Пример #1
void MinimumSpaceShortageFinder::examineBoxAfterEntering(const LayoutBox& box)
    if (box.hasForcedBreakBefore())
    if (box.hasForcedBreakAfter())

    // Look for breaks before the child box.
    bool isFirstAfterBreak = this->isFirstAfterBreak(flowThreadOffset());
    ASSERT(isFirstAfterBreak || !box.paginationStrut());
    LayoutBox::PaginationBreakability breakability = box.paginationBreakability();
    if (isFirstAfterBreak && !box.hasForcedBreakBefore()) {
        // This box is first after a soft break.
        LayoutUnit strut = box.paginationStrut();
        // Figure out how much more space we would need to prevent it from being pushed to the next column.
        recordSpaceShortage(box.logicalHeight() - strut);
        if (breakability != LayoutBox::ForbidBreaks && m_pendingStrut == LayoutUnit::min()) {
            // We now want to look for the first piece of unbreakable content (e.g. a line or a
            // block-displayed image) inside this block. That ought to be a good candidate for
            // minimum space shortage; a much better one than reporting space shortage for the
            // entire block (which we'll also do (further down), in case we couldn't find anything
            // more suitable).
            m_pendingStrut = strut;

    if (breakability != LayoutBox::ForbidBreaks) {
        // See if this breakable box crosses column boundaries.
        LayoutUnit bottomInFlowThread = flowThreadOffset() + box.logicalHeight();
        if (isFirstAfterBreak || group().columnLogicalTopForOffset(flowThreadOffset()) != group().columnLogicalTopForOffset(bottomInFlowThread)) {
            // If the child crosses a column boundary, record space shortage, in case nothing
            // inside it has already done so. The column balancer needs to know by how much it
            // has to stretch the columns to make more content fit. If no breaks are reported
            // (but do occur), the balancer will have no clue. Only measure the space after the
            // last column boundary, in case it crosses more than one.
            LayoutUnit spaceUsedInLastColumn = bottomInFlowThread - group().columnLogicalTopForOffset(bottomInFlowThread);

    // If this is an inner multicol container, look for space shortage inside it.
    if (!box.isLayoutBlockFlow())
    LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = toLayoutBlockFlow(box).multiColumnFlowThread();
    if (!flowThread)
    for (const LayoutMultiColumnSet* columnSet = flowThread->firstMultiColumnSet(); columnSet; columnSet = columnSet->nextSiblingMultiColumnSet()) {
        for (const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& row : columnSet->fragmentainerGroups()) {
            MinimumSpaceShortageFinder innerFinder(row);
Пример #2
void MinimumSpaceShortageFinder::examineBoxAfterEntering(
    const LayoutBox& box,
    LayoutUnit childLogicalHeight,
    EBreak previousBreakAfterValue) {
  LayoutBox::PaginationBreakability breakability =

  // Look for breaks before the child box.
  if (isLogicalTopWithinBounds(flowThreadOffset() - box.paginationStrut())) {
    if (box.needsForcedBreakBefore(previousBreakAfterValue)) {
    } else {
      if (isFirstAfterBreak(flowThreadOffset())) {
        // This box is first after a soft break.
        LayoutUnit strut = box.paginationStrut();
        // Figure out how much more space we would need to prevent it from being
        // pushed to the next column.
        recordSpaceShortage(childLogicalHeight - strut);
        if (breakability != LayoutBox::ForbidBreaks &&
            m_pendingStrut == LayoutUnit::min()) {
          // We now want to look for the first piece of unbreakable content
          // (e.g. a line or a block-displayed image) inside this block. That
          // ought to be a good candidate for minimum space shortage; a much
          // better one than reporting space shortage for the entire block
          // (which we'll also do (further down), in case we couldn't find
          // anything more suitable).
          m_pendingStrut = strut;

  if (breakability != LayoutBox::ForbidBreaks) {
    // See if this breakable box crosses column boundaries.
    LayoutUnit bottomInFlowThread = flowThreadOffset() + childLogicalHeight;
    const MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup& group =
    if (isFirstAfterBreak(flowThreadOffset()) ||
        group.columnLogicalTopForOffset(flowThreadOffset()) !=
            group.columnLogicalTopForOffset(bottomInFlowThread)) {
      // If the child crosses a column boundary, record space shortage, in case
      // nothing inside it has already done so. The column balancer needs to
      // know by how much it has to stretch the columns to make more content
      // fit. If no breaks are reported (but do occur), the balancer will have
      // no clue. Only measure the space after the last column boundary, in case
      // it crosses more than one.
      LayoutUnit spaceUsedInLastColumn =
          bottomInFlowThread -

  // If this is an inner multicol container, look for space shortage inside it.
  if (!box.isLayoutBlockFlow())
  LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread =
  if (!flowThread || flowThread->isLayoutPagedFlowThread())
  for (const LayoutMultiColumnSet* columnSet =
       columnSet; columnSet = columnSet->nextSiblingMultiColumnSet()) {
    // Establish an inner shortage finder for this column set in the inner
    // multicol container. We need to let it walk through all fragmentainer
    // groups in one go, or we'd miss the column boundaries between each
    // fragmentainer group. We need to record space shortage there too.
    MinimumSpaceShortageFinder innerFinder(
        *columnSet, columnSet->logicalTopInFlowThread(),