Пример #1
	void exec( ) throw( general_error )
		//if ( 0 >= load_library("typelib") ) throw exec_error( "tcsgeneric_solar", util::format("could not load the tcs type library.") );

		//bool debug_mode = (__DEBUG__ == 1);  // When compiled in VS debug mode, this will use the trnsys weather file; otherwise, it will attempt to open the file with name that was passed in
		// type260_genericsolar uses 'poa_beam' from the weather reader, which is not available from a "trnsys_weatherreader", so this must be set to false
		bool debug_mode = false;

		//Add weather file reader unit
		int weather = 0;
		if(debug_mode) weather = add_unit("trnsys_weatherreader", "TRNSYS weather reader");
		else weather = add_unit("weatherreader", "TCS weather reader");
		// Add time-of-use reader
		int	tou = add_unit("tou_translator", "Time of Use Translator");
		//Add Physical Solar Field Model
		int	type260_genericsolar = add_unit( "sam_mw_gen_type260", "Generic solar model" );

			set_unit_value( weather, "file_name", "C:/svn_NREL/main/ssc/tcsdata/typelib/TRNSYS_weather_outputs/tucson_trnsys_weather.out" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_hour", "TIME" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_month", "month" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_day", "day" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_global", "GlobalHorizontal" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_beam", "DNI" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_diff", "DiffuseHorizontal" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_tdry", "T_dry" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_twet", "T_wet" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_tdew", "T_dew" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_wspd", "WindSpeed" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_wdir", "WindDir" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_rhum", "RelHum" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_pres", "AtmPres" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_snow", "SnowCover" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_albedo", "GroundAlbedo" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_poa", "POA" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_solazi", "Azimuth" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_solzen", "Zenith" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_lat", "Latitude" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_lon", "Longitude" );
			set_unit_value( weather, "i_shift", "Shift" );
			//Set weatherreader parameters
			set_unit_value_ssc_string( weather, "file_name" );
			set_unit_value_ssc_double( weather, "track_mode" );    //, 1 );
			set_unit_value_ssc_double( weather, "tilt" );          //, 0 );
			set_unit_value_ssc_double( weather, "azimuth" );       //, 0 );

		set_unit_value_ssc_matrix(tou, "weekday_schedule"); // tou values from control will be between 1 and 9
		set_unit_value_ssc_matrix(tou, "weekend_schedule");

		//Set parameters
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "latitude" ); //, 35);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "longitude" ); //, -117);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "istableunsorted");
		set_unit_value_ssc_matrix(type260_genericsolar, "OpticalTable" ); //, opt_data);
        //set_unit_value_ssc_matrix(type260_genericsolar, "OpticalTableUns" );
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "timezone" ); //, -8);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "theta_stow" ); //, 170);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "theta_dep" ); //, 10);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "interp_arr" ); //, 1);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "rad_type" ); //, 1);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "solarm" ); //, solarm);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "T_sfdes" ); //, T_sfdes);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "irr_des" ); //, irr_des);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "eta_opt_soil" ); //, eta_opt_soil);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "eta_opt_gen" ); //, eta_opt_gen);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_sfhl_ref" ); //, f_sfhl_ref);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "sfhlQ_coefs" ); //, [1,-0.1,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "sfhlT_coefs" ); //, [1,0.005,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "sfhlV_coefs" ); //, [1,0.01,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "qsf_des" ); //, q_sf);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "w_des" ); //, w_gr_des);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "eta_des" ); //, eta_cycle_des);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_wmax" ); //, 1.05);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_wmin" ); //, 0.25);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_startup" ); //, 0.2);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "eta_lhv" ); //, 0.9);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "etaQ_coefs" ); //, [0.9,0.1,0,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "etaT_coefs" ); //, [1,-0.002,0,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "T_pcdes" ); //, 21);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "PC_T_corr" ); //, 1);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_Wpar_fixed" ); //, f_Wpar_fixed);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_Wpar_prod" ); //, f_Wpar_prod);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "Wpar_prodQ_coefs" ); //, [1,0,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "Wpar_prodT_coefs" ); //, [1,0,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "Wpar_prodD_coefs" ); //, [1,0,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "hrs_tes" ); //, hrs_tes);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_charge" ); //, 0.98);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_disch" ); //, 0.98);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_etes_0" ); //, 0.1);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "f_teshl_ref" ); //, 0.35);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "teshlX_coefs" ); //, [1,0,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "teshlT_coefs" ); //, [1,0,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "ntod" ); //, 9);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "disws" ); //, [0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "diswos" ); //, [0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "qdisp" ); //, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "fdisp" ); //, [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
        set_unit_value_ssc_matrix(type260_genericsolar, "exergy_table" );
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "storage_config"); //Direct storage=0,Indirect storage=1

		//Set the initial values
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "ibn" ); //, 0.);	//Beam-normal (DNI) irradiation
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "ibh" ); //, 0.);	//	Beam-horizontal irradiation
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "itoth" ); //, 0.);	//	Total horizontal irradiation
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "tdb" ); //, 15.);	//	Ambient dry-bulb temperature
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "twb" ); //, 10.);	//	Ambient wet-bulb temperature
        set_unit_value_ssc_double(type260_genericsolar, "vwind" ); //, 1.);	//	Wind velocity

		// Connect the units
		bool bConnected = connect(weather, "beam", type260_genericsolar, "ibn");
		bConnected &= connect(weather, "global", type260_genericsolar, "itoth");
		bConnected &= connect(weather, "poa_beam", type260_genericsolar, "ibh");
		bConnected &= connect(weather, "tdry", type260_genericsolar, "tdb");
		bConnected &= connect(weather, "twet", type260_genericsolar, "twb");
		bConnected &= connect(weather, "wspd", type260_genericsolar, "vwind");
		bConnected &= connect(weather, "lat", type260_genericsolar, "latitude");
		bConnected &= connect(weather, "lon", type260_genericsolar, "longitude");
		bConnected &= connect(weather, "tz", type260_genericsolar, "timezone");
		bConnected &= connect(tou, "tou_value", type260_genericsolar, "TOUPeriod");

		// Example for changing an input variable name in the SSC interface
		// set_unit_value( u3, "m_dot_htf", as_double("m_dot_htf_init") );

		// check if all connections worked
		if ( !bConnected )
			throw exec_error( "tcsgeneric_solar", util::format("there was a problem connecting outputs of one unit to inputs of another for the simulation.") );
        size_t hours = 8760;

        //Load the solar field adjustment factors
        sf_adjustment_factors sf_haf(this);
        if (!sf_haf.setup())
			throw exec_error("tcsgeneric_solar", "failed to setup sf adjustment factors: " + sf_haf.error());
        //allocate array to pass to tcs
        ssc_number_t *sf_adjust = allocate("sf_adjust", hours);
        for( size_t i=0; i<hours; i++)
            sf_adjust[i] = sf_haf(i);
        set_unit_value_ssc_array(type260_genericsolar, "sf_adjust");

		// Run simulation
		if (0 > simulate(3600.0, hours*3600.0, 3600.0) )
			throw exec_error( "tcsgeneric_solar", util::format("there was a problem simulating in tcsgeneric_solar.") );

		// get the outputs
		if (!set_all_output_arrays() )
			throw exec_error( "tcsgeneric_solar", util::format("there was a problem returning the results from the simulation.") );

		// annual accumulations
		size_t count = 0;
		ssc_number_t *enet = as_array("enet", &count);
		if (!enet || count != 8760)
			throw exec_error("tcsgeneric_solar", "Failed to retrieve hourly net energy");

		adjustment_factors haf(this, "adjust");
		if (!haf.setup())
			throw exec_error("tcsgeneric_solar", "failed to setup adjustment factors: " + haf.error());

		ssc_number_t *hourly = allocate("gen", count);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
			hourly[i] = enet[i] * 1000 * haf(i); // convert from MWh to kWh

		accumulate_annual("gen",        "annual_energy");
		accumulate_annual("w_gr",                 "annual_w_gr",1000); // convert from MWh to kWh
		accumulate_annual("q_sf",                 "annual_q_sf");
		accumulate_annual("q_to_pb",              "annual_q_to_pb");
		accumulate_annual("q_to_tes",             "annual_q_to_tes");
		accumulate_annual("q_from_tes",           "annual_q_from_tes");
		accumulate_annual("q_hl_sf",              "annual_q_hl_sf");
		accumulate_annual("q_hl_tes",             "annual_q_hl_tes");
		accumulate_annual("q_dump_tot",           "annual_q_dump_tot");
		accumulate_annual("q_startup",            "annual_q_startup");
		double fuel_MWht = accumulate_annual("q_fossil",             "annual_q_fossil");

