Пример #1
// Gets user input numbers to populate binary tree
NodeT *getNumbers(NodeT *pRoot)
	char szBuffer[200];			// Initial input buffer, will be converted to integers
	int i;
	int d;
	int n;
	int iPos;
	int iSize = 0;				// Number of entries in binary tree
	bool bIsNumber = FALSE;
	printf("\nEnter numbers for the binary tree (seperated by spaces):\n");
	// Get user input and store in buffer
	fgets(szBuffer, 200, stdin);

	// Find spaces to determin number of integers
	for (i = 0; i < strlen(szBuffer); i++)
		if (szBuffer[i] == ' ')
			bIsNumber = FALSE;
			if (bIsNumber == FALSE)
			bIsNumber = TRUE;
	char *p = szBuffer;		// Make it a pointer so we can move through it
	// Cycle through input to pull out integers and put them in a binary tree
	for (i = 1; i <= iSize; i++)
		sscanf(p, "%d%n", &n, &iPos);
		pRoot = insertT(pRoot, n);
		p += iPos;

	return pRoot;
Пример #2
// Compress STDIN into stream of codes
// First byte sent in the form [MAXBITS (6 bits)][E_FLAG][P_FLAG]
// The only special code sent is ESCAPE for -e;
// everything else is derived in decode.
// Pruning performed as soon as the table is full
int encode(int MAXBITS, int E_FLAG, int P_FLAG) {
    // Send option args encoded as:
    // MAXBITS: 6 bits (since max value is 20)
    // E_FLAG: 1 bit
    // P_FLAG: 1 bit
    putBits(6, MAXBITS);
    putBits(1, E_FLAG);
    putBits(1, P_FLAG);

    int next_code = 0; // == number of codes assigned == # elts in ARRAY
    int nBits = 1;     // #bits required to send NEXT code
    if (E_FLAG)
        next_code = 2; // already assigned 0 to QUIT
                       //                  1 to ESCAPE

    // ============== INITIALIZE TRIE ================
    Trie t = createT();

    if (!E_FLAG) { // initialize all one-char strings
        for (int K = 0; K < 256; K++)
            insertT(t, K, next_code++, 0);

        nBits = 8;

    // ================ ENCODE INPUT =================

    Trie C = t;               // last node visited
    int K;
    while ((K = getchar()) != EOF) {

        Trie child = getT(C, K);

        if (child != NULL) {  // increment NAP and go down trie
            C = child;

        else { 

            // ============ PUTBITS ==========================
            if (C == t) { // new 1-char string

                if (!E_FLAG)
                    DIE_FORMAT("E_FLAG false, yet (EMPTY, K=%d) not in table\n", K);

                putBits(nBits, ESCAPE);
                putBits(CHAR_BIT, K); 

            else {
                // Output code C
                putBits(nBits, getCodeT(C));

            // =========== INSERT ==============================

            // insert new code if table not full
            if (next_code < (1 << MAXBITS)) {

                insertT(C, K, next_code++, 1);

            // =========== UPDATE NBITS =======================

            // Prune as soon as last slot taken
            if (next_code == (1 << MAXBITS)) {

                if (P_FLAG) {

                    next_code = prune(&t, E_FLAG);
                    nBits = get_nbits(next_code);

            // Increase NBITS only when #codes assigned
            // exceeds it
            else if (next_code > (1 << nBits))

            // ============ RESET C =====
            if (C == t)         // new single-char, so skip
            else {
                C = getT(t, K);

                if (C == NULL) { // (EMPTY, K) not in table
                    if (!E_FLAG)
                        DIE_FORMAT("E_FLAG false, yet (EMPTY, K=%d) not in table\n", K);

                    ungetc(K, stdin); // single-char on next insert
                    C = t;
                    sawT(C);     // increment NAP
    // Put leftover known prefix
    if (C != t) {
        putBits(nBits, getCodeT(C));

    return 0;
void STinsert(Item item)
  head = insertT(head, item);
Пример #4
int decode() {

