Пример #1
void ImageEditor::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
	if (!_image_loaded)
 	QPainter painter(this);
 	QPixmap pixmaptoshow;
 	painter.drawPixmap(0,0, pixmaptoshow);
 	//draw point
		QBrush blackBrush(qRgba(0, 0, 0, 255));
		for (int i=0;i<_contourList.size();i++)
			for(int j=0;j<_contourList[i].size();j+=3)
			QPoint ConP;						
		for(int i=0;i<_segList.size();i+=3)
			QPoint ConP;						

		QBrush redBrush(qRgba(255, 0, 0, 255));

		for(int i=0;i<_fixedSeedList.size();i++)
			QPoint ConP;						

			for(int i=0;i<parameters->ui_points.size();i++)
					QBrush redBrush(qRgba(255, 0, 0, 255));
					QBrush yellowBrush(qRgba(255, 255, 0, 255));

				QPoint ConP;
				case 'L':
				case 'l':				

				case 'R':
				case 'r':


Пример #2
// Testing get/set functions
void tst_QColor::getSetCheck()
    QColor obj1;
    // int QColor::alpha()
    // void QColor::setAlpha(int)
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alpha(), 0);
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alpha(), 0); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alpha(), 0); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alpha(), 255); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alpha(), 255); // range<0, 255>

    // qreal QColor::alphaF()
    // void QColor::setAlphaF(qreal)
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alphaF(), qreal(0.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alphaF(), qreal(0.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alphaF(), qreal(1.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.alphaF(), qreal(1.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0>

    // int QColor::red()
    // void QColor::setRed(int)
    QCOMPARE(obj1.red(), 0);
    QCOMPARE(obj1.red(), 0); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.red(), 0); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.red(), 255); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.red(), 255); // range<0, 255>

    // int QColor::green()
    // void QColor::setGreen(int)
    QCOMPARE(obj1.green(), 0);
    QCOMPARE(obj1.green(), 0); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.green(), 0); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.green(), 255); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.green(), 255); // range<0, 255>

    // int QColor::blue()
    // void QColor::setBlue(int)
    QCOMPARE(obj1.blue(), 0);
    QCOMPARE(obj1.blue(), 0); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.blue(), 0); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.blue(), 255); // range<0, 255>
    QCOMPARE(obj1.blue(), 255); // range<0, 255>

    // qreal QColor::redF()
    // void QColor::setRedF(qreal)
    QCOMPARE(obj1.redF(), qreal(0.0));
    QCOMPARE(obj1.redF(), qreal(0.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0
    QCOMPARE(obj1.redF(), qreal(1.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0

    // qreal QColor::greenF()
    // void QColor::setGreenF(qreal)
    QCOMPARE(obj1.greenF(), qreal(0.0));
    QCOMPARE(obj1.greenF(), qreal(0.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0
    QCOMPARE(obj1.greenF(), qreal(1.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0

    // qreal QColor::blueF()
    // void QColor::setBlueF(qreal)
    QCOMPARE(obj1.blueF(), qreal(0.0));
    QCOMPARE(obj1.blueF(), qreal(0.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0
    QCOMPARE(obj1.blueF(), qreal(1.0)); // range<0.0, 1.0

    // QRgb QColor::rgba()
    // void QColor::setRgba(QRgb)
    QRgb var9(qRgba(10, 20, 30, 40));
    QCOMPARE(obj1.rgba(), var9);
    QCOMPARE(obj1.rgba(), QRgb(0));

    // QRgb QColor::rgb()
    // void QColor::setRgb(QRgb)
    QRgb var10(qRgb(10, 20, 30));
    QCOMPARE(obj1.rgb(), var10);
    QCOMPARE(obj1.rgb(), qRgb(0, 0, 0));
Пример #3
void ImageWriter::writeImage(QString theInputFileString, QString theOutputFileString)
	//printf("Started with input :  %s output: %s \n",theInputFileString,theOutputFileString);
	GDALDataset  *gdalDataset = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( theInputFileString, GA_ReadOnly );
	if ( gdalDataset == NULL )
		//valid = FALSE;
		return ;
	int myXDimInt = gdalDataset->GetRasterXSize();
	int myYDimInt = gdalDataset->GetRasterYSize();
	printf("Raster is %i x %i cells\n", myXDimInt, myYDimInt);
	GDALRasterBand  *myGdalBand = gdalDataset->GetRasterBand( 1 );
	// RasterIO() takes care of scaling down image
	uint *myGdalScanData = (uint*) CPLMalloc(sizeof(uint)*myXDimInt * sizeof(uint)*myYDimInt);
	CPLErr myResultCPLerr = myGdalBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, myXDimInt, myYDimInt, myGdalScanData, myXDimInt, myYDimInt, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0 );
	QImage myQImage=QImage(myXDimInt,myYDimInt,32);
	uint stdDevsToPlotDouble=0;
	bool invertHistogramFlag=false;
	int transparencyLevelInt=255;
	//calculate the adjusted matrix stats - which come into affect if the user has chosen

	RasterBandStats * myAdjustedRasterBandStats = new RasterBandStats();
	calculateStats(myAdjustedRasterBandStats, gdalDataset);

	myAdjustedRasterBandStats->noDataDouble=0;//hard coding for now
	//to histogram stretch to a given number of std deviations
	//see if we are using histogram stretch using stddev and plot only within the selected number of deviations if we are
	//cout << "stdDevsToPlotDouble: " << cboStdDev->currentText() << " converted to " << stdDevsToPlotDouble << endl;
	if (stdDevsToPlotDouble > 0)
		//work out how far on either side of the mean we should include data
		float myTotalDeviationDouble = stdDevsToPlotDouble * myAdjustedRasterBandStats->stdDevDouble;
		//printf("myTotalDeviationDouble: %i\n" , myTotalDeviationDouble );
		//adjust min and max accordingly
		//only change min if it is less than mean  -  (n  x  deviations)
		if (myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble < (myAdjustedRasterBandStats->meanDouble-myTotalDeviationDouble))
			//cout << "Adjusting minValDouble to: " << myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble << endl;
		//only change max if it is greater than mean  +  (n  x  deviations)
		if (myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble > (myAdjustedRasterBandStats->meanDouble + myTotalDeviationDouble))
			//cout << "Adjusting maxValDouble to: " << myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble << endl;
		//update the range
		myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble-myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble;

	printf("Main ::\n");
	std::cout << "Band Name   : " << myAdjustedRasterBandStats->bandName << std::endl;
	printf("Band No   : %i\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->bandNo);
	printf("Band min  : %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble);
	printf("Band max  : %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble);
	printf("Band range: %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble);
	printf("Band mean : %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->meanDouble);
	printf("Band sum : %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->sumDouble);

	//double sumSqrDevDouble; //used to calculate stddev
	//double stdDevDouble;
	//double sumDouble;
	//int elementCountInt;
	//double noDataDouble;

	//set up the three class breaks for pseudocolour mapping
	double myBreakSizeDouble = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble / 3;
	double myClassBreakMin1 = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble;
	double myClassBreakMax1 = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble + myBreakSizeDouble;
	double myClassBreakMin2 = myClassBreakMax1;
	double myClassBreakMax2 = myClassBreakMin2 + myBreakSizeDouble;
	double myClassBreakMin3 = myClassBreakMax2;
	double myClassBreakMax3 = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble;

	printf ("ClassBreak size : %f \n",myBreakSizeDouble);
	printf ("ClassBreak 1 : %f - %f\n",myClassBreakMin1,myClassBreakMax1);
	printf ("ClassBreak 2 : %f - %f\n",myClassBreakMin2,myClassBreakMax2);
	printf ("ClassBreak 3 : %f - %f\n",myClassBreakMin3,myClassBreakMax3);

	int myRedInt=0;
	int myGreenInt=0;
	int myBlueInt=0;
	for (int myColumnInt = 0; myColumnInt < myYDimInt; myColumnInt++)
		for (int myRowInt =0; myRowInt < myXDimInt; myRowInt++)
			int myInt=myGdalScanData[myColumnInt*myXDimInt + myRowInt];
			//dont draw this point if it is no data !
			//double check that myInt >= min and <= max
			//this is relevant if we are plotting within stddevs
			if ((myInt < myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble ) && (myInt != myAdjustedRasterBandStats->noDataDouble))
				myInt = static_cast<int>(myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble);
			if ((myInt > myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble)   && (myInt != myAdjustedRasterBandStats->noDataDouble))
				myInt = static_cast<int>(myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble);
			if (myInt==myAdjustedRasterBandStats->noDataDouble)
				//hardcoding to white for now
				myRedInt = 255;
				myBlueInt = 255;
				myGreenInt =255;
			else if(!invertHistogramFlag)
				//check if we are in the first class break
				if ((myInt >= myClassBreakMin1) &&  (myInt < myClassBreakMax1) )
					myRedInt = 0;
					myBlueInt = 255;
					myGreenInt = static_cast<int>(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * (myInt-myClassBreakMin1))*3);
				//check if we are in the second class break
				else if ((myInt >= myClassBreakMin2) &&  (myInt < myClassBreakMax2) )
					myRedInt = static_cast<int>(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin2)/1))*3);
					myBlueInt = static_cast<int>(255-(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin2)/1))*3));
					myGreenInt = 255;
				//otherwise we must be in the third classbreak
					myRedInt = 255;
					myBlueInt = 0;
					myGreenInt = static_cast<int>(255-(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin3)/1)*3)));
			else  //invert histogram toggle is on
				//check if we are in the first class break
				if ((myInt >= myClassBreakMin1) &&  (myInt < myClassBreakMax1) )
					myRedInt = 255;
					myBlueInt = 0;
					myGreenInt = static_cast<int>(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin1)/1)*3));
				//check if we are in the second class break
				else if ((myInt >= myClassBreakMin2) &&  (myInt < myClassBreakMax2) )
					myRedInt = static_cast<int>(255-(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin2)/1))*3));
					myBlueInt = static_cast<int>(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin2)/1))*3);
					myGreenInt = 255;
				//otherwise we must be in the third classbreak
					myRedInt = 0;
					myBlueInt = 255;
					myGreenInt = static_cast<int>(255-(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * (myInt-myClassBreakMin3))*3));
			myQImage.setPixel( myRowInt, myColumnInt, qRgba( myRedInt, myGreenInt, myBlueInt, transparencyLevelInt ));
	//draw with the experimental transaparency support
	printf("Saving image...\n");
	return ;
Пример #4
double QgsComposerHtml::findNearbyPageBreak( double yPos )
  if ( !mWebPage || !mRenderedPage || !mUseSmartBreaks )
    return yPos;

