BOOL LLBreastMotion::onUpdate(F32 time, U8* joint_mask)
	// Skip if disabled globally.
	// <FS:PP> Attempt to speed up things a little
	// if (!gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AvatarPhysics"))
	static LLCachedControl<bool> AvatarPhysics(gSavedSettings, "AvatarPhysics");
	if (!AvatarPhysics)
	// </FS:PP>
		return TRUE;

	// Higher LOD is better.  This controls the granularity
	// and frequency of updates for the motions.
	const F32 lod_factor = LLVOAvatar::sPhysicsLODFactor;
	if (lod_factor == 0)
		return TRUE;
	if (mCharacter->getSex() != SEX_FEMALE) return TRUE;
	const F32 time_delta = calculateTimeDelta();
	if (time_delta < .01 || time_delta > 10.0) return TRUE;

	// Get all parameters and settings

	mBreastMassParam = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Mass");
	mBreastSmoothingParam = (U32)(mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Smoothing"));
	mBreastGravityParam = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Gravity");

	mBreastSpringParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Spring");
	mBreastGainParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Gain");
	mBreastDampingParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Damping");
	mBreastMaxVelocityParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Max_Velocity");
	mBreastDragParam[0] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_Side_Drag");

	mBreastSpringParam[1] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Spring");
	mBreastGainParam[1] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Gain");
	mBreastDampingParam[1] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Damping");
	mBreastMaxVelocityParam[1] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Max_Velocity");
	mBreastDragParam[1] = mCharacter->getVisualParamWeight("Breast_Physics_UpDown_Drag");

	// Get the current morph parameters.
	LLVector3 breast_user_local_pt(0,0,0);
	for (U32 i=0; i < N_PARAMS; i++)
		if (mBreastParamsUser[i] != NULL)
			breast_user_local_pt[i] = mBreastParamsUser[i]->getWeight();
	LLVector3 breast_current_local_pt = mBreastLastPosition_local_pt;

	// End parameters and settings

	// Calculate velocity and acceleration in parameter space.

	const LLVector3 char_velocity_local_vec = calculateVelocity_local(time_delta);
	const LLVector3 char_acceleration_local_vec = calculateAcceleration_local(char_velocity_local_vec, time_delta);
	mCharLastVelocity_local_vec = char_velocity_local_vec;

	LLJoint *chest_joint = mChestState->getJoint();
	mCharLastPosition_world_pt = chest_joint->getWorldPosition();

	// End velocity and acceleration

	// Calculate the total force 

	// Spring force is a restoring force towards the original user-set breast position.
	// F = kx
	const LLVector3 spring_length_local = breast_current_local_pt-breast_user_local_pt;
	LLVector3 force_spring_local_vec = -spring_length_local; force_spring_local_vec *= mBreastSpringParam;

	// Acceleration is the force that comes from the change in velocity of the torso.
	// F = ma + mg
	LLVector3 force_accel_local_vec = char_acceleration_local_vec * mBreastMassParam;
	const LLVector3 force_gravity_local_vec = toLocal(LLVector3(0,0,1))* mBreastGravityParam * mBreastMassParam;
	force_accel_local_vec += force_gravity_local_vec;
	force_accel_local_vec *= mBreastGainParam;

	// Damping is a restoring force that opposes the current velocity.
	// F = -kv
	LLVector3 force_damping_local_vec = -mBreastDampingParam; 
	force_damping_local_vec *= mBreastVelocity_local_vec;
	// Drag is a force imparted by velocity, intuitively it is similar to wind resistance.
	// F = .5v*v
	LLVector3 force_drag_local_vec = .5*char_velocity_local_vec;
	force_drag_local_vec *= char_velocity_local_vec;
	force_drag_local_vec *= mBreastDragParam[0];

	LLVector3 force_net_local_vec = 
		force_accel_local_vec + 
		force_gravity_local_vec +
		force_spring_local_vec + 
		force_damping_local_vec + 

	// End total force

	// Calculate new params

	// Calculate the new acceleration based on the net force.
	// a = F/m
	LLVector3 acceleration_local_vec = force_net_local_vec / mBreastMassParam;
	mBreastVelocity_local_vec += acceleration_local_vec;
	mBreastVelocity_local_vec.clamp(-mBreastMaxVelocityParam*100.0, mBreastMaxVelocityParam*100.0);

	// Temporary debugging setting to cause all avatars to move, for profiling purposes.
	// <FS:PP> Attempt to speed up things a little
	// if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AvatarPhysicsTest"))
	static LLCachedControl<bool> AvatarPhysicsTest(gSavedSettings, "AvatarPhysicsTest");
	if (AvatarPhysicsTest)
	// </FS:PP>
		mBreastVelocity_local_vec[0] = sin(mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32()*4.0)*5.0;
		mBreastVelocity_local_vec[1] = sin(mTimer.getElapsedTimeF32()*3.0)*5.0;
	// Calculate the new parameters and clamp them to the min/max ranges.
	LLVector3 new_local_pt = breast_current_local_pt + mBreastVelocity_local_vec*time_delta;
	// Set the new parameters.
	for (U32 i=0; i < 3; i++)
		// If the param is disabled, just set the param to the user value.
		if (mBreastMaxVelocityParam[i] == 0)
			new_local_pt[i] = breast_user_local_pt[i];
		if (mBreastParamsDriven[i])

	mBreastLastPosition_local_pt = new_local_pt;
	// End calculate new params

	// Conditionally update the visual params

	// Updating the visual params (i.e. what the user sees) is fairly expensive.
	// So only update if the params have changed enough, and also take into account
	// the graphics LOD settings.
	// For non-self, if the avatar is small enough visually, then don't update.
	const BOOL is_self = (dynamic_cast<LLVOAvatarSelf *>(this) != NULL);
	if (!is_self)
		const F32 area_for_max_settings = 0.0;
		const F32 area_for_min_settings = 1400.0;

		const F32 area_for_this_setting = area_for_max_settings + (area_for_min_settings-area_for_max_settings)*(1.0-lod_factor);
		const F32 pixel_area = fsqrtf(mCharacter->getPixelArea());
		if (pixel_area < area_for_this_setting)
			return TRUE;

	// If the parameter hasn't changed enough, then don't update.
	LLVector3 position_diff = mBreastLastUpdatePosition_local_pt-new_local_pt;
	for (U32 i=0; i < 3; i++)
		const F32 min_delta = (1.0-lod_factor)*(mBreastParamsMax[i]-mBreastParamsMin[i])/2.0;
		if (llabs(position_diff[i]) > min_delta)
			mBreastLastUpdatePosition_local_pt = new_local_pt;
			return TRUE;
	// End update visual params

	return TRUE;
Пример #2
Файл: dec.c Проект: BossKing/vlc
static void aout_DecSynchronize (audio_output_t *aout, mtime_t dec_pts,
                                 int input_rate)
    aout_owner_t *owner = aout_owner (aout);
    mtime_t drift;

     * Depending on the drift between the actual and intended playback times,
     * the audio core may ignore the drift, trigger upsampling or downsampling,
     * insert silence or even discard samples.
     * Future VLC versions may instead adjust the input rate.
     * The audio output plugin is responsible for estimating its actual
     * playback time, or rather the estimated time when the next sample will
     * be played. (The actual playback time is always the current time, that is
     * to say mdate(). It is not an useful statistic.)
     * Most audio output plugins can estimate the delay until playback of
     * the next sample to be written to the buffer, or equally the time until
     * all samples in the buffer will have been played. Then:
     *    pts = mdate() + delay
    if (aout_OutputTimeGet (aout, &drift) != 0)
        return; /* nothing can be done if timing is unknown */
    drift += mdate () - dec_pts;

    /* Late audio output.
     * This can happen due to insufficient caching, scheduling jitter
     * or bug in the decoder. Ideally, the output would seek backward. But that
     * is not portable, not supported by some hardware and often unsafe/buggy
     * where supported. The other alternative is to flush the buffers
     * completely. */
    if (drift > (owner->sync.discontinuity ? 0
                  : +3 * input_rate * AOUT_MAX_PTS_DELAY / INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT))
        if (!owner->sync.discontinuity)
            msg_Warn (aout, "playback way too late (%"PRId64"): "
                      "flushing buffers", drift);
            msg_Dbg (aout, "playback too late (%"PRId64"): "
                     "flushing buffers", drift);
        aout_OutputFlush (aout, false);

        aout_StopResampling (aout);
        owner->sync.end = VLC_TS_INVALID;
        owner->sync.discontinuity = true;

        /* Now the output might be too early... Recheck. */
        if (aout_OutputTimeGet (aout, &drift) != 0)
            return; /* nothing can be done if timing is unknown */
        drift += mdate () - dec_pts;

    /* Early audio output.
     * This is rare except at startup when the buffers are still empty. */
    if (drift < (owner->sync.discontinuity ? 0
                : -3 * input_rate * AOUT_MAX_PTS_ADVANCE / INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT))
        if (!owner->sync.discontinuity)
            msg_Warn (aout, "playback way too early (%"PRId64"): "
                      "playing silence", drift);
        aout_DecSilence (aout, -drift, dec_pts);

        aout_StopResampling (aout);
        owner->sync.discontinuity = true;
        drift = 0;

    /* Resampling */
    if (drift > +AOUT_MAX_PTS_DELAY
     && owner->sync.resamp_type != AOUT_RESAMPLING_UP)
        msg_Warn (aout, "playback too late (%"PRId64"): up-sampling",
        owner->sync.resamp_type = AOUT_RESAMPLING_UP;
        owner->sync.resamp_start_drift = +drift;
    if (drift < -AOUT_MAX_PTS_ADVANCE
     && owner->sync.resamp_type != AOUT_RESAMPLING_DOWN)
        msg_Warn (aout, "playback too early (%"PRId64"): down-sampling",
        owner->sync.resamp_type = AOUT_RESAMPLING_DOWN;
        owner->sync.resamp_start_drift = -drift;

    if (owner->sync.resamp_type == AOUT_RESAMPLING_NONE)
        return; /* Everything is fine. Nothing to do. */

    if (llabs (drift) > 2 * owner->sync.resamp_start_drift)
    {   /* If the drift is ever increasing, then something is seriously wrong.
         * Cease resampling and hope for the best. */
        msg_Warn (aout, "timing screwed (drift: %"PRId64" us): "
                  "stopping resampling", drift);
        aout_StopResampling (aout);

    /* Resampling has been triggered earlier. This checks if it needs to be
     * increased or decreased. Resampling rate changes must be kept slow for
     * the comfort of listeners. */
    int adj = (owner->sync.resamp_type == AOUT_RESAMPLING_UP) ? +2 : -2;

    if (2 * llabs (drift) <= owner->sync.resamp_start_drift)
        /* If the drift has been reduced from more than half its initial
         * value, then it is time to switch back the resampling direction. */
        adj *= -1;

    if (!aout_FiltersAdjustResampling (owner->filters, adj))
    {   /* Everything is back to normal: stop resampling. */
        owner->sync.resamp_type = AOUT_RESAMPLING_NONE;
        msg_Dbg (aout, "resampling stopped (drift: %"PRId64" us)", drift);
Пример #3
void LLChicletBar::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
	static S32 debug_calling_number = 0;
	LL_DEBUGS() << "**************************************** " << ++debug_calling_number << LL_ENDL;

	S32 current_width = getRect().getWidth();
	S32 delta_width = width - current_width;
	LL_DEBUGS() << "Reshaping: "
		<< ", width: " << width
		<< ", cur width: " << current_width
		<< ", delta_width: " << delta_width
		<< ", called_from_parent: " << called_from_parent
		<< LL_ENDL;

	if (mChicletPanel)			log(mChicletPanel, "before");

	// Difference between chiclet bar width required to fit its children and the actual width. (see EXT-991)
	// Positive value means that chiclet bar is not wide enough.
	// Negative value means that there is free space.
	static S32 extra_shrink_width = 0;
	bool should_be_reshaped = true;

	if (mChicletPanel && mToolbarStack)
		// Firstly, update layout stack to ensure we deal with correct panel sizes.
			// Force the updating of layout to reset panels collapse factor.

		// chiclet bar is narrowed
		if (delta_width < 0)
			if (extra_shrink_width > 0) // not enough space
				extra_shrink_width += llabs(delta_width);
				should_be_reshaped = false;
				extra_shrink_width = processWidthDecreased(delta_width);

				// increase new width to extra_shrink_width value to not reshape less than chiclet bar minimum
				width += extra_shrink_width;
		// chiclet bar is widened
			if (extra_shrink_width > delta_width)
				// Still not enough space.
				// Only subtract the delta from the required delta and don't reshape.
				extra_shrink_width -= delta_width;
				should_be_reshaped = false;
			else if (extra_shrink_width > 0)
				// If we have some extra shrink width let's reduce delta_width & width
				delta_width -= extra_shrink_width;
				width -= extra_shrink_width;
				extra_shrink_width = 0;

	if (should_be_reshaped)
		LL_DEBUGS() << "Reshape all children with width: " << width << LL_ENDL;
		LLPanel::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent);

	if (mChicletPanel)			log(mChicletPanel, "after");
Пример #4
llong CExpression::GetSingle( lpctstr & pszArgs )
	// Parse just a single expression without any operators or ranges.

	lpctstr orig = pszArgs;
	if (pszArgs[0]=='.')

	if ( pszArgs[0] == '0' )	// leading '0' = hex value.
		// A hex value.
		if ( pszArgs[1] == '.' )	// leading 0. means it really is decimal.
			pszArgs += 2;
			goto try_dec;

		lpctstr pStart = pszArgs;
		ullong val = 0;
		while (true)
			tchar ch = *pszArgs;
			if ( IsDigit(ch) )
				ch -= '0';
				ch = static_cast<tchar>(tolower(ch));
				if ( ch > 'f' || ch < 'a' )
					if ( ch == '.' && pStart[0] != '0' )	// ok i'm confused. it must be decimal.
						pszArgs = pStart;
						goto try_dec;
				ch -= 'a' - 10;
			val *= 0x10;
			val += ch;
		return (llong)val;
	else if ( pszArgs[0] == '.' || IsDigit(pszArgs[0]) )
		// A decminal number
		llong iVal = 0;
		for ( ; ; ++pszArgs )
			if ( *pszArgs == '.' )
				continue;	// just skip this.
			if ( ! IsDigit(*pszArgs) )
			iVal *= 10;
			iVal += *pszArgs - '0';
		return iVal;
	else if ( ! _ISCSYMF(pszArgs[0]) )
	#pragma region maths
		// some sort of math op ?

		switch ( pszArgs[0] )
		case '{':
			return GetRangeNumber( pszArgs );
		case '[':
		case '(': // Parse out a sub expression.
			return GetVal( pszArgs );
		case '+':
		case '-':
			return -GetSingle( pszArgs );
		case '~':	// Bitwise not.
			return ~GetSingle( pszArgs );
		case '!':	// boolean not.
			if ( pszArgs[0] == '=' )  // odd condition such as (!=x) which is always true of course.
				++pszArgs;		// so just skip it. and compare it to 0
				return GetSingle( pszArgs );
			return !GetSingle( pszArgs );
		case ';':	// seperate field.
		case ',':	// seperate field.
		case '\0':
			return 0;
#pragma endregion maths
	#pragma region intrinsics
		// Symbol or intrinsinc function ?

