Пример #1
string WebPage::evaluateRegexOnXPath_first(string exp, string xpath, int pos)
	if (xpathObj)
		string flattened;
		for (int i = 0; i < xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++)
			xmlChar *strRep = xmlXPathCastNodeToString(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]);
			string nodeStr((char*)strRep);
			if (!nodeStr.empty())
				flattened += nodeStr + string("\n");
		regex rankREGEX(exp);
		smatch match;
		regex_search(flattened, match, rankREGEX);
		if (pos < match.size())
			return match[pos].str();
			return "";
		return "";
Пример #2
vector<string> WebPage::evaluateRegexOnXPath(string exp, string xpath)
	vector<string> rVal;
	if (xpathObj)
		string flattened;
		for (int i = 0; i < xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++)
			xmlChar *strRep = xmlXPathCastNodeToString(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]);
			string nodeStr((char*)strRep);
			if (!nodeStr.empty())
				flattened += nodeStr + string("\n");
		regex rankREGEX(exp);
		sregex_iterator  it(flattened.begin(), flattened.end(), rankREGEX);
		sregex_iterator  it_end;
		while (it != it_end)
		return rVal;
		return rVal;
Пример #3
nsLocalFile::GetRelativeDescriptor(nsIFile *fromFile, nsACString& _retval)
    const int32_t kMaxNodesInPath = 32;

    // _retval will be UTF-8 encoded
    nsresult rv;

    nsAutoString thisPath, fromPath;
    PRUnichar *thisNodes[kMaxNodesInPath], *fromNodes[kMaxNodesInPath];
    int32_t  thisNodeCnt, fromNodeCnt, nodeIndex;
    rv = GetPath(thisPath);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;
    rv = fromFile->GetPath(fromPath);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    // get raw pointer to mutable string buffer
    PRUnichar *thisPathPtr; thisPath.BeginWriting(thisPathPtr);
    PRUnichar *fromPathPtr; fromPath.BeginWriting(fromPathPtr);
    thisNodeCnt = SplitPath(thisPathPtr, thisNodes, kMaxNodesInPath);
    fromNodeCnt = SplitPath(fromPathPtr, fromNodes, kMaxNodesInPath);
    if (thisNodeCnt < 0 || fromNodeCnt < 0)
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < thisNodeCnt && nodeIndex < fromNodeCnt; ++nodeIndex) {
#ifdef XP_WIN
      if (_wcsicmp(thisNodes[nodeIndex], fromNodes[nodeIndex]))
      if (nsCRT::strcmp(thisNodes[nodeIndex], fromNodes[nodeIndex]))
    int32_t branchIndex = nodeIndex;
    for (nodeIndex = branchIndex; nodeIndex < fromNodeCnt; nodeIndex++) 
    for (nodeIndex = branchIndex; nodeIndex < thisNodeCnt; nodeIndex++) {
      NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 nodeStr(thisNodes[nodeIndex]);
      if (nodeIndex + 1 < thisNodeCnt)
    return NS_OK;
Пример #4
std::string Serialize(Node* node)
    if (node == NULL)
        return "#!";
    std::string nodeStr(node->ToString());
    nodeStr += Serialize(node->left);
    nodeStr += Serialize(node->right);
    return nodeStr;
Пример #5
    PlanStage* buildStages(OperationContext* txn,
                           Collection* collection,
                           const QuerySolution& qsol,
                           const QuerySolutionNode* root,
                           WorkingSet* ws) {
        if (STAGE_COLLSCAN == root->getType()) {
            const CollectionScanNode* csn = static_cast<const CollectionScanNode*>(root);
            CollectionScanParams params;
            params.collection = collection;
            params.tailable = csn->tailable;
            params.direction = (csn->direction == 1) ? CollectionScanParams::FORWARD
                                                     : CollectionScanParams::BACKWARD;
            params.maxScan = csn->maxScan;
            return new CollectionScan(txn, params, ws, csn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_IXSCAN == root->getType()) {
            const IndexScanNode* ixn = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(root);

            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "Can't ixscan null namespace";
                return NULL;

