AMZIFUNC  cv_list_0 ( ENGid  Engine ) 
	char		buffer [ 256 ] ;
	int		i ;
	TERM		dummy ;

// Cycle through the predicates
	for ( i = 0 ; extended_predicates [i]. Pname  !=  NULL ; i ++ )

	// Write the string "predicate/arity"
		sprintf ( buffer, "write(%s/%d)", 
				extended_predicates [i]. Pname,
				extended_predicates [i]. Parity ) ;
		lsExecStr ( Engine, & dummy, buffer ) ;

	// End of list or not ?
		if  ( extended_predicates [i+1]. Pname  ==  NULL )	
			lsExecStr ( Engine, & dummy, "nl" ) ;
			lsExecStr ( Engine, & dummy, "write(', ')" ) ;


	return ( TRUE ) ;
int	check_help_loaded ( ENGid	Engine )
	char		buffer [ 1024 ] ;
	TERM		Cmd ;

	if ( Help -> Succeeded ( )  ==  FALSE )
		sprintf ( buffer, "write('Help file ''%s'' not found.'), nl", HELPFILE ) ;
		lsExecStr ( Engine, & Cmd, buffer ) ;
		lsExecStr ( Engine, & Cmd, "nl" ) ;
		return ( FALSE ) ;
		return ( TRUE ) ;
Пример #3
 * Class:     amzi_ls_ARulesLogicServer
 * Method:    ExecStr
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)J
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_amzi_ls_ARulesLogicServer_ExecStr
  (JNIEnv * jenv, jobject jobj, jstring jstr)
   TF     tf;
   TERM   t;
   aCHAR* query;

   jenv_current = jenv;
   query = JtoC(jenv, jstr);
   tf = lsExecStr(e, &t, query);
   delete[] query;

   case TRUE: return (jlong)(ajptr)t;
   case FALSE: return 0;
   default: amzi_error(jenv, e, "ExecStr"); return 0;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char buffer[5000];
	char *val;
	char *buf, *buf2;
	long buflen;
	int i, j, n;
	char *p, *q, *tp;
	char valbuf[5000];
	char ibuf[10];
	int date_error = 0;
	// used for Prolog
	RC rc;
	TERM term;
	TF tf;
	char errmsg[1000];
	TERM table;
	TERM row;
	TERM item;
	val = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
	if (val == NULL)
		val = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
		if (val == NULL) return;
		buf = (char *)malloc(strlen(val)+2);
		strcpy(buf, val);
		// Add two for two nuls and malloc space
		buflen = atol(val)+2;
		buf = (char *)malloc(buflen);
		if (buf == NULL) return;
		fgets(buf, buflen-1, stdin);
		buf[buflen-1] = '\0';			// Add an extra nul
	//strcpy(buffer, head);
	//strcat(buffer, buf);
	//strcat(buffer, foot);
	//fputs(buffer, outfile);
	p = buf;
	i = 0;
	while (*p != '\0')
		// Grab the attribute (up to the equal = sign)
		q = strchr(p, '=');
		if (q == NULL) // Not the right format
		*q = '\0';
		tp = q + 1;

		// get the attribute name
		strcpy(facts[i].name, p);
		// Grab the value (up to the & or nul)
		p = tp;
		q = strchr(p, '&');
		if (q == NULL)		// End of string
			q = &buf[buflen-1];
			tp = q;
		else				// More values left to process
			*q = '\0';
			tp = q + 1;
		if (strstr( facts[i].name, "Date" ) != 0 && strlen(p) > 0) {
			strcpy(facts[i].value, build_date(p));
			if (strcmp(facts[i].value, "bad date") == 0) date_error = 1;
		else {
			strcpy(facts[i].value, p);

		p = tp;
	n = i;
	printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n<html>\n\n<body><h1>EVA India</h1>");

