Пример #1
static void sender_process(MSFilter * f)
	SenderData *d = (SenderData *) f->data;
	RtpSession *s = d->session;

	mblk_t *im;
	uint32_t timestamp;

	if (s == NULL){

	if (d->relay_session_id_size>0 && 
		( (f->ticker->time-d->last_rsi_time)>5000 || d->last_rsi_time==0) ) {
		ms_message("relay session id sent in RTCP APP");
		rtp_session_send_rtcp_APP(s,0,"RSID",(const uint8_t *)d->relay_session_id,d->relay_session_id_size);

	while ((im = ms_queue_get(f->inputs[0])) != NULL) {
		mblk_t *header;

		timestamp = get_cur_timestamp(f, mblk_get_timestamp_info(im));
		if (d->skip) {
			send_dtmf(f, d->skip_until-d->dtmf_duration, timestamp);
			d->dtmf_start = FALSE;
			if (!RTP_TIMESTAMP_IS_NEWER_THAN(timestamp, d->skip_until)) {
			d->skip = FALSE;
			d->dtmf = 0;

		if (d->skip == FALSE && d->mute_mic==FALSE){
			int pt = mblk_get_payload_type(im);
			header = rtp_session_create_packet(s, 12, NULL, 0);
			if (pt>0)
				rtp_set_payload_type(header, pt);
			rtp_set_markbit(header, mblk_get_marker_info(im));
			header->b_cont = im;
			rtp_session_sendm_with_ts(s, header, timestamp);

		if (d->dtmf != 0) {
			ms_debug("prepare to send RFC2833 dtmf.");
			d->skip_until = timestamp + d->dtmf_duration;
			d->skip = TRUE;
			d->dtmf_start = TRUE;
Пример #2
static void _sender_process(MSFilter * f)
	SenderData *d = (SenderData *) f->data;
	RtpSession *s = d->session;

	mblk_t *im;
	uint32_t timestamp;

	if (d->relay_session_id_size>0 && 
		( (f->ticker->time-d->last_rsi_time)>5000 || d->last_rsi_time==0) ) {
		ms_message("relay session id sent in RTCP APP");
		rtp_session_send_rtcp_APP(s,0,"RSID",(const uint8_t *)d->relay_session_id,d->relay_session_id_size);

	im = ms_queue_get(f->inputs[0]);
	do {
		mblk_t *header;

		timestamp = get_cur_timestamp(f, im);
		if (d->dtmf != 0 && !d->skip) {
			ms_debug("prepare to send RFC2833 dtmf.");
			d->skip_until = timestamp + d->dtmf_duration;
			d->skip = TRUE;
		if (d->skip) {
			uint32_t origin_ts=d->skip_until-d->dtmf_duration;
			if (RTP_TIMESTAMP_IS_NEWER_THAN(timestamp,d->dtmf_ts_cur)){
				ms_debug("Sending RFC2833 packet, start_timestamp=%u, dtmf_ts_cur=%u",origin_ts,d->dtmf_ts_cur);
				send_dtmf(f, origin_ts);
		if (im){
			if (d->skip == FALSE && d->mute_mic==FALSE){
				header = rtp_session_create_packet(s, 12, NULL, 0);
				rtp_set_markbit(header, mblk_get_marker_info(im));
				header->b_cont = im;
				rtp_session_sendm_with_ts(s, header, timestamp);
	}while ((im = ms_queue_get(f->inputs[0])) != NULL);

	if (d->last_sent_time == -1) {
		if ((d->last_stun_sent_time == -1) || ((f->ticker->time - d->last_stun_sent_time) >= 500)) {
			d->last_stun_sent_time = f->ticker->time;
		if (d->last_stun_sent_time == f->ticker->time) {

Пример #3
static void _sender_process(MSFilter * f)
	SenderData *d = (SenderData *) f->data;
	RtpSession *s = d->session;
	mblk_t *im;
	uint32_t timestamp;

	if (d->relay_session_id_size>0 && 
		( (f->ticker->time-d->last_rsi_time)>5000 || d->last_rsi_time==0) ) {
		ms_message("relay session id sent in RTCP APP");
		rtp_session_send_rtcp_APP(s,0,"RSID",(const uint8_t *)d->relay_session_id,d->relay_session_id_size);

	im = ms_queue_get(f->inputs[0]);
	do {
		mblk_t *header;

		timestamp = get_cur_timestamp(f, im);
		if (d->dtmf != 0 && !d->skip) {
			ms_debug("prepare to send RFC2833 dtmf.");
			d->skip_until = timestamp + d->dtmf_duration;
			d->skip = TRUE;
		if (d->skip) {
			uint32_t origin_ts=d->skip_until-d->dtmf_duration;
			if (RTP_TIMESTAMP_IS_NEWER_THAN(timestamp,d->dtmf_ts_cur)){
				ms_debug("Sending RFC2833 packet, start_timestamp=%u, dtmf_ts_cur=%u",origin_ts,d->dtmf_ts_cur);
				send_dtmf(f, origin_ts);
		if (im){
			if (d->skip == FALSE && d->mute==FALSE){
				header = rtp_session_create_packet(s, 12, NULL, 0);
				rtp_set_markbit(header, mblk_get_marker_info(im));
				header->b_cont = im;
				mblk_meta_copy(im, header);
				rtp_session_sendm_with_ts(s, header, timestamp);
			} else if (d->mute==TRUE && d->skip == FALSE) {
				process_cn(f, d, timestamp, im);
				//Send STUN packet as RTP keep alive
		} else if (d->skip == FALSE) {
			// Send STUN packet as RTP keep alive even if there is no input
	}while ((im = ms_queue_get(f->inputs[0])) != NULL);

