Пример #1
bool PolylineAnnotation::processEditingOnRelease( QMouseEvent *mouseEvent )
    static const int mouseMoveOffset = 1;

    if ( mouseEvent->button() != Qt::LeftButton ) {
        return false;

    if ( m_interactingObj == InteractingNode ) {
        qreal x, y;
        m_viewport->screenCoordinates( m_movedPointCoords.longitude(),
                                       x, y );
        // The node gets selected only if it is clicked and not moved.
        if ( qFabs(mouseEvent->pos().x() - x) > mouseMoveOffset ||
             qFabs(mouseEvent->pos().y() - y) > mouseMoveOffset ) {
            m_interactingObj = InteractingNothing;
            return true;

        m_nodesList[m_clickedNodeIndex].setFlag( PolylineNode::NodeIsSelected,
                                                 !m_nodesList.at(m_clickedNodeIndex).isSelected() );
        m_interactingObj = InteractingNothing;
        return true;
    } else if ( m_interactingObj == InteractingPolyline ) {
        // Nothing special happens at polyline release.
        m_interactingObj = InteractingNothing;
        return true;

    return false;
Пример #2
void KinematicPoints::SetS5C5()
    s[5] = ctheta * (spsi * c[1] - cpsi * s[1]);
    c[5] = delta5 * qSqrt(1 - qPow(s[5], 2));
    fi[5] = qFabs(c[5])>qFabs(s[5])? qAsin(s[5]) : qAcos(c[5]);
    //if(fi[5]!=fi[5]) {emit outOfRange(); return;}

Пример #3
void KinematicPoints::SetS4C4()
    s[4] = s234 * c23 - c234 * s23;
    c[4] = c234*c23 + s234*s23;
    fi[4] = qFabs(c[4])>qFabs(s[4])? qAsin(s[4]) : qAcos(c[4]);
    //if(fi[4]!=fi[4]) {emit outOfRange(); return;}

Пример #4
void forkliftPathItem::SetCurrentPoint(QPointF &point)
    currentPointIndex = -1;
    for(int i = 0; i < m_linePoints.count(); i++){
        if(qFabs(m_linePoints[i].x() - point.x())  < 5 && qFabs(m_linePoints[i].y() - point.y()) < 5){
             currentPointIndex = i;
Пример #5
void KinematicPoints::SetS3C3()
    double zr = regionalPoint.z();

   s[3] = 1/l[3] * ( zr*c[2] - a*s[2] );
   c[3] = 1/l[3]* (a*c[2]+zr*s[2] - l[2]) ;
   fi[3] = qFabs(c[3])>qFabs(s[3])? qAsin(s[3]) : qAcos(c[3]);

   //if(fi[3]!=fi[3]) {emit outOfRange(); return;}

Пример #6
void KinematicPoints::SetS2C2()
    double zr = regionalPoint.z();

    s[2] = 1/(qPow(a, 2) + qPow(zr,2)) * (zr * b + delta2 * a * qSqrt(qPow(a, 2) + qPow(zr,2) - qPow(b,2)));
    c[2] = 1/(qPow(a, 2) + qPow(zr,2)) * (a * b - delta2 * zr * qSqrt(qPow(a, 2) + qPow(zr,2) - qPow(b,2)) );
    fi[2] = qFabs(c[2])>qFabs(s[2])? qAsin(s[2]) : qAcos(c[2]);

    //if(fi[2]!=fi[2]) {emit outOfRange(); return;}

Пример #7
QString ChatControler::dealTime(qint64 msgtime, int type)
    QString strDateTime("");
        QDateTime msgDateTime;
        int distance = 0;
        if (!msgtime)
            return strDateTime;
        distance = msgDateTime.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime());
        if (qFabs(distance) <= 0)
            strDateTime = msgDateTime.toString("HH:mm");
        else if (qFabs(distance) <= 1)
            if ( 1 == type)
                strDateTime = "昨天";
            else {
                strDateTime = "昨天" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(" ") + msgDateTime.toString("HH:mm");

        else if (qFabs(distance) <= 2)
            if (1 == type)
                strDateTime = "前天";
            else {
                strDateTime = "前天" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(" ") + msgDateTime.toString("HH:mm");
            if (1 == type)
                strDateTime = msgDateTime.toString("MM月dd日");
            else {
                strDateTime = msgDateTime.toString("MM月dd日") +QString::fromLocal8Bit(" ")+msgDateTime.toString("HH:mm");
        return strDateTime;
Пример #8
  \brief Qt timer event

  The flying wheel effect is implemented using a timer

  \param event Timer event

  \sa updateInterval()
void QwtWheel::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *event )
    if ( event->timerId() != d_data->timerId )
        QWidget::timerEvent( event );

    d_data->speed *= qExp( -d_data->updateInterval * 0.001 / d_data->mass );

    d_data->flyingValue += d_data->speed * d_data->updateInterval;
    d_data->flyingValue = boundedValue( d_data->flyingValue );

    double value = d_data->flyingValue;
    if ( d_data->stepAlignment )
        value = alignedValue( value );

    if ( qFabs( d_data->speed ) < 0.001 * d_data->singleStep )
        // stop if d_data->speed < one step per second

    if ( value != d_data->value )
        d_data->value = value;

        if ( d_data->tracking || d_data->timerId == 0 )
            Q_EMIT valueChanged( d_data->value );
Пример #9
  Calculate a step size for a given interval

