Пример #1
int mathClipInt(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c;
	double lo, hi;
	int err;

	a = g->sp - 2;
	b = g->sp - 1;
	c = g->sp;

	if (IsSym(b)) {
		*a = *b;
	} else if (IsSym(c)) {
		*a = *c;
	} else if (IsInt(b) && IsInt(c)) {
		SetRaw(a, sc_clip(slotRawInt(a), slotRawInt(b), slotRawInt(c)));
	} else {
		err = slotDoubleVal(b, &lo);
		if (err) return err;
		err = slotDoubleVal(c, &hi);
		if (err) return err;
		SetFloat(a, sc_clip((double)slotRawInt(a), lo, hi));
	return errNone;
Пример #2
SCErr meth_b_fill(World *inWorld, int inSize, char *inData, ReplyAddress* /*inReply*/)
	sc_msg_iter msg(inSize, inData);
	int bufindex = msg.geti();
	SndBuf* buf = World_GetBuf(inWorld, bufindex);
	if (!buf) return kSCErr_Failed;

	float *data = buf->data;
	int numSamples = buf->samples;

	while (msg.remain() >= 12)
		int32 start = msg.geti();
		int32 n = msg.geti();
		float32 value = msg.getf();
		int32 end = start+n-1;

		if (end < 0 || start >= numSamples) continue;

		start = sc_clip(start, 0, numSamples-1);
		end   = sc_clip(end,   0, numSamples-1);

		for (int i=start; i<=end; ++i) data[i] = value;

	return kSCErr_None;
Пример #3
SCErr meth_c_fill(World *inWorld, int inSize, char *inData, ReplyAddress* /*inReply*/)
	sc_msg_iter msg(inSize, inData);

	float *data = inWorld->mControlBus;
	int32 *touched = inWorld->mControlBusTouched;
	int32 bufCounter = inWorld->mBufCounter;
	int maxIndex = inWorld->mNumControlBusChannels;

	while (msg.remain() >= 12)
		int32 start = msg.geti();
		int32 n = msg.geti();
		float32 value = msg.getf();
		int32 end = start+n-1;

		if (end < 0 || start >= maxIndex) continue;

		start = sc_clip(start, 0, maxIndex-1);
		end   = sc_clip(end,   0, maxIndex-1);

		for (int i=start; i<=end; ++i) {
			data[i] = value;
			touched[i] = bufCounter;

	return kSCErr_None;
Пример #4
int initMIDI(int numIn, int numOut)
	numIn = sc_clip(numIn, 1, kMaxMidiPorts);
	numOut = sc_clip(numOut, 1, kMaxMidiPorts);

	int enc = kCFStringEncodingMacRoman;
	CFAllocatorRef alloc = CFAllocatorGetDefault();

	CFStringRef clientName = CFStringCreateWithCString(alloc, "SuperCollider", enc);

	OSStatus err = MIDIClientCreate(clientName, midiNotifyProc, nil, &gMIDIClient);
	if (err) {
		post("Could not create MIDI client. error %d\n", err);
		return errFailed;

	for (int i=0; i<numIn; ++i) {
		char str[32];
		sprintf(str, "in%d\n", i);
		CFStringRef inputPortName = CFStringCreateWithCString(alloc, str, enc);

		err = MIDIInputPortCreate(gMIDIClient, inputPortName, midiReadProc, &i, gMIDIInPort+i);
		if (err) {
			gNumMIDIInPorts = i;
			post("Could not create MIDI port %s. error %d\n", str, err);
			return errFailed;

	/*int n = MIDIGetNumberOfSources();
	printf("%d sources\n", n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		MIDIEndpointRef src = MIDIGetSource(i);
		MIDIPortConnectSource(inPort, src, NULL);

	gNumMIDIInPorts = numIn;

	for (int i=0; i<numOut; ++i) {
		char str[32];
		sprintf(str, "out%d\n", i);
		CFStringRef outputPortName = CFStringCreateWithCString(alloc, str, enc);

		err = MIDIOutputPortCreate(gMIDIClient, outputPortName, gMIDIOutPort+i);
		if (err) {
			gNumMIDIOutPorts = i;
			post("Could not create MIDI out port. error %d\n", err);
			return errFailed;

	gNumMIDIOutPorts = numOut;
	return errNone;
Пример #5
int prSpeakText(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed){