		// monthly accumulations
		accumulate_monthly("gen",       "monthly_energy");
		accumulate_monthly("w_gr",                "monthly_w_gr",1000); // convert from MWh to kWh
		accumulate_monthly("q_sf",                "monthly_q_sf");
		accumulate_monthly("q_to_pb",             "monthly_q_to_pb");
		accumulate_monthly("q_to_tes",            "monthly_q_to_tes");
		accumulate_monthly("q_from_tes",          "monthly_q_from_tes");
		accumulate_monthly("q_hl_sf",             "monthly_q_hl_sf");
		accumulate_monthly("q_hl_tes",            "monthly_q_hl_tes");
		accumulate_monthly("q_dump_tot",          "monthly_q_dump_tot");
		accumulate_monthly("q_startup",           "monthly_q_startup");
		accumulate_monthly("q_fossil",            "monthly_q_fossil");

		ssc_number_t ae = as_number("annual_energy");
		ssc_number_t pg = as_number("annual_w_gr");
		ssc_number_t convfactor = (pg != 0) ? 100 * ae / pg : 0;
		assign("conversion_factor", convfactor);

		// metric outputs moved to technology
		double kWhperkW = 0.0;
		double nameplate = as_double("system_capacity");
		double annual_energy = 0.0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 8760; i++)
			annual_energy += hourly[i];
		if (nameplate > 0) kWhperkW = annual_energy / nameplate;
		assign("capacity_factor", var_data((ssc_number_t)(kWhperkW / 87.6)));
		assign("kwh_per_kw", var_data((ssc_number_t)kWhperkW));

		assign("system_heat_rate", (ssc_number_t)3.413); // samsim tcsgeneric_solar
		assign("annual_fuel_usage", var_data((ssc_number_t)(fuel_MWht * 1000.0)));

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int rc;
    int num_tasks;
    int task_id;
    double *old, *current, *next, *ret;
    int t_max, i_max;
    double time;

    rc = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); // Initialize MPI runtime
    if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) { // Check for success
        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set up MPI\n");
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rc); // Abort MPI runtime

    /* Parse commandline args */
    if (argc < 3) {
        printf("Usage: %s i_max t_max num_threads [initial_data]\n", argv[0]);
        printf(" - i_max: number of discrete amplitude points, should be >2\n");
        printf(" - t_max: number of discrete timesteps, should be >=1\n");
        printf(" - num_threads: number of threads to use for simulation, "
                "should be >=1\n");
        printf(" - initial_data: select what data should be used for the first "
                "two generation.\n");
        printf("   Available options are:\n");
        printf("    * sin: one period of the sinus function at the start.\n");
        printf("    * sinfull: entire data is filled with the sinus.\n");
        printf("    * gauss: a single gauss-function at the start.\n");
        printf("    * file <2 filenames>: allows you to specify a file with on "
                "each line a float for both generations.\n");

        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    i_max = atoi(argv[1]);
    t_max = atoi(argv[2]);

    if (i_max < 3) {
        printf("argument error: i_max should be >2.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (t_max < 1) {
        printf("argument error: t_max should be >=1.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (task_id == 0) {

    /* Get MPI rankings */
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_tasks);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &task_id);

    /* Scale i_max to the number of threads
     * with halo cells in mind(left and right) */
    i_max = (i_max/num_tasks) + 2;

    /* Allocate and initialize buffers. */
    old = malloc(i_max * sizeof(double));
    current = malloc(i_max * sizeof(double));
    next = malloc(i_max * sizeof(double));

    if (old == NULL || current == NULL || next == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate enough memory, aborting.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    memset(old, 0, i_max * sizeof(double));
    memset(current, 0, i_max * sizeof(double));
    memset(next, 0, i_max * sizeof(double));

    /* How should we will our first two generations? This is determined by the
     * optional further commandline arguments.
    if (argc > 3) {
        if (strcmp(argv[3], "sin") == 0) {
            fill(old, 1, i_max/4, 0, 2*3.14, num_tasks, task_id, sin);
            fill(current, 2, i_max/4, 0, 2*3.14, num_tasks, task_id, sin);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[3], "sinfull") == 0) {
            fill(old, 1, i_max-2, 0, 10*3.14, num_tasks, task_id, sin);
            fill(current, 2, i_max-3, 0, 10*3.14, num_tasks, task_id, sin);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[3], "gauss") == 0) {
            fill(old, 1, i_max/4, -3, 3, num_tasks, task_id, gauss);
            fill(current, 2, i_max/4, -3, 3, num_tasks, task_id, gauss);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[3], "file") == 0) {
            if (argc < 6) {
                printf("No files specified!\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            file_read_double_array(argv[4], old, i_max);
            file_read_double_array(argv[5], current, i_max);
        } else {
            printf("Unknown initial mode: %s.\n", argv[3]);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
    } else {
        /* Default to sinus. */
        fill(old, 1, i_max/4, 0, 2*3.14, num_tasks, task_id, sin);
        fill(current, 2, i_max/4, 0, 2*3.14, num_tasks, task_id, sin);

    /* Call the actual simulation that should be implemented in simulate.c. */
    ret = simulate(i_max, t_max, old, current, next, num_tasks, task_id);

    /* If not controlling process, send message that calculation is done  */
    if (!task_id) {
        time = timer_end();
        printf("Took %g seconds\n", time);
        printf("Normalized: %g seconds\n", time / (1. * i_max * t_max));

        /* Write own data */
        file_write_double_array("result.txt", ret+1, i_max-1, "w");

        /* Receive the data from all the other users */
        for (int i = 1; i < num_tasks; i++) {
            MPI_Recv(ret, i_max, MPI_DOUBLE, i, MSG_WRITE, MPI_COMM_WORLD, NULL);
            file_write_double_array("result.txt", ret+1, i_max-1, "a+");

    /* Non-Controller */
    if (task_id) {
        /* Send to controller */
        MPI_Send(ret, i_max, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MSG_WRITE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    fprintf(stderr, "Finalized\n");


    fprintf(stderr, "Done\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  MICROTUBULE_BINDING_DISTANCE = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  ONEBOUND_UNBINDING_FORCE = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

  T = 100;

  int iters = iterations / data_generation_skip_iterations;

  if (argc != 2) {
    printf("Error, TITLE variable must have underscores, not spaces.\n");

  char* f_appended_name = argv[1];
  char *config_fname = new char[200];
  char *movie_config_fname = new char[200];
  char *data_fname = new char[200];

  sprintf(data_fname, "data/onebound_data_%s.bin", f_appended_name);
  sprintf(config_fname, "data/ob_config_%s.txt", f_appended_name);
  sprintf(movie_config_fname, "data/movie_config_%s.txt", f_appended_name);

  write_movie_config(movie_config_fname, iterations*dt);
  write_config_file(config_fname, CONFIG_INCLUDE_SKIPINFO,
		    "Initial state: onebound\nInitial conformation: equilibrium\n");

  void* job_msg[4];
  job_msg[0] = (double*) &iterations;

  double current_time = clock();
  job_msg[1] = &current_time;

  char run_msg[512];
  sprintf(run_msg, "seed = %d", (int) RAND_INIT_SEED);
  job_msg[2] = run_msg;

  int data_fd = open(data_fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
  if (errno) {
    perror("Error creating data file");

  ftruncate(data_fd, iters*sizeof(onebound_data_generate_struct));
  if (errno) {
    perror("Error ftruncating data file");

  void* data_mem = mmap(NULL, iters*sizeof(onebound_data_generate_struct), PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, data_fd, 0);
  if (data_mem == MAP_FAILED) {
    perror("Error using mmap: ");

  job_msg[3] = data_mem;

  onebound_equilibrium_angles eq = onebound_post_powerstroke_internal_angles;
  double init_position[] = {eq.bba,
			    eq.bma + eq.bba - M_PI,
			    eq.ta + eq.bma + eq.bba - M_PI,
			    eq.ta + eq.bma + eq.bba - eq.uma,
			    0, 0};

  simulate(iterations*dt, RAND_INIT_SEED, NEARBOUND, init_position,
	   write_onebound_data_callback_with_avging, job_msg, NULL);

  munmap(data_mem, iters*sizeof(onebound_data_generate_struct));
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    bool sys = 0, plot = 0;
    int mode = 0;
    double duration = 5, republish = 2;
    std::string config_file, out_file;