  \param intervalSize Interval size
  \param numSteps Number of steps
  \param base Base for the division ( usually 10 )

  \return Calculated step size
double QwtScaleArithmetic::divideInterval( 
    double intervalSize, int numSteps, uint base ) 
    if ( numSteps <= 0 )
        return 0.0;

    const double v = QwtScaleArithmetic::divideEps( intervalSize, numSteps );
    if ( v == 0.0 )
        return 0.0;

    const double lx = qwtLog( base, qFabs( v ) );
    const double p = ::floor( lx );

    const double fraction = qPow( base, lx - p );

    uint n = base;
    while ( ( n > 1 ) && ( fraction <= n / 2 ) )
        n /= 2;

    double stepSize = n * qPow( base, p );
    if ( v < 0 )
        stepSize = -stepSize;

    return stepSize;
Пример #10
void QImageDrawer::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
    if (m_image.isNull()) {
    if (m_drawMode == -3) {//calibre, we should pop up a dialog and get the real size
        bool ok;
        qreal r = static_cast<qreal>(QInputDialog::getDouble(this, tr("Input the real size"), tr("Unit: μm"), 0, 0, 9999, 4, &ok));
        if (ok) {
            ccSpace->setScaleValue(qMax(qFabs(m_calibreLine.dx()), qFabs(m_calibreLine.dy())), r);
    else if (m_drawMode == -4) {//gauge
        qreal gaugeResult = qSqrt(m_gaugeLine.dx() * m_gaugeLine.dx() + m_gaugeLine.dy() * m_gaugeLine.dy()) / ccSpace->getScaleValue();
        emit gaugeLineResult(gaugeResult);
Пример #11
double ATCAbstractProfile::interval(ATCInterpolator2D &interpolator, double key, double lvlFrom, double lvlTo)
    QVector<double> sites;
    sites << lvlFrom << lvlTo;

    QVector<double> results(2);

    interpolator.interpolate(key, sites, results);

    return qFabs(results.at(1) - results.at(0)); //to - from
Пример #12
void QImageDrawer::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
    if (m_image.isNull()) {

    m_mouseReleased = ccSpace->getInvertedTransform().map(m->localPos());
    QPointF tl(0, 0);
    QPointF br(m_image.width() - 1, m_image.height() - 1);

    if (m_mouseReleased.x() < tl.x()) {
    else if (m_mouseReleased.x() > br.x()) {
    if (m_mouseReleased.y() < tl.y()) {
    else if (m_mouseReleased.y() > br.y()) {

    if (m_drawMode == -4) {
    }else if (m_drawMode == -2) {//rectangle
        ccSpace->setRectangle(QRectF(m_mousePressed, m_mouseReleased));
    else if (m_drawMode == -3) {//calibre
        m_calibreLine = QLineF(m_mousePressed, m_mouseReleased);
        if (qFabs(m_calibreLine.dx()) > qFabs(m_calibreLine.dy())) {
            m_calibreLine.setP2(QPointF(m_mouseReleased.x(), m_mousePressed.y()));
        else {
            m_calibreLine.setP2(QPointF(m_mousePressed.x(), m_mouseReleased.y()));

Пример #13
void forkliftPathItem::RemovePoint(QPointF &point)
    int index = -1;
    for(int i = 0; i < m_linePoints.count(); i++){
        if(qFabs(m_linePoints[i].x() - point.x())  < 5 && qFabs(m_linePoints[i].y() - point.y()) < 5){
            index = i;

    if(index >= 0){
    for (int i=0; i < m_linePoints.count(); i++){
        if (i< 2){
            m_cargoPoints[i] = m_linePoints[i];
Пример #14
void GEF::toRobertson()
    Robertson robertson;

    if(m_depth.count() <= 1){
        m_errors.append(QString("[%0] only one row found.").arg(m_filename));

    float zprev = m_depth[0];
    float ytot = 0.0;
    float ytot_eff = 0.0;

    for(int i=1; i<m_depth.count(); i++){
        float z = m_depth[i];
        float qc = m_qc[i];
        float pw = m_pw[i];
        float wg = pw / qc * 100.0;

        if(qc < 1.5 && wg > 5.0){
            m_rs[i] = 0; //veen
            //verticale spanning
            ytot += qFabs(z - zprev) * 10.0;
            //effectieve spanning
            if(qFabs(m_z - z) > WATERDEPTH){
                ytot_eff += 0.0;
                ytot_eff += qFabs(z - zprev) * 10.0;
            float weight = getApproxWeight(wg);
            //verticale spanning
            ytot += qFabs(z - zprev) * weight;
            //effectieve spanning
            if(qFabs(m_z - z) > WATERDEPTH){
                ytot_eff += qFabs(z - zprev) * (weight - 10.0);
                ytot_eff += qFabs(z - zprev) * weight;