            IndexScanParams params;

            params.descriptor =
                collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByKeyPattern( txn, ixn->indexKeyPattern );
            if ( params.descriptor == NULL ) {
                warning() << "Can't find index " << ixn->indexKeyPattern.toString()
                          << "in namespace " << collection->ns() << endl;
                return NULL;

            params.bounds = ixn->bounds;
            params.direction = ixn->direction;
            params.maxScan = ixn->maxScan;
            params.addKeyMetadata = ixn->addKeyMetadata;
            return new IndexScan(txn, params, ws, ixn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_FETCH == root->getType()) {
            const FetchNode* fn = static_cast<const FetchNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, fn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new FetchStage(txn, ws, childStage, fn->filter.get(), collection);
        else if (STAGE_SORT == root->getType()) {
            const SortNode* sn = static_cast<const SortNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, sn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            SortStageParams params;
            params.collection = collection;
            params.pattern = sn->pattern;
            params.query = sn->query;
            params.limit = sn->limit;
            return new SortStage(txn, params, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_PROJECTION == root->getType()) {
            const ProjectionNode* pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, pn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }

            ProjectionStageParams params(WhereCallbackReal(txn, collection->ns().db()));
            params.projObj = pn->projection;

            // Stuff the right data into the params depending on what proj impl we use.
            if (ProjectionNode::DEFAULT == pn->projType) {
                params.fullExpression = pn->fullExpression;
                params.projImpl = ProjectionStageParams::NO_FAST_PATH;
            else if (ProjectionNode::COVERED_ONE_INDEX == pn->projType) {
                params.projImpl = ProjectionStageParams::COVERED_ONE_INDEX;
                params.coveredKeyObj = pn->coveredKeyObj;
            else {
                invariant(ProjectionNode::SIMPLE_DOC == pn->projType);
                params.projImpl = ProjectionStageParams::SIMPLE_DOC;

            return new ProjectionStage(params, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_LIMIT == root->getType()) {
            const LimitNode* ln = static_cast<const LimitNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, ln->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new LimitStage(ln->limit, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_SKIP == root->getType()) {
            const SkipNode* sn = static_cast<const SkipNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, sn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new SkipStage(sn->skip, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_AND_HASH == root->getType()) {
            const AndHashNode* ahn = static_cast<const AndHashNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<AndHashStage> ret(new AndHashStage(txn, ws, ahn->filter.get(), collection));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < ahn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, ahn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_OR == root->getType()) {
            const OrNode * orn = static_cast<const OrNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<OrStage> ret(new OrStage(ws, orn->dedup, orn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < orn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, orn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_AND_SORTED == root->getType()) {
            const AndSortedNode* asn = static_cast<const AndSortedNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<AndSortedStage> ret(new AndSortedStage(txn, ws, asn->filter.get(), collection));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < asn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, asn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_SORT_MERGE == root->getType()) {
            const MergeSortNode* msn = static_cast<const MergeSortNode*>(root);
            MergeSortStageParams params;
            params.dedup = msn->dedup;
            params.pattern = msn->sort;
            auto_ptr<MergeSortStage> ret(new MergeSortStage(txn, params, ws, collection));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < msn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, msn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D == root->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DNode*>(root);

            GeoNearParams params;
            params.nearQuery = node->nq;
            params.baseBounds = node->baseBounds;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.addPointMeta = node->addPointMeta;
            params.addDistMeta = node->addDistMeta;

            IndexDescriptor* twoDIndex = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByKeyPattern(txn,

            if (twoDIndex == NULL) {
                warning() << "Can't find 2D index " << node->indexKeyPattern.toString()
                          << "in namespace " << collection->ns() << endl;
                return NULL;

            GeoNear2DStage* nearStage = new GeoNear2DStage(params, txn, ws, collection, twoDIndex);

            return nearStage;
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE == root->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DSphereNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DSphereNode*>(root);

            GeoNearParams params;
            params.nearQuery = node->nq;
            params.baseBounds = node->baseBounds;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.addPointMeta = node->addPointMeta;
            params.addDistMeta = node->addDistMeta;