  //convert yPos to pixels
  int idealPos = yPos * htmlUnitsToMM();

  //if ideal break pos is past end of page, there's nothing we need to do
  if ( idealPos >= mRenderedPage->height() )
    return yPos;

  int maxSearchDistance = mMaxBreakDistance * htmlUnitsToMM();

  //loop through all lines just before ideal break location, up to max distance
  //of maxSearchDistance
  int changes = 0;
  QRgb currentColor;
  bool currentPixelTransparent = false;
  bool previousPixelTransparent = false;
  QRgb pixelColor;
  QList< QPair<int, int> > candidates;
  int minRow = qMax( idealPos - maxSearchDistance, 0 );
  for ( int candidateRow = idealPos; candidateRow >= minRow; --candidateRow )
    changes = 0;
    currentColor = qRgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    //check all pixels in this line
    for ( int col = 0; col < mRenderedPage->width(); ++col )
      //count how many times the pixels change color in this row
      //eventually, we select a row to break at with the minimum number of color changes
      //since this is likely a line break, or gap between table cells, etc
      //but very unlikely to be midway through a text line or picture
      pixelColor = mRenderedPage->pixel( col, candidateRow );
      currentPixelTransparent = qAlpha( pixelColor ) == 0;
      if ( pixelColor != currentColor && !( currentPixelTransparent && previousPixelTransparent ) )
        //color has changed
        currentColor = pixelColor;
      previousPixelTransparent = currentPixelTransparent;
    candidates.append( qMakePair( candidateRow, changes ) );

  //sort candidate rows by number of changes ascending, row number descending
  qSort( candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), candidateSort );
  //first candidate is now the largest row with smallest number of changes

  //ok, now take the mid point of the best candidate position
  //we do this so that the spacing between text lines is likely to be split in half
  //otherwise the html will be broken immediately above a line of text, which
  //looks a little messy
  int maxCandidateRow = candidates[0].first;
  int minCandidateRow = maxCandidateRow + 1;
  int minCandidateChanges = candidates[0].second;

  QList< QPair<int, int> >::iterator it;
  for ( it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it )
    if (( *it ).second != minCandidateChanges || ( *it ).first != minCandidateRow - 1 )
      //no longer in a consecutive block of rows of minimum pixel color changes
      //so return the row mid-way through the block
      //first converting back to mm
      return ( minCandidateRow + ( maxCandidateRow - minCandidateRow ) / 2 ) / htmlUnitsToMM();
    minCandidateRow = ( *it ).first;

  //above loop didn't work for some reason
  //return first candidate converted to mm
  return candidates[0].first / htmlUnitsToMM();
Пример #5
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

#include "qgsrasterrenderer.h"
#include "qgsrastertransparency.h"

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QDomElement>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>

// See #9101 before any change of NODATA_COLOR!
const QRgb QgsRasterRenderer::NODATA_COLOR = qRgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

QgsRasterRenderer::QgsRasterRenderer( QgsRasterInterface* input, const QString& type )
    : QgsRasterInterface( input )
    , mType( type ), mOpacity( 1.0 ), mRasterTransparency( nullptr )
    , mAlphaBand( -1 ) //, mInvertColor( false )

    delete mRasterTransparency;

int QgsRasterRenderer::bandCount() const
Пример #6
void QAnimationWriter::appendFrame(const QImage& frm, const QPoint& offset)
    if (!dev)

    const QImage frame = frm.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32);
    const int alignx = 1;
    if (prev.isNull() || !d->canCompose()) {
    } else {
        bool done;
        int minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
        int w = frame.width();
        int h = frame.height();

        const quint32 *framePtr = reinterpret_cast<const quint32*>(frame.bits());
        const quint32 *prevPtr = reinterpret_cast<const quint32*>(prev.bits());
        const int frameStride = frame.bytesPerLine() / sizeof(quint32);
        const int prevStride = prev.bytesPerLine() / sizeof(quint32);

        // Find left edge of change
        done = false;
        for (minx = 0; minx < w && !done; ++minx) {
            const quint32 *p1 = framePtr + minx;
            const quint32 *p2 = prevPtr + minx + offset.x();
            for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
                if (*p1 != *p2) {
                    done = true;
                p1 += frameStride;
                p2 += prevStride;

        // Find right edge of change
        done = false;
        for (maxx = w-1; maxx >= 0 && !done; --maxx) {
            const quint32 *p1 = framePtr + maxx;
            const quint32 *p2 = prevPtr + maxx + offset.x();
            for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
                if (*p1 != *p2) {
                    done = true;
                p1 += frameStride;
                p2 += prevStride;

        // Find top edge of change
        done = false;
        for (miny = 0; miny < h && !done; ++miny) {
            const quint32 *p1 = framePtr + miny * frameStride;
            const quint32 *p2 = prevPtr + miny * prevStride + offset.x();
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
                if (*p1 != *p2) {
                    done = true;

        // Find right edge of change
        done = false;
        for (maxy = h-1; maxy >= 0 && !done; --maxy) {
            const quint32 *p1 = framePtr + maxy * frameStride;
            const quint32 *p2 = prevPtr + maxy * prevStride + offset.x();
            for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
                if (*p1 != *p2) {
                    done = true;

        if (minx > maxx)
            minx = maxx = 0;
        if (miny > maxy)
            miny = maxy = 0;

        if (alignx > 1) {
            minx -= minx % alignx;
            maxx = maxx - maxx % alignx + alignx - 1;

        int dw = maxx - minx + 1;
        int dh = maxy - miny + 1;

        QImage diff(dw, dh, QImage::Format_ARGB32);

        int x, y;
        for (y = 0; y < dh; ++y) {
            QRgb* li = (QRgb*)frame.scanLine(y+miny)+minx;
            QRgb* lp = (QRgb*)prev.scanLine(y+miny+offset.y())+minx+offset.x();
            QRgb* ld = (QRgb*)diff.scanLine(y);
            if (alignx) {
                for (x = 0; x < dw; x += alignx) {
                    int i;
                    for (i = 0; i < alignx; ++i) {
                        if (li[x+i] != lp[x+i])
                    if (i == alignx) {
                        // All the same
                        for (i = 0; i < alignx; ++i)
                            ld[x+i] = qRgba(0,0,0,0);
                    } else {
                        // Some different
                        for (i = 0; i < alignx; ++i)
                            ld[x+i] = 0xff000000 | li[x+i];
            } else {
                for (x = 0; x < dw; ++x) {
                    if (li[x] != lp[x])
                        ld[x] = 0xff000000 | li[x];
                        ld[x] = qRgba(0,0,0,0);

        d->composeImage(diff, QPoint(minx, miny) + offset);
    if (prev.isNull() || (prev.size() == frame.size() && offset == QPoint(0,0))) {
        prev = frame;
    } else {
        QPainter p(&prev);
        p.drawImage(offset.x(), offset.y(), frame, 0, 0,
                    frame.width(), frame.height());
#include "ColorTabBar.h"

#include <QPainter>
#include <QtEvents>

static const QRgb g_TabDefaultColor[5] =
    qRgba(237, 28, 36, 200),
    qRgba(255, 127, 39, 200),
    qRgba(34, 177, 36, 200),
    qRgba(0, 162, 232, 200),
    qRgba(63, 72, 204, 200)

QColorTabBar::QColorTabBar(QWidget *parent) :
    m_bNotify = false;
    m_nNotifyIndex = -1;
    m_nActiveIndex = -1;
    m_nHoverIndex = -1;
    m_nBlinkCount = 0;

    m_bHorz = true;

    m_nBlinkIndex = -1;
    m_bBlinkFalg = false;
    m_nTimerBlink = 0;

    setMouseTracking( true );
QgsRasterBlock *QgsPalettedRasterRenderer::block( int bandNo, QgsRectangle  const &extent, int width, int height, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback )
  std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterBlock > outputBlock( new QgsRasterBlock() );
  if ( !mInput || mClassData.isEmpty() )
    return outputBlock.release();

  std::shared_ptr< QgsRasterBlock > inputBlock( mInput->block( bandNo, extent, width, height, feedback ) );

  if ( !inputBlock || inputBlock->isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "No raster data!" ) );
    return outputBlock.release();

  double currentOpacity = mOpacity;

  //rendering is faster without considering user-defined transparency
  bool hasTransparency = usesTransparency();

  std::shared_ptr< QgsRasterBlock > alphaBlock;

  if ( mAlphaBand > 0 && mAlphaBand != mBand )
    alphaBlock.reset( mInput->block( mAlphaBand, extent, width, height, feedback ) );
    if ( !alphaBlock || alphaBlock->isEmpty() )
      return outputBlock.release();
  else if ( mAlphaBand == mBand )
    alphaBlock = inputBlock;

  if ( !outputBlock->reset( Qgis::ARGB32_Premultiplied, width, height ) )
    return outputBlock.release();

  QRgb myDefaultColor = NODATA_COLOR;

