Пример #1
 * Note: caller should pass in location information for the whole
 * CREATE SCHEMA statement, which in turn we pass down as the location
 * of the component commands.  This comports with our general plan of
 * reporting location/len for the whole command even when executing
 * a subquery.
CreateSchemaCommand(CreateSchemaStmt *stmt, const char *queryString,
					int stmt_location, int stmt_len)
	const char *schemaName = stmt->schemaname;
	Oid			namespaceId;
	OverrideSearchPath *overridePath;
	List	   *parsetree_list;
	ListCell   *parsetree_item;
	Oid			owner_uid;
	Oid			saved_uid;
	int			save_sec_context;
	AclResult	aclresult;
	ObjectAddress address;

	GetUserIdAndSecContext(&saved_uid, &save_sec_context);

	 * Who is supposed to own the new schema?
	if (stmt->authrole)
		owner_uid = get_rolespec_oid(stmt->authrole, false);
		owner_uid = saved_uid;

	/* fill schema name with the user name if not specified */
	if (!schemaName)
		HeapTuple	tuple;

		tuple = SearchSysCache1(AUTHOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(owner_uid));
		if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
			elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for role %u", owner_uid);
		schemaName =
			pstrdup(NameStr(((Form_pg_authid) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->rolname));

	 * To create a schema, must have schema-create privilege on the current
	 * database and must be able to become the target role (this does not
	 * imply that the target role itself must have create-schema privilege).
	 * The latter provision guards against "giveaway" attacks.  Note that a
	 * superuser will always have both of these privileges a fortiori.
	aclresult = pg_database_aclcheck(MyDatabaseId, saved_uid, ACL_CREATE);
	if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
		aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_DATABASE,

	check_is_member_of_role(saved_uid, owner_uid);

	/* Additional check to protect reserved schema names */
	if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsReservedName(schemaName))
				 errmsg("unacceptable schema name \"%s\"", schemaName),
		   errdetail("The prefix \"pg_\" is reserved for system schemas.")));

	 * If if_not_exists was given and the schema already exists, bail out.
	 * (Note: we needn't check this when not if_not_exists, because
	 * NamespaceCreate will complain anyway.)  We could do this before making
	 * the permissions checks, but since CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS makes its
	 * creation-permission check first, we do likewise.
	if (stmt->if_not_exists &&
		SearchSysCacheExists1(NAMESPACENAME, PointerGetDatum(schemaName)))
				 errmsg("schema \"%s\" already exists, skipping",
		return InvalidOid;

	 * If the requested authorization is different from the current user,
	 * temporarily set the current user so that the object(s) will be created
	 * with the correct ownership.
	 * (The setting will be restored at the end of this routine, or in case of
	 * error, transaction abort will clean things up.)
	if (saved_uid != owner_uid)
							save_sec_context | SECURITY_LOCAL_USERID_CHANGE);

	/* Create the schema's namespace */
	namespaceId = NamespaceCreate(schemaName, owner_uid, false);

	/* Advance cmd counter to make the namespace visible */

	 * Temporarily make the new namespace be the front of the search path, as
	 * well as the default creation target namespace.  This will be undone at
	 * the end of this routine, or upon error.
	overridePath = GetOverrideSearchPath(CurrentMemoryContext);
	overridePath->schemas = lcons_oid(namespaceId, overridePath->schemas);
	/* XXX should we clear overridePath->useTemp? */

	 * Report the new schema to possibly interested event triggers.  Note we
	 * must do this here and not in ProcessUtilitySlow because otherwise the
	 * objects created below are reported before the schema, which would be
	 * wrong.
	ObjectAddressSet(address, NamespaceRelationId, namespaceId);
	EventTriggerCollectSimpleCommand(address, InvalidObjectAddress,
									 (Node *) stmt);

	 * Examine the list of commands embedded in the CREATE SCHEMA command, and
	 * reorganize them into a sequentially executable order with no forward
	 * references.  Note that the result is still a list of raw parsetrees ---
	 * we cannot, in general, run parse analysis on one statement until we
	 * have actually executed the prior ones.
	parsetree_list = transformCreateSchemaStmt(stmt);

	 * Execute each command contained in the CREATE SCHEMA.  Since the grammar
	 * allows only utility commands in CREATE SCHEMA, there is no need to pass
	 * them through parse_analyze() or the rewriter; we can just hand them
	 * straight to ProcessUtility.
	foreach(parsetree_item, parsetree_list)
		Node	   *stmt = (Node *) lfirst(parsetree_item);
		PlannedStmt *wrapper;

		/* need to make a wrapper PlannedStmt */
		wrapper = makeNode(PlannedStmt);
		wrapper->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
		wrapper->canSetTag = false;
		wrapper->utilityStmt = stmt;
		wrapper->stmt_location = stmt_location;
		wrapper->stmt_len = stmt_len;

		/* do this step */

		/* make sure later steps can see the object created here */
Пример #2
 * Select a nonconflicting name for a new constraint.
 * The objective here is to choose a name that is unique within the
 * specified namespace.  Postgres does not require this, but the SQL
 * spec does, and some apps depend on it.  Therefore we avoid choosing
 * default names that so conflict.
 * name1, name2, and label are used the same way as for makeObjectName(),
 * except that the label can't be NULL; digits will be appended to the label
 * if needed to create a name that is unique within the specified namespace.
 * 'others' can be a list of string names already chosen within the current
 * command (but not yet reflected into the catalogs); we will not choose
 * a duplicate of one of these either.
 * Note: it is theoretically possible to get a collision anyway, if someone
 * else chooses the same name concurrently.  This is fairly unlikely to be
 * a problem in practice, especially if one is holding an exclusive lock on
 * the relation identified by name1.
 * Returns a palloc'd string.
char *
ChooseConstraintName(const char *name1, const char *name2,
					 const char *label, Oid namespaceid,
					 List *others)
	int			pass = 0;
	char	   *conname = NULL;
	char		modlabel[NAMEDATALEN];
	Relation	conDesc;
	SysScanDesc conscan;
	ScanKeyData skey[2];
	bool		found;
	ListCell   *l;

	conDesc = heap_open(ConstraintRelationId, AccessShareLock);

	/* try the unmodified label first */
	StrNCpy(modlabel, label, sizeof(modlabel));

	for (;;)
		conname = makeObjectName(name1, name2, modlabel);

		found = false;

		foreach(l, others)
			if (strcmp((char *) lfirst(l), conname) == 0)
				found = true;

		if (!found)
						BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,

						BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,

			conscan = systable_beginscan(conDesc, ConstraintNameNspIndexId, true,
										 SnapshotNow, 2, skey);

			found = (HeapTupleIsValid(systable_getnext(conscan)));


		if (!found)

		/* found a conflict, so try a new name component */
		snprintf(modlabel, sizeof(modlabel), "%s%d", label, ++pass);

	heap_close(conDesc, AccessShareLock);

	return conname;
Пример #3
 * Get any row security quals and check quals that should be applied to the
 * specified RTE.
 * In addition, hasRowSecurity is set to true if row level security is enabled
 * (even if this RTE doesn't have any row security quals), and hasSubLinks is
 * set to true if any of the quals returned contain sublinks.
get_row_security_policies(Query *root, CmdType commandType, RangeTblEntry *rte,
						  int rt_index, List **securityQuals,
						  List **withCheckOptions, bool *hasRowSecurity,
						  bool *hasSubLinks)
	Expr	   *rowsec_expr = NULL;
	Expr	   *rowsec_with_check_expr = NULL;
	Expr	   *hook_expr_restrictive = NULL;
	Expr	   *hook_with_check_expr_restrictive = NULL;
	Expr	   *hook_expr_permissive = NULL;
	Expr	   *hook_with_check_expr_permissive = NULL;

	List	   *rowsec_policies;
	List	   *hook_policies_restrictive = NIL;
	List	   *hook_policies_permissive = NIL;

	Relation	rel;
	Oid			user_id;
	int			sec_context;
	int			rls_status;
	bool		defaultDeny = false;

	/* Defaults for the return values */
	*securityQuals = NIL;
	*withCheckOptions = NIL;
	*hasRowSecurity = false;
	*hasSubLinks = false;

	/* This is just to get the security context */
	GetUserIdAndSecContext(&user_id, &sec_context);

	/* Switch to checkAsUser if it's set */
	user_id = rte->checkAsUser ? rte->checkAsUser : GetUserId();

	 * If this is not a normal relation, or we have been told to explicitly
	 * skip RLS (perhaps because this is an FK check) then just return
	 * immediately.
	if (rte->relid < FirstNormalObjectId
		|| rte->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION
		|| (sec_context & SECURITY_ROW_LEVEL_DISABLED))

	/* Determine the state of RLS for this, pass checkAsUser explicitly */
	rls_status = check_enable_rls(rte->relid, rte->checkAsUser, false);

	/* If there is no RLS on this table at all, nothing to do */
	if (rls_status == RLS_NONE)

	 * RLS_NONE_ENV means we are not doing any RLS now, but that may change
	 * with changes to the environment, so we mark it as hasRowSecurity to
	 * force a re-plan when the environment changes.
	if (rls_status == RLS_NONE_ENV)
		 * Indicate that this query may involve RLS and must therefore be
		 * replanned if the environment changes (GUCs, role), but we are not
		 * adding anything here.
		*hasRowSecurity = true;


	/* Grab the built-in policies which should be applied to this relation. */
	rel = heap_open(rte->relid, NoLock);

	rowsec_policies = pull_row_security_policies(commandType, rel,

	 * Check if this is only the default-deny policy.
	 * Normally, if the table has row security enabled but there are no
	 * policies, we use a default-deny policy and not allow anything. However,
	 * when an extension uses the hook to add their own policies, we don't
	 * want to include the default deny policy or there won't be any way for a
	 * user to use an extension exclusively for the policies to be used.
	if (((RowSecurityPolicy *) linitial(rowsec_policies))->policy_id
		== InvalidOid)
		defaultDeny = true;

	/* Now that we have our policies, build the expressions from them. */
	process_policies(root, rowsec_policies, rt_index, &rowsec_expr,
					 &rowsec_with_check_expr, hasSubLinks, OR_EXPR);

	 * Also, allow extensions to add their own policies.
	 * extensions can add either permissive or restrictive policies.
	 * Note that, as with the internal policies, if multiple policies are
	 * returned then they will be combined into a single expression with all
	 * of them OR'd (for permissive) or AND'd (for restrictive) together.
	 * If only a USING policy is returned by the extension then it will be
	 * used for WITH CHECK as well, similar to how internal policies are
	 * handled.
	 * The only caveat to this is that if there are NO internal policies
	 * defined, there ARE policies returned by the extension, and RLS is
	 * enabled on the table, then we will ignore the internally-generated
	 * default-deny policy and use only the policies returned by the
	 * extension.
	if (row_security_policy_hook_restrictive)
		hook_policies_restrictive = (*row_security_policy_hook_restrictive) (commandType, rel);

		/* Build the expression from any policies returned. */
		if (hook_policies_restrictive != NIL)
			process_policies(root, hook_policies_restrictive, rt_index,

	if (row_security_policy_hook_permissive)
		hook_policies_permissive = (*row_security_policy_hook_permissive) (commandType, rel);

		/* Build the expression from any policies returned. */
		if (hook_policies_permissive != NIL)
			process_policies(root, hook_policies_permissive, rt_index,
							 &hook_with_check_expr_permissive, hasSubLinks,

	 * If the only built-in policy is the default-deny one, and hook policies
	 * exist, then use the hook policies only and do not apply the
	 * default-deny policy.  Otherwise, we will apply both sets below.
	if (defaultDeny &&
		(hook_policies_restrictive != NIL || hook_policies_permissive != NIL))
		rowsec_expr = NULL;
		rowsec_with_check_expr = NULL;

	 * For INSERT or UPDATE, we need to add the WITH CHECK quals to Query's
	 * withCheckOptions to verify that any new records pass the WITH CHECK
	 * policy (this will be a copy of the USING policy, if no explicit WITH
	 * CHECK policy exists).
	if (commandType == CMD_INSERT || commandType == CMD_UPDATE)
		 * WITH CHECK OPTIONS wants a WCO node which wraps each Expr, so
		 * create them as necessary.