	OSErr theErr = noErr;
	PyrSlot *obj = g->sp-2;
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp-1;
	PyrSlot *str = g->sp;

	int chan;

	slotIntVal(a, &chan);
	chan = sc_clip(chan, 0, kMaxSpeechChannels);
	if(speechStrings[chan] != NULL) {
		post("voice %i already speaking\n", chan);
		return errNone;
	} else {
//	speechStrings[chan] = (char*)pyr_pool_compile->Alloc((a->uo->size + 1)* sizeof(char));
	speechStrings[chan] = (char*) malloc((str->uo->size + 1)* sizeof(char));

	slotStrVal(str, speechStrings[chan], str->uo->size+1);

	//if(!fCurSpeechChannel) theErr = NewSpeechChannel( NULL, &fCurSpeechChannel );
	theErr = SpeakText( fCurSpeechChannel[chan], speechStrings[chan], strlen(speechStrings[chan]));
	//should be freed only after the text was spoken!
//	todo move this bit to the callback!
//	pyr_pool_compile->Free(theTextToSpeak);
	return errNone;
Пример #6
int prHIDBuildElementList(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)

	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2; //class
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; //locID device
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp; //array

	int locID;
	int err = slotIntVal(b, &locID);
	if (err) return err;
	//look for the right device:
    pRecDevice  pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetFirstDevice ();
	while (pCurrentHIDDevice && (pCurrentHIDDevice->locID !=locID))
        pCurrentHIDDevice = HIDGetNextDevice (pCurrentHIDDevice);
	if(!pCurrentHIDDevice) return errFailed;

	pRecElement	devElement =  HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeAll );
	UInt32 numElements = HIDCountDeviceElements (pCurrentHIDDevice, kHIDElementTypeAll );

//		PyrObject* devAllElementsArray = newPyrArray(g->gc, numElements * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
		PyrObject *devAllElementsArray = c->uo;
//		post("numElements: %d\n", numElements);
		numElements = sc_clip(numElements, 0, devAllElementsArray->size);
		for(uint i=0; i<numElements; i++){
				char cstrElementName [256];
				PyrObject* devElementArray = newPyrArray(g->gc, 8 * sizeof(PyrObject), 0 , true);
				// type name (1)
				HIDGetTypeName((IOHIDElementType) devElement->type, cstrElementName);
				PyrString *devstring = newPyrString(g->gc, cstrElementName, 0, true);
				SetObject(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, devstring);
				//g->gc->GCWrite(devElementArray, (PyrObject*) devstring);
				//usage (2)
				HIDGetUsageName (devElement->usagePage, devElement->usage, cstrElementName);
				PyrString *usestring = newPyrString(g->gc, cstrElementName, 0, true);
				SetObject(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, usestring);
				//g->gc->GCWrite(devElementArray, (PyrObject*) usestring);
				//cookie (3)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->cookie);
				// min (4)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->min);
				// max (5)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->max);

				// IO type as int: (6)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (int) devElement->type);
				// Usage page as int: (7)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->usagePage);
				// Usage type as int: (8)
				SetInt(devElementArray->slots+devElementArray->size++, (long) devElement->usage);

				SetObject(devAllElementsArray->slots+i, devElementArray);
				//g->gc->GCWrite(devAllElementsArray, (PyrObject*) devElementArray);
			devElement =  HIDGetNextDeviceElement (devElement, kHIDElementTypeAll);
	SetObject(a, devAllElementsArray);
	return errNone;

Пример #7
long nextPrime(int n)
	// binary search of primes table
	int i, p, lo = 0, hi = NUMPRIMES-1;
	while (hi>=lo) {
		i = (lo + hi) >> 1;
		p = nthPrime(i);
		if (n==p) return i;
		if (n<p) hi = i - 1;
		else lo = i + 1;
	return sc_clip(lo, 0, NUMPRIMES-1);
Пример #8
void FFT_Ctor(FFT *unit)
	int winType = sc_clip((int)ZIN0(3), -1, 1); // wintype may be used by the base ctor
	unit->m_wintype = winType;
	if(!FFTBase_Ctor(unit, 5)){
		// These zeroes are to prevent the dtor freeing things that don't exist:
		unit->m_inbuf = 0;
		unit->m_scfft = 0;
	int audiosize = unit->m_audiosize * sizeof(float);

	int hopsize = (int)(sc_max(sc_min(ZIN0(2), 1.f), 0.f) * unit->m_audiosize);
	if (hopsize < unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength) {
		Print("FFT_Ctor: hopsize smaller than SC's block size (%i) - automatically corrected.\n", hopsize, unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength);
		hopsize = unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength;
	} else if (((int)(hopsize / unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength)) * unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength
				!= hopsize) {
		Print("FFT_Ctor: hopsize (%i) not an exact multiple of SC's block size (%i) - automatically corrected.\n", hopsize, unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength);
		hopsize = ((int)(hopsize / unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength)) * unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength;
	unit->m_hopsize = hopsize;
	unit->m_shuntsize = unit->m_audiosize - hopsize;

	unit->m_inbuf = (float*)RTAlloc(unit->mWorld, audiosize);