		INTRINSIC_TYPE iIntrinsic = (INTRINSIC_TYPE) FindTableHeadSorted( pszArgs, sm_IntrinsicFunctions, CountOf(sm_IntrinsicFunctions)-1 );
		if ( iIntrinsic >= 0 )
			size_t iLen = strlen(sm_IntrinsicFunctions[iIntrinsic]);
			if ( pszArgs[iLen] == '(' )
				pszArgs += (iLen + 1);
				tchar * pszArgsNext;
				Str_Parse( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), &(pszArgsNext), ")" );

				tchar * ppCmd[5];
				llong iResult;
				size_t iCount = 0;

				switch ( iIntrinsic )
					case INTRINSIC_ID:
						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = RES_GET_INDEX( GetVal(pszArgs) );
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;

					} break;

                    case INTRINSIC_MAX:
                        iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 2, "," );
                        if ( iCount < 2 )
                            iResult = 0;
                            const int64 iVal1 = GetVal(ppCmd[0]), iVal2 = GetVal(ppCmd[1]);
                            iResult = maximum(iVal1, iVal2);
                    } break;

                    case INTRINSIC_MIN:
                        iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 2, "," );
                        if ( iCount < 2 )
                            iResult = 0;
                            const int64 iVal1 = GetVal(ppCmd[0]), iVal2 = GetVal(ppCmd[1]);
                            iResult = minimum(iVal1, iVal2);
                    } break;

						iCount = 0;
						iResult = 0;

						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							llong iArgument = GetVal(pszArgs);
							if ( iArgument <= 0 )
								DEBUG_ERR(( "Exp_GetVal: (x)Log(%" PRId64 ") is %s\n", iArgument, (!iArgument) ? "infinite" : "undefined" ));
								iCount = 1;

								if ( strchr(pszArgs, ',') )
									if ( !strcmpi(pszArgs, "e") )
										iResult = (llong)log( (double)iArgument );
									else if ( !strcmpi(pszArgs, "pi") )
										iResult = (llong)(log( (double)iArgument ) / log( M_PI ) );
										llong iBase = GetVal(pszArgs);
										if ( iBase <= 0 )
											DEBUG_ERR(( "Exp_GetVal: (%" PRId64 ")Log(%" PRId64 ") is %s\n", iBase, iArgument, (!iBase ? "infinite" : "undefined") ));
											iCount = 0;
											iResult = (llong)(log( (double)iArgument ) / log( (double)iBase ));
									iResult = (llong)log10( (double)iArgument );

					} break;

						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = (llong)exp( (double)GetVal( pszArgs ) );
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;

					} break;

						iCount = 0;
						iResult = 0;

						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							llong iTosquare = GetVal(pszArgs);

							if (iTosquare >= 0)
								iResult = (llong)sqrt( (double)iTosquare );
								DEBUG_ERR(( "Exp_GetVal: Sqrt of negative number (%" PRId64 ") is impossible\n", iTosquare ));

					} break;

					case INTRINSIC_SIN:
						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = (llong)sin( (double)GetVal( pszArgs ) );
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;

					} break;

						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = (llong)asin( (double)GetVal( pszArgs ) );
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;

					} break;

					case INTRINSIC_COS:
						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = (llong)cos( (double)GetVal( pszArgs ) );
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;

					} break;

						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = (llong)acos( (double)GetVal( pszArgs ) );
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;

					} break;

					case INTRINSIC_TAN:
						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = (llong)tan( (double)GetVal( pszArgs ) );
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;

					} break;

						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = (llong)atan( (double)GetVal( pszArgs ) );
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;

					} break;

					case INTRINSIC_StrIndexOf:
						iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 3, "," );
						if ( iCount < 2 )
							iResult = -1;
							iResult = Str_IndexOf( ppCmd[0] , ppCmd[1] , (iCount==3)?(int)GetVal(ppCmd[2]):0 );
					} break;

						iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 2, "," );
						if ( iCount < 2 )
							iResult = 0;
							iResult = (Str_Match( ppCmd[0], ppCmd[1] ) == MATCH_VALID ) ? 1 : 0;
					} break;

						iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 2, "," );
						if ( iCount < 2 )
							iResult = 0;
							tchar * tLastError = Str_GetTemp();
							iResult = Str_RegExMatch( ppCmd[0], ppCmd[1], tLastError );
							if ( iResult == -1 )
								DEBUG_ERR(( "STRREGEX bad function usage. Error: %s\n", tLastError ));
					} break;

						iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 2, "," );
						if ( iCount < 2 )
							iResult = 0;
							iResult = Calc_GetBellCurve( (int)GetVal( ppCmd[0] ), (int)GetVal( ppCmd[1] ) );
					} break;

						if ( pszArgs && *pszArgs )
							iCount = 1;
							iResult = pszArgs[0];
							iCount = 0;
							iResult = 0;
					} break;

						iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 2, "," );
						if ( iCount <= 0 )
							iResult = 0;
							int64 val1 = GetVal( ppCmd[0] );
							if ( iCount == 2 )
								int64 val2 = GetVal( ppCmd[1] );
								iResult = Calc_GetRandLLVal2( val1, val2 );
								iResult = Calc_GetRandLLVal(val1);
					} break;

						iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 2, "," );
						if ( iCount < 2 )
							iResult = 1;
							iResult = strcmp(ppCmd[0], ppCmd[1]);
					} break;

						iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 2, "," );
						if ( iCount < 2 )
							iResult = 1;
							iResult = strcmpi(ppCmd[0], ppCmd[1]);
					} break;

						iCount = 1;
						iResult = strlen(pszArgs);
					} break;

						iCount = 1;
						iResult = g_Cfg.IsObscene( pszArgs );
					} break;
						iCount = 1;
                            GETNONWHITESPACE( pszArgs );
                            if (*pszArgs == '-')
							iResult = IsStrNumeric( pszArgs );
					} break;

						iCount = Str_ParseCmds( const_cast<tchar*>(pszArgs), ppCmd, 5, "," );
						if ( iCount < 3 )
							iResult = 0;
							llong a1 = GetSingle(ppCmd[0]);
							llong a2 = GetSingle(ppCmd[1]);
							if ( a1 < a2 )			iResult = GetSingle(ppCmd[2]);
							else if ( a1 == a2 )	iResult = ( iCount < 4 ) ? 0 : GetSingle(ppCmd[3]);
							else					iResult = ( iCount < 5 ) ? 0 : GetSingle(ppCmd[4]);
					} break;

					case INTRINSIC_ABS:
						iCount = 1;
						iResult = llabs(GetVal(pszArgs));
					} break;

						iCount = 0;
						iResult = 0;

				pszArgs = pszArgsNext;

				if ( !iCount )
					DEBUG_ERR(( "Bad intrinsic function usage: Missing arguments\n" ));
					return 0;
					return iResult;

		// Must be a symbol of some sort ?
        lpctstr ptcArgsOriginal = pszArgs;
		llong llVal;
		if ( m_VarGlobals.GetParseVal_Advance( pszArgs, &llVal ) )  // VAR.
			return llVal;
        if ( m_VarResDefs.GetParseVal( ptcArgsOriginal, &llVal ) )  // RESDEF.
            return llVal;
		if ( m_VarDefs.GetParseVal( ptcArgsOriginal, &llVal ) )     // DEF.
			return llVal;
#pragma endregion intrinsics

	// hard end ! Error of some sort.
	size_t i = GetIdentifierString( szTag, pszArgs );
	pszArgs += i;	// skip it.
	if ( strlen(orig) > 1)
		DEBUG_ERR(("Undefined symbol '%s' ['%s']\n", szTag, orig));
		DEBUG_ERR(("Undefined symbol '%s'\n", szTag));
	return 0;
Пример #5
void LLPanelFace::getState()
	LLViewerObject* objectp = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getFirstObject();

	LLCalc* calcp = LLCalc::getInstance();
	if( objectp
		&& objectp->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME
		&& objectp->permModify())
		BOOL editable = objectp->permModify();

		// only turn on auto-adjust button if there is a media renderer and the media is loaded
		childSetEnabled("textbox autofix",FALSE);
		//mLabelTexAutoFix->setEnabled ( FALSE );
		childSetEnabled("button align",FALSE);
		//mBtnAutoFix->setEnabled ( FALSE );
		//if ( LLMediaEngine::getInstance()->getMediaRenderer () )
		//	if ( LLMediaEngine::getInstance()->getMediaRenderer ()->isLoaded () )
		//	{	
		//		//mLabelTexAutoFix->setEnabled ( editable );
		//		//mBtnAutoFix->setEnabled ( editable );
		//	}
		S32 selected_count = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getObjectCount();
		BOOL single_volume = (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionAllPCode( LL_PCODE_VOLUME ))
						 && (selected_count == 1);
		childSetEnabled("copytextures", single_volume && editable);
		childSetEnabled("pastetextures", single_volume && editable);
		childSetEnabled("textbox params", single_volume && editable);
		childSetEnabled("button apply",editable);

		bool identical;
		LLTextureCtrl*	texture_ctrl = getChild<LLTextureCtrl>("texture control");
		// Texture
			LLUUID id;
			struct f1 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<LLUUID>
				LLUUID get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 te)
					LLViewerImage* image = object->getTEImage(te);
					return image ? image->getID() : LLUUID::null;
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, id );

			if (identical)
				// All selected have the same texture
					texture_ctrl->setTentative( FALSE );
					texture_ctrl->setEnabled( editable );
					texture_ctrl->setImageAssetID( id );
					if( id.isNull() )
						// None selected
						texture_ctrl->setTentative( FALSE );
						texture_ctrl->setEnabled( FALSE );
						texture_ctrl->setImageAssetID( LLUUID::null );
						// Tentative: multiple selected with different textures
						texture_ctrl->setTentative( TRUE );
						texture_ctrl->setEnabled( editable );
						texture_ctrl->setImageAssetID( id );

				childSetEnabled("textbox autofix",editable);
				childSetEnabled("button align",editable);


		LLAggregatePermissions texture_perms;
// 			texture_ctrl->setValid( editable );
			if (LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetAggregateTexturePermissions(texture_perms))
				BOOL can_copy = 
					texture_perms.getValue(PERM_COPY) == LLAggregatePermissions::AP_EMPTY || 
					texture_perms.getValue(PERM_COPY) == LLAggregatePermissions::AP_ALL;
				BOOL can_transfer = 
					texture_perms.getValue(PERM_TRANSFER) == LLAggregatePermissions::AP_EMPTY || 
					texture_perms.getValue(PERM_TRANSFER) == LLAggregatePermissions::AP_ALL;
				texture_ctrl->setCanApplyImmediately(can_copy && can_transfer);

		// planar align
		bool align_planar = false;
		bool identical_planar_aligned = false;
			LLCheckBoxCtrl*	cb_planar_align = getChild<LLCheckBoxCtrl>("checkbox planar align");
			align_planar = (cb_planar_align && cb_planar_align->get());
			struct f1 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<bool>
				bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return (object->getTE(face)->getTexGen() == LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_PLANAR);
			} func;
			bool is_planar;
			bool texgens_identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, is_planar );
			bool enabled = (editable && texgens_identical && is_planar);
			childSetValue("checkbox planar align", align_planar && enabled);
			childSetEnabled("checkbox planar align", enabled);
			if (align_planar && enabled)
				struct f2 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<LLFace *>
					LLFace* get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 te)
						return (object->mDrawable) ? object->mDrawable->getFace(te): NULL;
				} get_te_face_func;
				LLFace* last_face;
				LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue(&get_te_face_func, last_face);
				LLPanelFaceGetIsAlignedTEFunctor get_is_aligend_func(last_face);
				// this will determine if the texture param controls are tentative:
				identical_planar_aligned = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->applyToTEs(&get_is_aligend_func);
		// Texture scale
			childSetEnabled("tex scale",editable);
			//mLabelTexScale->setEnabled( editable );
			F32 scale_s = 1.f;
			struct f2 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return object->getTE(face)->mScaleS;
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, scale_s );
			identical = align_planar ? identical_planar_aligned : identical;
			childSetValue("TexScaleU",editable ? llabs(scale_s) : 0);
			childSetValue("checkbox flip s",LLSD((BOOL)(scale_s < 0 ? TRUE : FALSE )));
			childSetTentative("checkbox flip s",LLSD((BOOL)((!identical) ? TRUE : FALSE )));
			childSetEnabled("checkbox flip s",editable);

			F32 scale_t = 1.f;
			struct f3 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return object->getTE(face)->mScaleT;
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, scale_t );
			identical = align_planar ? identical_planar_aligned : identical;

			childSetValue("TexScaleV",llabs(editable ? llabs(scale_t) : 0));
			childSetValue("checkbox flip t",LLSD((BOOL)(scale_t< 0 ? TRUE : FALSE )));
			childSetTentative("checkbox flip t",LLSD((BOOL)((!identical) ? TRUE : FALSE )));
			childSetEnabled("checkbox flip t",editable);

		// Texture offset
			childSetEnabled("tex offset",editable);
			F32 offset_s = 0.f;
			struct f4 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return object->getTE(face)->mOffsetS;
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, offset_s );
			identical = align_planar ? identical_planar_aligned : identical;
			childSetValue("TexOffsetU", editable ? offset_s : 0);

			F32 offset_t = 0.f;
			struct f5 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return object->getTE(face)->mOffsetT;
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, offset_t );
			identical = align_planar ? identical_planar_aligned : identical;
			childSetValue("TexOffsetV", editable ? offset_t : 0);

		// Texture rotation
			childSetEnabled("tex rotate",editable);
			F32 rotation = 0.f;
			struct f6 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return object->getTE(face)->mRotation;
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, rotation );
			identical = align_planar ? identical_planar_aligned : identical;
			childSetValue("TexRot", editable ? rotation * RAD_TO_DEG : 0);

		// Color swatch
		LLColorSwatchCtrl*	mColorSwatch = getChild<LLColorSwatchCtrl>("colorswatch");
		LLColor4 color = LLColor4::white;
			struct f7 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<LLColor4>
				LLColor4 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return object->getTE(face)->getColor();
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, color );
			mColorSwatch->set(color, TRUE);

			mColorSwatch->setEnabled( editable );
			mColorSwatch->setCanApplyImmediately( editable );
		// Color transparency
			childSetEnabled("color trans",editable);

		F32 transparency = (1.f - color.mV[VALPHA]) * 100.f;
			childSetValue("ColorTrans", editable ? transparency : 0);

			F32 glow = 0.f;
			struct f8 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return object->getTE(face)->getGlow();
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, glow );

			childSetEnabled("glow label",editable);


		// Bump
			F32 shinyf = 0.f;
			struct f9 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return (F32)(object->getTE(face)->getShiny());
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, shinyf );
			LLCtrlSelectionInterface* combobox_shininess =
			      childGetSelectionInterface("combobox shininess");
			if (combobox_shininess)
				llwarns << "failed childGetSelectionInterface for 'combobox shininess'" << llendl;
			childSetEnabled("combobox shininess",editable);
			childSetTentative("combobox shininess",!identical);
			childSetEnabled("label shininess",editable);