		 * Handle any restrictive policies first.
		 * They can simply be added.
		if (hook_with_check_expr_restrictive)
			WithCheckOption *wco;

			wco = (WithCheckOption *) makeNode(WithCheckOption);
			wco->kind = commandType == CMD_INSERT ? WCO_RLS_INSERT_CHECK :
			wco->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rel));
			wco->qual = (Node *) hook_with_check_expr_restrictive;
			wco->cascaded = false;
			*withCheckOptions = lappend(*withCheckOptions, wco);

		 * Handle built-in policies, if there are no permissive policies from
		 * the hook.
		if (rowsec_with_check_expr && !hook_with_check_expr_permissive)
			WithCheckOption *wco;

			wco = (WithCheckOption *) makeNode(WithCheckOption);
			wco->kind = commandType == CMD_INSERT ? WCO_RLS_INSERT_CHECK :
			wco->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rel));
			wco->qual = (Node *) rowsec_with_check_expr;
			wco->cascaded = false;
			*withCheckOptions = lappend(*withCheckOptions, wco);
		/* Handle the hook policies, if there are no built-in ones. */
		else if (!rowsec_with_check_expr && hook_with_check_expr_permissive)
			WithCheckOption *wco;

			wco = (WithCheckOption *) makeNode(WithCheckOption);
			wco->kind = commandType == CMD_INSERT ? WCO_RLS_INSERT_CHECK :
			wco->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rel));
			wco->qual = (Node *) hook_with_check_expr_permissive;
			wco->cascaded = false;
			*withCheckOptions = lappend(*withCheckOptions, wco);
		/* Handle the case where there are both. */
		else if (rowsec_with_check_expr && hook_with_check_expr_permissive)
			WithCheckOption *wco;
			List	   *combined_quals = NIL;
			Expr	   *combined_qual_eval;

			combined_quals = lcons(copyObject(rowsec_with_check_expr),

			combined_quals = lcons(copyObject(hook_with_check_expr_permissive),

			combined_qual_eval = makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR, combined_quals, -1);

			wco = (WithCheckOption *) makeNode(WithCheckOption);
			wco->kind = commandType == CMD_INSERT ? WCO_RLS_INSERT_CHECK :
			wco->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rel));
			wco->qual = (Node *) combined_qual_eval;
			wco->cascaded = false;
			*withCheckOptions = lappend(*withCheckOptions, wco);

		 * ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE has an RTE that is subject to both INSERT and
		 * UPDATE RLS enforcement.  Those are enforced (as a special, distinct
		 * kind of WCO) on the target tuple.
		 * Make a second, recursive pass over the RTE for this, gathering
		 * UPDATE-applicable RLS checks/WCOs, and gathering and converting
		 * UPDATE-applicable security quals into WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK RLS
		 * checks/WCOs.  Finally, these distinct kinds of RLS checks/WCOs are
		 * concatenated with our own INSERT-applicable list.
		if (root->onConflict && root->onConflict->action == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE &&
			commandType == CMD_INSERT)
			List	   *conflictSecurityQuals = NIL;
			List	   *conflictWCOs = NIL;
			ListCell   *item;
			bool		conflictHasRowSecurity = false;
			bool		conflictHasSublinks = false;

			/* Assume that RTE is target resultRelation */
			get_row_security_policies(root, CMD_UPDATE, rte, rt_index,
									  &conflictSecurityQuals, &conflictWCOs,

			if (conflictHasRowSecurity)
				*hasRowSecurity = true;
			if (conflictHasSublinks)
				*hasSubLinks = true;

			 * Append WITH CHECK OPTIONs/RLS checks, which should not conflict
			 * between this INSERT and the auxiliary UPDATE
			*withCheckOptions = list_concat(*withCheckOptions,

			foreach(item, conflictSecurityQuals)
				Expr	   *conflict_rowsec_expr = (Expr *) lfirst(item);
				WithCheckOption *wco;

				wco = (WithCheckOption *) makeNode(WithCheckOption);

				wco->kind = WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK;
				wco->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rel));
				wco->qual = (Node *) copyObject(conflict_rowsec_expr);
				wco->cascaded = false;
				*withCheckOptions = lappend(*withCheckOptions, wco);
Пример #4
 *	DefineFileSystem
DefineFileSystem(List *name, List *parameters, Oid newOid, bool trusted)
	char	   *fsysName;
	Oid			fsysNamespace;
	AclResult	aclresult;
	List	   *funcNames[FSYS_FUNC_TOTALNUM];
	char	   *fsysLibFile = NULL;
	int			funcNum = 0;
	ListCell   *pl;
	Oid			fsysOid;

	/* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */
	fsysNamespace = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(name, &fsysName);

	/* Check we have creation rights in target namespace */
	aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(fsysNamespace, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE);
	if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
		aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE,

	for(int i = 0; i < FSYS_FUNC_TOTALNUM; i++)
		funcNames[i] = NIL;

	foreach(pl, parameters)
		DefElem    *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl);
		int funcType;

		if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, fsysLibFileName) == 0)
			if(fsysLibFile == NULL)
				fsysLibFile = strVal(linitial(defGetQualifiedName(defel)));
						 errmsg("filesystem attribute \"%s\" duplicated",

		for(funcType = 0; funcType < FSYS_FUNC_TOTALNUM; funcType++)
			if(pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, fsys_func_type_to_name(funcType)) == 0)
		if (funcType >= FSYS_FUNC_TOTALNUM)
					 errmsg("filesystem attribute \"%s\" not recognized",
		if(funcNames[funcType] == NIL)
			funcNames[funcType] = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
					 errmsg("filesystem function \"%s\" duplicated",
Пример #5
 * Actually do a base backup for the specified tablespaces.
 * This is split out mainly to avoid complaints about "variable might be
 * clobbered by longjmp" from stupider versions of gcc.
static void
perform_base_backup(basebackup_options *opt, DIR *tblspcdir)
	XLogRecPtr	startptr;
	TimeLineID	starttli;
	XLogRecPtr	endptr;
	TimeLineID	endtli;
	char	   *labelfile;
	int			datadirpathlen;

	datadirpathlen = strlen(DataDir);

	backup_started_in_recovery = RecoveryInProgress();

	startptr = do_pg_start_backup(opt->label, opt->fastcheckpoint, &starttli,
	 * Once do_pg_start_backup has been called, ensure that any failure causes
	 * us to abort the backup so we don't "leak" a backup counter. For this reason,
	 * *all* functionality between do_pg_start_backup() and do_pg_stop_backup()
	 * should be inside the error cleanup block!

	PG_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP(base_backup_cleanup, (Datum) 0);
		List	   *tablespaces = NIL;
		ListCell   *lc;
		struct dirent *de;
		tablespaceinfo *ti;

		SendXlogRecPtrResult(startptr, starttli);

		 * Calculate the relative path of temporary statistics directory in order
		 * to skip the files which are located in that directory later.
		if (is_absolute_path(pgstat_stat_directory) &&
			strncmp(pgstat_stat_directory, DataDir, datadirpathlen) == 0)
			statrelpath = psprintf("./%s", pgstat_stat_directory + datadirpathlen + 1);
		else if (strncmp(pgstat_stat_directory, "./", 2) != 0)
			statrelpath = psprintf("./%s", pgstat_stat_directory);
			statrelpath = pgstat_stat_directory;

		/* Collect information about all tablespaces */
		while ((de = ReadDir(tblspcdir, "pg_tblspc")) != NULL)
			char		fullpath[MAXPGPATH];
			char		linkpath[MAXPGPATH];
			char	   *relpath = NULL;
			int			rllen;

			/* Skip special stuff */
			if (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0)

			snprintf(fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), "pg_tblspc/%s", de->d_name);

#if defined(HAVE_READLINK) || defined(WIN32)
			rllen = readlink(fullpath, linkpath, sizeof(linkpath));
			if (rllen < 0)
						(errmsg("could not read symbolic link \"%s\": %m",
			else if (rllen >= sizeof(linkpath))
						(errmsg("symbolic link \"%s\" target is too long",
			linkpath[rllen] = '\0';

			 * Relpath holds the relative path of the tablespace directory
			 * when it's located within PGDATA, or NULL if it's located
			 * elsewhere.
			if (rllen > datadirpathlen &&
				strncmp(linkpath, DataDir, datadirpathlen) == 0 &&
				relpath = linkpath + datadirpathlen + 1;

			ti = palloc(sizeof(tablespaceinfo));
			ti->oid = pstrdup(de->d_name);
			ti->path = pstrdup(linkpath);
			ti->rpath = relpath ? pstrdup(relpath) : NULL;
			ti->size = opt->progress ? sendTablespace(fullpath, true) : -1;
			tablespaces = lappend(tablespaces, ti);

			 * If the platform does not have symbolic links, it should not be
			 * possible to have tablespaces - clearly somebody else created
			 * them. Warn about it and ignore.
				  errmsg("tablespaces are not supported on this platform")));

		/* Add a node for the base directory at the end */
		ti = palloc0(sizeof(tablespaceinfo));
		ti->size = opt->progress ? sendDir(".", 1, true, tablespaces) : -1;
		tablespaces = lappend(tablespaces, ti);

		/* Send tablespace header */

		/* Setup and activate network throttling, if client requested it */
		if (opt->maxrate > 0)
			throttling_sample =
				(int64) opt->maxrate * (int64) 1024 / THROTTLING_FREQUENCY;

			 * The minimum amount of time for throttling_sample bytes to be
			 * transfered.

			/* Enable throttling. */
			throttling_counter = 0;

			/* The 'real data' starts now (header was ignored). */
			throttled_last = GetCurrentIntegerTimestamp();
			/* Disable throttling. */
			throttling_counter = -1;

		/* Send off our tablespaces one by one */
		foreach(lc, tablespaces)
			tablespaceinfo *ti = (tablespaceinfo *) lfirst(lc);
			StringInfoData buf;

			/* Send CopyOutResponse message */
			pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'H');
			pq_sendbyte(&buf, 0);		/* overall format */
			pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2);		/* natts */

			if (ti->path == NULL)
				struct stat statbuf;

				/* In the main tar, include the backup_label first... */
				sendFileWithContent(BACKUP_LABEL_FILE, labelfile);

				/* ... then the bulk of the files ... */
				sendDir(".", 1, false, tablespaces);

				/* ... and pg_control after everything else. */
				if (lstat(XLOG_CONTROL_FILE, &statbuf) != 0)
							 errmsg("could not stat control file \"%s\": %m",
				sendFile(XLOG_CONTROL_FILE, XLOG_CONTROL_FILE, &statbuf, false);
				sendTablespace(ti->path, false);

			 * If we're including WAL, and this is the main data directory we
			 * don't terminate the tar stream here. Instead, we will append
			 * the xlog files below and terminate it then. This is safe since
			 * the main data directory is always sent *last*.
			if (opt->includewal && ti->path == NULL)
				Assert(lnext(lc) == NULL);
				pq_putemptymessage('c');		/* CopyDone */
Пример #6
 * check_datestyle: GUC check_hook for datestyle
bool check_datestyle(char **newval, void **extra, enum guc_src source)
	int newDateStyle = DateStyle;
	int newDateOrder = DateOrder;
	bool have_style = false;
	bool have_order = false;
	bool ok = true;
	char *rawstring;
	int *myextra;
	char *result;
	struct list *elemlist;
	struct list_cell *l;

	/* Need a modifiable copy of string */
	rawstring = pstrdup(*newval);

	/* Parse string into list of identifiers */
	if (!split_identifier_string(rawstring, ',', &elemlist)) {
		/* syntax error in list */
		guc_detail("List syntax is invalid.");
		return false;

	foreach(l, elemlist) {
		char *tok = (char *)lfirst(l);

