Пример #1
static void update_prob( m_elem **P_pre, m_elem **R, m_elem **H,
            m_elem **P_post, m_elem **K )
  printf( "ekf: updating prob\n" );
#ifdef DIV_DEBUG
  print_matrix( "P", P_pre, state_size, state_size );
  mat_mult( H, P_pre, temp_meas_state,
       measurement_size, state_size, state_size );
  mat_mult_transpose( H, temp_meas_state, temp_meas_meas,
             measurement_size, state_size, measurement_size );
  mat_add( temp_meas_meas, R, temp_meas_meas,
      measurement_size, measurement_size );

  take_inverse( temp_meas_meas, temp_meas_2, measurement_size );

#ifdef DIV_DEBUG
  print_matrix( "1 / (HPH + R)", temp_meas_2,
           measurement_size, measurement_size );
  mat_transpose_mult( temp_meas_state, temp_meas_2, K,
             state_size, measurement_size, measurement_size );

  print_matrix( "Kalman Gain", K, state_size, measurement_size );
  mat_mult( K, temp_meas_state, temp_state_state,
       state_size, measurement_size, state_size );
  printf( "ekf: updating prob 3\n" );
  mat_add( temp_state_state, P_pre, P_post, state_size, state_size );
Пример #2
void Projector::_draw ()

    GLsizei W_ = static_cast<GLsizei>(W),
            h_ = static_cast<GLsizei>(h);

    float trail_time = 0.0f;
    if (trail) {
        if (trailing) trail->add_point(animator->theta, animator->time);
        if (not trail_paused) trail_time = animator->time;

    if (in_stereo) {
        //right eye
        mat_mult(tilt, animator->twist_theta(-TWIST_ANGLE), temp1);
        if (trail) trail->display(temp1, trail_time);

        //left eye
        mat_mult(tilt, animator->twist_theta(TWIST_ANGLE), temp1);
        if (trail) trail->display(temp1, trail_time);
    } else {
        mat_mult(tilt, animator->theta, temp1);
        if (trail) trail->display(temp1, trail_time);
Пример #3
 * covariance                                      *
 * --                                              *
 *  Determines the mean shape for the shape space. *
 *  Calculates teh covariance matrix using:        *
 *          1                                      *
 *  cov = ----- = sum(dx[i] * dx[i]')              *
 *        (N-1)                                    *
 *  Where dx[i] = x[i] - mean_x                    *
 *  If bias is one then divide by N instead of N-1 *
double *covariance(double **shapes, double *shape_space_mean, int num_landmarks, int num_shapes, int bias) {
  int i, j, k;
  double *shape = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * num_landmarks * 2);
  double *covariance_matrix = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 4 * num_landmarks * num_landmarks);
  double *temp_matrix = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * 4 * num_landmarks * num_landmarks);
  //find mean shape
  for (i = 0; i < num_shapes; ++i) {
    for (j = 0; j < num_landmarks; ++j) {
      shape_space_mean[j*2] += (shapes[i][j*2] / num_shapes);
      shape_space_mean[(j*2)+1] += (shapes[i][(j*2)+1] / num_shapes);

  //        1 
  //cov = ----- sum(dx*dx')
  //      (N-1)

  //subtract out the mean
  for (j = 0; j < (num_landmarks*2); ++j) {
    shape[j] = shapes[0][j] - shape_space_mean[j];
  //multiply dx*dx'
  //shape = shape' the way we have it set up, just indexed differently
  mat_mult(shape, num_landmarks*2, shape, 1, num_landmarks*2, covariance_matrix);
  for (i = 1; i < num_shapes; ++i) {
    //subtract out the mean
    for (j = 0; j < num_landmarks*2; ++j) {
      shape[j] = shapes[i][j] - shape_space_mean[j];
    //multiply dx*dx'
    //shape = hape' the way we have it set up, just indexed differently
    mat_mult(shape, num_landmarks*2, shape, 1, num_landmarks*2, temp_matrix);

    //sum into the existing covariance
    for (j = 0; j < (num_landmarks*num_landmarks*4); ++j) {
      covariance_matrix[j] += temp_matrix[j];

  //divide by N or N-1 depending
  for (i = 0; i < (num_landmarks*num_landmarks*2); ++i) {
    covariance_matrix[i] /= (num_shapes - ((bias) ? 0 : 1));

  free_array((void *)shape);
  free_array((void *)temp_matrix);

  return covariance_matrix; 
Пример #4
void icaTransformInverse(double** S, int rows, int cols, int comp, int comp_rm,
                         double** X, double** K, double** W, double** RowData, int startEb,
                         int stopEb) {
    double **A;
    double *Total;
    FILE * OutputFile;
    int i, j;

    A = mat_create(comp, comp);
    Total = malloc(cols * sizeof(double));

    for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        Total[j] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            Total[j] = Total[j] + RowData[i][j];
        Total[j] = Total[j] / rows;

    for (j = startEb; j < stopEb; j++)
        //for (j = 40; j < 90; j++)
        S[j][comp_rm] = 0;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


    mat_mult(K, cols, comp, W, comp, comp, A); //A[cols, comp]
    mat_inverse(A, comp, W);
    mat_mult(S, rows, comp, W, comp, comp, X);
    //strcat(pPathFile, "_recontruction");

    OutputFile = fopen("/home/truongnh/eeg-lab411/SignalProcessing/RemoveEyeblink/Data/Output.txt",
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
            if(j == comp_rm)
                fprintf(OutputFile, "%f\n", X[i][j] + Total[j]);
        //fprintf(OutputFile, "\n");

    for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
            X[i][j] = X[i][j] + Total[j];

void kont_env_maping(K_EDITOR * p_cnf, EDIT_KONTEJNER * p_kont)
  int mod = p_cnf->mod;
  int o, v;
  float tx, ty, tz;
  float m11, m21, m31, m12, m22, m32;

  mat_mult(p_cnf->p_word, p_cnf->p_camera, &m);

  m11 = m._11;
  m21 = m._21;
  m31 = m._31;
  m12 = m._12;
  m22 = m._22;
  m32 = m._32;

  for (o = 0; o < p_kont->max_objektu; o++) {
    if (!p_kont->p_obj[o])
    for (v = 0; v < p_kont->p_obj[o]->vertexnum; v++) {
      tx = p_kont->p_obj[o]->p_vertex[v].nx;
      ty = p_kont->p_obj[o]->p_vertex[v].ny;
      tz = p_kont->p_obj[o]->p_vertex[v].nz;

      p_kont->p_obj[o]->p_vertex[v].tu2 = 0.5f * (1.0f + (tx * m11 + ty * m21 + tz * m31));     // x bez posunu
      p_kont->p_obj[o]->p_vertex[v].tv2 = 0.5f * (1.0f + (tx * m12 + ty * m22 + tz * m32));     // y bez posunu
Пример #6
void translate_matrix(struct matrix *mat, float x, float y, float z)
    struct matrix translator, temp;

    memcpy(&temp, mat, sizeof(temp));

    translator.elements[0][0] = 1.0;
    translator.elements[1][0] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[2][0] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[3][0] = x;

    translator.elements[0][1] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[1][1] = 1.0;
    translator.elements[2][1] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[3][1] = y;

    translator.elements[0][2] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[1][2] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[2][2] = 1.0;
    translator.elements[3][2] = z;

    translator.elements[0][3] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[1][3] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[2][3] = 0.0;
    translator.elements[3][3] = 1.0;

    mat_mult(mat, &translator, &temp);
Пример #7
/* Polar Decomposition of 3x3 matrix in 4x4,
 * M = QS.  See Nicholas Higham and Robert S. Schreiber,
 * Fast Polar Decomposition of An Arbitrary Matrix,
 * Technical Report 88-942, October 1988,
 * Department of Computer Science, Cornell University.
double polar_decomp(HMatrix M, HMatrix Q, HMatrix S)
#define TOL 1.0e-6
    HMatrix Mk, MadjTk, Ek;
    double det, M_one, M_inf, MadjT_one, MadjT_inf, E_one, gamma, g1, g2;
    int i, j;
    M_one = norm_one(Mk);  M_inf = norm_inf(Mk);
    do {
	adjoint_transpose(Mk, MadjTk);
	det = vdot(Mk[0], MadjTk[0]);
	if (det==0.0) {do_rank2(Mk, MadjTk, Mk); break;}
	MadjT_one = norm_one(MadjTk); MadjT_inf = norm_inf(MadjTk);
	gamma = sqrt(sqrt((MadjT_one*MadjT_inf)/(M_one*M_inf))/fabs(det));
	g1 = gamma*0.5;
	g2 = 0.5/(gamma*det);
	E_one = norm_one(Ek);
	M_one = norm_one(Mk);  M_inf = norm_inf(Mk);
    } while (E_one>(M_one*TOL));
    mat_tpose(Q,=,Mk,3); mat_pad(Q);
    mat_mult(Mk, M, S);	 mat_pad(S);
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) for (j=i; j<3; j++)
	S[i][j] = S[j][i] = 0.5*(S[i][j]+S[j][i]);
    return (det);
Пример #8
/* Rotate a matrix about the X, Y or Z axis */
void mat_rotate (Matrix mat1, Matrix mat2, int axis, float angle)
    Matrix mat;
    float  cosa, sina;

    cosa = cos ((PI/180.0) * angle);
    sina = sin ((PI/180.0) * angle);

    mat_identity (mat);

    switch (axis) {
    case X:
        mat[1][1] = cosa;
        mat[1][2] = sina;
        mat[2][1] = -sina;
        mat[2][2] = cosa;