    Argo a;
    a.addSwitch('s', "system", sys,"Act as system");
    a.addSwitch('p',"plot",plot,"Plot results");
    a.addSwitch('V', "Verbose", verbose,"Verbose");
    a.addDouble('d', "duration", duration,5.0,"Duration of the simulation");
    a.addDouble('T',"period", Ts,0.02,"Period");
    a.addDouble('r', "republish",republish, 0.0,"Republish output after this number of periods");
    a.addInt('m',"mode",mode, 0,"Connection mode (0:TCP, 1:NOD, 2:UDP)");
    a.addString('f', "config", config_file,std::string(getenv("HOME")) + std::string("/.rospacket/controller.yaml"),"Specify config file");
    a.addString('o', "out-file",out_file, "rlc.dat","Specify output file");

    a.process(argc, argv);

    ros::init(argc, argv, "controller", ros::init_options::AnonymousName);
    ros::NodeHandle n;

    std::cerr << "Reading config file " << config_file << std::endl;

        YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile(config_file);

        if (YAML::Node parameter = config["T"]){
            Ts = parameter.as<double>();
        if (YAML::Node parameter = config["R"]){
            R = parameter.as<double>();
        if (YAML::Node parameter = config["L"]){
            L = parameter.as<double>();
        if (YAML::Node parameter = config["C"]){
            C = parameter.as<double>();
        if (YAML::Node parameter = config["K"]){
            K = parameter.as<double>();
        if (YAML::Node parameter = config["size"]){
            size = parameter.as<int>();
        if (YAML::Node parameter = config["mode"]){
            mode = parameter.as<int>();
        std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl;
    }catch(YAML::ParserException &e){
        std::cerr << "Bad file..."<< std::endl;
        std::cerr << "No configuration file...done." << std::endl;

    ros::TransportHints ti;

    if (mode == 2){
        ti = ros::TransportHints().udp();
        std::cerr << "Using UDP" << std::endl;
    }else if(mode == 1){
        ti = ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay();
        std::cerr << "Using NOD" << std::endl;
        ti = ros::TransportHints().tcp();
        std::cerr << "Using TCP" << std::endl;

    if (sys){
        std::cerr << "Acting as system" << std::endl;
        sub = n.subscribe("u", queue_size, command_callback, ti);
        pub = n.advertise<ros_profiling_msgs::Controller>("y", queue_size);
        fd = fopen(out_file.c_str(),"w+");
        std::cerr << "Acting as controller" << std::endl;
        sub = n.subscribe("y", queue_size, output_callback, ti);
        pub = n.advertise<ros_profiling_msgs::Controller>("u", queue_size);

    ros_profiling_msgs::Controller ctrl;
    ctrl.u = ctrl.y = 0;
    ctrl.serial = 1;
    double begin = now();
    bool finished = false;
    while (ros::ok()){

        if (sys){
            if (feedback){
                if (republish>1.0 && now() - last > republish*Ts){
                    std::cerr << "Got Stuck -> republishing 'y'" << std::endl;
                    last = now();
//                    command_callback(last_ctrl);
                if (now() - begin > 1.0){
                    begin = now();
            if (elapsed(begin) > duration) {
                finished = true;

    if (sys){

    if (!plot || !finished){

    std::cerr << "Simulating ("<< duration << " seconds)" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl;

    if (sys){
        Gnuplot gp;
        gp << "plot '-' with lines title 'Raw','-' with lines title 'Adjusted','-' with lines title 'Local'\n";

    return 0;
Пример #5
void TailDrawable::Simulation::update(float dt)
Пример #6
static void
test_stp_main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct test_case *tc;
    FILE *input_file;
    int i;

    vlog_set_pattern(VLF_CONSOLE, "%c|%p|%m");
    vlog_set_levels(NULL, VLF_SYSLOG, VLL_OFF);

    if (argc != 2) {
        ovs_fatal(0, "usage: test-stp INPUT.STP\n");
    file_name = argv[1];

    input_file = fopen(file_name, "r");
    if (!input_file) {
        ovs_fatal(errno, "error opening \"%s\"", file_name);

    tc = new_test_case();
    for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
        char name[2];
        name[0] = 'a' + i;
        name[1] = '\0';
        new_lan(tc, name);

    for (line_number = 1; fgets(line, sizeof line, input_file);
        char *newline, *hash;

        newline = strchr(line, '\n');
        if (newline) {
            *newline = '\0';
        hash = strchr(line, '#');
        if (hash) {
            *hash = '\0';

        pos = line;
        if (!get_token()) {
        if (match("bridge")) {
            struct bridge *bridge;
            int bridge_no, port_no;

            bridge_no = must_get_int();
            if (bridge_no < tc->n_bridges) {
                bridge = tc->bridges[bridge_no];
            } else if (bridge_no == tc->n_bridges) {
                bridge = new_bridge(tc, must_get_int());
            } else {
                err("bridges must be numbered consecutively from 0");
            if (match("^")) {
                stp_set_bridge_priority(bridge->stp, must_get_int());

            if (match("=")) {
                for (port_no = 0; port_no < STP_MAX_PORTS; port_no++) {
                    struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(bridge->stp, port_no);
                    if (!token || match("X")) {
                    } else if (match("_")) {
                        /* Nothing to do. */
                    } else {
                        struct lan *lan;
                        int path_cost;

                        if (!strcmp(token, "0")) {
                            lan = NULL;
                        } else if (strlen(token) == 1
                                && islower((unsigned char)*token)) {
                            lan = tc->lans[*token - 'a'];
                        } else {
                            err("%s is not a valid LAN name "
                                "(0 or a lowercase letter)", token);

                        path_cost = match(":") ? must_get_int() : 10;
                        if (port_no < bridge->n_ports) {
                            stp_port_set_path_cost(p, path_cost);
                            reconnect_port(bridge, port_no, lan);
                        } else if (port_no == bridge->n_ports) {
                            new_port(bridge, lan, path_cost);
                        } else {
                            err("ports must be numbered consecutively");
                        if (match("^")) {
                            stp_port_set_priority(p, must_get_int());
        } else if (match("run")) {
            simulate(tc, must_get_int());
        } else if (match("dump")) {
        } else if (match("tree")) {
        } else if (match("check")) {
            struct bridge *b;
            struct stp *stp;
            int bridge_no, port_no;

            bridge_no = must_get_int();
            if (bridge_no >= tc->n_bridges) {
                err("no bridge numbered %d", bridge_no);
            b = tc->bridges[bridge_no];
            stp = b->stp;


            if (match("rootid")) {
                uint64_t rootid;
                rootid = must_get_int();
                if (match("^")) {
                    rootid |= (uint64_t) must_get_int() << 48;
                } else {
                    rootid |= UINT64_C(0x8000) << 48;
                if (stp_get_designated_root(stp) != rootid) {
                    warn("%s: root %"PRIx64", not %"PRIx64,
                         stp_get_name(stp), stp_get_designated_root(stp),