		/* Ugh. Somebody ought to write a table driven version -- mjl */

		if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "ISO") == 0) {
			if (have_style && newDateStyle != USE_ISO_DATES)
				ok = false;	/* conflicting styles */

			newDateStyle = USE_ISO_DATES;
			have_style = true;
		} else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "SQL") == 0) {
			if (have_style && newDateStyle != USE_SQL_DATES)
				ok = false;	/* conflicting styles */

			newDateStyle = USE_SQL_DATES;
			have_style = true;
		} else if (pg_strncasecmp(tok, "POSTGRES", 8) == 0) {
			if (have_style && newDateStyle != USE_POSTGRES_DATES)
				ok = false;	/* conflicting styles */

			newDateStyle = USE_POSTGRES_DATES;
			have_style = true;
		} else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "GERMAN") == 0) {
			if (have_style && newDateStyle != USE_GERMAN_DATES)
				ok = false;	/* conflicting styles */

			newDateStyle = USE_GERMAN_DATES;
			have_style = true;
			/* GERMAN also sets DMY, unless explicitly overridden */
			if (!have_order)
				newDateOrder = DATEORDER_DMY;
		} else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "YMD") == 0) {
			if (have_order && newDateOrder != DATEORDER_YMD)
				ok = false;	/* conflicting orders */

			newDateOrder = DATEORDER_YMD;
			have_order = true;
		} else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "DMY") == 0 ||
			pg_strncasecmp(tok, "EURO", 4) == 0) {
			if (have_order && newDateOrder != DATEORDER_DMY)
				ok = false;	/* conflicting orders */

			newDateOrder = DATEORDER_DMY;
			have_order = true;
		} else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "MDY") == 0
			|| pg_strcasecmp(tok, "US") == 0
			|| pg_strncasecmp(tok, "NONEURO", 7) == 0) {
			if (have_order && newDateOrder != DATEORDER_MDY)
				ok = false;	/* conflicting orders */

			newDateOrder = DATEORDER_MDY;
			have_order = true;
		} else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
			 * Easiest way to get the current DEFAULT state is to fetch the
			 * DEFAULT string from guc.c and recursively parse it.
			 * We can't simply "return check_datestyle(...)" because we need
			 * to handle constructs like "DEFAULT, ISO".
			char *subval;
			void *subextra = NULL;

			subval = strdup(reset_guc_opt("datestyle"));
			if (!subval) {
				ok = false;

			if (!check_datestyle(&subval, &subextra, source)) {
				ok = false;

			myextra = (int *)subextra;
			if (!have_style)
				newDateStyle = myextra[0];

			if (!have_order)
				newDateOrder = myextra[1];

		} else {
			guc_detail("Unrecognized key word: \"%s\".", tok);
			return false;
Пример #7
DefineTSParser(List *names, List *parameters)
	char	   *prsname;
	ListCell   *pl;
	Relation	prsRel;
	HeapTuple	tup;
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_ts_parser];
	bool		nulls[Natts_pg_ts_parser];
	NameData	pname;
	Oid			prsOid;
	Oid			namespaceoid;
	ObjectAddress address;

	if (!superuser())
				 errmsg("must be superuser to create text search parsers")));

	/* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */
	namespaceoid = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(names, &prsname);

	/* initialize tuple fields with name/namespace */
	memset(values, 0, sizeof(values));
	memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls));

	namestrcpy(&pname, prsname);
	values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsname - 1] = NameGetDatum(&pname);
	values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsnamespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(namespaceoid);

	 * loop over the definition list and extract the information we need.
	foreach(pl, parameters)
		DefElem    *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl);

		if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "start") == 0)
			values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsstart - 1] =
				get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsstart);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "gettoken") == 0)
			values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prstoken - 1] =
				get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prstoken);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "end") == 0)
			values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsend - 1] =
				get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsend);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "headline") == 0)
			values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsheadline - 1] =
				get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prsheadline);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "lextypes") == 0)
			values[Anum_pg_ts_parser_prslextype - 1] =
				get_ts_parser_func(defel, Anum_pg_ts_parser_prslextype);
					 errmsg("text search parser parameter \"%s\" not recognized",
Пример #8
 * Find object address for an object that is attached to a relation.
 * Note that we take only an AccessShareLock on the relation.  We need not
 * pass down the LOCKMODE from get_object_address(), because that is the lock
 * mode for the object itself, not the relation to which it is attached.
static ObjectAddress
get_object_address_relobject(ObjectType objtype, List *objname, Relation *relp)
	ObjectAddress address;
	Relation	relation = NULL;
	int			nnames;
	const char *depname;

	/* Extract name of dependent object. */
	depname = strVal(lfirst(list_tail(objname)));

	/* Separate relation name from dependent object name. */
	nnames = list_length(objname);
	if (nnames < 2)
		Oid		reloid;

		 * For compatibility with very old releases, we sometimes allow users
		 * to attempt to specify a rule without mentioning the relation name.
		 * If there's only rule by that name in the entire database, this will
		 * work.  But objects other than rules don't get this special
		 * treatment.
		if (objtype != OBJECT_RULE)
			elog(ERROR, "must specify relation and object name");
		address.classId = RewriteRelationId;
		address.objectId = get_rewrite_oid_without_relid(depname, &reloid);
		address.objectSubId = 0;
		relation = heap_open(reloid, AccessShareLock);
		List	   *relname;
		Oid			reloid;

		/* Extract relation name and open relation. */
		relname = list_truncate(list_copy(objname), nnames - 1);
		relation = heap_openrv(makeRangeVarFromNameList(relname),
		reloid = RelationGetRelid(relation);

		switch (objtype)
			case OBJECT_RULE:
				address.classId = RewriteRelationId;
				address.objectId = get_rewrite_oid(reloid, depname, false);
				address.objectSubId = 0;
				address.classId = TriggerRelationId;
				address.objectId = get_trigger_oid(reloid, depname, false);
				address.objectSubId = 0;
				address.classId = ConstraintRelationId;
				address.objectId = get_constraint_oid(reloid, depname, false);
				address.objectSubId = 0;
				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized objtype: %d", (int) objtype);
				/* placate compiler, which doesn't know elog won't return */
				address.classId = InvalidOid;
				address.objectId = InvalidOid;
				address.objectSubId = 0;

	/* Done. */
	*relp = relation;
	return address;
Пример #9
 * checkSharedDependencies
 * Check whether there are shared dependency entries for a given shared
 * object; return true if so.
 * In addition, return a string containing a newline-separated list of object
 * descriptions that depend on the shared object, or NULL if none is found.
 * We actually return two such strings; the "detail" result is suitable for
 * returning to the client as an errdetail() string, and is limited in size.
 * The "detail_log" string is potentially much longer, and should be emitted
 * to the server log only.
 * We can find three different kinds of dependencies: dependencies on objects
 * of the current database; dependencies on shared objects; and dependencies
 * on objects local to other databases.  We can (and do) provide descriptions
 * of the two former kinds of objects, but we can't do that for "remote"
 * objects, so we just provide a count of them.
 * If we find a SHARED_DEPENDENCY_PIN entry, we can error out early.
checkSharedDependencies(Oid classId, Oid objectId,
                        char **detail_msg, char **detail_log_msg)
    Relation	sdepRel;
    ScanKeyData key[2];
    SysScanDesc scan;
    HeapTuple	tup;
    int			numReportedDeps = 0;
    int			numNotReportedDeps = 0;
    int			numNotReportedDbs = 0;
    List	   *remDeps = NIL;
    ListCell   *cell;
    ObjectAddress object;
    StringInfoData descs;
    StringInfoData alldescs;

     * We limit the number of dependencies reported to the client to
     * MAX_REPORTED_DEPS, since client software may not deal well with
     * enormous error strings.  The server log always gets a full report.


    sdepRel = heap_open(SharedDependRelationId, AccessShareLock);

                BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
                BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,

    scan = systable_beginscan(sdepRel, SharedDependReferenceIndexId, true,
                              NULL, 2, key);

    while (HeapTupleIsValid(tup = systable_getnext(scan)))
        Form_pg_shdepend sdepForm = (Form_pg_shdepend) GETSTRUCT(tup);

        /* This case can be dispatched quickly */
        if (sdepForm->deptype == SHARED_DEPENDENCY_PIN)
            object.classId = classId;
            object.objectId = objectId;
            object.objectSubId = 0;
                     errmsg("cannot drop %s because it is required by the database system",

        object.classId = sdepForm->classid;
        object.objectId = sdepForm->objid;
        object.objectSubId = sdepForm->objsubid;

         * If it's a dependency local to this database or it's a shared
         * object, describe it.
         * If it's a remote dependency, keep track of it so we can report the
         * number of them later.
        if (sdepForm->dbid == MyDatabaseId)
            if (numReportedDeps < MAX_REPORTED_DEPS)
                storeObjectDescription(&descs, LOCAL_OBJECT, &object,
                                       sdepForm->deptype, 0);
            storeObjectDescription(&alldescs, LOCAL_OBJECT, &object,
                                   sdepForm->deptype, 0);
        else if (sdepForm->dbid == InvalidOid)
            if (numReportedDeps < MAX_REPORTED_DEPS)
                storeObjectDescription(&descs, SHARED_OBJECT, &object,
                                       sdepForm->deptype, 0);
            storeObjectDescription(&alldescs, SHARED_OBJECT, &object,
                                   sdepForm->deptype, 0);
            /* It's not local nor shared, so it must be remote. */
            remoteDep  *dep;
            bool		stored = false;

             * XXX this info is kept on a simple List.  Maybe it's not good
             * for performance, but using a hash table seems needlessly
             * complex.  The expected number of databases is not high anyway,
             * I suppose.
            foreach(cell, remDeps)
                dep = lfirst(cell);
                if (dep->dbOid == sdepForm->dbid)
                    stored = true;
            if (!stored)
                dep = (remoteDep *) palloc(sizeof(remoteDep));
                dep->dbOid = sdepForm->dbid;
                dep->count = 1;
                remDeps = lappend(remDeps, dep);
Пример #10
 *	Parse a function call
 *	For historical reasons, Postgres tries to treat the notations tab.col
 *	and col(tab) as equivalent: if a single-argument function call has an
 *	argument of complex type and the (unqualified) function name matches
 *	any attribute of the type, we take it as a column projection.  Conversely
 *	a function of a single complex-type argument can be written like a
 *	column reference, allowing functions to act like computed columns.
 *	Hence, both cases come through here.  The is_column parameter tells us
 *	which syntactic construct is actually being dealt with, but this is
 *	intended to be used only to deliver an appropriate error message,
 *	not to affect the semantics.  When is_column is true, we should have
 *	a single argument (the putative table), unqualified function name
 *	equal to the column name, and no aggregate or variadic decoration.
 *	Also, when is_column is true, we return NULL on failure rather than
 *	reporting a no-such-function error.
 *	The argument expressions (in fargs) must have been transformed already.
 *	But the agg_order expressions, if any, have not been.
Node *
ParseFuncOrColumn(ParseState *pstate, List *funcname, List *fargs,
				  List *agg_order, bool agg_star, bool agg_distinct,
				  bool func_variadic,
				  WindowDef *over, bool is_column, int location)
	Oid			rettype;
	Oid			funcid;
	ListCell   *l;
	ListCell   *nextl;
	Node	   *first_arg = NULL;
	int			nargs;
	int			nargsplusdefs;
	Oid			actual_arg_types[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
	Oid		   *declared_arg_types;
	List	   *argnames;
	List	   *argdefaults;
	Node	   *retval;
	bool		retset;
	int			nvargs;
	FuncDetailCode fdresult;

	 * Most of the rest of the parser just assumes that functions do not have
	 * more than FUNC_MAX_ARGS parameters.	We have to test here to protect
	 * against array overruns, etc.  Of course, this may not be a function,
	 * but the test doesn't hurt.
	if (list_length(fargs) > FUNC_MAX_ARGS)
			 errmsg_plural("cannot pass more than %d argument to a function",
						   "cannot pass more than %d arguments to a function",
				 parser_errposition(pstate, location)));

