Пример #1
/* a parser that is composed of the previous parsers to get a number out of the input string.
 * it succeeds iff the input line contains a floating point number. if successful, the result
 * is given in res, if fails, the error is given in error and return value is NULL.*/
char* getInteger(char*p, int* res, int* err) {
	char* e;
	char t;

	/* do we have anything to work on? */
	if (p==NULL || *p == '\0') return NULL;

	/* a nice trick by using or parser */
	e = allDigits(or(oneOf(p, "+-"), p));

	/* at the end of the previous 4 lines, we could have numbers in the following format -1, 1, +1 */

	/* if any of the above parsers had failed, return failure */
	if (e == NULL) 	return e;

	/* remove leading whitespace */
	e = strip(e, " ");

	/* if after removing all whitespaces we didnt hit either ',', end-of-line, or nothing was consumed at all,
	 * then the input that was given is wrong! fail this parser!*/
	if ((!oneOf(e, "\n\r,"))||e==p) {
		*err = NUMBER_ERR;
		return NULL;
	/* if everything succeeded up till now, then e points to the rest of the input AFTER the valid float number,
	 * so we use a little trick to make it a float number:*/
	t = *e;                    	/* save the end of the consumed string */
	*e = '\0';					/* mark it as end of line */
	*res = (float)atoi(p);		/* use atof to transform the original input string (p) into the number */
	*e=t;						/* set the end of consumed string back to its original value */
	return e;					/* return the pointer to the rest of the unconsumed string */
Пример #2
setup(GtkWidget *widget)
    GtkWidgetProps props(widget);
    if (widget && GTK_IS_SCROLLED_WINDOW(widget) &&
        !props->scrolledWindowHacked) {
        GtkScrolledWindow *scrolledWindow = GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(widget);
        GtkWidget *child;

        if ((child = gtk_scrolled_window_get_hscrollbar(scrolledWindow))) {
            setupConnections(child, widget);
        if ((child = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vscrollbar(scrolledWindow))) {
            setupConnections(child, widget);
        if ((child = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(widget)))) {
            if (GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW(child) || GTK_IS_TEXT_VIEW(child) ||
                GTK_IS_ICON_VIEW(child)) {
                setupConnections(child, widget);
            } else if (oneOf(gTypeName(child), "ExoIconView",
                             "FMIconContainer")) {
                setupConnections(child, widget);
        props->scrolledWindowHacked = true;
Пример #3
/* A helper function for removing newlines, used for error reporting */
char* trimNewline(char* line)
	int l = strlen(line);
	int i=0;
	if (oneOf(&line[l-1],"\r\n")) {
		if (charIs(&line[l-2],'\r')) i++;
	return line;
Пример #4
setup(GtkWidget *widget)
    GtkWidget *parent = nullptr;

    if (GTK_IS_WINDOW(widget) &&
        !gtk_window_get_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(widget))) {

    if (GTK_IS_EVENT_BOX(widget) &&

    parent = gtk_widget_get_parent(widget);

    // widgets used in tabs also must be ignored (happens, unfortunately)
    if (GTK_IS_NOTEBOOK(parent) && Tab::isLabel(GTK_NOTEBOOK(parent), widget))

      check event mask (for now we only need to do that for GtkWindow)
      The idea is that if the window has been set to receive button_press
      and button_release events (which is not done by default), it likely
      means that it does something with such events, in which case we should
      not use them for grabbing
    if (oneOf(gTypeName(widget), "GtkWindow") &&
        (gtk_widget_get_events(widget) &