  //use direct data access instead of QgsRasterBlock::setValue
  //because of performance
  unsigned int *outputData = ( unsigned int * )( outputBlock->bits() );

  qgssize rasterSize = ( qgssize )width * height;
  bool isNoData = false;
  for ( qgssize i = 0; i < rasterSize; ++i )
    const double value = inputBlock->valueAndNoData( i, isNoData );
    if ( isNoData )
      outputData[i] = myDefaultColor;
    int val = static_cast< int >( value );
    if ( !mColors.contains( val ) )
      outputData[i] = myDefaultColor;

    if ( !hasTransparency )
      outputData[i] = mColors.value( val );
      currentOpacity = mOpacity;
      if ( mRasterTransparency )
        currentOpacity = mRasterTransparency->alphaValue( val, mOpacity * 255 ) / 255.0;
      if ( mAlphaBand > 0 )
        currentOpacity *= alphaBlock->value( i ) / 255.0;

      QRgb c = mColors.value( val );
      outputData[i] = qRgba( currentOpacity * qRed( c ), currentOpacity * qGreen( c ), currentOpacity * qBlue( c ), currentOpacity * qAlpha( c ) );

  return outputBlock.release();
Пример #9
void knob::drawKnob( QPainter * _p )
	if( updateAngle() == false && !m_cache.isNull() )
		_p->drawImage( 0, 0, m_cache );

	m_cache = QImage( size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
	m_cache.fill( qRgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );

	QPainter p( &m_cache );

	QPoint mid;

	if( m_knobNum == knobStyled )
		p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );

		// Perhaps this can move to setOuterRadius()
		if( m_outerColor )
			QRadialGradient gradient( centerPoint(), outerRadius() );
			gradient.setColorAt(0.4, _p->pen().brush().color() );
			gradient.setColorAt(1, *m_outerColor );

			p.setPen( QPen( gradient, lineWidth(),
						Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap ) );
		else {
			QPen pen = p.pen();
			pen.setWidth( (int) lineWidth() );
			pen.setCapStyle( Qt::RoundCap );

			p.setPen( pen );

		p.drawLine( calculateLine( centerPoint(), outerRadius(),
							innerRadius() ) );
		_p->drawImage( 0, 0, m_cache );

	// Old-skool knobs
	const float radius = m_knobPixmap->width() / 2.0f - 1;
	mid = QPoint( width() / 2, m_knobPixmap->height() / 2 );

	p.drawPixmap( static_cast<int>(
				width() / 2 - m_knobPixmap->width() / 2 ), 0,
				*m_knobPixmap );

	p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );

	const int centerAngle = angleFromValue( model()->centerValue(), model()->minValue(), model()->maxValue(), m_totalAngle );

	const int arcLineWidth = 2;
	const int arcRectSize = m_knobPixmap->width() - arcLineWidth;

	QColor col;
	if( m_knobNum == knobVintage_32 )
	{	col = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Shadow ); }
	{	col = QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ); }
	col.setAlpha( 70 );

	p.setPen( QPen( col, 2 ) );
	p.drawArc( mid.x() - arcRectSize/2, 1, arcRectSize, arcRectSize, 315*16, 16*m_totalAngle );

	switch( m_knobNum )
		case knobSmall_17:
			p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::WindowText ), 2 ) );
			p.drawLine( calculateLine( mid, radius-2 ) );
		case knobBright_26:
			p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ), 2 ) );
			p.drawLine( calculateLine( mid, radius-5 ) );
		case knobDark_28:
			p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText ), 2 ) );
			const float rb = qMax<float>( ( radius - 10 ) / 3.0,
									0.0 );
			const float re = qMax<float>( ( radius - 4 ), 0.0 );
			QLineF ln = calculateLine( mid, re, rb );
			ln.translate( 1, 1 );
			p.drawLine( ln );
		case knobGreen_17:
			p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::BrightText), 2 ) );
			p.drawLine( calculateLine( mid, radius ) );
		case knobVintage_32:
			p.setPen( QPen( QApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Active,
							QPalette::Shadow), 2 ) );
			p.drawLine( calculateLine( mid, radius-2, 2 ) );

	p.drawArc( mid.x() - arcRectSize/2, 1, arcRectSize, arcRectSize, (90-centerAngle)*16, -16*(m_angle-centerAngle) );


	_p->drawImage( 0, 0, m_cache );
QImage SpecularmapGenerator::calculateSpecmap(QImage input, double scale, double contrast) {
    QImage result(input.width(), input.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32);

    //generate contrast lookup table
    unsigned short contrastLookup[256];
    double newValue = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        newValue = (double)i;
        newValue /= 255.0;
        newValue -= 0.5;
        newValue *= contrast;
        newValue += 0.5;
        newValue *= 255;

        if(newValue < 0)
            newValue = 0;
        if(newValue > 255)
            newValue = 255;

        contrastLookup[i] = (unsigned short)newValue;

    #pragma omp parallel for  // OpenMP
    //for every row of the image
    for(int y = 0; y < result.height(); y++) {
        QRgb *scanline = (QRgb*) result.scanLine(y);

        //for every column of the image
        for(int x = 0; x < result.width(); x++) {
            double r, g, b, a;
            double intensity = 0.0;

            QColor pxColor = QColor(input.pixel(x, y));

            r = pxColor.redF() * redMultiplier;
            g = pxColor.greenF() * greenMultiplier;
            b = pxColor.blueF() * blueMultiplier;
            a = pxColor.alphaF() * alphaMultiplier;

            if(mode == IntensityMap::AVERAGE) {
                //take the average out of all selected channels
                double multiplierSum = (redMultiplier + greenMultiplier + blueMultiplier + alphaMultiplier);

                if(multiplierSum == 0.0)
                    multiplierSum = 1.0;

                intensity = (r + g + b + a) / multiplierSum;
            else if(mode == IntensityMap::MAX) {
                //take the maximum out of all selected channels
                double tempMaxRG = std::max(r, g);
                double tempMaxBA = std::max(b, a);
                intensity = std::max(tempMaxRG, tempMaxBA);

            //apply scale (brightness)
            intensity *= scale;

            if(intensity > 1.0)
                intensity = 1.0;

            //convert intensity to the 0-255 range
            int c = (int)(255.0 * intensity);

            //apply contrast
            c = (int)contrastLookup[c];

            //write color into image pixel
            scanline[x] = qRgba(c, c, c, pxColor.alpha());

    return result;
Пример #11
void MainWindow::onNewSketch() {
	for (int i = 0; i < parametriclsystem::NUM_LAYERS; ++i) {
		glWidget->sketch[i].fill(qRgba(255, 255, 255, 0));
Пример #12
void TrackerArenaForm::overlapOpenGL(QPainter& painter)
	if (model_->readyFrameInd_ < 0)
	// draw track adornments
	const float r = 5;

	std::vector<TrackUIItem*> trackList;
	for (auto pTrack : trackList)
		BlobRegistrationRecord blobInfo = pTrack->LastPosition;
		auto pos = blobInfo.ObsPosPixExactOrApprox;

		if (!pTrack->IsLive)
			painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(0, 0, 0));
			painter.drawEllipse(pos.x - r, pos.y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r);
			painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(0, 0, 0));
			painter.drawText(pos.x, pos.y, QString::number(pTrack->TrackId));

			QColor penColor;
			if (blobInfo.HasObservation)
				penColor = QColor::fromRgba(qRgba(0, 255, 0, 255));
				penColor = QColor::fromRgb(qRgba(0, 0, 255, 255));

			painter.drawEllipse(pos.x - r, pos.y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r);

		// attempt to estimate most probable hypothesis for current track
		//int latestFrameInd = pTrack->latesetFrameIndExcl();

		//TrackChangePerFrame change;
		//if (model_->getLatestTrack(latestFrameInd, pTrack->TrackId, change))
		//	auto pos = change.ObservationPosPixExactOrApprox;

		//	painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(0, 0, 0));
		//	painter.drawText(pos.x, pos.y, QString::number(pTrack->TrackId));

		//	QColor penColor;
		//	if (change.UpdateType == TrackChangeUpdateType::ObservationUpdate || change.UpdateType == TrackChangeUpdateType::New)
		//		penColor = QColor::fromRgb(0, 255, 0);
		//	else if (change.UpdateType == TrackChangeUpdateType::NoObservation)
		//		penColor = QColor::fromRgb(255, 255, 0);
		//	else if (change.UpdateType == TrackChangeUpdateType::Pruned)
		//		penColor = QColor::fromRgb(255, 0, 0);
		//	painter.setPen(penColor);
		//	painter.drawEllipse(pos.x - r, pos.y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r);
		//	qDebug() << "Can't get latest track hypothesis TrackId=" << pTrack->TrackId;
		//	CV_Assert(false);
inline QRgb grayRgb(QRgb rgb) {
	int gray = (qRed(rgb) + qGreen(rgb) + qBlue(rgb)) / 3;
	return qRgba(gray, gray, gray, qAlpha(rgb) / 2);
Пример #14
void * QgsMultiBandColorRenderer::readBlock( int bandNo, QgsRectangle  const & extent, int width, int height )
  Q_UNUSED( bandNo );
  if ( !mInput )
    return 0;

  //In some (common) cases, we can simplify the drawing loop considerably and save render time
  bool fastDraw = ( !usesTransparency()
                    && mRedBand > 0 && mGreenBand > 0 && mBlueBand > 0
                    && mAlphaBand < 1 && !mRedContrastEnhancement && !mGreenContrastEnhancement && !mBlueContrastEnhancement
                    && !mInvertColor );

  QgsRasterInterface::DataType redType = QgsRasterInterface::UnknownDataType;

  if ( mRedBand > 0 )
    redType = ( QgsRasterInterface::DataType )mInput->dataType( mRedBand );
  QgsRasterInterface::DataType greenType = QgsRasterInterface::UnknownDataType;
  if ( mGreenBand > 0 )
    greenType = ( QgsRasterInterface::DataType )mInput->dataType( mGreenBand );
  QgsRasterInterface::DataType blueType = QgsRasterInterface::UnknownDataType;
  if ( mBlueBand > 0 )
    blueType = ( QgsRasterInterface::DataType )mInput->dataType( mBlueBand );
  QgsRasterInterface::DataType transparencyType = QgsRasterInterface::UnknownDataType;
  if ( mAlphaBand > 0 )
    transparencyType = ( QgsRasterInterface::DataType )mInput->dataType( mAlphaBand );