    case Y:
        mat[0][0] = cosa;
        mat[0][2] = -sina;
        mat[2][0] = sina;
        mat[2][2] = cosa;

    case Z:
        mat[0][0] = cosa;
        mat[0][1] = sina;
        mat[1][0] = -sina;
        mat[1][1] = cosa;

    mat_mult (mat1, mat2, mat);
Пример #9
void mat_axis_rotate (Matrix mat1, Matrix mat2, Vector axis, float angle)
    float  cosa, sina;
    Matrix mat;

    cosa = cos ((PI/180.0) * angle);
    sina = sin ((PI/180.0) * angle);

    mat[0][0] = (axis[X] * axis[X]) + ((1.0 - (axis[X] * axis[X]))*cosa);
    mat[0][1] = (axis[X] * axis[Y] * (1.0 - cosa)) - (axis[Z] * sina);
    mat[0][2] = (axis[X] * axis[Z] * (1.0 - cosa)) + (axis[Y] * sina);
    mat[0][3] = 0.0;

    mat[1][0] = (axis[X] * axis[Y] * (1.0 - cosa)) + (axis[Z] * sina);
    mat[1][1] = (axis[Y] * axis[Y]) + ((1.0 - (axis[Y] * axis[Y])) * cosa);
    mat[1][2] = (axis[Y] * axis[Z] * (1.0 - cosa)) - (axis[X] * sina);
    mat[1][3] = 0.0;

    mat[2][0] = (axis[X] * axis[Z] * (1.0 - cosa)) - (axis[Y] * sina);
    mat[2][1] = (axis[Y] * axis[Z] * (1.0 - cosa)) + (axis[X] * sina);
    mat[2][2] = (axis[Z] * axis[Z]) + ((1.0 - (axis[Z] * axis[Z])) * cosa);
    mat[2][3] = 0.0;

    mat[3][0] = mat[3][1] = mat[3][2] = mat[3][3] = 0.0;

    mat_mult (mat1, mat2, mat);
Пример #10
void	rotate(t_env *e)
	cl_float3			mat[3];

	rot_mat(mat, 0, e->rot.x);
	mat_mult(e->data->mat, mat);
	rot_mat(mat, 1, e->rot.y);
	mat_mult(e->data->mat, mat);
	rot_mat(mat, 2, e->rot.z);
	mat_mult(e->data->mat, mat);
	e->data->dir = v_mult_mat(e->data->mat, float3(0, 0, 1));
	e->data->corners[0] = v_mult_mat(e->data->mat, e->corners[0]);
	e->data->corners[1] = v_mult_mat(e->data->mat, e->corners[1]);
	e->data->corners[2] = v_mult_mat(e->data->mat, e->corners[2]);
Пример #11
void ekf_filter_predict(struct ekf_filter* filter, double *u) {

  /* prediction :

     X += Xdot * dt
     Pdot = F * P * F' + Q   ( or Pdot = F*P + P*F' + Q  for continuous form )
     P += Pdot * dt


  int n = filter->state_dim;
  double dt;
  /* fetch dt, Xdot and F */
  filter->ffun(u, filter->X, &dt, filter->Xdot, filter->F);
  /*  X = X + Xdot * dt */
  mat_add_scal_mult(n, 1, filter->X, filter->X, dt, filter->Xdot);

      continuous update
      Pdot = F * P + P * F' + Q
  mat_mult(n, n, n, filter->tmp1, filter->F, filter->P);
  mat_transpose(n, n, filter->tmp2, filter->F);
  mat_mult(n, n, n, filter->tmp3, filter->P, filter->tmp2);
  mat_add(n, n, filter->Pdot, filter->tmp1, filter->tmp3);
  mat_add(n, n, filter->Pdot, filter->Pdot, filter->Q);
      discrete update
      Pdot = F * P * F' + Q
  mat_mult(n, n, n, filter->tmp1, filter->F, filter->P);
  mat_transpose(n, n, filter->tmp2, filter->F);
  mat_mult(n, n, n, filter->tmp3, filter->tmp1, filter->tmp2);
  mat_add(n, n, filter->Pdot, filter->tmp3, filter->Q);

  /*  P = P + Pdot * dt */
  mat_add_scal_mult(n, n, filter->P, filter->P, dt, filter->Pdot);

Пример #12
mat_t *mat_set_view(vec_t eye, vec_t u, vec_t v, vec_t w, mat_t *a){
	mat_t *b = mat_set_trans(vec_neg(eye),mat_new_zero());
	return a;
Пример #13
mat_t *mat_set_ortho(vec_t lbn, vec_t rtf, mat_t *a){
	mat_t *b = mat_set_id(mat_new_zero());
	b->x.w = -(lbn.x+rtf.x)/2.0;
	b->y.w = -(lbn.y+rtf.y)/2.0;
	b->z.w = -(lbn.z+rtf.z)/2.0;
	a->x.x = 2.0/(rtf.x-lbn.x);
	a->y.y = 2.0/(rtf.y-lbn.y);
	a->z.z = 2.0/(rtf.z-lbn.z);
	return a;
Пример #14
static void estimate_prob( m_elem **P_post, m_elem **Phi, m_elem **GQGt,
              m_elem **P_pre )
  printf( "ekf: estimating prob\n" );

  mat_mult_transpose( P_post, Phi, temp_state_state,
             state_size, state_size, state_size );
  mat_mult( Phi, temp_state_state, P_pre,
             state_size, state_size, state_size );
  mat_add( P_pre, GQGt, P_pre, state_size, state_size );
void BaseStateEstimation::transformImuStateToBase()
	  MY_MATRIX(S_angrate, 1,3,1,3);
	  vectorToSkewMatrix(O_angrate_I_, S_angrate);
	  MY_MATRIX(S_angacc, 1,3,1,3);
	  vectorToSkewMatrix(O_angacc_I_, S_angacc);
	  MY_MATRIX(S_helper, 1,3,1,3);
	  mat_mult(S_angrate, S_angrate, S_helper);
	  mat_add(S_angacc, S_helper, S_helper);

	  mat_mult(O_rot_I_, I_rot_B_, O_rot_B_);

	  mat_vec_mult(O_rot_I_, I_linpos_B_, O_linpos_B_);
	  vec_add(O_linpos_I_, O_linpos_B_, O_linpos_B_);

	  mat_vec_mult(O_rot_I_, I_linpos_B_, O_linvel_B_);
	  mat_vec_mult(S_angrate, O_linvel_B_, O_linvel_B_);
	  vec_add(O_linvel_I_, O_linvel_B_, O_linvel_B_);

	  mat_vec_mult(O_rot_I_, I_linpos_B_, O_linacc_B_);
	  mat_vec_mult(S_helper, O_linacc_B_, O_linacc_B_);
	  vec_add(O_linacc_I_, O_linacc_B_, O_linacc_B_);
Пример #16
void ekf_filter_update(struct ekf_filter* filter, double *y) {

  /* update

     E = H * P * H' + R
     K = P * H' * inv(E)
     P = P - K * H * P
     X = X + K * err

  double err;
  int n = filter->state_dim;
  int m = filter->measure_dim;
  filter->mfun(y, &err, filter->X, filter->H);

  /*  E = H * P * H' + R */
  mat_mult(m, n, n, filter->tmp1, filter->H, filter->P);
  mat_transpose(m, n, filter->tmp2, filter->H);
  mat_mult(m, n, m, filter->tmp3, filter->tmp1, filter->tmp2);
  mat_add(m, m, filter->E, filter->tmp3, filter->R);

  /*  K = P * H' * inv(E) */
  mat_transpose(m, n, filter->tmp1, filter->H);
  mat_mult(n, n, m, filter->tmp2, filter->P, filter->tmp1);
  if (filter->measure_dim != 1) { printf("only dim 1 measure implemented for now\n"); exit(-1);}
  mat_scal_mult(n, m, filter->K, 1./filter->E[0], filter->tmp2);

  /* P = P - K * H * P */
  mat_mult(n, m, n, filter->tmp1, filter->K, filter->H);
  mat_mult(n, n, n, filter->tmp2, filter->tmp1, filter->P);
  mat_sub(n, n, filter->P, filter->P, filter->tmp2);

  /*  X = X + err * K */
  mat_add_scal_mult(n, m, filter->X, filter->X, err, filter->K);

Пример #17
void Ball::rotate_vector(float *x1, float *y1, float angle)
  angle *= (3.1415*2)/360;
  float v[4];
  v[0] = *x1;
  v[1] = *y1;
  v[2] = 0;
  v[3] = 0;
  float m[16];
  memset(m, 0, sizeof(m));
  m[0] = cos(angle);
  m[1] = -sin(angle);
  m[4] = sin(angle);
  m[5] = cos(angle);
  m[10] = 1;
  m[15] = 1;
  mat_mult(m, v);
  *x1 = v[0];
  *y1 = v[1];
Пример #18
void rotate_matrix(struct matrix *mat, float angle, float x, float y, float z)
    float s, c;

    angle = 2.0f * M_PI * angle / 360.0f;

    s = sinf(angle);
    c = cosf(angle);

    struct matrix rotator, temp;

    memcpy(&temp, mat, sizeof(temp));

    memset(rotator.elements, 0, 16 * sizeof(GLfloat));

    rotator.elements[0][0] = x * x * (1 - c) + c;
    rotator.elements[1][0] = y * x * (1 - c) + z * s;
    rotator.elements[2][0] = x * z * (1 - c) - y * s;
    rotator.elements[3][0] = 0;

    rotator.elements[0][1] = x * y * (1 - c) - z * s;
    rotator.elements[1][1] = y * y * (1 - c) + c;
    rotator.elements[2][1] = y * z * (1 - c) + x * s;
    rotator.elements[3][1] = 0;

    rotator.elements[0][2] = x * z * (1 - c) + y * s;
    rotator.elements[1][2] = y * z * (1 - c) - x * s;
    rotator.elements[2][2] = z * z * (1 - c) + c;
    rotator.elements[3][2] = 0;

    rotator.elements[0][3] = 0.0;
    rotator.elements[1][3] = 0.0;
    rotator.elements[2][3] = 0.0;
    rotator.elements[3][3] = 1.0;

    mat_mult(mat, &rotator, &temp);
Пример #19
 * Main FastICA function. Centers and whitens the input
 * matrix, calls the ICA computation function ICA_compute()
 * and computes the output matrixes.
void fastICA(mat X, int rows, int cols, int compc, mat K, mat W, mat A, mat S)
	mat XT, V, TU, D, X1, _A;
	vect scale, d;

