Пример #1
bool StyleSheetContents::isCacheableForResource() const {
    // This would require dealing with multiple clients for load callbacks.
    if (!loadCompleted())
        return false;
    // FIXME: StyleSheets with media queries can't be cached because their RuleSet
    // is processed differently based off the media queries, which might resolve
    // differently depending on the context of the parent CSSStyleSheet (e.g.
    // if they are in differently sized iframes). Once RuleSets are media query
    // agnostic, we can restore sharing of StyleSheetContents with medea queries.
    if (m_hasMediaQueries)
        return false;
    // FIXME: Support copying import rules.
    if (!m_importRules.isEmpty())
        return false;
    // FIXME: Support cached stylesheets in import rules.
    if (m_ownerRule)
        return false;
    if (m_didLoadErrorOccur)
        return false;
    // It is not the original sheet anymore.
    if (m_isMutable)
        return false;
    // If the header is valid we are not going to need to check the
    // SecurityOrigin.
    // FIXME: Valid mime type avoids the check too.
    if (!m_hasSyntacticallyValidCSSHeader)
        return false;
    return true;
Пример #2
Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QScopedPointer<QApplication> app(createApplication(argc, argv));

    QmlApplicationViewer viewer;

    QGraphicsObject *item = viewer.rootObject();
    QObject::connect(item, SIGNAL(loadCompleted()), &viewer, SLOT(setOrientationAuto()));


    return app->exec();
Пример #3
bool OctreePersistThread::process() {

    if (!_initialLoadComplete) {
        quint64 loadStarted = usecTimestampNow();
        qDebug() << "loading Octrees from file: " << _filename << "...";

        bool persistantFileRead;

            PerformanceWarning warn(true, "Loading Octree File", true);
            persistantFileRead = _tree->readFromSVOFile(_filename.toLocal8Bit().constData());

        quint64 loadDone = usecTimestampNow();
        _loadTimeUSecs = loadDone - loadStarted;

        _tree->clearDirtyBit(); // the tree is clean since we just loaded it
        qDebug("DONE loading Octrees from file... fileRead=%s", debug::valueOf(persistantFileRead));

        unsigned long nodeCount = OctreeElement::getNodeCount();
        unsigned long internalNodeCount = OctreeElement::getInternalNodeCount();
        unsigned long leafNodeCount = OctreeElement::getLeafNodeCount();
        qDebug("Nodes after loading scene %lu nodes %lu internal %lu leaves", nodeCount, internalNodeCount, leafNodeCount);

        bool wantDebug = false;
        if (wantDebug) {
            double usecPerGet = (double)OctreeElement::getGetChildAtIndexTime() 
                                    / (double)OctreeElement::getGetChildAtIndexCalls();
            qDebug() << "getChildAtIndexCalls=" << OctreeElement::getGetChildAtIndexCalls()
                    << " getChildAtIndexTime=" << OctreeElement::getGetChildAtIndexTime() << " perGet=" << usecPerGet;

            double usecPerSet = (double)OctreeElement::getSetChildAtIndexTime() 
                                    / (double)OctreeElement::getSetChildAtIndexCalls();
            qDebug() << "setChildAtIndexCalls=" << OctreeElement::getSetChildAtIndexCalls()
                    << " setChildAtIndexTime=" << OctreeElement::getSetChildAtIndexTime() << " perSet=" << usecPerSet;

        _initialLoadComplete = true;
        _lastBackup = _lastCheck = usecTimestampNow(); // we just loaded, no need to save again

        emit loadCompleted();

    if (isStillRunning()) {
        quint64 MSECS_TO_USECS = 1000;
        quint64 USECS_TO_SLEEP = 10 * MSECS_TO_USECS; // every 10ms

        // do our updates then check to save...

        quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();
        quint64 sinceLastSave = now - _lastCheck;
        quint64 intervalToCheck = _persistInterval * MSECS_TO_USECS;

        if (sinceLastSave > intervalToCheck) {
            _lastCheck = now;
    // if we were asked to debugTimestampNow do that now...
    if (_debugTimestampNow) {
        quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();
        quint64 sinceLastDebug = now - _lastTimeDebug;
        quint64 DEBUG_TIMESTAMP_INTERVAL = 600000000; // every 10 minutes

        if (sinceLastDebug > DEBUG_TIMESTAMP_INTERVAL) {
            _lastTimeDebug = usecTimestampNow(true); // ask for debug output
    return isStillRunning();  // keep running till they terminate us