			F32 bumpf = 0.f;
			struct f10 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return (F32)(object->getTE(face)->getBumpmap());
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, bumpf );
			LLCtrlSelectionInterface* combobox_bumpiness =
			      childGetSelectionInterface("combobox bumpiness");
			if (combobox_bumpiness)
				llwarns << "failed childGetSelectionInterface for 'combobox bumpiness'" << llendl;
			childSetEnabled("combobox bumpiness",editable);
			childSetTentative("combobox bumpiness",!identical);
			childSetEnabled("label bumpiness",editable);

			F32 genf = 0.f;
			struct f11 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return (F32)(object->getTE(face)->getTexGen());
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, genf );
			S32 selected_texgen = ((S32) genf) >> TEM_TEX_GEN_SHIFT;
			LLCtrlSelectionInterface* combobox_texgen =
			      childGetSelectionInterface("combobox texgen");
			if (combobox_texgen)
				llwarns << "failed childGetSelectionInterface for 'combobox texgen'" << llendl;
			childSetEnabled("combobox texgen",editable);
			childSetTentative("combobox texgen",!identical);
			childSetEnabled("tex gen",editable);

			if (selected_texgen == 1)
				childSetText("tex scale",getString("string repeats per meter"));
				childSetValue("TexScaleU", 2.0f * childGetValue("TexScaleU").asReal() );
				childSetValue("TexScaleV", 2.0f * childGetValue("TexScaleV").asReal() );
				childSetText("tex scale",getString("string repeats per face"));


			F32 fullbrightf = 0.f;
			struct f12 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					return (F32)(object->getTE(face)->getFullbright());
			} func;
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, fullbrightf );

			childSetValue("checkbox fullbright",(S32)fullbrightf);
			childSetEnabled("checkbox fullbright",editable);
			childSetTentative("checkbox fullbright",!identical);
		// Repeats per meter label

		// Repeats per meter
			F32 repeats = 1.f;
			struct f13 : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor<F32>
				F32 get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face)
					U32 s_axis = VX;
					U32 t_axis = VY;
					// BUG: Only repeats along S axis
					// BUG: Only works for boxes.
					LLPrimitive::getTESTAxes(face, &s_axis, &t_axis);
					return object->getTE(face)->mScaleS / object->getScale().mV[s_axis];
			} func;			
			identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func, repeats );
			childSetValue("rptctrl", editable ? repeats : 0);
			LLComboBox*	mComboTexGen = getChild<LLComboBox>("combobox texgen");
			if (mComboTexGen)
				BOOL enabled = editable && (!mComboTexGen || mComboTexGen->getCurrentIndex() != 1);
				childSetEnabled("button apply",enabled);

		// Set variable values for numeric expressions
		calcp->setVar(LLCalc::TEX_U_SCALE, childGetValue("TexScaleU").asReal());
		calcp->setVar(LLCalc::TEX_V_SCALE, childGetValue("TexScaleV").asReal());
		calcp->setVar(LLCalc::TEX_U_OFFSET, childGetValue("TexOffsetU").asReal());
		calcp->setVar(LLCalc::TEX_V_OFFSET, childGetValue("TexOffsetV").asReal());
		calcp->setVar(LLCalc::TEX_ROTATION, childGetValue("TexRot").asReal());
		calcp->setVar(LLCalc::TEX_TRANSPARENCY, childGetValue("ColorTrans").asReal());
		calcp->setVar(LLCalc::TEX_GLOW, childGetValue("glow").asReal());
Пример #6
BOOL LLToolCamera::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	S32 dx = gViewerWindow->getCurrentMouseDX();
	S32 dy = gViewerWindow->getCurrentMouseDY();
	BOOL moved_outside_slop = FALSE;
	if (hasMouseCapture() && mValidClickPoint)
		mAccumX += llabs(dx);
		mAccumY += llabs(dy);

		if (mAccumX >= SLOP_RANGE)
			if (!mOutsideSlopX)
				moved_outside_slop = TRUE;
			mOutsideSlopX = TRUE;

		if (mAccumY >= SLOP_RANGE)
			if (!mOutsideSlopY)
				moved_outside_slop = TRUE;
			mOutsideSlopY = TRUE;

	if (mOutsideSlopX || mOutsideSlopY)
		if (!mValidClickPoint)
			lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by LLToolFocus [invalid point]" << llendl;
			return TRUE;

		if (gCameraBtnOrbit ||
			mask == MASK_ORBIT || 
			mask == (MASK_ALT | MASK_ORBIT))
			// Orbit tool
			if (hasMouseCapture())
				const F32 RADIANS_PER_PIXEL = 360.f * DEG_TO_RAD / gViewerWindow->getWorldViewWidthScaled();

				if (dx != 0)
					gAgentCamera.cameraOrbitAround( -dx * RADIANS_PER_PIXEL );

				if (dy != 0)
					gAgentCamera.cameraOrbitOver( -dy * RADIANS_PER_PIXEL );

			lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by LLToolFocus [active]" << llendl;
		else if (	gCameraBtnPan ||
					mask == MASK_PAN ||
					mask == (MASK_PAN | MASK_ALT) )
			// Pan tool
			if (hasMouseCapture())
				LLVector3d camera_to_focus = gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionGlobal();
				camera_to_focus -= gAgentCamera.getFocusGlobal();
				F32 dist = (F32) camera_to_focus.normVec();

				// Fudge factor for pan
				F32 meters_per_pixel = 3.f * dist / gViewerWindow->getWorldViewWidthScaled();

				if (dx != 0)
					gAgentCamera.cameraPanLeft( dx * meters_per_pixel );

				if (dy != 0)
					gAgentCamera.cameraPanUp( -dy * meters_per_pixel );

			lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by LLToolPan" << llendl;
		else if (gCameraBtnZoom)
			// Zoom tool
			if (hasMouseCapture())

				const F32 RADIANS_PER_PIXEL = 360.f * DEG_TO_RAD / gViewerWindow->getWorldViewWidthScaled();

				if (dx != 0)
					gAgentCamera.cameraOrbitAround( -dx * RADIANS_PER_PIXEL );

				const F32 IN_FACTOR = 0.99f;

				if (dy != 0 && mOutsideSlopY )
					if (mMouseSteering)
						gAgentCamera.cameraOrbitOver( -dy * RADIANS_PER_PIXEL );
						gAgentCamera.cameraZoomIn( pow( IN_FACTOR, dy ) );


			lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by LLToolZoom" << llendl;		

	if (gCameraBtnOrbit ||
		mask == MASK_ORBIT || 
		mask == (MASK_ALT | MASK_ORBIT))
	else if (	gCameraBtnPan ||
				mask == MASK_PAN ||
				mask == (MASK_PAN | MASK_ALT) )
	return TRUE;
Пример #7
void LLManip::renderTickValue(const LLVector3& pos, F32 value, const std::string& suffix, const LLColor4 &color)
	LLLocale locale(LLLocale::USER_LOCALE);

	const LLFontGL* big_fontp = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif();
	const LLFontGL* small_fontp = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerifSmall();

	std::string val_string;
	std::string fraction_string;
	F32 val_to_print = llround(value, 0.001f);
	S32 fractional_portion = llround(fmodf(llabs(val_to_print), 1.f) * 100.f);
	if (val_to_print < 0.f)
		if (fractional_portion == 0)
			val_string = llformat("-%d%s", lltrunc(llabs(val_to_print)), suffix.c_str());
			val_string = llformat("-%d", lltrunc(llabs(val_to_print)));
		if (fractional_portion == 0)
			val_string = llformat("%d%s", lltrunc(llabs(val_to_print)), suffix.c_str());
			val_string = llformat("%d", lltrunc(val_to_print));

	BOOL hud_selection = mObjectSelection->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD;
	LLVector3 render_pos = pos;
	if (hud_selection)
		F32 zoom_amt = gAgentCamera.mHUDCurZoom;
		F32 inv_zoom_amt = 1.f / zoom_amt;
		// scale text back up to counter-act zoom level
		render_pos = pos * zoom_amt;
		gGL.scalef(inv_zoom_amt, inv_zoom_amt, inv_zoom_amt);

	LLColor4 shadow_color = LLColor4::black;
	shadow_color.mV[VALPHA] = color.mV[VALPHA] * 0.5f;

	if (fractional_portion != 0)
		fraction_string = llformat("%c%02d%s", LLResMgr::getInstance()->getDecimalPoint(), fractional_portion, suffix.c_str());

		gViewerWindow->setup3DViewport(1, -1);
		hud_render_utf8text(val_string, render_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW, -1.f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(val_string), 3.f, shadow_color, hud_selection);
		hud_render_utf8text(fraction_string, render_pos, *small_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW, 1.f, 3.f, shadow_color, hud_selection);

		hud_render_utf8text(val_string, render_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW, -1.f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(val_string), 3.f, color, hud_selection);
		hud_render_utf8text(fraction_string, render_pos, *small_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW, 1.f, 3.f, color, hud_selection);
		gViewerWindow->setup3DViewport(1, -1);
		hud_render_utf8text(val_string, render_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW, -0.5f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(val_string), 3.f, shadow_color, hud_selection);
		hud_render_utf8text(val_string, render_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, LLFontGL::NO_SHADOW, -0.5f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(val_string), 3.f, color, hud_selection);
Пример #8
/* check time difference between the replicas */
time_t csync_timediff(CSYNC *ctx) {
  time_t timediff = -1;
  char errbuf[256] = {0};
  char *luri = NULL;
  char *ruri = NULL;
  csync_vio_handle_t *fp = NULL;
  csync_vio_file_stat_t *st = NULL;
  csync_vio_handle_t *dp = NULL;

  /* try to open remote dir to get auth */
  ctx->replica = ctx->remote.type;
  dp = csync_vio_opendir(ctx, ctx->remote.uri);
  if (dp == NULL) {
     * To prevent problems especially with pam_csync we shouldn't try to create the
     * remote directory here. Just fail!
    strerror_r(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
        "Access dienied to remote uri: %s - %s",
    return -1;
  csync_vio_closedir(ctx, dp);

  if (asprintf(&luri, "%s/.csync_timediff.ctmp", ctx->local.uri) < 0) {
    goto out;

  if (asprintf(&ruri, "%s/.csync_timediff.ctmp", ctx->remote.uri) < 0) {
    goto out;

  /* create temporary file on local */
  ctx->replica = ctx->local.type;
  fp = csync_vio_creat(ctx, luri, 0644);
  if (fp == NULL) {
    strerror_r(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
        "Unable to create temporary file: %s - %s",
    goto out;
  csync_vio_close(ctx, fp);

  /* Get the modification time */
  st = csync_vio_file_stat_new();
  if (csync_vio_stat(ctx, luri, st) < 0) {
    strerror_r(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
        "Synchronisation is not possible! %s - %s",
    goto out;
  timediff = st->mtime;
  st = NULL;

  /* create temporary file on remote replica */
  ctx->replica = ctx->remote.type;

  fp = csync_vio_creat(ctx, ruri, 0644);
  if (fp == NULL) {
    strerror_r(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
        "Unable to create temporary file: %s - %s",
    goto out;
  csync_vio_close(ctx, fp);

  /* Get the modification time */
  st = csync_vio_file_stat_new();
  if (csync_vio_stat(ctx, ruri, st) < 0) {
    strerror_r(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
        "Synchronisation is not possible! %s - %s",
    goto out;

  /* calc time difference */
  timediff = llabs(timediff - st->mtime);
  CSYNC_LOG(CSYNC_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Time difference: %ld seconds", timediff);


  ctx->replica = ctx->local.type;
  csync_vio_unlink(ctx, luri);

  ctx->replica = ctx->remote.type;
  csync_vio_unlink(ctx, ruri);

  return timediff;
Пример #9
void LLTracker::drawMarker(const LLVector3d& pos_global, const LLColor4& color)
	// get position
	LLVector3 pos_local = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(pos_global);

	// check in frustum
	LLCoordGL screen;
	S32 x = 0;
	S32 y = 0;

	if (LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->projectPosAgentToScreen(pos_local, screen, CLAMP)
		|| LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->projectPosAgentToScreenEdge(pos_local, screen) )
		gHUDView->screenPointToLocal(screen.mX, screen.mY, &x, &y);

		// the center of the rendered position of the arrow obeys 
		// the following rules:
		// (1) it lies on an ellipse centered on the target position 
		// (2) it lies on the line between the target and the window center
		// (3) right now the radii of the ellipse are fixed, but eventually
		//     they will be a function of the target text
		// from those rules we can compute the position of the 
		// lower left corner of the image
		LLRect rect = gHUDView->getRect();
		S32 x_center = lltrunc(0.5f * (F32)rect.getWidth());
		S32 y_center = lltrunc(0.5f * (F32)rect.getHeight());
		x = x - x_center;	// x and y relative to center
		y = y - y_center;
		F32 dist = sqrt((F32)(x*x + y*y));
		S32 half_arrow_size = lltrunc(0.5f * HUD_ARROW_SIZE);
		if (dist > 0.f)

			// compute where the arrow should be
			F32 x_target = (F32)(x + x_center) - (ARROW_ELLIPSE_RADIUS_X * ((F32)x / dist) );	
			F32 y_target = (F32)(y + y_center) - (ARROW_ELLIPSE_RADIUS_Y * ((F32)y / dist) );

			// keep the arrow within the window
			F32 x_clamped = llclamp( x_target, (F32)half_arrow_size, (F32)(rect.getWidth() - half_arrow_size));
			F32 y_clamped = llclamp( y_target, (F32)half_arrow_size, (F32)(rect.getHeight() - half_arrow_size));

			F32 slope = (F32)(y) / (F32)(x);
			F32 window_ratio = (F32)(rect.getHeight() - HUD_ARROW_SIZE) / (F32)(rect.getWidth() - HUD_ARROW_SIZE);

			// if the arrow has been clamped on one axis
			// then we need to compute the other axis
			if (llabs(slope) > window_ratio)
				if (y_clamped != (F32)y_target)
					// clamp by y 
					x_clamped = (y_clamped - (F32)y_center) / slope + (F32)x_center;
			else if (x_clamped != (F32)x_target)
				// clamp by x
				y_clamped = (x_clamped - (F32)x_center) * slope + (F32)y_center;
			mHUDArrowCenterX = lltrunc(x_clamped);
			mHUDArrowCenterY = lltrunc(y_clamped);
			// recycle the old values
			x = mHUDArrowCenterX - x_center;
			y = mHUDArrowCenterY - y_center;

