Пример #1
lvaddr_t paging_x86_32_map_special(lpaddr_t base, size_t size, uint64_t bitmap)
    // Allocate backwards from a page below end of address space
    static lvaddr_t vbase = (lvaddr_t)X86_32_VADDR_SPACE_SIZE;
    lpaddr_t addr;
    lvaddr_t vaddr;

    paging_align(&vbase, &base, &size, X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE);

    // Align physical base address
    lpaddr_t offset = base & (X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
    base -= offset;

    if(vbase - size < X86_32_VADDR_SPACE_SIZE - X86_32_DEVICE_SPACE_LIMIT) {
        return 0;

    // Map pages, tables and directories (reverse order)
    for(vaddr = vbase - X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE,
            addr = base + size - X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE;
        vaddr >= vbase - size;
        vaddr -= X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE, addr -= X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE) {
        union x86_32_pdpte_entry *pdpte_base = &pdpte[X86_32_PDPTE_BASE(vaddr)];
        union x86_32_ptable_entry *pdir_base =

        debug(SUBSYS_PAGING, "Mapping 2M device page: vaddr = 0x%x, addr = 0x%x, "
              "PDPTE_BASE = %u, PDIR_BASE = %u -- ", vaddr,
              addr, X86_32_PDPTE_BASE(vaddr), X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr));
        mapit(pdpte_base, pdir_base, addr, bitmap);
#       ifdef CONFIG_PSE
        union x86_32_ptable_entry *pdir_base = &pdir[X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr)];

        debug(SUBSYS_PAGING, "Mapping 4M device page: vaddr = 0x%x, addr = 0x%x, "
              "PDIR_BASE = %u -- ", vaddr, addr, X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr));
        mapit(pdir_base, addr, bitmap);
#       else
        union x86_32_pdir_entry *pdir_base = &pdir[X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr)];
        union x86_32_ptable_entry *ptable_base =
            &mem_ptable[X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr) - (X86_32_PTABLE_SIZE - MEM_PTABLE_SIZE)][X86_32_PTABLE_BASE(vaddr)];

        debug(SUBSYS_PAGING, "Mapping 4K device page: vaddr = 0x%"PRIxLVADDR", "
              "addr = 0x%"PRIxLPADDR", "
              "PDIR_BASE = %"PRIxLPADDR", PTABLE_BASE = %"PRIxLPADDR", pdir = %p, ptable = %p -- ",
              vaddr, addr, X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr), X86_32_PTABLE_BASE(vaddr), pdir,
              mem_ptable[X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr) - (X86_32_PTABLE_SIZE - MEM_PTABLE_SIZE)]);
        mapit(pdir_base, ptable_base, addr, bitmap);
#       endif

    vbase -= size;
    return vbase + offset;
Пример #2
visor_memregion_create(HOSTADDRESS physaddr, ulong nbytes)
	MEMREGION *memregion = kzalloc(sizeof(MEMREGION),
				       GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_NORETRY);
	if (memregion == NULL) {
		ERRDRV("visor_memregion_create allocation failed");
		return NULL;
	memregion->physaddr = physaddr;
	memregion->nbytes = nbytes;
	memregion->overlapped = FALSE;
	if (!mapit(memregion)) {
		rc = NULL;
		goto Away;
	rc = memregion;
	if (rc == NULL) {
		if (memregion != NULL) {
			memregion = NULL;
	return rc;
Пример #3
main(int ac, char **av)
	int	fd;
	int	size;
	int	random = 0;
	char	*prog = av[0];

	if (ac != 3 && ac != 4) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-r] size file\n", prog);
	if (strcmp("-r", av[1]) == 0) {
		random = 1;
		ac--, av++;
	size = bytes(av[1]);
	if (size < MINSIZE) {	
		return (1);
	CHK(fd = open(av[2], O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666));
	CHK(ftruncate(fd, size));
	BENCH(mapit(fd, size, random), 0);
	micromb(size, get_n());
Пример #4
void COOP_GiveStoredUVDPickupsToPlayer ( const ULONG ulPlayer )
	const TMap<FName, int>::Pair *pair;
	TMap<FName, int>::ConstIterator mapit ( UVDpickupMap );
	while ( mapit.NextPair (pair) )
		const PClass *pType = PClass::FindClass ( pair->Key.GetChars() );
		if ( pType )
			DoGiveInv ( players[ulPlayer].mo, pType, 1 );
Пример #5
 * \brief Map a region of physical memory into physical memory address space.
 * Maps the region of physical memory, based at base and sized size bytes
 * to the same-sized virtual memory region. All pages are flagged according to
 * bitmap. This function automatically fills the needed page directory entries
 * in the page hierarchy rooted at pml4. base and size will be made
 * page-aligned by this function.
 * \param base          Physical base address of memory region
 * \param size          Size in bytes of memory region
 * \param bitmap        Bitmap of flags for page tables/directories
 * \return 0 on success, -1 on error (out of range)
static int
paging_map_mem(lpaddr_t base,
               size_t size,
               uint64_t bitmap)
    lvaddr_t vaddr, vbase = local_phys_to_mem(base);
    lpaddr_t addr;

