Пример #1
static void transform_position(float P[3], float p[3], int id)
    float t[4];
    float q[4];

    q[0] = p[0];
    q[1] = p[1];
    q[2] = p[2];
    q[3] = 1.0f;

    mult_mat_vec(t, transform[id].M, q);

    P[0] =  t[0] / t[3];
    P[1] =  t[1] / t[3];
    P[2] =  t[2] / t[3];
Пример #2
mxArray* omp_ls(const double m_dict[], 
    const double m_x[],
    mwSize M, 
    mwSize N,
    mwSize S,
    mwSize K, 
    double res_norm_bnd,
    int sparse_output,
    int verbose){

    // List of indices of selected atoms
    mwIndex *selected_atoms = 0; 
    // Simple binary mask of selected atoms
    int* selected_atoms_mask = 0;   
    // The submatrix of selected atoms
    double* m_subdict = 0;
    // Copy of subdictionary for least squares
    double* m_subdict_copy = 0;
    // The proxy D' x
    double* v_proxy = 0;
    // The inner product of residual with atoms
    double* v_h = 0;
    // The residual
    double* v_r = 0;
    // Result of orthogonal projection LL' c = p_I
    double* v_c = 0;
    // Some temporary vectors
    double *v_t1 = 0, *v_t2 = 0;
    // Pointer to new atom
    const double* wv_new_atom;
    // residual norm squared
    double res_norm_sqr;
    // square of upper bound on residual norm
    double res_norm_bnd_sqr = SQR(res_norm_bnd);
    // Pointer to current signal
    const double *wv_x = 0;

    /// Output array
    mxArray* p_alpha;
    double* m_alpha;
    // row indices for non-zero entries in Alpha
    mwIndex *ir_alpha;
    // indices for first non-zero entry in column
    mwIndex *jc_alpha;
    /// Index for non-zero entries in alpha
    mwIndex nz_index;

    // counters
    int i, j , k, s;
    // index of new atom
    mwIndex new_atom_index;
    // misc variables 
    double d1, d2;

    // Maximum number of columns to be used in representations
    mwSize max_cols;

    // structure for tracking time spent.
    omp_profile profile;

    if (K < 0 || K > M) {
        // K cannot be greater than M.
        K = M;
    max_cols = (mwSize)(ceil(sqrt((double)M)/2.0) + 1.01);
    if(max_cols < K){
        max_cols = K;
    // Memory allocations
    // Number of selected atoms cannot exceed M
    selected_atoms = (mwIndex*) mxMalloc(M*sizeof(mwIndex));
    // Total number of atoms is N
    selected_atoms_mask = (int*) mxMalloc(N*sizeof(int));
    // Coefficients of solution of least square problem
    v_c = (double*)mxMalloc(M*sizeof(double));
    // Giving enough space for temporary vectors
    v_t1 = (double*)mxMalloc(N*sizeof(double));
    v_t2 = (double*)mxMalloc(N*sizeof(double));
    // Keeping max_cols space for subdictionary. 
    m_subdict = (double*)mxMalloc(max_cols*M*sizeof(double));
    m_subdict_copy = (double*)mxMalloc(max_cols*M*sizeof(double));
    // Proxy vector is in R^N
    v_proxy = (double*)mxMalloc(N*sizeof(double));
    // h is in R^N.
    v_h = (double*)mxMalloc(N*sizeof(double));
    // Residual is in signal space R^M.
    v_r = (double*)mxMalloc(M*sizeof(double));

    if (sparse_output == 0){
        p_alpha = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(N, S, mxREAL);
        m_alpha =  mxGetPr(p_alpha);
        ir_alpha = 0;
        jc_alpha = 0;
        p_alpha = mxCreateSparse(N, S, max_cols*S, mxREAL);
        m_alpha = mxGetPr(p_alpha);
        ir_alpha = mxGetIr(p_alpha);
        jc_alpha = mxGetJc(p_alpha);
        nz_index = 0;
        jc_alpha[0] = 0;

    for(s=0; s<S; ++s){
        wv_x = m_x + M*s;
        // Initialization
        res_norm_sqr = inner_product(wv_x, wv_x, M);
        //Compute proxy p  = D' * x
        mult_mat_t_vec(1, m_dict, wv_x, v_proxy, M, N);
        omp_profile_toctic(&profile, TIME_DtR);
        // h = p = D' * r
        copy_vec_vec(v_proxy, v_h, N);
        for (i=0; i<N; ++i){
            selected_atoms_mask[i] = 0;
        // Number of atoms selected so far.
        k = 0;
        // Iterate for each atom
        while (k < K &&  res_norm_sqr > res_norm_bnd_sqr){
            // Pick the index of (k+1)-th atom
            new_atom_index = abs_max_index(v_h, N);
            omp_profile_toctic(&profile, TIME_MaxAbs);
            // If this atom is already selected, we will break
            if (selected_atoms_mask[new_atom_index]){
                // This is unlikely due to orthogonal structure of OMP
                if (verbose){
                    mexPrintf("This atom is already selected.");
            // Check for small values
            d2 = v_h[new_atom_index];
            if (SQR(d2) < 1e-14){
                // The inner product of residual with new atom is way too small.
            // Store the index of new atom
            selected_atoms[k] = new_atom_index;
            selected_atoms_mask[new_atom_index] = 1;

            // Copy the new atom to the sub-dictionary
            wv_new_atom = m_dict + new_atom_index*M;
            copy_vec_vec(wv_new_atom, m_subdict+k*M, M);
            omp_profile_toctic(&profile, TIME_DictSubMatrixUpdate);