	if (d->last_sent_time == -1) {

	/*every second, compute output bandwidth*/
	if (f->ticker->time % 1000 == 0) rtp_session_compute_send_bandwidth(d->session);
Пример #4
 *	\brief		Signal processing
 * 				TODO: Add signal processing modules
 * 				TODO: Add on/off setting for each module
 *	\parameters	
 *	\return		None
void true_voice(tvRxChannels_t rx, tvMicChannels_t mic, tvTxChannels_t tx, tvSpeakerChannels_t ls) {

	//VAD for LMR
	//init Elmr, bSpeechLMR, timer bLMRVadOverride
//	energy_vad(rx.psLmr, &q15Elmr, &bSpeechLMR, &timer_LMR_VAD);
//	if(bLMRVadOverride == true){
//		bSpeechLMR = 1;
//	}
//	if(bSpeechLMR == false){
//		memset(rx.psLmr, 0, sizeof(q15)*BUFLEN_8KHZ);
//	}

//    clock_t t_start, t_stop, t_overhead;
//    t_start = clock();
//    t_stop = clock();
//    t_overhead = t_stop - t_start;
//    t_start = clock();
	/*** Microphone noise reduction ***/
	if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_BS){
		vadSettings.bVadStatus[NOIRED_MIC_CH_TECH] = nr_damp(mic.psTechHeadset, mic.psMicNoise, &nr_status[NOIRED_MIC_CH_TECH], vadSettings.bVadOverride[NOIRED_MIC_CH_TECH], vadSettings.sVadSensitivity[NOIRED_MIC_CH_TECH]);
		vadSettings.bVadStatus[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT] = nr_damp(mic.psPilotHeadset, mic.psMicNoise, &nr_status[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT], vadSettings.bVadOverride[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT], vadSettings.sVadSensitivity[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT]);
	else if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_CA){
		vadSettings.bVadStatus[NOIRED_MIC_CH_TECH] = nr_damp(mic.psTechHeadset, mic.psMicNoise, &nr_status[NOIRED_MIC_CH_TECH], vadSettings.bVadOverride[NOIRED_MIC_CH_TECH], vadSettings.sVadSensitivity[NOIRED_MIC_CH_TECH]);
		vadSettings.bVadStatus[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT] = nr_damp(mic.psPilotHeadset, mic.psMicNoise, &nr_status[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT], vadSettings.bVadOverride[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT], vadSettings.sVadSensitivity[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT]);
	else if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_PT){
		// I think that pilot channel should be input?
		vadSettings.bVadStatus[0] = nr_damp(mic.psTechHeadset, mic.psMicNoise, &nr_status[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT], vadSettings.bVadOverride[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT], vadSettings.sVadSensitivity[NOIRED_MIC_CH_PILOT]);

//    t_stop  = clock();
//	printf("Noise reduction took: %f ms\n", (t_stop-t_start-t_overhead)/300E6*1000); //Enable clock first while in debug: Run->Clock->Enable

	/*** Microphone and LMR channel AGC ***/
	// agc(input buffer, struct with agc settings for this channel)
	agc(mic.psTechHeadset, &agcTech);

	if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_BS || tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_CA){
		agc(mic.psPilotHeadset, &agcPilot);
	if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_BS){
		agc(rx.psLmr, &agcLmr);

	/*** Pilot switch ***/
	// Calculate what state the pilot switch is in (1st tech or CLT).
	pilot_switch(mic.psPilotCable, mic.psPilotCltCable);

	/*** CLT/FTN channels LEC ***/
	//tx.psCltToLine, tx.psFtnToLine is reference signals to be able to cancel the echo
	lec(rx.psClt2wire, rx.psClt4wire, tx.psCltToLine, tx.psFtnToLine, rx.psClt, rx.psFtn);

	/*** Pre mixer ***/
	// Pre mixer of technician and ftn so lec can be made on pilot-technician cable
	// Provide mixer with pointers to audio signals
	pre_mixer_channel_setup(rx, mic, tx, ls);


	/*** Pilot-Tech cable connection LEC ***/
	// insert LEC for pilot Tech Cable connection. Only needed when pilot in aircraft choose
	// to talk to technician i.e when tvSettings.bPilotSwitch = 1.
	// mic.psPilotCable = (Pilot+CLT+1st tech (+FTN)), ls.psPilotMonoCable = 1st tech (+FTN)
	// lec to remove 1st tech (+FTN) from mic.psPilotCable
	if (tvSettings.bPilotSwitch){
		lec_aircraft_cable(mic.psPilotCable, ls.psPilotMonoCable);

