Пример #1
/** Create a new out stream for sending over the network
 * \param transport string representing the protocol used to establish the connection (oml_strndup()'d locally)
 * \param hostname string representing the host to connect to (oml_strndup()'d locally)
 * \param service symbolic name or port number of the service to connect to (oml_strndup()'d locally)
 * \return a new OmlOutStream instance
 * \see oml_strndup
net_stream_new(const char *transport, const char *hostname, const char *service)
    MString *dest;
    assert(transport != NULL && hostname != NULL && service != NULL);
    OmlNetOutStream* self = (OmlNetOutStream *)oml_malloc(sizeof(OmlNetOutStream));
    memset(self, 0, sizeof(OmlNetOutStream));

    dest = mstring_create();
    mstring_sprintf(dest, "%s://%s:%s", transport, hostname, service);
    self->dest = (char*)oml_strndup (mstring_buf(dest), mstring_len(dest));

    self->protocol = (char*)oml_strndup (transport, strlen (transport));
    self->host = (char*)oml_strndup (hostname, strlen (hostname));
    self->service = (char*)oml_strndup (service, strlen (service));

    logdebug("%s: Created OmlNetOutStream\n", self->dest);

    /* // Now see if we can connect to server */
    /* if (! open_socket(self)) { */
    /*   free(self); */
    /*   return NULL; */
    /* } */

    self->write = net_stream_write;
    self->close = net_stream_close;
    return (OmlOutStream*)self;
Пример #2
/** Create and initialise a +Client+ structure to represent a single client.
 * \param client_sock the socket associated to the client transmission
 *        (from libocomm).  The client_sock should be attached to an active
 *        client that has been accepted by the server socket.
 * \param page_size the page size for the underlying memory store for
 *        buffering received measurements.
 * \param file_name save measurements to a file with this name.
 * \param server_port the port of the downstream OML server
 * \param server_address the address of the downstream OML Server
 * \return a new Client structure
client_new (Socket* client_sock, int page_size, char* file_name,
           int server_port, char* server_address)
  Client* self = (Client *)oml_malloc(sizeof(Client));
  memset(self, 0, sizeof(Client));

  self->state = C_HEADER;
  self->downstream_port = server_port;
  self->downstream_addr = oml_strndup (server_address, strlen (server_address));
  self->mbuf = mbuf_create ();
  self->headers = NULL;
  self->msg_start = dummy_read_msg_start;

  self->messages = msg_queue_create ();
  self->cbuf = cbuf_create (page_size);

  self->file = fopen(file_name, "wa");
  self->file_name =  oml_strndup (file_name, strlen (file_name));

  self->recv_socket = client_sock;

  /* FIXME:  Return value checking */
  pthread_mutex_init (&self->mutex, NULL);
  pthread_cond_init (&self->condvar, NULL);

  return self;
Пример #3
/** Create a new out stream for writing into a local file.
 * \param file destination file (oml_strndup()'d locally)
 * \return a new OmlOutStream instance
 * \see oml_strndup
file_stream_new(const char *file)
  MString *dest;
  OmlFileOutStream* self = (OmlFileOutStream *)oml_malloc(sizeof(OmlFileOutStream));
  memset(self, 0, sizeof(OmlFileOutStream));

  loginfo ("File_stream: opening local storage file '%s'\n", file);

  if (strcmp(file, "stdout") == 0 || strcmp(file, "-") == 0) {
    self->f = stdout;
  } else {
    if ((self->f = fopen(file, "a+")) == NULL) {
      logerror ("Can't open local storage file '%s'\n", file);
      return 0;

  dest = mstring_create();
  mstring_sprintf(dest, "file:%s", file);
  self->dest = (char*)oml_strndup (mstring_buf(dest), mstring_len(dest));

  self->write = file_stream_write;
  self->close = file_stream_close;
  return (OmlOutStream*)self;
Пример #4
/** Create a new outgoing TCP Socket.
 * \param name name of this Socket, for debugging purposes
 * \param dest DNS name or address of the destination
 * \param service symbolic name or port number of the service to connect to
 * \return a newly-allocated Socket, or NULL on error
socket_tcp_out_new(const char* name, const char* dest, const char* service)
  SocketInt* self;

  if (dest == NULL) {
    o_log(O_LOG_ERROR, "socket(%s): Missing destination\n", name);
    return NULL;

  if ((self = (SocketInt*)socket_new(name, TRUE)) == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  self->dest = oml_strndup(dest, strlen(dest));
  self->service = oml_strndup(service, strlen(service));