	 * Extract arg type info in preparation for function lookup.
	 * If any arguments are Param markers of type VOID, we discard them from
	 * the parameter list.	This is a hack to allow the JDBC driver to not
	 * have to distinguish "input" and "output" parameter symbols while
	 * parsing function-call constructs.  We can't use foreach() because we
	 * may modify the list ...
	nargs = 0;
	for (l = list_head(fargs); l != NULL; l = nextl)
		Node	   *arg = lfirst(l);
		Oid			argtype = exprType(arg);

		nextl = lnext(l);

		if (argtype == VOIDOID && IsA(arg, Param) &&!is_column)
			fargs = list_delete_ptr(fargs, arg);

		actual_arg_types[nargs++] = argtype;

	 * Check for named arguments; if there are any, build a list of names.
	 * We allow mixed notation (some named and some not), but only with all
	 * the named parameters after all the unnamed ones.  So the name list
	 * corresponds to the last N actual parameters and we don't need any extra
	 * bookkeeping to match things up.
	argnames = NIL;
	foreach(l, fargs)
		Node	   *arg = lfirst(l);

		if (IsA(arg, NamedArgExpr))
			NamedArgExpr *na = (NamedArgExpr *) arg;
			ListCell   *lc;

			/* Reject duplicate arg names */
			foreach(lc, argnames)
				if (strcmp(na->name, (char *) lfirst(lc)) == 0)
						   errmsg("argument name \"%s\" used more than once",
							 parser_errposition(pstate, na->location)));
			argnames = lappend(argnames, na->name);
			if (argnames != NIL)
Пример #11
static void
FunctionParserInit(FunctionParser *self, Checker *checker, const char *infile, TupleDesc desc, bool multi_process, Oid collation)
	int					i;
	ParsedFunction		function;
	int					nargs;
	Oid					funcid;
	HeapTuple			ftup;
	Form_pg_proc		pp;
	bool				tupledesc_matched = false;

	if (pg_strcasecmp(infile, "stdin") == 0)
						errmsg("cannot load from STDIN in the case of \"TYPE = FUNCTION\"")));

	if (checker->encoding != -1)
						errmsg("does not support parameter \"ENCODING\" in \"TYPE = FUNCTION\"")));

	function = ParseFunction(infile, false);

	funcid = function.oid;
	fmgr_info(funcid, &self->flinfo);

	if (!self->flinfo.fn_retset)
				 errmsg("function must return set")));

	ftup = SearchSysCache(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(funcid), 0, 0, 0);
	pp = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(ftup);

	/* Check data type of the function result value */
	if (pp->prorettype == desc->tdtypeid && desc->tdtypeid != RECORDOID)
		tupledesc_matched = true;
	else if (pp->prorettype == RECORDOID)
		TupleDesc	resultDesc = NULL;

		/* Check for OUT parameters defining a RECORD result */
		resultDesc = build_function_result_tupdesc_t(ftup);

		if (resultDesc)
			tupledesc_match(desc, resultDesc);
			tupledesc_matched = true;
	else if (get_typtype(pp->prorettype) != TYPTYPE_COMPOSITE)
				 errmsg("function return data type and target table data type do not match")));

	if (tupledesc_matched && checker->tchecker)
		checker->tchecker->status = NO_COERCION;

	 * assign arguments
	nargs = function.nargs;
	for (i = 0;
#if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 80400
		i < nargs - function.nvargs;
		i < nargs;
		if (function.args[i] == NULL)
			if (self->flinfo.fn_strict)
					errmsg("function is strict, but argument %d is NULL", i)));
			self->fcinfo.argnull[i] = true;
			Oid			typinput;
			Oid			typioparam;

			getTypeInputInfo(pp->proargtypes.values[i], &typinput, &typioparam);
			self->fcinfo.arg[i] = OidInputFunctionCall(typinput,
									(char *) function.args[i], typioparam, -1);
			self->fcinfo.argnull[i] = false;

	 * assign variadic arguments
#if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 80400
	if (function.nvargs > 0)
		int			nfixedarg;
		Oid			func;
		Oid			element_type;
		int16		elmlen;
		bool		elmbyval;
		char		elmalign;
		char		elmdelim;
		Oid			elmioparam;
		Datum	   *elems;
		bool	   *nulls;
		int			dims[1];
		int			lbs[1];
		ArrayType  *arry;

		nfixedarg = i;
		element_type = pp->provariadic;

		 * Get info about element type, including its input conversion proc
		get_type_io_data(element_type, IOFunc_input,
						 &elmlen, &elmbyval, &elmalign, &elmdelim,
						 &elmioparam, &func);

		elems = (Datum *) palloc(function.nvargs * sizeof(Datum));
		nulls = (bool *) palloc0(function.nvargs * sizeof(bool));
		for (i = 0; i < function.nvargs; i++)
			if (function.args[nfixedarg + i] == NULL)
				nulls[i] = true;
				elems[i] = OidInputFunctionCall(func,
								(char *) function.args[nfixedarg + i], elmioparam, -1);
				pfree(function.args[nfixedarg + i]);

		dims[0] = function.nvargs;
		lbs[0] = 1;
		arry = construct_md_array(elems, nulls, 1, dims, lbs, element_type,
								  elmlen, elmbyval, elmalign);
		self->fcinfo.arg[nfixedarg] = PointerGetDatum(arry);

	 * assign default arguments
	if (function.ndargs > 0)
		Datum		proargdefaults;
		bool		isnull;
		char	   *str;
		List	   *defaults;
		int			ndelete;
		ListCell   *l;

		/* shouldn't happen, FuncnameGetCandidates messed up */
		if (function.ndargs > pp->pronargdefaults)
			elog(ERROR, "not enough default arguments");

		proargdefaults = SysCacheGetAttr(PROCOID, ftup,
		str = TextDatumGetCString(proargdefaults);
		defaults = (List *) stringToNode(str);
		Assert(IsA(defaults, List));
		/* Delete any unused defaults from the returned list */
		ndelete = list_length(defaults) - function.ndargs;
		while (ndelete-- > 0)
			defaults = list_delete_first(defaults);

		self->arg_econtext = CreateStandaloneExprContext();
		foreach(l, defaults)
			Expr	   *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(l);
			ExprState  *argstate;
			ExprDoneCond thisArgIsDone;

			/* probably shouldn't happen ... */
			if (nargs >= FUNC_MAX_ARGS)
				 errmsg("cannot pass more than %d arguments to a function", FUNC_MAX_ARGS)));

			argstate = ExecInitExpr(expr, NULL);

			self->fcinfo.arg[nargs] = ExecEvalExpr(argstate,

			if (thisArgIsDone != ExprSingleResult)
						 errmsg("functions and operators can take at most one set argument")));

Пример #12
parseHwParameters(List *parameterList, HoltWintersModel *specificModel) {
	ListCell				*cell;
	foreach(cell,parameterList) {
		AlgorithmParameter		*param = lfirst(cell);

		/* Seasonflag*/
		if(strcmp(param->key,"has_season") == 0) {
			if(IsA(&(param->value->val),Integer)) {
				specificModel->doseasonal = intVal(&param->value->val);
			} else
				         errmsg("Parameter value has to be an Integer value"),
		} else if(strcmp(param->key,"has_trend") == 0) {
			if(IsA(&(param->value->val),Integer)) {
				specificModel->dotrend = intVal(&param->value->val);
			} else
				         errmsg("Parameter value has to be an Integer value"),
		} else if(strcmp(param->key,"seasontype") == 0) {
			if(IsA(&(param->value->val),Integer)) {
				specificModel->seasonType = intVal(&param->value->val);
			} else
				         errmsg("Parameter value has to be an Integer value"),
		} else if(strcmp(param->key,"alpha") == 0) {
			if(IsA(&(param->value->val),Float)) {
				specificModel->alpha = floatVal(&param->value->val);
			} else
				         errmsg("Parameter value has to be an float value"),
		}else if(strcmp(param->key,"beta") == 0) {
			if(IsA(&(param->value->val),Float)) {
				specificModel->beta = floatVal(&param->value->val);
			} else
				         errmsg("Parameter value has to be an float value"),
		}else if(strcmp(param->key,"gamma") == 0) {
			if(IsA(&(param->value->val),Float)) {
				specificModel->gamma = floatVal(&param->value->val);
			} else
				         errmsg("Parameter value has to be an float value"),
		}else if(strcmp(param->key,"season") == 0) {
			if(IsA(&(param->value->val),Integer)) {
				specificModel->period = intVal(&param->value->val);
				specificModel->doseasonal = 1;
			} else
				         errmsg("Parameter value has to be an Integer value"),
		}  else if(strcmp(param->key,"error") == 0) {
			if(IsA(&(param->value->val),String)) {
				specificModel->errorfunction = palloc0((strlen(strVal(&param->value->val))+1)*sizeof(char));
			} else
				         errmsg("Parameter value has to be an String value"),
		} else
			         errmsg("Parameter not known"),
			         errposition(((A_Const *)param->value)->location)));
Пример #13
/* ----------------
 *		ExecBuildProjectionInfo
 * Build a ProjectionInfo node for evaluating the given tlist in the given
 * econtext, and storing the result into the tuple slot.  (Caller must have
 * ensured that tuple slot has a descriptor matching the tlist!)  Note that
 * the given tlist should be a list of ExprState nodes, not Expr nodes.
 * inputDesc can be NULL, but if it is not, we check to see whether simple
 * Vars in the tlist match the descriptor.	It is important to provide
 * inputDesc for relation-scan plan nodes, as a cross check that the relation
 * hasn't been changed since the plan was made.  At higher levels of a plan,
 * there is no need to recheck.
 * ----------------
ProjectionInfo *
ExecBuildProjectionInfo(List *targetList,
						ExprContext *econtext,
						TupleTableSlot *slot,
						TupleDesc inputDesc)
	ProjectionInfo *projInfo = makeNode(ProjectionInfo);
	int			len = ExecTargetListLength(targetList);
	int		   *workspace;
	int		   *varSlotOffsets;
	int		   *varNumbers;
	int		   *varOutputCols;
	List	   *exprlist;
	int			numSimpleVars;
	bool		directMap;
	ListCell   *tl;

	projInfo->pi_exprContext = econtext;
	projInfo->pi_slot = slot;
	/* since these are all int arrays, we need do just one palloc */
	workspace = (int *) palloc(len * 3 * sizeof(int));
	projInfo->pi_varSlotOffsets = varSlotOffsets = workspace;
	projInfo->pi_varNumbers = varNumbers = workspace + len;
	projInfo->pi_varOutputCols = varOutputCols = workspace + len * 2;
	projInfo->pi_lastInnerVar = 0;
	projInfo->pi_lastOuterVar = 0;
	projInfo->pi_lastScanVar = 0;

	 * We separate the target list elements into simple Var references and
	 * expressions which require the full ExecTargetList machinery.  To be a
	 * simple Var, a Var has to be a user attribute and not mismatch the
	 * inputDesc.  (Note: if there is a type mismatch then ExecEvalScalarVar
	 * will probably throw an error at runtime, but we leave that to it.)
	exprlist = NIL;
	numSimpleVars = 0;
	directMap = true;
	foreach(tl, targetList)
		GenericExprState *gstate = (GenericExprState *) lfirst(tl);
		Var		   *variable = (Var *) gstate->arg->expr;
		bool		isSimpleVar = false;

		if (variable != NULL &&
			IsA(variable, Var) &&
			variable->varattno > 0)
			if (!inputDesc)
				isSimpleVar = true;		/* can't check type, assume OK */
			else if (variable->varattno <= inputDesc->natts)
				Form_pg_attribute attr;

				attr = inputDesc->attrs[variable->varattno - 1];
				if (!attr->attisdropped && variable->vartype == attr->atttypid)
					isSimpleVar = true;

		if (isSimpleVar)
			TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) gstate->xprstate.expr;
			AttrNumber	attnum = variable->varattno;

			varNumbers[numSimpleVars] = attnum;
			varOutputCols[numSimpleVars] = tle->resno;
			if (tle->resno != numSimpleVars + 1)
				directMap = false;

			switch (variable->varno)
				case INNER_VAR:
					varSlotOffsets[numSimpleVars] = offsetof(ExprContext,
					if (projInfo->pi_lastInnerVar < attnum)
						projInfo->pi_lastInnerVar = attnum;

				case OUTER_VAR:
					varSlotOffsets[numSimpleVars] = offsetof(ExprContext,
					if (projInfo->pi_lastOuterVar < attnum)
						projInfo->pi_lastOuterVar = attnum;