    // Align given physical base address
    if (base & X86_64_MEM_PAGE_MASK) {
        base -= base & X86_64_MEM_PAGE_MASK;

    paging_align(&vbase, &base, &size, X86_64_MEM_PAGE_SIZE);

    // Is mapped region out of range?
    assert(base + size <= (lpaddr_t)K1OM_PADDR_SPACE_LIMIT);
    if (base + size > (lpaddr_t) K1OM_PADDR_SPACE_LIMIT) {
        return -1;

    // Map pages, tables and directories
    for (vaddr = vbase, addr = base; vaddr < vbase + size; vaddr +=
    X86_64_MEM_PAGE_SIZE, addr += X86_64_MEM_PAGE_SIZE) {
        union x86_64_pdir_entry *pml4_base = &pml4[X86_64_PML4_BASE(vaddr)];

        union x86_64_pdir_entry *pdpt_base =

        union x86_64_ptable_entry *pdir_base =

              "Mapping 2M page: vaddr = 0x%"PRIxLVADDR"x, addr = 0x%lx, " "PML4_BASE = %lu, PDPT_BASE = %lu, PDIR_BASE = %lu -- ",
              vaddr, addr, X86_64_PML4_BASE(vaddr), X86_64_PDPT_BASE(vaddr),

        mapit(pml4_base, pdpt_base, pdir_base, addr, bitmap);
    // XXX FIXME: get rid of this TBL flush code, or move it elsewhere
    // uint64_t cr3;
    // __asm__ __volatile__("mov %%cr3,%0" : "=a" (cr3) : );
    // __asm__ __volatile__("mov %0,%%cr3" :  : "a" (cr3));

    return 0;
Пример #6
visor_memregion_resize(MEMREGION *memregion, ulong newsize)
	if (newsize == memregion->nbytes)
		return 0;
	if (memregion->overlapped)
		/* no error check here - we no longer know the
		 * parent's range!
		memregion->nbytes = newsize;
	else {
		memregion->nbytes = newsize;
		if (!mapit(memregion))
			return -1;
	return 0;
Пример #7
 * \brief Map a region of physical memory into physical memory address space.
 * Maps the region of physical memory, based at base and sized size bytes
 * to the same-sized virtual memory region. All pages are flagged according to
 * bitmap. This function automatically fills the needed page directory entries
 * in the page hierarchy rooted at pml4. base and size will be made
 * page-aligned by this function.
 * \param base          Base address of memory region
 * \param size          Size in bytes of memory region
 * \param bitmap        Bitmap of flags for page tables/directories
 * \return 0 on success, -1 on error (out of range)
static int paging_x86_32_map_mem(lpaddr_t base, size_t size, uint64_t bitmap)
    lvaddr_t    vaddr, vbase = local_phys_to_mem(base);
    lpaddr_t    addr;

    paging_align(&vbase, &base, &size, X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE);

    // Is mapped region out of range?
    assert(local_phys_to_gen_phys(base + size) <= X86_32_PADDR_SPACE_LIMIT);
    if(local_phys_to_gen_phys(base + size) > X86_32_PADDR_SPACE_LIMIT) {
        printk(LOG_ERR, "Mapped region [%"PRIxLPADDR",%"PRIxLPADDR"]"
                        "out of physical address range!",
               base, base + size);
        return -1;

    assert(local_phys_to_gen_phys(vbase + size) <= X86_32_VADDR_SPACE_SIZE);

    // Map pages, tables and directories
    for(vaddr = vbase, addr = base;;
        vaddr += X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE, addr += X86_32_MEM_PAGE_SIZE) {
        union x86_32_pdpte_entry *pdpte_base = &pdpte[X86_32_PDPTE_BASE(vaddr)];
        union x86_32_ptable_entry *pdir_base =
        union x86_32_pdir_entry *pdir_base = &pdir[X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr)];
#       ifndef CONFIG_PSE
        union x86_32_ptable_entry *ptable_base =
#       endif

        if(vbase + size != 0) {
            if(vaddr >= vbase + size) {

        debug(SUBSYS_PAGING, "Mapping 2M page: vaddr = 0x%x, addr = 0x%x, "
              "PDPTE_BASE = %u, PDIR_BASE = %u -- ", vaddr,
              addr, X86_32_PDPTE_BASE(vaddr), X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr));
        mapit(pdpte_base, pdir_base, addr, bitmap);
#       ifdef CONFIG_PSE
        debug(SUBSYS_PAGING, "Mapping 4M page: vaddr = 0x%x, addr = 0x%x, "
              "PDIR_BASE = %u -- ", vaddr,
              addr, X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr));
        mapit(pdir_base, addr, bitmap);
#       else
        debug(SUBSYS_PAGING, "Mapping 4K page: vaddr = 0x%"PRIxLVADDR", "
              "addr = 0x%"PRIxLVADDR", "
              "PDIR_BASE = %"PRIuLPADDR", PTABLE_BASE = %"PRIuLPADDR" -- ", vaddr,
              addr, X86_32_PDIR_BASE(vaddr), X86_32_PTABLE_BASE(vaddr));
        mapit(pdir_base, ptable_base, addr, bitmap);
#       endif