	SCWorld_Allocator alloc(ft, unit->mWorld);
	unit->m_scfft = scfft_create(unit->m_fullbufsize, unit->m_audiosize, (SCFFT_WindowFunction)unit->m_wintype, unit->m_inbuf,
								 unit->m_fftsndbuf->data, kForward, alloc);

	if (!unit->m_scfft) {

	memset(unit->m_inbuf, 0, audiosize);

	//Print("FFT_Ctor: hopsize %i, shuntsize %i, bufsize %i, wintype %i, \n",
	//	unit->m_hopsize, unit->m_shuntsize, unit->m_bufsize, unit->m_wintype);

	if (INRATE(1) == calc_FullRate) {
		unit->m_numSamples = unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength;
	} else {
		unit->m_numSamples = 1;

static void SC_LinuxSetRealtimePriority(pthread_t thread, int priority)
	int policy;
	struct sched_param param;

	pthread_getschedparam(thread, &policy, &param);

	policy = SCHED_FIFO;
	const int minprio = sched_get_priority_min(policy);
	const int maxprio = sched_get_priority_max(policy);
	param.sched_priority = sc_clip(priority, minprio, maxprio);

	int err = pthread_setschedparam(thread, policy, &param);
	if (err != 0) {
		post("Couldn't set realtime scheduling priority %d: %s\n",
			 param.sched_priority, strerror(err));
Пример #10
void set_real_time_priority(pthread_t thread)
	int policy;
	struct sched_param param;

	pthread_getschedparam (thread, &policy, &param);
#ifdef __linux__
	policy = SCHED_FIFO;
	const char* env = getenv("SC_SCHED_PRIO");
	// jack uses a priority of 10 in realtime mode, so this is a good default
	const int defprio = 5;
	const int minprio = sched_get_priority_min(policy);
	const int maxprio = sched_get_priority_max(policy);
	const int prio = env ? atoi(env) : defprio;
	param.sched_priority = sc_clip(prio, minprio, maxprio);
	policy = SCHED_RR;         // round-robin, AKA real-time scheduling
	param.sched_priority = 63; // you'll have to play with this to see what it does
	pthread_setschedparam (thread, policy, &param);
Пример #11
void RedPhasor_next_kk(RedPhasor *unit, int inNumSamples) {
	float *out= ZOUT(0);
	float in= ZIN0(0);
	float rate= sc_max(0, ZIN0(1));
	double start= ZIN0(2);
	double end= ZIN0(3);
	float loop= ZIN0(4);
	float previn= unit->m_previn;
	double level= unit->mLevel;
	if((previn<=0.f)&&(in>0.f)) {
		level= start;
	if(loop<=0.f) {										//kk off
		if(end<start) {
				ZXP(out)= level;
				level-= rate;
				level= sc_clip(level, end, start);
		} else {
Пример #12
void IFFT_Ctor(IFFT* unit){
	int winType = sc_clip((int)ZIN0(1), -1, 1); // wintype may be used by the base ctor
	unit->m_wintype = winType;

	if(!FFTBase_Ctor(unit, 2)){
		// These zeroes are to prevent the dtor freeing things that don't exist:
		unit->m_olabuf = 0;

	// This will hold the transformed and progressively overlap-added data ready for outputting.
	unit->m_olabuf = (float*)RTAlloc(unit->mWorld, unit->m_audiosize * sizeof(float));
	memset(unit->m_olabuf, 0, unit->m_audiosize * sizeof(float));

	SCWorld_Allocator alloc(ft, unit->mWorld);
	unit->m_scfft = scfft_create(unit->m_fullbufsize, unit->m_audiosize, (SCFFT_WindowFunction)unit->m_wintype, unit->m_fftsndbuf->data,
								 unit->m_fftsndbuf->data, kBackward, alloc);

	if (!unit->m_scfft) {
		unit->m_olabuf = 0;

