Пример #1
static gpointer mutex_handle_create (MonoW32HandleMutex *mutex_handle, MonoW32HandleType type, gboolean owned)
	gpointer handle;
	gboolean abandoned;

	mutex_handle->tid = 0;
	mutex_handle->recursion = 0;
	mutex_handle->abandoned = FALSE;

	handle = mono_w32handle_new (type, mutex_handle);
	if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		g_warning ("%s: error creating %s handle",
			__func__, mono_w32handle_get_typename (type));
		mono_w32error_set_last (ERROR_GEN_FAILURE);
		return NULL;

	mono_w32handle_lock_handle (handle);

	if (owned)
		mutex_handle_own (handle, type, &abandoned);
		mono_w32handle_set_signal_state (handle, TRUE, FALSE);

	mono_w32handle_unlock_handle (handle);

	mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, MONO_TRACE_IO_LAYER, "%s: created %s handle %p",
		__func__, mono_w32handle_get_typename (type), handle);

	return handle;
Пример #2
static gpointer mutex_handle_create (MonoW32HandleMutex *mutex_handle, MonoW32Type type, gboolean owned)
	MonoW32Handle *handle_data;
	gpointer handle;
	gboolean abandoned;

	mutex_handle->tid = 0;
	mutex_handle->recursion = 0;
	mutex_handle->abandoned = FALSE;

	handle = mono_w32handle_new (type, mutex_handle);
	if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		g_warning ("%s: error creating %s handle",
			__func__, mono_w32handle_get_typename (type));
		mono_w32error_set_last (ERROR_GEN_FAILURE);
		return NULL;

	if (!mono_w32handle_lookup_and_ref (handle, &handle_data))
		g_error ("%s: unkown handle %p", __func__, handle);

	if (handle_data->type != type)
		g_error ("%s: unknown mutex handle %p", __func__, handle);

	mono_w32handle_lock (handle_data);

	if (owned)
		mutex_handle_own (handle_data, &abandoned);
		mono_w32handle_set_signal_state (handle_data, TRUE, FALSE);

	mono_w32handle_unlock (handle_data);

	/* Balance mono_w32handle_lookup_and_ref */
	mono_w32handle_unref (handle_data);

	mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, MONO_TRACE_IO_LAYER_MUTEX, "%s: created %s handle %p",
		__func__, mono_w32handle_get_typename (type), handle);

	return handle;
Пример #3
/* NB, always called with the shared handle lock held */
static gboolean namedmutex_own (gpointer handle, gboolean *abandoned)
	return mutex_handle_own (handle, MONO_W32HANDLE_NAMEDMUTEX, abandoned);