	// matrix creation
	XT = mat_create(cols, rows);
	X1 = mat_create(compc, rows);
	V = mat_create(cols, cols);
	D = mat_create(cols, cols);
	TU = mat_create(cols, cols);
	scale = vect_create(cols);
	d = vect_create(cols);

	mat_center(X, rows, cols, scale);


	// X <- t(X); V <- X %*% t(X)/rows 
	mat_transpose(X, rows, cols, XT);
	mat_apply_fx(X, rows, cols, fx_div_c, rows);
	mat_mult(XT, cols, rows, X, rows, cols, V);
	// La.svd(V)
	svdcmp(V, cols, cols, d, D);  // V = s$u, d = s$d, D = s$v

	// D <- diag(c(1/sqrt(d))
	vect_apply_fx(d, cols, fx_inv_sqrt, 0);	
	mat_diag(d, cols, D);

	// K <- D %*% t(U)
	mat_transpose(V, cols, cols, TU);
	mat_mult(D, cols, cols, TU, cols, cols, V); // K = V 

	// X1 <- K %*% X
	mat_mult(V, compc, cols, XT, cols, rows, X1);

	_A = ICA_compute(X1, compc, rows);


	// X <- t(x)
	mat_transpose(XT, cols, rows, X);
	mat_decenter(X, rows, cols, scale);

	// K
	mat_transpose(V, compc, cols, K);

	// w <- a %*% K; S <- w %*% X
	mat_mult(_A, compc, compc, V, compc, cols, D);	
	mat_mult(D, compc, cols, XT, cols, rows, X1);
	// S
	mat_transpose(X1, compc, rows, S);

	// A <- t(w) %*% solve(w * t(w))
	mat_transpose(D, compc, compc, TU);
	mat_mult(D, compc, compc, TU, compc, compc, V);
	mat_inverse(V, compc, D);
	mat_mult(TU, compc, compc, D, compc, compc, V);
	// A
	mat_transpose(V, compc, compc, A);

	// W
	mat_transpose(_A, compc, compc, W);

	// cleanup
	mat_delete(XT, cols, rows);
	mat_delete(X1, compc, rows);
	mat_delete(V, cols, cols);
	mat_delete(D, cols, cols);
	mat_delete(TU,cols, cols);
Пример #20
void expm(Matrix A, Matrix B, double h) {

	static int firsttime = TRUE;
	static Matrix M;
	static Matrix M2;
	static Matrix M3;
	static Matrix D;
	static Matrix N;

	if (firsttime) {
		firsttime = FALSE;
		M = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS);
		M2 = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS);
		M3 = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS);
		D = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS);
		N = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS);

	int norm = 0;
	double c = 0.5;
	int q = 6; // uneven p-q order for Pade approx.
	int p = 1;
	int i,j,k;

	// Form the big matrix
	mat_mult_scalar(A, h, A);
	mat_equal_size(A, 2*N_DOFS, 2*N_DOFS, M);
	for (i = 1; i <= 2*N_DOFS; ++i) {
		for (j = 1; j <= N_DOFS; ++j) {
			M[i][2*N_DOFS + j] = h * B[i][j];
	//print_mat("M is:\n", M);

	// scale M by power of 2 so that its norm < 1/2
	norm = (int)(log2(inf_norm(M))) + 2;
	//printf("Inf norm of M: %f \n", inf_norm(M));
	if (norm < 0)
		norm = 0;

	mat_mult_scalar(M, 1/pow(2,(double)norm), M);
	//printf("Norm of M logged, floored and 2 added is: %d\n", norm);
	//print_mat("M after scaling is:\n", M);

	for (i = 1; i <= 3*N_DOFS; i++) {
		for (j = 1; j <= 3*N_DOFS; j++) {
			N[i][j] = c * M[i][j];
			D[i][j] = -c * M[i][j];
		N[i][i] = N[i][i] + 1.0;
		D[i][i] = D[i][i] + 1.0;

	// set M2 equal to M
	mat_equal(M, M2);

	// start pade approximation

	for (k = 2; k <= q; k++) {
		c = c * (q - k + 1) / (double)(k * (2*q - k + 1));
		if (p == 1)
		p = -1 * p;

	// multiply denominator with nominator i.e. D\E
	my_inv_ludcmp(D, 3*N_DOFS, D);

	// undo scaling by repeated squaring
	for (k = 1; k <= norm; k++)

	// get the matrices out
	// read off the entries
	for (i = 1; i <= 2*N_DOFS; i++) {
		for (j = 1; j <= 2*N_DOFS; j++) {
			A[i][j] = N[i][j];
		for (j = 1; j <= N_DOFS; j++) {
			B[i][j] = N[i][2*N_DOFS + j];
Пример #21
  int i,j,n,m;
  static Matrix Jbig;
  static Matrix dJbigdt;
  static Vector dsbigdt;
  static Matrix JbigMinvJbigt;
  static Matrix JbigMinvJbigtinv;
  static Matrix Minv;
  static Matrix MinvJbigt;
  static Matrix Jbigt;
  static Vector dJbigdtdsbigdt;
  static Matrix Jbart;
  static Matrix Jbar;
  static Vector lv;
  static Vector lambda;
  static Vector f;
  static Matrix R;
  static Vector v;
  static int firsttime = TRUE;
  int    debug_print = TRUE;

  if (firsttime) {
    firsttime = FALSE;
    Jbig             = my_matrix(1,N_ENDEFFS*6,1,N_DOFS+6);
    Jbigt            = my_matrix(1,N_DOFS+6,1,N_ENDEFFS*6);
    dJbigdt          = my_matrix(1,N_ENDEFFS*6,1,N_DOFS+6);
    JbigMinvJbigt    = my_matrix(1,N_ENDEFFS*6,1,N_ENDEFFS*6);
    JbigMinvJbigtinv = my_matrix(1,N_ENDEFFS*6,1,N_ENDEFFS*6);
    Minv             = my_matrix(1,N_DOFS+6,1,N_DOFS+6);
    MinvJbigt        = my_matrix(1,N_DOFS+6,1,N_ENDEFFS*6);
    dsbigdt          = my_vector(1,N_DOFS+6);
    dJbigdtdsbigdt   = my_vector(1,N_ENDEFFS*6);
    Jbar             = my_matrix(1,N_DOFS+6,1,N_ENDEFFS*6);
    Jbart            = my_matrix(1,N_ENDEFFS*6,1,N_DOFS+6);
    lv               = my_vector(1,N_ENDEFFS*6);
    lambda           = my_vector(1,N_ENDEFFS*6);
    f                = my_vector(1,N_DOFS+6);
    R                = my_matrix(1,N_CART,1,N_CART);
    v                = my_vector(1,N_CART);

    // the base part of Jbig is just the identity matrix for both constraints
    for (i=1; i<=6; ++i)
      Jbig[i][N_DOFS+i] = 1.0;

    for (i=1; i<=6; ++i)
      Jbig[i+6][N_DOFS+i] = 1.0;


  // build the Jacobian including the base -- just copy J into Jbig

  // build the Jacobian derivative

  // build the augmented state derivate vector
  for (i=1; i<=N_DOFS; ++i)
    dsbigdt[i] = joint_state[i].thd;

  for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i)
    dsbigdt[N_DOFS+i] = base_state.xd[i];

  for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i)
    dsbigdt[N_DOFS+N_CART+i] = base_orient.ad[i];

  // compute J-bar transpose
  my_inv_ludcmp(rbdInertiaMatrix,N_DOFS+6, Minv);

  // compute C+G-u
  for (i=1; i<=N_DOFS; ++i)
    f[i] = -joint_state[i].u;
  for (i=1; i<=6; ++i)
    f[N_DOFS+i] = 0.0;


  // compute first part of lambda

  // compute second part of lambda

  // compute final lambda

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // express lambda in the same coordinate at the foot sensors

  /* rotation matrix from world to L_AAA coordinates:
     we can borrow this matrix from the toes, which have the same
     rotation, but just a different offset vector, which is not
     needed here */


  // transform forces
  for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i)
    v[i] = lambda[N_CART*2+i];

  if (debug_print) {
    printf("LEFT Force: lx=% 7.5f   sx=% 7.5f\n",v[1],misc_sim_sensor[L_CFx]);
    printf("LEFT Force: ly=% 7.5f   sy=% 7.5f\n",v[2],misc_sim_sensor[L_CFy]);
    printf("LEFT Force: lz=% 7.5f   sz=% 7.5f\n",v[3],misc_sim_sensor[L_CFz]);

  misc_sensor[L_CFx] = v[1];
  misc_sensor[L_CFy] = v[2];
  misc_sensor[L_CFz] = v[3];