            //qc = 0.9; //
            //pw = 0.04;
            //ytot = 180;
            //ytot_eff = 90;

            float nqc = (qc * 1000 - ytot) / ytot_eff;
            float nwg = (pw * 1000) / (qc * 1000 - ytot) * 100;
            m_rs[i] = robertson.getSoiltype(nqc, nwg);
        zprev = z;
Пример #15
bool CDoodChatManagerModel::isJudageShowTime(QDateTime date)
    if(m_pChatMap.size() <= 0){
        return true;
        CDoodChatItem* last = (CDoodChatItem*)_list->at(_list->size() -1);
        QDateTime lastMsgTime = last->time();
        QString tmp = Common::dealTime(lastMsgTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch(),1);
        int64 timeDistance = lastMsgTime.secsTo(date);
        if(qFabs(timeDistance) >= 60 * 3 && last->timeText() != tmp){//60 * 5
            return true;
    return false;
Пример #16
  \brief Determine the value corresponding to a specified position

  Called by QwtAbstractSlider
  \param pos point
double QwtKnob::getValue( const QPoint &pos )
    const double dx = rect().center().x() - pos.x();
    const double dy = rect().center().y() - pos.y();

    const double arc = qAtan2( -dx, dy ) * 180.0 / M_PI;

    double newValue =  0.5 * ( minValue() + maxValue() )
        + ( arc + d_data->nTurns * 360.0 ) * ( maxValue() - minValue() )
        / d_data->totalAngle;

    const double oneTurn = qFabs( maxValue() - minValue() ) * 360.0 / d_data->totalAngle;
    const double eqValue = value() + mouseOffset();

    if ( qFabs( newValue - eqValue ) > 0.5 * oneTurn )
        if ( newValue < eqValue )
            newValue += oneTurn;
            newValue -= oneTurn;

    return newValue;
Пример #17
QString GEF::asRobertson(const float interval)
    QString result = "";
    QList<GEFLayer> layers;
    QList<int> ids;

    //step 1, break into interval sized soillayers and find common soiltype
    GEFLayer layer;
    layer.van = m_depth[0];
    for(int i=1; i<m_depth.count(); i++){
        layer.tot = m_depth[i];
        if(qFabs(layer.van - layer.tot) > interval){
            QSet<int> set = ids.toSet();
            layer.id = -1;
            int maxcount = 0;

            foreach (int id, set){
                int count = 0;
                for(int j=0; j<ids.count(); j++){
                    if(ids[j] == id) count++;
                if(count > maxcount){
                    layer.id = id;
                    maxcount = count;

                //probably missing values (columnvoid values?) > use previous soil layer
                //give feedback
                    layer.id = layers[layers.count()-1].id;
                    //first layer, we do not accept bad info there
                    qFatal(QString("Error, id -1 found in GEF %0").arg(getShortName()).toStdString().c_str());

            layer.van = layer.tot;
Пример #18
void CDoodChatManagerModel::judgeAddTimeTip(QDateTime dateTime)

    if(m_pChatMap.size()<= 0){
        return ;
    QDateTime lastMsgTime = m_pChatMap.last()->time();

    int64 TimeDistance = lastMsgTime.secsTo(dateTime);
    if (qFabs(TimeDistance) >= 60 * 2)
        QString  date = Common::dealTime(dateTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch(),2);
        if(date != ""){
            CDoodChatItem* item = new CDoodChatItem(this);
            m_pChatMap[item->localId()] = item;

Пример #19
void QwtWheel::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
    Q_UNUSED( event );

    if ( !d_data->isScrolling )

    d_data->isScrolling = false;

    bool startFlying = false;

    if ( d_data->mass > 0.0 )
        const int ms = d_data->time.elapsed();
        if ( ( qFabs( d_data->speed ) > 0.0 ) && ( ms < 50 ) )
            startFlying = true;

    if ( startFlying )
        d_data->flyingValue =
            boundedValue( d_data->mouseValue - d_data->mouseOffset );

        d_data->timerId = startTimer( d_data->updateInterval );
        if ( d_data->pendingValueChanged )
            Q_EMIT valueChanged( d_data->value );

    d_data->pendingValueChanged = false;
    d_data->mouseOffset = 0.0;

    Q_EMIT wheelReleased();
Пример #20
 * Function: get the keypoints of end-arrow.
 * Parameters: k, end-point, key-point1, key-point2
 * Return: none
void SamDrawItemBase::getEndArrowKeypoints(const qreal &dK, const QPointF &qpEndPt,
    LINE_KEY_POINT_T &stKeyppoints, const qreal dXdirect, const qreal dYdirect)
    const qreal dL = 12.0;
    qreal dKFactor = 0.0;
    qreal dVAngle = 0.0;
    const qreal dDelta = 0.01;
    QPointF qpKpt0, qpKpt1, qpKpt2, qpKpt3, qpKpt4, qpKpt5;

    /*K factor -1 or +1*/
    if (qFabs(dK) > 0)
        dKFactor = qFabs(dK) / dK;
        dKFactor = 1.0;

    /*The angle according to K value*/
    qreal dAngle = qAtan(dK);

    /*Calculate the key point0*/
    if (dKFactor > 0)
        qpKpt0.rx() = qpEndPt.x() - dKFactor * dXdirect * (dL * qCos(dAngle));
        qpKpt0.ry() = qpEndPt.y() - dKFactor * dYdirect * (dL * qSin(dAngle));
        qpKpt0.rx() = qpEndPt.x() + dKFactor * dXdirect * (dL * qCos(dAngle));
        qpKpt0.ry() = qpEndPt.y() - dKFactor * dYdirect * (dL * qSin(dAngle));