  QSet<int> bands;
  if ( mRedBand > 0 )
    bands << mRedBand;
  if ( mGreenBand > 0 )
    bands << mGreenBand;
  if ( mBlueBand > 0 )
    bands << mBlueBand;
  if ( bands.size() < 1 )
    return 0; //no need to draw anything if no band is set

  if ( mAlphaBand > 0 )
    bands << mAlphaBand;

  QMap<int, void*> bandData;
  void* defaultPointer = 0;
  QSet<int>::const_iterator bandIt = bands.constBegin();
  for ( ; bandIt != bands.constEnd(); ++bandIt )
    bandData.insert( *bandIt, defaultPointer );

  void* redData = 0;
  void* greenData = 0;
  void* blueData = 0;
  void* alphaData = 0;

  bandIt = bands.constBegin();
  for ( ; bandIt != bands.constEnd(); ++bandIt )
    bandData[*bandIt] =  mInput->block( *bandIt, extent, width, height );
    if ( !bandData[*bandIt] )
      // We should free the alloced mem from block().
      QgsDebugMsg( "No input band" );
      for ( ; bandIt != bands.constBegin(); bandIt-- )
        VSIFree( bandData[*bandIt] );
      return 0;

  if ( mRedBand > 0 )
    redData = bandData[mRedBand];
  if ( mGreenBand > 0 )
    greenData = bandData[mGreenBand];
  if ( mBlueBand > 0 )
    blueData = bandData[mBlueBand];
  if ( mAlphaBand > 0 )
    alphaData = bandData[mAlphaBand];

  QImage img( width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
  if ( img.isNull() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Could not create QImage" );
    bandIt = bands.constBegin();
    for ( ; bandIt != bands.constEnd(); ++bandIt )
      VSIFree( bandData[*bandIt] );
    return 0;

  QRgb* imageScanLine = 0;
  int currentRasterPos = 0;
  int redVal = 0;
  int greenVal = 0;
  int blueVal = 0;
  QRgb defaultColor = qRgba( 255, 255, 255, 0 );
  double currentOpacity = mOpacity; //opacity (between 0 and 1)

  for ( int i = 0; i < height; ++i )
    imageScanLine = ( QRgb* )( img.scanLine( i ) );
    for ( int j = 0; j < width; ++j )
      if ( fastDraw ) //fast rendering if no transparency, stretching, color inversion, etc.
        redVal = readValue( redData, redType, currentRasterPos );
        greenVal = readValue( greenData, greenType, currentRasterPos );
        blueVal = readValue( blueData, blueType, currentRasterPos );
        if ( mInput->isNoDataValue( mRedBand, redVal ) ||
             mInput->isNoDataValue( mGreenBand, greenVal ) ||
             mInput->isNoDataValue( mBlueBand, blueVal ) )
          imageScanLine[j] = defaultColor;
          imageScanLine[j] = qRgba( redVal, greenVal, blueVal, 255 );


      bool isNoData = false;
      if ( mRedBand > 0 )
        redVal = readValue( redData, redType, currentRasterPos );
        if ( mInput->isNoDataValue( mRedBand, redVal ) ) isNoData = true;
      if ( mGreenBand > 0 )
        greenVal = readValue( greenData, greenType, currentRasterPos );
        if ( mInput->isNoDataValue( mGreenBand, greenVal ) ) isNoData = true;
      if ( mBlueBand > 0 )
        blueVal = readValue( blueData, blueType, currentRasterPos );
        if ( mInput->isNoDataValue( mBlueBand, blueVal ) ) isNoData = true;
      if ( isNoData )
        imageScanLine[j] = defaultColor;

      //apply default color if red, green or blue not in displayable range
      if (( mRedContrastEnhancement && !mRedContrastEnhancement->isValueInDisplayableRange( redVal ) )
          || ( mGreenContrastEnhancement && !mGreenContrastEnhancement->isValueInDisplayableRange( redVal ) )
          || ( mBlueContrastEnhancement && !mBlueContrastEnhancement->isValueInDisplayableRange( redVal ) ) )
        imageScanLine[j] = defaultColor;

      //stretch color values
      if ( mRedContrastEnhancement )
        redVal = mRedContrastEnhancement->enhanceContrast( redVal );
      if ( mGreenContrastEnhancement )
        greenVal = mGreenContrastEnhancement->enhanceContrast( greenVal );
      if ( mBlueContrastEnhancement )
        blueVal = mBlueContrastEnhancement->enhanceContrast( blueVal );

      if ( mInvertColor )
        redVal = 255 - redVal;
        greenVal = 255 - greenVal;
        blueVal = 255 - blueVal;

      currentOpacity = mOpacity;
      if ( mRasterTransparency )
        currentOpacity = mRasterTransparency->alphaValue( redVal, greenVal, blueVal, mOpacity * 255 ) / 255.0;
      if ( mAlphaBand > 0 )
        currentOpacity *= ( readValue( alphaData, transparencyType, currentRasterPos ) / 255.0 );

      if ( doubleNear( currentOpacity, 1.0 ) )
        imageScanLine[j] = qRgba( redVal, greenVal, blueVal, 255 );
        imageScanLine[j] = qRgba( currentOpacity * redVal, currentOpacity * greenVal, currentOpacity * blueVal, currentOpacity * 255 );


  bandIt = bands.constBegin();
  for ( ; bandIt != bands.constEnd(); ++bandIt )
    VSIFree( bandData[*bandIt] );

  void * data = VSIMalloc( img.byteCount() );
  if ( ! data )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Couldn't allocate output data memory of % bytes" ).arg( img.byteCount() ) );
    return 0;
  return memcpy( data, img.bits(), img.byteCount() );
Пример #15
void BitmapImage::add(BitmapImage* bitmapImage)
    QImage* image2 = bitmapImage->image;
    QRect newBoundaries;
    if ( image->width() == 0 || image->height() == 0 )
        newBoundaries = bitmapImage->boundaries;
        newBoundaries = boundaries.united( bitmapImage->boundaries );
    extend( newBoundaries );
    QPoint offset = bitmapImage->boundaries.topLeft() - boundaries.topLeft();
    for(int y=0; y<image2->height(); y++)
        for(int x=0; x<image2->width(); x++)
            /*QRgb p2 = image2->pixel(x,y);
            int r2 = qRed(p2);
            int g2 = qGreen(p2);
            int b2 = qBlue(p2);
            int a2 = qAlpha(p2);
            int r, g, b, a;
            r=0; g=0; b=0; a=0;
            for(int u=0; u<1; u++) {
            	for(int v=0; v<1;v++) {
            	  if (boundaries.contains(  bitmapImage->boundaries.topLeft() + QPoint(x+u,y+v) )) {
            			QRgb p1  = image->pixel(offset.x()+x+u,offset.y()+y+v);
            			int r1 = qRed(p1);
            			int g1 = qGreen(p1);
            			int b1 = qBlue(p1);
            			int a1 = qAlpha(p1);
            			r = r + r1;
            			g = g + g1;
            			b = b + b1;
            			a = a + a1;
            r = r/1;
            g = g/1;
            b = b/1;
            a = a/1;
            //r = 255;
            //g = 0;
            //b = 0;
            a = 255;
            		QRgb p1  = image->pixel(offset.x()+x,offset.y()+y);
            		int r1 = qRed(p1);
            		int g1 = qGreen(p1);
            		int b1 = qBlue(p1);
            		int a1 = qAlpha(p1);
            r = (r1*(255-r2) + r2*r)/255;
            g = (g1*(255-g2) + g2*g)/255;
            b = (b1*(255-b2) + b2*b)/255;
            a = (a1*(255-a2) + a2*a)/255;*/
            QRgb p1  = image->pixel(offset.x()+x,offset.y()+y);
            QRgb p2 = image2->pixel(x,y);

            int a1 = qAlpha(p1);
            int a2 = qAlpha(p2);
            int r1 = qRed(p1);
            int r2 = qRed(p2); // remember that the bitmap format is RGB32 Premultiplied
            int g1 = qGreen(p1);
            int g2 = qGreen(p2);
            int b1 = qBlue(p1);
            int b2 = qBlue(p2);

            /*qreal a1 = qAlpha(p1); qreal a2 = qAlpha(p2);
            qreal r1 = qRed(p1);   qreal r2 = qRed(p2); // remember that the bitmap format is RGB32 Premultiplied
            qreal g1 = qGreen(p1); qreal g2 = qGreen(p2);
            qreal b1 = qBlue(p1);  qreal b2 = qBlue(p2);*/

            // unite
            int a = qMax(a1, a2);
            int r = qMax(r1, r2);
            int g = qMax(g1, g2);
            int b = qMax(b1, b2);

            // blend
            /*int a = a2 + a1*(255-a2)/255;
            int r = r2 + r1*(255-a2)/255;
            int g = g2 + g1*(255-a2)/255;
            int b = b2 + b1*(255-a2)/255;*/

            // source
            /*int a = a2;
            int r = r2;
            int g = g2;
            int b = b2;*/

            /*int a = qRound(a1+a2);
            int r = qRound((a1+a2)*((r1+0.)/a1+(r2+0.)/a2)/1);
            int g = qRound((a1+a2)*((g1+0.)/a1+(g2+0.)/a2)/1);
            int b = qRound((a1+a2)*((b1+0.)/a1+(b2+0.)/a2)/1);*/

            // add
            /*int a = qMin(255, qRound(1.0*(a1+a2)));
            int r = qMin(255, qRound(0.5*(r1+r2)));
            int g = qMin(255, qRound(0.5*(g1+g2)));
            int b = qMin(255, qRound(0.5*(b1+b2)));*/

