Пример #1
namespace interprocess {

//!Tag to indicate that the resource must
//!be only created
struct create_only_t {};

//!Tag to indicate that the resource must
//!be only opened
struct open_only_t {};

//!Tag to indicate that the resource must
//!be only opened for reading
struct open_read_only_t {};

//!Tag to indicate that the resource must
//!be only opened privately for reading
struct open_read_private_t {};

//!Tag to indicate that the resource must
//!be only opened for reading
struct open_copy_on_write_t {};

//!Tag to indicate that the resource must
//!be created. If already created, it must be opened.
struct open_or_create_t {};

//!Value to indicate that the resource must
//!be only created
static const create_only_t    create_only    = create_only_t();

//!Value to indicate that the resource must
//!be only opened
static const open_only_t      open_only      = open_only_t();

//!Value to indicate that the resource must
//!be only opened for reading
static const open_read_only_t open_read_only = open_read_only_t();

//!Value to indicate that the resource must
//!be created. If already created, it must be opened.
static const open_or_create_t open_or_create = open_or_create_t();

//!Value to indicate that the resource must
//!be only opened for reading
static const open_copy_on_write_t open_copy_on_write = open_copy_on_write_t();

namespace ipcdetail {

enum create_enum_t
{  DoCreate, DoOpen, DoOpenOrCreate   };

}  //namespace ipcdetail {

}  //namespace interprocess {
Пример #2
inline named_mutex::named_mutex(open_only_t, const char *name)
   :  m_mut(open_only_t(), name)
 windows_named_recursive_mutex(open_only_t, const char *name)
     : windows_named_mutex(open_only_t(), name)
Пример #4
 //!Opens a global condition with a name if that condition is previously
 //!created. If it is not previously created this function throws
 named_condition_any(open_only_t, const char *name)
    :  m_cond(open_only_t(), name)