		F32 angle = atan2( (F32)y, (F32)x );

		gl_draw_scaled_rotated_image(mHUDArrowCenterX - half_arrow_size, 
									 mHUDArrowCenterY - half_arrow_size, 
									 RAD_TO_DEG * angle, 
Пример #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, j;
    uint64_t sse = 0;
    double sse_d = 0.0;
    FILE *f[2];
    uint8_t buf[2][SIZE];
    int len = 1;
    int64_t max;
    int shift      = argc < 5 ? 0 : atoi(argv[4]);
    int skip_bytes = argc < 6 ? 0 : atoi(argv[5]);
    int size0      = 0;
    int size1      = 0;
    uint64_t maxdist = 0;
    double maxdist_d = 0.0;

    if (argc < 3) {
        printf("tiny_psnr <file1> <file2> [<elem size> [<shift> [<skip bytes>]]]\n");
        printf("WAV headers are skipped automatically.\n");
        return 1;

    if (argc > 3) {
        if (!strcmp(argv[3], "u8")) {
            len = 1;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "s16")) {
            len = 2;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "f32")) {
            len = 4;
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "f64")) {
            len = 8;
        } else {
            char *end;
            len = strtol(argv[3], &end, 0);
            if (*end || len < 1 || len > 2) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported sample format: %s\n", argv[3]);
                return 1;

    max = (1LL << (8 * len)) - 1;

    f[0] = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    f[1] = fopen(argv[2], "rb");
    if (!f[0] || !f[1]) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input files.\n");
        return 1;

    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        uint8_t *p = buf[i];
        if (fread(p, 1, 12, f[i]) != 12)
            return 1;
        if (!memcmp(p, "RIFF", 4) &&
            !memcmp(p + 8, "WAVE", 4)) {
            if (fread(p, 1, 8, f[i]) != 8)
                return 1;
            while (memcmp(p, "data", 4)) {
                int s = p[4] | p[5] << 8 | p[6] << 16 | p[7] << 24;
                fseek(f[i], s, SEEK_CUR);
                if (fread(p, 1, 8, f[i]) != 8)
                    return 1;
        } else {
            fseek(f[i], -12, SEEK_CUR);

    fseek(f[shift < 0], abs(shift), SEEK_CUR);

    fseek(f[0], skip_bytes, SEEK_CUR);
    fseek(f[1], skip_bytes, SEEK_CUR);

    for (;;) {
        int s0 = fread(buf[0], 1, SIZE, f[0]);
        int s1 = fread(buf[1], 1, SIZE, f[1]);

        for (j = 0; j < FFMIN(s0, s1); j += len) {
            switch (len) {
            case 1:
            case 2: {
                int64_t a = buf[0][j];
                int64_t b = buf[1][j];
                int dist;
                if (len == 2) {
                    a = get_s16l(buf[0] + j);
                    b = get_s16l(buf[1] + j);
                } else {
                    a = buf[0][j];
                    b = buf[1][j];
                sse += (a - b) * (a - b);
                dist = llabs(a - b);
                if (dist > maxdist)
                    maxdist = dist;
            case 4:
            case 8: {
                double dist, a, b;
                if (len == 8) {
                    a = get_f64l(buf[0] + j);
                    b = get_f64l(buf[1] + j);
                } else {
                    a = get_f32l(buf[0] + j);
                    b = get_f32l(buf[1] + j);
                dist = fabs(a - b);
                sse_d += (a - b) * (a - b);
                if (dist > maxdist_d)
                    maxdist_d = dist;
        size0 += s0;
        size1 += s1;
        if (s0 + s1 <= 0)

    i = FFMIN(size0, size1) / len;
    if (!i)
        i = 1;
    switch (len) {
    case 1:
    case 2: {
        uint64_t psnr;
        uint64_t dev = int_sqrt(((sse / i) * F * F) + (((sse % i) * F * F) + i / 2) / i);
        if (sse)
            psnr = ((2 * log16(max << 16) + log16(i) - log16(sse)) *
                    284619LL * F + (1LL << 31)) / (1LL << 32);
            psnr = 1000 * F - 1; // floating point free infinity :)

        printf("stddev:%5d.%02d PSNR:%3d.%02d MAXDIFF:%5"PRIu64" bytes:%9d/%9d\n",
               (int)(dev / F), (int)(dev % F),
               (int)(psnr / F), (int)(psnr % F),
               maxdist, size0, size1);
    case 4:
    case 8: {
        char psnr_str[64];
        double dev = sqrt(sse_d / i);
        uint64_t scale = (len == 4) ? (1ULL << 24) : (1ULL << 32);

        if (sse_d) {
            double psnr = 2 * log(DBL_MAX) - log(i / sse_d);
            snprintf(psnr_str, sizeof(psnr_str), "%5.02f", psnr);
        } else
            snprintf(psnr_str, sizeof(psnr_str), "inf");

        maxdist = maxdist_d * scale;

        printf("stddev:%10.2f PSNR:%s MAXDIFF:%10"PRIu64" bytes:%9d/%9d\n",
               dev * scale, psnr_str, maxdist, size0, size1);
    return 0;
Пример #11
ib_status_t ib_field_convert(
    ib_mpool_t        *mp,
    const ib_ftype_t   desired_type,
    const ib_field_t  *in_field,
    ib_field_t       **out_field

    ib_status_t rc;

    /* Holder values for in_field values before being set in out_field. */
    size_t sz;
    const char *str;
    const ib_bytestr_t *bstr;
    ib_num_t num;
    ib_time_t tme;
    ib_float_t flt;
    void *new_field_value;

    if (in_field->type == desired_type) {
        *out_field = NULL;
        return IB_OK;

    switch (in_field->type) {

        /* Extract string.  Note that a zero-length nulstr field can
         * have a NULL value in the union. */
        if ( (in_field->val->u.nulstr == NULL) &&
             (in_field->val->pval == NULL) )
            str = "";
        else {
            rc = ib_field_value(in_field, ib_ftype_nulstr_out(&str));
            if (rc != IB_OK){
                return rc;

        switch (desired_type) {
        case IB_FTYPE_BYTESTR:
            rc = ib_bytestr_dup_nulstr((ib_bytestr_t **)&bstr, mp, str);
            if (rc != IB_OK) {
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_bytestr_in(bstr);
        case IB_FTYPE_TIME:
            rc = ib_string_to_time(str, &tme);
            if (rc != IB_OK) {
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_time_in(&tme);
        case IB_FTYPE_NUM:
            rc = ib_string_to_num(str, 0, &num);
            if (rc != IB_OK) {
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_num_in(&num);
        case IB_FTYPE_FLOAT:
            rc = ib_string_to_float(str, &flt);
            if (rc != IB_OK) {
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_float_in(&flt);
            return IB_EINVAL;


        /* Extract bytestr. */
        rc = ib_field_value(in_field, ib_ftype_bytestr_out(&bstr));
        if (rc != IB_OK){
            return rc;
        str = (const char *)ib_bytestr_const_ptr(bstr);
        sz = ib_bytestr_length(bstr);

        /* Convert byte str. */
        switch(desired_type) {
        case IB_FTYPE_NULSTR:
            str = ib_mpool_memdup_to_str(mp, str, sz);
            if (!str) {
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_nulstr_in(str);
        case IB_FTYPE_TIME:
            rc = ib_string_to_time_ex(str, sz, &tme);
            if (rc != IB_OK) {
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_time_in(&tme);
        case IB_FTYPE_NUM:
            rc = ib_string_to_num_ex(str, sz, 0, &num);
            if (rc != IB_OK) {
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_num_in(&num);
        case IB_FTYPE_FLOAT:
            rc = ib_string_to_float_ex(str, sz, &flt);
            if (rc != IB_OK) {
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_float_in(&flt);
            return IB_EINVAL;

    case IB_FTYPE_TIME:

        /* Extract time. */
        rc = ib_field_value(in_field, ib_ftype_time_out(&tme));
        if (rc != IB_OK){
            return rc;

        switch (desired_type) {
        case IB_FTYPE_NULSTR:
            str = ib_time_to_string(mp, tme);
            if (! str) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_nulstr_in(str);
        case IB_FTYPE_BYTESTR:
            str = ib_time_to_string(mp, tme);
            if (! str) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            rc = ib_bytestr_dup_nulstr((ib_bytestr_t **)&bstr, mp, str);
            if (rc != IB_OK){
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_bytestr_in(bstr);
        case IB_FTYPE_FLOAT:
            flt = (ib_float_t)tme;
            /* Check that our assignment is within error=1, or fail. */
            if (llabs(tme - flt) > 1) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_float_in(&flt);
            return IB_EINVAL;

    case IB_FTYPE_NUM:

        /* Extract unum. */
        rc = ib_field_value(in_field, ib_ftype_num_out(&num));
        if (rc != IB_OK){
            return rc;

        switch (desired_type) {
        case IB_FTYPE_NULSTR:
            str = ib_num_to_string(mp, num);
            if (! str) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_nulstr_in(str);
        case IB_FTYPE_BYTESTR:
            str = ib_num_to_string(mp, num);
            if (! str) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            rc = ib_bytestr_dup_nulstr((ib_bytestr_t **)&bstr, mp, str);
            if (rc != IB_OK){
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_bytestr_in(bstr);
        case IB_FTYPE_TIME:
            if (num < 0) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            tme = (ib_time_t)num;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_time_in(&tme);
        case IB_FTYPE_FLOAT:
            flt = (ib_float_t)num;
            if (llabs(flt - num) > 1) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_float_in(&flt);
            return IB_EINVAL;

    case IB_FTYPE_FLOAT:

        /* Extract unum. */
        rc = ib_field_value(in_field, ib_ftype_float_out(&flt));
        if (rc != IB_OK){
            return rc;

        switch (desired_type) {
        case IB_FTYPE_NULSTR:
            str = ib_float_to_string(mp, flt);
            if (!str) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_nulstr_in(str);
        case IB_FTYPE_BYTESTR:
            str = ib_float_to_string(mp, flt);
            if (!str) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            rc = ib_bytestr_dup_nulstr((ib_bytestr_t **)&bstr, mp, str);
            if (rc != IB_OK){
                return rc;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_bytestr_in(bstr);
        case IB_FTYPE_TIME:
            if (flt < 0) {
                return IB_EINVAL;
            tme = (ib_float_t)flt;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_time_in(&tme);
        case IB_FTYPE_NUM:
            num = (ib_float_t)flt;
            new_field_value = ib_ftype_num_in(&num);
            return IB_EINVAL;

        return IB_EINVAL;

    rc = ib_field_create(
    return rc;
Пример #12
//Based on trapez_motion_2.m
//Assumes 0 initial speed
long long trapez_gen_motion_1(long long pos_i, long long pos_f, long long spd_max, long long a)
	long long abs_d_pos = 0, abs_acc_pos = 0, dual_abs_acc_pos = 0;

    //spd_max & a have to be positive
    spd_max = llabs(spd_max);
    a = llabs(a);

    //Compute parameters (in global variables)
    trapez_compute_params(pos_i, pos_f, spd_max, a);

    //Absolute values
    abs_d_pos = llabs(d_pos);
    abs_acc_pos = llabs(acc_pos);
    dual_abs_acc_pos = 2*abs_acc_pos;

    printf("d_pos = %lld, abs_d_pos = %lld.\n", d_pos, abs_d_pos);
    printf("1) acc_pos = %lld, abs_acc_pos = %lld.\n", acc_pos, abs_acc_pos);

    //It's possible to overshoot position if the acceleration is too low.
    //In that case we should sacrifice the top speed
    if(dual_abs_acc_pos > abs_d_pos)
        #ifdef DEBUGGING_OUTPUT
        printf("Position overshoot.\n");

        //New top speed:
        spd_max = sqrt(a*abs_d_pos);
        #ifdef DEBUGGING_OUTPUT
        printf("New spd_max: %lld.\n", spd_max);

        //Redo the initial math:
        //Compute parameters (in global variables)
        trapez_compute_params(pos_i, pos_f, spd_max, a);

        //Absolute values (they probably changed)
        abs_d_pos = abs(d_pos);
        abs_acc_pos = abs(acc_pos);
        dual_abs_acc_pos = 2*abs_acc_pos;

    //Plateau - constant speed
    printf("d_pos = %lld, abs_d_pos = %lld.\n", d_pos, abs_d_pos);
    printf("2) acc_pos = %lld, abs_acc_pos = %lld.\n", acc_pos, abs_acc_pos);

    cte_spd_pos = abs_d_pos - (2*abs_acc_pos);
    if(spd_max == 0)
        spd_max = 1;    //Prevents div/0
    cte_spd_pos_discrete = (SPD_FACTOR*cte_spd_pos/spd_max)*TRAPEZ_ONE_OVER_DT;
    cte_spd_pos_discrete = cte_spd_pos_discrete / SPD_FACTOR;
    printf("cte_spd_pos = %lld, cte_spd_pos_discrete = %lld.\n", cte_spd_pos, cte_spd_pos_discrete);
    if(cte_spd_pos_discrete < 0)
        cte_spd_pos_discrete = 0;
        #ifdef DEBUGGING_OUTPUT
        printf("No steady speed!\n");

    trapez_transitions[0] = a_t_discrete;
    trapez_transitions[1] = a_t_discrete + cte_spd_pos_discrete;
    trapez_transitions[2] = 2*a_t_discrete + cte_spd_pos_discrete;
    printf("tr[0] = %lld, tr[1] = %lld, tr[2] = %lld.\n", trapez_transitions[0], trapez_transitions[1], trapez_transitions[2]);
    pos_step = 0;   //Variable used to output the current position command

    return (2*a_t_discrete + cte_spd_pos_discrete); //Returns the number of steps
Пример #13
static bool process_audio_delay(struct audio_monitor *monitor,
		float **data, uint32_t *frames, uint64_t ts, uint32_t pad)
	obs_source_t *s = monitor->source;
	uint64_t last_frame_ts = s->last_frame_ts;
	uint64_t cur_time = os_gettime_ns();
	uint64_t front_ts;
	uint64_t cur_ts;
	int64_t diff;
	uint32_t blocksize = monitor->channels * sizeof(float);

	/* cut off audio if long-since leftover audio in delay buffer */
	if (cur_time - monitor->last_recv_time > 1000000000)
	monitor->last_recv_time = cur_time;

	ts += monitor->source->sync_offset;

	circlebuf_push_back(&monitor->delay_buffer, &ts, sizeof(ts));
	circlebuf_push_back(&monitor->delay_buffer, frames, sizeof(*frames));
	circlebuf_push_back(&monitor->delay_buffer, *data,
			*frames * blocksize);

	if (!monitor->prev_video_ts) {
		monitor->prev_video_ts = last_frame_ts;

	} else if (monitor->prev_video_ts == last_frame_ts) {
		monitor->time_since_prev += (uint64_t)*frames *
			1000000000ULL / (uint64_t)monitor->sample_rate;
	} else {
		monitor->time_since_prev = 0;

	while (monitor->delay_buffer.size != 0) {
		size_t size;
		bool bad_diff;

		circlebuf_peek_front(&monitor->delay_buffer, &cur_ts,
		front_ts = cur_ts -
			((uint64_t)pad * 1000000000ULL /
		diff = (int64_t)front_ts - (int64_t)last_frame_ts;
		bad_diff = !last_frame_ts ||
		           llabs(diff) > 5000000000 ||
		           monitor->time_since_prev > 100000000ULL;