            /*int a = qMin(255, qRound((1.0*a1+0.32*a2)));
            int r = qMin(255, qRound((1.0*r1+0.32*r2)));
            int g = qMin(255, qRound((1.0*g1+0.32*g2)));
            int b = qMin(255, qRound((1.0*b1+0.32*b2)));*/

            QRgb mix = qRgba(r, g, b, a);
            /*qDebug() << "------";
            qDebug() << r1 << g1 << b1 << a1;
            qDebug() << r2 << g2 << b2 << a2;
            qDebug() << r << g << b << a;
            qDebug() << qRed(mix) << qGreen(mix) << qBlue(mix) << qAlpha(mix);*/
            //QRgb mix = qRgba(r2, g2, b2, a);
            if (a2 != 0)
                image->setPixel(offset.x()+x,offset.y()+y, mix);
Пример #16
quint32 Layer::_getMaskColor() const {
    QRgb rgbCol = qRgba( 255,255,255,255);
    return rgbCol;
Пример #17
QRgb BitmapImage::pixel(QPoint P)
    QRgb result = qRgba(0,0,0,0); // black
    if ( boundaries.contains( P ) ) result = image->pixel(P - topLeft());
    return result;
QImage* QgsPieDiagramFactory::createDiagram( int size, const QgsFeature& f, const QgsRenderContext& renderContext ) const
  QgsAttributeMap dataValues = f.attributeMap();
  double sizeScaleFactor = diagramSizeScaleFactor( renderContext );

  //create transparent QImage
  int imageSideLength = size * sizeScaleFactor * renderContext.rasterScaleFactor() + 2 * mMaximumPenWidth + 2 * mMaximumGap;
  QImage* diagramImage = new QImage( QSize( imageSideLength, imageSideLength ), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
  diagramImage->fill( qRgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); //transparent background
  QPainter p;
  p.begin( diagramImage );
  p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
  p.setPen( Qt::NoPen );

  //calculate sum of data values
  double sum = 0;
  QList<double> valueList; //cash the values to use them in drawing later

  QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator value_it;
  QList<QgsDiagramCategory>::const_iterator it = mCategories.constBegin();
  for ( ; it != mCategories.constEnd(); ++it )
    value_it = dataValues.find( it->propertyIndex() );
    valueList.push_back( value_it->toDouble() );
    if ( value_it != dataValues.constEnd() )
      sum += value_it->toDouble();

  if ( doubleNear( sum, 0.0 ) )
    delete diagramImage;
    return 0;

  //draw pies

  int totalAngle = 0;
  int currentAngle, currentGap;
  int xGapOffset = 0;
  int yGapOffset = 0;

  QList<QgsDiagramCategory>::const_iterator category_it = mCategories.constBegin();
  QList<double>::const_iterator valueList_it = valueList.constBegin();

  for ( ; category_it != mCategories.constEnd() && valueList_it != valueList.constEnd(); ++category_it, ++valueList_it )
    p.setPen( category_it->pen() );
    currentAngle = ( int )(( *valueList_it ) / sum * 360 * 16 );
    p.setBrush( category_it->brush() );

    xGapOffset = 0;
    yGapOffset = 0;
    currentGap = category_it->gap();
    if ( currentGap != 0 )
      //qt angles are degrees*16
      gapOffsetsForPieSlice( currentGap, totalAngle + currentAngle / 2, xGapOffset, yGapOffset );

    p.drawPie( mMaximumPenWidth * renderContext.rasterScaleFactor() + mMaximumGap + xGapOffset, mMaximumPenWidth * renderContext.rasterScaleFactor() + mMaximumGap - yGapOffset, sizeScaleFactor * renderContext.rasterScaleFactor() * size, sizeScaleFactor * renderContext.rasterScaleFactor() * size, totalAngle, currentAngle );
    totalAngle += currentAngle;

  return diagramImage;
Пример #19
void setup_qt(QImage& image, png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, float screen_gamma=0.0)
    if (screen_gamma != 0.0 && png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_gAMA)) {
        double file_gamma;
        png_get_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, &file_gamma);
        png_set_gamma(png_ptr, screen_gamma, file_gamma);

    png_uint_32 width;
    png_uint_32 height;
    int bit_depth;
    int color_type;
    png_bytep trans_alpha = 0;
    png_color_16p trans_color_p = 0;
    int num_trans;
    png_colorp palette = 0;
    int num_palette;
    png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type, 0, 0, 0);

    if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) {
        // Black & White or 8-bit grayscale
        if (bit_depth == 1 && png_get_channels(png_ptr, info_ptr) == 1) {
            png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
            if (image.size() != QSize(width, height) || image.format() != QImage::Format_Mono) {
                image = QImage(width, height, QImage::Format_Mono);
                if (image.isNull())
            image.setColor(1, qRgb(0,0,0));
            image.setColor(0, qRgb(255,255,255));
        } else if (bit_depth == 16 && png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
            if (image.size() != QSize(width, height) || image.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32) {
                image = QImage(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
                if (image.isNull())
            if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian)

            png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
        } else {
            if (bit_depth == 16)
            else if (bit_depth < 8)
            int ncols = bit_depth < 8 ? 1 << bit_depth : 256;
            png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
            if (image.size() != QSize(width, height) || image.format() != QImage::Format_Indexed8) {
                image = QImage(width, height, QImage::Format_Indexed8);
                if (image.isNull())
            for (int i=0; i<ncols; i++) {
                int c = i*255/(ncols-1);
                image.setColor(i, qRgba(c,c,c,0xff));
            if (png_get_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, &trans_alpha, &num_trans, &trans_color_p) && trans_color_p) {
                const int g = trans_color_p->gray;
                if (g < ncols) {
                    image.setColor(g, 0);
    } else if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE
               && png_get_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, &palette, &num_palette)
               && num_palette <= 256)
        // 1-bit and 8-bit color
        if (bit_depth != 1)
        png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
        png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bit_depth, &color_type, 0, 0, 0);
        QImage::Format format = bit_depth == 1 ? QImage::Format_Mono : QImage::Format_Indexed8;
        if (image.size() != QSize(width, height) || image.format() != format) {
            image = QImage(width, height, format);
            if (image.isNull())
        png_get_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, &palette, &num_palette);
        int i = 0;
        if (png_get_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, &trans_alpha, &num_trans, &trans_color_p) && trans_alpha) {
            while (i < num_trans) {
                image.setColor(i, qRgba(
        while (i < num_palette) {
            image.setColor(i, qRgba(
    } else {
        // 32-bit
        if (bit_depth == 16)


        if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)

        QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_ARGB32;
        // Only add filler if no alpha, or we can get 5 channel data.
        if (!(color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA)
            && !png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
            png_set_filler(png_ptr, 0xff, QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian ?
                           PNG_FILLER_BEFORE : PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
            // We want 4 bytes, but it isn't an alpha channel
            format = QImage::Format_RGB32;
        if (image.size() != QSize(width, height) || image.format() != format) {
            image = QImage(width, height, format);
            if (image.isNull())

        if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian)

        png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    // Qt==ARGB==Big(ARGB)==Little(BGRA)
    if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::LittleEndian) {
Пример #20
// Draw a line of text in the given position within the image.
// It would be nice to be able to use TTFFont for this but it doesn't provide
// what we want.
void MHIText::AddText(int x, int y, const QString &str, MHRgba colour)
    if (!m_parent->IsFaceLoaded()) return;
    FT_Face face = m_parent->GetFontFace();
    FT_Error error = FT_Set_Char_Size(face, 0, Point2FT(m_fontsize),
                                      FONT_WIDTHRES, FONT_HEIGHTRES);

    // X positions are computed to 64ths and rounded.
    // Y positions are in pixels
    int posX = Point2FT(x);
    int pixelY = y;
    FT_Bool useKerning = FT_HAS_KERNING(face);
    FT_UInt previous = 0;

    int len = str.length();
    for (int n = 0; n < len; n++)
        // Load the glyph.
        QChar ch = str[n];
        FT_UInt glyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, ch.unicode());
        if (glyphIndex == 0)
            previous = 0;

        if (useKerning && previous != 0)
            FT_Vector delta;
            FT_Get_Kerning(face, previous, glyphIndex,
                           FT_KERNING_DEFAULT, &delta);
            posX += delta.x;
        error = FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyphIndex, FT_LOAD_RENDER);

        if (error)
            continue; // ignore errors

        FT_GlyphSlot slot = face->glyph;
        if (slot->format != FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP)
            continue; // Problem

        if ((enum FT_Pixel_Mode_)slot->bitmap.pixel_mode != FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY)

        unsigned char *source = slot->bitmap.buffer;
        // Get the origin for the bitmap
        int baseX = FT2Point(posX) + slot->bitmap_left;
        int baseY = pixelY - slot->bitmap_top;
        // Copy the bitmap into the image.
        for (int i = 0; i < slot->bitmap.rows; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < slot->bitmap.width; j++)
                int greyLevel = source[j];
                // Set the pixel to the specified colour but scale its
                // brightness according to the grey scale of the pixel.
                int red = colour.red();
                int green = colour.green();
                int blue = colour.blue();
                int alpha = colour.alpha() *
                    greyLevel / slot->bitmap.num_grays;
                int xBit =  j + baseX;
                int yBit =  i + baseY;

                // The bits ought to be inside the bitmap but
                // I guess there's the possibility
                // that rounding might put it outside.
                if (xBit >= 0 && xBit < m_width &&
                    yBit >= 0 && yBit < m_height)
                    m_image.setPixel(xBit, yBit,
                                     qRgba(red, green, blue, alpha));
            source += slot->bitmap.pitch;
        posX += slot->advance.x;
        previous = glyphIndex;
Пример #21
QImage numpyToQImage(const Numpy2DObj& imgdata, const Numpy2DIntObj &colors,
		     bool forcetrans)
  // make format use alpha transparency if required
  const int numcolors = colors.dims[0];
  if ( colors.dims[1] != 4 )
    throw "4 columns required in colors array";
  if ( numcolors < 1 )
    throw "at least 1 color required";
  const int numbands = numcolors-1;
  const int xw = imgdata.dims[1];
  const int yw = imgdata.dims[0];