	/*** DTMF tones ***/
	// Send to line only on BS. Send to LS on PT as well?
	if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_BS){
		send_dtmf(DTMFset.psDTMFbuffer,DTMFqueue, &DTMFset);
		send_dtmf(DTMFsetLs.psDTMFbuffer,DTMFqueueLs, &DTMFsetLs);
	} else if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_PT){
		send_dtmf(DTMFsetLs.psDTMFbuffer,DTMFqueueLs, &DTMFsetLs);
	/*** Channel mixer ***/
	// Create pilot microphone signals from the processed headset signal or from one of the aircraft cables. Output to rx.psPilot (not on PT)
	pilot_channel_selection(mic.psPilotHeadset, mic.psPilotCable, mic.psPilotCltCable, rx.psPilot);

	// Provide mixer with pointers to audio signals
	mixer_channel_setup(rx, mic, tx, ls);
	// Creates mono output speaker signals and five channels that serve as input to directive audio. Line output signals are also created

	/*** Directive audio ***/
	// Create stereo signal from the five channels created in mixer()
	directive_audio(ls.psTechLeft, ls.psTechRight);

	/*** Volume and limiter adjustment on LS ***/
	// Add side tone, dtmf and MMI (since it has a fixed volume setting)
	if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_PT) {
		// volume damping ls channels
		volume(ls.psTechLeft,  volumeSet.q15volumeTech);
		volume(ls.psTechRight, volumeSet.q15volumeTech);

		// volume damping sidetone, DTMF and MMI
		volume(rx.psMmiSounds, volumeSet.q15volumeMMI);
		volume(mic.psTechHeadset, volumeSet.q15volumeTechSidetone);
		volume(DTMFsetLs.psDTMFbuffer, volumeSet.q15volumeDTMF);

		// Add sidetone, dtmf and MMI to ls signal
		//TODO: Dtmf only if first tech. But empty if not making a call so maybe this is ok?
		add_sidetone_dtmf_mmi(mic.psTechHeadset,DTMFsetLs.psDTMFbuffer,rx.psMmiSounds, ls.psTechLeft, &limiterLsLeft);
		add_sidetone_dtmf_mmi(mic.psTechHeadset,DTMFsetLs.psDTMFbuffer,rx.psMmiSounds, ls.psTechRight, &limiterLsRight);

	} else if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_BS) {
		// volume damping ls channels
		volume(ls.psTechMono,  volumeSet.q15volumeTech);
		volume(ls.psPilotMono, volumeSet.q15volumePilot);

		// volume damping sidetone, dtmf and mmi
		volume(rx.psPilot, volumeSet.q15volumePilotSidetone);
		volume(rx.psMmiSounds, volumeSet.q15volumeMMI);
		volume(mic.psTechHeadset, volumeSet.q15volumeTechSidetone);
		volume(DTMFsetLs.psDTMFbuffer, volumeSet.q15volumeDTMF);

		// Add sidetone, dtmf and mmi to ls signal

		add_sidetone_dtmf_mmi(mic.psTechHeadset,DTMFsetLs.psDTMFbuffer,rx.psMmiSounds, ls.psTechMono, &limiterLsTechMono);
		// rx.psPilot should only be put in ls.psPilotMono if pilot is connected with headset to CA/BS.
		// If connected with aircraft cable No sidetone and MMI and DTMF should be generated.
		if (tvSettings.bPilotConnection == HEADSET) {
			add_sidetone_dtmf_mmi(rx.psPilot,DTMFsetLs.psDTMFbuffer, rx.psMmiSounds, ls.psPilotMono, &limiterLsPilotMono);

	} else if(tvSettings.platform == TV_CONFIG_CA) {
		// volume damping ls
		volume(ls.psTechLeft,  volumeSet.q15volumeTech);
		volume(ls.psTechRight, volumeSet.q15volumeTech);
		volume(ls.psPilotMono, volumeSet.q15volumePilot);

		// volume damping sidetone
		volume(rx.psPilot, volumeSet.q15volumePilotSidetone);
		volume(rx.psMmiSounds, volumeSet.q15volumeMMI);
		volume(mic.psTechHeadset, volumeSet.q15volumeTechSidetone);

		// Add sidetone and mmi to ls signal
		add_sidetone_mmi(mic.psTechHeadset, rx.psMmiSounds, ls.psTechLeft, &limiterLsLeft_CA);
		add_sidetone_mmi(mic.psTechHeadset, rx.psMmiSounds, ls.psTechRight, &limiterLsRight_CA);
		// rx.psPilot should only be put in ls.psPilotMono if pilot is connected with headset to CA/BS.
		// If connected with aircraft cable No sidetone and MMI and DTMF should be generated.
		if (tvSettings.bPilotConnection == HEADSET) {
			add_sidetone_mmi(rx.psPilot, rx.psMmiSounds, ls.psPilotMono, &limiterLsPilotMono_CA);