		/* delay audio if rushing */
		if (!bad_diff && diff > 75000000) {
			blog(LOG_INFO, "audio rushing, cutting audio, "
					"diff: %lld, delay buffer size: %lu, "
					"v: %llu: a: %llu",
					diff, (int)monitor->delay_buffer.size,
					last_frame_ts, front_ts);
			return false;

		circlebuf_pop_front(&monitor->delay_buffer, NULL, sizeof(ts));
		circlebuf_pop_front(&monitor->delay_buffer, frames,

		size = *frames * blocksize;
		da_resize(monitor->buf, size);
				monitor->buf.array, size);

		/* cut audio if dragging */
		if (!bad_diff && diff < -75000000 && monitor->delay_buffer.size > 0) {
			blog(LOG_INFO, "audio dragging, cutting audio, "
					"diff: %lld, delay buffer size: %lu, "
					"v: %llu: a: %llu",
					diff, (int)monitor->delay_buffer.size,
					last_frame_ts, front_ts);

		*data = monitor->buf.array;
		return true;

	return false;
Пример #14
// Return TRUE if character has to update visual params.
BOOL LLPhysicsMotion::onUpdate(F32 time)
        // static FILE *mFileWrite = fopen("c:\\temp\\avatar_data.txt","w");
        if (!mParamDriver)
                return FALSE;

        if (!mLastTime)
                mLastTime = time;
                return FALSE;

        // Get all parameters and settings

        const F32 time_delta = time - mLastTime;

	// Don't update too frequently, to avoid precision errors from small time slices.
	if (time_delta <= .01)
		return FALSE;
	// If less than 1FPS, we don't want to be spending time updating physics at all.
        if (time_delta > 1.0)
                mLastTime = time;
                return FALSE;

        // Higher LOD is better.  This controls the granularity
        // and frequency of updates for the motions.
        const F32 lod_factor = LLVOAvatar::sPhysicsLODFactor;
        if (lod_factor == 0)
                return TRUE;

        LLJoint *joint = mJointState->getJoint();

        const F32 behavior_mass = getParamValue("Mass");
        const F32 behavior_gravity = getParamValue("Gravity");
        const F32 behavior_spring = getParamValue("Spring");
        const F32 behavior_gain = getParamValue("Gain");
        const F32 behavior_damping = getParamValue("Damping");
        const F32 behavior_drag = getParamValue("Drag");
        const BOOL physics_test = FALSE; // Enable this to simulate bouncing on all parts.
        F32 behavior_maxeffect = getParamValue("MaxEffect");
        if (physics_test)
                behavior_maxeffect = 1.0f;

	// Normalize the param position to be from [0,1].
	// We have to use normalized values because there may be more than one driven param,
	// and each of these driven params may have its own range.
	// This means we'll do all our calculations in normalized [0,1] local coordinates.
	const F32 position_user_local = (mParamDriver->getWeight() - mParamDriver->getMinWeight()) / (mParamDriver->getMaxWeight() - mParamDriver->getMinWeight());
	// End parameters and settings
	// Calculate velocity and acceleration in parameter space.
	//const F32 velocity_joint_local = calculateVelocity_local(time_iteration_step);
	const F32 velocity_joint_local = calculateVelocity_local();
	const F32 acceleration_joint_local = calculateAcceleration_local(velocity_joint_local);
	// End velocity and acceleration
	BOOL update_visuals = FALSE;
	// Break up the physics into a bunch of iterations so that differing framerates will show
	// roughly the same behavior.
	for (F32 time_iteration = 0; time_iteration <= time_delta; time_iteration += TIME_ITERATION_STEP)
		F32 time_iteration_step = TIME_ITERATION_STEP;
		if (time_iteration + TIME_ITERATION_STEP > time_delta)
			time_iteration_step = time_delta-time_iteration;
		// mPositon_local should be in normalized 0,1 range already.  Just making sure...
		const F32 position_current_local = llclamp(mPosition_local,
		// If the effect is turned off then don't process unless we need one more update
		// to set the position to the default (i.e. user) position.
		if ((behavior_maxeffect == 0) && (position_current_local == position_user_local))
			return update_visuals;

		// Calculate the total force 

		// Spring force is a restoring force towards the original user-set breast position.
		// F = kx
		const F32 spring_length = position_current_local - position_user_local;
		const F32 force_spring = -spring_length * behavior_spring;

		// Acceleration is the force that comes from the change in velocity of the torso.
		// F = ma
		const F32 force_accel = behavior_gain * (acceleration_joint_local * behavior_mass);

		// Gravity always points downward in world space.
		// F = mg
		const LLVector3 gravity_world(0,0,1);
		const F32 force_gravity = (toLocal(gravity_world) * behavior_gravity * behavior_mass);
		// Damping is a restoring force that opposes the current velocity.
		// F = -kv
		const F32 force_damping = -behavior_damping * mVelocity_local;
		// Drag is a force imparted by velocity (intuitively it is similar to wind resistance)
		// F = .5kv^2
		const F32 force_drag = .5*behavior_drag*velocity_joint_local*velocity_joint_local*llsgn(velocity_joint_local);

		const F32 force_net = (force_accel + 
				       force_gravity +
				       force_spring + 
				       force_damping + 

		// End total force

		// Calculate new params

		// Calculate the new acceleration based on the net force.
		// a = F/m
		const F32 acceleration_new_local = force_net / behavior_mass;
		static const F32 max_velocity = 100.0f; // magic number, used to be customizable.
		F32 velocity_new_local = mVelocity_local + acceleration_new_local*time_iteration_step;
		velocity_new_local = llclamp(velocity_new_local, 
					     -max_velocity, max_velocity);
		// Temporary debugging setting to cause all avatars to move, for profiling purposes.
		if (physics_test)
			velocity_new_local = sin(time*4.0);
		// Calculate the new parameters, or remain unchanged if max speed is 0.
		F32 position_new_local = position_current_local + velocity_new_local*time_iteration_step;
		if (behavior_maxeffect == 0)
			position_new_local = position_user_local;

		// Zero out the velocity if the param is being pushed beyond its limits.
		if ((position_new_local < 0 && velocity_new_local < 0) || 
		    (position_new_local > 1 && velocity_new_local > 0))
			velocity_new_local = 0;
		// Check for NaN values.  A NaN value is detected if the variables doesn't equal itself.  
		// If NaN, then reset everything.
		if ((mPosition_local != mPosition_local) ||
		    (mVelocity_local != mVelocity_local) ||
		    (position_new_local != position_new_local))
			position_new_local = 0;
			mVelocity_local = 0;
			mVelocityJoint_local = 0;
			mAccelerationJoint_local = 0;
			mPosition_local = 0;
			mPosition_world = LLVector3(0,0,0);

		const F32 position_new_local_clamped = llclamp(position_new_local,

		LLDriverParam *driver_param = dynamic_cast<LLDriverParam *>(mParamDriver);
		if (driver_param)
			// If this is one of our "hidden" driver params, then make sure it's
			// the default value.
			if ((driver_param->getGroup() != VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE) &&
			    (driver_param->getGroup() != VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE_NO_TRANSMIT))
			for (LLDriverParam::entry_list_t::iterator iter = driver_param->mDriven.begin();
			     iter != driver_param->mDriven.end();
				LLDrivenEntry &entry = (*iter);
				LLViewerVisualParam *driven_param = entry.mParam;
				setParamValue(driven_param,position_new_local_clamped, behavior_maxeffect);
		// End calculate new params

		// Conditionally update the visual params
		// Updating the visual params (i.e. what the user sees) is fairly expensive.
		// So only update if the params have changed enough, and also take into account
		// the graphics LOD settings.
		// For non-self, if the avatar is small enough visually, then don't update.
		const F32 area_for_max_settings = 0.0;
		const F32 area_for_min_settings = 1400.0;
		const F32 area_for_this_setting = area_for_max_settings + (area_for_min_settings-area_for_max_settings)*(1.0-lod_factor);
		const F32 pixel_area = (F32) sqrt(mCharacter->getPixelArea());
		const BOOL is_self = (dynamic_cast<LLVOAvatar *>(mCharacter) != NULL && ((LLVOAvatar*)mCharacter)->isSelf());
		if ((pixel_area > area_for_this_setting) || is_self)
			const F32 position_diff_local = llabs(mPositionLastUpdate_local-position_new_local_clamped);
			const F32 min_delta = (1.0001f-lod_factor)*0.4f;
			if (llabs(position_diff_local) > min_delta)
				update_visuals = TRUE;
				mPositionLastUpdate_local = position_new_local;

		// End update visual params

		mVelocity_local = velocity_new_local;
		mAccelerationJoint_local = acceleration_joint_local;
		mPosition_local = position_new_local;
	mLastTime = time;
	mPosition_world = joint->getWorldPosition();
	mVelocityJoint_local = velocity_joint_local;

          // Write out debugging info into a spreadsheet.
          if (mFileWrite != NULL && is_self)
          fprintf(mFileWrite,"%f\t%f\t%f \t\t%f \t\t%f\t%f\t%f\t \t\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f \t\t%f\t%f\t%f\n",





        return update_visuals;
Пример #15
 * Callback for solver to notify about assignment changes
 * @param cls NULL
 * @param address the address with changes
static void
bandwidth_changed_cb (void *cls,
		      struct ATS_Address *address)
  long long diff_out;
  long long diff_in;

              "Bandwidth assignment changed for peer %s to %u/%u\n",
              GNUNET_i2s (&address->peer),
              (unsigned int) address->assigned_bw_in,
              (unsigned int) address->assigned_bw_out);
  GAS_reservations_set_bandwidth (&address->peer,
                                  GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_value_init (address->assigned_bw_in));
  /* Notify performance clients about changes to address */
  GAS_performance_notify_all_clients (&address->peer,
				      GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_value_init (address->assigned_bw_out),
				      GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_value_init (address->assigned_bw_in));

  if ( (0 == address->assigned_bw_in) &&
       (0 == address->assigned_bw_out) )
               "Telling transport to disconnect peer `%s'\n",
                GNUNET_i2s (&address->peer));

    /* Notify scheduling clients about suggestion */
    GAS_scheduling_transmit_address_suggestion (&address->peer,

  /* Do bandwidth stability check */
  diff_out = llabs ((long long) address->assigned_bw_out -
                    (long long) address->last_notified_bw_out);
  diff_in = llabs ((long long) address->assigned_bw_in -
                   (long long) address->last_notified_bw_in);
  if ( (diff_out < htonl (GNUNET_CONSTANTS_DEFAULT_BW_IN_OUT.value__)) &&
       (diff_in < htonl (GNUNET_CONSTANTS_DEFAULT_BW_IN_OUT.value__)) )
                "Bandwidth change too small, not notifying client\n");

              "Sending bandwidth update for peer `%s': %u/%u\n",
              GNUNET_i2s (&address->peer),

  /* *Notify scheduling clients about suggestion */
  GAS_scheduling_transmit_address_suggestion (&address->peer,
                                              GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_value_init (address->assigned_bw_out),
                                              GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_value_init (address->assigned_bw_in));

  address->last_notified_bw_out = address->assigned_bw_out;
  address->last_notified_bw_in = address->assigned_bw_in;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  printf("%lld,%lld\n", llabs(-576460752303423489), llabs(576460752303423489));
  return 0;
Пример #17
ContainerParser::TimestampsFuzzyEqual(int64_t aLhs, int64_t aRhs)
  return llabs(aLhs - aRhs) <= GetRoundingError();
Пример #18
U8* LLBufferArray::seek(
	S32 channel,
	U8* start,
	S32 delta) const
	LLMemType m1(LLMemType::MTYPE_IO_BUFFER);
	const_segment_iterator_t it;
	const_segment_iterator_t end = mSegments.end();
	U8* rv = start;
	if(0 == delta)
		if((U8*)npos == start)
			// someone is looking for end of data. 
			segment_list_t::const_reverse_iterator rit = mSegments.rbegin();
			segment_list_t::const_reverse_iterator rend = mSegments.rend();
			while(rit != rend)
				rv = (*rit).data() + (*rit).size();
		else if(start)
			// This is sort of a weird case - check if zero bytes away
			// from current position is on channel and return start if
			// that is true. Otherwise, return NULL.
			it = getSegment(start);
			if((it == end) || !(*it).isOnChannel(channel))
				rv = NULL;
			// Start is NULL, so return the very first byte on the
			// channel, or NULL.
			it = mSegments.begin();
			while((it != end) && !(*it).isOnChannel(channel))
			if(it != end)
				rv = (*it).data();
		return rv;
		it = getSegment(start);
		if((it != end) && (*it).isOnChannel(channel))
			if(delta > 0)
				S32 bytes_in_segment = (*it).size() - (start - (*it).data());
				S32 local_delta = llmin(delta, bytes_in_segment);
				rv += local_delta;
				delta -= local_delta;
				S32 bytes_in_segment = start - (*it).data();
				S32 local_delta = llmin(llabs(delta), bytes_in_segment);
				rv -= local_delta;
				delta += local_delta;
	else if(delta < 0)
		// start is NULL, and delta indicates seeking backwards -
		// return NULL.
		return NULL;
		// start is NULL and delta > 0
		it = mSegments.begin();
	if(delta > 0)
		// At this point, we have an iterator into the segments, and
		// are seeking forward until delta is zero or we run out
		while(delta && (it != end))
			if(delta <= (*it).size())
				// it's in this segment
				rv = (*it).data() + delta;
			delta -= (*it).size();
		if(delta && (it == end))
			// Whoops - sought past end.
			rv = NULL;
	else //if(delta < 0)
		// We are at the beginning of a segment, and need to search
		// backwards.
		segment_list_t::const_reverse_iterator rit(it);
		segment_list_t::const_reverse_iterator rend = mSegments.rend();
		while(delta && (rit != rend))
			if(llabs(delta) <= (*rit).size())
				// it's in this segment.
				rv = (*rit).data() + (*rit).size() + delta;
				delta = 0;
				delta += (*rit).size();
		if(delta && (rit == rend))
			// sought past the beginning.
			rv = NULL;
	return rv;
Пример #19
string Func_sec_to_time::getStrVal(rowgroup::Row& row,
							FunctionParm& parm,
							bool& isNull,
							CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType& ct)
	int64_t val = 0;
	CalpontSystemCatalog::ColType curCt = parm[0]->data()->resultType();
	switch (parm[0]->data()->resultType().colDataType)
		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::BIGINT:
		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::INT:
		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::MEDINT:
		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::TINYINT:
		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::SMALLINT:
        case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UBIGINT:
        case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UINT:
        case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UMEDINT:
        case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::UTINYINT:
        case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::USMALLINT:
			val = parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);

		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::DOUBLE:
			const string& valStr = parm[0]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);
			val = parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);
			size_t x = valStr.find(".");
			if ( x < string::npos)
				string tmp = valStr.substr(x+1,1);
				char * ptr = &tmp[0];
				int i = atoi(ptr);
				if (i >= 5)
					if (val > 0)
						val += 1;
						val -=1;

		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::FLOAT:
			const string& valStr = parm[0]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);
			val = parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);
			size_t x = valStr.find(".");
			if ( x < string::npos)
				string tmp = valStr.substr(x+1,1);
				char * ptr = &tmp[0];
				int i = atoi(ptr);
				if (i >= 5)
					if (val > 0)
						val += 1;
						val -=1;