            if (match("root")) {
                if (stp_get_root_path_cost(stp)) {
                    warn("%s: root path cost of root is %u but should be 0",
                         stp_get_name(stp), stp_get_root_path_cost(stp));
                if (!stp_is_root_bridge(stp)) {
                    warn("%s: root is %"PRIx64", not %"PRIx64,
                         stp_get_designated_root(stp), stp_get_bridge_id(stp));
                for (port_no = 0; port_no < b->n_ports; port_no++) {
                    struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(stp, port_no);
                    enum stp_state state = stp_port_get_state(p);
                    if (!(state & (STP_DISABLED | STP_FORWARDING))) {
                        warn("%s: root port %d in state %s",
                             stp_get_name(b->stp), port_no,
            } else {
                for (port_no = 0; port_no < STP_MAX_PORTS; port_no++) {
                    struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(stp, port_no);
                    enum stp_state state;
                    if (token == NULL || match("D")) {
                        state = STP_DISABLED;
                    } else if (match("B")) {
                        state = STP_BLOCKING;
                    } else if (match("Li")) {
                        state = STP_LISTENING;
                    } else if (match("Le")) {
                        state = STP_LEARNING;
                    } else if (match("F")) {
                        state = STP_FORWARDING;
                    } else if (match("_")) {
                    } else {
                        err("unknown port state %s", token);
                    if (stp_port_get_state(p) != state) {
                        warn("%s port %d: state is %s but should be %s",
                             stp_get_name(stp), port_no,
                    if (state == STP_FORWARDING) {
                        struct stp_port *root_port = stp_get_root_port(stp);
                        if (match(":")) {
                            int root_path_cost = must_get_int();
                            if (p != root_port) {
                                warn("%s: port %d is not the root port",
                                     stp_get_name(stp), port_no);
                                if (!root_port) {
                                    warn("%s: (there is no root port)",
                                } else {
                                    warn("%s: (port %d is the root port)",
                            } else if (root_path_cost
                                       != stp_get_root_path_cost(stp)) {
                                warn("%s: root path cost is %u, should be %d",
                        } else if (p == root_port) {
                            warn("%s: port %d is the root port but "
                                 "not expected to be",
                                 stp_get_name(stp), port_no);
            if (n_warnings) {
        if (get_token()) {
            err("trailing garbage on line");

    for (i = 0; i < tc->n_lans; i++) {
        struct lan *lan = tc->lans[i];
        free(CONST_CAST(char *, lan->name));
    for (i = 0; i < tc->n_bridges; i++) {
        struct bridge *bridge = tc->bridges[i];
Пример #7
void do_client_simulation() {
    char buf[256], buf2[256];
    int retval;
    FILE* f;

    sprintf(buf, "%s%s", infile_prefix, CONFIG_FILE);
    read_config_file(true, buf);

    sprintf(buf, "%s%s", outfile_prefix, "log_flags.xml");
    f = fopen(buf, "r");
    if (f) {
        MIOFILE mf;
        XML_PARSER xp(&mf);
        xp.get_tag();   // skip open tag

    gstate.add_platform("client simulator");
    sprintf(buf, "%s%s", infile_prefix, STATE_FILE_NAME);
    if (!boinc_file_exists(buf)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "No client state file\n");
    retval = gstate.parse_state_file_aux(buf);
    if (retval) {
        fprintf(stderr, "state file parse error %d\n", retval);

    // if tasks have pending transfers, mark as completed
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {
        RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i];
        if (rp->state() < RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADED) {
            rp->set_state(RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADED, "init");
        } else if (rp->state() == RESULT_FILES_UPLOADING) {
            rp->set_state(RESULT_FILES_UPLOADED, "init");


    sprintf(buf, "%s%s", infile_prefix, GLOBAL_PREFS_FILE_NAME);
    sprintf(buf2, "%s%s", infile_prefix, GLOBAL_PREFS_OVERRIDE_FILE);
    gstate.read_global_prefs(buf, buf2);
        "<h3>Output files</h3>\n"
        "<a href=%s>Summary</a>\n"
        "<br><a href=%s>Log file</a>\n",

    // fill in GPU device nums and OpenCL flags
    for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) {
        COPROC& cp = coprocs.coprocs[i];
        for (int j=0; j<cp.count; j++) {
            cp.device_nums[j] = j;
            if (cp.have_opencl) {
                cp.instance_has_opencl[j] = true;

    if (!include_empty_projects) {
    fprintf(summary_file, "--------------------------\n");

    int j=0;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
        gstate.projects[i]->index = j++;




    rec_adjust_period = delta;



    sprintf(buf, "%s%s", outfile_prefix, RESULTS_DAT_FNAME);
    f = fopen(buf, "w");
    sprintf(buf, "%s%s", outfile_prefix, RESULTS_TXT_FNAME);
    f = fopen(buf, "w");
    sim_results.print(f, true);

        "Simulation done.\n"
        "Figures of merit:\n"

    sim_results.print(summary_file, true);

    double cpu_time;
        "Simulator CPU time: %f secs\n"
        "Peak FLOPS: CPU %.2fG GPU %.2fG\n",

    make_graph("REC", "rec", 0);
Пример #8
int UltimateTicTacToeMontecarloAI::realThink(const UltimateTicTacToeMontecarloAI::Board &board, const int previousMove, const int player) const
  if(maxIterations == 0) {
    Moves options = movementOptions(board, previousMove);
    return options.at(qrand() % options.size());

  //qint64 now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
  //qDebug() << "c: " << c << ", maxIterations: " << maxIterations << ", maxChildren: " <<maxChildren;
  Nodes nodes;
  nodes.reserve(maxIterations * maxChildren);
  nodes.append(Node { 0, 1, board, previousMove, -1, Node::Children() });

  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < maxIterations; ++i)
    int leafIndex = select(nodes);
    Node const& leaf = nodes.at(leafIndex);

    GameState leafState = gameState(leaf.board, player);
    if(leafState == GameState::WIN)
/*      qDebug() << "---";
    else if(leafState == GameState::LOSE)
      backpropagate(leafIndex, nodes, -10);
    else if(leafState == GameState::TIE)
      backpropagate(leafIndex, nodes, -5);
    else if(leafState == GameState::UNRESOLVED)
      int nodeIndex = expand(leafIndex, nodes, player);

      Node const& node = nodes.at(nodeIndex);
      int score = simulate(node.board,  node.previousMove, player);

      backpropagate(nodeIndex, nodes, score);

  //qDebug() << "Found solution in " << i + 1 << " iterations";
  Node const& root = nodes.at(0);
  int bestChildIndex = pickBestChild(root, nodes, false);
  Node const& bestChild = nodes.at(bestChildIndex);

  //qDebug() << "AI took " << (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - now) << " ms";

  /*for(int childIndex : root.children)
    Node const& child = nodes.at(childIndex);
    qDebug() << child.previousMove << ":" << child.v << child.n;
  //qDebug() << bestChild.previousMove / 9 << bestChild.previousMove %9;
  return bestChild.previousMove;
Пример #10
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    enum GameMode gameMode;
    struct Windows windows;
    struct MapList mapList;
    struct Map *map;
    struct Dialog dialog[MAX_LEVELS];
    struct UnitList inmates, guards;
    struct UnitNode *unitNode;
    struct Path path;
    bool progress[MAX_LEVELS];
    int level=0;

    /* Parse map files */
    parseMap(argv[1], &mapList, dialog);

    /* Create nCurses WINDOWs */

    /* Present user with main menu */
    gameMode = menuMain(&windows);

        } else if (gameMode!=NEW){
            level = levelSelect(&windows, &mapList, progress);

        /* Select current map */
        map = &(mapList).level[level];

        /* Display intro text */
        drawText(&windows, dialog[level], gameMode);

        /* Initialize game elements */
        getGuards(&guards, *map);
        getPath(&path, *map);
        inmates.count = 0;
        inmates.head = NULL;
        inmates.tail = NULL;

        /* Draw level */
        drawLevel(&windows, map, &guards);

        /* Prompt user for unit selection */
        drawInmateSelection(&windows, map, &inmates, &guards);

        unitNode = getHead(&inmates);
        for (int i = 0; i < inmates.count; i++) {
            ((struct Inmate *) unitNode->unit)->position = path.first->location;
            unitNode = unitNode->next;

        /* Simulate unit interactions */
        progress[level] = simulate(&windows, &guards, &inmates, &path);
        if(progress[level]) gameMode=WIN;
        else gameMode=LOSE;

        /* Display outro text */
        drawText(&windows, dialog[level], gameMode);

