Пример #1
Файл: fk.cpp Проект: De4m/Robots
void unsolve(float a0, float a1, float a2, float& x, float& y, float& z)
    // Calculate u,v coords for arm
    float u01, v01, u12, v12;
    polar2cart(L1, a1, u01, v01);
    polar2cart(L2, a2, u12, v12);

    // Add vectors
    float u, v;
    u = u01 + u12 + L3;
    v = v01 + v12;

    // Calculate in 3D space - note x/y reversal!
    polar2cart(u, a0, y, x);
    z = v;
Пример #2
void collisioncone_findnewcmd( float cc[2][6], 
	float *v_des, float *psi_des, 
	float psisearch, int nfilters )
	int i;
	int count = 1;
	// int ng = 1;
	bool flag = true;
	float psi_add;
	deg2rad(psisearch, &psi_add);

	float psi0 = *psi_des;
	float vx, vy;

	while (*v_des <= 2.0) {
		polar2cart(*v_des, *psi_des, &vx, &vy);

		for (i = 0; i < nfilters; i++) { // Check if we succeed
			flag = collisioncone_checkdanger(cc[i], vx, vy);
			if (flag)

		if(!flag) // No issues found

		*psi_des = psi0 + (count * psi_add);

		// ng = ng * -1;
		if (count >= (2*M_PI)/psi_add) {
			*v_des = *v_des + *v_des;
			count = 1;
	// Failed to find a solution, so just stop this time
	*v_des = 0.0;
Пример #3
int main()
  double rad, arg;
  double x = 20.0, y = 45.0;

  /* Show initial cartesian co-ords. */
  printf("x = %.3g, y = %.3g\n", x, y);

  /* Convert to polar. */
  cart2polar(&rad, &arg, x, y);

  /* Double the radius. */
  rad *= 2;

  /* Convert back to cartesian. */
  polar2cart(&x, &y, rad, arg);

  /* Show new cartesian co-ords. */
  printf("x = %.3g, y = %.3g\n", x, y);
  /* They should be 40, 90. */

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
int hl_prospective( float *vec, float px, float py, 
	float vx_own, float vy_own,
	float vx_obst, float vy_obst,
	float dt, float max, int length, float radius)
	int i, j;
	float v, ang, vox, voy, temp;
	cart2polar(vx_own, vy_own, &v, &temp);
	int flag = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < length; i++)

		j = 1;
		ang = -M_PI + (2*M_PI/length)*i;
		polar2cart(v, ang, &vox, &voy);

		while(j*dt < max)

			vec[i] = j*dt;
			flag = hl_collisiontest( px, py, vox, voy, vx_obst, vy_obst, j*dt, radius);

			if (flag)


	return flag;
