Пример #1
 *   Empty a local directory 
static void empty_dir(VMG_ const char *dir)
    /* open the directory search */
    osdirhdl_t dirhdl;
    if (os_open_dir(dir, &dirhdl))
            /* keep going until we're out of files */
            char fname[OSFNMAX];
            while (os_read_dir(dirhdl, fname, sizeof(fname)))
                /* get the full path */
                char path[OSFNMAX];
                os_build_full_path(path, sizeof(path), dir, fname);

                /* get the mode */
                unsigned long fmode;
                unsigned long fattr;
                if (osfmode(path, FALSE, &fmode, &fattr))
                    /* check whether it's a directory or an ordinary file */
                    if ((fmode & OSFMODE_DIR) != 0)
                         *   directory - skip the special '.' and '..' links,
                         *   since they'd get us stuck in a loop 
                        os_specfile_t st = os_is_special_file(fname);
                        if (st != OS_SPECFILE_SELF && st != OS_SPECFILE_PARENT)
                            /* recursively empty the directory */
                            empty_dir(vmg_ path);
                            /* remove this directory */
                            if (!os_rmdir(path))
                        /* ordinary file - delete it */
                        if (osfdel(path))
            /* close the directory search handle */
Пример #2
int CVmNetFile::get_file_mode(
    VMG_ unsigned long *mode, unsigned long *attr, int follow_links)
    return osfmode(lclfname, follow_links, mode, attr);
Пример #3
/* Get the local time zone name, as a zoneinfo database key.  Many
 * modern Unix systems use zoneinfo keys as they native timezone
 * setting, but there are several different ways of storing this on a
 * per-process and system-wide basis.  We'll try looking for the common
 * mechanisms.
os_get_zoneinfo_key( char *buf, size_t buflen )
    /* First, try the TZ environment variable.  This is used on nearly
     * all Unix-alikes for a per-process timezone setting, although
     * it will only contain a zoneinfo key in newer versions.  There
     * are several possible formats for specifying a zoneinfo key:
     *  TZ=/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles
     *    - A full absolute path name to a tzinfo file.  We'll sense
     *      this by looking for "/zoneinfo/" in the string, and if we
     *      find it, we'll return the portion after /zoneinfo/.
     *  TZ=America/Los_Angeles
     *    - Just the zoneinfo key, without a path.  If we find a string
     *      that contains all alphabetics, undersores, and slashes, and
     *      has at least one internal slash but doesn't start with a
     *      slash, we probably have a zoneinfo key.  We'll see if we
     *      can find a matching file in the usual zoneinfo database
     *      locations: /etc/zoneinfo, /usr/share/zoneinfo; if we can,
     *      we'll return the key name, otherwise we'll assume this
     *      isn't actually a zoneinfo key but just happens to look like
     *      one in terms of format.
     *  TZ=:America/Los_Angeles
     *  TZ=:/etc/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles
     *    - POSIX systems generally use the ":" prefix to signify that
     *      this is a zoneinfo path rather than the old-style "EST5EDT"
     *      type of self-contained zone description.  If we see a colon
     *      prefix with a relative path (properly formed in terms of
     *      its character content), we'll simply assume this is a
     *      zoneinfo key without even checking for an existing file,
     *      since there's not much else it could be.  If we see an
     *      absolute path, we'll search it for /zoneinfo/ and return
     *      the portion after this, again without checking for an
     *      existing file.
    const char *tz = getenv("TZ");
    if (tz != 0 && tz[0] != '\0')
        /* check that the string is formatted like a zoneinfo key */
#define tzcharok(c) (isalpha(c) != 0 || (c) == '/' || (c) == '_')
        int fmt_ok = TRUE;
        const char *p;
        fmt_ok &= (tz[0] == ':' || tzcharok(tz[0]));
        for (p = tz + 1 ; *p != '\0' ; ++p)
            fmt_ok &= tzcharok(*p);

