Пример #1
static void setupEnvVar(std::istringstream& iss, const char** var, const char* varname) {
  std::string line;
  std::string value;

  std::getline(iss, line);
  if (!iss.good() || line.find(varname) == std::string::npos) {
    INT_FATAL(astr("Parsing ", varname));
  value = line.substr(line.find('=')+1, std::string::npos);

  *var = astr(value.c_str());  // astr call is to canonicalize
  parseCmdLineConfig(varname, astr("\"", *var, "\""));
Пример #2
static void readConfig(ArgumentState* arg_state, char* arg_unused) {
  // Expect arg_unused to be a string of either of these forms:
  // 1. name=value -- set the config param "name" to "value"
  // 2. name       -- set the boolean config param "name" to NOT("name")
  //                  if name is not type bool, set it to 0.

  char *name = strdup(arg_unused);
  char *value;
  value = strstr(name, "=");
  if (value) {
    *value = '\0';
    if (value[0]) {
      // arg_unused was name=value
      parseCmdLineConfig(name, value);
    } else {
      // arg_unused was name=  <blank>
      USR_FATAL("Missing config param value");
  } else {
    // arg_unused was just name
    parseCmdLineConfig(name, "");
Пример #3
static void setWarnDomainLiteral(ArgumentState* arg_state, char* unused) {
  const char *val = fNoWarnDomainLiteral ? "false" : "true";
  parseCmdLineConfig("CHPL_WARN_DOMAIN_LITERAL", astr("\"", val, "\""));
Пример #4
static void setWarnTupleIteration(ArgumentState* arg_state, char* unused) {
  const char *val = fNoWarnTupleIteration ? "false" : "true";
  parseCmdLineConfig("CHPL_WARN_TUPLE_ITERATION", astr("\"", val, "\""));
Пример #5
static const char* setupEnvVar(const char* varname, const char* script) {
  const char* val = runUtilScript(script);
  parseCmdLineConfig(varname, astr("\"", val, "\""));
  return val;
Пример #6
static void setupChplHome(const char* argv0) {
  const char* chpl_home = getenv("CHPL_HOME");
  char* guess = NULL;

  // Get the executable path.
  guess = findProgramPath(argv0);
  if (guess) {
    // Determine CHPL_HOME based on the exe path.
    // Determined exe path, but don't have a env var set
    // Look for ../../../util/chplenv
    // Remove the /bin/some-platform/chpl part
    // from the path.
    if( guess[0] ) {
      int j = strlen(guess) - 5; // /bin and '\0'
      for( ; j >= 0; j-- ) {
        if( guess[j] == '/' &&
            guess[j+1] == 'b' &&
            guess[j+2] == 'i' &&
            guess[j+3] == 'n' ) {
          guess[j] = '\0';

    if( isMaybeChplHome(guess) ) {
      // OK!
    } else {
      // Maybe we are in e.g. /usr/bin.
      guess = NULL;

  if( chpl_home ) {
    if( strlen(chpl_home) > FILENAME_MAX )
      USR_FATAL("$CHPL_HOME=%s path too long", chpl_home);

    if( guess == NULL ) {
      // Could not find exe path, but have a env var set
      strncpy(CHPL_HOME, chpl_home, FILENAME_MAX);
    } else {
      // We have env var and found exe path.
      // Check that they match and emit a warning if not.

      if( ! isSameFile(chpl_home, guess) ) {
        // Not the same. Emit warning.
        USR_WARN("$CHPL_HOME=%s mismatched with executable home=%s",
                 chpl_home, guess);
      // Since we have an enviro var, always use that.
      strncpy(CHPL_HOME, chpl_home, FILENAME_MAX);
  } else {
    if( guess == NULL ) {
      // Could not find enviro var, and could not
      // guess at exe's path name.
      USR_FATAL("$CHPL_HOME must be set to run chpl");
    } else {
      int rc;
      if( strlen(guess) > FILENAME_MAX )
        USR_FATAL("chpl guessed home %s too long", guess);

      // Determined exe path, but don't have a env var set
      strncpy(CHPL_HOME, guess, FILENAME_MAX);
      // Also need to setenv in this case.
      rc = setenv("CHPL_HOME", guess, 0);
      if( rc ) USR_FATAL("Could not setenv CHPL_HOME");

  // Check that the resulting path is a Chapel distribution.
  if( ! isMaybeChplHome(CHPL_HOME) ) {
    // Bad enviro var.
    USR_WARN("CHPL_HOME=%s is not a Chapel distribution", CHPL_HOME);

  if( guess ) free(guess);

  parseCmdLineConfig("CHPL_HOME", astr("\"", CHPL_HOME, "\""));
Пример #7
static void setWarnDomainLiteral(const ArgumentDescription* desc, const char* unused) {
  const char *val = fNoWarnDomainLiteral ? "false" : "true";
  parseCmdLineConfig("CHPL_WARN_DOMAIN_LITERAL", astr("\"", val, "\""));
Пример #8
static void setCacheEnable(const ArgumentDescription* desc, const char* unused) {
  const char *val = fCacheRemote ? "true" : "false";
  parseCmdLineConfig("CHPL_CACHE_REMOTE", val);