    /*The angle according to the K value of vertical line*/
    if (dK >= 99999)
        dVAngle = 90;
    else if (dK > dDelta || dK < -dDelta)
        dVAngle = qAtan(-1 / dK);
    else if (dK > -dDelta && dK < dDelta)
        dVAngle = 0;

    /*Calculate the key point1 and key point2*/
    qpKpt1.rx() = qpKpt0.x() - ((dL/2) * qCos(dVAngle));
    qpKpt1.ry() = qpKpt0.y() - ((dL/2) * qSin(dVAngle));

    qpKpt2.rx() = qpKpt0.x() + ((dL/2) * qCos(dVAngle));
    qpKpt2.ry() = qpKpt0.y() + ((dL/2) * qSin(dVAngle));

    QPointF qpCenter;
    qpCenter.rx() = (qpEndPt.x() + qpKpt0.x()) / 2;
    qpCenter.ry() = (qpEndPt.y() + qpKpt0.y()) / 2;

    qpKpt3.rx() = qpCenter.x() - ((2*dL/3) * qCos(dVAngle));
    qpKpt3.ry() = qpCenter.y() - ((2*dL/3) * qSin(dVAngle));

    qpKpt4.rx() = qpCenter.x() + ((2*dL/3) * qCos(dVAngle));
    qpKpt4.ry() = qpCenter.y() + ((2*dL/3) * qSin(dVAngle));

    qpKpt3.rx() = qpCenter.x() - (dL * qCos(dVAngle));
    qpKpt3.ry() = qpCenter.y() - (dL * qSin(dVAngle));

    qpKpt4.rx() = qpCenter.x() + (dL * qCos(dVAngle));
    qpKpt4.ry() = qpCenter.y() + (dL * qSin(dVAngle));

    qpKpt5.rx() = (qpCenter.x() + qpKpt0.x()) / 2;
    qpKpt5.ry() = (qpCenter.y() + qpKpt0.y()) / 2;

    stKeyppoints.qpKeyPoint0 = qpKpt0;
    stKeyppoints.qpKeyPoint1 = qpKpt1;
    stKeyppoints.qpKeyPoint2 = qpKpt2;
    stKeyppoints.qpKeyPoint3 = qpKpt3;
    stKeyppoints.qpKeyPoint4 = qpKpt4;
    stKeyppoints.qpKeyPoint5 = qpKpt5;
Пример #21
void DistortionFXFilter::cilindricalMultithreaded(const Args& prm)
    int Width       = prm.orgImage->width();
    int Height      = prm.orgImage->height();
    uchar* data     = prm.orgImage->bits();
    bool sixteenBit = prm.orgImage->sixteenBit();
    int bytesDepth  = prm.orgImage->bytesDepth();
    uchar* pResBits = prm.destImage->bits();

    double nh, nw;

    int    nHalfW      = Width / 2;
    int    nHalfH      = Height / 2;
    double lfCoeffX    = 1.0;
    double lfCoeffY    = 1.0;
    double lfCoeffStep = prm.Coeff / 1000.0;

    if (prm.Horizontal)
        lfCoeffX = (double)nHalfW / qLn(qFabs(lfCoeffStep) * nHalfW + 1.0);

    if (prm.Vertical)
        lfCoeffY = (double)nHalfH / qLn(qFabs(lfCoeffStep) * nHalfH + 1.0);

    for (int w = prm.start; runningFlag() && (w < prm.stop); ++w)
        // we find the distance from the center
        nh = qFabs((double)(prm.h - nHalfH));
        nw = qFabs((double)(w - nHalfW));

        if (prm.Horizontal)
            if (prm.Coeff > 0.0)
                nw = (qExp(nw / lfCoeffX) - 1.0) / lfCoeffStep;
                nw = lfCoeffX * qLn(1.0 + (-1.0 * lfCoeffStep) * nw);

        if (prm.Vertical)
            if (prm.Coeff > 0.0)
                nh = (qExp(nh / lfCoeffY) - 1.0) / lfCoeffStep;
                nh = lfCoeffY * qLn(1.0 + (-1.0 * lfCoeffStep) * nh);

        nw = (double)nHalfW + ((w >= nHalfW)     ? nw : -nw);
        nh = (double)nHalfH + ((prm.h >= nHalfH) ? nh : -nh);

        setPixelFromOther(Width, Height, sixteenBit, bytesDepth, data, pResBits, w, prm.h, nw, nh, prm.AntiAlias);
Пример #22
void DistortionFXFilter::fisheyeMultithreaded(const Args& prm)
    int Width       = prm.orgImage->width();
    int Height      = prm.orgImage->height();
    uchar* data     = prm.orgImage->bits();
    bool sixteenBit = prm.orgImage->sixteenBit();
    int bytesDepth  = prm.orgImage->bytesDepth();
    uchar* pResBits = prm.destImage->bits();

    double nh, nw, tw;