					/* INDEX_VAR is handled by default case */

					varSlotOffsets[numSimpleVars] = offsetof(ExprContext,
					if (projInfo->pi_lastScanVar < attnum)
						projInfo->pi_lastScanVar = attnum;
			/* Not a simple variable, add it to generic targetlist */
			exprlist = lappend(exprlist, gstate);
			/* Examine expr to include contained Vars in lastXXXVar counts */
			get_last_attnums((Node *) variable, projInfo);
Пример #14
 * DefineOperator
 *		this function extracts all the information from the
 *		parameter list generated by the parser and then has
 *		OperatorCreate() do all the actual work.
 * 'parameters' is a list of DefElem
DefineOperator(List *names, List *parameters)
    char	   *oprName;
    Oid			oprNamespace;
    AclResult	aclresult;
    bool		canMerge = false;		/* operator merges */
    bool		canHash = false;	/* operator hashes */
    List	   *functionName = NIL;		/* function for operator */
    TypeName   *typeName1 = NULL;		/* first type name */
    TypeName   *typeName2 = NULL;		/* second type name */
    Oid			typeId1 = InvalidOid;	/* types converted to OID */
    Oid			typeId2 = InvalidOid;
    Oid			rettype;
    List	   *commutatorName = NIL;	/* optional commutator operator name */
    List	   *negatorName = NIL;		/* optional negator operator name */
    List	   *restrictionName = NIL;	/* optional restrict. sel. procedure */
    List	   *joinName = NIL; /* optional join sel. procedure */
    Oid			functionOid;	/* functions converted to OID */
    Oid			restrictionOid;
    Oid			joinOid;
    Oid			typeId[2];		/* to hold left and right arg */
    int			nargs;
    ListCell   *pl;

    /* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */
    oprNamespace = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(names, &oprName);

    /* Check we have creation rights in target namespace */
    aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(oprNamespace, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE);
    if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
        aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE,

     * loop over the definition list and extract the information we need.
    foreach(pl, parameters)
        DefElem    *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl);

        if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "leftarg") == 0)
            typeName1 = defGetTypeName(defel);
            if (typeName1->setof)
                         errmsg("SETOF type not allowed for operator argument")));
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "rightarg") == 0)
            typeName2 = defGetTypeName(defel);
            if (typeName2->setof)
                         errmsg("SETOF type not allowed for operator argument")));
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "procedure") == 0)
            functionName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "commutator") == 0)
            commutatorName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "negator") == 0)
            negatorName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "restrict") == 0)
            restrictionName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "join") == 0)
            joinName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "hashes") == 0)
            canHash = defGetBoolean(defel);
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "merges") == 0)
            canMerge = defGetBoolean(defel);
        /* These obsolete options are taken as meaning canMerge */
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sort1") == 0)
            canMerge = true;
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sort2") == 0)
            canMerge = true;
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "ltcmp") == 0)
            canMerge = true;
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "gtcmp") == 0)
            canMerge = true;
            /* WARNING, not ERROR, for historical backwards-compatibility */
                     errmsg("operator attribute \"%s\" not recognized",
Пример #15
	 * If CREATE/SET, add new options to array; if RESET, just check that the
	 * user didn't say RESET (option=val).  (Must do this because the grammar
	 * doesn't enforce it.)
	foreach(cell, defList)
		DefElem    *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell);

		if (isReset)
			if (def->arg != NULL)
					errmsg("RESET must not include values for parameters")));
			text	   *t;
			const char *value;
			Size		len;

			 * Error out if the namespace is not valid.  A NULL namespace is
			 * always valid.
			if (def->defnamespace != NULL)
				bool		valid = false;
				int			i;

				if (validnsps)
					for (i = 0; validnsps[i]; i++)
						if (pg_strcasecmp(def->defnamespace,
										  validnsps[i]) == 0)
							valid = true;

				if (!valid)
							 errmsg("unrecognized parameter namespace \"%s\"",

			if (ignoreOids && pg_strcasecmp(def->defname, "oids") == 0)

			/* ignore if not in the same namespace */
			if (namspace == NULL)
				if (def->defnamespace != NULL)
			else if (def->defnamespace == NULL)
			else if (pg_strcasecmp(def->defnamespace, namspace) != 0)

			 * Flatten the DefElem into a text string like "name=arg". If we
			 * have just "name", assume "name=true" is meant.  Note: the
			 * namespace is not output.
			if (def->arg != NULL)
				value = defGetString(def);
				value = "true";
			len = VARHDRSZ + strlen(def->defname) + 1 + strlen(value);
			/* +1 leaves room for sprintf's trailing null */
			t = (text *) palloc(len + 1);
			SET_VARSIZE(t, len);
			sprintf(VARDATA(t), "%s=%s", def->defname, value);

			astate = accumArrayResult(astate, PointerGetDatum(t),
									  false, TEXTOID,
Пример #16
 * preprocess_minmax_aggregates - preprocess MIN/MAX aggregates
 * Check to see whether the query contains MIN/MAX aggregate functions that
 * might be optimizable via indexscans.  If it does, and all the aggregates
 * are potentially optimizable, then set up root->minmax_aggs with a list of
 * these aggregates.
 * Note: we are passed the preprocessed targetlist separately, because it's
 * not necessarily equal to root->parse->targetList.
preprocess_minmax_aggregates(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist)
	Query	   *parse = root->parse;
	FromExpr   *jtnode;
	RangeTblRef *rtr;
	RangeTblEntry *rte;
	List	   *aggs_list;
	ListCell   *lc;

	/* minmax_aggs list should be empty at this point */
	Assert(root->minmax_aggs == NIL);

	/* Nothing to do if query has no aggregates */
	if (!parse->hasAggs)

	Assert(!parse->setOperations);		/* shouldn't get here if a setop */
	Assert(parse->rowMarks == NIL);		/* nor if FOR UPDATE */

	 * Reject unoptimizable cases.
	 * We don't handle GROUP BY or windowing, because our current
	 * implementations of grouping require looking at all the rows anyway, and
	 * so there's not much point in optimizing MIN/MAX.  (Note: relaxing this
	 * would likely require some restructuring in grouping_planner(), since it
	 * performs assorted processing related to these features between calling
	 * preprocess_minmax_aggregates and optimize_minmax_aggregates.)
	if (parse->groupClause || parse->hasWindowFuncs)

	 * We also restrict the query to reference exactly one table, since join
	 * conditions can't be handled reasonably.  (We could perhaps handle a
	 * query containing cartesian-product joins, but it hardly seems worth the
	 * trouble.)  However, the single table could be buried in several levels
	 * of FromExpr due to subqueries.  Note the "single" table could be an
	 * inheritance parent, too, including the case of a UNION ALL subquery
	 * that's been flattened to an appendrel.
	jtnode = parse->jointree;
	while (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))
		if (list_length(jtnode->fromlist) != 1)
		jtnode = linitial(jtnode->fromlist);
	if (!IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))
	rtr = (RangeTblRef *) jtnode;
	rte = planner_rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, root);
	if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
		 /* ordinary relation, ok */ ;
	else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY && rte->inh)
		 /* flattened UNION ALL subquery, ok */ ;

	 * Scan the tlist and HAVING qual to find all the aggregates and verify
	 * all are MIN/MAX aggregates.	Stop as soon as we find one that isn't.
	aggs_list = NIL;
	if (find_minmax_aggs_walker((Node *) tlist, &aggs_list))
	if (find_minmax_aggs_walker(parse->havingQual, &aggs_list))

	 * OK, there is at least the possibility of performing the optimization.
	 * Build an access path for each aggregate.  (We must do this now because
	 * we need to call query_planner with a pristine copy of the current query
	 * tree; it'll be too late when optimize_minmax_aggregates gets called.)
	 * If any of the aggregates prove to be non-indexable, give up; there is
	 * no point in optimizing just some of them.
	foreach(lc, aggs_list)
		MinMaxAggInfo *mminfo = (MinMaxAggInfo *) lfirst(lc);
		Oid			eqop;
		bool		reverse;

		 * We'll need the equality operator that goes with the aggregate's
		 * ordering operator.
		eqop = get_equality_op_for_ordering_op(mminfo->aggsortop, &reverse);
		if (!OidIsValid(eqop))	/* shouldn't happen */
			elog(ERROR, "could not find equality operator for ordering operator %u",

		 * We can use either an ordering that gives NULLS FIRST or one that
		 * gives NULLS LAST; furthermore there's unlikely to be much
		 * performance difference between them, so it doesn't seem worth
		 * costing out both ways if we get a hit on the first one.	NULLS
		 * FIRST is more likely to be available if the operator is a
		 * reverse-sort operator, so try that first if reverse.
		if (build_minmax_path(root, mminfo, eqop, mminfo->aggsortop, reverse))
		if (build_minmax_path(root, mminfo, eqop, mminfo->aggsortop, !reverse))

		/* No indexable path for this aggregate, so fail */
Пример #17
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		ValuesNext
 *		This is a workhorse for ExecValuesScan
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
static TupleTableSlot *
ValuesNext(ValuesScanState *node)
	TupleTableSlot *slot;
	EState	   *estate;
	ExprContext *econtext;
	ScanDirection direction;
	List	   *exprlist;

	 * get information from the estate and scan state
	estate = node->ss.ps.state;
	direction = estate->es_direction;
	slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
	econtext = node->rowcontext;

	 * Get the next tuple. Return NULL if no more tuples.
	if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))
		if (node->curr_idx < node->array_len)
		if (node->curr_idx < node->array_len)
			exprlist = node->exprlists[node->curr_idx];
			exprlist = NIL;
		if (node->curr_idx >= 0)
		if (node->curr_idx >= 0)
			exprlist = node->exprlists[node->curr_idx];
			exprlist = NIL;

	 * Always clear the result slot; this is appropriate if we are at the end
	 * of the data, and if we're not, we still need it as the first step of
	 * the store-virtual-tuple protocol.  It seems wise to clear the slot
	 * before we reset the context it might have pointers into.

	if (exprlist)
		MemoryContext oldContext;
		List	   *exprstatelist;
		Datum	   *values;
		bool	   *isnull;
		Form_pg_attribute *att;
		ListCell   *lc;
		int			resind;

		 * Get rid of any prior cycle's leftovers.  We use ReScanExprContext
		 * not just ResetExprContext because we want any registered shutdown
		 * callbacks to be called.