            // It is time to increase the count of selected atoms
            // Least squares
            copy_vec_vec(m_subdict, m_subdict_copy, M*k);
            copy_vec_vec(wv_x, v_t1, M);
            least_square(m_subdict_copy, v_t1, v_c, M, k, 1);
            omp_profile_toctic(&profile, TIME_LeastSquares);
            // Compute residual
            // r  = x - D_I c
            mult_mat_vec(-1, m_subdict, v_c, v_r, M, k);
            sum_vec_vec(1, wv_x, v_r, M);
            omp_profile_toctic(&profile, TIME_RUpdate);
            // Update h = D' r
            mult_mat_t_vec(1, m_dict, v_r, v_h, M, N);
            // Update residual norm squared
            res_norm_sqr = inner_product(v_r, v_r, M);
            omp_profile_toctic(&profile, TIME_DtR);

        // Write the output vector
        if(sparse_output == 0){
            // Write the output vector
            double* wv_alpha =  m_alpha + N*s;
            fill_vec_sparse_vals(v_c, selected_atoms, wv_alpha, N, k);
            // Sort the row indices
            quicksort_indices(selected_atoms, v_c, k);
            // add the non-zero entries for this column
            for(j=0; j <k; ++j){
                m_alpha[nz_index] = v_c[j];
                ir_alpha[nz_index] = selected_atoms[j];
            // fill in the total number of nonzero entries in the end.
            jc_alpha[s+1] = jc_alpha[s] + k;

    // Memory cleanup

    // Return the result
    return p_alpha;
Пример #3
static float get_value(float b[6], const float M[16], float bias)
    float u[8][4];
    float v[8][4];
    float c[4];
    float k;

    u[0][0] = b[0]; u[0][1] = b[1]; u[0][2] = b[2]; u[0][3] = 1.0f;
    u[1][0] = b[3]; u[1][1] = b[1]; u[1][2] = b[2]; u[1][3] = 1.0f;
    u[2][0] = b[0]; u[2][1] = b[4]; u[2][2] = b[2]; u[2][3] = 1.0f;
    u[3][0] = b[3]; u[3][1] = b[4]; u[3][2] = b[2]; u[3][3] = 1.0f;
    u[4][0] = b[0]; u[4][1] = b[1]; u[4][2] = b[5]; u[4][3] = 1.0f;
    u[5][0] = b[3]; u[5][1] = b[1]; u[5][2] = b[5]; u[5][3] = 1.0f;
    u[6][0] = b[0]; u[6][1] = b[4]; u[6][2] = b[5]; u[6][3] = 1.0f;
    u[7][0] = b[3]; u[7][1] = b[4]; u[7][2] = b[5]; u[7][3] = 1.0f;

    mult_mat_vec(v[0], M, u[0]);
    mult_mat_vec(v[1], M, u[1]);
    mult_mat_vec(v[2], M, u[2]);
    mult_mat_vec(v[3], M, u[3]);
    mult_mat_vec(v[4], M, u[4]);
    mult_mat_vec(v[5], M, u[5]);
    mult_mat_vec(v[6], M, u[6]);
    mult_mat_vec(v[7], M, u[7]);

    v[0][0] /= v[0][3];
    v[1][0] /= v[1][3];
    v[2][0] /= v[2][3];
    v[3][0] /= v[3][3];
    v[4][0] /= v[4][3];
    v[5][0] /= v[5][3];
    v[6][0] /= v[6][3];
    v[7][0] /= v[7][3];

    v[0][1] /= v[0][3];
    v[1][1] /= v[1][3];
    v[2][1] /= v[2][3];
    v[3][1] /= v[3][3];
    v[4][1] /= v[4][3];
    v[5][1] /= v[5][3];
    v[6][1] /= v[6][3];
    v[7][1] /= v[7][3];

    c[0] = MIN(v[1][0], v[0][0]);
    c[0] = MIN(v[2][0], c[0]);
    c[0] = MIN(v[3][0], c[0]);
    c[0] = MIN(v[4][0], c[0]);
    c[0] = MIN(v[5][0], c[0]);
    c[0] = MIN(v[6][0], c[0]);
    c[0] = MIN(v[7][0], c[0]);

    c[1] = MIN(v[1][1], v[0][1]);
    c[1] = MIN(v[2][1], c[1]);
    c[1] = MIN(v[3][1], c[1]);
    c[1] = MIN(v[4][1], c[1]);
    c[1] = MIN(v[5][1], c[1]);
    c[1] = MIN(v[6][1], c[1]);
    c[1] = MIN(v[7][1], c[1]);

    c[2] = MAX(v[1][0], v[0][0]);
    c[2] = MAX(v[2][0], c[2]);
    c[2] = MAX(v[3][0], c[2]);
    c[2] = MAX(v[4][0], c[2]);
    c[2] = MAX(v[5][0], c[2]);
    c[2] = MAX(v[6][0], c[2]);
    c[2] = MAX(v[7][0], c[2]);

    c[3] = MAX(v[1][1], v[0][1]);
    c[3] = MAX(v[2][1], c[3]);
    c[3] = MAX(v[3][1], c[3]);
    c[3] = MAX(v[4][1], c[3]);
    c[3] = MAX(v[5][1], c[3]);
    c[3] = MAX(v[6][1], c[3]);
    c[3] = MAX(v[7][1], c[3]);

/*  k = MAX(fabs(c[0] - c[2]), fabs(c[1] - c[3])) * bias; */
    k = 0.5f * (float) (fabs(c[0] - c[2]) + fabs(c[1] - c[3])) * bias;

    return k;