		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::DECIMAL:
			const string& valStr = parm[0]->data()->getStrVal(row, isNull);
			val = parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);
			size_t x = valStr.find(".");
			if ( x < string::npos)
				string tmp = valStr.substr(x+1,1);
				char * ptr = &tmp[0];
				int i = atoi(ptr);
				if (i >= 5)
					if (val > 0)
						val += 1;
						val -=1;
		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::CHAR:
		case execplan::CalpontSystemCatalog::VARCHAR:
			val = parm[0]->data()->getIntVal(row, isNull);

			std::ostringstream oss;
			oss << "sec_to_time: datatype of " << execplan::colDataTypeToString(parm[0]->data()->resultType().colDataType);
			throw logging::IDBExcept(oss.str(), ERR_DATATYPE_NOT_SUPPORT);
	int64_t posVal = llabs(val);
	if (val >3020399)
		return ("838:59:59");
	if (val < -3020399)
		return ("-838:59:59");
	//Format the time
	uint32_t hour = 0;
	uint32_t minute = 0;
	uint32_t second = 0;
	hour = posVal / 3600;
	minute = (posVal - (hour * 3600)) / 60;
	second = posVal - (hour * 3600) - (minute * 60);
    const char* minus = "-";
    const char* nominus = "";
	const char* signstr = ( val < 0 ) ? minus : nominus;
	char buf[32]; // actual string either 9 or 10 characters
    snprintf( buf, 32, "%s%02d:%02d:%02d", signstr, hour, minute, second );
	return buf;
Пример #20
void av_dump_format(AVFormatContext *ic, int index,
                    const char *url, int is_output)
    int i;
    uint8_t *printed = ic->nb_streams ? av_mallocz(ic->nb_streams) : NULL;
    if (ic->nb_streams && !printed)

    av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "%s #%d, %s, %s '%s':\n",
           is_output ? "Output" : "Input",
           is_output ? ic->oformat->name : ic->iformat->name,
           is_output ? "to" : "from", url);
    dump_metadata(NULL, ic->metadata, "  ");

    if (!is_output) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "  Duration: ");
        if (ic->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
            int hours, mins, secs, us;
            int64_t duration = ic->duration + (ic->duration <= INT64_MAX - 5000 ? 5000 : 0);
            secs  = duration / AV_TIME_BASE;
            us    = duration % AV_TIME_BASE;
            mins  = secs / 60;
            secs %= 60;
            hours = mins / 60;
            mins %= 60;
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d", hours, mins, secs,
                   (100 * us) / AV_TIME_BASE);
        } else {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "N/A");
        if (ic->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
            int secs, us;
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, ", start: ");
            secs = llabs(ic->start_time / AV_TIME_BASE);
            us   = llabs(ic->start_time % AV_TIME_BASE);
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "%s%d.%06d",
                   ic->start_time >= 0 ? "" : "-",
                   (int) av_rescale(us, 1000000, AV_TIME_BASE));
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, ", bitrate: ");
        if (ic->bit_rate)
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "%"PRId64" kb/s", ic->bit_rate / 1000);
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "N/A");
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "\n");

    for (i = 0; i < ic->nb_chapters; i++) {
        AVChapter *ch = ic->chapters[i];
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "    Chapter #%d:%d: ", index, i);
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO,
               "start %f, ", ch->start * av_q2d(ch->time_base));
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO,
               "end %f\n", ch->end * av_q2d(ch->time_base));

        dump_metadata(NULL, ch->metadata, "    ");

    if (ic->nb_programs) {
        int j, k, total = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < ic->nb_programs; j++) {
            AVDictionaryEntry *name = av_dict_get(ic->programs[j]->metadata,
                                                  "name", NULL, 0);
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "  Program %d %s\n", ic->programs[j]->id,
                   name ? name->value : "");
            dump_metadata(NULL, ic->programs[j]->metadata, "    ");
            for (k = 0; k < ic->programs[j]->nb_stream_indexes; k++) {
                dump_stream_format(ic, ic->programs[j]->stream_index[k],
                                   index, is_output);
                printed[ic->programs[j]->stream_index[k]] = 1;
            total += ic->programs[j]->nb_stream_indexes;
        if (total < ic->nb_streams)
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "  No Program\n");

    for (i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams; i++)
        if (!printed[i])
            dump_stream_format(ic, i, index, is_output);

Пример #21
int main ()
	long long int k , a, b;
	long long int i;
	scanf("%lld %lld %lld", &k, &a, &b);
	long long int count = 0;
	long long int t1, t2,z1, z2, ans;

	if (a == 0 || b==0 )
		if (a == 0)
			t2 = llabs(b - (b%k));
			z2 = t2/k;
			count = z2 +1;
			t1 = llabs(a - (a%k));
			z1 = t1/k;
			count = z1+1;

	else if ( (a >= 0 && b >= 0) || (a<0 && b<0))

		if ((a<0 && b <0) && (b%k)==0)
		else if ((a>0 && b>0) && (a%k)==0)

		t2 = llabs( b - (b%k));
		t1 = llabs(a - (a%k));
		z1 = t1/k;
		z2 = t2/k;
		if ( a<0 && b <0)
		count = count + (z1-z2);
			count = count + (z2-z1);

	else if (( a> 0 && b<0) || (a<0 && b>0))
		t2 = llabs( b - (b%k) );
		t1 = llabs (a - (a%k));

		z1 = t1/k;
		z2 = t2/k;

		count = count + (z2+z1) + 1;
	printf("%lld\n", count);

	return 0;
Пример #22
/*! \brief Implementation routine to compare SIMD4 vs reference functions.
 * \param refFuncExpr    Description of reference function expression
 * \param simd4FuncExpr  Description of SIMD function expression
 * \param refFunc        Reference math function pointer
 * \param simd4Func      SIMD math function pointer
 * The function will be tested with the range and tolerances specified in
 * the SimdBaseTest class. You should not never call this function directly,
 * but use the macro GMX_EXPECT_SIMD4_FUNC_NEAR(refFunc,tstFunc) instead.
Simd4MathTest::compareSimd4MathFunction(const char * refFuncExpr, const char *simd4FuncExpr,
                                        real refFunc(real x),     gmx_simd4_real_t gmx_simdcall simd4Func(gmx_simd4_real_t x))
    std::vector<real>            vx(GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH);
    std::vector<real>            vref(GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH);
    std::vector<real>            vtst(GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH);
    real                         dx;
    gmx_int64_t                  ulpDiff, maxUlpDiff;
    real                         maxUlpDiffPos;
    real                         refValMaxUlpDiff, simdValMaxUlpDiff;
    bool                         eq, signOk;
    int                          i, iter;
    int                          niter   = s_nPoints/GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH;
    int                          npoints = niter*GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH;
#    ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
    union {
        double r; gmx_int64_t i;
    } conv0, conv1;
#    else
    union {
        float  r; gmx_int32_t i;
    } conv0, conv1;
#    endif

    maxUlpDiff = 0;
    dx         = (range_.second-range_.first)/npoints;

    for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++)
        for (i = 0; i < GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH; i++)
            vx[i]   = range_.first+dx*(iter*GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH+i);
            vref[i] = refFunc(vx[i]);
        vtst  = simd4Real2Vector(simd4Func(vector2Simd4Real(vx)));

        for (i = 0, eq = true, signOk = true; i < GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH && eq == true; i++)
            eq     = eq && ( fabs(vref[i]-vtst[i]) < absTol_ );
            signOk = signOk && ( vref[i]*vtst[i] >= 0 );
        if (eq == true)
            // Go to next point if everything within absolute tolerance
        else if (signOk == false)
            return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
                   << "Failing SIMD4 math function comparison due to sign differences." << std::endl
                   << "Reference function: " << refFuncExpr << std::endl
                   << "Simd function:      " << simd4FuncExpr << std::endl
                   << "Test range is ( " << range_.first << " , " << range_.second << " ) " << std::endl
                   << "First sign difference around x=" << std::setprecision(20) << ::testing::PrintToString(vx) << std::endl
                   << "Ref values:   " << std::setprecision(20) << ::testing::PrintToString(vref) << std::endl
                   << "SIMD4 values: " << std::setprecision(20) << ::testing::PrintToString(vtst) << std::endl;
        /* We replicate the trivial ulp differences comparison here rather than
         * calling the lower-level routine for comparing them, since this enables
         * us to run through the entire test range and report the largest deviation
         * without lots of extra glue routines.
        for (i = 0; i < GMX_SIMD4_WIDTH; i++)
            conv0.r = vref[i];
            conv1.r = vtst[i];
            ulpDiff = llabs(conv0.i-conv1.i);
            if (ulpDiff > maxUlpDiff)
                maxUlpDiff        = ulpDiff;
                maxUlpDiffPos     = vx[i];
                refValMaxUlpDiff  = vref[i];
                simdValMaxUlpDiff = vtst[i];

    if (maxUlpDiff <= ulpTol_)
        return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
        return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
               << "Failing SIMD4 math function ulp comparison between " << refFuncExpr << " and " << simd4FuncExpr << std::endl
               << "Requested ulp tolerance: " << ulpTol_ << std::endl
               << "Requested abs tolerance: " << absTol_ << std::endl
               << "Largest Ulp difference occurs for x=" << std::setprecision(20) << maxUlpDiffPos << std::endl
               << "Ref  values:  " << std::setprecision(20) << refValMaxUlpDiff << std::endl
               << "SIMD4 values: " << std::setprecision(20) << simdValMaxUlpDiff << std::endl
               << "Ulp diff.:   " << std::setprecision(20) << maxUlpDiff << std::endl;
Пример #23
GainType Ascent()
    Node *t;
    GainType BestW, W, W0, Alpha, MaxAlpha = INT_MAX;
    int T, Period, P, InitialPhase, BestNorm;

    /* Initialize Pi and BestPi */
    t = FirstNode;
        t->Pi = t->BestPi = 0;
    while ((t = t->Suc) != FirstNode);
    if (CandidateSetType == DELAUNAY)

    /* Compute the cost of a minimum 1-tree */
    W = Minimum1TreeCost(CandidateSetType == DELAUNAY
                         || MaxCandidates == 0);

    /* Return this cost 
       if either
       (1) subgradient optimization is not wanted, or
       (2) the norm of the tree (its deviation from a tour) is zero
           (in that case the true optimum has been found).
    if (!Subgradient || !Norm)
        return W;

    if (Optimum != MINUS_INFINITY && (Alpha = Optimum * Precision - W) > 0)
        MaxAlpha = Alpha;
    if (MaxCandidates > 0) {
        /* Generate symmetric candididate sets for all nodes */
        if (CandidateSetType != DELAUNAY)
            GenerateCandidates(AscentCandidates, MaxAlpha, 1);
        else {
            OrderCandidateSet(AscentCandidates, MaxAlpha, 1);
            W = Minimum1TreeCost(1);
            if (!Norm || W / Precision == Optimum)
                return W;
    if (ExtraCandidates > 0)
        AddExtraCandidates(ExtraCandidates, ExtraCandidateSetType,
    if (TraceLevel >= 2) {
        printff("Subgradient optimization ...\n");

    /* Set LastV of every node to V (the node's degree in the 1-tree) */
    t = FirstNode;
        t->LastV = t->V;
    while ((t = t->Suc) != FirstNode);

    BestW = W0 = W;
    BestNorm = Norm;
    InitialPhase = 1;
    /* Perform subradient optimization with decreasing period length 
       and decreasing step size */
    for (Period = InitialPeriod, T = InitialStepSize * Precision;
         Period > 0 && T > 0 && Norm != 0; Period /= 2, T /= 2) {
        /* Period and step size are halved at each iteration */
        if (TraceLevel >= 2)
                ("  T = %d, Period = %d, BestW = %0.1f, Norm = %d\n",
                 T, Period, (double) BestW / Precision, Norm);
        for (P = 1; T && P <= Period && Norm != 0; P++) {
            /* Adjust the Pi-values */
            t = FirstNode;
            do {
                if (t->V != 0) {
                    t->Pi += T * (7 * t->V + 3 * t->LastV) / 10;
                    if (t->Pi > INT_MAX / 4)
                        t->Pi = INT_MAX / 4;
                    else if (t->Pi < -INT_MAX / 4)
                        t->Pi = -INT_MAX / 4;
                t->LastV = t->V;
            while ((t = t->Suc) != FirstNode);
            /* Compute a minimum 1-tree in the sparse graph */
            W = Minimum1TreeCost(1);
            /* Test if an improvement has been found */
            if (W > BestW || (W == BestW && Norm < BestNorm)) {
                /* If the lower bound becomes greater than twice its
                   initial value it is taken as a sign that the graph might be
                   too sparse */
                if (W - W0 > llabs(W0) && AscentCandidates > 0
                    && AscentCandidates < Dimension) {
                    W = Minimum1TreeCost(CandidateSetType == DELAUNAY
                                         || MaxCandidates == 0);
                    if (W < W0) {
                        /* Double the number of candidate edges 
                           and start all over again */
                        if (TraceLevel >= 2)
                            printff("Warning: AscentCandidates doubled\n");
                        if ((AscentCandidates *= 2) > Dimension)
                            AscentCandidates = Dimension;
                        goto Start;
                    W0 = W;
                BestW = W;
                BestNorm = Norm;
                /* Update the BestPi-values */
                t = FirstNode;
                    t->BestPi = t->Pi;
                while ((t = t->Suc) != FirstNode);
                if (TraceLevel >= 2)
                        ("* T = %d, Period = %d, P = %d, BestW = %0.1f, Norm = %d\n",
                         T, Period, P, (double) BestW / Precision, Norm);
                /* If in the initial phase, the step size is doubled */
                if (InitialPhase && T * sqrt((double) Norm) > 0)
                    T *= 2;
                /* If the improvement was found at the last iteration of the 
                   current period, then double the period */
                if (CandidateSetType != DELAUNAY && P == Period
                    && (Period *= 2) > InitialPeriod)
                    Period = InitialPeriod;
            } else {
                if (TraceLevel >= 3)
                        ("  T = %d, Period = %d, P = %d, W = %0.1f, Norm = %d\n",
                         T, Period, P, (double) W / Precision, Norm);
                if (InitialPhase && P > Period / 2) {
                    /* Conclude the initial phase */
                    InitialPhase = 0;
                    P = 0;
                    T = 3 * T / 4;

    t = FirstNode;
    do {
        t->Pi = t->BestPi;
        t->BestPi = 0;
    } while ((t = t->Suc) != FirstNode);