#ifdef TEST
	strcpy(buffer, "<table border='3' cellpadding='5'>");
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
		strcat(buffer, "<tr>");
		strcat(buffer, "<td>");
		strcat(buffer, facts[i].name);
		strcat(buffer, "</td>");
		strcat(buffer, "<td>");
		strcat(buffer, facts[i].value);
		strcat(buffer, "</td>");
		strcat(buffer, "</tr>");
	strcat(buffer, "</table>");
	fputs(buffer, stdout);  // was outfile
	if (date_error == 1) {
		printf("<p><font color=red>Please enter dates in YYYY-MM-DD format</font></p>");
		goto main_error;

	// Initialize the Prolog environment

#ifdef TEST
	printf("<P><font color='green'>lsInit cureng= %p</font></p>", CurEng);

	rc = lsInit(&CurEng, "arules");
	if (rc != 0)
		lsGetExceptMsg(CurEng, errmsg, 1024);

		printf("<p><font color='red'>Fatal Error #%d initializing Amzi! Logic Server:\n%s</font></p>", rc, errmsg);
		goto main_error;

#ifdef TEST
	printf("<P><font color='green'>lsInitLSX cureng= %p</font></p>", CurEng);
	rc = lsInitLSX(CurEng, NULL);
	if (rc != 0)
		printf("<p><font color='red'>Fatal Error #%d initializing LSXs</font></p>", rc);
		goto main_error;

	// Load the .xpl file 
#ifdef TEST
	printf("<P><font color='green'>lsLoad cureng= %p</font></p>", CurEng);
	rc = lsLoad(CurEng, "arules");
	if (rc != 0)
		lsGetExceptMsg(CurEng, errmsg, 1024);

		printf("<p><font color='red'>Fatal Error #%d loading Amzi! Logic Server XPL file:\n%s</font></p>", rc, errmsg);
		goto main_error;
#ifdef TEST
	printf("<P><font color='green'>lsExecStr version(X) cureng= %p</font></p>", CurEng);

	tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, "version( ?x )");
	if (tf != TRUE)
		printf("<p><font color='red'>version failed");
		goto main_error;
	rc = lsGetArg(CurEng, term, 1, cSTR, buffer);
	printf("<P><font color='green'>version = %s, cureng= %p</font></p>", buffer, CurEng);
#ifdef TEST
	printf("<P><font color='green'>lsExecStr load('eva_india.axl') cureng= %p</font></p>", CurEng);
	tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, "load('eva_india.axl')");
	if (tf != TRUE)
		lsGetExceptMsg(CurEng, errmsg, 1024);

		printf("<p><font color='red'>Fatal Error #%d loading eva_india.axl file: %s</font></p>", rc, errmsg);
		goto main_error;
#ifdef TEST
	printf("<P><font color='green'>lsExecStr arxl...  cureng= %p</font></p>", CurEng);
	// Assert the basic data for the case
	tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, "arxl_initialize_table(`CommonRules`, `data`)");
	tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, "arxl_initialize_table(`CommonRules`, `raw_vaccination`)");

	j = 1;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
		if (strstr(facts[i].name, "Vaccination") != 0 && strlen(facts[i].value) > 0 ) {
			strcpy(buffer, "arxl_add_to_table(`CommonRules`, `raw_vaccination`, ");
			sprintf(ibuf, "%d", j);
			strcat(buffer, ibuf);
			strcat(buffer, ", `Vaccination`, `");
			strcat(buffer, facts[i].value);
			strcat(buffer, "`)");
			tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, buffer);
			strcpy(buffer,  "arxl_add_to_table(`CommonRules`, `raw_vaccination`, ");
			strcat(buffer, ibuf);
			strcat(buffer, ", `VaccinationDate`, `");
			strcat(buffer, facts[i].value);
			strcat(buffer, "`)");
			tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, buffer);
		else {
			strcpy(buffer, "arxl_add_to_vector(`CommonRules`, `data`, `");
			strcat(buffer, facts[i].name);
			strcat(buffer, "`, `");
			strcat(buffer, facts[i].value);
			strcat(buffer, "`)");
			tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, buffer);
	// Start the Output
	printf("<h2><font color=red>Demonstration Only, Not for Medical use</font></h2>");
	printf("<p><a href='/vaccinationanalysis/index.html'>EVA</a> is a tool for the encoding, verification, testing, and deployment of vaccination knowledge.</p>");
	printf("<p><a href='/vaccinationanalysis/eva_user_documentation.html'>Explanation of Results</a></p>");