	// "pos" will be reset to zero when each frame comes in. Until then, the following ensures silent output at first:
	unit->m_pos = 0; //unit->m_audiosize;

	if (unit->mCalcRate == calc_FullRate) {
		unit->m_numSamples = unit->mWorld->mFullRate.mBufLength;
	} else {
		unit->m_numSamples = 1;

	ClearUnitOutputs(unit, 1);
Пример #13
int prString_FindRegexp(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	int err;

	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2; // source string
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; // pattern
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;     // offset

	if (!isKindOfSlot(b, class_string) || (NotInt(c))) return errWrongType;
//	post("prString_FindRegexp\n");
	int maxfind = MAXREGEXFIND;
	int offset = slotRawInt(c);
	int stringsize = slotRawObject(a)->size + 1;
	int patternsize =  slotRawObject(b)->size + 1;
	char *string = (char*)malloc(slotRawObject(a)->size + 1);
	err = slotStrVal(a, string, slotRawObject(a)->size + 1);
	if (err){
		return err;
	char *pattern = (char*)malloc(slotRawObject(b)->size + 1);
	err = slotStrVal(b, pattern, slotRawObject(b)->size + 1);
	if (err) return err;
	UParseError uerr;
	UErrorCode status = (UErrorCode)0;
	UChar *regexStr;
	UChar *ustring;

	regexStr =  (UChar*)malloc((patternsize)*sizeof(UChar));
	u_charsToUChars (pattern, regexStr, patternsize);

	ustring =  (UChar*)malloc((stringsize)*sizeof(UChar));
	u_charsToUChars (string+offset, ustring, stringsize-offset);

	unsigned flags = UREGEX_MULTILINE;
	int groupNumber = 0;
	SCRegExRegion * what;
	int indx = 0;
	int size = 0;

	URegularExpression *expression = uregex_open(regexStr, -1, flags, &uerr, &status);
	if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;

	 if(!U_FAILURE(status)) {
		uregex_setText(expression, ustring, -1, &status);
		what =  (SCRegExRegion*)malloc((maxfind)*sizeof(SCRegExRegion));
		for(int i=0; i< maxfind; i++)
			SCRegExRegion range;
			range.matched = false;
			what[i] = range;

		int32_t groups = uregex_groupCount(expression, &status) + 1;
		if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;
//		post("groups: %i\n", groups);
		while (uregex_findNext(expression, &status) && size<maxfind)
			if(U_FAILURE(status)) return errNone;

			for(int i=0; i< groups; ++i){
				what[size].group = i;
				what[size].start = sc_clip(uregex_start(expression, i, &status), 0, stringsize) ;
				if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;
				what[size].end = sc_clip(uregex_end(expression, i, &status), 0, stringsize);
				what[size].matched = true;
//				post("index:%i, size:%i, start %i, end %i\n", i, size, what[i].start, what[i].end);
				size = indx++ + 1;
				if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;

		PyrObject *result_array = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, true);
		result_array->size = 0;

		if (size>0) //(matched)
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				if (what[0].matched == false)

					int match_start =  what[i].start;
					int match_length = what[i].end -  what[i].start;
//					post("for i:%i, start %i, end %i\n",  i, what[i].start,  what[i].end);
//					char *match = (char*)malloc(match_length);
					char match[match_length];

					strncpy(match, string + offset + match_start, match_length);
					match[match_length] = 0;
					PyrObject *array = newPyrArray(g->gc, 2, 0, true);
					array->size = 2;
					SetInt(array->slots, match_start + offset);

					PyrObject *matched_string = (PyrObject*)newPyrString(g->gc, match, 0, true);
					SetObject(array->slots+1, matched_string);
					g->gc->GCWrite(matched_string, array->slots + 1);

					SetObject(result_array->slots + i, array);
					g->gc->GCWrite(array, result_array->slots + i);
		SetObject(a, result_array);
		return errNone;

			return errNone;
Пример #14
void SVF_next(SVF *unit, int inNumSamples)
    float *out = OUT(0);
    float *in  = IN(0);
    float cutoff     = IN0(1);
    float resonance  = IN0(2);
    float lowlevel   = IN0(3);
    float bandlevel  = IN0(4);
    float highlevel  = IN0(5);
    float notchlevel = IN0(6);
    float peaklevel  = IN0(7);
//    float drive      = IN0(8);