  // if the first value in the color is -1 then switch to jumping mode
  const bool jumps = colors(0,0) == -1;

  QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_RGB32;
  if( forcetrans )
    format = QImage::Format_ARGB32;
      for(int i = 0; i < numcolors; ++i)
	  if( colors(i, 3) != 255 )
	    format = QImage::Format_ARGB32;

  // make image
  QImage img(xw, yw, format);

  // iterate over input pixels
  for(int y=0; y<yw; ++y)
      // direction of images is different for qt and numpy image
      QRgb* scanline = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>(img.scanLine(yw-y-1));
      for(int x=0; x<xw; ++x)
	  double val = imgdata(x, y);

	  // output color
	  int b, g, r, a;

	  if( ! isFinite(val) )
	      // transparent
	      b = g = r = a = 0;
	      val = clipval(val, 0., 1.);

	      if( jumps )
		  // jumps between colours in discrete mode
		  // (ignores 1st color, which signals this mode)
		  const int band = clipval(int(val*(numcolors-1))+1, 1,

		  b = colors(0, band);
		  g = colors(1, band);
		  r = colors(2, band);
		  a = colors(3, band);
		  // do linear interpolation between bands
		  // make sure between 0 and 1

		  const int band = clipval(int(val*numbands), 0, numbands-1);
		  const double delta = val*numbands - band;

		  // ensure we don't read beyond where we should
		  const int band2 = min(band + 1, numbands);
		  const double delta1 = 1.-delta;

		  b = int(delta1*colors(0, band) +
			  delta *colors(0, band2));
		  g = int(delta1*colors(1, band) +
			  delta *colors(1, band2));
		  r = int(delta1*colors(2, band) +
			  delta *colors(2, band2));
		  a = int(delta1*colors(3, band) +
			  delta *colors(3, band2));

	  *(scanline+x) = qRgba(r, g, b, a);
  return img;
Пример #22
// Based on the Bresenham line drawing algorithm but extended to draw
// thick lines.
void MHIDLA::DrawLineSub(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool swapped)
    QRgb colour = qRgba(m_lineColour.red(), m_lineColour.green(),
                         m_lineColour.blue(), m_lineColour.alpha());
    int dx = x2-x1, dy = abs(y2-y1);
    int yStep = y2 >= y1 ? 1 : -1;
    // Adjust the starting positions to take account of the
    // line width.
    int error2 = dx/2;
    for (int k = 0; k < m_lineWidth/2; k++)
        error2 += dy;
        if (error2*2 > dx)
            error2 -= dx;
            x1 += yStep;
            x2 += yStep;
    // Main loop
    int y = y1;
    int error = dx/2;
    for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) // Include both endpoints
        error2 = dx/2;
        int j = 0;
        // Inner loop also uses the Bresenham algorithm to draw lines
        // perpendicular to the principal direction.
        for (int i = 0; i < m_lineWidth; i++)
            if (swapped)
                if (x+j >= 0 && y+i >= 0 && y+i < m_width && x+j < m_height)
                    m_image.setPixel(y+i, x+j, colour);
                if (x+j >= 0 && y+i >= 0 && x+j < m_width && y+i < m_height)
                    m_image.setPixel(x+j, y+i, colour);
            error2 += dy;
            if (error2*2 > dx)
                error2 -= dx;
                j -= yStep;
                if (i < m_lineWidth-1)
                    // Add another pixel in this case.
                    if (swapped)
                        if (x+j >= 0 && y+i >= 0 && y+i < m_width && x+j < m_height)
                            m_image.setPixel(y+i, x+j, colour);
                        if (x+j >= 0 && y+i >= 0 && x+j < m_width && y+i < m_height)
                            m_image.setPixel(x+j, y+i, colour);
        error += dy;
        if (error*2 > dx)
            error -= dx;
            y += yStep;
Пример #23
void KbPerf::lightIndicator(const char* name, QRgb rgba){
    int a = round(qAlpha(rgba) * _iOpacity);
    if(a <= 0)
    light()->setIndicator(name, qRgba(qRed(rgba), qGreen(rgba), qBlue(rgba), a));
Пример #24
void MHIDLA::DrawPoly(bool isFilled, int nPoints, const int *xArray, const int *yArray)
    if (nPoints < 2)

    if (isFilled)
        QVector <lineSeg> lineArray(nPoints);
        int nLines = 0;
        // Initialise the line segment array.  Include all lines
        // apart from horizontal.  Close the polygon by starting
        // with the last point in the array.
        int lastX = xArray[nPoints-1]; // Last point
        int lastY = yArray[nPoints-1];
        int yMin = lastY, yMax = lastY;
        for (int k = 0; k < nPoints; k++)
            int thisX = xArray[k];
            int thisY = yArray[k];
            if (lastY != thisY)
                if (lastY > thisY)
                    lineArray[nLines].yBottom = thisY;
                    lineArray[nLines].yTop = lastY;
                    lineArray[nLines].xBottom = thisX;
                    lineArray[nLines].yBottom = lastY;
                    lineArray[nLines].yTop = thisY;
                    lineArray[nLines].xBottom = lastX;
                lineArray[nLines++].slope =
                    (float)(thisX-lastX) / (float)(thisY-lastY);
            if (thisY < yMin)
                yMin = thisY;
            if (thisY > yMax)
                yMax = thisY;
            lastX = thisX;
            lastY = thisY;

        // Find the intersections of each line in the line segment array
        // with the scan line.  Because UK MHEG says that figures should be
        // convex we only need to consider two intersections.
        QRgb fillColour = qRgba(m_fillColour.red(), m_fillColour.green(),
                                m_fillColour.blue(), m_fillColour.alpha());
        for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++)
            int crossings = 0, xMin = 0, xMax = 0;
            for (int l = 0; l < nLines; l++)
                if (y >= lineArray[l].yBottom && y < lineArray[l].yTop)
                    int x = (int)round((float)(y - lineArray[l].yBottom) *
                        lineArray[l].slope) + lineArray[l].xBottom;
                    if (crossings == 0 || x < xMin)
                        xMin = x;
                    if (crossings == 0 || x > xMax)
                        xMax = x;
            if (crossings == 2)
                for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++)
                    m_image.setPixel(x, y, fillColour);

        // Draw the boundary
        int lastXpoint = xArray[nPoints-1]; // Last point
        int lastYpoint = yArray[nPoints-1];
        for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
            DrawLine(xArray[i], yArray[i], lastXpoint, lastYpoint);
            lastXpoint = xArray[i];
            lastYpoint = yArray[i];
    else // PolyLine - draw lines between the points but don't close it.
        for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++)
            DrawLine(xArray[i], yArray[i], xArray[i-1], yArray[i-1]);
Пример #25
 * Clear the canvas.
void GLWidget3D::clearSketch() {
	sketch.fill(qRgba(255, 255, 255, 255));

Пример #26
QgsRasterBlock * QgsPalettedRasterRenderer::block( int bandNo, QgsRectangle  const & extent, int width, int height, QgsRasterBlockFeedback* feedback )
  QgsRasterBlock *outputBlock = new QgsRasterBlock();
  if ( !mInput || mNColors == 0 )
    return outputBlock;

  QgsRasterBlock *inputBlock = mInput->block( bandNo, extent, width, height, feedback );

  if ( !inputBlock || inputBlock->isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "No raster data!" );
    delete inputBlock;
    return outputBlock;

  double currentOpacity = mOpacity;

  //rendering is faster without considering user-defined transparency
  bool hasTransparency = usesTransparency();
  QgsRasterBlock *alphaBlock = nullptr;

  if ( mAlphaBand > 0 && mAlphaBand != mBand )
    alphaBlock = mInput->block( mAlphaBand, extent, width, height, feedback );
    if ( !alphaBlock || alphaBlock->isEmpty() )
      delete inputBlock;
      delete alphaBlock;
      return outputBlock;
  else if ( mAlphaBand == mBand )
    alphaBlock = inputBlock;

  if ( !outputBlock->reset( Qgis::ARGB32_Premultiplied, width, height ) )
    delete inputBlock;
    delete alphaBlock;
    return outputBlock;

  QRgb myDefaultColor = NODATA_COLOR;

  //use direct data access instead of QgsRasterBlock::setValue
  //because of performance
  unsigned int* outputData = ( unsigned int* )( outputBlock->bits() );

  qgssize rasterSize = ( qgssize )width * height;
  for ( qgssize i = 0; i < rasterSize; ++i )
    if ( inputBlock->isNoData( i ) )
      outputData[i] = myDefaultColor;
    int val = ( int ) inputBlock->value( i );
    if ( !hasTransparency )
      outputData[i] = mColors[val];
      currentOpacity = mOpacity;
      if ( mRasterTransparency )
        currentOpacity = mRasterTransparency->alphaValue( val, mOpacity * 255 ) / 255.0;
      if ( mAlphaBand > 0 )
        currentOpacity *=  alphaBlock->value( i ) / 255.0;
      QColor currentColor = QColor( mColors[val] );
      outputData[i] = qRgba( currentOpacity * currentColor.red(), currentOpacity * currentColor.green(), currentOpacity * currentColor.blue(), currentOpacity * 255 );

  delete inputBlock;
  if ( mAlphaBand > 0 && mBand != mAlphaBand )
    delete alphaBlock;

  return outputBlock;
Пример #27
void tst_QColor::setRgb()
    QColor color;

    for (int A = 0; A <= USHRT_MAX; ++A) {
            // 0-255
            int a = A >> 8;
            QRgb rgb = qRgba(0, 0, 0, a);

            color.setRgb(0, 0, 0, a);
            QCOMPARE(color.alpha(), a);
            QCOMPARE(color.rgb(),  qRgb(0, 0, 0));

