Пример #1
static triSurface pack
    const triSurface& surf,
    const pointField& localPoints,
    const labelList& pointMap
    List<labelledTri> newTriangles(surf.size());
    label newTriangleI = 0;

    forAll(surf, faceI)
        const labelledTri& f = surf.localFaces()[faceI];

        label newA = pointMap[f[0]];
        label newB = pointMap[f[1]];
        label newC = pointMap[f[2]];

        if ((newA != newB) && (newA != newC) && (newB != newC))
            newTriangles[newTriangleI++] =
                labelledTri(newA, newB, newC, f.region());

    return triSurface(newTriangles, surf.patches(), localPoints);
void Foam::stl<Type>::write
    const fileName& samplePath,
    const fileName& timeDir,
    const fileName& surfaceName,
    const pointField& points,
    const faceList& faces,
    const fileName& fieldName,
    const Field<Type>& values,
    const bool verbose
) const
    fileName surfaceDir(samplePath/timeDir);

    if (!exists(surfaceDir))

    fileName planeFName(surfaceDir/fieldName + '_' + surfaceName + ".stl");

    if (verbose)
        Info<< "Writing field " << fieldName << " to " << planeFName << endl;

    // Convert faces to triangles.
    DynamicList<labelledTri> tris(faces.size());

    forAll(faces, i)
        const face& f = faces[i];

        faceList triFaces(f.nTriangles(points));
        label nTris = 0;
        f.triangles(points, nTris, triFaces);

        forAll(triFaces, triI)
            const face& tri = triFaces[triI];
            tris.append(labelledTri(tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], 0));

                "patch",                            // geometricType
                string::validate<word>(fieldName),  // fieldName
                0                                   // index
Пример #3
bool triSurface::readNAS(const fileName& fName)
    IFstream is(fName);

    if (!is.good())
        FatalErrorIn("triSurface::readNAS(const fileName&)")
            << "Cannot read file " << fName
            << exit(FatalError);

    // coordinates of point
    DynamicList<point> points;
    // Nastran index of point
    DynamicList<label> indices;
    // Faces in terms of Nastran point indices
    DynamicList<labelledTri> faces;
    // From face group to patch
    Map<label> groupToPatch;
    label nPatches = 0;
    // Name for face group
    Map<word> groupToName;

    // Ansa tags. Denoted by $ANSA_NAME. These will appear just before the
    // first use of a type. We read them and store the pshell types which
    // are used to name the patches.
    label ansaId = -1;
    word ansaType;
    string ansaName;

    // A single warning per unrecognized command
    HashSet<word> unhandledCmd;

    while (is.good())
        string line;

        // Ansa extension
        if (line.substr(0, 10) == "$ANSA_NAME")
            string::size_type sem0 = line.find (';', 0);
            string::size_type sem1 = line.find (';', sem0+1);
            string::size_type sem2 = line.find (';', sem1+1);

                sem0 != string::npos
             && sem1 != string::npos
             && sem2 != string::npos
                ansaId = readLabel
                    IStringStream(line.substr(sem0+1, sem1-sem0-1))()
                ansaType = line.substr(sem1+1, sem2-sem1-1);

                string nameString;
                if (ansaName[ansaName.size()-1] == '\r')
                    ansaName = ansaName.substr(1, ansaName.size()-2);
                    ansaName = ansaName.substr(1, ansaName.size()-1);

                // Info<< "ANSA tag for NastranID:" << ansaId
                //     << " of type " << ansaType
                //     << " name " << ansaName << endl;

        // Hypermesh extension
        // $HMNAME COMP                   1"partName"
            line.substr(0, 12) == "$HMNAME COMP"
         && line.find ('"') != string::npos
            label groupId = readLabel
                IStringStream(line.substr(16, 16))()

            IStringStream lineStream(line.substr(32));

            string rawName;
            lineStream >> rawName;

            groupToName.insert(groupId, string::validate<word>(rawName));
            Info<< "group " << groupId << " => " << rawName << endl;

        if (line.empty() || line[0] == '$')
            // Skip empty or comment

        // Check if character 72 is continuation
        if (line.size() > 72 && line[72] == '+')
            line = line.substr(0, 72);

            while (true)
                string buf;

                if (buf.size() > 72 && buf[72]=='+')
                    line += buf.substr(8, 64);
                    line += buf.substr(8, buf.size()-8);

        // Read first word
        IStringStream lineStream(line);
        word cmd;
        lineStream >> cmd;

        if (cmd == "CTRIA3")
            label groupId = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(16,8))());
            label a = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(24,8))());
            label b = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(32,8))());
            label c = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(40,8))());

            // Convert group into patch
            Map<label>::const_iterator iter = groupToPatch.find(groupId);

            label patchI;
            if (iter == groupToPatch.end())
                patchI = nPatches++;
                groupToPatch.insert(groupId, patchI);
                Info<< "patch " << patchI << " => group " << groupId << endl;
                patchI = iter();

            faces.append(labelledTri(a, b, c, patchI));
        else if (cmd == "CQUAD4")
            label groupId = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(16,8))());
            label a = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(24,8))());
            label b = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(32,8))());
            label c = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(40,8))());
            label d = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(48,8))());

            // Convert group into patch
            Map<label>::const_iterator iter = groupToPatch.find(groupId);

            label patchI;
            if (iter == groupToPatch.end())
                patchI = nPatches++;
                groupToPatch.insert(groupId, patchI);
                Info<< "patch " << patchI << " => group " << groupId << endl;
                patchI = iter();

            faces.append(labelledTri(a, b, c, patchI));
            faces.append(labelledTri(c, d, a, patchI));
        else if (cmd == "PSHELL")
            // Read shell type since group gives patchnames
            label groupId = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(8,8))());
            if (groupId == ansaId && ansaType == "PSHELL")
                groupToName.insert(groupId, string::validate<word>(ansaName));
                Info<< "group " << groupId << " => " << ansaName << endl;
        else if (cmd == "GRID")
            label index = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(8,8))());
            scalar x = parseNASCoord(line.substr(24, 8));
            scalar y = parseNASCoord(line.substr(32, 8));
            scalar z = parseNASCoord(line.substr(40, 8));

            points.append(point(x, y, z));
        else if (cmd == "GRID*")
            // Long format is on two lines with '*' continuation symbol
            // on start of second line.
            // Typical line (spaces compacted)
            // GRID*      126   0 -5.55999875E+02 -5.68730474E+02
            // *         2.14897901E+02

            label index = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(8,16))());
            scalar x = parseNASCoord(line.substr(40, 16));
            scalar y = parseNASCoord(line.substr(56, 16));

            if (line[0] != '*')
                FatalErrorIn("triSurface::readNAS(const fileName&)")
                    << "Expected continuation symbol '*' when reading GRID*"
                    << " (double precision coordinate) output" << nl
                    << "Read:" << line << nl
                    << "File:" << is.name()
                    << " line:" << is.lineNumber()
                    << exit(FatalError);
            scalar z = parseNASCoord(line.substr(8, 16));

            points.append(point(x, y, z));
        else if (unhandledCmd.insert(cmd))
            Info<< "Unhandled Nastran command " << line << nl
                << "File:" << is.name() << " line:" << is.lineNumber() << endl;