    } while (level!=EXIT);

    quit("Thanks for playing.\n");

    return 0;
Пример #11
int main(int argc, char * argv []){
	srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
	char c;
	for(int i = 0 ; i < NBPLAYER ; i ++) {
		scanf("%s %d %d ", input[i].name, &(input[i].nbCrash), &(input[i].Elo));
		for(int j = 0 ; j < NBPLAYER ; j ++){
			for(int k = 0 ; k < NBGAMES ; k ++){
				scanf("%c", &c);
				input[i].results[(j * NBGAMES) + k] = (int) c;
			scanf(" ");
		input[i].id = i;
		if(strlen(input[i].name) > maxNameLength)
			maxNameLength = strlen(input[i].name);

	for(int i = 0 ; i < NBPLAYER ; i ++)
		participants[i] = input[i];
	printf("\n                               *********************\n");
	printf("                               * Current standings *\n");
	printf("                               *********************\n\n");
	printf("\nStarting a simulation with %d iterations\n", NBITER);
	printf("Simulation currently at 0%%");
	for(int i = 0 ; i < NBITER ; i ++){
		if((100 * (i + 1) % NBITER == 0)){
			int percentage = (100 * (i + 1)) / NBITER;
			for(int k = 0 ; k < 80 ; k ++)
				printf(" ");
			printf("\rSimulation currently at %d%%", percentage);
	printf("\n\n  **********************\n");
	printf("  * Simulation results *\n");
	printf("  **********************\n\n");
	for(int i = 0 ; i < NBPLAYER ; i ++){
		printf("%s ", input[i].name);
		for(int j = 0 ; j < (maxNameLength - strlen(input[i].name)) ; j++)
			printf(" ");
		switch (input[i].nbQualif){
			case NBITER:
				printf("is qualified\n");
			case 0:
				printf("is eliminated\n");
				if((100 * input[i].nbQualif) % NBITER < NBITER / 2)
					printf("has %d%% chances to qualify\n", (100 * input[i].nbQualif / NBITER));
					printf("has %d%% chances to qualify\n", (100 * input[i].nbQualif / NBITER) + 1);
	return 0;
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    const char* fmuFileName;
    char* fmuPath;
    char* tmpPath;
    char* xmlPath;
    char* dllPath;

    // define default argument values
    double tEnd = 1.0;
    double h=0.1;
    int loggingOn = 0;
    char csv_separator = ';';

    // parse command line arguments
    if (argc>1) {
        fmuFileName = argv[1];
    else {
        printf("error: no fmu file\n");
    if (argc>2) {
        if (sscanf(argv[2],"%lf", &tEnd) != 1) {
            printf("error: The given end time (%s) is not a number\n", argv[2]);
    if (argc>3) {
        if (sscanf(argv[3],"%lf", &h) != 1) {
            printf("error: The given stepsize (%s) is not a number\n", argv[3]);
    if (argc>4) {
        if (sscanf(argv[4],"%d", &loggingOn) != 1 || loggingOn<0 || loggingOn>1) {
            printf("error: The given logging flag (%s) is not boolean\n", argv[4]);
    if (argc>5) {
        if (strlen(argv[5]) != 1) {
            printf("error: The given CSV separator char (%s) is not valid\n", argv[5]);
        csv_separator = argv[5][0];
    if (argc>6) {
        printf("warning: Ignoring %d additional arguments: %s ...\n", argc-6, argv[6]);

    // get absolute path to FMU, NULL if not found
    fmuPath = getFmuPath(fmuFileName);
    if (!fmuPath) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

    // unzip the FMU to the tmpPath directory
    tmpPath = getTmpPath();
    if (!unzip(fmuPath, tmpPath)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

    // parse tmpPath\modelDescription.xml
    xmlPath = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(tmpPath) + strlen(XML_FILE) + 1);
    sprintf(xmlPath, "%s%s", tmpPath, XML_FILE);
    fmu.modelDescription = parse(xmlPath);
    if (!fmu.modelDescription) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

    // load the FMU dll
    dllPath = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(tmpPath) + strlen(DLL_DIR)
                     + strlen( getModelIdentifier(fmu.modelDescription)) +  strlen(".dll") + 1);
    sprintf(dllPath,"%s%s%s.dll", tmpPath, DLL_DIR, getModelIdentifier(fmu.modelDescription));
    if (!loadDll(dllPath, &fmu)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

    // run the simulation
    printf("FMU Simulator: run '%s' from t=0..%g with step size h=%g, loggingOn=%d, csv separator='%c'\n",
           fmuFileName, tEnd, h, loggingOn, csv_separator);
    simulate(&fmu, tEnd, h, loggingOn, csv_separator);
    printf("CSV file '%s' written", RESULT_FILE);

    // release FMU
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
void TransIcelandicExpress::eventLoop() {
	while (1) {		
    SDL_Event event;

    /* Grab all the events off the queue. */
    while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) {
        switch( event.type ) {
			mouseMotion( event.motion.xrel, event.motion.yrel );
        case SDL_KEYDOWN:
            switch( event.key.keysym.sym ) {
				case SDLK_ESCAPE:
				case SDLK_SPACE:

				case SDLK_1:
					sfx_chan[0] = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx[0], 0);
				case SDLK_2:
					sfx_chan[1] = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx[1], 0);
				case SDLK_3:
					sfx_chan[2] = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sfx[2], 0);

				case SDLK_HOME:

				case SDLK_h:
					showHelp = !showHelp;

				case SDLK_m:					
					if (!musicOn) {
						Mix_PlayMusic( music, -1 );
						musicOn = 1;
					} else {
						musicOn = 0;

			case SDL_QUIT:
				/* Handle quit requests (like Ctrl-c). */

		// check non-instant keys
		cf_moveForward = 0.0;
		cf_moveSideways = 0.0;

		Uint8 *keys;
		keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
		if (keys[SDLK_w] && !keys[SDLK_s]) {
			cf_moveForward = 1.0;
		if (!keys[SDLK_w] && keys[SDLK_s]) {
			cf_moveForward = -1.0;
		if (keys[SDLK_a] && !keys[SDLK_d]) {
			cf_moveSideways = -1.0;
		if (!keys[SDLK_a] && keys[SDLK_d]) {
			cf_moveSideways = 1.0;

Пример #14
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0);

  char* run_name = new char[200];
  am_making_movie = true;

  crash_movie_file_name_global = new char[1000];

  double runtime = 0;

  if (am_debugging_onebound) {
    printf("turning off am_only_writing_on_crash for onebound-debugging mode\n");
    am_only_writing_on_crash = false;

  set_input_variables(argc, argv, run_name, &am_making_movie, &runtime);

  if (runtime == 0 and am_making_movie and not am_only_writing_on_crash) {
    printf("error,value of am_only_writing: %d\n", (int)am_only_writing_on_crash);
    printf("Error: run settings would cause indefinite movie data printing and fill up the disk!\n");

  if (am_only_writing_on_crash) {
    struct sigaction new_action;

    new_action.sa_handler = sig_handler_print_movie_buffer;
    sigemptyset (&new_action.sa_mask);
    new_action.sa_flags = 0;

    sigaction(SIGUSR1, &new_action, NULL);

  char *stepping_data_fname = new char[200];
  char *stepping_config_fname = new char[200];

  char *movie_data_fname = new char[200];
  char *movie_config_fname = new char[200];

  sprintf(stepping_data_fname, "data/stepping_data_%s.txt", run_name);
  sprintf(stepping_config_fname, "data/stepping_config_%s.txt", run_name);
  sprintf(movie_data_fname, "data/stepping_movie_data_%s.txt", run_name);
  sprintf(movie_config_fname, "data/stepping_movie_config_%s.txt", run_name);