            QCOMPARE(color.alpha(), 255);
            QCOMPARE(color.rgb(),   qRgb(0, 0, 0));

            int r, g, b, a2;
            color.setRgb(0, 0, 0, a);
            color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a2);
            QCOMPARE(a2, a);

            QColor c(0, 0, 0);
            QCOMPARE(c.alpha(), a);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal a = A / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setRgbF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a);
            QCOMPARE(color.alphaF(), a);

            qreal r, g, b, a2;
            color.getRgbF(&r, &g, &b, &a2);
            QCOMPARE(a2, a);

            QColor c(0, 0, 0);

            QCOMPARE(c.alphaF(), a);

    for (int R = 0; R <= USHRT_MAX; ++R) {
            // 0-255
            int r = R >> 8;
            QRgb rgb = qRgb(r, 0, 0);

            color.setRgb(r, 0, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.red(), r);
            QCOMPARE(color.rgb(), rgb);

            QCOMPARE(color.red(), r);
            QCOMPARE(color.rgb(), rgb);

            int r2, g, b, a;
            color.getRgb(&r2, &g, &b, &a);
            QCOMPARE(r2, r);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal r = R / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setRgbF(r, 0.0, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.redF(), r);

            qreal r2, g, b, a;
            color.getRgbF(&r2, &g, &b, &a);
            QCOMPARE(r2, r);

    for (int G = 0; G <= USHRT_MAX; ++G) {
            // 0-255
            int g = G >> 8;
            QRgb rgb = qRgb(0, g, 0);

            color.setRgb(0, g, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.green(), g);
            QCOMPARE(color.rgb(),   rgb);

            QCOMPARE(color.green(), g);
            QCOMPARE(color.rgb(),   rgb);

            int r, g2, b, a;
            color.getRgb(&r, &g2, &b, &a);
            QCOMPARE(g2, g);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal g = G / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setRgbF(0.0, g, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.greenF(), g);

            qreal r, g2, b, a;
            color.getRgbF(&r, &g2, &b, &a);
            QCOMPARE(g2, g);

    for (int B = 0; B <= USHRT_MAX; ++B) {
            // 0-255
            int b = B >> 8;
            QRgb rgb = qRgb(0, 0, b);

            color.setRgb(0, 0, b);
            QCOMPARE(color.blue(),  b);
            QCOMPARE(color.rgb(),   rgb);

            QCOMPARE(color.blue(),  b);
            QCOMPARE(color.rgb(),   rgb);

            int r, g, b2, a;
            color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b2, &a);
            QCOMPARE(b2, b);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal b = B / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setRgbF(0.0, 0.0, b);
            QCOMPARE(color.blueF(), b);

            qreal r, g, b2, a;
            color.getRgbF(&r, &g, &b2, &a);
            QCOMPARE(b2, b);
Пример #28
* @fn appliquer Applique l'inpainting sur une image
* @param init image initiale, masque image correspodant au masque, out image resultat,
*        _iteration nb d'iterations a effectuer, dt delta t
void CTschumperle::appliquer(CImage *init, CImage *masque, CImage *out, float _iteration, float dt)
    this->progressbar->setMaximum(_iteration);//initialise la progressbar

    CImageDouble *I_tmp = new CImageDouble(init);
    CImageDouble *Out_tmp = new CImageDouble(init);


    for (int y = 0; y < init->height(); ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < init->width(); ++x)
            if (masque->getPixel(x, y) == qRgba(0, 0, 0, 255))
                Out_tmp->setRedPixel(x, y, 0.0);
                Out_tmp->setGreenPixel(x, y, 0.0);
                Out_tmp->setBluePixel(x, y, 0.0);

    for (int it = 0; it < _iteration; ++it)
        this->progressbar->setValue(this->progressbar->value()+1);//incremente la progressbar

        for (int j = 0; j < masque->height(); ++j)
            for (int i = 0; i < masque->width(); ++i)
                if (masque->getPixel(i, j) == qRgba(0, 0, 0, 255))
                    /*Calcul de la hessienne pr un pixel du masque */
                    double *H_r = CHessian::GetHessian(I_tmp, i, j, 0);
                    double *H_g = CHessian::GetHessian(I_tmp, i, j, 1);
                    double *H_b = CHessian::GetHessian(I_tmp, i, j, 2);

                    /*Calcul du tenseur de diffusion*/
                    CDiffTensor T = CDiffTensor(I_tmp, i, j);
                    double *D_r = T.GetDiffTensor_r();
                    double *D_g = T.GetDiffTensor_g();
                    double *D_b = T.GetDiffTensor_b();/*AJOUTER GAUSSIENE SUR LES MATRICES 'D' */

                    /*Calcul de la matrice D.H*/
                    double Mat_res_r[4];
                    double Mat_res_g[4];
                    double Mat_res_b[4];

                    Mat_res_r[0] = D_r[0]*H_r[0]+D_r[1]*H_r[2];
                    Mat_res_r[1] = D_r[0]*H_r[1]+D_r[1]*H_r[3];
                    Mat_res_r[2] = D_r[2]*H_r[0]+D_r[3]*H_r[2];
                    Mat_res_r[3] = D_r[2]*H_r[1]+D_r[3]*H_r[3];

                    Mat_res_g[0] = D_g[0]*H_g[0]+D_g[1]*H_g[2];
                    Mat_res_g[1] = D_g[0]*H_g[1]+D_g[1]*H_g[3];
                    Mat_res_g[2] = D_g[2]*H_g[0]+D_g[3]*H_g[2];
                    Mat_res_g[3] = D_g[2]*H_g[1]+D_g[3]*H_g[3];

                    Mat_res_b[0] = D_b[0]*H_b[0]+D_b[1]*H_b[2];
                    Mat_res_b[1] = D_b[0]*H_b[1]+D_b[1]*H_b[3];
                    Mat_res_b[2] = D_b[2]*H_b[0]+D_b[3]*H_b[2];
                    Mat_res_b[3] = D_b[2]*H_b[1]+D_b[3]*H_b[3];

                    /*qDebug() << "DiffTensor R: [" << D_r[0] << "," <<  D_r[1] << "," <<  D_r[2] << "," <<  D_r[3] << "]\n"
                             << "Hessian    R: [" << H_r[0] << "," <<  H_r[1] << "," <<  H_r[2] << "," <<  H_r[3] << "]\n"
                             << "MatRes     R: [" << Mat_res_r[0] << "," <<  Mat_res_r[1] << "," <<  Mat_res_r[2] << "," <<  Mat_res_r[3] << "]\n"
                             << "DiffTensor G: [" << D_g[0] << "," <<  D_g[1] << "," <<  D_g[2] << "," <<  D_g[3] << "]\n"
                             << "Hessian    G: [" << H_g[0] << "," <<  H_g[1] << "," <<  H_g[2] << "," <<  H_g[3] << "]\n"
                             << "MatRes     G: [" << Mat_res_g[0] << "," <<  Mat_res_g[1] << "," <<  Mat_res_g[2] << "," <<  Mat_res_g[3] << "]\n"
                             << "DiffTensor B: [" << D_b[0] << "," <<  D_b[1] << "," <<  D_b[2] << "," <<  D_b[3] << "]\n"
                             << "Hessian    B: [" << H_b[0] << "," <<  H_b[1] << "," <<  H_b[2] << "," <<  H_b[3] << "]\n"
                             << "MatRes     B: [" << Mat_res_b[0] << "," <<  Mat_res_b[1] << "," <<  Mat_res_b[2] << "," <<  Mat_res_b[3] << "]\n";

                    qDebug() << "Val px R: I_tmp->getRedPixel(i, j) : " << I_tmp->getRedPixel(i, j)
                             << " + dt*(D.H) : " << dt*(Mat_res_r[0]+Mat_res_r[3])
                             << " = " << (I_tmp->getRedPixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_r[0]+Mat_res_r[3])))

                             << "\nVal px G: I_tmp->getGreenPixel(i, j) : " << I_tmp->getGreenPixel(i, j)
                             << " + dt*(D.H) : " << dt*(Mat_res_g[0]+Mat_res_g[3])
                             << " = " << (I_tmp->getGreenPixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_g[0]+Mat_res_g[3])))

                             << "\nVal px B: I_tmp->getBluePixel(i, j) : " << I_tmp->getBluePixel(i, j)
                             << " + dt*(D.H) : " << dt*(Mat_res_b[0]+Mat_res_b[3])
                             << " = " << (I_tmp->getBluePixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_b[0]+Mat_res_b[3])));*/

                    /*Calcul de la valeur a ajouter au pixel avec dt*trace(DH)*/
                    //out->setPixel(i, j, qRgb(I_tmp->getRedPixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_r[0]+Mat_res_r[3])), I_tmp->getGreenPixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_g[0]+Mat_res_g[3])), I_tmp->getBluePixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_b[0]+Mat_res_b[3]))));
                    if ((dt*(Mat_res_r[0]+Mat_res_r[3])) == (dt*(Mat_res_r[0]+Mat_res_r[3])))
                        Out_tmp->setRedPixel(i, j, I_tmp->getRedPixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_r[0]+Mat_res_r[3])));
                    if ((dt*(Mat_res_g[0]+Mat_res_g[3])) == (dt*(Mat_res_g[0]+Mat_res_g[3])))
                        Out_tmp->setGreenPixel(i, j, I_tmp->getGreenPixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_g[0]+Mat_res_g[3])));
                    if ((dt*(Mat_res_b[0]+Mat_res_b[3])) == (dt*(Mat_res_b[0]+Mat_res_b[3])))
                        Out_tmp->setBluePixel(i, j, I_tmp->getBluePixel(i, j)+(dt*(Mat_res_b[0]+Mat_res_b[3])));