    DColor color;
    int offset;

    int nHalfW         = Width  / 2;
    int nHalfH         = Height / 2;
    double lfXScale    = 1.0;
    double lfYScale    = 1.0;
    double lfCoeffStep = prm.Coeff / 1000.0;
    double lfRadius, lfAngle;

    if (Width > Height)
        lfYScale = (double)Width / (double)Height;
    else if (Height > Width)
        lfXScale = (double)Height / (double)Width;

    double lfRadMax = (double)qMax(Height, Width) / 2.0;
    double lfCoeff  = lfRadMax / qLn(qFabs(lfCoeffStep) * lfRadMax + 1.0);
    double th       = lfYScale * (double)(prm.h - nHalfH);

    for (int w = prm.start; runningFlag() && (w < prm.stop); ++w)
        tw = lfXScale * (double)(w - nHalfW);

        // we find the distance from the center
        lfRadius = qSqrt(th * th + tw * tw);

        if (lfRadius < lfRadMax)
            lfAngle = qAtan2(th, tw);

            if (prm.Coeff > 0.0)
                lfRadius = (qExp(lfRadius / lfCoeff) - 1.0) / lfCoeffStep;
                lfRadius = lfCoeff * qLn(1.0 + (-1.0 * lfCoeffStep) * lfRadius);

            nw = (double)nHalfW + (lfRadius / lfXScale) * qCos(lfAngle);
            nh = (double)nHalfH + (lfRadius / lfYScale) * qSin(lfAngle);

            setPixelFromOther(Width, Height, sixteenBit, bytesDepth, data, pResBits, w, prm.h, nw, nh, prm.AntiAlias);
            // copy pixel
            offset = getOffset(Width, w, prm.h, bytesDepth);
            color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit);
            color.setPixel(pResBits + offset);
Пример #23
  \param points Series of data points
  \return Curve points
QPolygonF QwtWeedingCurveFitter::fitCurve( const QPolygonF &points ) const
    QStack<Line> stack;
    stack.reserve( 500 );

    const QPointF *p = points.data();
    const int nPoints = points.size();

    QVector<bool> usePoint( nPoints, false );

    double distToSegment;

    stack.push( Line( 0, nPoints - 1 ) );

    while ( !stack.isEmpty() )
        const Line r = stack.pop();

        // initialize line segment
        const double vecX = p[r.to].x() - p[r.from].x();
        const double vecY = p[r.to].y() - p[r.from].y();

        const double vecLength = qSqrt( vecX * vecX + vecY * vecY );

        const double unitVecX = ( vecLength != 0.0 ) ? vecX / vecLength : 0.0;
        const double unitVecY = ( vecLength != 0.0 ) ? vecY / vecLength : 0.0;

        double maxDist = 0.0;
        int nVertexIndexMaxDistance = r.from + 1;
        for ( int i = r.from + 1; i < r.to; i++ )
            //compare to anchor
            const double fromVecX = p[i].x() - p[r.from].x();
            const double fromVecY = p[i].y() - p[r.from].y();
            const double fromVecLength =
                qSqrt( fromVecX * fromVecX + fromVecY * fromVecY );

            if ( fromVecX * unitVecX + fromVecY * unitVecY < 0.0 )
                distToSegment = fromVecLength;
            if ( fromVecX * unitVecX + fromVecY * unitVecY < 0.0 )
                distToSegment = fromVecLength;
                const double toVecX = p[i].x() - p[r.to].x();
                const double toVecY = p[i].y() - p[r.to].y();
                const double toVecLength = qSqrt( toVecX * toVecX + toVecY * toVecY );
                const double s = toVecX * ( -unitVecX ) + toVecY * ( -unitVecY );
                if ( s < 0.0 )
                    distToSegment = toVecLength;
                    distToSegment = qSqrt( qFabs( toVecLength * toVecLength - s * s ) );

            if ( maxDist < distToSegment )
                maxDist = distToSegment;
                nVertexIndexMaxDistance = i;
        if ( maxDist <= d_data->tolerance )
            usePoint[r.from] = true;
            usePoint[r.to] = true;
            stack.push( Line( r.from, nVertexIndexMaxDistance ) );
            stack.push( Line( nVertexIndexMaxDistance, r.to ) );

    int cnt = 0;

    QPolygonF stripped( nPoints );
    for ( int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++ )
        if ( usePoint[i] )
            stripped[cnt++] = p[i];
    stripped.resize( cnt );
    return stripped;
Пример #24
 * Function: move arc handle to a new place.
 * Parameters: none
 * Return: handle id, point, bound rect
QRectF QArcItem::moveHandleTo(int iDragHandle, QPointF qpLocal, QRectF &qrcBondingRect, bool bFoursquare)
    const qreal dDelta = 0.1;
    qreal dDeltaX = 0.0, dDeltaY = 0.0;
    QPointF qpDimCenter, qpEndPoint;

    /*If move handle is 9 or 10 (to expand the arc)*/
    if (iDragHandle > 8)
        QRectF rect;

        QList<QPolygonF> polygonfs = m_ArcPath.toSubpathPolygons();
        int iSize = polygonfs.size();
        if (iSize <= 0 || iSize > 1)
            return rect;
        QPolygonF polygonf = polygonfs.at(0);
        int j = polygonf.size();
        if (j <= 1)
            return rect;
        qpDimCenter = polygonf.at(0);
        qpDimCenter = this->mapToScene(qpDimCenter);

        qpEndPoint = polygonf.at(j - 1);
        qpEndPoint = this->mapToScene(qpEndPoint);