  // transform torques
  for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i)
    v[i] = lambda[N_CART*2+N_CART+i];

  if (debug_print) {
    printf("LEFT Torque: lx=% 7.5f   sx=% 7.5f\n",v[1],misc_sim_sensor[L_CTa]);
    printf("LEFT Torque: ly=% 7.5f   sy=% 7.5f\n",v[2],misc_sim_sensor[L_CTb]);
    printf("LEFT Torque: lz=% 7.5f   sz=% 7.5f\n",v[3],misc_sim_sensor[L_CTg]);

  misc_sensor[L_CTa] = v[1];
  misc_sensor[L_CTb] = v[2];
  misc_sensor[L_CTg] = v[3];

  /* rotation matrix from world to R_AAA coordinates :
     we can borrow this matrix from the toes, which have the same
     rotation, but just a different offset vector, which is not
     needed here */

  // transform forces
  for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i)
    v[i] = lambda[i];

  if (debug_print) {
    printf("RIGHT Force: lx=% 7.5f   sx=% 7.5f\n",v[1],misc_sim_sensor[R_CFx]);
    printf("RIGHT Force: ly=% 7.5f   sy=% 7.5f\n",v[2],misc_sim_sensor[R_CFy]);
    printf("RIGHT Force: lz=% 7.5f   sz=% 7.5f\n",v[3],misc_sim_sensor[R_CFz]);
  misc_sensor[R_CFx] = v[1];
  misc_sensor[R_CFy] = v[2];
  misc_sensor[R_CFz] = v[3];

  // transform torques
  for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i)
    v[i] = lambda[N_CART+i];

  if (debug_print) {
    printf("RIGHT Torque: lx=% 7.5f   sx=% 7.5f\n",v[1],misc_sim_sensor[R_CTa]);
    printf("RIGHT Torque: ly=% 7.5f   sy=% 7.5f\n",v[2],misc_sim_sensor[R_CTb]);
    printf("RIGHT Torque: lz=% 7.5f   sz=% 7.5f\n",v[3],misc_sim_sensor[R_CTg]);

  misc_sensor[R_CTa] = v[1];
  misc_sensor[R_CTb] = v[2];
  misc_sensor[R_CTg] = v[3];

  if (debug_print)
Пример #22
 * ICA function. Computes the W matrix from the
 * preprocessed data.
static mat ICA_compute(mat X, int rows, int cols) {
    mat TXp, GWX, W, Wd, W1, D, TU, TMP;
    vect d, lim;
    int i, it;

    FILE *OutputFile;

    clock_t clock1, clock2;
    float time;

    //char ascii_path[512];
    //strcpy(ascii_path, "/storage/sdcard0/NickGun/EEG/Log.txt");
    //FILE *Log;

    // matrix creation
    TXp = mat_create(cols, rows);
    GWX = mat_create(rows, cols);
    W = mat_create(rows, rows);
    Wd = mat_create(rows, rows);
    D = mat_create(rows, rows);
    TMP = mat_create(rows, rows);
    TU = mat_create(rows, rows);
    W1 = mat_create(rows, rows);
    d = vect_create(rows);

    // W rand init
    mat_apply_fx(W, rows, rows, fx_rand, 0);

    // sW <- La.svd(W)
    mat_copy(W, rows, rows, Wd);
    svdcmp(Wd, rows, rows, d, D);

    // W <- sW$u %*% diag(1/sW$d) %*% t(sW$u) %*% W
    mat_transpose(Wd, rows, rows, TU);
    vect_apply_fx(d, rows, fx_inv, 0);
    mat_diag(d, rows, D);
    mat_mult(Wd, rows, rows, D, rows, rows, TMP);
    mat_mult(TMP, rows, rows, TU, rows, rows, D);
    mat_mult(D, rows, rows, W, rows, rows, Wd); // W = Wd

    // W1 <- W
    mat_copy(Wd, rows, rows, W1);

    // lim <- rep(1000, maxit); it = 1
    lim = vect_create(MAX_ITERATIONS);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++)
        lim[i] = 1000;
    it = 0;

    // t(X)/p
    mat_transpose(X, rows, cols, TXp);
    mat_apply_fx(TXp, cols, rows, fx_div_c, cols);

    while (lim[it] > TOLERANCE && it < MAX_ITERATIONS) {
        // wx <- W %*% X
        mat_mult(Wd, rows, rows, X, rows, cols, GWX);

        // gwx <- tanh(alpha * wx)
        mat_apply_fx(GWX, rows, cols, fx_tanh, 0);

        // v1 <- gwx %*% t(X)/p
        mat_mult(GWX, rows, cols, TXp, cols, rows, TMP); // V1 = TMP

        // g.wx <- alpha * (1 - (gwx)^2)
        mat_apply_fx(GWX, rows, cols, fx_1sub_sqr, 0);

        // v2 <- diag(apply(g.wx, 1, FUN = mean)) %*% W
        mat_mean_rows(GWX, rows, cols, d);
        mat_diag(d, rows, D);
        mat_mult(D, rows, rows, Wd, rows, rows, TU); // V2 = TU

        // W1 <- v1 - v2
        mat_sub(TMP, TU, rows, rows, W1);

        // sW1 <- La.svd(W1)
        mat_copy(W1, rows, rows, W);
        svdcmp(W, rows, rows, d, D);

        // W1 <- sW1$u %*% diag(1/sW1$d) %*% t(sW1$u) %*% W1
        mat_transpose(W, rows, rows, TU);
        vect_apply_fx(d, rows, fx_inv, 0);
        mat_diag(d, rows, D);
        mat_mult(W, rows, rows, D, rows, rows, TMP);
        mat_mult(TMP, rows, rows, TU, rows, rows, D);
        mat_mult(D, rows, rows, W1, rows, rows, W); // W1 = W

        // lim[it + 1] <- max(Mod(Mod(diag(W1 %*% t(W))) - 1))
        mat_transpose(Wd, rows, rows, TU); //chuyen vi
        mat_mult(W, rows, rows, TU, rows, rows, TMP); //TMP=WxTU
        lim[it + 1] = fabs(mat_max_diag(TMP, rows, rows) - 1);


        OutputFile = fopen("/storage/sdcard0/Nickgun/EEG/data/lim",
        fprintf(OutputFile, "%f \n", lim[it+1]);

        // W <- W1
        mat_copy(W, rows, rows, Wd);


    // clean up
    mat_delete(TXp, cols, rows);
    mat_delete(GWX, rows, cols);
    mat_delete(W, rows, rows);
    mat_delete(D, rows, rows);
    mat_delete(TMP, rows, rows);
    mat_delete(TU, rows, rows);
    mat_delete(W1, rows, rows);

    return Wd;
Пример #23
 * Main FastICA function. Centers and whitens the input
 * matrix, calls the ICA computation function ICA_compute()
 * and computes the output matrixes.
void fastICA(mat X, int rows, int cols, int compc, mat K, mat W, mat A, mat S) {
    mat XT, V, TU, D, X1, _A;
    vect scale, d;
    clock_t clock1, clock2;
    float time;
    //char ascii_path[512];
    //strcpy(ascii_path, "/storage/sdcard0/NickGun/EEG/Log.txt");
    //FILE *Log;

    //chu thich voi truong hop 14 kenh, 2s (256mau) du lieu, 14 thanh phan doc lap>>> cols = 14, rows = 256, compc = 14
    // matrix creation
    XT = mat_create(cols, rows); //14x256
    X1 = mat_create(compc, rows); //14x256
    V = mat_create(cols, cols); //14x14
    D = mat_create(cols, cols); //14x14
    TU = mat_create(cols, cols); //14x14
    scale = vect_create(cols); //14
    d = vect_create(cols); //14

    clock1 = clock();
    mat_center(X, rows, cols, scale); //tru di gia tri trung binh cua moi cot

    clock2 = clock();
    time = (clock2 - clock1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Log = fopen(ascii_path, "wb");
    //fprintf(Log, "CENTERING %f \n", time);

    clock1 = clock();

    // X <- t(X); V <- X %*% t(X)/rows
    mat_transpose(X, rows, cols, XT); //XT la chuyen vi cua ma tran X[256][14] >>> XT[14][256]
    mat_apply_fx(X, rows, cols, fx_div_c, rows); //lay tung gia tri cua X[i][j] chia cho 14
    mat_mult(XT, cols, rows, X, rows, cols, V); //V=XT*X >>>V[14][14]

    // La.svd(V)
    svdcmp(V, cols, cols, d, D); // V = s$u, d = s$d, D = s$v

    // D <- diag(c(1/sqrt(d))
    vect_apply_fx(d, cols, fx_inv_sqrt, 0);
    mat_diag(d, cols, D);

    // K <- D %*% t(U)
    mat_transpose(V, cols, cols, TU);
    mat_mult(D, cols, cols, TU, cols, cols, V); // K = V

    // X1 <- K %*% X
    mat_mult(V, compc, cols, XT, cols, rows, X1);

    clock2 = clock();
    time = (clock2 - clock1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Log = fopen(ascii_path, "at");
    //fprintf(Log, "WHITENING %f \n", time);

    clock1 = clock();
     * FAST ICA
    _A = ICA_compute(X1, compc, rows);

    clock2 = clock();
    time = (clock2 - clock1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Log = fopen(ascii_path, "at");
    //fprintf(Log, "FASTICA %f \n", time);

    clock1 = clock();
     * OUTPUT

    // X <- t(x)
    mat_transpose(XT, cols, rows, X);
    mat_decenter(X, rows, cols, scale);