  //  eventloop_on_out_channel((Socket*)self, on_self_connected, NULL);
  return (Socket*)self;
Пример #5
/** Create a new instance of the Socket object (SocketInt).
 * The sendto and get_sockfd are set to the default socket_sendto() and
 * socket_get_sockfd() functions, respectively.
 * \param name name of the object, used for debugging
 * \return a pointer to the SocketInt object
static SocketInt*
socket_initialize(const char* name)
  const char* sock_name = (name != NULL)?name:"UNKNOWN";
  SocketInt* self = (SocketInt *)oml_malloc(sizeof(SocketInt));
  memset(self, 0, sizeof(SocketInt));
  self->sockfd = -1;

  self->name = oml_strndup(sock_name, strlen(sock_name));

  self->sendto = socket_sendto;
  self->get_sockfd = socket_get_sockfd;

  return self;
Пример #6
/** Create a new table description
 * The caller should oml_free the returned value when no longer needed.
 * The schema argument is kept verbatim (no copy). XXX: It should be copied internally.
 * \param name name of the table
 * \param schema MP schema of the table
 * \return an oml_malloc'd TableDescr, or NULL on error
 * \see oml_malloc, oml_free
table_descr_new (const char* name, struct schema* schema)
  if (name == NULL)
    return NULL;

  /* schema == NULL means metadata table */

  char *new_name = oml_strndup (name, strlen (name));

  TableDescr* t = oml_malloc (sizeof(TableDescr));
  if (t == NULL) {
    oml_free (new_name);
    return NULL;
  t->name = new_name;
  t->schema = schema;
  t->next = NULL;

  return t;
Пример #7
/** Parse a collection URI of the form [scheme:][host[:port]][/path].
 * Either host or path are mandatory.
 * If under-qualified, the URI scheme is assumed to be 'tcp', the port '3003',
 * and the rest is used as the host; path is invalid for a tcp URI (only valid
 * for file).
 * \param uri string containing the URI to parse
 * \param scheme pointer to be updated to a string containing the selected scheme, to be oml_free()'d by the caller
 * \param host pointer to be updated to a string containing the host, to be oml_free()'d by the caller
 * \param port pointer to be updated to a string containing the port, to be oml_free()'d by the caller
 * \param path pointer to be updated to a string containing the path, to be oml_free()'d by the caller
 * \return 0 on success, -1 otherwise
 * \see oml_strndup, oml_free, oml_uri_type, URI_RE, URI_RE_NGROUP
parse_uri (const char *uri, const char **scheme, const char **host, const char **port, const char **path)
  static regex_t preg;
  static int preg_valid = 0;
  char error[80];
  size_t nmatch = URI_RE_NGROUP+1;
  regmatch_t pmatch[nmatch];
  int bracket_offset = 0;
  int ret;
  char *str;
  int len, authlen;


  *scheme = *host = *port = *path = NULL;

  /* XXX: static so we only compile it once, but we cannot free it */
  if (!preg_valid) {
    if((ret = regcomp(&preg, URI_RE, REG_EXTENDED))) {
      regerror(ret , &preg, error, sizeof(error));
      logerror("Unable to compile RE /%s/ for URI parsing: %s\n", URI_RE, error);
      return -1;
    preg_valid = 1;

  if ((ret = regexec(&preg, uri, nmatch, pmatch, 0))) {
      regerror(ret , &preg, error, sizeof(error));
      logerror("Unable to match uri '%s' against RE /%s/: %s\n", uri, URI_RE, error);
      return -1;

  logdebug("URI '%s' parsed as scheme: '%s', host: '%s', port: '%s', path: '%s'\n",

  if (pmatch[URI_RE_SCHEME].rm_so >= 0) {
    *scheme = oml_strndup(uri+pmatch[URI_RE_SCHEME].rm_so,
        pmatch[URI_RE_SCHEME].rm_eo - pmatch[URI_RE_SCHEME].rm_so);
  if (pmatch[URI_RE_HOST].rm_so >= 0) {
    /* Host may contain bracketted IP addresses, clean that up. */
    if ('[' == *(uri + pmatch[URI_RE_HOST].rm_so)) {
      if (']' != *(uri + pmatch[URI_RE_HOST].rm_eo - 1)) {
        logerror("Unbalanced brackets in host part of '%s' (%d %d): %c\n",
            uri + pmatch[URI_RE_HOST].rm_eo - 1);
        return -1;
      bracket_offset += 1;
    *host = oml_strndup(uri+pmatch[URI_RE_HOST].rm_so + bracket_offset,
        pmatch[URI_RE_HOST].rm_eo - pmatch[URI_RE_HOST].rm_so - 2 * bracket_offset);
  if (pmatch[URI_RE_PORT].rm_so >= 0) {
    *port = oml_strndup(uri+pmatch[URI_RE_PORT].rm_so,
        pmatch[URI_RE_PORT].rm_eo - pmatch[URI_RE_PORT].rm_so);
  if (pmatch[URI_RE_PATH].rm_so >= 0) {
    *path= oml_strndup(uri+pmatch[URI_RE_PATH].rm_so,
        pmatch[URI_RE_PATH].rm_eo - pmatch[URI_RE_PATH].rm_so);
    /*if(!strncmp(*path, "::", 2) ||
        oml_uri_is_network(oml_uri_type(*path))) {
      logwarn("Parsing URI '%s' as 'file:%s'\n", uri, *path);