        /*Reset the arc when draged the related handle*/
        switch (iDragHandle)
        /*The start angle side handle*/
        case 9:
                dDeltaX = qpLocal.x() - qpDimCenter.x();
                if (qFabs(dDeltaX) > dDelta)
                    dDeltaY = qpDimCenter.y() - qpLocal.y();
                    qreal dAngle = getAngle(dDeltaX, dDeltaY);

                    qreal dStartAngle = 0.0, dSpanAngle = 0.0, dDeltaStartAngle = 0.0;

                    /*Get the start angle and span angle*/
                    dStartAngle = dAngle;
                    dDeltaStartAngle = dStartAngle - this->m_dStartAngle;
                    if (dDeltaStartAngle < 0) dDeltaStartAngle += PI_ANGLE;

                    dSpanAngle = this->m_dSpanAngle - dDeltaStartAngle;
                    if (dSpanAngle < 0) dSpanAngle += PI_ANGLE;

                    /*Set start angle and span angle, refresh arc.*/
                    this->m_dSpanAngle = dSpanAngle;
                    this->m_dStartAngle = dStartAngle;
        /*The end angle side handle*/
        case 10:
                if (qFabs(qpLocal.x() - qpDimCenter.x()) > dDelta)
                    dDeltaX = qpLocal.x() - qpDimCenter.x();
                    dDeltaY = qpDimCenter.y() - qpLocal.y();
                    qreal dAngle = getAngle(dDeltaX, dDeltaY);
                    qreal dSpanAngle = 0.0;
                    if (this->GetSpanAngle() < 0)
                        dAngle = PI_ANGLE - dAngle;
                        dSpanAngle = this->m_dStartAngle - dAngle;

                    else if (this->GetSpanAngle() >= 0)
                        /*Get the new span angle*/
                        if (dAngle < this->m_dStartAngle)
                            dSpanAngle = PI_ANGLE - (this->m_dStartAngle - dAngle);
                            dSpanAngle = dAngle - this->m_dStartAngle;

                    /*Set span angle*/
        default :

        return rect;
        return SamDrawItemBase::moveHandleTo(iDragHandle, qpLocal, qrcBondingRect, bFoursquare);
Пример #25
bool dataconfigs::loadLevelBackground(obj_BG &sbg, QString section, obj_BG *merge_with, QString iniFile, QSettings *setup)
    bool valid=true;
    bool internal=!setup;
    QString errStr, tmpstr, imgFile;
        setup=new QSettings(iniFile, QSettings::IniFormat);

    if(!openSection(setup, section))
        return false;

        sbg.name = setup->value("name", (merge_with? merge_with->name : "") ).toString();
            addError(QString("%1 Item name isn't defined").arg(section.toUpper()));
            goto abort;
        tmpstr = setup->value("type", "-1").toString();
               sbg.type = 0;
            else if(tmpstr=="double-row")
               sbg.type = 1;
            else if(tmpstr=="tiled")
               sbg.type = 2;
            else if(tmpstr=="-1")
               sbg.type = (merge_with ? merge_with->type : 0);
            else sbg.type = 0;

        sbg.repeat_h = float(qFabs(setup->value("repeat-h", (merge_with ? merge_with->repeat_h : 2.0f)).toFloat()));

        tmpstr = setup->value("repeat-v", "-1").toString();
                sbg.repead_v = 0;
            else if(tmpstr=="ZR")
                sbg.repead_v = 1;
            else if(tmpstr=="RP")
                sbg.repead_v = 2;
            else if(tmpstr=="RZ")
                sbg.repead_v = 3;
            else if(tmpstr=="-1")
                sbg.repead_v = (merge_with ? merge_with->repead_v : 0);
            else sbg.repead_v = 0;

        sbg.image_n = setup->value("image", (merge_with ? merge_with->image_n : "") ).toString();
            if( (sbg.image_n !="") )
                    sbg.image_n, imgFile,
                    addError(QString("%1 %2").arg(section).arg(errStr));
                    //goto abort;
            } else {
                addError(QString("%1 Image filename isn't defined").arg(section));
                //goto abort;

        sbg.attached =     uint(setup->value("attached",
                                             (merge_with?(merge_with->attached==1?"top":"bottom"):"bottom") ).toString()=="top");

        sbg.editing_tiled =    setup->value("tiled-in-editor", merge_with?merge_with->editing_tiled:false ).toBool();

        sbg.magic =             setup->value("magic", (merge_with?merge_with->magic:false)).toBool();
        sbg.magic_strips =      setup->value("magic-strips", (merge_with? merge_with->magic_strips: 1 )).toUInt();
        sbg.magic_splits =      setup->value("magic-splits", (merge_with? merge_with->magic_splits:"0")).toString();
        sbg.magic_speeds =      setup->value("magic-speeds", (merge_with? merge_with->magic_speeds:"0")).toString();

        sbg.animated =          setup->value("animated", (merge_with?merge_with->animated:false)).toBool();//animated
        sbg.frames =            setup->value("frames", (merge_with?merge_with->frames:1)).toUInt();
        sbg.framespeed =        setup->value("framespeed", (merge_with?merge_with->framespeed : 128)).toUInt();
        sbg.display_frame =     setup->value("display-frame", (merge_with?merge_with->display_frame : 0)).toUInt();