            IndexDescriptor* s2Index = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByKeyPattern(txn,

            if (s2Index == NULL) {
                warning() << "Can't find 2DSphere index " << node->indexKeyPattern.toString()
                          << "in namespace " << collection->ns() << endl;
                return NULL;

            return new GeoNear2DSphereStage(params, txn, ws, collection, s2Index);
        else if (STAGE_TEXT == root->getType()) {
            const TextNode* node = static_cast<const TextNode*>(root);

            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "Null collection for text";
                return NULL;
            vector<IndexDescriptor*> idxMatches;
            collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByType(txn, "text", idxMatches);
            if (1 != idxMatches.size()) {
                warning() << "No text index, or more than one text index";
                return NULL;
            IndexDescriptor* index = idxMatches[0];
            const FTSAccessMethod* fam =
                static_cast<FTSAccessMethod*>( collection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndex( index ) );
            TextStageParams params(fam->getSpec());

            //params.collection = collection;
            params.index = index;
            params.spec = fam->getSpec();
            params.indexPrefix = node->indexPrefix;

            const std::string& language = ("" == node->language
                                           ? fam->getSpec().defaultLanguage().str()
                                           : node->language);

            Status parseStatus = params.query.parse(node->query, language,
            if (!parseStatus.isOK()) {
                warning() << "Can't parse text search query";
                return NULL;

            return new TextStage(txn, params, ws, node->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_SHARDING_FILTER == root->getType()) {
            const ShardingFilterNode* fn = static_cast<const ShardingFilterNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, fn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new ShardFilterStage(shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(collection->ns()),
                                        ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_KEEP_MUTATIONS == root->getType()) {
            const KeepMutationsNode* km = static_cast<const KeepMutationsNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(txn, collection, qsol, km->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new KeepMutationsStage(km->filter.get(), ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_DISTINCT == root->getType()) {
            const DistinctNode* dn = static_cast<const DistinctNode*>(root);

            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "Can't distinct-scan null namespace";
                return NULL;

            DistinctParams params;

            params.descriptor =
                collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByKeyPattern(txn, dn->indexKeyPattern);
            params.direction = dn->direction;
            params.bounds = dn->bounds;
            params.fieldNo = dn->fieldNo;
            return new DistinctScan(txn, params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_COUNT_SCAN == root->getType()) {
            const CountNode* cn = static_cast<const CountNode*>(root);

            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "Can't fast-count null namespace (collection null)";
                return NULL;

            CountScanParams params;

            params.descriptor =
                collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByKeyPattern(txn, cn->indexKeyPattern);
            params.startKey = cn->startKey;
            params.startKeyInclusive = cn->startKeyInclusive;
            params.endKey = cn->endKey;
            params.endKeyInclusive = cn->endKeyInclusive;

            return new CountScan(txn, params, ws);
        else {
            mongoutils::str::stream ss;
            root->appendToString(&ss, 0);
            string nodeStr(ss);
            warning() << "Can't build exec tree for node " << nodeStr << endl;
            return NULL;
Пример #6
nsLocalFile::GetRelativeDescriptor(nsIFile* aFromFile, nsACString& aResult)
  if (NS_WARN_IF(!aFromFile)) {
  const int32_t kMaxNodesInPath = 32;

  // aResult will be UTF-8 encoded

  nsresult rv;

  nsAutoString thisPath, fromPath;
  char16_t* thisNodes[kMaxNodesInPath];
  char16_t* fromNodes[kMaxNodesInPath];
  int32_t thisNodeCnt, fromNodeCnt, nodeIndex;

  rv = GetPath(thisPath);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;
  rv = aFromFile->GetPath(fromPath);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;

