Пример #1
ocopen(OCstate** statep, const char* url)
    int stat = OC_NOERR;
    OCstate * state = NULL;
    OCURI* tmpurl = NULL;
    CURL* curl = NULL; /* curl handle*/

    if(!ocuriparse(url,&tmpurl)) {OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_EBADURL); goto fail;}

    stat = occurlopen(&curl);
    if(stat != OC_NOERR) {OCTHROWCHK(stat); goto fail;}

    state = (OCstate*)ocmalloc(sizeof(OCstate)); /* ocmalloc zeros memory*/
    if(state == NULL) {OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_ENOMEM); goto fail;}

    /* Setup DAP state*/
    state->header.magic = OCMAGIC;
    state->header.occlass = OC_State;
    state->curl = curl;
    state->trees = oclistnew();
    state->uri = tmpurl;
    if(!ocuridecodeparams(state->uri)) {
	oclog(OCLOGWARN,"Could not parse client parameters");
    state->packet = ocbytesnew();
    ocbytessetalloc(state->packet,DFALTPACKETSIZE); /*initial reasonable size*/

    /* capture curl properties for this link from rc file1*/
    stat = ocset_curlproperties(state);
    if(stat != OC_NOERR) goto fail;

    /* Set the one-time curl flags */
    if((stat=ocset_flags_perlink(state))!= OC_NOERR) goto fail;
#if 1 /* temporarily make per-link */
    if((stat=ocset_flags_perfetch(state))!= OC_NOERR) goto fail;

    if(statep) *statep = state;
    else {
      if(state != NULL) ocfree(state);
    return OCTHROW(stat);

    if(state != NULL) ocfree(state);
    if(curl != NULL) occurlclose(curl);
    return OCTHROW(stat);
ocopen(OCstate** statep, const char* url)
    int stat = OC_NOERR;
    OCstate * state = NULL;
    DAPURL tmpurl;
    CURL* curl = NULL; /* curl handle*/


    if(!dapurlparse(url,&tmpurl)) {THROWCHK(stat=OC_EBADURL); goto fail;}
    stat = occurlopen(&curl);
    if(stat != OC_NOERR) {THROWCHK(stat); goto fail;}

    state = (OCstate*)ocmalloc(sizeof(OCstate)); /* ocmalloc zeros memory*/
    if(state == NULL) {THROWCHK(stat=OC_ENOMEM); goto fail;}

    /* Setup DAP state*/
    state->magic = OCMAGIC;
    state->curl = curl;
    state->trees = oclistnew();
    state->contentlist = NULL;
    state->url = tmpurl;
    state->clientparams = ocparamdecode(state->url.params);
    if(state->clientparams == NULL) {
	oc_log(LOGWARN,"Could not parse client parameters");
    state->packet = ocbytesnew();
    ocbytessetalloc(state->packet,DFALTPACKETSIZE); /*initial reasonable size*/

    /* set curl properties for this link */

    if(statep) *statep = state;
    return THROW(stat);   

    if(state != NULL) ocfree(state);
    if(curl != NULL) occurlclose(curl);
    return THROW(stat);
Пример #3
ocopen(OCstate** statep, const char* url)
    int stat = OC_NOERR;
    OCstate * state = NULL;
    OCURI* tmpurl = NULL;
    CURL* curl = NULL; /* curl handle*/

    if(!ocuriparse(url,&tmpurl)) {OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_EBADURL); goto fail;}
    stat = occurlopen(&curl);
    if(stat != OC_NOERR) {OCTHROWCHK(stat); goto fail;}

    state = (OCstate*)ocmalloc(sizeof(OCstate)); /* ocmalloc zeros memory*/
    if(state == NULL) {OCTHROWCHK(stat=OC_ENOMEM); goto fail;}

    /* Setup DAP state*/
    state->magic = OCMAGIC;
    state->curl = curl;
    state->trees = oclistnew();
    state->uri = tmpurl;
    if(!ocuridecodeparams(state->uri)) {
	oc_log(LOGWARN,"Could not parse client parameters");
    state->packet = ocbytesnew();
    ocbytessetalloc(state->packet,DFALTPACKETSIZE); /*initial reasonable size*/

    /* set curl properties for this link */

    /* Set up list to support reuse/reclamation of OCcontent objects. */
    state->contentlist = NULL;

    if(statep) *statep = state;
    return OCTHROW(stat);   

    if(state != NULL) ocfree(state);
    if(curl != NULL) occurlclose(curl);
    return OCTHROW(stat);