            sbg.second_image_n = setup->value("second-image", (merge_with ? merge_with->second_image_n : "")).toString();
                if( (sbg.second_image_n !="") )
                       sbg.second_image_n, imgFile,
                } else {
                    sbg.second_image = Themes::Image(Themes::dummy_bg);

            sbg.second_repeat_h = float(qFabs(setup->value("second-repeat-h", (merge_with ? merge_with->second_repeat_h : 2.0f)).toFloat()));

            tmpstr = setup->value("second-repeat-v", "-1").toString();
                    sbg.second_repeat_v = 0;
                else if(tmpstr=="ZR")
                    sbg.second_repeat_v = 1;
                else if(tmpstr=="RP")
                    sbg.second_repeat_v = 2;
                else if(tmpstr=="RZ")
                    sbg.second_repeat_v = 3;
                else if(tmpstr=="-1")
                    sbg.second_repeat_v = (merge_with ? merge_with->second_repeat_v : 0);
                else sbg.second_repeat_v = 0;

            tmpstr = setup->value("second-attached", "-1").toString();
                    sbg.second_attached = 0;
                else if(tmpstr=="bottom")
                    sbg.second_attached = 1;
                else if(tmpstr=="top")
                    sbg.second_attached = 2;
                else if(tmpstr=="-1")
                    sbg.second_attached = (merge_with ? merge_with->second_attached : 0);
                else sbg.second_repeat_v = 0;

            int fHeight = sbg.image.height() / int(sbg.frames);
            sbg.image = sbg.image.copy(0, 0, sbg.image.width(), fHeight );

        sbg.isValid = true;

        if(internal) delete setup;
    return valid;
Пример #26
bool GEF::readFromFile(const QString filename)
    m_filename = filename;
    //open file for reading
    QFile f(filename);
    if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){
        QMessageBox::information(0, "error", f.errorString());
        return false;
    QTextStream in(&f);

    //intialize some variables
    bool readData = false; //are we reading data
    char columnSeperator = ' '; //character to split the data
    QHash<int, int> columnInfo; //hash table om kolommen in de data te vinden
    columnInfo[1] = -1; //sondeerlengte
    columnInfo[2] = -1; //puntdruk (qc)
    columnInfo[3] = -1; //lokale wrijving (pw)
    columnInfo[11] = -1; //gecorrigeerde diepte

    QHash<int, int> columnVoid;
    columnVoid[1] = -9999;
    columnVoid[2] = -9999;
    columnVoid[3] = -9999;
    columnVoid[11] = -9999;

    //read line by line
        QString line = in.readLine();        

        //determine if we are reading the header or the data
            //get keyword and arguments
            QString keyword = line.split('=')[0].trimmed();
            QStringList args = line.split('=')[1].split(',');

            //depending on the keyword take specific actions
                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] error reading columninfo: %1").arg(filename).arg(line));
                    return false;
                int column = args[0].trimmed().toInt() - 1; //note that the actual column is -1 because of zero indexing
                int id = args[3].trimmed().toInt();
                columnInfo[id] = column;
            }else if(keyword.compare("#COLUMNSEPARATOR")==0){
                    columnSeperator = args[0].trimmed().toStdString()[0];

            }else if(keyword.compare("#COLUMNVOID")==0){
                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] error reading columninfo: %1").arg(filename).arg(line));
                    return false;
                int column = args[0].trimmed().toInt();
                int value = args[1].trimmed().toFloat();
                if((column >= 1 && column <= 3) || column == 11 ){
                    columnVoid[column] = int(value);
            }else if(keyword.compare("#XYID")==0){
                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] error reading xy coordinates: %1").arg(filename).arg(line));
                    return false;
                m_x = args[1].trimmed().toFloat();
                m_y = args[2].trimmed().toFloat();
            }else if(keyword.compare("#ZID")==0){
                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] error reading z coordinate: %1").arg(filename).arg(line));
                    return false;
                m_z = args[1].trimmed().toFloat();

            }else if(keyword.compare("#REPORTCODE")==0){
                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] is a borehole report.").arg(filename));
                    return false;
            }else if(keyword.compare("#EOH")==0){
                //end of header, now check for correct information before reading the data
                //check for missing columninfo
                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] cannot find z column").arg(filename));
                    return false;
                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] cannot find qc column").arg(filename));
                    return false;
                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] cannot find pw column").arg(filename));
                    return false;

                //if there is a column with id = 11 this overrules column 1 (as well as the void value)
                    columnInfo[1] = columnInfo[11];
                    columnVoid[1] = columnVoid[11];

                //ok, done, start reading the data
                readData = true;

            QStringList args = line.split(columnSeperator);

            //remove empty arguments
            QStringList cleanedArgs;
            for(int i=0; i<args.count(); i++){

                    float depth = cleanedArgs[columnInfo[1]].trimmed().toFloat();
                    float qc = cleanedArgs[columnInfo[2]].trimmed().toFloat();
                    float pw = cleanedArgs[columnInfo[3]].trimmed().toFloat();

                    if(depth < 0){
                        m_errors.append(QString("[%0] foutieve sondeerlengte %1").arg(filename).arg(depth));
                        return false;
                    }else{ //skip void values
                        bool skip = false;
                        bool check = columnVoid[1] != 0 || columnVoid[2] != 0 || columnVoid[3] != 0;
                            skip = int(depth)==columnVoid[1] || int(qc)==columnVoid[2] || int(pw) == columnVoid[3];
                            m_depth.append(m_z - qFabs(depth));
                            m_rs.append(-1); //default every layer has no soiltype, is filled in afterwards

                    m_errors.append(QString("[%0] error reading line %s").arg(filename));
                    return false;

    toRobertson(); //determine the soillayers per depth


    //close file
    //we came this far so yeah.. result!
    return true;
Пример #27
void Widget::on_pushButtonLagra_clicked()

