Пример #1
bool WritePfm(const ei::Vec4* _data, const ei::IVec2& _size, const std::string& _filename, std::uint32_t _divisor)
	std::ofstream file(_filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
	if(!file.bad() && !file.fail())
		file.write("PF\n", sizeof(char) * 3);
		file << _size.x << " " << _size.y << "\n";

		file.write("-1.000000\n", sizeof(char) * 10);

		const ei::Vec4* v = _data;
		for (int y = 0; y < _size.y; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < _size.x; ++x)
				ei::Vec3 outV(v->x / _divisor, v->y / _divisor, v->z / _divisor);
				file.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&outV), sizeof(float) * 3);
		return true;
		LOG_ERROR("Error writing hdr image to " + _filename);
		return false;
Пример #2
gpstk::Vector<double> RACRotation::convertToRAC( const gpstk::Vector<double>& inV )
   gpstk::Vector<double> outV(3);

      My goal was to use the following statement.
   outV =  this * inV;
      However, for some reason, gcc refuses to recognize RACRotation as a
      Matrix subclass.  Therefore, I've incorporated the matrix multiply
      as a temporary kludge.
   if (inV.size()!=3)
      gpstk::Exception e("Incompatible dimensions for Vector");
   size_t i, j;
   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      outV[i] = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
         double temp =  (*this)(i,j) * inV[j];
         outV[i] += temp;
   /* end kludge */
Пример #3
gpstk::Vector<double> ENUUtil::convertToENU( const gpstk::Vector<double>& inV ) const
   gpstk::Vector<double> outV(3);

   if (inV.size()!=3)
      gpstk::Exception e("Incompatible dimensions for Vector");
   outV = rotMat * inV;
Пример #4
     * \param v The vector to pre-multiply with this transformation.
     * Applies this transformation to the specified vector \a v. This is the equivalent
     * of multiplying the vector by a 4x4 affine transformation matrix. The order of
     * operations is scale, rotate (pre-multiply with a rotation matrix), then translate.
     * \sa applyInverse
    Vector3f Transformation::apply(const Vector3f& v) const
        if (m_isIdentity)
            return v;

        Vector3f outV(v);
        outV.x() *= m_scale.x();
        outV.y() *= m_scale.y();
        outV.z() *= m_scale.z();
        outV = m_rotation * outV;
        outV += m_translation;
        return outV;