Пример #1
void application() {
   scene = G_sceneMenu;      // Primera escena (y la actual)
   nextScene = scene;        // Siguiente escena (siempre empieza siendo igual a la primera)
   interruptId = 0;          // Primera interrupcion

   // Initialize CPC before starting the game

   // Inicializamos la primera escena

   // Main loop
   while (1) {
      // Scene updates
      switch(scene) {
         case G_sceneMenu:
            nextScene = updateMenu();
         case G_sceneGame:
            nextScene = updateGame();

      // Comprobamos si vamos a cambiar de escena
      if(scene != nextScene) {
         // Cambiamos la escena actual y la inicializamos
         scene = nextScene;
Пример #2
// MAIN: code execution starts here
//    Initializes buffers at 0x4000 and 0xC000 and goes switching between
// both of them on keypresses
void main(void) {
   u8  scr = 0;      // Video buffer selector: selects what is to be shown on the screen
   u16 pattern;      // Will contain a 4 pixel-colour pattern 
   // First, Initialize the CPC

   // Construct a color pattern with 4 consecutive pixels of 4 different
   // colours in mode 0, that will be used to fill up the second buffer
   pattern = ( cpct_px2byteM0(4, 6) << 8 ) | cpct_px2byteM0(8, 9);

   // Second, Set up the 0x4000 video buffer. This set up will erase 
   // all code placed in the 0x4000 area that has already been used
   // for initializing the CPC. Therefore, this code will have been 
   // used one and then replaced to gain some space.
   setUpVideoBuffer(VMEM_1, pattern, "0x4000 Screen Buffer", 0, 6);

   // Main Loop
   while (1) {
      // Wait for VSYNC and show pressently 
      // selected video buffer in the screen
      cpct_setVideoMemoryPage(g_buffers[scr]);  // Sets the memory page that will be shown on screen
      // Select the alternate video buffer and wait
      // for a keypress to change what is being shown on screen
      scr = scr ^ 0x01;    // Does operation scr XOR 1, which alternates the value of the last bit of scr, 
                           // ... so that it alternates between 0 and 1.