        /* proceed only if it has the right format */
        if (fmt_ok)
            /* check for a leading ':', per POSIX */
            if (tz[0] == ':')
                /* yes, we have a leading ':', so it's almost certainly
                 * a zoneinfo key; if it's an absolute path, find the
                 * part after /zoneinfo/
                if (tz[1] == '/')
                    /* absolute form - look for /zoneinfo/ */
                    const char *z = strstr(tz, "/zoneinfo/");
                    if (z != 0)
                        /* found it - return the part after /zoneinfo/ */
                        safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, z + 10);
                        return TRUE;
                    /* relative path - return as-is minus the colon */
                    safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, tz + 1);
                    return TRUE;
                /* There's no colon, so it *might* be a zoneinfo key.
                 * If it's an absolute path containing /zoneinfo/, it's
                 * a solid bet.  If it's a relative path, look to see
                 * if we can find a file in one of the usual zoneinfo
                 * database locations.
                if (tz[0] == '/')
                    /* absolute path - check for /zoneinfo/ */
                    const char *z = strstr(tz, "/zoneinfo/");
                    if (z != 0)
                        /* found it - return the part after /zoneinfo/ */
                        safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, z + 10);
                        return TRUE;
                    /* relative path - look for a tzinfo file in the
                     * usual locations
                    static const char *dirs[] = {
                    const char **dir;
                    for (dir = dirs ; *dir != 0 ; ++dir)
                        /* build this full path */
                        char fbuf[OSFNMAX];
                        os_build_full_path(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), *dir, tz);

                        /* check for a file at this location */
                        if (!osfacc(fbuf))
                            /* got it - looks like a good zoneinfo key */
                            safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, tz);
                            return TRUE;

    /* No luck with TZ, so try the system-wide settings next.
     * If a file called /etc/timezone exists, it's usually a one-line
     * text file containing the zoneinfo key.  Read and return its
     * contents.
    FILE *fp;
    if ((fp = fopen("/etc/timezone", "r")) != 0)
        /* read the one-liner */
        char lbuf[256];
        int ok = FALSE;
        if (fgets(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), fp) != 0)
            /* strip any trailing newline */
            size_t l = strlen(lbuf);
            if (l != 0 && lbuf[l-1] == '\n')
                lbuf[l-1] = '\0';

            /* if it's in absolute format, return the part after
             * /zoneinfo/; otherwise just return the string
            if (lbuf[0] == '/')
                /* absoltue path - find /zoneinfo/ */
                const char *z = strstr(lbuf, "/zoneinfo/");
                if (z != 0)
                    safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, z + 10);
                    ok = TRUE;
                /* relative notation - return it as-is */
                safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, lbuf);
                ok = TRUE;

        /* we're done with the file */

        /* if we got our result, return success */
        if (ok)
            return TRUE;

    /* If /etc/sysconfig/clock exists, read it and look for a line
     * starting with ZONE=.  This contains the zoneinfo key.
    if ((fp = fopen("/etc/sysconfig/clock", "r")) != 0)
        /* scan the file for ZONE=... */
        int ok = FALSE;
        for (;;)
            /* read the next line */
            char lbuf[256];
            if (fgets(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), fp) == 0)

            /* skip leading spaces */
            const char *p;
            for (p = lbuf ; isspace(*p) ; ++p) ;

            /* check for ZONE */
            if (memicmp(p, "zone", 4) != 0)

            /* skip spaces after ZONE */
            for (p += 4 ; isspace(*p) ; ++p) ;

            /* check for '=' */
            if (*p != '=')

            /* skip spaces after the '=' */
            for (++p ; isspace(*p) ; ++p) ;

            /* if it's in absolute form, look for /zoneinfo/ */
            if (*p == '/')
                const char *z = strstr(p, "/zoneinfo/");
                if (z != 0)
                    safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, z + 10);
                    ok = TRUE;
                /* relative notation - it's the zoneinfo key */
                safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, p);
                ok = TRUE;

            /* that's our ZONE line, so we're done scanning the file */

        /* done with the file */

        /* if we got our result, return success */
        if (ok)
            return TRUE;

    /* If /etc/localtime is a symbolic link, the linked file is the
     * actual zoneinfo file.  Resolve the link and return the portion
     * of the path after "/zoneinfo/".
#if 0
    static const char *elt = "/etc/localtime";
    unsigned long mode;
    char linkbuf[OSFNMAX];
    const char *zi;
    if (osfmode(elt, FALSE, &mode, NULL)
        && (mode & OSFMODE_LINK) != 0
        && os_resolve_symlink(elt, linkbuf, sizeof(linkbuf))
        && (zi = strstr(linkbuf, "/zoneinfo/")) != 0)
        /* it's a link containing /zoneinfo/, so return the portion
         * after /zoneinfo/
        safe_strcpy(buf, buflen, zi + 10);
        return TRUE;
    /* well, we're out of ideas - return failure */
    return FALSE;