Пример #1
void mapif_parse_Auction_close(int fd)
	uint32 char_id = RFIFOL(fd,2), auction_id = RFIFOL(fd,6);
	struct auction_data *auction;

	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, auction_id)) == NULL )
		mapif_Auction_close(fd, char_id, 2); // Bid Number is Incorrect

	if( auction->seller_id != char_id )
		mapif_Auction_close(fd, char_id, 1); // You cannot end the auction

	if( auction->buyer_id == 0 )
		mapif_Auction_close(fd, char_id, 1); // You cannot end the auction

	// Send Money to Seller
	mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(206), auction->price, NULL, 0);
	// Send Item to Buyer
	mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(207), 0, &auction->item, 1);
	mapif_Auction_message(auction->buyer_id, 6); // You have won the auction

	mapif_Auction_close(fd, char_id, 0); // You have ended the auction
Пример #2
static void mapif_parse_Auction_close(int fd)
	int char_id = RFIFOL(fd,2), auction_id = RFIFOL(fd,6);
	struct auction_data *auction;

	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, auction_id)) == NULL )
		mapif_Auction_close(fd, char_id, 2); // Bid Number is Incorrect

	if( auction->seller_id != char_id )
		mapif_Auction_close(fd, char_id, 1); // You cannot end the auction

	if( auction->buyer_id == 0 )
		mapif_Auction_close(fd, char_id, 1); // You cannot end the auction

	// Send Money to Seller
	mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, "Auction", "Auction closed.", auction->price, NULL);
	// Send Item to Buyer
	mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, "Auction", "Auction winner.", 0, &auction->item);
	mapif_Auction_message(auction->buyer_id, 6); // You have won the auction

	mapif_Auction_close(fd, char_id, 0); // You have ended the auction
Пример #3
static void mapif_parse_Auction_bid(int fd)
	int char_id = RFIFOL(fd,4), bid = RFIFOL(fd,12);
	unsigned int auction_id = RFIFOL(fd,8);
	struct auction_data *auction;

	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, auction_id)) == NULL || auction->price >= bid || auction->seller_id == char_id )
		mapif_Auction_bid(fd, char_id, bid, 0); // You have failed to bid in the auction

	if( auction_count(char_id, true) > 4 && bid < auction->buynow && auction->buyer_id != char_id )
		mapif_Auction_bid(fd, char_id, bid, 9); // You cannot place more than 5 bids at a time

	if( auction->buyer_id > 0 )
	{ // Send Money back to the previous Buyer
		if( auction->buyer_id != char_id )
			mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, "Auction", "Someone has placed a higher bid.", auction->price, NULL);
			mapif_Auction_message(auction->buyer_id, 7); // You have failed to win the auction
			mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, "Auction", "You have placed a higher bid.", auction->price, NULL);

	auction->buyer_id = char_id;
	safestrncpy(auction->buyer_name, (char*)RFIFOP(fd,16), NAME_LENGTH);
	auction->price = bid;

	if( bid >= auction->buynow )
	{ // Automatic won the auction
		mapif_Auction_bid(fd, char_id, bid - auction->buynow, 1); // You have successfully bid in the auction

		mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, "Auction", "You have won the auction.", 0, &auction->item);
		mapif_Auction_message(char_id, 6); // You have won the auction
		mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, "Auction", "Payment for your auction!.", auction->buynow, NULL);



	mapif_Auction_bid(fd, char_id, 0, 1); // You have successfully bid in the auction
Пример #4
void mapif_parse_Auction_bid(int fd)
	uint32 char_id = RFIFOL(fd,4), auction_id = RFIFOL(fd,8);
	int bid = RFIFOL(fd,12);
	struct auction_data *auction;

	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, auction_id)) == NULL || auction->price >= bid || auction->seller_id == char_id )
		mapif_Auction_bid(fd, char_id, bid, 0); // You have failed to bid in the auction

	if( auction_count(char_id, true) > 4 && bid < auction->buynow && auction->buyer_id != char_id )
		mapif_Auction_bid(fd, char_id, bid, 9); // You cannot place more than 5 bids at a time

	if( auction->buyer_id > 0 )
	{ // Send Money back to the previous Buyer
		if( auction->buyer_id != char_id )
			mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(208), auction->price, NULL, 0);
			mapif_Auction_message(auction->buyer_id, 7); // You have failed to win the auction
			mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(209), auction->price, NULL, 0);

	auction->buyer_id = char_id;
	safestrncpy(auction->buyer_name, RFIFOCP(fd,16), NAME_LENGTH);
	auction->price = bid;