    Graphf* gf = new Graphf();
    gf->setPointsCount((gf->finishX - gf->startX) * 10 + 1);
    gf->setStepY((gf->finishX - gf->startX) / (gf->points_count - 1));

    QCPGraph *graph = ui->widget->addGraph();
    graph->setData(gf->fX, gf->fY);
    graph->setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 1));

    Lagra* l = new Lagra(ui->lineEditLagraPointsCount->text().toInt() + 1);

    graph = ui->widget->addGraph();
    graph->setData(gf->fX, l->result);
    graph->setPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 1));

    QVector<double> Rt(gf->points_count);
    for (int i = 0; i < Rt.size(); i++)
        Rt[i] = qFabs(gf->fY[i] - l->result[i]);

    qDebug() << Rt;
    graph = ui->widget->addGraph();
    graph->setData(gf->fX, Rt);
    graph->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1));

    LagraRp* lrp = NULL;

    int unit_points = l->lX.size();
    if (unit_points - 1 == 5)
        lrp = new LagraRp();
        lrp->calcRp(gf, l);

        graph = ui->widget->addGraph();
        graph->setData(gf->fX, lrp->result);
        graph->setPen(QPen(Qt::green, 1));
        graph->setName("Теоретическая погрешность");

    ui->widget->xAxis->setRange(gf->startX, gf->finishX);
    ui->widget->yAxis->setRange(0, 10);
    ui->widget->replot(); /* Рисуем */

    if (lrp != NULL)
        delete lrp;

    delete l;
    delete gf;
Пример #28
void GLWidget::createSphere(float radius, int slices, int stacks)
    float stackFract = 2.0f / (stacks);
    float centerStack = (stacks - 1) / 2.0f;

    float* stackR = new float[stacks];
    float* stackH = new float[stacks];
    for (int i = 0; i < stacks; i++)
        stackR[i] = qFabs(centerStack - i) * stackFract;      // высота катета из центра пропорциональная (гипотенуза = radius)
        stackH[i] = stackR[i] * radius;                          // высотра катета (слоя) реальная
        if (i > centerStack)
                stackH[i] *= -1.0f;    //поправка на верх-низ
        stackR[i] = sqrtf(1.0f - powf(stackR[i], 2.0f)) * radius;      // радиус в сечении слоя

    sphereVerticesSize = (stacks * 2 - 2) * (slices + 1) * 3;
    sphereVertices = new float[sphereVerticesSize];

    float alpha = M_PI * 2.0 / slices;                // угол между медианами
    float alpha_2 = alpha / 2.0f;

    sphereConeSize = (slices + 2) * 3;
    upSphereCone = new float[sphereConeSize];
    downSphereCone = new float[sphereConeSize];
    upSphereCone += 3;

    //чтение координат на первом круге. потом в цикле их не нужно будет повторно считывать
    for (int j = 0; j < slices + 1; j++)
        upSphereCone[j * 3] = sphereVertices[j * 6] = cosf(alpha * j) * stackR[0];
        upSphereCone[j * 3 + 1] = sphereVertices[j * 6 + 1] = stackH[0];
        upSphereCone[j * 3 + 2] = sphereVertices[j * 6 + 2] = sinf(alpha * j) * stackR[0];
    upSphereCone -= 3;

    for (int i = 1; i < stacks; i++)
        static float delta = 0.0f;
        delta += alpha_2;
        for (int j = 0; j < slices + 1; j++)
            sphereVertices[j * 6 + 3 + (slices + 1) * 6 * (i - 1)] = cosf(alpha * j + delta) * stackR[i];
            sphereVertices[j * 6 + 4 + (slices + 1) * 6 * (i - 1)] = stackH[i];
            sphereVertices[j * 6 + 5 + (slices + 1) * 6 * (i - 1)] = sinf(alpha * j + delta) * stackR[i];
        if  (i != stacks - 1)
            memcpy(sphereVertices + (slices + 1) * 6 * i, sphereVertices + (slices + 1) * 6 * (i - 1) + 3, ((slices + 1) * 6 - 3) * sizeof(float));

    delete[] stackR;
    delete[] stackH;

    downSphereCone[0] = downSphereCone[2] = upSphereCone[0] = upSphereCone[2] = 0.0f;
    upSphereCone[1] = radius;
    downSphereCone[1] = -radius;

    float* tmp = downSphereCone + 3;
    for (int j = slices ; j >= 0 ; j--)
        tmp[j * 3] = sphereVertices[sphereVerticesSize - 3 - j * 6];
        tmp[j * 3 + 1] = sphereVertices[sphereVerticesSize - 2 - j * 6];
        tmp[j * 3 + 2] = sphereVertices[sphereVerticesSize - 1 - j * 6];
