 * The function "MIPEMHandleInputArguments" is the MATLAB callback version of
 * the "IPEMHandleInputArguments" function from file
 * "/afs/cmb.ucdavis.edu/share/matlab/janata/models/IPEMToolbox/Common/IPEMHandl
 * eInputArguments.m". It performs a callback to MATLAB to run the
 * "IPEMHandleInputArguments" function, and passes any resulting output
 * arguments back to its calling function.
static mxArray * MIPEMHandleInputArguments(int nargout_,
                                           mxArray * inPassedArgs,
                                           mxArray * inNumFirstOptionalArg,
                                           mxArray * inDefaults) {
    mxArray * varargout = NULL;
      mclNVarargout(nargout_, 1, &varargout, NULL),
      inPassedArgs, inNumFirstOptionalArg, inDefaults, NULL);
    return varargout;
Пример #2
 * The function "Maxis" is the MATLAB callback version of the "axis" function
 * from file "d:\matlab6p5p1\toolbox\matlab\graph2d\axis.m". It performs a
 * callback to MATLAB to run the "axis" function, and passes any resulting
 * output arguments back to its calling function.
static mxArray * Maxis(mxArray * * ans2,
                       mxArray * * ans3,
                       int nargout_,
                       mxArray * varargin) {
    mxArray * ans1 = NULL;
      mclNVarargout(nargout_, 0, &ans1, ans2, ans3, NULL),
      mlfIndexRef(varargin, "{?}", mlfCreateColonIndex()), NULL);
    return ans1;
Пример #3
 * The function "Mlegend" is the MATLAB callback version of the "legend"
 * function from file "d:\matlab6p5p1\toolbox\matlab\graph2d\legend.m". It
 * performs a callback to MATLAB to run the "legend" function, and passes any
 * resulting output arguments back to its calling function.
static mxArray * Mlegend(mxArray * * labelhandles,
                         mxArray * * outH,
                         mxArray * * outM,
                         int nargout_,
                         mxArray * varargin) {
    mxArray * leghandle = NULL;
      mclNVarargout(nargout_, 0, &leghandle, labelhandles, outH, outM, NULL),
      mlfIndexRef(varargin, "{?}", mlfCreateColonIndex()), NULL);
    return leghandle;
Пример #4
 * The function "Md_int" is the MATLAB callback version of the "d_int" function
 * from file "d:\M6\work\d_int.m". It performs a callback to MATLAB to run the
 * "d_int" function, and passes any resulting output arguments back to its
 * calling function.
static mxArray * Md_int(int nargout_, mxArray * f, mxArray * int_region) {
    mxArray * out = mclGetUninitializedArray();
      mclNVarargout(nargout_, 0, &out, NULL), "d_int", f, int_region, NULL);
    return out;
Пример #5
 * The function "Mprecise_step" is the MATLAB callback version of the
 * "precise_step" function from file "d:\M6\work\precise_step.m". It performs a
 * callback to MATLAB to run the "precise_step" function, and passes any
 * resulting output arguments back to its calling function.
static mxArray * Mprecise_step(int nargout_, mxArray * inargs) {
    mxArray * out = mclGetUninitializedArray();
      mclNVarargout(nargout_, 0, &out, NULL), "precise_step", inargs, NULL);
    return out;
Пример #6
 * The function "Mgrid" is the MATLAB callback version of the "grid" function
 * from file "d:\matlab6p5p1\toolbox\matlab\graph2d\grid.m". It performs a
 * callback to MATLAB to run the "grid" function, and passes any resulting
 * output arguments back to its calling function.
static void Mgrid(mxArray * arg1, mxArray * arg2) {
    mclFevalCallMATLAB(mclAnsVarargout(), "grid", arg1, arg2, NULL);