	if( bid >= auction->buynow )
	{ // Automatic won the auction
		mapif_Auction_bid(fd, char_id, bid - auction->buynow, 1); // You have successfully bid in the auction

		mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(210), 0, &auction->item, 1);
		mapif_Auction_message(char_id, 6); // You have won the auction
		mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(211), auction->buynow, NULL, 0);



	mapif_Auction_bid(fd, char_id, 0, 1); // You have successfully bid in the auction
Пример #5
static void mapif_parse_Auction_cancel(int fd)
	int char_id = RFIFOL(fd,2), auction_id = RFIFOL(fd,6);
	struct auction_data *auction;

	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, auction_id)) == NULL )
		mapif_Auction_cancel(fd, char_id, 1); // Bid Number is Incorrect

	if( auction->seller_id != char_id )
		mapif_Auction_cancel(fd, char_id, 2); // You cannot end the auction

	if( auction->buyer_id > 0 )
		mapif_Auction_cancel(fd, char_id, 3); // An auction with at least one bidder cannot be canceled

	mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, "Auction", "Auction canceled.", 0, &auction->item);

	mapif_Auction_cancel(fd, char_id, 0); // The auction has been canceled
Пример #6
 * Request of the map-server that a player claimed his achievement rewards.
 * @see inter_parse_frommap
int mapif_parse_achievement_reward(int fd){
	time_t current = time(NULL);
	uint32 char_id = RFIFOL(fd, 2);
	int32 achievement_id = RFIFOL(fd, 6);

	if( Sql_Query( sql_handle, "UPDATE `%s` SET `rewarded` = FROM_UNIXTIME('%u') WHERE `char_id`='%u' AND `id` = '%d' AND `completed` IS NOT NULL AND `rewarded` IS NULL", schema_config.achievement_table, (uint32)current, char_id, achievement_id ) == SQL_ERROR ||
		Sql_NumRowsAffected(sql_handle) <= 0 ){
		current = 0;
	}else if( RFIFOW(fd,10) > 0 ){ // Do not send a mail if no item reward
		char mail_sender[NAME_LENGTH];
		char mail_receiver[NAME_LENGTH];
		char mail_title[MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH];
		char mail_text[MAIL_BODY_LENGTH];
		struct item item;

		memset(&item, 0, sizeof(struct item));
		item.nameid = RFIFOW(fd, 10);
		item.amount = RFIFOL(fd, 12);
		item.identify = 1;

		safesnprintf(mail_sender, NAME_LENGTH, char_msg_txt(227)); // 227: GM
		safestrncpy(mail_receiver, RFIFOCP(fd,16), NAME_LENGTH);
		safesnprintf(mail_title, MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH, char_msg_txt(228)); // 228: Achievement Reward Mail
		safesnprintf(mail_text, MAIL_BODY_LENGTH, char_msg_txt(229), RFIFOCP(fd,16+NAME_LENGTH) ); // 229: [%s] Achievement Reward.

		if( !mail_sendmail(0, mail_sender, char_id, mail_receiver, mail_title, mail_text, 0, &item, 1) ){
			current = 0;

	mapif_achievement_reward(fd, char_id, achievement_id, current);

	return 0;
Пример #7
static int auction_end_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct auction_data *auction;
	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, id)) != NULL )
		if( auction->buyer_id )
			mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, "Auction", "Thanks, you won the auction!.", 0, &auction->item);
			mapif_Auction_message(auction->buyer_id, 6); // You have won the auction
			mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, "Auction", "Payment for your auction!.", auction->price, NULL);
			mail_sendmail(0, "Auction Manager", auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, "Auction", "No buyers have been found for your auction.", 0, &auction->item);
		ShowInfo("Auction End: id %u.\n", auction->auction_id);

		auction->auction_end_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

	return 0;
Пример #8
static int auction_end_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct auction_data *auction;
	if( (auction = (struct auction_data *)idb_get(auction_db_, id)) != NULL )
		if( auction->buyer_id )
			mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->buyer_id, auction->buyer_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(202), 0, &auction->item);
			mapif_Auction_message(auction->buyer_id, 6); // You have won the auction
			mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(203), auction->price, NULL);
			mail_sendmail(0, msg_txt(200), auction->seller_id, auction->seller_name, msg_txt(201), msg_txt(204), 0, &auction->item);

		ShowInfo("Auction End: id %u.\n", auction->auction_id);

		auction->auction_end_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

	return 0;