  //technically only need this if am_only_writing_on_crash is on, but do it just in case we turn it on later
  on_crash_old_movie_data_global_ptr = new movie_data_struct[MOVIE_BUFFER_SIZE];
  on_crash_new_movie_data_global_ptr = new movie_data_struct[MOVIE_BUFFER_SIZE];
  sprintf(crash_movie_file_name_global, "data/stepping_movie_data_%s.txt", run_name);
  write_movie_config(movie_config_fname, iterations*dt);

  write_config_file(stepping_config_fname, 0, "");

  printf("fake_radius_t: %g\n", fake_radius_t);
  printf("gt should be : %g\n", fake_radius_t*6*M_PI*water_viscosity_mu);
  printf("gt: %g\n\n", gt);
  printf("fake_radius_m: %g\n", fake_radius_m);
  printf("gm should be : %g\n", fake_radius_m*6*M_PI*water_viscosity_mu);
  printf("gm: %g\n\n", gm);
  printf("fake_radius_b: %g\n", fake_radius_b);
  printf("gb should be : %g\n", fake_radius_b*6*M_PI*water_viscosity_mu);
  printf("gb: %g\n\n", gb);
  job_msg_t job_msg;
  job_msg.max_iteration = 0;
  job_msg.start_time = clock();
  job_msg.run_msg = run_name;
  job_msg.stepping_data_file = fopen(stepping_data_fname, "w");
  job_msg.movie_data_file = 0;

  if (am_making_movie or am_debugging_onebound) {
    job_msg.movie_data_file = fopen(movie_data_fname, "w");
    if (!job_msg.movie_data_file) {
      printf("Error opening %s!\n", movie_data_fname);
    setvbuf(job_msg.movie_data_file, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); // turn on line-buffering
    fprintf(job_msg.movie_data_file, "#State\ttime\tPE_b1\tPE_m1\tPE_t\tPE_m2\tPE_b2\t"

  fprintf(job_msg.stepping_data_file, "# command line:");
  for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) {
    fprintf(job_msg.stepping_data_file, " %s", argv[i]);

  printf("\n\n\n*********%s*********\n", run_name);
  fprintf(job_msg.stepping_data_file, "\n\n\n\n#********%s********\n", run_name);
  if (angle_logging_mode) fprintf(job_msg.stepping_data_file, "#state, time, tx displacement, ty displacement, recently bound motor angle, recently bound binding angle\n");
  else fprintf(job_msg.stepping_data_file, "#time_unbind, time_bind, nbx_bind, fbx_bind, nmx_unbind, fmx_unbind, nmx_bind, fmx_bind\n");
  if (errno) {
    perror("Error opening stepping data or movie file.\n");

  onebound_equilibrium_angles eq = onebound_post_powerstroke_internal_angles;
  double init_position[] = {eq.bba,
			    eq.bma - M_PI + eq.bba,
			    eq.ta + eq.bma - M_PI + eq.bba + 0.00001,
			    eq.ta + eq.bma + eq.bba - eq.uma,
			    0.0, 0.0};

  printf("Initial conditions: %g %g %g %g\n", init_position[0], init_position[1], init_position[2], init_position[3]);

  simulate(runtime, RAND_INIT_SEED, NEARBOUND, init_position, stepping_data_callback, &job_msg, NULL);

  if (job_msg.movie_data_file) fclose(job_msg.movie_data_file);

  delete[] on_crash_old_movie_data_global_ptr;
  delete[] on_crash_new_movie_data_global_ptr;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #15
// Virtual platform construction and simulation
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {

    // Check arguments
    if(!cmdParser(argc, argv)) {
    	icmMessage("E", PLATFORM, "Command Line parser error");
    	return 1;

    // initialize OVPsim
    unsigned int icmAttrs = ICM_STOP_ON_CTRLC | ICM_GDB_CONSOLE;

    icmInitPlatform(ICM_VERSION, icmAttrs, 0, 0, PLATFORM);

    const char *modelFile    = "model." IMPERAS_SHRSUF;
    const char *semihostFile = icmGetVlnvString(NULL, "ovpworld.org", "modelSupport", "imperasExit", "1.0", "model");

    // create a processor instance
    icmProcessorP processor = icmNewProcessor(
        "cpu1",             // CPU name
        "or1k",             // CPU type
        0,                  // CPU cpuId
        0,                  // CPU model flags
        32,                 // address bits
        modelFile,          // model file
        "modelAttrs",       // morpher attributes
		MODEL_FLAGS,        // attributes
        0,                  // user-defined attributes
        semihostFile,       // semi-hosting file
        "modelAttrs"        // semi-hosting attributes

    // create the processor bus
    icmBusP bus = icmNewBus("bus", 32);

    // connect the processors onto the busses
    icmConnectProcessorBusses(processor, bus, bus);

    // create memory
    icmMemoryP local = icmNewMemory("local", ICM_PRIV_RWX, 0xffffffff);

    // connect the memory onto the busses
    icmConnectMemoryToBus(bus, "mp1", local, 0x00000000);


    // query processor registers, execeptions and modes

    // run processor until done (no instruction limit)
    while(simulate(processor, -1)) {
        // keep going while processor is still running

    // report the total number of instructions executed
        "processor has executed " FMT_64u " instructions\n",


    return 0;
Пример #16
 int Gameboard::play(int position) {
     Gameboard finalState;
     int taking = simulate(position, finalState);
     operator =(finalState);
     return taking;
Пример #17
US_EquilTime::US_EquilTime() : US_Widgets( true )
   astfem_rsa = new US_Astfem_RSA( model, simparams );
   connect( astfem_rsa, SIGNAL( new_scan   ( QVector< double >*, double* ) ),
                        SLOT(   check_equil( QVector< double >*, double* ) ) );
   connect( astfem_rsa, SIGNAL( new_time( double ) ),
                        SLOT(   set_time( double ) ) );
   setWindowTitle( tr( "Equilibrium Time Prediction" ) );
   setPalette( US_GuiSettings::frameColor() );


   QBoxLayout* main = new QHBoxLayout( this );
   main->setSpacing         ( 2 );
   main->setContentsMargins ( 2, 2, 2, 2 );

   // Left Column
   QGridLayout* left = new QGridLayout;
   int row = 0;

   QLabel* lb_sample = us_banner( tr( "Model Settings" ) ); 
   left->addWidget( lb_sample, row++, 0, 1, 2 );

   QGridLayout* buttons1 = new QGridLayout;
   int b_row = 0;

   pb_changeModel = us_pushbutton( tr( "Set / Change / Review Model") );
   connect ( pb_changeModel, SIGNAL( clicked() ) , SLOT( change_model() ) );
   buttons1->addWidget( pb_changeModel, b_row++, 0, 1, 2 );

   left->addLayout( buttons1, row, 0, 3, 2 );
   row += 3;

   QPalette p;
   p.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, Qt::white );
   p.setColor( QPalette::Shadow    , Qt::white );
   QFont font( US_GuiSettings::fontFamily(),
               QFont::Bold );

   // Radius Info
   QLabel* lb_radius = us_banner( tr( "Radius Settings" ) ); 
   left->addWidget( lb_radius, row++, 0, 1, 2 );
   QGroupBox* channelGroupBox = new QGroupBox( tr( "Channel Type" ) );
   channelGroupBox->setContentsMargins ( 2, 2, 2, 2 );
   channelGroupBox->setPalette( p );
   channelGroupBox->setFont   ( font );
   QRadioButton* rb_inner;
   QRadioButton* rb_outer;
   QRadioButton* rb_center;
   QRadioButton* rb_custom;

   QGridLayout* rb5 = us_radiobutton( tr( "Inner Channel"  ), rb_inner, true );
   QGridLayout* rb6 = us_radiobutton( tr( "Outer Channel"  ), rb_outer  );
   QGridLayout* rb7 = us_radiobutton( tr( "Center Channel" ), rb_center );
   QGridLayout* rb8 = us_radiobutton( tr( "Custom"         ), rb_custom );

   // Group the buttons
   QButtonGroup* channelGroup = new QButtonGroup;
   channelGroup->addButton( rb_inner , INNER  );
   channelGroup->addButton( rb_outer , OUTER  );
   channelGroup->addButton( rb_center, CENTER );
   channelGroup->addButton( rb_custom, CUSTOM );
   connect( channelGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ),
                          SLOT  ( new_channel  ( int ) ) );

   current_position = INNER;

   QGridLayout* channel = new QGridLayout;
   channel->setContentsMargins ( 2, 2, 2, 2 );
   channel->setSpacing( 0 );
   channel->addLayout( rb5, 0, 0 );
   channel->addLayout( rb6, 0, 1 );
   channel->addLayout( rb7, 1, 0 );
   channel->addLayout( rb8, 1, 1 );

   channelGroupBox->setLayout( channel );

   left->addWidget( channelGroupBox, row, 0, 2, 2 );
   row += 2;

   // Top Radius
   QLabel* lb_top = us_label( tr( "Top Radius:" ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_top, row, 0 );

   cnt_top = us_counter( 3, 5.8, 7.3, 5.9 );
   cnt_top->setSingleStep( 0.01 );
   cnt_top->setEnabled ( false );
   left->addWidget( cnt_top, row++, 1 );

   // Bottom Radius
   QLabel* lb_bottom = us_label( tr( "Bottom Radius:" ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_bottom, row, 0 );

   cnt_bottom = us_counter( 3, 5.8, 7.3, 6.2 );
   cnt_bottom->setSingleStep    ( 0.01 );
   cnt_bottom->setEnabled ( false );
   left->addWidget( cnt_bottom, row++, 1 );

