Пример #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    //read the first argument to set the function.
    if(argc < 3) show_help_short(argv);
    int randseed=int(time(NULL));
    ZRANDOMv3 rg(randseed);
    int nsample=10000;
    if(argc>=4) nsample=atoi(argv[3]);

    ifstream fa(argv[1]);
    ifstream fb(argv[2]);
    assert(fa.good()&&fb.good()&&"I can not open the file that contains the partition.");

    vector <string> pas;//partition a in string
    vector <string> pbs;//partition b in string
    string tmpstr;
    while(fa >> tmpstr) pas.push_back(tmpstr);
    while(fb >> tmpstr) pbs.push_back(tmpstr);
    assert(pas.size() == pbs.size() && "Two partitions have different number of nodes !");

    vector <int> pa;//partition a in number
    vector <int> pb;//partition b in number
    int qa=ps2p(pas,pa);
    int qb=ps2p(pbs,pb);

    double the_nmi=0;
    bool agtb=true; //qa is greater than qb
    if(qa<qb) agtb=false;
    if(agtb) the_nmi=compute_nmi(pa,pb);
    else the_nmi=compute_nmi(pb,pa);
    double tot_nmi=0;
    for(int sample=0; sample<nsample; sample++)
        double nmi=0;
        tot_nmi += nmi;

    tot_nmi /= nsample;
Пример #2
//{{{ int main(int argc, char** argv)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	//read the first argument to set the function.
	if(argc < 3) show_help_short(argv);
	long t_begin=get_cpu_time();
	int randseed=int(time(NULL));
	ZRANDOMv3 rg(randseed);
	int nsample=10;
	if(argc>=4) nsample=atoi(argv[3]);
//	cout<<"nsample="<<nsample<<endl;
	ifstream fa(argv[1]);
	ifstream fb(argv[2]);
	assert(fa.good()&&fb.good()&&"I can not open the file that contains the partition.");

	vector <string> pas;//partition a in string
	vector <string> pbs;//partition b in string
	string tmpstr;
	while(fa >> tmpstr) pas.push_back(tmpstr);
	while(fb >> tmpstr) pbs.push_back(tmpstr);
	assert(pas.size() == pbs.size() && "Two partitions have different number of nodes !");

	vector <int> pa;//partition a in number
	vector <int> pb;//partition b in number
	int qa=ps2p(pas,pa);
	int qb=ps2p(pbs,pb);

	double the_nmi=0;
	bool agtb=true; //qa is greater than qb
	if(qa<qb) agtb=false;
	if(agtb) the_nmi=compute_nmi(pa,pb);
	else the_nmi=compute_rnmi(pb,pa);
//	cout<<"RNMI="<<the_nmi-tot_nmi<<endl;
//	cout<<"time used: "<<(get_cpu_time()-t_begin)/1000.0<<" seconds."<<endl;