		 * Build the expression eval state in the econtext's per-tuple memory.
		 * This is a tad unusual, but we want to delete the eval state again
		 * when we move to the next row, to avoid growth of memory
		 * requirements over a long values list.
		oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);

		 * Pass NULL, not my plan node, because we don't want anything in this
		 * transient state linking into permanent state.  The only possibility
		 * is a SubPlan, and there shouldn't be any (any subselects in the
		 * VALUES list should be InitPlans).
		exprstatelist = ExecInitExprList(exprlist, NULL);

		/* parser should have checked all sublists are the same length */
		Assert(list_length(exprstatelist) == slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts);

		 * Compute the expressions and build a virtual result tuple. We
		 * already did ExecClearTuple(slot).
		values = slot->tts_values;
		isnull = slot->tts_isnull;
		att = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->attrs;

		resind = 0;
		foreach(lc, exprstatelist)
			ExprState  *estate = (ExprState *) lfirst(lc);

			values[resind] = ExecEvalExpr(estate,

			 * We must force any R/W expanded datums to read-only state, in
			 * case they are multiply referenced in the plan node's output
			 * expressions, or in case we skip the output projection and the
			 * output column is multiply referenced in higher plan nodes.
			values[resind] = MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(values[resind],



		 * And return the virtual tuple.
Пример #18
 * Return the data value contained in the n'th element of the
 * specified list. (List elements begin at 0.)
void *
list_nth(List *list, int n)
	return lfirst(list_nth_cell(list, n));
Пример #19
 * DefineQueryRewrite
 *		Create a rule
 * This is essentially the same as DefineRule() except that the rule's
 * action and qual have already been passed through parse analysis.
DefineQueryRewrite(char *rulename,
				   Oid event_relid,
				   Node *event_qual,
				   CmdType event_type,
				   bool is_instead,
				   bool replace,
				   List *action)
	Relation	event_relation;
	int			event_attno;
	ListCell   *l;
	Query	   *query;
	bool		RelisBecomingView = false;
	Oid			ruleId = InvalidOid;

	 * If we are installing an ON SELECT rule, we had better grab
	 * AccessExclusiveLock to ensure no SELECTs are currently running on the
	 * event relation. For other types of rules, it would be sufficient to
	 * grab ShareRowExclusiveLock to lock out insert/update/delete actions and
	 * to ensure that we lock out current CREATE RULE statements; but because
	 * of race conditions in access to catalog entries, we can't do that yet.
	 * Note that this lock level should match the one used in DefineRule.
	event_relation = heap_open(event_relid, AccessExclusiveLock);

	 * Verify relation is of a type that rules can sensibly be applied to.
	if (event_relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
		event_relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW &&
		event_relation->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_VIEW)
				 errmsg("\"%s\" is not a table or view",

	if (!allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelation(event_relation))
				 errmsg("permission denied: \"%s\" is a system catalog",

	 * Check user has permission to apply rules to this relation.
	if (!pg_class_ownercheck(event_relid, GetUserId()))

	 * No rule actions that modify OLD or NEW
	foreach(l, action)
		query = (Query *) lfirst(l);
		if (query->resultRelation == 0)
		/* Don't be fooled by INSERT/SELECT */
		if (query != getInsertSelectQuery(query, NULL))
		if (query->resultRelation == PRS2_OLD_VARNO)
					 errmsg("rule actions on OLD are not implemented"),
					 errhint("Use views or triggers instead.")));
		if (query->resultRelation == PRS2_NEW_VARNO)
					 errmsg("rule actions on NEW are not implemented"),
					 errhint("Use triggers instead.")));
Пример #20
 *	DefineAggregate
 * "oldstyle" signals the old (pre-8.2) style where the aggregate input type
 * is specified by a BASETYPE element in the parameters.  Otherwise,
 * "args" is a pair, whose first element is a list of FunctionParameter structs
 * defining the agg's arguments (both direct and aggregated), and whose second
 * element is an Integer node with the number of direct args, or -1 if this
 * isn't an ordered-set aggregate.
 * "parameters" is a list of DefElem representing the agg's definition clauses.
DefineAggregate(List *name, List *args, bool oldstyle, List *parameters,
				const char *queryString)
	char	   *aggName;
	Oid			aggNamespace;
	AclResult	aclresult;
	char		aggKind = AGGKIND_NORMAL;
	List	   *transfuncName = NIL;
	List	   *finalfuncName = NIL;
	List	   *mtransfuncName = NIL;
	List	   *minvtransfuncName = NIL;
	List	   *mfinalfuncName = NIL;
	bool		finalfuncExtraArgs = false;
	bool		mfinalfuncExtraArgs = false;
	List	   *sortoperatorName = NIL;
	TypeName   *baseType = NULL;
	TypeName   *transType = NULL;
#ifdef XCP
	TypeName   *collectType = NULL;
#ifdef PGXC
	List	   *collectfuncName = NIL;
	char	   *initcollect = NULL;
	TypeName   *mtransType = NULL;
	int32		transSpace = 0;
	int32		mtransSpace = 0;
	char	   *initval = NULL;
	char	   *minitval = NULL;
	int			numArgs;
	int			numDirectArgs = 0;
	oidvector  *parameterTypes;
	ArrayType  *allParameterTypes;
	ArrayType  *parameterModes;
	ArrayType  *parameterNames;
	List	   *parameterDefaults;
	Oid			variadicArgType;
	Oid			transTypeId;
#ifdef XCP
	Oid			collectTypeId;
	Oid			mtransTypeId = InvalidOid;
	char		transTypeType;
	char		mtransTypeType = 0;
	ListCell   *pl;

	/* Convert list of names to a name and namespace */
	aggNamespace = QualifiedNameGetCreationNamespace(name, &aggName);

	/* Check we have creation rights in target namespace */
	aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(aggNamespace, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE);
	if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
		aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE,

	/* Deconstruct the output of the aggr_args grammar production */
	if (!oldstyle)
		Assert(list_length(args) == 2);
		numDirectArgs = intVal(lsecond(args));
		if (numDirectArgs >= 0)
			numDirectArgs = 0;
		args = (List *) linitial(args);

	/* Examine aggregate's definition clauses */
	foreach(pl, parameters)
		DefElem    *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(pl);

		 * sfunc1, stype1, and initcond1 are accepted as obsolete spellings
		 * for sfunc, stype, initcond.
		if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sfunc") == 0)
			transfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sfunc1") == 0)
			transfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "finalfunc") == 0)
			finalfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "msfunc") == 0)
			mtransfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "minvfunc") == 0)
			minvtransfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "mfinalfunc") == 0)
			mfinalfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "finalfunc_extra") == 0)
			finalfuncExtraArgs = defGetBoolean(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "mfinalfunc_extra") == 0)
			mfinalfuncExtraArgs = defGetBoolean(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sortop") == 0)
			sortoperatorName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "basetype") == 0)
			baseType = defGetTypeName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "hypothetical") == 0)
			if (defGetBoolean(defel))
				if (aggKind == AGGKIND_NORMAL)
							 errmsg("only ordered-set aggregates can be hypothetical")));
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "stype") == 0)
			transType = defGetTypeName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "stype1") == 0)
			transType = defGetTypeName(defel);
#ifdef XCP
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "ctype") == 0)
			collectType = defGetTypeName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "sspace") == 0)
			transSpace = defGetInt32(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "mstype") == 0)
			mtransType = defGetTypeName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "msspace") == 0)
			mtransSpace = defGetInt32(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcond") == 0)
			initval = defGetString(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcond1") == 0)
			initval = defGetString(defel);
#ifdef PGXC
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "cfunc") == 0)
			collectfuncName = defGetQualifiedName(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "initcollect") == 0)
			initcollect = defGetString(defel);
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(defel->defname, "minitcond") == 0)
			minitval = defGetString(defel);
					 errmsg("aggregate attribute \"%s\" not recognized",
Пример #21
 * assign_datestyle: GUC assign_hook for datestyle
const char *
assign_datestyle(const char *value, bool doit, GucSource source)
	int			newDateStyle = DateStyle;
	int			newDateOrder = DateOrder;
	bool		have_style = false;
	bool		have_order = false;
	bool		ok = true;
	char	   *rawstring;
	char	   *result;
	List	   *elemlist;
	ListCell   *l;

	/* Need a modifiable copy of string */
	rawstring = pstrdup(value);

	/* Parse string into list of identifiers */
	if (!SplitIdentifierString(rawstring, ',', &elemlist))
		/* syntax error in list */
				 errmsg("invalid list syntax for parameter \"datestyle\"")));
		return NULL;

	foreach(l, elemlist)
		char	   *tok = (char *) lfirst(l);

		/* Ugh. Somebody ought to write a table driven version -- mjl */

		if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "ISO") == 0)
			if (have_style && newDateStyle != USE_ISO_DATES)
				ok = false;		/* conflicting styles */
			newDateStyle = USE_ISO_DATES;
			have_style = true;
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "SQL") == 0)
			if (have_style && newDateStyle != USE_SQL_DATES)
				ok = false;		/* conflicting styles */
			newDateStyle = USE_SQL_DATES;
			have_style = true;
		else if (pg_strncasecmp(tok, "POSTGRES", 8) == 0)
			if (have_style && newDateStyle != USE_POSTGRES_DATES)
				ok = false;		/* conflicting styles */
			newDateStyle = USE_POSTGRES_DATES;
			have_style = true;
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "GERMAN") == 0)
			if (have_style && newDateStyle != USE_GERMAN_DATES)
				ok = false;		/* conflicting styles */
			newDateStyle = USE_GERMAN_DATES;
			have_style = true;
			/* GERMAN also sets DMY, unless explicitly overridden */
			if (!have_order)
				newDateOrder = DATEORDER_DMY;
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "YMD") == 0)
			if (have_order && newDateOrder != DATEORDER_YMD)
				ok = false;		/* conflicting orders */
			newDateOrder = DATEORDER_YMD;
			have_order = true;
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "DMY") == 0 ||
				 pg_strncasecmp(tok, "EURO", 4) == 0)
			if (have_order && newDateOrder != DATEORDER_DMY)
				ok = false;		/* conflicting orders */
			newDateOrder = DATEORDER_DMY;
			have_order = true;
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "MDY") == 0 ||
				 pg_strcasecmp(tok, "US") == 0 ||
				 pg_strncasecmp(tok, "NONEURO", 7) == 0)
			if (have_order && newDateOrder != DATEORDER_MDY)
				ok = false;		/* conflicting orders */
			newDateOrder = DATEORDER_MDY;
			have_order = true;
		else if (pg_strcasecmp(tok, "DEFAULT") == 0)
			 * Easiest way to get the current DEFAULT state is to fetch the
			 * DEFAULT string from guc.c and recursively parse it.
			 * We can't simply "return assign_datestyle(...)" because we need
			 * to handle constructs like "DEFAULT, ISO".
			int			saveDateStyle = DateStyle;
			int			saveDateOrder = DateOrder;
			const char *subval;

			subval = assign_datestyle(GetConfigOptionResetString("datestyle"),
									  true, source);
			if (!have_style)
				newDateStyle = DateStyle;
			if (!have_order)
				newDateOrder = DateOrder;
			DateStyle = saveDateStyle;
			DateOrder = saveDateOrder;
			if (!subval)
				ok = false;
			/* Here we know that our own return value is always malloc'd */
			/* when doit is true */
			free((char *) subval);
					 errmsg("unrecognized \"datestyle\" key word: \"%s\"",
			ok = false;
Пример #22
 * DropShards drops all given shards in a relation. The id, name and schema
 * for the relation are explicitly provided, since this function may be
 * called when the table is already dropped.
 * We mark shard placements that we couldn't drop as to be deleted later, but
 * we do delete the shard metadadata.
static int
DropShards(Oid relationId, char *schemaName, char *relationName,
		   List *deletableShardIntervalList)
	ListCell *shardIntervalCell = NULL;
	int droppedShardCount = 0;


	/* At this point we intentionally decided to not use 2PC for reference tables */
	if (MultiShardCommitProtocol == COMMIT_PROTOCOL_2PC)

	foreach(shardIntervalCell, deletableShardIntervalList)
		List *shardPlacementList = NIL;
		ListCell *shardPlacementCell = NULL;
		ShardInterval *shardInterval = (ShardInterval *) lfirst(shardIntervalCell);
		uint64 shardId = shardInterval->shardId;
		char *quotedShardName = NULL;
		char *shardRelationName = pstrdup(relationName);

		Assert(shardInterval->relationId == relationId);

		/* Build shard relation name. */
		AppendShardIdToName(&shardRelationName, shardId);
		quotedShardName = quote_qualified_identifier(schemaName, shardRelationName);

		shardPlacementList = ShardPlacementList(shardId);
		foreach(shardPlacementCell, shardPlacementList)
			ShardPlacement *shardPlacement =
				(ShardPlacement *) lfirst(shardPlacementCell);
			char *workerName = shardPlacement->nodeName;
			uint32 workerPort = shardPlacement->nodePort;
			StringInfo workerDropQuery = makeStringInfo();
			MultiConnection *connection = NULL;
			uint32 connectionFlags = FOR_DDL;

			char storageType = shardInterval->storageType;
			if (storageType == SHARD_STORAGE_TABLE)
				appendStringInfo(workerDropQuery, DROP_REGULAR_TABLE_COMMAND,
			else if (storageType == SHARD_STORAGE_COLUMNAR ||
					 storageType == SHARD_STORAGE_FOREIGN)
				appendStringInfo(workerDropQuery, DROP_FOREIGN_TABLE_COMMAND,

			connection = GetPlacementConnection(connectionFlags, shardPlacement, NULL);


			if (PQstatus(connection->pgConn) != CONNECTION_OK)
				uint64 placementId = shardPlacement->placementId;

				ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("could not connect to shard \"%s\" on node "
										 "\"%s:%u\"", shardRelationName, workerName,
								  errdetail("Marking this shard placement for "

				UpdateShardPlacementState(placementId, FILE_TO_DELETE);



			ExecuteCriticalRemoteCommand(connection, workerDropQuery->data);

Пример #23
 * EnumValuesCreate
 *		Create an entry in pg_enum for each of the supplied enum values.
 * vals is a list of Value strings.
EnumValuesCreate(Oid enumTypeOid, List *vals)
	Relation	pg_enum;
	NameData	enumlabel;
	Oid		   *oids;
	int			elemno,
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_enum];
	bool		nulls[Natts_pg_enum];
	ListCell   *lc;
	HeapTuple	tup;

	num_elems = list_length(vals);

	 * We do not bother to check the list of values for duplicates --- if you
	 * have any, you'll get a less-than-friendly unique-index violation. It is
	 * probably not worth trying harder.

	pg_enum = heap_open(EnumRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * Allocate OIDs for the enum's members.
	 * While this method does not absolutely guarantee that we generate no
	 * duplicate OIDs (since we haven't entered each oid into the table before
	 * allocating the next), trouble could only occur if the OID counter wraps
	 * all the way around before we finish. Which seems unlikely.
	oids = (Oid *) palloc(num_elems * sizeof(Oid));

	for (elemno = 0; elemno < num_elems; elemno++)
		 * We assign even-numbered OIDs to all the new enum labels.  This
		 * tells the comparison functions the OIDs are in the correct sort
		 * order and can be compared directly.
		Oid			new_oid;

		 * In QE node, however, use the OIDs assigned by the master (they are delivered
		 * out-of-band, see oid_dispatch.c.
		if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)
			new_oid = InvalidOid;
				new_oid = GetNewOid(pg_enum);
			} while (new_oid & 1);
		oids[elemno] = new_oid;

	/* sort them, just in case OID counter wrapped from high to low */
	qsort(oids, num_elems, sizeof(Oid), oid_cmp);

	/* and make the entries */
	memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls));

	elemno = 0;
	foreach(lc, vals)
		char	   *lab = strVal(lfirst(lc));

		 * labels are stored in a name field, for easier syscache lookup, so
		 * check the length to make sure it's within range.
		if (strlen(lab) > (NAMEDATALEN - 1))
					 errmsg("invalid enum label \"%s\"", lab),
					 errdetail("Labels must be %d characters or less.",
							   NAMEDATALEN - 1)));

		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumtypid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(enumTypeOid);
		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumsortorder - 1] = Float4GetDatum(elemno + 1);
		namestrcpy(&enumlabel, lab);
		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumlabel - 1] = NameGetDatum(&enumlabel);

		tup = heap_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(pg_enum), values, nulls);
		HeapTupleSetOid(tup, oids[elemno]);

		simple_heap_insert(pg_enum, tup);
		CatalogUpdateIndexes(pg_enum, tup);

Пример #24
 * pg_get_tablecolumnoptionsdef_string returns column storage type and column
 * statistics definitions for given table, _if_ these definitions differ from
 * their default values. The function returns null if all columns use default
 * values for their storage types and statistics.
char *
pg_get_tablecolumnoptionsdef_string(Oid tableRelationId)
	Relation relation = NULL;
	char *relationName = NULL;
	char relationKind = 0;
	TupleDesc tupleDescriptor = NULL;
	AttrNumber attributeIndex = 0;
	List *columnOptionList = NIL;
	ListCell *columnOptionCell = NULL;
	bool firstOptionPrinted = false;
	StringInfoData buffer = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 };

	 * Instead of retrieving values from system catalogs, we open the relation,
	 * and use the relation's tuple descriptor to access attribute information.
	 * This is primarily to maintain symmetry with pg_get_tableschemadef.
	relation = relation_open(tableRelationId, AccessShareLock);
	relationName = generate_relation_name(tableRelationId, NIL);

	relationKind = relation->rd_rel->relkind;
	if (relationKind != RELKIND_RELATION && relationKind != RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
						errmsg("%s is not a regular or foreign table", relationName)));

	 * Iterate over the table's columns. If a particular column is not dropped
	 * and is not inherited from another table, check if column storage or
	 * statistics statements need to be printed.
	tupleDescriptor = RelationGetDescr(relation);

	for (attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < tupleDescriptor->natts; attributeIndex++)
		Form_pg_attribute attributeForm = tupleDescriptor->attrs[attributeIndex];
		char *attributeName = NameStr(attributeForm->attname);
		char defaultStorageType = get_typstorage(attributeForm->atttypid);

		if (!attributeForm->attisdropped && attributeForm->attinhcount == 0)
			 * If the user changed the column's default storage type, create
			 * alter statement and add statement to a list for later processing.
			if (attributeForm->attstorage != defaultStorageType)
				char *storageName = 0;
				StringInfoData statement = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 };

				switch (attributeForm->attstorage)
					case 'p':
						storageName = "PLAIN";

					case 'e':
						storageName = "EXTERNAL";

					case 'm':
						storageName = "MAIN";

					case 'x':
						storageName = "EXTENDED";

						ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("unrecognized storage type: %c",

				appendStringInfo(&statement, "ALTER COLUMN %s ",
				appendStringInfo(&statement, "SET STORAGE %s", storageName);

				columnOptionList = lappend(columnOptionList, statement.data);

			 * If the user changed the column's statistics target, create
			 * alter statement and add statement to a list for later processing.
			if (attributeForm->attstattarget >= 0)
				StringInfoData statement = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 };

				appendStringInfo(&statement, "ALTER COLUMN %s ",
				appendStringInfo(&statement, "SET STATISTICS %d",

				columnOptionList = lappend(columnOptionList, statement.data);

	 * Iterate over column storage and statistics statements that we created,
	 * and append them to a single alter table statement.
	foreach(columnOptionCell, columnOptionList)
		char *columnOptionStatement = NULL;

		if (!firstOptionPrinted)
			appendStringInfo(&buffer, "ALTER TABLE ONLY %s ",
							 generate_relation_name(tableRelationId, NIL));
			appendStringInfoString(&buffer, ", ");
		firstOptionPrinted = true;

		columnOptionStatement = (char *) lfirst(columnOptionCell);
		appendStringInfoString(&buffer, columnOptionStatement);

Пример #25
 * master_append_table_to_shard appends the given table's contents to the given
 * shard, and updates shard metadata on the master node. If the function fails
 * to append table data to all shard placements, it doesn't update any metadata
 * and errors out. Else if the function fails to append table data to some of
 * the shard placements, it marks those placements as invalid. These invalid
 * placements will get cleaned up during shard rebalancing.
	uint64 shardId = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
	text *sourceTableNameText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
	text *sourceNodeNameText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2);
	uint32 sourceNodePort = PG_GETARG_UINT32(3);

	char *sourceTableName = text_to_cstring(sourceTableNameText);
	char *sourceNodeName = text_to_cstring(sourceNodeNameText);

	Oid shardSchemaOid = 0;
	char *shardSchemaName = NULL;
	char *shardTableName = NULL;
	char *shardQualifiedName = NULL;
	List *shardPlacementList = NIL;
	List *succeededPlacementList = NIL;
	List *failedPlacementList = NIL;
	ListCell *shardPlacementCell = NULL;
	ListCell *failedPlacementCell = NULL;
	uint64 newShardSize = 0;
	uint64 shardMaxSizeInBytes = 0;
	float4 shardFillLevel = 0.0;
	char partitionMethod = 0;

	ShardInterval *shardInterval = LoadShardInterval(shardId);
	Oid relationId = shardInterval->relationId;
	bool cstoreTable = CStoreTable(relationId);

	char storageType = shardInterval->storageType;

	EnsureTablePermissions(relationId, ACL_INSERT);

	if (storageType != SHARD_STORAGE_TABLE && !cstoreTable)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cannot append to shardId " UINT64_FORMAT, shardId),
						errdetail("The underlying shard is not a regular table")));

	partitionMethod = PartitionMethod(relationId);
	if (partitionMethod == DISTRIBUTE_BY_HASH)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cannot append to shardId " UINT64_FORMAT, shardId),
						errdetail("We currently don't support appending to shards "
								  "in hash-partitioned tables")));

	 * We lock on the shardId, but do not unlock. When the function returns, and
	 * the transaction for this function commits, this lock will automatically
	 * be released. This ensures appends to a shard happen in a serial manner.
	LockShardResource(shardId, AccessExclusiveLock);

	/* get schame name of the target shard */
	shardSchemaOid = get_rel_namespace(relationId);
	shardSchemaName = get_namespace_name(shardSchemaOid);

	/* Build shard table name. */
	shardTableName = get_rel_name(relationId);
	AppendShardIdToName(&shardTableName, shardId);

	shardQualifiedName = quote_qualified_identifier(shardSchemaName, shardTableName);

	shardPlacementList = FinalizedShardPlacementList(shardId);
	if (shardPlacementList == NIL)
		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("could not find any shard placements for shardId "
							   UINT64_FORMAT, shardId),
						errhint("Try running master_create_empty_shard() first")));

	/* issue command to append table to each shard placement */
	foreach(shardPlacementCell, shardPlacementList)
		ShardPlacement *shardPlacement = (ShardPlacement *) lfirst(shardPlacementCell);
		char *workerName = shardPlacement->nodeName;
		uint32 workerPort = shardPlacement->nodePort;
		List *queryResultList = NIL;

		StringInfo workerAppendQuery = makeStringInfo();
		appendStringInfo(workerAppendQuery, WORKER_APPEND_TABLE_TO_SHARD,
						 quote_literal_cstr(sourceNodeName), sourceNodePort);

		/* inserting data should be performed by the current user */
		queryResultList = ExecuteRemoteQuery(workerName, workerPort, NULL,
		if (queryResultList != NIL)
			succeededPlacementList = lappend(succeededPlacementList, shardPlacement);
			failedPlacementList = lappend(failedPlacementList, shardPlacement);
Пример #26
 * Insert tuples to a given page.
 * This is analogous with gistinserttuples() in the regular insertion code.
 * Returns the block number of the page where the (first) new or updated tuple
 * was inserted. Usually that's the original page, but might be a sibling page
 * if the original page was split.
 * Caller should hold a lock on 'buffer' on entry. This function will unlock
 * and unpin it.
static BlockNumber
gistbufferinginserttuples(GISTBuildState *buildstate, Buffer buffer, int level,
						  IndexTuple *itup, int ntup, OffsetNumber oldoffnum,
						  BlockNumber parentblk, OffsetNumber downlinkoffnum)
	GISTBuildBuffers *gfbb = buildstate->gfbb;
	List	   *splitinfo;
	bool		is_split;
	BlockNumber	placed_to_blk = InvalidBlockNumber;

	is_split = gistplacetopage(buildstate->indexrel,
							   itup, ntup, oldoffnum, &placed_to_blk,

	 * If this is a root split, update the root path item kept in memory. This
	 * ensures that all path stacks are always complete, including all parent
	 * nodes up to the root. That simplifies the algorithm to re-find correct
	 * parent.
	if (is_split && BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer) == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
		Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
		OffsetNumber off;
		OffsetNumber maxoff;

		Assert(level == gfbb->rootlevel);

		elog(DEBUG2, "splitting GiST root page, now %d levels deep", gfbb->rootlevel);

		 * All the downlinks on the old root page are now on one of the child
		 * pages. Visit all the new child pages to memorize the parents of the
		 * grandchildren.
		if (gfbb->rootlevel > 1)
			maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
			for (off = FirstOffsetNumber; off <= maxoff; off++)
				ItemId		iid = PageGetItemId(page, off);
				IndexTuple	idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
				BlockNumber childblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));
				Buffer		childbuf = ReadBuffer(buildstate->indexrel, childblkno);

				LockBuffer(childbuf, GIST_SHARE);
				gistMemorizeAllDownlinks(buildstate, childbuf);