	// Get the age
	tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, "arxl_query('EVA', false, `FIND age`, ?x)");
	rc = lsGetArg(CurEng, term, 4, cSTR, buffer);
	printf("<h3>age = %s</h3>", buffer);
	// Get the history
	tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, "arxl_query('EVA', false, `FIND history`, ?x)");
	rc = lsGetArg(CurEng, term, 4, cTERM, &table);
#ifdef TEST
	rc = lsTermToStr(CurEng, table, buffer, 500);
   if (strcmp(buffer, "[]") == 0) table = NULL;
	printf("<P><font color='green'>history = %s</font></p>", buffer);
	printf("<h2>Retrospective Analysis</h2>");
	printf("<p><font color=green>The comment indicates whether a previously given vaccination was:</p>");
	printf("<ul><li>too early,</li><li>early but OK,</li><li>during the optimal interval,</li><li>past the optimal interval,</li>");
	printf("<li>a violation of minimum intervals between doses, or</li><li>an invalid spacing between live virus vaccinations.</li></ul>");
	printf("<p>A dose with an X was not given at the correct time and does not count as a valid dose. </font></p>");
	printf("<table border='3' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='5'>");
	printf("<th>Date Given</th>");
	printf("<th>Age Given</th>");

	i = 0;
	while (table != 0 && i < 50) {
		lsGetHead(CurEng, table, cTERM, &row);
		j = 0;
		while (row != 0 && j < 10) {
			lsGetHead(CurEng, row, cTERM, &item);
			lsTermToStr(CurEng, item, buffer, 80);
			printf("<td>%s</td>", buffer);
			row = lsGetTail(CurEng, row);
		table = lsGetTail(CurEng, table);

	// Get the plan
	tf = lsExecStr(CurEng, &term, "arxl_query('EVA', false, `FIND plans`, ?x)");
	rc = lsGetArg(CurEng, term, 4, cTERM, &table);
#ifdef TEST
	rc = lsTermToStr(CurEng, table, buffer, 500);
	printf("<P><font color='green'>plans = %s</font></p>", buffer);
	printf("<h2>Future Plan</h2>");
	printf("<p><font color=green>The status indicates what should happen next for a given vaccine as of the date the report is given.  The results are sorted with most critical future vaccinations first.  Possible values are:</p>");
	printf("<li>not applicable - for example doctor deferred or HPV for males.</li>");
	printf("<li>complete - the full series has been given.</li>");
	printf("<li>current - the vaccinations are up-to-date, nothing to do today.</li>");
	printf("<li>eligible - it's after the minimum date, so it could be given today, but it's before the optimal range.</li>");
	printf("<li>due - it's in the optimal range.</li>");
	printf("<li>past due - it's past the optimal range.</li>");
	printf("<p>The three dates indicate the earliest date for the next dose, and the beginning and end of the optimal range. ");
	printf("Note that the <a href=''>IAP ITT</a> documents do not specify a minimum age or interval, so for this demonstration the earliest age and the optimal start are the same.");
	printf(" The document does not specify the acceptable range either, so either one week or one month was assumed.");
	printf("<table border='3' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='5'>");
	printf("<th>Optimal Start</th>");
	printf("<th>Optimal End</th>");

	i = 0;
	while (table != 0 && i < 50) {
		lsGetHead(CurEng, table, cTERM, &row);
		j = 0;
		while (row != 0 && j < 10) {
			lsGetHead(CurEng, row, cTERM, &item);
			lsTermToStr(CurEng, item, buffer, 80);
			printf("<td>%s</td>", buffer);
			row = lsGetTail(CurEng, row);
		table = lsGetTail(CurEng, table);


	rc = lsClose(CurEng);
	printf("<p>Use the browser back button to enter another.</p></body></html>");