    // Decode first byte as options
    int MAXBITS = getBits(6);
    int E_FLAG  = getBits(1);
    int P_FLAG  = getBits(1);

    if (MAXBITS <= CHAR_BIT || MAXBITS > 20
           || E_FLAG == EOF || P_FLAG == EOF)
        DIE("decode: bit stream not encoded by encode");

    int next_code = 0; // == number of codes assigned == # elts in ARRAY
    int nBits = 1;     // #bits required to send NEXT code
    if (E_FLAG)
        next_code = 2; // already assigned 0 to QUIT
                       //                  1 to ESCAPE
    // =============== INITIALIZE TRIE =====================

    Trie t = createT();

    if (!E_FLAG) { // initialize all one-char strings
        for (int K = 0; K < 256; K++)
            insertT(t, K, next_code++, 0);

        nBits = 8;

    // =============== DECODE BIT STREAM ====================

    int C;
    int last_insert = EMPTY; // code assigned to last inserted node
    while ((C = getBits(nBits)) != EOF) {
        // -e: Break on C = QUIT (flushBits() junk)
        if (E_FLAG && C == QUIT)

        // ========== PRINT STRING WITH NEW CODE =======

        int finalK; // first char in C string

        // -e: check for ESCAPE
        if (E_FLAG && C == ESCAPE) {
            finalK = getBits(CHAR_BIT);

            if (finalK == EOF)
                DIE("decode: bit stream not encoded by encode");


        else {

            int KwK = 0;
            finalK = putstring(C, &KwK); // DIEs if C not in table

            // If C was just inserted w/ STANDBY (KwK), 
            // print oldC==Kw then K

            if (KwK)

        // =========== PATCH LAST-INSERTED STRING =========

        // K now known for word inserted with prefix OLDC
        if (last_insert != EMPTY) 
            updateK(last_insert, finalK);

        // =========== INSERT NEW CODE ====================

        // insert new code if table not full
        if (next_code < (1 << MAXBITS)) {
            if (E_FLAG && (C == ESCAPE)) {
                insertT(t, finalK, next_code++, 1);
                last_insert = EMPTY;
            else {

                // Insert node with C as prefix and K=STANDBY
                insertT( C_to_T(C), STANDBY, next_code, 1); 
                last_insert = next_code++;
            last_insert = EMPTY; // no insert to update next time

        // =========== UPDATE NBITS =======================

        // Prune as soon as last slot taken
        if (next_code == (1 << MAXBITS)) {

            if (P_FLAG) {

                next_code = prune(&t, E_FLAG);
                nBits = get_nbits(next_code);
                // no need to update K in insertion
                // since it'll be pruned
                last_insert = EMPTY;

        // Increase NBITS only when #codes assigned
        // exceeds it
        else if (next_code > (1 << nBits))

    return 0;
Пример #5
/* RubikSq.c | Stephen Krewson | CPSC 223b. USAGE: RubikSq [-r] [HEIGHT WIDTH]
MAXLENGTH INITIAL GOAL. RubikSq solves a Rubik's square puzzle using a trie data
structure and breadth-first search to find the fewest number of moves necessary
to transform INITIAL into GOAL.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	bool rFlag = false;
	int maxLength = 0; 
	int pos = 0;					// pos is counter for moving through argv[]
	int height = 3, width = 3;		// default values
	char *initial = NULL;
	char *goal = NULL;
	if (argc % 2 != 0)				// "-r" specified				
		if (argc > 3)
			if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r") != 0)
				KILL("ERROR: '-r' flag improperly specified.");
				rFlag = true;
		 KILL("ERROR: Insufficient number of arguments.");
	if (argc == 6 || argc == 7)		// HEIGHT and WIDTH specified
	{								// Indexes depend on -r flag
		pos = (rFlag == true) ? 2 : 1;
		initial = strdup(argv[pos+3]);	// use malloc bc we will call free()
		goal = strdup(argv[pos+4]);		// on all the dict nodes
		if (!(height = atoi(argv[pos]))  || 
			!(width = atoi(argv[pos+1])) ||
			(height < 2 || height > 5)	 ||
			(width < 2 || width > 5))
			KILL("ERROR: Invalid HEIGHT and WIDTH values.");