   // Rotorspeed Info
   QLabel* lb_rotor = us_banner( tr( "Rotorspeed Settings" ) ); 
   left->addWidget( lb_rotor, row++, 0, 1, 2 );
   // Speed type buttons
   QGroupBox* rotor  = new QGroupBox( tr( "Speed Type" ) );
   rotor->setContentsMargins ( 2, 10, 2, 2 );
   rotor->setPalette( p );
   rotor->setFont   ( font );
   QRadioButton* rb_sigma;
   QRadioButton* rb_rpm;

   QGridLayout* rb9  = us_radiobutton( "Use Sigma", rb_sigma, true );
   QGridLayout* rb10 = us_radiobutton( "Use RPM"  , rb_rpm );

   speed_type  = SIGMA;
   sigma_start = 1;
   sigma_stop  = 4;
   rpm_start   = 18000;
   rpm_stop    = 36000;
   speed_count = 5;

   QButtonGroup* speedGroup = new QButtonGroup;
   speedGroup->addButton( rb_sigma, SIGMA );
   speedGroup->addButton( rb_rpm  , RPM   );
   connect( speedGroup,  SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), 
                         SLOT  ( update_speeds( int ) ) );

   QGridLayout* speedType = new QGridLayout;
   speedType->setContentsMargins( 2, 2, 2, 2 );
   speedType->setSpacing        ( 0 );

   speedType->addLayout( rb9,  0, 0 );
   speedType->addLayout( rb10, 0, 1 );

   rotor->setLayout( speedType );

   left->addWidget( rotor, row++, 0, 1, 2 );

   // Low speed
   lb_lowspeed   = us_label( tr( "Low Speed (sigma):"  ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_lowspeed, row, 0 );
   cnt_lowspeed = us_counter( 3, 0.01, 10.0, sigma_start );
   cnt_lowspeed->setSingleStep( 0.01 );
   left->addWidget( cnt_lowspeed, row++, 1 );
   connect( cnt_lowspeed, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ),
                          SLOT  ( new_lowspeed( double ) ) );

   // High speed
   lb_highspeed  = us_label( tr( "High Speed (sigma):" ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_highspeed, row, 0 );
   cnt_highspeed = us_counter( 3, 0.01, 10.0, sigma_stop );
   cnt_highspeed->setSingleStep( 0.01 );
   left->addWidget( cnt_highspeed, row++, 1 );
   connect( cnt_highspeed, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( double ) ),
                           SLOT  ( new_highspeed( double ) ) );
   // Speed steps
   QLabel* lb_speedsteps = us_label( tr( "Speed Steps:"        ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_speedsteps, row, 0 );
   cnt_speedsteps = us_counter( 3, 1.0, 100.0, speed_count );
   cnt_speedsteps->setSingleStep( 1.0 );
   left->addWidget( cnt_speedsteps, row++, 1 );
   connect( cnt_speedsteps, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( double ) ),
                            SLOT  ( new_speedstep( double ) ) );
   // Speed list
   QLabel* lb_speedlist  = us_label( tr( "Current Speed List:" ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_speedlist, row, 0 );

   te_speedlist = us_textedit(); 
   te_speedlist->setReadOnly( true );

   left->addWidget( te_speedlist, row, 1, 3, 1 );

   left->setRowStretch ( row + 1, 99 );
   row += 3;

   // Misc Info
   QLabel* lb_sim2  = us_banner( tr( "Simulation Settings" ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_sim2, row++, 0, 1, 2 );

   // Tolerance
   QLabel* lb_tolerance  = us_label( tr( "Tolerance:" ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_tolerance, row, 0 );
   cnt_tolerance = us_counter( 3, 1.0e-5, 0.01, 0.0005 );
   cnt_tolerance->setSingleStep( 1.0e-5 );
   left->addWidget( cnt_tolerance, row++, 1 );

   // Time increment
   QLabel* lb_time  = us_label( tr( "Time Increment (min):" ) );
   left->addWidget( lb_time, row, 0 );
   cnt_timeIncrement = us_counter( 3, 1.0, 1000.0, 15.0 );
   cnt_timeIncrement->setSingleStep( 1.0 );
   left->addWidget( cnt_timeIncrement, row++, 1 );

   QGridLayout* buttons2 = new QGridLayout;
   b_row = 0;

   pb_estimate = us_pushbutton( tr( "Estimate Times" ) );
   pb_estimate->setEnabled( false );
   connect( pb_estimate, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( simulate() ) );
   buttons2->addWidget( pb_estimate, b_row++, 0, 1, 2 ); 

   QPushButton* pb_help = us_pushbutton( tr( "Help" ) );
   connect( pb_help, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( help() ) );
   buttons2->addWidget( pb_help, b_row, 0 ); 

   QPushButton* pb_close = us_pushbutton( tr( "Close" ) );
   connect( pb_close, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( close() ) );
   buttons2->addWidget( pb_close, b_row++, 1 ); 

   left->addLayout( buttons2, row, 0, 2, 2 );

   main->addLayout( left ); 

   // Right Column
   // Simulation plot
   QBoxLayout* right = new QVBoxLayout;
   QBoxLayout* plot = new US_Plot( equilibrium_plot, 
         tr( "Approach to Equilibrium Simulation" ),
         tr( "Radius" ), tr( "Concentration" ) );
   us_grid( equilibrium_plot );
   equilibrium_plot->setMinimumSize( 600, 400 );
   equilibrium_plot->setAxisScale( QwtPlot::yLeft  , 0.0, 1.5 );
   equilibrium_plot->setAxisScale( QwtPlot::xBottom, 5.9, 6.2 );

   right->addLayout( plot );

   te_info = new US_Editor( 0, true );

   QFontMetrics fm( te_info->font() );
   te_info->setFixedHeight( fm.height() * 15 );

   right->addWidget( te_info );
   right->setStretchFactor( plot   , 10 );
   right->setStretchFactor( te_info, 2 );

   main->addLayout( right ); 

   update_speeds( speed_type );
Пример #18
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	snp_rate = def_snp_rate;
	err_rate = def_err_rate;
	coverage = def_coverage;
	snp_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*200);
	indel_file = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*200);

	// override parameters
	if(argc>1) {
		int param = 1;
		int snp_ck = 0, err_ck = 0, max_ck = 0, min_ck = 0, cov_ck = 0, ref_ck = 0, snf_ck = 0, ind_ck = 0, cel_ck = 0, out_ck = 0, reg_ck = 0;
		for(param=1;param<argc;param++) {
			char *token[2];
			token[0] = strtok(argv[param], "=");
			if(token[0]==NULL) {
				printf("Ignoring incorrect parameter #%d\n", param);
			} else if((token[1] = strtok(NULL, "=")) == NULL) {
				printf("Ignoring incorrect parameter #%d\n", param);
			} else {
				if(strcmp(token[0],"-snp_rate")==0) {
					if(snp_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						snp_rate = atof((const char *)token[1]);
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-err_rate")==0) {
					if(err_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						err_rate = atof((const char *)token[1]);
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-min_read_len")==0) {
					if(min_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						min_read_len = atoi((const char *)token[1]);
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-max_read_len")==0) {
					if(max_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						max_read_len = atoi((const char *)token[1]);
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-coverage")==0) {
					if(cov_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						coverage = atoi((const char *)token[1]);
						if(coverage<2) {
							printf ("Insufficient coverage %dX provided. Ignoring..\n",coverage);
							coverage = def_coverage;
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-ref_file")==0) {
					if(ref_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						ref_file = token[1];
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-snp_file")==0) {
					if(snf_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						snp_file = token[1];
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-indel_file")==0) {
					if(ind_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						indel_file = token[1];
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-ncells")==0) {
					if(cel_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						ncells = atoi((const char *)token[1]);
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-out_base")==0) {
					if(out_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						file_base = token[1];
				} else if(strcmp(token[0],"-region")==0) {
					if(reg_ck>0) {
						printf("Duplicate parameter %s=%s, ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
					} else {
						region = atoi((const char *)token[1]);
				} else {
					printf("Invalid parameter %s=%s. Ignoring..\n", token[0],token[1]);
		if(snp_rate>err_rate) {
			printf("SNP rate (default 0.01) should be lower than error rate (default 0.04). Using default values now...\n");
				snp_rate = def_snp_rate;
				err_rate = def_err_rate;

	int chrnum;
	char file_name[200];
	char log_file_name[200];
	char *ext = ".fq";
	char *log = ".log";

	sprintf(file_name, "%s%s", file_base, ext);
	sprintf(log_file_name, "%s%s", file_base, log);
	fq_file = fopen(file_name, "w");
	//log_file = fopen(log_file_name, "w");

	if (fq_file == NULL)
		printf("Error opening output file [%s]\n", (const char *) file_name);
	if (log_file == NULL)
		printf("Error opening output file [%s]\n", (const char *) log_file_name);