    // K
    mat_transpose(V, compc, cols, K);

    // w <- a %*% K; S <- w %*% X
    mat_mult(_A, compc, compc, V, compc, cols, D);
    mat_mult(D, compc, cols, XT, cols, rows, X1);

    // S
    mat_transpose(X1, compc, rows, S);

    // A <- t(w) %*% solve(w * t(w))
    mat_transpose(D, compc, compc, TU);
    mat_mult(D, compc, compc, TU, compc, compc, V);
    mat_inverse(V, compc, D); //ham nay tinh mat tran ngich dao
    mat_mult(TU, compc, compc, D, compc, compc, V);
    // A
    mat_transpose(V, compc, compc, A);

    // W
    mat_transpose(_A, compc, compc, W);

    // cleanup
    mat_delete(XT, cols, rows);
    mat_delete(X1, compc, rows);
    mat_delete(V, cols, cols);
    mat_delete(D, cols, cols);
    mat_delete(TU, cols, cols);

    clock2 = clock();
    time = (clock2 - clock1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Log = fopen(ascii_path, "at");
    //fprintf(Log, "OUTPUT %f \n", time);
Пример #24
 * ICA function. Computes the W matrix from the
 * preprocessed data.
static mat ICA_compute(mat X, int rows, int cols)
	mat TXp, GWX, W, Wd, W1, D, TU, TMP;
	vect d, lim;
	int i, it;

	// matrix creation
	TXp = mat_create(cols, rows);
	GWX = mat_create(rows, cols);
	W = mat_create(rows, rows);
	Wd = mat_create(rows, rows);
	D = mat_create(rows, rows);
	TMP = mat_create(rows, rows);
	TU = mat_create(rows, rows);
	W1 = mat_create(rows, rows);
	d = vect_create(rows);

	// W rand init
	mat_apply_fx(W, rows, rows, fx_rand, 0);

	// sW <- La.svd(W)
	mat_copy(W, rows, rows, Wd);
	svdcmp(Wd, rows, rows, d, D);

	// W <- sW$u %*% diag(1/sW$d) %*% t(sW$u) %*% W
	mat_transpose(Wd, rows, rows, TU);
	vect_apply_fx(d, rows, fx_inv, 0);
	mat_diag(d, rows, D);
	mat_mult(Wd, rows, rows, D, rows, rows, TMP);
	mat_mult(TMP, rows, rows, TU, rows, rows, D);
	mat_mult(D, rows, rows, W, rows, rows, Wd); // W = Wd

	// W1 <- W 
	mat_copy(Wd, rows, rows, W1);

	// lim <- rep(1000, maxit); it = 1
	lim = vect_create(MAX_ITERATIONS);
	for (i=0; i<MAX_ITERATIONS; i++)
		lim[i] = 1000;
	it = 0;

	// t(X)/p
	mat_transpose(X, rows, cols, TXp);
	mat_apply_fx(TXp, cols, rows, fx_div_c, cols);

	while (lim[it] > TOLERANCE && it < MAX_ITERATIONS) {
		// wx <- W %*% X
		mat_mult(Wd, rows, rows, X, rows, cols, GWX);

		// gwx <- tanh(alpha * wx)
		mat_apply_fx(GWX, rows, cols, fx_tanh, 0);
		// v1 <- gwx %*% t(X)/p
		mat_mult(GWX, rows, cols, TXp, cols, rows, TMP); // V1 = TMP
		// g.wx <- alpha * (1 - (gwx)^2)
		mat_apply_fx(GWX, rows, cols, fx_1sub_sqr, 0);

		// v2 <- diag(apply(g.wx, 1, FUN = mean)) %*% W
		mat_mean_rows(GWX, rows, cols, d);
		mat_diag(d, rows, D);
		mat_mult(D, rows, rows, Wd, rows, rows, TU); // V2 = TU

		// W1 <- v1 - v2
		mat_sub(TMP, TU, rows, rows, W1);
		// sW1 <- La.svd(W1)
		mat_copy(W1, rows, rows, W);
		svdcmp(W, rows, rows, d, D);

		// W1 <- sW1$u %*% diag(1/sW1$d) %*% t(sW1$u) %*% W1
		mat_transpose(W, rows, rows, TU);
		vect_apply_fx(d, rows, fx_inv, 0);
		mat_diag(d, rows, D);
		mat_mult(W, rows, rows, D, rows, rows, TMP);
		mat_mult(TMP, rows, rows, TU, rows, rows, D);
		mat_mult(D, rows, rows, W1, rows, rows, W); // W1 = W
		// lim[it + 1] <- max(Mod(Mod(diag(W1 %*% t(W))) - 1))
		mat_transpose(Wd, rows, rows, TU);
		mat_mult(W, rows, rows, TU, rows, rows, TMP);
		lim[it+1] = fabs(mat_max_diag(TMP, rows, rows) - 1);

		// W <- W1
		mat_copy(W, rows, rows, Wd);


	// clean up
	mat_delete(TXp, cols, rows);
	mat_delete(GWX, rows, cols);
	mat_delete(W, rows, rows);
	mat_delete(D, rows, rows);
	mat_delete(TMP, rows, rows);
	mat_delete(TU, rows, rows);
	mat_delete(W1, rows, rows);

	return Wd;
Пример #25
\note  parm_opt
\date  10/20/91

		this is the major optimzation program

 Function Parameters: [in]=input,[out]=output

 \param[in]     tol      : error tolernance to be achieved
 \param[in]     n_parm   : number of parameters to be optimzed
 \param[in]     n_con    : number of contraints to be taken into account
 \param[in]     f_dLda   : function which calculates the derivative of the 
                    optimziation criterion with respect to the parameters;
		    must return vector
 \param[in]     f_dMda   : function which calculates the derivate of the 
                    constraints with respect to parameters
		    must return matrix
 \param[in]     f_M      : constraints function, must always be formulted to
                    return 0 for properly fulfilled constraints
 \param[in]     f_L      : function to calculate simple cost (i.e., constraint
	            cost NOT included), the constraint costs are added
		    by this program automatically, the function returns
		    a double scalar
 \param[in]     f_dLdada : second derivative of L with respect to the parameters, 
                    must be a matrix of dim n_parm x n_parm
 \param[in]     f_dMdada : second derivative of M with respect to parameters,
                    must be a matrix n_con*n_parm x n_parm
 \param[in]     use_newton: TRUE or FALSE to indicate that second derivatives
                    are given and can be used for Newton algorithm
 \param[in,out] a        : initial setting of parameters and also return of
                    optimal value (must be a vector, even if scalar)
 \param[out]    final_cost: the final cost
 \param[out]    err       : the sqrt of the squared error of all constraints
      NOTE: - program returns TRUE if everything correct, otherwise FALSE
      			- always minimizes the cost!!!
      			-	algorithms come from Dyer McReynolds
      NOTE: besides the possiblity of a bug, the Newton method seems to
      			sacrifice the validity of the constraint a little up to
      			quite a bit and should be used prudently

parm_opt(double *a,int n_parm, int n_con, double *tol, void (*f_dLda)(), 
	void (*f_dMda)(), void (*f_M)(), double (*f_L)(), void (*f_dMdada)(),
	void (*f_dLdada)(), int use_newton, double *final_cost, double *err)

  register int i,j,n;
  double cost= 999.e30;
  double last_cost = 0.0;
  double *mult=NULL, *new_mult=NULL; /* this is the vector of Lagrange mulitplier */
  double **dMda=NULL, **dMda_t=NULL;
  double *dLda;
  double *K=NULL; /* the error in the constraints */
  double eps = 0.025; /* the learning rate */
  double **aux_mat=NULL; /* needed for inversion of matrix */
  double *aux_vec=NULL;
  double *new_a;
  double **dMdada=NULL;
  double **dLdada=NULL;
  double **A=NULL; /* big matrix, a combination of several other matrices */
  double *B=NULL;  /* a big vector */
  double **A_inv=NULL;
  int    rc=TRUE;
  long   count = 0;
  int    last_sign = 1;
  int    pending1 = FALSE, pending2 = FALSE;
  int    firsttime = TRUE;
  int    newton_active = FALSE;
  dLda    = my_vector(1,n_parm);
  new_a   = my_vector(1,n_parm);
  if (n_con > 0) {
    mult    = my_vector(1,n_con);
    dMda    = my_matrix(1,n_con,1,n_parm);
    dMda_t  = my_matrix(1,n_parm,1,n_con);
    K       = my_vector(1,n_con);
    aux_mat = my_matrix(1,n_con,1,n_con);
    aux_vec = my_vector(1,n_con);

  if (use_newton) {
    dLdada   = my_matrix(1,n_parm,1,n_parm);
    A        = my_matrix(1,n_parm+n_con,1,n_parm+n_con);
    A_inv    = my_matrix(1,n_parm+n_con,1,n_parm+n_con);
    B        = my_vector(1,n_parm+n_con);

    if (n_con > 0) {
      dMdada   = my_matrix(1,n_con*n_parm,1,n_parm);
      new_mult = my_vector(1,n_con);
    for (i=1+n_parm; i<=n_con+n_parm; ++i) {
      for (j=1+n_parm; j<=n_con+n_parm; ++j) {
	A[i][j] = 0.0;
  while (fabs(cost-last_cost) > *tol) {
    pending1 = FALSE;
    pending2 = FALSE;
    /* calculate the current Lagrange multipliers */
    if (n_con > 0) {
      (*f_M)(a,K);       /* takes the parameters, returns residuals */
      (*f_dMda)(a,dMda); /* takes the parameters, returns the Jacobian */
    (*f_dLda)(a,dLda); /* takes the parameters, returns the gradient */
    if (n_con > 0) {
    if (newton_active) {
      if (n_con > 0) {
    /* the first step is always a gradient step */
    if (newton_active) {
      if (firsttime) {
	firsttime = FALSE;
	eps = 0.1; 
      /* build the A matrix */
      for (i=1; i<=n_parm; ++i) {
	for (j=1; j<=n_parm; ++j) {
	  A[i][j] = dLdada[i][j];
	  for (n=1; n<=n_con; ++n) {
	    A[i][j] += mult[n]*dMdada[n+(i-1)*n_con][j];
      for (i=1+n_parm; i<=n_con+n_parm; ++i) {
	for (j=1; j<=n_parm; ++j) {
	  A[j][i] = A[i][j] = dMda[i-n_parm][j];
      /* build the B vector */
      if (n_con > 0) {
      for (i=1; i<=n_con; ++i) {
	B[i+n_parm] = K[i];
      /* invert the A matrix */
      if (!my_inv_ludcmp(A, n_con+n_parm, A_inv)) {
	rc = FALSE;
      for (i=1; i<=n_parm; ++i) {
	new_a[i] = a[i] + B[i];
      for (i=1; i<=n_con; ++i) {
	new_mult[i] = mult[i] + B[n_parm+i];
    } else {
      if (n_con > 0) {