		char *endPtr;	
		maxLength = (int) strtol(argv[pos+2], &endPtr, 10);
		if (endPtr < argv[pos+2] + strlen(argv[pos+2]))
			KILL("ERROR: MAXLENGTH contains nun-numeric characters.");
		else if (maxLength < 0)
			KILL ("ERROR: MAXLENGTH is negative.");

		if (!checkTray(height, width, initial, goal))
			KILL("ERROR: Invalid tray sequences.");
	}								// HEIGHT, WIDTH NOT specified
	else if (argc == 4 || argc == 5)
		pos = (rFlag == true) ? 2 : 1;
		initial = strdup(argv[pos+1]);
		goal = strdup(argv[pos+2]);

		char *endPtr;	
		maxLength = (int) strtol(argv[pos], &endPtr, 10);
		if (endPtr < argv[pos] + strlen(argv[pos]))
			KILL("ERROR: MAXLENGTH contains nun-numeric characters.");
		else if (maxLength < 0)
			KILL ("ERROR: MAXLENGTH is negative.");

		if (!checkTray(height, width, initial, goal))
			KILL("ERROR: Invalid tray sequences.");
		KILL("ERROR: Invalid number of  arguments.");
	Trie dict;						// Initialize trie data structure
	Stack stk1, stk2;				// Initialize the "queue"
	char *currentPos = NULL;		// pointer for position being processed
	char *prevPos = NULL;	     	// pointer to "from" attr in the dict
	long lengthPos = 0;				// address to hold "length" attr in the dict
	int permutations = 0;	    	// hold # of permutations getPerms returns

	insertT(&dict, goal, NULL, 0);				// Add GOAL to dictionary
	enqueue(&stk1, &stk2, goal);				// push GOAL onto the queue
	while (!isEmptyQ(&stk1, &stk2))				// While the queue is not empty
		dequeue(&stk1, &stk2, &currentPos);		// Remove P from head of queue
		searchT(&dict, currentPos, &prevPos, &lengthPos);
												// lengPos holds length of P
		if (lengthPos + 2 < maxLength)			// +2 because currentPos is 1
		{							// more than the previous distance and each
									// permutation is another distance of 1
			char **perms;			// array of pointers to permutations of P
			perms = getPerms(currentPos, height, width, rFlag, &permutations);
			for (int j = 0; j < permutations; j++)	// for each position . . .
				if (strcmp(initial, perms[j]) == 0)	// if P' is the INITIAL
				{									// add it so we can trace
					insertT(&dict, perms[j], currentPos, lengthPos+1);

					printf("%s\n", initial);	// print INITIAL
					printf("%s\n", currentPos);	// reached INITIAL from...
					char *holder2;				// follow path of search
					holder2 = currentPos;		// start at currentPos

					while (strcmp(holder2, goal) != 0)
						if(!searchT(&dict, currentPos, &holder2, &lengthPos)) 
							KILL("ERROR: searchT() failed.");
						printf("%s\n", holder2);
						currentPos = holder2;

					destroyS(&stk1);			// get rid of the queue
					deleteT(dict, dict);
					free(dict);					// Remember root node
					free(perms);				// free the pointer array

					exit(0);					// Successful exit!
				else if (!searchT(&dict, perms[j], &prevPos, &lengthPos))
				{								// Put p' in dict, on queue
					if (!insertT(&dict, perms[j], currentPos, lengthPos+1)) 
						KILL("ERROR: insertT() failed.");
					enqueue(&stk1, &stk2, perms[j]);
				else				// else P' is already in the dictionary
					free(perms[j]);	// don't need it anymore!
			free(perms);			// Free the pointer array
	destroyS(&stk1);				// Cleanup in case of no valid sequence
	deleteT(dict, dict);
	free(dict);						// Remember to clean root node of dict