    /* Compute a minimum 1-tree */
    W = BestW = Minimum1TreeCost(CandidateSetType == DELAUNAY
                                 || MaxCandidates == 0);

    if (MaxCandidates > 0) {
        if (CandidateSetType == DELAUNAY)
    } else {
        Candidate *Nt;
        t = FirstNode;
        do {
            for (Nt = t->CandidateSet; Nt && Nt->To; Nt++)
                Nt->Cost += t->Pi + Nt->To->Pi;
        while ((t = t->Suc) != FirstNode);
    if (TraceLevel >= 2)
        printff("Ascent: BestW = %0.1f, Norm = %d\n",
                (double) BestW / Precision, Norm);
    return W;
// static
void LLFloaterPay::processPayPriceReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void **userdata)
	LLFloaterPay* self = (LLFloaterPay*)userdata;
	if (self)
		S32 price;
		LLUUID target;

		if (target != self->mTargetUUID)
			// This is a message for a different object's pay info

		if (PAY_PRICE_HIDE == price)
			self->getChildView("pay btn")->setVisible(FALSE);
			self->getChildView("amount text")->setVisible(FALSE);
		else if (PAY_PRICE_DEFAULT == price)
			self->getChildView("pay btn")->setVisible(TRUE);
			self->getChildView("amount text")->setVisible(TRUE);
			// PAY_PRICE_HIDE and PAY_PRICE_DEFAULT are negative values
			// So we take the absolute value here after we have checked for those cases
			self->getChildView("pay btn")->setVisible(TRUE);
			self->getChildView("pay btn")->setEnabled(TRUE);
			self->getChildView("amount text")->setVisible(TRUE);

			self->getChild<LLUICtrl>("amount")->setValue(llformat("%d", llabs(price)));

		S32 num_blocks = msg->getNumberOfBlocksFast(_PREHASH_ButtonData);
		S32 i = 0;
		if (num_blocks > MAX_PAY_BUTTONS) num_blocks = MAX_PAY_BUTTONS;

		S32 max_pay_amount = 0;
		S32 padding_required = 0;

		for (i=0;i<num_blocks;++i)
			S32 pay_button;
			if (pay_button > 0)
				std::string button_str = "L$";
				button_str += LLResMgr::getInstance()->getMonetaryString( pay_button );

				self->mQuickPayInfo[i]->mAmount = pay_button;
				self->getChildView("fastpay text")->setVisible(TRUE);

				if ( pay_button > max_pay_amount )
					max_pay_amount = pay_button;

		// build a string containing the maximum value and calc nerw button width from it.
		std::string balance_str = "L$";
		balance_str += LLResMgr::getInstance()->getMonetaryString( max_pay_amount );
		const LLFontGL* font = LLFontGL::getFontSansSerif();
		S32 new_button_width = font->getWidth( std::string(balance_str));
		new_button_width += ( 12 + 12 );	// padding

		// dialong is sized for 2 digit pay amounts - larger pay values need to be scaled
		const S32 threshold = 100000;
		if ( max_pay_amount >= threshold )
			S32 num_digits_threshold = (S32)log10((double)threshold) + 1;
			S32 num_digits_max = (S32)log10((double)max_pay_amount) + 1;
			// calculate the extra width required by 2 buttons with max amount and some commas
			padding_required = ( num_digits_max - num_digits_threshold + ( num_digits_max / 3 ) ) * font->getWidth( std::string("0") );

		// change in button width
		S32 button_delta = new_button_width - FASTPAY_BUTTON_WIDTH;
		if ( button_delta < 0 ) 
			button_delta = 0;

		// now we know the maximum amount, we can resize all the buttons to be 
		for (i=0;i<num_blocks;++i)
			LLRect r;
			r = self->mQuickPayButton[i]->getRect();

			// RHS button colum needs to move further because LHS changed too
			if ( i % 2 )
				r.setCenterAndSize( r.getCenterX() + ( button_delta * 3 ) / 2 , 
						r.getWidth() + button_delta, 
							r.getHeight() ); 
				r.setCenterAndSize( r.getCenterX() + button_delta / 2, 
						r.getWidth() + button_delta, 
						r.getHeight() ); 
			self->mQuickPayButton[i]->setRect( r );

		for (i=num_blocks;i<MAX_PAY_BUTTONS;++i)

		self->reshape( self->getRect().getWidth() + padding_required, self->getRect().getHeight(), FALSE );
void * LLAudioEngine_OpenAL::windDSP(void *newbuffer, int length)
	// *NOTE: This function gets called a *lot*.  
	// Keep performance in mind if you mess with this.
	// newbuffer = the buffer being constructed
	// length = length in samples of the buffer

	//clear the buffer 
	memset(newbuffer, 0, length*mBytesPerSample);

 	// This turns off wind synth if it is muted or very very low volume
 	if (mTargetGain < 0.0005f)
		llinfos << "Wind off" << llendl;
 		return newbuffer;
 	static const U8  SUBSAMPLES = 2;
 	static const F32 FILTER_SAMPLE_PERIOD = (F32)SUBSAMPLES / float(mSampleRate);
 	static const F32 BANDWIDTH = 50.0f;
 	static const F32 B2 = expf(-F_TWO_PI * BANDWIDTH * FILTER_SAMPLE_PERIOD);
 	static F32 pinking_buf0 = 0.0f;
 	static F32 pinking_buf1 = 0.0f;
 	static F32 pinking_buf2 = 0.0f;
 	static F32 Y0 = 0.0f;
 	static F32 Y1 = 0.0f;
 	static F32 last_sample = 0.0f;
 	static F32 current_freq = 0.0f;
 	static F32 current_gain = 0.0f;
 	static F32 current_pan_gain_r = 0.0f;
  	F32 a0 = 0.0f, b1 = 0.0f;
  	U8 *cursamplep = (U8*)newbuffer;

	//we assume 16-bit samples, because the ALUT specification maxes out there
 	U8 wordsize = 2;
 	bool interp_freq = false; 
 	//if the frequency isn't changing much, we don't need to interpolate in the inner loop
 	if (llabs(mTargetFreq - current_freq) > 200.0f)
 		interp_freq = true;
 		// calculate resonant filter coefficients
 		current_freq = mTargetFreq;
 		b1 = (-4.0f * B2) / (1.0f + B2) * cosf(F_TWO_PI * (current_freq * FILTER_SAMPLE_PERIOD));
 		a0 = (1.0f - B2) * sqrtf(1.0f - (b1 * b1) / (4.0f * B2));
 	while (length)
 		F32 next_sample;
 	    // Start with white noise [-16384, 16383]
 		next_sample = (F32)rand() * (1.0f / (F32)(RAND_MAX / (U16_MAX / 4))) + (S16_MIN / 4);
 		// Apply a pinking filter
 		// Magic numbers taken from PKE method at
 		pinking_buf0 = pinking_buf0 * 0.99765f + next_sample * 0.0990460f;
 		pinking_buf1 = pinking_buf1 * 0.96300f + next_sample * 0.2965164f;
 		pinking_buf2 = pinking_buf2 * 0.57000f + next_sample * 1.0526913f;
 		next_sample = pinking_buf0 + pinking_buf1 + pinking_buf2 + next_sample * 0.1848f;
 		if (interp_freq)
 			// calculate resonant filter coefficients
 			current_freq = (0.999f * current_freq) + (0.001f * mTargetFreq);
 			b1 = (-4.0f * B2) / (1.0f + B2) * cosf(F_TWO_PI * (current_freq * FILTER_SAMPLE_PERIOD));
 			a0 = (1.0f - B2) * sqrtf(1.0f - (b1 * b1) / (4.0f * B2));
 		// Apply a resonant low-pass filter on the pink noise
		next_sample = ( a0 * next_sample - b1 * Y0 - B2 * Y1 );
		Y1 = Y0;
		Y0 = next_sample;
 		current_gain = (0.999f * current_gain) + (0.001f * mTargetGain);
 		current_pan_gain_r = (0.999f * current_pan_gain_r) + (0.001f * mTargetPanGainR);
 	    next_sample *= current_gain;
 		F32 delta = (next_sample - last_sample) / (F32)SUBSAMPLES;
 		S32	sample_left;
 		S32	sample_right;
 		// Mix into the audio buffer, clipping if necessary for 16-bit mix buffers.
 		// *TODO: Should do something more intelligent like reducing wind gain to avoid clipping
 		for (int i=SUBSAMPLES; i && length; --i, --length) 
 			last_sample = last_sample + delta;
 			sample_right = (S32)(last_sample * current_pan_gain_r);
 			sample_left = (S32)(last_sample - sample_right);
			*(S16*)cursamplep = llclamp(sample_left, S16_MIN, S16_MAX);
 			cursamplep += wordsize;
 			*(S16*)cursamplep = llclamp(sample_right, S16_MIN, S16_MAX);
 			cursamplep += wordsize;
  	return newbuffer;

Пример #26
static int filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *buf)
    AVFilterContext  *ctx = inlink->dst;
    ASyncContext       *s = ctx->priv;
    AVFilterLink *outlink = ctx->outputs[0];
    int nb_channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(buf->channel_layout);
    int64_t pts = (buf->pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ? buf->pts :
                  av_rescale_q(buf->pts, inlink->time_base, outlink->time_base);
    int out_size, ret;
    int64_t delta;
    int64_t new_pts;

    /* buffer data until we get the next timestamp */
    if (s->pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE || pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        if (pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
            s->pts = pts - get_delay(s);
        return write_to_fifo(s, buf);

    if (s->first_pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
        if (!avresample_available(s->avr))
            return write_to_fifo(s, buf);

    /* when we have two timestamps, compute how many samples would we have
     * to add/remove to get proper sync between data and timestamps */
    delta    = pts - s->pts - get_delay(s);
    out_size = avresample_available(s->avr);

    if (llabs(delta) > s->min_delta ||
        (s->first_frame && delta && s->first_pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)) {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Discontinuity - %"PRId64" samples.\n", delta);
        out_size = av_clipl_int32((int64_t)out_size + delta);
    } else {
        if (s->resample) {
            // adjust the compensation if delta is non-zero
            int delay = get_delay(s);
            int comp = s->comp + av_clip(delta * inlink->sample_rate / delay,
                                         -s->max_comp, s->max_comp);
            if (comp != s->comp) {
                av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Compensating %d samples per second.\n", comp);
                if (avresample_set_compensation(s->avr, comp, inlink->sample_rate) == 0) {
                    s->comp = comp;
        // adjust PTS to avoid monotonicity errors with input PTS jitter
        pts -= delta;
        delta = 0;

    if (out_size > 0) {
        AVFrame *buf_out = ff_get_audio_buffer(outlink, out_size);
        if (!buf_out) {
            ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
            goto fail;

        if (s->first_frame && delta > 0) {
            int planar = av_sample_fmt_is_planar(buf_out->format);
            int planes = planar ?  nb_channels : 1;
            int block_size = av_get_bytes_per_sample(buf_out->format) *
                             (planar ? 1 : nb_channels);

            int ch;

            av_samples_set_silence(buf_out->extended_data, 0, delta,
                                   nb_channels, buf->format);

            for (ch = 0; ch < planes; ch++)
                buf_out->extended_data[ch] += delta * block_size;

            avresample_read(s->avr, buf_out->extended_data, out_size);

            for (ch = 0; ch < planes; ch++)
                buf_out->extended_data[ch] -= delta * block_size;
        } else {
            avresample_read(s->avr, buf_out->extended_data, out_size);

            if (delta > 0) {
                av_samples_set_silence(buf_out->extended_data, out_size - delta,
                                       delta, nb_channels, buf->format);
        buf_out->pts = s->pts;
        ret = ff_filter_frame(outlink, buf_out);
        if (ret < 0)
            goto fail;
        s->got_output = 1;
    } else if (avresample_available(s->avr)) {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Non-monotonous timestamps, dropping "
               "whole buffer.\n");

    /* drain any remaining buffered data */
    avresample_read(s->avr, NULL, avresample_available(s->avr));

    new_pts = pts - avresample_get_delay(s->avr);
    /* check for s->pts monotonicity */
    if (new_pts > s->pts) {
        s->pts = new_pts;
        ret = avresample_convert(s->avr, NULL, 0, 0, buf->extended_data,
                                 buf->linesize[0], buf->nb_samples);
    } else {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Non-monotonous timestamps, dropping "
               "whole buffer.\n");
        ret = 0;

    s->first_frame = 0;

    return ret;
Пример #27
F32 LLViewerRegion::getCompositionXY(const S32 x, const S32 y) const
	if (x >= 256)
		if (y >= 256)
			LLVector3d center = getCenterGlobal() + LLVector3d(256.f, 256.f, 0.f);
			LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromPosGlobal(center);
			if (regionp)
				// OK, we need to do some hackery here - different simulators no longer use
				// the same composition values, necessarily.
				// If we're attempting to blend, then we want to make the fractional part of
				// this region match the fractional of the adjacent.  For now, just minimize
				// the delta.
				F32 our_comp = getComposition()->getValueScaled(255, 255);
				F32 adj_comp = regionp->getComposition()->getValueScaled(x - 256.f, y - 256.f);
				while (llabs(our_comp - adj_comp) >= 1.f)
					if (our_comp > adj_comp)
						adj_comp += 1.f;
						adj_comp -= 1.f;
				return adj_comp;
			LLVector3d center = getCenterGlobal() + LLVector3d(256.f, 0, 0.f);
			LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromPosGlobal(center);
			if (regionp)
				// OK, we need to do some hackery here - different simulators no longer use
				// the same composition values, necessarily.
				// If we're attempting to blend, then we want to make the fractional part of
				// this region match the fractional of the adjacent.  For now, just minimize
				// the delta.
				F32 our_comp = getComposition()->getValueScaled(255.f, (F32)y);
				F32 adj_comp = regionp->getComposition()->getValueScaled(x - 256.f, (F32)y);
				while (llabs(our_comp - adj_comp) >= 1.f)
					if (our_comp > adj_comp)
						adj_comp += 1.f;
						adj_comp -= 1.f;
				return adj_comp;
	else if (y >= 256)
		LLVector3d center = getCenterGlobal() + LLVector3d(0.f, 256.f, 0.f);
		LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromPosGlobal(center);
		if (regionp)
			// OK, we need to do some hackery here - different simulators no longer use
			// the same composition values, necessarily.
			// If we're attempting to blend, then we want to make the fractional part of
			// this region match the fractional of the adjacent.  For now, just minimize
			// the delta.
			F32 our_comp = getComposition()->getValueScaled((F32)x, 255.f);
			F32 adj_comp = regionp->getComposition()->getValueScaled((F32)x, y - 256.f);
			while (llabs(our_comp - adj_comp) >= 1.f)
				if (our_comp > adj_comp)
					adj_comp += 1.f;
					adj_comp -= 1.f;
			return adj_comp;

	return getComposition()->getValueScaled((F32)x, (F32)y);
Пример #28
op_generic_t *rs_simple_request(resource_service_fn_t *arg, data_attr_t *da, rs_query_t *rsq, data_cap_set_t **caps, rs_request_t *req, int req_size, rs_hints_t *hints_list, int fixed_size, int n_rid, int ignore_fixed_err, int timeout)
    rs_simple_priv_t *rss = (rs_simple_priv_t *)arg->priv;
    rsq_base_t *query_global = (rsq_base_t *)rsq;
    rsq_base_t *query_local;
    kvq_table_t kvq_global, kvq_local, *kvq;
    apr_hash_t *pick_from;
    rid_change_entry_t *rid_change;
    ex_off_t change;
    op_status_t status;
    opque_t *que;
    rss_rid_entry_t *rse;
    rsq_base_ele_t *q;
    int slot, rnd_off, i, j, k, i_unique, i_pickone, found, err_cnt, loop, loop_end;
    int state, *a, *b, *op_state, unique_size;
    tbx_stack_t *stack;

    log_printf(15, "rs_simple_request: START rss->n_rids=%d n_rid=%d req_size=%d fixed_size=%d\n", rss->n_rids, n_rid, req_size, fixed_size);

    for (i=0; i<req_size; i++) req[i].rid_key = NULL;  //** Clear the result in case of an error

    i = _rs_simple_refresh(arg);  //** Check if we need to refresh the data
    if (i != 0) {

