static inline real isotropicRandomR(dsfmt_t* dsfmtState, real scaleRad1, real scaleRad2,
				    real Mass1, real Mass2)
  // Rejection sampling radius generation
  real RHO_MAX = 3/(4*M_PI) * (Mass1/(mw_pow(scaleRad1,3)) + Mass2/(mw_pow(scaleRad2,3)));
  mwbool GOOD_RADIUS = 0;
  // Arbitrarily define sample range to be [0, 5(a1 + a2)

  real r;

  while (GOOD_RADIUS != 1)
      r = mwXrandom(dsfmtState,0.0, 3*(scaleRad1 + scaleRad2));
      real u = (real)mwXrandom(dsfmtState,0.0,1.0);

      real val = 3/(4*M_PI)*(Mass1/(mw_pow(scaleRad1,3)) *mw_pow(1 + mw_pow(r,2)/mw_pow(scaleRad1,2),-5/2) + 
			     Mass2/(mw_pow(scaleRad2,3))*mw_pow(1 + mw_pow(r,2)/mw_pow(scaleRad2,2),-5/2));
      if (val/RHO_MAX > u)
       	GOOD_RADIUS = 1;
  return r;
/* The estimate formula has the unfortunate property of being negative
   for small n.  This will be the most negative. Add this as an extra
   boost to prevent negative flops estimates.
static real worstFlops(real cQ, real d, real f)
    real a = mw_pow(2.0, 3.0 - 3.0 * d / cQ);
    real b = (cQ - d) * mw_log(8.0);
    real c = cQ * mw_log(mw_pow(8.0, 1.0 - d / cQ));

    return -a * sqr(f) * (cQ + b - c) / (M_E * mw_log(8.0));
Пример #3
real propability_match(int n, int k, real pobs){
    real result;
    result = choose(n, k);
    result *= mw_pow(pobs, (real)k);
    result *= mw_pow((1-pobs), (real)(n-k));
    result = mw_log(result);
    return result;
static inline real isotropicRandomV(real r, real scaleRad1, real scaleRad2,                                                                                                             				    real Mass1, real Mass2)  

  real val;
  val = mw_sqrt(Mass1/mw_sqrt(mw_pow(r,2) + mw_pow(scaleRad1,2)) 
		+ Mass2/mw_sqrt(mw_pow(r,2) + mw_pow(scaleRad2,2)));

  return val;
/* generatePlummer: generate Plummer model initial conditions for test
 * runs, scaled to units such that M = -4E = G = 1 (Henon, Heggie,
 * etc).  See Aarseth, SJ, Henon, M, & Wielen, R (1974) Astr & Ap, 37,
 * 183.
static int nbGenerateIsotropicCore(lua_State* luaSt,

				   dsfmt_t* prng,
				   unsigned int nbody,
				   real mass1,
				   real mass2,

				   mwbool ignore,
				   mwvector rShift,
				   mwvector vShift,
				   real radiusScale1,
				   real radiusScale2)
    unsigned int i;
    int table;
    Body b;
    real r, velScale;

    real mass = mass1 + mass2;
    real radiusScale = mw_sqrt(mw_pow(radiusScale1,2) + mw_pow(radiusScale2,2));
    memset(&b, 0, sizeof(b));

    velScale =  mw_sqrt(mass / radiusScale);     /* and recip. speed scale */

    b.bodynode.type = BODY(ignore);    /* Same for all in the model */
    b.bodynode.mass = mass / nbody;    /* Mass per particle */

    lua_createtable(luaSt, nbody, 0);
    table = lua_gettop(luaSt);
    for (i = 0; i < nbody; ++i)
	  r = isotropicRandomR(prng, radiusScale1, radiusScale2, mass1, mass2);
	    /* FIXME: We should avoid the divide by 0.0 by multiplying
             * the original random number by 0.9999.. but I'm too lazy
             * to change the tests. Same with other models */
        while (isinf(r));

        b.bodynode.pos = isotropicBodyPosition(prng, rShift, r);

        b.vel = isotropicBodyVelocity(prng, r, vShift, velScale, radiusScale1, radiusScale2, mass1, mass2);

        pushBody(luaSt, &b);
	//	printf("Body %d is pushed. \n",i);
        lua_rawseti(luaSt, table, i + 1);

    return 1;
/* For using a combination of light and dark models to generate timestep */
static real plummerTimestepIntegral(real smalla, real biga, real Md, real step)
    /* Calculate the enclosed mass of the big sphere within the little sphere's scale length */
    real encMass, val, r;

    encMass = 0.0;
    for (r = 0.0; r <= smalla; r += step)
        val = sqr(r) / mw_pow(sqr(r) + sqr(biga), 2.5);
        encMass += val * step;
    encMass *= 3.0 * Md * sqr(biga);

    return encMass;