        if(vbase + size == 0) {
            // Bail out if mapped last page of address space to prevent overflow
            if(vaddr == 0xffe00000) {

    return 0;
Пример #8
int main(){
	unsigned in=2,out=0;
//	echo(2);
	printf("%d %d\n", in, out);
Пример #9
void nemo_main()
    stream instr, outstr;
    int    i, n, naxis1, naxis2, naxis[2], moment;
    double edges[2];
    struct fits_header fh;
    struct my_table_header r;
    char   *record, *cp, mesg[80];
    string *hitem;
    FITS   *map;

/* Setup */
    instr = stropen(getparam("in"),"r");    /* open input */
    moment = getiparam("moment");
    if (moment < 1 || moment > 2) error("moment must be 1 or 2");

    band = getiparam("band");
    if (band < 1 || band > 10) {
        band = band_id(getdparam("band"));
        if (band < 1) error("Invalid DIRBE band");

    naxis[0] = nlon = getiparam("nlong");
    naxis[1] = nlat = getiparam("nlat");
    grid = (entryptr *) allocate(nlat*nlon*sizeof(entryptr));
    for (i=0; i<nlat*nlon; i++)
        grid[i] = NULL;
    cp = getparam("coord");
    switch (*cp) {
      case 'g':  gal_coord = TRUE; break;
      case 'e':  gal_coord = FALSE; break;
      default: error("Bad coordinate system choosen; try gal or ecl");

    if (nemoinpd(getparam("long"),edges,2) != 2) error("long= needs 2 values");
    if (edges[0] <= edges[1]) error("long= needs left edge to be largest");
    lonmin = edges[0];
    lonmax = edges[1];
    dlon = (lonmax-lonmin)/(float)nlon;
    if (nemoinpd(getparam("lat"),edges,2) != 2) error("lat= needs 2 values");
    if (edges[0] >= edges[1]) error("lat= needs right edge to be largest");
    latmin = edges[0];
    latmax = edges[1];
    dlat = (latmax-latmin)/(float)nlat;
    dprintf(1,"GridSize: %d * %d Pixels: %g * %g\n",nlon,nlat,dlon,dlat);
    gc_middle = (lonmax < 0.0 && lonmin > 0.0); /* see if to use SYM_ANGLE */
    ncell = getiparam("ncell");
    sigma2 = 2*sqr(getdparam("sigma"));
/* Open output FITS file, and write a small yet descriptive enough header */
    map = fitopen(getparam("out"),"new",2,naxis);
    fitwrhda(map,"CTYPE1", gal_coord ? "GLON" : "ELON");
    fitwrhdr(map,"CRPIX1",(float) 1.0);     /* should use center */
    fitwrhdr(map,"CRVAL1",(float) (lonmin + 0.5 * dlon));
    fitwrhdr(map,"CDELT1",(float) dlon);
    fitwrhda(map,"CTYPE2", gal_coord ? "GLAT" : "ELAT");
    fitwrhdr(map,"CRPIX2",(float) 1.0);     /* should use center */
    fitwrhdr(map,"CRVAL2",(float) (latmin + 0.5 * dlat));
    fitwrhdr(map,"CDELT2",(float) dlat);

    fitwrhda(map,"ORIGIN","NEMO processing on CDAC data");

    sprintf(mesg,"NEMO: %s VERSION=%s",getargv0(),getparam("VERSION"));
    fitwra(map,"HISTORY", mesg);
    hitem = ask_history();
    fitwra(map,"HISTORY","NEMO: History in reversed order");
    for (i=0, cp=hitem[0]; cp != NULL; i++) {
        cp = hitem[i+1];		/* point to next history item */
/* Open input file, and process all rows */
    fts_zero(&fh);		               /* clean out header */
    n = fts_rhead(&fh,instr);	               /* read primary header */
    if (n<0) error("Error reading primary HDU");
    fts_sdata(&fh,instr);                      /* and skip data .. */

    fts_zero(&fh);                             /* clean out header */
    n = fts_rhead(&fh,instr);	               /* read primary header */
    if (n<0) error("Error reading second HDU");
    naxis1 = fh.naxisn[0];                      /* size of one row */
    naxis2 = fh.naxisn[1];                      /* number of rows */
    record = allocate(naxis1);
    for (i=0; i<naxis2; i++) {                  /* loop reading rows */
        n = fread(record,1,naxis1,instr);
        if (n != naxis1) error("Early EOF on record %d",i+1);
    printf("Used %d/%d points in gridding\n",nused,naxis2);

/* map the data on a grid */


/* finish off */