				 * Also remember that the parent of the new child page is the
				 * root block.
				gistMemorizeParent(buildstate, childblkno, GIST_ROOT_BLKNO);

	if (splitinfo)
		 * Insert the downlinks to the parent. This is analogous with
		 * gistfinishsplit() in the regular insertion code, but the locking is
		 * simpler, and we have to maintain the buffers on internal nodes and
		 * the parent map.
		IndexTuple *downlinks;
		int			ndownlinks,
		Buffer		parentBuffer;
		ListCell   *lc;

		/* Parent may have changed since we memorized this path. */
		parentBuffer =

		 * If there's a buffer associated with this page, that needs to be
		 * split too. gistRelocateBuildBuffersOnSplit() will also adjust the
		 * downlinks in 'splitinfo', to make sure they're consistent not only
		 * with the tuples already on the pages, but also the tuples in the
		 * buffers that will eventually be inserted to them.
										buffer, splitinfo);

		/* Create an array of all the downlink tuples */
		ndownlinks = list_length(splitinfo);
		downlinks = (IndexTuple *) palloc(sizeof(IndexTuple) * ndownlinks);
		i = 0;
		foreach(lc, splitinfo)
			GISTPageSplitInfo *splitinfo = lfirst(lc);

			 * Remember the parent of each new child page in our parent map.
			 * This assumes that the downlinks fit on the parent page. If the
			 * parent page is split, too, when we recurse up to insert the
			 * downlinks, the recursive gistbufferinginserttuples() call will
			 * update the map again.
			if (level > 0)

			 * Also update the parent map for all the downlinks that got moved
			 * to a different page. (actually this also loops through the
			 * downlinks that stayed on the original page, but it does no
			 * harm).
			if (level > 1)
				gistMemorizeAllDownlinks(buildstate, splitinfo->buf);

			 * Since there's no concurrent access, we can release the lower
			 * level buffers immediately. This includes the original page.
			downlinks[i++] = splitinfo->downlink;

		/* Insert them into parent. */
		gistbufferinginserttuples(buildstate, parentBuffer, level + 1,
								  downlinks, ndownlinks, downlinkoffnum,
								  InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber);

		list_free_deep(splitinfo);		/* we don't need this anymore */
Пример #27
 * Determine whether a relation can be proven functionally dependent on
 * a set of grouping columns.  If so, return TRUE and add the pg_constraint
 * OIDs of the constraints needed for the proof to the *constraintDeps list.
 * grouping_columns is a list of grouping expressions, in which columns of
 * the rel of interest are Vars with the indicated varno/varlevelsup.
 * Currently we only check to see if the rel has a primary key that is a
 * subset of the grouping_columns.	We could also use plain unique constraints
 * if all their columns are known not null, but there's a problem: we need
 * to be able to represent the not-null-ness as part of the constraints added
 * to *constraintDeps.	FIXME whenever not-null constraints get represented
 * in pg_constraint.
check_functional_grouping(Oid relid,
						  Index varno, Index varlevelsup,
						  List *grouping_columns,
						  List **constraintDeps)
	bool		result = false;
	Relation	pg_constraint;
	HeapTuple	tuple;
	SysScanDesc scan;
	ScanKeyData skey[1];

	/* Scan pg_constraint for constraints of the target rel */
	pg_constraint = heap_open(ConstraintRelationId, AccessShareLock);

				BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,

	scan = systable_beginscan(pg_constraint, ConstraintRelidIndexId, true,
							  SnapshotNow, 1, skey);

	while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = systable_getnext(scan)))
		Form_pg_constraint con = (Form_pg_constraint) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
		Datum		adatum;
		bool		isNull;
		ArrayType  *arr;
		int16	   *attnums;
		int			numkeys;
		int			i;
		bool		found_col;

		/* Only PK constraints are of interest for now, see comment above */
		if (con->contype != CONSTRAINT_PRIMARY)
		/* Constraint must be non-deferrable */
		if (con->condeferrable)

		/* Extract the conkey array, ie, attnums of PK's columns */
		adatum = heap_getattr(tuple, Anum_pg_constraint_conkey,
							  RelationGetDescr(pg_constraint), &isNull);
		if (isNull)
			elog(ERROR, "null conkey for constraint %u",
		arr = DatumGetArrayTypeP(adatum);		/* ensure not toasted */
		numkeys = ARR_DIMS(arr)[0];
		if (ARR_NDIM(arr) != 1 ||
			numkeys < 0 ||
			ARR_HASNULL(arr) ||
			elog(ERROR, "conkey is not a 1-D smallint array");
		attnums = (int16 *) ARR_DATA_PTR(arr);

		found_col = false;
		for (i = 0; i < numkeys; i++)
			AttrNumber	attnum = attnums[i];
			ListCell   *gl;

			found_col = false;
			foreach(gl, grouping_columns)
				Var		   *gvar = (Var *) lfirst(gl);

				if (IsA(gvar, Var) &&
					gvar->varno == varno &&
					gvar->varlevelsup == varlevelsup &&
					gvar->varattno == attnum)
					found_col = true;
			if (!found_col)

		if (found_col)
			/* The PK is a subset of grouping_columns, so we win */
			*constraintDeps = lappend_oid(*constraintDeps,
			result = true;
Пример #28
 * Transform a relation options list (list of DefElem) into the text array
 * format that is kept in pg_class.reloptions, including only those options
 * that are in the passed namespace.  The output values do not include the
 * namespace.
 * This is used for three cases: CREATE TABLE/INDEX, ALTER TABLE SET, and
 * ALTER TABLE RESET.  In the ALTER cases, oldOptions is the existing
 * reloptions value (possibly NULL), and we replace or remove entries
 * as needed.
 * If ignoreOids is true, then we should ignore any occurrence of "oids"
 * in the list (it will be or has been handled by interpretOidsOption()).
 * Note that this is not responsible for determining whether the options
 * are valid, but it does check that namespaces for all the options given are
 * listed in validnsps.  The NULL namespace is always valid and need not be
 * explicitly listed.  Passing a NULL pointer means that only the NULL
 * namespace is valid.
 * Both oldOptions and the result are text arrays (or NULL for "default"),
 * but we declare them as Datums to avoid including array.h in reloptions.h.
transformRelOptions(Datum oldOptions, List *defList, char *namspace,
					char *validnsps[], bool ignoreOids, bool isReset)
	Datum		result;
	ArrayBuildState *astate;
	ListCell   *cell;

	/* no change if empty list */
	if (defList == NIL)
		return oldOptions;

	/* We build new array using accumArrayResult */
	astate = NULL;

	/* Copy any oldOptions that aren't to be replaced */
	if (PointerIsValid(DatumGetPointer(oldOptions)))
		ArrayType  *array = DatumGetArrayTypeP(oldOptions);
		Datum	   *oldoptions;
		int			noldoptions;
		int			i;

		deconstruct_array(array, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
						  &oldoptions, NULL, &noldoptions);

		for (i = 0; i < noldoptions; i++)
			text	   *oldoption = DatumGetTextP(oldoptions[i]);
			char	   *text_str = VARDATA(oldoption);
			int			text_len = VARSIZE(oldoption) - VARHDRSZ;

			/* Search for a match in defList */
			foreach(cell, defList)
				DefElem    *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell);
				int			kw_len;

				/* ignore if not in the same namespace */
				if (namspace == NULL)
					if (def->defnamespace != NULL)
				else if (def->defnamespace == NULL)
				else if (pg_strcasecmp(def->defnamespace, namspace) != 0)

				kw_len = strlen(def->defname);
				if (text_len > kw_len && text_str[kw_len] == '=' &&
					pg_strncasecmp(text_str, def->defname, kw_len) == 0)
			if (!cell)
				/* No match, so keep old option */
				astate = accumArrayResult(astate, oldoptions[i],
										  false, TEXTOID,
 * Validate the generic options given to a FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER, SERVER,
 * USER MAPPING or FOREIGN TABLE that uses file_fdw.
 * Raise an ERROR if the option or its value is considered invalid.
	List       *options_list = untransformRelOptions(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
	Oid         catalog = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
	char       *filename = NULL;
	DefElem    *force_not_null = NULL;
	List       *other_options = NIL;
	ListCell   *cell;

	 * Only superusers are allowed to set options of a file_fdw foreign table.
	 * This is because the filename is one of those options, and we don't want
	 * non-superusers to be able to determine which file gets read.
	 * Putting this sort of permissions check in a validator is a bit of a
	 * crock, but there doesn't seem to be any other place that can enforce
	 * the check more cleanly.
	 * Note that the valid_options[] array disallows setting filename at any
	 * options level other than foreign table --- otherwise there'd still be a
	 * security hole.
	if (catalog == ForeignTableRelationId && !superuser())
				 errmsg("only superuser can change options of a file_fdw foreign table")));

	 * Check that only options supported by file_fdw, and allowed for the
	 * current object type, are given.
	foreach(cell, options_list)
		DefElem    *def = (DefElem *) lfirst(cell);

		if (!is_valid_option(def->defname, catalog))
			const struct FileFdwOption *opt;
			StringInfoData buf;

			 * Unknown option specified, complain about it. Provide a hint
			 * with list of valid options for the object.
			for (opt = valid_options; opt->optname; opt++)
				if (catalog == opt->optcontext)
					appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s%s", (buf.len > 0) ? ", " : "",

					 errmsg("invalid option \"%s\"", def->defname),
					 buf.len > 0
					 ? errhint("Valid options in this context are: %s",
					 : errhint("There are no valid options in this context.")));

		 * Separate out filename and force_not_null, since ProcessCopyOptions
		 * won't accept them.  (force_not_null only comes in a boolean
		 * per-column flavor here.)
		if (strcmp(def->defname, "filename") == 0)
			if (filename)
						 errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
			filename = defGetString(def);
		else if (strcmp(def->defname, "force_not_null") == 0)
			if (force_not_null)
						 errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
			force_not_null = def;
			/* Don't care what the value is, as long as it's a legal boolean */
			(void) defGetBoolean(def);
			other_options = lappend(other_options, def);
Пример #30
 * Generate targetlist for a set-operation plan node
 * colTypes: column datatypes for non-junk columns
 * flag: -1 if no flag column needed, 0 or 1 to create a const flag column
 * hack_constants: true to copy up constants (see comments in code)
 * input_tlist: targetlist of this node's input node
 * refnames_tlist: targetlist to take column names from
static List *
generate_setop_tlist(List *colTypes, int flag,
                     bool hack_constants,
                     List *input_tlist,
                     List *refnames_tlist)
    List	   *tlist = NIL;
    int			resno = 1;
    List	   *i;
    Resdom	   *resdom;
    Node	   *expr;

    foreach(i, colTypes)
        Oid			colType = lfirsto(i);
        TargetEntry *inputtle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(input_tlist);
        TargetEntry *reftle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(refnames_tlist);
        int32		colTypmod;

        Assert(inputtle->resdom->resno == resno);
        Assert(reftle->resdom->resno == resno);

         * Generate columns referencing input columns and having
         * appropriate data types and column names.  Insert datatype
         * coercions where necessary.
         * HACK: constants in the input's targetlist are copied up as-is
         * rather than being referenced as subquery outputs.  This is
         * mainly to ensure that when we try to coerce them to the output
         * column's datatype, the right things happen for UNKNOWN
         * constants.  But do this only at the first level of
         * subquery-scan plans; we don't want phony constants appearing in
         * the output tlists of upper-level nodes!
        if (hack_constants && inputtle->expr && IsA(inputtle->expr, Const))
            expr = (Node *) inputtle->expr;
            expr = (Node *) makeVar(0,
        if (inputtle->resdom->restype == colType)
            /* no coercion needed, and believe the input typmod */
            colTypmod = inputtle->resdom->restypmod;
            expr = coerce_to_common_type(NULL,	/* no UNKNOWNs here */
            colTypmod = -1;
        resdom = makeResdom((AttrNumber) resno++,
        tlist = lappend(tlist, makeTargetEntry(resdom, (Expr *) expr));
        input_tlist = lnext(input_tlist);
        refnames_tlist = lnext(refnames_tlist);