    GtkWidgetProps props(widget);
    if (!isFakeGtk() && !props->wmMoveHacked) {
        props->wmMoveHacked = true;
        gtk_widget_add_events(widget, GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK |
                              GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK |
        props->wmMoveDestroy.conn("destroy-event", destroy);
        props->wmMoveStyleSet.conn("style-set", styleSet);
        props->wmMoveMotion.conn("motion-notify-event", motion);
        props->wmMoveLeave.conn("leave-notify-event", leave);
        props->wmMoveButtonPress.conn("button-press-event", buttonPress);
Пример #5
main (int argc, char **argv, char **environ)
  char *queue = NULL, *host = NULL, *jobName = NULL, *user = NULL;
  LS_LONG_INT jobId;
  int options;
  struct jobInfoEnt *jInfo;
  char *outFile;
  char fflag = FALSE;
  int cc;
  int rc;

  rc = _i18n_init (I18N_CAT_MIN);

  if (lsb_init (argv[0]) < 0)
      lsb_perror ("lsb_init");
      exit (-1);

  while ((cc = getopt (argc, argv, "Vhfq:m:J:")) != EOF)
      switch (cc)
	case 'q':
	  if (queue || host || jobName)
	    oneOf (argv[0]);
	  queue = optarg;
	case 'm':
	  if (queue || host || jobName)
	    oneOf (argv[0]);
	  host = optarg;
	case 'J':
	  if (queue || host || jobName)
	    oneOf (argv[0]);
	  jobName = optarg;
	case 'V':
	  fputs (_LS_VERSION_, stderr);
	  exit (0);
	case 'f':
	  fflag = TRUE;
	case 'h':
	  usage (argv[0]);

  jobId = 0;
  options = LAST_JOB;
  if (argc >= optind + 1)
      if (queue || host || jobName)
	  oneOf (argv[0]);
      else if ((argc > 2 && !fflag) || (argc > 3 && fflag))
	usage (argv[0]);

      if (getOneJobId (argv[optind], &jobId, 0))
	  usage (argv[0]);

      options = 0;

  if (lsb_openjobinfo (jobId, jobName, NULL, queue, host, options) < 0
      || (jInfo = lsb_readjobinfo (NULL)) == NULL)

      if (jobId != 0 || jobName != NULL)
	  user = ALL_USERS;
	  if (lsb_openjobinfo (jobId, jobName, user, queue, host, options) < 0
	      || (jInfo = lsb_readjobinfo (NULL)) == NULL)
	      jobInfoErr (jobId, jobName, NULL, queue, host, options);
	      exit (-1);
	  jobInfoErr (jobId, jobName, NULL, queue, host, options);
	  exit (-1);
  lsb_closejobinfo ();

  if (jobId && jInfo->jobId != jobId)
      lsberrno = LSBE_JOB_ARRAY;
      lsb_perror ("bpeek");
      exit (-1);

  if ((jInfo->submit.options & SUB_INTERACTIVE) &&
      !(jInfo->submit.options & (SUB_OUT_FILE | SUB_ERR_FILE)))
      fprintf (stderr, _i18n_msg_get (ls_catd, NL_SETN, 2456, "Job <%s> : Cannot bpeek an interactive job.\n"),	/* catgets  2456 */
	       lsb_jobid2str (jInfo->jobId));
      exit (-1);

  if (IS_PEND (jInfo->status) || jInfo->execUsername[0] == '\0')
      fprintf (stderr, _i18n_msg_get (ls_catd, NL_SETN, 2454, "Job <%s> : Not yet started.\n"),	/* catgets  2454 */
	       lsb_jobid2str (jInfo->jobId));

      exit (-1);
  if (IS_FINISH (jInfo->status))
      fprintf (stderr, _i18n_msg_get (ls_catd, NL_SETN, 2455, "Job <%s> : Already finished.\n"),	/* catgets  2455  */
	       lsb_jobid2str (jInfo->jobId));
      exit (-1);

  if ((outFile = lsb_peekjob (jInfo->jobId)) == NULL)
      char msg[50];
      sprintf (msg, "%s <%s>", I18N_Job, lsb_jobid2str (jInfo->jobId));
      lsb_perror (msg);
      exit (-1);
  displayOutput (outFile, jInfo, fflag, environ);
  _i18n_end (ls_catd);
  exit (0);

Пример #6
/* This method makes sure the string m is matched within the beginning of string p, and that it ends with either
 * a whitespace or a carriage return, but on success it returns the string containing that last letter.
char* matchWordD(char* p, char* m) {
	char* e;
	return oneOf((e=matchWord(p, m)), "\r\n ") ? e : NULL;