	/* the mulitpliers are updated according:
	   mult = (dMda dMda_t)^(-1) (K/esp - dMda dLda_t)       */

	if (!my_inv_ludcmp(aux_mat, n_con, aux_mat)) {
	  rc = FALSE;

      /* the update step looks the following:
	 a_new = a - eps * (dLda + mult_t * dMda)_t     */
      if (n_con > 0) {


      } else {


    if (count == 1 && !pending1) {
      last_cost  = (*f_L)(a);

      if (n_con > 0) {
	last_cost += vec_mult_inner(K,mult);
    } else {
      last_cost = cost;

    /* calculate the updated cost */
    cost = (*f_L)(new_a);
    /*printf("   %f\n",cost);*/

    if (n_con > 0) {

      if (newton_active) {
	cost += vec_mult_inner(K,new_mult);
      } else {
	cost += vec_mult_inner(K,mult);

    /* printf("last=%f new=%f\n",last_cost,cost); */
    /* check out whether we reduced the cost */
    if (cost > last_cost && fabs(cost-last_cost) > *tol) {
      /* reduce the gradient climbing rate: sometimes a reduction of eps
	 causes an increase in cost, thus leave an option to increase
	 eps */
      cost = last_cost; /* reset last_cost */
      if (pending1 && pending2) {
	/* this means that either increase nor decrease
	   of eps helps, ==> leave the program */
	rc = TRUE;
      } else if (pending1) {
	eps *= 4.0;  /* the last cutting by half did not help, thus
			multiply by 2 to get to previous value, and
			one more time by 2 to get new value */
	pending2 = TRUE;
      } else {
	eps /= 2.0;
	pending1 = TRUE;
      goto AGAIN;
    } else {
      if (newton_active && n_con > 0) {
      if (use_newton && fabs(cost-last_cost) < NEWTON_THRESHOLD) 
	newton_active = TRUE;
  if (n_con > 0) {
  if (use_newton) {
    if (n_con > 0) {
  *final_cost = cost;
  *tol = fabs(cost-last_cost);
  if (n_con > 0) {
    *err = sqrt(vec_mult_inner(K,K));
  } else {
    *err = 0.0;
  printf("count=%ld  rc=%d\n",count,rc);
  return rc;
Пример #26
Файл: layout.c Проект: ekg/mars
mat mars(Agraph_t* g, struct marsopts opts)
    int i, j, n = agnnodes(g), k = MIN(n, MAX(opts.k, 2)), iter = 0;
    mat dij, u, u_trans, q, r, q_t, tmp, tmp2, z;
    double* s = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k);
    double* ones = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*n);
    double* d;
    int* anchors = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*k);
    int* clusters = NULL;
    double change = 1, old_stress = -1;
    dij = mat_new(k, n);
    u = mat_new(n,k);
    tmp = mat_new(n,k);
    select_anchors(g, dij, anchors, k);
    if(opts.color) {
        for(i = 0; i < k; i++) {
            Agnode_t* anchor = get_node(anchors[i]);
            agset(anchor, "color", "red");
    if(opts.power != 1) {
        clusters = graph_cluster(g,dij,anchors);

    singular_vectors(g, dij, opts.power, u, s);
    vec_scalar_mult(s, k, -1);
    u_trans = mat_trans(u);
    d = mat_mult_for_d(u, s, u_trans, ones);
    for(i = 0; i < u->c; i++) {
        double* col = mat_col(u,i);
        double* b = inv_mul_ax(d,col,u->r);
        for(j = 0; j < u->r; j++) {
            tmp->m[mindex(j,i,tmp)] = b[j];     
    tmp2 = mat_mult(u_trans,tmp);
    for(i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        tmp2->m[mindex(i,i,tmp2)] += (1.0/s[i]);
    q = mat_new(tmp2->r, tmp2->c);
    r = mat_new(tmp2->c, tmp2->c);
    q_t = mat_trans(q);

    if(opts.given) {
        z = get_positions(g, opts.dim);
    } else {
        z = mat_rand(n, opts.dim);
    if(opts.viewer) {
        init_viewer(g, opts.max_iter);
    old_stress = stress(z, dij, anchors, opts.power);
    while(change > EPSILON && iter < opts.max_iter) {
        mat right_side;
        double new_stress;
        if(opts.power == 1) {
            right_side = barnes_hut(z);
        } else {
            right_side = barnes_hut_cluster(z, dij, clusters, opts.power);
        for(i = 0; i < opts.dim; i++) {
            double sum = 0;         
            double* x;
            double* b = mat_col(right_side,i);
            for(j = 0; j < right_side->r; j++) {
                sum += b[j];
            x = inv_mul_full(d, b, right_side->r, u, u_trans, q_t, r);
            for(j = 0; j < z->r; j++) {
                z->m[mindex(j,i,z)] = x[j] - sum/right_side->r;
        adjust_anchors(g, anchors, k, z);
        update_anchors(z, dij, anchors, opts.power);
        if(opts.viewer) {
        new_stress = stress(z, dij, anchors, opts.power);
        change = fabs(new_stress-old_stress)/old_stress;
        old_stress = new_stress;
    return z;
Пример #27
 * This is the constraint that makes sure we hit the ball
void kinematics_eq_constr(unsigned m, double *result, unsigned n, const double *x, double *grad, void *data) {

	static double ballPred[CART];
	static double racketDesVel[CART];
	static double racketDesNormal[CART];
	static Matrix  link_pos_des;
	static Matrix  joint_cog_mpos_des;
	static Matrix  joint_origin_pos_des;
	static Matrix  joint_axis_pos_des;
	static Matrix  Alink_des[N_LINKS+1];
	static Matrix  racketTransform;
	static Matrix  Jacobi;
	static Vector  qfdot;
	static Vector  xfdot;
	static Vector  normal;
	static int     firsttime = TRUE;

	double T = x[2*DOF];
	int N = T/TSTEP;
	int i;

	/* initialization of static variables */
	if (firsttime) {
		firsttime = FALSE;

		link_pos_des         = my_matrix(1,N_LINKS,1,3);
		joint_cog_mpos_des   = my_matrix(1,N_DOFS,1,3);
		joint_origin_pos_des = my_matrix(1,N_DOFS,1,3);
		joint_axis_pos_des   = my_matrix(1,N_DOFS,1,3);
		Jacobi               = my_matrix(1,2*CART,1,N_DOFS);
		racketTransform      = my_matrix(1,4,1,4);
		qfdot                = my_vector(1,DOF);
		xfdot                = my_vector(1,2*CART);
		normal               = my_vector(1,CART);

		for (i = 0; i <= N_LINKS; ++i)
			Alink_des[i] = my_matrix(1,4,1,4);

		// initialize the base variables
		//taken from ParameterPool.cf
		bzero((void *) &base_state, sizeof(base_state));
		bzero((void *) &base_orient, sizeof(base_orient));
		base_orient.q[_Q1_] = 1.0;

		// the the default endeffector parameters

		// homogeneous transform instead of using quaternions
		racketTransform[1][1] = 1;
		racketTransform[2][3] = 1;
		racketTransform[3][2] = -1;
		racketTransform[4][4] = 1;

	if (grad) {
		// compute gradient of kinematics = jacobian
		grad[0] = 0.0;
		grad[1] = 0.0;
		grad[2] = 0.0;

	// interpolate at time T to get the desired racket parameters

	// extract state information from array to joint_des_state structure
	for (i = 1; i <= DOF; i++) {
		joint_des_state[i].th = x[i-1];
		joint_des_state[i].thd = qfdot[i] = x[i-1+DOF];

	/* compute the desired link positions */
	kinematics(joint_des_state, &base_state, &base_orient, endeff,
			           joint_cog_mpos_des, joint_axis_pos_des, joint_origin_pos_des,
			           link_pos_des, Alink_des);

	/* compute the racket normal */
	for (i = 1; i <= CART; i++) {
		normal[i] = Alink_des[6][i][3];

	/* compute the jacobian */
	jacobian(link_pos_des, joint_origin_pos_des, joint_axis_pos_des, Jacobi);
	mat_vec_mult(Jacobi, qfdot, xfdot);