    //** Determine the query sizes and make the processing arrays
    memset(&kvq, 0, sizeof(kvq));
    rs_query_count(arg, rsq, &i, &(kvq_global.n_unique), &(kvq_global.n_pickone));

    log_printf(15, "rs_simple_request: n_unique=%d n_pickone=%d\n", kvq_global.n_unique, kvq_global.n_pickone);

    //** Make space the for the uniq and pickone fields.
    //** Make sure we have space for at least 1 more than we need of each to pass to the routines even though they aren't used
    j = (kvq_global.n_pickone == 0) ? 1 : kvq_global.n_pickone + 1;
    tbx_type_malloc_clear(kvq_global.pickone, kvq_ele_t, j);

    unique_size = kvq_global.n_unique + 1;
    tbx_type_malloc_clear(kvq_global.unique, kvq_ele_t *, unique_size);
    log_printf(15, "MALLOC j=%d\n", unique_size);
    for (i=0; i<unique_size; i++) {
        tbx_type_malloc_clear(kvq_global.unique[i], kvq_ele_t, n_rid);

    //** We don't allow these on the local but make a temp space anyway
    kvq_local.n_pickone = 0;
    tbx_type_malloc_clear(kvq_local.pickone, kvq_ele_t, 1);
    kvq_global.n_unique = 0;
    tbx_type_malloc_clear(kvq_local.unique, kvq_ele_t *, 1);
    tbx_type_malloc_clear(kvq_local.unique[0], kvq_ele_t, n_rid);

    status = op_success_status;

    que = new_opque();
    stack = tbx_stack_new();

    err_cnt = 0;
    found = 0;
//  max_size = (req_size > fixed_size) ? req_size : fixed_size;

    for (i=0; i < n_rid; i++) {
        found = 0;
        loop_end = 1;
        query_local = NULL;
        rnd_off = tbx_random_get_int64(0, rss->n_rids-1);
//rnd_off = 0;  //FIXME

        if (hints_list != NULL) {
            query_local = (rsq_base_t *)hints_list[i].local_rsq;
            if (query_local != NULL) {
                loop_end = 2;
                rs_query_count(arg, query_local, &j, &(kvq_local.n_unique), &(kvq_local.n_pickone));
                if ((kvq_local.n_unique != 0) && (kvq_local.n_pickone != 0)) {
                    log_printf(0, "Unsupported use of pickone/unique in local RSQ hints_list[%d]=%s!\n", i, hints_list[i].fixed_rid_key);
                    status.op_status = OP_STATE_FAILURE;
                    status.error_code = RS_ERROR_FIXED_NOT_FOUND;
                    hints_list[i].status = RS_ERROR_HINTS_INVALID_LOCAL;

            if (i<fixed_size) {  //** Use the fixed list for assignment
                rse = tbx_list_search(rss->rid_table, hints_list[i].fixed_rid_key);
                if (rse == NULL) {
                    log_printf(0, "Missing element in hints list[%d]=%s! Ignoring check.\n", i, hints_list[i].fixed_rid_key);
                    hints_list[i].status = RS_ERROR_FIXED_NOT_FOUND;
                    continue;   //** Skip the check
                rnd_off = rse->slot;

        //** See if we use a restrictive list.  Ususally used when rebalancing space
        pick_from = (hints_list != NULL) ? hints_list[i].pick_from : NULL;
        rid_change = NULL;
        change = 0;
        for (k=0; k<req_size; k++) {
            if (req[k].rid_index == i) {
                change += req[k].size;

        for (j=0; j<rss->n_rids; j++) {
            slot = (rnd_off+j) % rss->n_rids;
            rse = rss->random_array[slot];
            if (pick_from != NULL) {
                rid_change = apr_hash_get(pick_from, rse->rid_key, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
                log_printf(15, "PICK_FROM != NULL i=%d j=%d slot=%d rse->rid_key=%s rse->status=%d rid_change=%p\n", i, j, slot, rse->rid_key, rse->status, rid_change);

                if (rid_change == NULL) continue;  //** Not in our list so skip to the next
                ex_off_t delta = rid_change->delta - change;
                log_printf(15, "PICK_FROM != NULL i=%d j=%d slot=%d rse->rid_key=%s rse->status=%d rc->state=%d (" XOT ") > " XOT "????\n", i, j, slot, rse->rid_key, rse->status, rid_change->state, delta, rid_change->tolerance);

                //** Make sure we don't overshoot the target
                if (rid_change->state == 1) continue;   //** Already converged RID
                if (rid_change->delta <= 0) continue;   //** Need to move data OFF this RID
                if ((change - rid_change->delta) > rid_change->tolerance) continue;  //**delta>0 if we made it here

            log_printf(15, "i=%d j=%d slot=%d rse->rid_key=%s rse->status=%d\n", i, j, slot, rse->rid_key, rse->status);
            if ((rse->status != RS_STATUS_UP) && (i>=fixed_size)) continue;  //** Skip this if disabled and not in the fixed list

            tbx_stack_empty(stack, 1);
            q = query_global->head;
            kvq = &kvq_global;
            for (loop=0; loop<loop_end; loop++) {
                i_unique = 0;
                i_pickone = 0;
                while (q != NULL) {
                    state = -1;
                    switch (q->op) {
                    case RSQ_BASE_OP_KV:
                        state = rss_test(q, rse, i, kvq->unique[i_unique], &(kvq->pickone[i_pickone]));
                        log_printf(0, "KV: key=%s val=%s i_unique=%d i_pickone=%d loop=%d rss_test=%d rse->rid_key=%s\n", q->key, q->val, i_unique, i_pickone, loop, state, rse->rid_key);
                        if ((q->key_op & RSQ_BASE_KV_UNIQUE) || (q->val_op & RSQ_BASE_KV_UNIQUE)) i_unique++;
                        if ((q->key_op & RSQ_BASE_KV_PICKONE) || (q->val_op & RSQ_BASE_KV_PICKONE)) i_pickone++;
                    case RSQ_BASE_OP_NOT:
                        a = (int *)tbx_stack_pop(stack);
                        state = (*a == 0) ? 1 : 0;
                        //log_printf(0, "NOT(%d)=%d\n", *a, state);
                    case RSQ_BASE_OP_AND:
                        a = (int *)tbx_stack_pop(stack);
                        b = (int *)tbx_stack_pop(stack);
                        state = (*a) && (*b);
                        //log_printf(0, "%d AND %d = %d\n", *a, *b, state);
                    case RSQ_BASE_OP_OR:
                        a = (int *)tbx_stack_pop(stack);
                        b = (int *)tbx_stack_pop(stack);
                        state = a || b;
                        //log_printf(0, "%d OR %d = %d\n", *a, *b, state);

                    tbx_type_malloc(op_state, int, 1);
                    *op_state = state;
                    tbx_stack_push(stack, (void *)op_state);
                    log_printf(15, " stack_size=%d loop=%d push state=%d\n",tbx_stack_count(stack), loop, state);
                    q = q->next;

                if (query_local != NULL) {
                    q = query_local->head;
                    kvq = &kvq_local;

            op_state = (int *)tbx_stack_pop(stack);
            state = -1;
            if (op_state != NULL) {
                state = *op_state;

            if (op_state == NULL) {
                log_printf(1, "rs_simple_request: ERROR processing i=%d EMPTY STACK\n", i);
                found = 0;
                status.op_status = OP_STATE_FAILURE;
                status.error_code = RS_ERROR_EMPTY_STACK;
            } else if  (state == 1) { //** Got one
                log_printf(15, "rs_simple_request: processing i=%d ds_key=%s\n", i, rse->ds_key);
                found = 1;
                if ((i<fixed_size) && hints_list) hints_list[i].status = RS_ERROR_OK;

                for (k=0; k<req_size; k++) {
                    if (req[k].rid_index == i) {
                        log_printf(15, "rs_simple_request: i=%d ds_key=%s, rid_key=%s size=" XOT "\n", i, rse->ds_key, rse->rid_key, req[k].size);
                        req[k].rid_key = strdup(rse->rid_key);
                        req[k].gop = ds_allocate(rss->ds, rse->ds_key, da, req[k].size, caps[k], timeout);
                        opque_add(que, req[k].gop);

                if (rid_change != NULL) { //** Flag that I'm tweaking things.  The caller does the source pending/delta half
                    rid_change->delta -= change;
                    rid_change->state = ((llabs(rid_change->delta) <= rid_change->tolerance) || (rid_change->tolerance == 0)) ? 1 : 0;
                break;  //** Got one so exit the RID scan and start the next one
            } else if (i<fixed_size) {  //** This should have worked so flag an error
                if (hints_list) {
                   log_printf(1, "Match fail in fixed list[%d]=%s!\n", i, hints_list[i].fixed_rid_key);
                   hints_list[i].status = RS_ERROR_FIXED_MATCH_FAIL;
                } else {
                   log_printf(1, "Match fail in fixed list and no hints are provided!\n");
                status.op_status = OP_STATE_FAILURE;
                status.error_code = RS_ERROR_FIXED_MATCH_FAIL;
                if (ignore_fixed_err == 0) err_cnt++;
                break;  //** Skip to the next in the list
            } else {
                found = 0;

        if ((found == 0) && (i>=fixed_size)) break;


    //** Clean up
    log_printf(15, "FREE j=%d\n", unique_size);
    for (i=0; i<unique_size; i++) {


    tbx_stack_free(stack, 1);

    log_printf(15, "rs_simple_request: END n_rid=%d\n", n_rid);

//callback_t *cb = (callback_t *)que->qd.list->top->data;
//op_generic_t *gop = (op_generic_t *)cb->priv;
//log_printf(15, "top gid=%d reg=%d\n", gop_id(gop), gop_id(req[0].gop));


    if ((found == 0) || (err_cnt>0)) {
        opque_free(que, OP_DESTROY);

        if (status.error_code == 0) {
            log_printf(1, "rs_simple_request: Can't find enough RIDs! requested=%d found=%d err_cnt=%d\n", n_rid, found, err_cnt);
            status.op_status = OP_STATE_FAILURE;
            status.error_code = RS_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_RIDS;

Пример #29
static void camd35_request_emm(ECM_REQUEST *er)
	int32_t i;
	time_t now;
	uchar mbuf[1024];
	struct s_client *cl = cur_client();
	struct s_reader *aureader = NULL, *rdr = NULL;

	if(er->selected_reader && !er->selected_reader->audisabled && ll_contains(cl->aureader_list, er->selected_reader))
		{ aureader = er->selected_reader; }

	if(!aureader && cl->aureader_list)
		LL_ITER itr = ll_iter_create(cl->aureader_list);
		while((rdr = ll_iter_next(&itr)))
			if(emm_reader_match(rdr, er->caid, er->prid))
				aureader = rdr;

		{ return; }  // TODO

	uint16_t au_caid = aureader->caid;

	if(!au_caid && caid_is_bulcrypt(er->caid)) // Bulcrypt has 2 caids and aureader->caid can't be used. Use ECM_REQUEST caid for AU.
		{ au_caid = er->caid; }

	if(!memcmp(cl->lastserial, aureader->hexserial, 8))
		if(llabs(now - cl->last) < 180) { return; }

	memcpy(cl->lastserial, aureader->hexserial, 8);
	cl->last = now;

		cl->disable_counter = 0;
		cs_log("%s emm-request sent (reader=%s, caid=%04X, auprovid=%06X)",
			   username(cur_client()), aureader->label, au_caid,
			   aureader->auprovid ? aureader->auprovid : b2i(4, aureader->prid[0]));
	else if(cl->disable_counter > 2)
		{ return; }
		{ cl->disable_counter++; }

	memset(mbuf, 0, sizeof(mbuf));
	mbuf[2] = mbuf[3] = 0xff;           // must not be zero
	i2b_buf(2, er->srvid, mbuf + 8);

	//override request provid with auprovid if set in CMD05
		if(aureader->auprovid != er->prid)
			{ i2b_buf(4, aureader->auprovid, mbuf + 12); }
			{ i2b_buf(4, er->prid, mbuf + 12); }
		i2b_buf(4, er->prid, mbuf + 12);

	i2b_buf(2, er->pid, mbuf + 16);
	mbuf[0] = 5;
	mbuf[1] = 111;
		mbuf[39] = 1;                           // no. caids
		mbuf[20] = au_caid >> 8;        // caid's (max 8)
		mbuf[21] = au_caid & 0xff;
		memcpy(mbuf + 40, aureader->hexserial, 6);  // serial now 6 bytes
		mbuf[47] = aureader->nprov;
		for(i = 0; i < aureader->nprov; i++)
			if((au_caid >= 0x1700 && au_caid <= 0x1799)  ||  // Betacrypt
					(au_caid >= 0x0600 && au_caid <= 0x0699))    // Irdeto (don't know if this is correct, cause I don't own a IRDETO-Card)
				mbuf[48 + (i * 5)] = aureader->prid[i][0];
				memcpy(&mbuf[50 + (i * 5)], &aureader->prid[i][1], 3);
				mbuf[48 + (i * 5)] = aureader->prid[i][2];
				mbuf[49 + (i * 5)] = aureader->prid[i][3];
				memcpy(&mbuf[50 + (i * 5)], &aureader->sa[i][0], 4); // for conax we need at least 4 Bytes
		//we think client/server protocols should deliver all information, and only readers should discard EMM
		mbuf[128] = (aureader->blockemm & EMM_GLOBAL && !(aureader->saveemm & EMM_GLOBAL)) ? 0 : 1;
		mbuf[129] = (aureader->blockemm & EMM_SHARED && !(aureader->saveemm & EMM_SHARED)) ? 0 : 1;
		mbuf[130] = (aureader->blockemm & EMM_UNIQUE && !(aureader->saveemm & EMM_UNIQUE)) ? 0 : 1;
		mbuf[127] = (aureader->blockemm & EMM_UNKNOWN && !(aureader->saveemm & EMM_UNKNOWN)) ? 0 : 1;
	else        // disable emm
		{ mbuf[20] = mbuf[39] = mbuf[40] = mbuf[47] = mbuf[49] = 1; }
Пример #30
int main()
    long long g;
    long long i,j;
    long long index=0;
    while(scanf("%lld",&g)==1 && g)
            printf("1 = 1");
        }else if(g==-1)
            printf("-1 = -1 * 1");
        int counter;
        long long pf=primes[index++];
        long long n=llabs(g);
        while(n!=1 && pf*pf<=n){

            printf("%lld = -1 ",g);
                    printf("x %lld",factors[i]);
                if(i<=counter-1 && factors[i+1]!=0)
                    printf(" ");
            printf("%lld = %lld",g,factors[0]);
                printf(" ");
                    printf("x %lld",factors[i]);
                if(i<=counter-1 && factors[i+1]!=0)
                    printf(" ");

    return 0;