  // get raw pointer to mutable string buffer
  char16_t* thisPathPtr;
  char16_t* fromPathPtr;

  thisNodeCnt = SplitPath(thisPathPtr, thisNodes, kMaxNodesInPath);
  fromNodeCnt = SplitPath(fromPathPtr, fromNodes, kMaxNodesInPath);
  if (thisNodeCnt < 0 || fromNodeCnt < 0) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < thisNodeCnt && nodeIndex < fromNodeCnt; ++nodeIndex) {
#ifdef XP_WIN
    if (_wcsicmp(char16ptr_t(thisNodes[nodeIndex]), char16ptr_t(fromNodes[nodeIndex]))) {
    if (nsCRT::strcmp(thisNodes[nodeIndex], fromNodes[nodeIndex])) {

  int32_t branchIndex = nodeIndex;
  for (nodeIndex = branchIndex; nodeIndex < fromNodeCnt; ++nodeIndex) {
  for (nodeIndex = branchIndex; nodeIndex < thisNodeCnt; nodeIndex++) {
    NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 nodeStr(thisNodes[nodeIndex]);
    if (nodeIndex + 1 < thisNodeCnt) {

  return NS_OK;
Пример #7
    PlanStage* buildStages(const QuerySolution& qsol, const QuerySolutionNode* root, WorkingSet* ws) {
        if (STAGE_COLLSCAN == root->getType()) {
            const CollectionScanNode* csn = static_cast<const CollectionScanNode*>(root);
            CollectionScanParams params;
            params.ns = csn->name;
            params.tailable = csn->tailable;
            params.direction = (csn->direction == 1) ? CollectionScanParams::FORWARD
                                                     : CollectionScanParams::BACKWARD;
            params.maxScan = csn->maxScan;
            return new CollectionScan(params, ws, csn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_IXSCAN == root->getType()) {
            const IndexScanNode* ixn = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(root);
            // XXX XXX
            // Given that this grabs data from the catalog, we must do this inside of a lock.
            // We should change this to take a (ns, index key pattern) pair so that the params
            // don't involve any on-disk data, just descriptions thereof.
            // XXX XXX
            Database* db = cc().database();
            Collection* collection = db ? db->getCollection(qsol.ns) : NULL;
            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "Can't ixscan null ns " << qsol.ns << endl;
                return NULL;

            IndexScanParams params;

            params.descriptor = collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByKeyPattern( ixn->indexKeyPattern );
            if ( params.descriptor == NULL ) {
                warning() << "Can't find idx " << ixn->indexKeyPattern.toString()
                          << "in ns " << qsol.ns << endl;
                return NULL;

            params.bounds = ixn->bounds;
            params.direction = ixn->direction;
            params.maxScan = ixn->maxScan;
            params.addKeyMetadata = ixn->addKeyMetadata;
            return new IndexScan(params, ws, ixn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_FETCH == root->getType()) {
            const FetchNode* fn = static_cast<const FetchNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, fn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new FetchStage(ws, childStage, fn->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_SORT == root->getType()) {
            const SortNode* sn = static_cast<const SortNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, sn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            SortStageParams params;
            params.pattern = sn->pattern;
            params.query = sn->query;
            params.limit = sn->limit;
            return new SortStage(params, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_PROJECTION == root->getType()) {
            const ProjectionNode* pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, pn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new ProjectionStage(pn->projection, pn->fullExpression, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_LIMIT == root->getType()) {
            const LimitNode* ln = static_cast<const LimitNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, ln->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new LimitStage(ln->limit, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_SKIP == root->getType()) {
            const SkipNode* sn = static_cast<const SkipNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, sn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new SkipStage(sn->skip, ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_AND_HASH == root->getType()) {
            const AndHashNode* ahn = static_cast<const AndHashNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<AndHashStage> ret(new AndHashStage(ws, ahn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < ahn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, ahn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_OR == root->getType()) {
            const OrNode * orn = static_cast<const OrNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<OrStage> ret(new OrStage(ws, orn->dedup, orn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < orn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, orn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_AND_SORTED == root->getType()) {
            const AndSortedNode* asn = static_cast<const AndSortedNode*>(root);
            auto_ptr<AndSortedStage> ret(new AndSortedStage(ws, asn->filter.get()));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < asn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, asn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_SORT_MERGE == root->getType()) {
            const MergeSortNode* msn = static_cast<const MergeSortNode*>(root);
            MergeSortStageParams params;
            params.dedup = msn->dedup;
            params.pattern = msn->sort;
            auto_ptr<MergeSortStage> ret(new MergeSortStage(params, ws));
            for (size_t i = 0; i < msn->children.size(); ++i) {
                PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, msn->children[i], ws);
                if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return ret.release();
        else if (STAGE_GEO_2D == root->getType()) {
            const Geo2DNode* node = static_cast<const Geo2DNode*>(root);
            TwoDParams params;
            params.gq = node->gq;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.indexKeyPattern = node->indexKeyPattern;
            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            return new TwoD(params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D == root->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DNode*>(root);
            TwoDNearParams params;
            params.nearQuery = node->nq;
            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            params.indexKeyPattern = node->indexKeyPattern;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.numWanted = node->numWanted;
            params.addPointMeta = node->addPointMeta;
            params.addDistMeta = node->addDistMeta;
            return new TwoDNear(params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE == root->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DSphereNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DSphereNode*>(root);
            S2NearParams params;
            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            params.indexKeyPattern = node->indexKeyPattern;
            params.nearQuery = node->nq;
            params.baseBounds = node->baseBounds;
            params.filter = node->filter.get();
            params.addPointMeta = node->addPointMeta;
            params.addDistMeta = node->addDistMeta;
            return new S2NearStage(params, ws);
        else if (STAGE_TEXT == root->getType()) {
            const TextNode* node = static_cast<const TextNode*>(root);