	/* deviations from the desired racket frame */
	for (i = 1; i <= CART; i++) {
		//printf("xfdot[%d] = %.4f, racketDesVel[%d] = %.4f\n",i,xfdot[i],i,racketDesVel[i-1]);
		//printf("normal[%d] = %.4f, racketDesNormal[%d] = %.4f\n",i,normal[i],i,racketDesNormal[i-1]);
		result[i-1] = link_pos_des[6][i] - ballPred[i-1];
		result[i-1 + CART] = xfdot[i] - racketDesVel[i-1];
		result[i-1 + 2*CART] = normal[i] - racketDesNormal[i-1];

Пример #28
/* main program
int main(int argc,char *argv[])

   // double **a=allocm_mat(2,2),**b=allocm_mat(2,2),**c=allocm_mat(2,2);
   // a[0][0]=1.0; a[0][1]=2.0;		    /* initialize a	    */
   // a[1][0]=2.0; a[1][1]=1.0;
   // b[0][0]=1.0; b[0][1]=2.0;		    /* initialize b	    */
   //b[1][0]=3.0; b[1][1]=4.0;
   // c[0][0]=0.0; c[0][1]=0.0;		    /* initialize b	    */
   // c[1][0]=0.0; c[1][1]=0.0;
    char  *  filenamea;
    char  *  filenameb;
    char  *  filenamec;
    /* read in size of matrix, number of processors */
    if (argc!=5) {
        filenamea = "1000-A.mat";
        filenameb = "1000-B.mat";
        NUM_THREADS = 8;
        filenamec= "1000-C.mat";

    filenamea = argv[1];
    filenameb = argv[2];
    NUM_THREADS = atoi(argv[3]);
    filenamec= argv[4];
    pthread_mutex_init(&mc_mutex,NULL); /* initialize the lock */
    double wall0 = get_wall_time();
    mat_mult();		            /* calculate A*B */
   // printf("%8.4f%8.4f\n",c[0][0],c[0][1]);   /*   7.0000 10.0000	    */
   // printf("%8.4f%8.4f\n",c[1][0],c[1][1]);   /*   5.0000  8.0000	    */
    double wall1 = get_wall_time();
    print_matrix(filenamec, mat_c, m_dim, p_dim);
void BaseStateEstimation::update(SL_quat& base_orientation, SL_Cstate& base_position)
	SL_quat orient;
	memcpy(&(orient.q[1]), imu_quaternion_, 4*sizeof(double));
	MY_MATRIX(quat_to_rot_helper, 1,3,1,3);
	quatToRotMat(&orient, quat_to_rot_helper);
	for(int r=1; r<=3; r++)
	  for(int c=1; c<=3; c++)
	      O_rot_I_[r][c] = quat_to_rot_helper[c][r];

	memcpy(&(O_angrate_I_[1]), imu_angrate_, 3*sizeof(double));
//	memcpy(&(O_linvel_I_[1]), imu_linvel_, 3*sizeof(double));
	memcpy(&(O_linacc_I_[1]), imu_linacc_, 3*sizeof(double));

	// compensate for gravity
//	for(int i=1; i<=3; i++)
//	  O_linacc_I_[i] -= gravity_[i];

	// do numerical integration
	for(int i=1; i<=3; i++)
		O_angacc_I_[i] = (double)update_rate_*(O_angrate_I_[i] - prev_O_angrate_I_[i]);
//		O_linpos_I_[i] += (1.0/(double)update_rate_)*O_linvel_I_[i];

		//apply leakage term
//		O_linvel_I_[i] *= leakage_factor_;
//		O_linvel_I_[i] += (1.0/(double)update_rate_)*O_linacc_I_[i];

	// do coordinate transformation
	MY_MATRIX(S_angrate, 1,3,1,3);
	vectorToSkewMatrix(O_angrate_I_, S_angrate);
	MY_MATRIX(S_angacc, 1,3,1,3);
	vectorToSkewMatrix(O_angacc_I_, S_angacc);
	MY_MATRIX(S_helper, 1,3,1,3);
	mat_mult(S_angrate, S_angrate, S_helper);
	mat_add(S_angacc, S_helper, S_helper);

	mat_mult(O_rot_I_, I_rot_B_, O_rot_B_);

//	mat_vec_mult(O_rot_I_, I_linpos_B_, O_linpos_B_);
//	vec_add(O_linpos_I_, O_linpos_B_, O_linpos_B_);
//	mat_vec_mult(O_rot_I_, I_linpos_B_, O_linvel_B_);
//	mat_vec_mult(S_angrate, O_linvel_B_, O_linvel_B_);
//	vec_add(O_linvel_I_, O_linvel_B_, O_linvel_B_);

	mat_vec_mult(O_rot_I_, I_linpos_B_, O_linacc_B_);
	mat_vec_mult(S_helper, O_linacc_B_, O_linacc_B_);
	vec_add(O_linacc_I_, O_linacc_B_, O_linacc_B_);

	// integrate base state
	for(int i=1; i<=3; i++)
		O_linpos_B_[i] += (1.0/(double)update_rate_)*O_linvel_B_[i];

		//apply leakage term
		O_linvel_B_[i] *= leakage_factor_;
		O_linvel_B_[i] += (1.0/(double)update_rate_)*O_linacc_B_[i];

	// write data back
	linkQuat(O_rot_B_, &O_orient_B_);
	memcpy(&(O_orient_B_.ad[1]), &(O_angrate_I_[1]), 3*sizeof(double));
	memcpy(&(O_orient_B_.add[1]), &(O_angacc_I_[1]), 3*sizeof(double));
	memcpy(&(O_trans_B_.x[1]), &(O_linpos_B_[1]),3*sizeof(double));
	memcpy(&(O_trans_B_.xd[1]), &(O_linvel_B_[1]),3*sizeof(double));
	memcpy(&(O_trans_B_.xdd[1]), &(O_linacc_B_[1]),3*sizeof(double));

//	linkQuat(O_rot_I_, &O_orient_B_);
//	memcpy(&(O_orient_B_.ad[1]), &(O_angrate_I_[1]), 3*sizeof(double));
//	memcpy(&(O_orient_B_.add[1]), &(O_angacc_I_[1]), 3*sizeof(double));
//	memcpy(&(O_trans_B_.x[1]), &(O_linpos_I_[1]),3*sizeof(double));
//	memcpy(&(O_trans_B_.xd[1]), &(O_linvel_I_[1]),3*sizeof(double));
//	memcpy(&(O_trans_B_.xdd[1]), &(O_linacc_I_[1]),3*sizeof(double));

//	quatDerivatives(&O_orient_B_);
	base_orientation = O_orient_B_;
	base_position = O_trans_B_;

	// update buffers
	memcpy(&(prev_O_angrate_I_[1]), &(O_angrate_I_[1]), 3*sizeof(double));
Пример #30
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    TEST_PARAS myparas = parse_test_paras(argc, argv, testfile, embeddingfile, trainfile);
	printf("Do not allow self-transtion.\n");

    if (!myparas.underflow_correction)
        printf("Underflow correction disabled\n");

    int new_test_song_exp = (myparas.train_test_hash_file[0] != '\0');

    if(myparas.tagfile[0] == '\0' && new_test_song_exp)
	printf("Have to support with a tag file if you want to test on unseen songs.\n");

    int d;
    int m; 
    int l;
    int i; 
    int j;
    int s;
    int fr;
    int to;
    double* bias_terms = 0;
    double** X = read_matrix_file(embeddingfile, &l, &d, &bias_terms);
    double** realX;
    PDATA pd = read_playlists_data(testfile);
    //int k = pd.num_songs;
    int k;
    double llhood = 0.0;
    double uniform_llhood = 0.0;
    double realn = 0.0;
    double not_realn= 0.0;
    int* train_test_hash;
    int k_train;
    int k_test;

    TDATA td;

	k = pd.num_songs;
	if(myparas.tagfile[0] != '\0')
	    td = read_tag_data(myparas.tagfile);
	    m = td.num_tags;
	    myparas.num_points = l / (k + m); 
	    realX = zerosarray(k * myparas.num_points, d);
	    calculate_realX(X, realX, td, k, m, d, myparas.num_points);

	    if(myparas.tag_ebd_filename[0] != '\0')
		write_embedding_to_file(X + k * myparas.num_points, m * myparas.num_points, d, myparas.tag_ebd_filename, 0);
	    myparas.num_points = l / k;
	    realX = zerosarray(k * myparas.num_points, d);
	    Array2Dcopy(X, realX, l, d);
	Array2Dfree(X, l, d);
	printf("Prediction on unseen songs.\n");
	td = read_tag_data(myparas.tagfile);
	m = td.num_tags;
	k = td.num_songs;
	train_test_hash = read_hash(myparas.train_test_hash_file, &k_train);
	k_test = k - k_train;
	printf("Number of new songs %d.\n", k_test);
	myparas.num_points = l / (k_train + m); 
	realX = zerosarray(k * myparas.num_points, d);
	calculate_realX_with_hash(X, realX, td, k, m, d, myparas.num_points, k_train, train_test_hash);
	Array2Dfree(X, l, d);

    if(myparas.song_ebd_filename[0] != '\0')
	write_embedding_to_file(realX, k * myparas.num_points, d, myparas.song_ebd_filename, 0);
    if(myparas.bias_ebd_filename[0] != '\0')
	FILE* fp = fopen(myparas.bias_ebd_filename, "w");
	for( i = 0; i < k ;i++)
	    fprintf(fp, "%f", bias_terms[i]);
	    if ( i != k - 1)
		fputc('\n', fp);


    double** square_dist;
    if(myparas.square_dist_filename[0] != '\0')
	square_dist = zerosarray(k, k);

    int n = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < pd.num_playlists; i ++)
	if(pd.playlists_length[i] > 0)
	    n += pd.playlists_length[i] - 1;
    printf("Altogether %d transitions.\n", n);fflush(stdout);