                    //qDebug()  << "\n______________________________________________________\n";

                    delete H_r;
                    delete H_g;
                    delete H_b;

                    delete D_r;
                    delete D_g;
                    delete D_b;




    delete I_tmp;
    delete Out_tmp;
Пример #29
// Stack Blur Algorithm by Mario Klingemann <*****@*****.**>
// fixed to handle alpha channel correctly by Zack Rusin
void fastbluralpha(QImage &img, int radius)
    if (radius < 1) {

    QRgb *pix = (QRgb*)img.bits();
    int w   = img.width();
    int h   = img.height();
    int wm  = w - 1;
    int hm  = h - 1;
    int wh  = w * h;
    int div = radius + radius + 1;

    int *r = new int[wh];
    int *g = new int[wh];
    int *b = new int[wh];
    int *a = new int[wh];
    int rsum, gsum, bsum, asum, x, y, i, yp, yi, yw;
    QRgb p;
    int *vmin = new int[qMax(w, h)];

    int divsum = (div + 1) >> 1;
    divsum *= divsum;
    int *dv = new int[256*divsum];
    for (i = 0; i < 256*divsum; ++i) {
        dv[i] = (i / divsum);

    yw = yi = 0;

    int **stack = new int*[div];
    for (int i = 0; i < div; ++i) {
        stack[i] = new int[4];

    int stackpointer;
    int stackstart;
    int *sir;
    int rbs;
    int r1 = radius + 1;
    int routsum, goutsum, boutsum, aoutsum;
    int rinsum, ginsum, binsum, ainsum;

    for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
        rinsum = ginsum = binsum = ainsum
                                   = routsum = goutsum = boutsum = aoutsum
                                                                   = rsum = gsum = bsum = asum = 0;
        for (i = - radius; i <= radius; ++i) {
            p = pix[yi+qMin(wm, qMax(i, 0))];
            sir = stack[i+radius];
            sir[0] = qRed(p);
            sir[1] = qGreen(p);
            sir[2] = qBlue(p);
            sir[3] = qAlpha(p);

            rbs = r1 - abs(i);
            rsum += sir[0] * rbs;
            gsum += sir[1] * rbs;
            bsum += sir[2] * rbs;
            asum += sir[3] * rbs;

            if (i > 0) {
                rinsum += sir[0];
                ginsum += sir[1];
                binsum += sir[2];
                ainsum += sir[3];
            } else {
                routsum += sir[0];
                goutsum += sir[1];
                boutsum += sir[2];
                aoutsum += sir[3];
        stackpointer = radius;

        for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {

            r[yi] = dv[rsum];
            g[yi] = dv[gsum];
            b[yi] = dv[bsum];
            a[yi] = dv[asum];

            rsum -= routsum;
            gsum -= goutsum;
            bsum -= boutsum;
            asum -= aoutsum;

            stackstart = stackpointer - radius + div;
            sir = stack[stackstart%div];

            routsum -= sir[0];
            goutsum -= sir[1];
            boutsum -= sir[2];
            aoutsum -= sir[3];

            if (y == 0) {
                vmin[x] = qMin(x + radius + 1, wm);
            p = pix[yw+vmin[x]];

            sir[0] = qRed(p);
            sir[1] = qGreen(p);
            sir[2] = qBlue(p);
            sir[3] = qAlpha(p);

            rinsum += sir[0];
            ginsum += sir[1];
            binsum += sir[2];
            ainsum += sir[3];

            rsum += rinsum;
            gsum += ginsum;
            bsum += binsum;
            asum += ainsum;

            stackpointer = (stackpointer + 1) % div;
            sir = stack[(stackpointer)%div];

            routsum += sir[0];
            goutsum += sir[1];
            boutsum += sir[2];
            aoutsum += sir[3];

            rinsum -= sir[0];
            ginsum -= sir[1];
            binsum -= sir[2];
            ainsum -= sir[3];

        yw += w;
    for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
        rinsum = ginsum = binsum = ainsum
                                   = routsum = goutsum = boutsum = aoutsum
                                                                   = rsum = gsum = bsum = asum = 0;

        yp = - radius * w;

        for (i = -radius; i <= radius; ++i) {
            yi = qMax(0, yp) + x;

            sir = stack[i+radius];

            sir[0] = r[yi];
            sir[1] = g[yi];
            sir[2] = b[yi];
            sir[3] = a[yi];

            rbs = r1 - abs(i);

            rsum += r[yi] * rbs;
            gsum += g[yi] * rbs;
            bsum += b[yi] * rbs;
            asum += a[yi] * rbs;

            if (i > 0) {
                rinsum += sir[0];
                ginsum += sir[1];
                binsum += sir[2];
                ainsum += sir[3];
            } else {
                routsum += sir[0];
                goutsum += sir[1];
                boutsum += sir[2];
                aoutsum += sir[3];

            if (i < hm) {
                yp += w;

        yi = x;
        stackpointer = radius;

        for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
            pix[yi] = qRgba(dv[rsum], dv[gsum], dv[bsum], dv[asum]);

            rsum -= routsum;
            gsum -= goutsum;
            bsum -= boutsum;
            asum -= aoutsum;

            stackstart = stackpointer - radius + div;
            sir = stack[stackstart%div];

            routsum -= sir[0];
            goutsum -= sir[1];
            boutsum -= sir[2];
            aoutsum -= sir[3];

            if (x == 0) {
                vmin[y] = qMin(y + r1, hm) * w;
            p = x + vmin[y];

            sir[0] = r[p];
            sir[1] = g[p];
            sir[2] = b[p];
            sir[3] = a[p];

            rinsum += sir[0];
            ginsum += sir[1];
            binsum += sir[2];
            ainsum += sir[3];

            rsum += rinsum;
            gsum += ginsum;
            bsum += binsum;
            asum += ainsum;

            stackpointer = (stackpointer + 1) % div;
            sir = stack[stackpointer];

            routsum += sir[0];
            goutsum += sir[1];
            boutsum += sir[2];
            aoutsum += sir[3];

            rinsum -= sir[0];
            ginsum -= sir[1];
            binsum -= sir[2];
            ainsum -= sir[3];

            yi += w;
    delete [] r;
    delete [] g;
    delete [] b;
    delete [] a;
    delete [] vmin;
    delete [] dv;

    for (int i = 0; i < div; ++i) {
        delete [] stack[i];
    delete [] stack;
Пример #30
bool KoPattern::init(QByteArray& bytes)
    int dataSize = bytes.size();
    const char* data = bytes.constData();

    // load Gimp patterns
    GimpPatternHeader bh;
    qint32 k;
    char* name;

    if ((int)sizeof(GimpPatternHeader) > dataSize) {
        return false;

    memcpy(&bh, data, sizeof(GimpPatternHeader));
    bh.header_size = qFromBigEndian(bh.header_size);
    bh.version = qFromBigEndian(bh.version);
    bh.width = qFromBigEndian(bh.width);
    bh.height = qFromBigEndian(bh.height);
    bh.bytes = qFromBigEndian(bh.bytes);
    bh.magic_number = qFromBigEndian(bh.magic_number);

    if ((int)bh.header_size > dataSize || bh.header_size == 0) {
        return false;
    int size = bh.header_size - sizeof(GimpPatternHeader);
    name = new char[size];
    memcpy(name, data + sizeof(GimpPatternHeader), size);

    if (name[size - 1]) {
        delete[] name;
        return false;

    // size -1 so we don't add the end 0 to the QString...
    setName(QString::fromLatin1(name, size -1));
    delete[] name;

    if (bh.width == 0 || bh.height == 0) {
        return false;

    QImage::Format imageFormat;

    if (bh.bytes == 1 || bh.bytes == 3) {
        imageFormat = QImage::Format_RGB32;
    } else {
        imageFormat = QImage::Format_ARGB32;

    QImage pattern = QImage(bh.width, bh.height, imageFormat);
    if (pattern.isNull()) {
        return false;
    k = bh.header_size;

    if (bh.bytes == 1) {
        // Grayscale
        qint32 val;
        for (quint32 y = 0; y < bh.height; ++y) {
            QRgb* pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>( pattern.scanLine(y) );
            for (quint32 x = 0; x < bh.width; ++x, ++k) {
                if (k > dataSize) {
                    qWarning() << "failed to load grayscale pattern" << filename();
                    return false;

                val = data[k];
                pixels[x] = qRgb(val, val, val);
        // It was grayscale, so make the pattern as small as possible
        // by converting it to Indexed8
        pattern = pattern.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8);
    else if (bh.bytes == 2) {
        // Grayscale + A
        qint32 val;
        qint32 alpha;
        for (quint32 y = 0; y < bh.height; ++y) {
            QRgb* pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>( pattern.scanLine(y) );
            for (quint32 x = 0; x < bh.width; ++x, ++k) {
                if (k + 2 > dataSize) {
                    qWarning() << "failed to load grayscale +_ alpha pattern" << filename();
                    return false;

                val = data[k];
                alpha = data[k++];
                pixels[x] = qRgba(val, val, val, alpha);
    else if (bh.bytes == 3) {
        // RGB without alpha
        for (quint32 y = 0; y < bh.height; ++y) {
            QRgb* pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>( pattern.scanLine(y) );
            for (quint32 x = 0; x < bh.width; ++x) {
                if (k + 3 > dataSize) {
                    qWarning() << "failed to load RGB pattern" << filename();
                    return false;
                pixels[x] = qRgb(data[k],
                                 data[k + 1],
                                 data[k + 2]);
                k += 3;
    } else if (bh.bytes == 4) {
        // Has alpha
        for (quint32 y = 0; y < bh.height; ++y) {
            QRgb* pixels = reinterpret_cast<QRgb*>( pattern.scanLine(y) );
            for (quint32 x = 0; x < bh.width; ++x) {
                if (k + 4 > dataSize) {
                    qWarning() << "failed to load RGB + Alpha pattern" << filename();
                    return false;

                pixels[x] = qRgba(data[k],
                                  data[k + 1],
                                  data[k + 2],
                                  data[k + 3]);
                k += 4;
    } else {
        return false;

    if (pattern.isNull()) {
        return false;


    return true;