Пример #1
 sem_elem_t liftWeight(WFA const & UNUSED_PARAMETER(original_wfa),
                       Key source,
                       Key symbol,
                       Key target,
                       sem_elem_t UNUSED_PARAMETER(weight)) const
     std::stringstream ss;
     ss << key2str(source)
        << " --" << key2str(symbol) << "--> "
        << key2str(target);
     return new StringWeight(ss.str());
Пример #2
 sem_elem_t liftAcceptWeight(WFA const & original_wfa,
                             Key state,
                             sem_elem_t UNUSED_PARAMETER(original_accept_weight)) const
     std::stringstream ss;
     if (original_wfa.isFinalState(state)) {
         ss << key2str(state);
     return new StringWeight(ss.str());
Пример #3
check_key_bindings(command_definition_t *cp, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
	int i;
	int retval = 0;

	if (cp == NULL)
		cp = cmds;

	for (i = 0; cp[i].name; i++)
		cp[i].flags &= ~COMMAND_KEY_CONFLICT;

	for (i = 0; cp[i].name; i++) {
		int j;
		command_t cmd;

		for(j=0; j<MAX_COMMAND_KEYS; j++) {
			if (cp[i].keys[j] &&
			    (cmd = find_key_command(cp[i].keys[j],cp)) != cp[i].command) {
				if (buf) {
					g_snprintf(buf, bufsize,
						   _("Key %s assigned to %s and %s"),
				} else {
						_("Key %s assigned to %s and %s"),
					fputc('\n', stderr);
				cp[i].flags |= COMMAND_KEY_CONFLICT;
				set_key_flags(cp, cmd, COMMAND_KEY_CONFLICT);
				retval = -1;

	return retval;
Пример #4
const char *
get_key_names(command_t command, bool all)
	for (int i = 0; cmds[i].description; i++) {
		if (cmds[i].command == command) {
			static char keystr[80];

			g_strlcpy(keystr, key2str(cmds[i].keys[0]), sizeof(keystr));
			if (!all)
				return keystr;

			for (int j = 1; j < MAX_COMMAND_KEYS &&
					cmds[i].keys[j] > 0; j++) {
				g_strlcat(keystr, " ", sizeof(keystr));
				g_strlcat(keystr, key2str(cmds[i].keys[j]), sizeof(keystr));
			return keystr;
	return NULL;
Пример #5
void MenuVItem::setKeyValue(int value)
	this->keyValue = value;
	this->keyValueString = key2str(value);
Пример #6
  assemble_nwa(ProcedureMap const & procedures,
               boost::function<void (Nwa &, State, State)> call_inserter,
               boost::function<void (Nwa &, State, State, State)> return_inserter)
    NwaRefPtr finalnwa = new Nwa();

    std::map<std::string, std::set<State> > entries_map;
    std::map<std::string, std::set<State> > exits_map;

    // We will set up the states, then fix up the transitions.
    // First, combine all of the procedures (to get all the states
    // and transitions.)
    for (ProcedureMap::const_iterator proc = procedures.begin();
         proc != procedures.end(); ++proc)
      NwaRefPtr min = minimize_internal_nwa(proc->second);
      //NwaRefPtr min = proc->second;

      entries_map[proc->first] = min->getInitialStates();
      exits_map[proc->first] = min->getFinalStates();

      if (proc->first != "main") {


    // Now set up the transitions
    // Now, find each of the transitions on a symbol __call__*. These
    // are the transitions we will replace.
    Nwa::Internals fake_call_transitions;
    for (Nwa::InternalIterator trans=finalnwa->beginInternalTrans();
         trans != finalnwa->endInternalTrans(); ++trans)
      std::string symbol = key2str(trans->second);

      if (string_starts_with(symbol, call_prefix)) {

    // Okay, now we have to do two things with each of those
    // transitions. The simpler one is to remove it. The more
    // complicated one is add a call and a return transition.  The
    // call transition goes from the source to the entry of the
    // procedure that corresponds to the transition's symbol. The
    // return goes from the exit of that procedure to the return
    // node, with the call node as the predecessor.
    // Schematically:
    //                  C ------------------> R
    //                       __call__foo
    // turns into
    //                  C               R
    //                  |              /\     .
    //             call |               | return (C as call predecessor)
    //                  |               |
    //                  V               |
    //             entry_foo         exit_foo
    for (Nwa::Internals::iterator fake_call = fake_call_transitions.begin();
         fake_call != fake_call_transitions.end(); ++fake_call)
      // Remove the fake call.

      // Prepare for the call and return transitions
      Key call_site = fake_call->first;
      Key return_site = fake_call->third;
      std::string symbol = key2str(fake_call->second);
      std::string callee_name = remove_prefix(symbol, call_prefix);
      assert(entries_map.find(callee_name) != entries_map.end());
      assert(exits_map.find(callee_name) != exits_map.end());
      std::set<State> const & entries = entries_map[callee_name];
      std::set<State> const & exits = exits_map[callee_name];

      // I don't think these assertions are necessary for the below
      // to work, but they do apply in my setting. TODO: consider
      // removing them when I make this code more general. -Evan
      // 3/10/11 (Actually change to >= 1 instead of remove
      // entirely.)
      assert(entries.size() == 1);

      // Now add the call transition(s)
      for (std::set<State>::const_iterator entry = entries.begin();
           entry != entries.end(); ++entry)
        call_inserter(*finalnwa, call_site, *entry);
        //finalnwa->addCallTrans(call_site, call_key, *entry);
        //finalnwa->addInternalTrans(call_site, EPSILON, *entry);

      // Now add the return transition(s)
      for (std::set<State>::const_iterator exit = exits.begin();
           exit != exits.end(); ++exit)
        return_inserter(*finalnwa, *exit, call_site, return_site);
        //finalnwa->addReturnTrans(*exit, call_site, return_key, return_site);
        //finalnwa->addInternalTrans(*exit, EPSILON, return_site);

    // Finally, we remove the __call__ symbols from the automaton.
    std::set<Symbol> to_remove;
    for (Nwa::SymbolIterator symiter = finalnwa->beginSymbols();
         symiter != finalnwa->endSymbols(); ++symiter)
      Symbol symbol = *symiter;

      if (string_starts_with(key2str(symbol), call_prefix)) {
        // It shouldn't be used in any transitions. Check that.
        assert(query::getSources_Sym(*finalnwa, symbol).size() == 0);
        assert(query::getCallSites_Sym(*finalnwa, symbol).size() == 0);
        assert(query::getExits_Sym(*finalnwa, symbol).size() == 0);

        // Now schedule it for removal

    for (std::set<Symbol>::iterator s=to_remove.begin(); s!=to_remove.end(); ++s){

    return finalnwa;
  } // end assemble_nwa()