    PHASH* tcount;
    PHASH* tcount_train;
    double** tcount_full;
    double** tcount_full_train;

        tcount = create_empty_hash(2 * n);
        tcount_full = zerosarray(k, k);
    HELEM temp_elem;
    TPAIR temp_pair;
    int idx;
    double temp_val;
    for(i = 0; i < pd.num_playlists; i ++)
	if(pd.playlists_length[i] > myparas.range)
	    for(j = 0; j < pd.playlists_length[i] - 1; j++)
                temp_pair.fr = pd.playlists[i][j];
                temp_pair.to = pd.playlists[i][j + myparas.range];
                //printf("(%d, %d)\n", temp_pair.fr, temp_pair.to);
                if(temp_pair.fr >= 0 && temp_pair.to >= 0)
                        idx = exist_in_hash(tcount, temp_pair);
                        if(idx < 0)
                            temp_elem.key = temp_pair;
                            temp_elem.val = 1.0;
                            add_entry(tcount, temp_elem);
                            update_with(tcount, idx, 1.0);
                        tcount_full[temp_pair.fr][temp_pair.to] += 1.0;


    //Need to use the training file
	PDATA pd_train = read_playlists_data(trainfile);
            tcount_train = create_empty_hash(2 * n);
            tcount_full_train = zerosarray(k, k);
        for(i = 0; i < pd_train.num_playlists; i ++)
            if(pd_train.playlists_length[i] > 1)
                for(j = 0; j < pd_train.playlists_length[i] - 1; j++)
                    temp_pair.fr = pd_train.playlists[i][j];
                    temp_pair.to = pd_train.playlists[i][j + 1];
                        idx = exist_in_hash(tcount_train, temp_pair);
                        if(idx < 0)
                            temp_elem.key = temp_pair;
                            temp_elem.val = 1.0;
                            add_entry(tcount_train, temp_elem);
                            update_with(tcount_train, idx, 1.0);
                        tcount_full_train[temp_pair.fr][temp_pair.to] += 1.0;

    FILE* song_distr_file;
    FILE* trans_distr_file;
    double* song_sep_ll;

        printf("Output likelihood distribution file turned on.\n");
            song_distr_file = fopen(songdistrfile, "w");
            trans_distr_file = fopen(transdistrfile, "w");
            song_sep_ll = (double*)calloc(k, sizeof(double));


    int* test_ids_for_new_songs;
	test_ids_for_new_songs = get_test_ids(k, k_train, train_test_hash);

    for(fr = 0; fr < k; fr++)
	int collection_size;
	int* collection_idx;
	    collection_size = (BFStable.parray)[fr].length;
	    if (collection_size == 0)

	    collection_idx = (int*)malloc(collection_size * sizeof(int));
	    LINKEDELEM* tempp = (BFStable.parray)[fr].head;
	    for(i = 0; i < collection_size; i++)
		collection_idx[i] = tempp -> idx; 
		tempp = tempp -> pnext;
	else if(new_test_song_exp)
	    collection_size = k_test;
	    collection_idx = (int*)malloc(collection_size * sizeof(int));
	    int_list_copy(test_ids_for_new_songs, collection_idx, k_test);
	    collection_size = k;

	double** delta = zerosarray(collection_size, d);
	double* p = (double*)calloc(collection_size, sizeof(double));
	double** tempkd = zerosarray(collection_size, d);
        double* tempk = (double*)calloc(collection_size, sizeof(double));
    double** mid_delta = 0;
    double* mid_p = 0;
    double** mid_tempkd = 0;

    // I get a seg fault when these get freed. Don't understand.
    if (myparas.num_points == 3) {
	    mid_delta = zerosarray(collection_size, d);
        mid_p = (double*)calloc(collection_size, sizeof(double));
	    mid_tempkd = zerosarray(collection_size, d);

	for(j = 0; j < collection_size; j++)
	    for(i = 0; i < d; i++)
		if(myparas.fast_collection || new_test_song_exp)
		    delta[j][i] = realX[fr][i] - realX[(myparas.num_points - 1) * k + collection_idx[j]][i];
		    delta[j][i] = realX[fr][i] - realX[(myparas.num_points - 1) * k + j][i];
        if(myparas.num_points == 3) {
    		if(myparas.fast_collection || new_test_song_exp)
	    	    mid_delta[j][i] =
                    realX[k + fr][i] - realX[k + collection_idx[j]][i];
	   	        mid_delta[j][i] = realX[k + fr][i] - realX[k + j][i];

	mat_mult(delta, delta, tempkd, collection_size, d);
	scale_mat(tempkd, collection_size, d, -1.0);
	sum_along_direct(tempkd, p, collection_size, d, 1);

	if(myparas.square_dist_filename[0] != '\0')
	    for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
		square_dist[fr][i] = -p[i];

    if (bias_terms != 0)
        add_vec(p, bias_terms, collection_size, 1.0);

    if (myparas.num_points == 3) {
        // Just use the mid_deltas (midpoint differences): square them,
        // then sum and add to the p vector directly, then the midpoint
        // probability is incorporated
    	mat_mult(mid_delta, mid_delta, mid_tempkd, collection_size, d);
    	scale_mat(mid_tempkd, collection_size, d, -1.0);
    	sum_along_direct(mid_tempkd, mid_p, collection_size, d, 1);
        add_vec(p, mid_p, collection_size, 1.0); 

    if (myparas.underflow_correction == 1) {
        double max_val = p[0];
        for(i = 0; i < collection_size; i++)
            max_val = p[i] > max_val? p[i] : max_val;
        vec_scalar_sum(p, -max_val, collection_size);

    Veccopy(p, tempk, collection_size);
    exp_on_vec(tempk, collection_size);

	//exp_on_vec(p, collection_size);

    // underflow checking:

//    for (i = 0; i < collection_size; i++)
//        if (p[i] < 0.000001)
//            p[i] = 0.000001;

	double temp_sum;
	    temp_sum = sum_vec(tempk, collection_size);
	    temp_sum = 0.0;
	    for(i = 0; i < collection_size; i++)
		if(!myparas.fast_collection || new_test_song_exp)
		    temp_sum += (i != fr)? tempk[i] : 0.0;
		    temp_sum += (collection_idx[i] != fr)? tempk[i] : 0.0;
        vec_scalar_sum(p, -log(temp_sum), collection_size);
	//scale_vec(p, collection_size, 1.0 / temp_sum);

	for(to = 0; to < k; to++)
	    if(myparas.allow_self_transition || (!myparas.allow_self_transition && fr != to))
		temp_pair.fr = fr;
		temp_pair.to = to;
		//printf("(%d, %d)\n", fr, to);
                    idx = exist_in_hash(tcount, temp_pair); 
                    idx = tcount_full[fr][to] > 0.0? 1 : -1;
                //printf("%d\n", idx);fflush(stdout);
                int idx_train;
                        idx_train = exist_in_hash(tcount_train, temp_pair);
                        idx_train = tcount_full_train[fr][to] > 0.0? 1 : -1;

		if(idx >= 0)
		    if(myparas.fast_collection || new_test_song_exp)
			s = -1;
			for(i = 0; i < collection_size; i++)
			    if(collection_idx[i] == to)
				s = i;
			s = to;

		    //printf("%d\n", idx);fflush(stdout);
                        temp_val = retrieve_value_with_idx(tcount, idx);
                        temp_val = tcount_full[fr][to];

		    if(s < 0)
			not_realn += temp_val;
			//printf("s = %d\n", s);
			llhood += temp_val * p[s];
			    uniform_llhood += temp_val * log(1.0 / (double) k_test);
			realn += temp_val;

                            //double temp_val_train =  idx_train >= 0? retrieve_value_with_idx(tcount_train, idx_train): 0.0;
                            double temp_val_train;
                            if(idx_train < 0)
                                temp_val_train = 0.0;
                                temp_val_train = myparas.use_hash_TTable ? retrieve_value_with_idx(tcount_train, idx_train) : tcount_full_train[fr][to];

                            song_sep_ll[fr] += temp_val * p[s];
                            song_sep_ll[to] += temp_val * p[s];
                            fprintf(trans_distr_file, "%d %d %f\n", (int)temp_val_train, (int)temp_val, temp_val * p[s]);

	Array2Dfree(delta, collection_size, d);
	Array2Dfree(tempkd, collection_size, d);
    if (myparas.num_points == 3) {
    	Array2Dfree(mid_delta, collection_size, d);
    	Array2Dfree(mid_tempkd, collection_size, d);
	if(myparas.fast_collection || new_test_song_exp)

	printf("Writing song distr.\n");
	for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
	    fprintf(song_distr_file, "%d %f\n", (int)(pd.id_counts[i]), song_sep_ll[i]);

    llhood /= realn;
    printf("Avg log-likelihood on test: %f\n", llhood);
	printf("Ratio of transitions that do not appear in the training set: %f\n", not_realn / (realn + not_realn));
	uniform_llhood /= realn;
	printf("Avg log-likelihood for uniform baseline: %f\n", uniform_llhood);

        Array2Dfree(tcount_full, k, k);
            Array2Dfree(tcount_full_train, k, k);
    Array2Dfree(realX, k * myparas.num_points, d);


    if(myparas.square_dist_filename[0] != '\0')
	write_embedding_to_file(square_dist, k, k, myparas.square_dist_filename, 0); 
	Array2Dfree(square_dist, k, k);