    cutoff	= sc_clip(cutoff, 20.f, SAMPLERATE);
    resonance	= sc_clip(resonance, 0.f, 1.f);
    lowlevel	= sc_clip(lowlevel, 0.f, 1.f);
    bandlevel	= sc_clip(bandlevel, 0.f, 1.f);
    highlevel	= sc_clip(highlevel, 0.f, 1.f);
    notchlevel	= sc_clip(notchlevel, 0.f, 1.f);
    peaklevel 	= sc_clip(peaklevel, 0.f, 1.f);
//    drive	= sc_clip(drive, 0.f, 1.f) * 0.1;

    float m_freq, m_damp;

    if (cutoff != unit->m_cutoff || resonance != unit->m_resonance) {
	unit->m_cutoff = cutoff;
	unit->m_resonance = resonance;
	unit->m_freq = m_freq = (float)(2.f * sin(pi * sc_min(0.25, cutoff / (SAMPLERATE * 2.f))));
	unit->m_damp = m_damp = sc_min(2.0 * (1.0 - pow(resonance, 0.25f)), (double)sc_min(2.f, 2.f / m_freq - m_freq * 0.5f));
    } else {
	m_freq = unit->m_freq;
	m_damp = unit->m_damp;

    float input;
    float low;
    float band;
    float high;
    float notch;

    float outPeak;

    float m_notch = unit->m_notch;
    float m_low   = unit->m_low;
    float m_high  = unit->m_high;
    float m_band  = unit->m_band;

    for (long i = 0; i < inNumSamples; ++i)
	    input = in[i];

	    // First iteration
	    m_notch	= input - m_damp * m_band;
	    m_low	= m_low + m_freq * m_band;
	    m_high	= m_notch - m_low;
	    m_band	= m_freq * m_high + m_band;

	    low   = 0.5f * m_low;
	    band  = 0.5f * m_band;
	    high  = 0.5f * m_high;
	    notch = 0.5f * m_notch;
	    outPeak = 0.5f * (m_low - m_high);

	    // Double sampled...
	    m_notch 	= input - m_damp * m_band;
	    m_low 	= m_low + m_freq * m_band;
	    m_high 	= m_notch - m_low;
	    m_band 	= m_freq * m_high + m_band;

	    low   += 0.5f * m_low;
	    band  += 0.5f * m_band;
	    high  += 0.5f * m_high;
	    notch += 0.5f * m_notch;
	    outPeak += 0.5f * (m_low - m_high);

	    out[i] = (low * lowlevel) + (band * bandlevel) + (high * highlevel) + (notch * notchlevel) + (outPeak * peaklevel);

    unit->m_notch = m_notch;
    unit->m_low   = m_low;
    unit->m_high  = m_high;
    unit->m_band  = m_band;
Пример #15
void DWGPlucked2_next(DWGPlucked2 *unit, int inNumSamples)

	float *out = OUT(0);
	float freq = ZIN0(0);
	float amp = ZIN0(1);
	float trig = ZIN0(2);
	float pos = ZIN0(3);

	float c1 = ZIN0(4);
	float c3 = std::max(ZIN0(5),(float)1e-9);
	float *in = IN(6);
	float mistune = ZIN0(8);
	float mp = sc_clip(ZIN0(9),0,1);
	float gc = ZIN0(10);
	float lossdelay = unit->Loss.groupdelay(freq,SAMPLERATE);
	float deltot = SAMPLERATE/freq;
	float del1 = (deltot - lossdelay )*0.5 - 1;

	float freq2 = freq * mistune;
	lossdelay = unit->Loss2.groupdelay(freq2,SAMPLERATE);
	deltot = SAMPLERATE/freq2;
	float del2 = (deltot - lossdelay )*0.5 - 1;

	float PMAS,PMAS2;
	float PMENOS,OUT1,OUT2;
	for (int i=0; i < inNumSamples; ++i)
		PMAS = unit->DWGF[0].delay(del1);
		PMAS2 = unit->Loss.filter(PMAS);
		PMENOS = unit->DWGF[1].delay(del1);
		OUT1 = PMAS + PMAS2;
		PMAS = unit->DWGF2[0].delay(del2);
		PMAS2 = unit->Loss2.filter(PMAS);
		PMENOS = unit->DWGF2[1].delay(del2);
		OUT2 = PMAS + PMAS2;
		out[i] =  OUT1 + OUT2;
Пример #16
	void set_q(double q_)
		q = sc_clip(q_, 0, 1);
		k = 20 * q;
		A = 1 + 0.5*k; // resonance gain compensation