            Database* db = cc().database();
            Collection* collection = db ? db->getCollection(qsol.ns) : NULL;
            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "null collection for text?";
                return NULL;
            vector<IndexDescriptor*> idxMatches;
            collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByType("text", idxMatches);
            if (1 != idxMatches.size()) {
                warning() << "more than one text idx?";
                return NULL;
            IndexDescriptor* index = idxMatches[0];
            const FTSAccessMethod* fam =
                static_cast<FTSAccessMethod*>( collection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndex( index ) );
            TextStageParams params(fam->getSpec());

            params.ns = qsol.ns;
            params.index = index;
            params.spec = fam->getSpec();
            // XXX change getIndexPrefix to not look at BSONObj
            Status s = fam->getSpec().getIndexPrefix(qsol.filterData, &params.indexPrefix);
            if (!s.isOK()) {
                warning() << "can't get text index prefix??";
                return NULL;

            StringData language = ("" == node->_language
                                   ? fam->getSpec().defaultLanguage().str().c_str()
                                   : node->_language);

            FTSQuery ftsq;
            Status parseStatus = ftsq.parse(node->_query, language);
            if (!parseStatus.isOK()) {
                warning() << "cant parse fts query";
                return NULL;
            params.query = ftsq;

            return new TextStage(params, ws, node->filter.get());
        else if (STAGE_SHARDING_FILTER == root->getType()) {
            const ShardingFilterNode* fn = static_cast<const ShardingFilterNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, fn->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new ShardFilterStage(shardingState.getCollectionMetadata(qsol.ns), ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_KEEP_MUTATIONS == root->getType()) {
            const KeepMutationsNode* km = static_cast<const KeepMutationsNode*>(root);
            PlanStage* childStage = buildStages(qsol, km->children[0], ws);
            if (NULL == childStage) { return NULL; }
            return new KeepMutationsStage(km->filter.get(), ws, childStage);
        else if (STAGE_DISTINCT == root->getType()) {
            const DistinctNode* dn = static_cast<const DistinctNode*>(root);

            Database* db = cc().database();
            Collection* collection = db ? db->getCollection(qsol.ns) : NULL;
            if (NULL == collection) {
                warning() << "Can't distinct-scan null ns " << qsol.ns << endl;
                return NULL;

            DistinctParams params;

            params.descriptor =
            params.direction = dn->direction;
            params.bounds = dn->bounds;
            params.fieldNo = dn->fieldNo;
            return new DistinctScan(params, ws);
        else {
            mongoutils::str::stream ss;
            root->appendToString(&ss, 0);
            string nodeStr(ss);
            warning() << "Could not build exec tree for node " << nodeStr << endl;
            return NULL;