  /* Fixup parsing inconsistencies (mainly due to optionality of //) so we don't break old behaviours */
  if (!(*scheme)) {
    *scheme = oml_strndup("tcp", 3);
  if(oml_uri_is_network(oml_uri_type(*scheme))) {
    if(!(*host)) {
      logerror("Network URI '%s' does not contain host"
          " (did you forget to put literal IPv6 addresses in brackets?)'\n", uri);
      return -1;
    if (pmatch[URI_RE_SCHEME].rm_so >= 0 && pmatch[URI_RE_HOST].rm_so >= 0 &&
        pmatch[URI_RE_AUTHORITY_WITH_SLASHES].rm_so == pmatch[URI_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so) {
      logwarn("Network URI without a double slash before authority part is deprecated: '%s' should be '%s://%s%s%s'\n",
          uri, *scheme, *host, *port?":":"", *port?*port:"");
    if(!(*port)) {
      *port = oml_strndup(DEF_PORT_STRING, sizeof(DEF_PORT_STRING));

  } else if ((*host) && oml_uri_is_file(oml_uri_type(*scheme))) {
    /* We split the filename into host and path in a URI without host;
     * concatenate them back together, adding all the leading slashes that were initially present */
    authlen = len = pmatch[URI_RE_AUTHORITY_WITH_SLASHES].rm_eo - pmatch[URI_RE_AUTHORITY_WITH_SLASHES].rm_so;
    if (*path) { len += strlen(*path); }
    str = oml_malloc(len + 1);
    if (!str) {
      logerror("Memory error parsing URI '%s'\n", uri);
      return -1;
    strncat(str, uri+pmatch[URI_RE_AUTHORITY_WITH_SLASHES].rm_so, authlen);
    if (*path) {
      len -= authlen;
      strncat(str, *path, len);
    *host = NULL;
    *path = str;


  return 0;
Пример #8
/** Search a Database's registered DbTables for one matchng the given schema.
 * If none is found, the table is created. If one is found, but the schema
 * differs, try to append a number to the name (up to MAX_TABLE_RENAME), create
 * that table, and update the schema.
 * If the table search/creation is successful, the returned DbTable is already
 * added to the list of the Database.
 * \param database Database to search
 * \param schema schema structure for the table to add
 * \return a newly created DbTable for that table, or NULL on error
 * \see MAX_TABLE_RENAME, database_create_table
database_find_or_create_table(Database *database, struct schema *schema)
  if (database == NULL) return NULL;
  if (schema == NULL) return NULL;

  DbTable *table = NULL;
  struct schema *s = schema_copy(schema);
  int i = 1;
  int diff = 0, tnlen;

  tnlen = strlen(schema->name);

  do {
    table = database_find_table (database, s->name);

    if (table) {
      diff = schema_diff (s, table->schema);
      if (!diff) {
          if (database->table_create (database, table, 0)) {
              logerror ("%s: Couldn't create table '%s'\n", database->name, schema->name);
        return table;

      } else if (diff == -1) {
        logerror ("%s: Schema error table '%s'\n", database->name, s->name);
        logdebug (" One of the server schema %p or the client schema %p is probably NULL\n", s, table->schema);

      } else if (diff > 0) {
        logdebug ("%s: Schema differ for table '%s', at or after column %d\n",
            database->name, s->name, diff);

      if (i == 1) {
        /* First time we need to increase the size */
        /* Add space for 2 characters and null byte, that is up to '_9', with MAX_TABLE_RENAME = 10 */
        s->name = oml_realloc(s->name, tnlen + 3);
        strncpy(s->name, schema->name, tnlen);
      snprintf(&s->name[tnlen], 3, "_%d", ++i);

  } while(table && diff && (i < MAX_TABLE_RENAME));

  if (table && diff) {
    logerror ("%s: Too many (>%d) tables named '%s_x', giving up. Please use the rename attribute of <mp /> tags.\n",
      database->name, MAX_TABLE_RENAME, schema->name);
    return NULL;

  if(i>1) {
    /* We had to change the table name*/
    logwarn("%s: Creating table '%s' for new stream '%s' with incompatible schema\n", database->name, s->name, schema->name);
    schema->name = oml_strndup(s->name, tnlen+3);

  /* No table by that name exists, so we create it */
  table = database_create_table (database, schema);
  if (!table)
    return NULL;
  if (database->table_create (database, table, 0)) {
    logerror ("%s: Couldn't create table '%s'\n", database->name, schema->name);
    /* Unlink the table from the experiment's list */
    DbTable* t = database->first_table;
    if (t == table)
      database->first_table = t->next;
    else {
      while (t && t->next != table)
        t = t->next;
      if (t && t->next)
        t->next = t->next->next;
    database_table_free (database, table);
    return NULL;
  return table;