 0) small_max_size = 1;

        printf("Starting Small Random I/O tests...\n");

        stime = apr_time_now();
        r1 = small_write_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, smallio_count, small_min_size, small_max_size);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = r1/(1024.0*1024.0);
        r2 = r1/dt;
        r3 = smallio_count; r3 = r3 / dt;
        printf("Small Random Write: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total using %lfMB or %.2lf ops/sec) \n", r2, dt, r1, r3);

        stime = apr_time_now();
        r1 = small_read_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, smallio_count, small_min_size, small_max_size);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = r1/(1024.0*1024.0);
        r2 = r1/dt;
        r3 = smallio_count; r3 = r3 / dt;
        printf("Small Random Read: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total using %lfMB or %.2lf ops/sec) \n", r2, dt, r1, r3);

        stime = apr_time_now();
        r1 = small_random_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count, readwrite_size, small_read_fraction, smallio_count, small_min_size, small_max_size);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = r1/(1024.0*1024.0);
        r2 = r1/dt;
        r3 = smallio_count; r3 = r3 / dt;
        printf("Small Random R/W: %lf MB/sec (%.2lf sec total using %lfMB or %.2lf ops/sec) \n", r2, dt, r1, r3);

     if (use_alias) {
        printf("Removing alias allocations...."); fflush(stdout);
        stime = apr_time_now();
        alias_remove_allocs(caps_list, base_caps, readwrite_count, readwrite_count);
        dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
        dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
        printf(" %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);

        caps_list = base_caps;

     printf("Removing allocations...."); fflush(stdout);
     stime = apr_time_now();
     remove_allocs(caps_list, readwrite_count);
     dtime = apr_time_now() - stime;
     dt = dtime / (1.0 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
     r1 = 1.0*readwrite_count/dt;
     printf(" %lf removes/sec (%.2lf sec total) \n", r1, dt);


  printf("Final network connection counter: %d\n", network_counter(NULL));

  ibp_finalize();  //** Shutdown IBP