Пример #19
UserSessionsWidget::UserSessionsWidget(QTabFramework& tabFramework, QSettings& settings, Entity::Manager& entityManager, DataService& dataService) :
  QWidget(&tabFramework), tabFramework(tabFramework), entityManager(entityManager),  dataService(dataService), sessionsModel(entityManager), /*ordersModel(entityManager), transactionModel(entityManager), */selectedSessionId(0)

  setWindowTitle(tr("Bot Sessions"));

  QToolBar* toolBar = new QToolBar(this);
  toolBar->setStyleSheet("QToolBar { border: 0px }");
  toolBar->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));

  addAction = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/Icons/user_gray_add.png"), tr("&Add"));
  connect(addAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addBot()));

  //optimizeAction = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/Icons/chart_curve.png"), tr("&Optimize"));
  //connect(optimizeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(optimize()));

  simulateAction = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/Icons/user_gray_go_gray.png"), tr("&Simulate"));
  connect(simulateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(simulate()));

  activateAction = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/Icons/user_gray_go.png"), tr("&Activate"));
  connect(activateAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(activate()));

  cancelAction = toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/Icons/cancel2.png"), tr("&Cancel"));
  connect(cancelAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(cancelBot()));

  sessionView = new QTreeView(this);
  proxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this);
  connect(sessionView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&)), this, SLOT(sessionSelectionChanged()));
  connect(&sessionsModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(sessionDataChanged(const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex&)));
  connect(&sessionsModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int)), this, SLOT(sessionDataRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int)));
  connect(&sessionsModel, SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(sessionDataReset()));
  connect(&sessionsModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(const QModelIndex&, int, int)), this, SLOT(sessionDataAdded(const QModelIndex&, int, int)));

  QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;

  QHeaderView* headerView = sessionView->header();
  //headerView->resizeSection(0, 300);
  selectedSessionId = settings.value("SelectedSessionId").toUInt();
  headerView->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch);
Пример #20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    double *old, *current, *next;
    int t_max, i_max, num_threads;
    double time;

    /* Parse commandline args: i_max t_max num_threads */
    if (argc < 4) {
        printf("Usage: %s i_max t_max num_threads [initial_data]\n", argv[0]);
        printf(" - i_max: number of discrete amplitude points, should be >2\n");
        printf(" - t_max: number of discrete timesteps, should be >=1\n");
        printf(" - num_threads: number of threads to use for simulation, "
                "should be >=1\n");
        printf(" - initial_data: select what data should be used for the first "
                "two generation.\n");
        printf("   Available options are:\n");
        printf("    * sin: one period of the sinus function at the start.\n");
        printf("    * sinfull: entire data is filled with the sinus.\n");
        printf("    * gauss: a single gauss-function at the start.\n");
        printf("    * file <2 filenames>: allows you to specify a file with on "
                "each line a float for both generations.\n");

        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    i_max = atoi(argv[1]);
    t_max = atoi(argv[2]);
    num_threads = atoi(argv[3]);

    if (i_max < 3) {
        printf("argument error: i_max should be >2.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (t_max < 1) {
        printf("argument error: t_max should be >=1.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (num_threads < 1) {
        printf("argument error: num_threads should be >=1.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Allocate and initialize buffers. */
    old = malloc(i_max * sizeof(double));
    current = malloc(i_max * sizeof(double));
    next = malloc(i_max * sizeof(double));

    if (old == NULL || current == NULL || next == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate enough memory, aborting.\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    memset(old, 0, i_max * sizeof(double));
    memset(current, 0, i_max * sizeof(double));
    memset(next, 0, i_max * sizeof(double));

    /* How should we will our first two generations? */
    if (argc > 4) {
        if (strcmp(argv[4], "sin") == 0) {
            fill(old, 1, i_max/4, 0, 2*3.14, sin);
            fill(current, 2, i_max/4, 0, 2*3.14, sin);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "sinfull") == 0) {
            fill(old, 1, i_max-2, 0, 10*3.14, sin);
            fill(current, 2, i_max-3, 0, 10*3.14, sin);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "gauss") == 0) {
            fill(old, 1, i_max/4, -3, 3, gauss);
            fill(current, 2, i_max/4, -3, 3, gauss);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "file") == 0) {
            if (argc < 7) {
                printf("No files specified!\n");
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            file_read_double_array(argv[5], old, i_max);
            file_read_double_array(argv[6], current, i_max);
        } else {
            printf("Unknown initial mode: %s.\n", argv[4]);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
    } else {
        /* Default to sinus. */
        fill(old, 1, i_max/4, 0, 2*3.14, sin);
        fill(current, 2, i_max/4, 0, 2*3.14, sin);


    /* Call the actual simulation that should be implemented in simulate.c. */
    simulate(i_max, t_max, num_threads, old, current, next);

    time = timer_end();
    printf("Took %g seconds\n", time);
    printf("Normalized: %g seconds\n", time / (i_max * t_max));

    file_write_double_array("result.txt", current, i_max);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #21
Файл: module.c Проект: 8tab/kedr
///////////////////////////File operations///////////////////////
ssize_t simulate_file_write(struct file* filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t* f_pos)
    return simulate((void*)0x12345) ? -EINVAL : count;
Пример #22
bool test_interaction(SimulationTest testID){
    std::vector<Particle> startState; //starting situation as drawn below
    std::vector<Particle> endState; //state we are supposed to end up in
    sim::time simulationtime; //how long the simulation should take
    int ID = 0;
    //make creating particles less confusing
    auto makeParticle = [&ID](std::pair<double, double> pos,
        std::pair<double, double> vel){
        return Particle{ ID++, 0, pos.first, pos.second, 1, vel.first,
            vel.second, 0 };
    //check for invalid cases
    assert(testID != SimulationTest::end);
    assert(int(testID) >= int(SimulationTest::singleDirectCollision) &&
        int(testID) < int(SimulationTest::end));

    switch (testID){
        case SimulationTest::singleDirectCollision:
            /* single simple direct collision
            0:    *->  <-*
            1:     <-**->
            2:  <-*      *->
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            ID = 0;
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            simulationtime = 2;
        case SimulationTest::doubleDirectCollision:
            /* 2 simple direct collisions at the same time
            0:   *->  <-*
                 *->  <-*
            1:    <-**->
            2: <-*      *->
               <-*      *->
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 2 }, { 1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 2 }, { -1, 0 }));
            ID = 0;
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 2 }, { -1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 2 }, { 1, 0 }));
            simulationtime = 2;
        case SimulationTest::angledCollision:
            0:     *





            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { 0, 1 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 3 }, { 1, 0 }));
            ID = 0;
            //this one is difficult to calculate... We wrote a program for that
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { 0, 1 })); //TODO
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 3 }, { 1, 0 })); //TODO
            simulationtime = 2; //TODO
        case SimulationTest::multiCollision:
            0:    *->  *->  *->  <-*  <-*  <-*
            3:       *->  *-><-**-><-*  <-*
            5:         *-><-**-><-**-><-*
            7:         <-**-><-**-><-**->
            9:       <-*  <-**-><-**->  *->
            11:     <-*  <-*  <-**->  *->  *->
            13:   <-*  <-*  <-*    *->  *->  *->
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 5, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 7, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 9, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 11, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            ID = 0;
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 5, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 7, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 9, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 11, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            simulationtime = 6; //not completely sure it takes 6 timeunits
        case SimulationTest::wallbounce:
            0:   *-> |
            1:    <-*|
            2: <-*   |
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            ID = 0;
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            simulationtime = 1;
        case SimulationTest::speedCollision:
            0:  *-->   <-*
            1:    *--><-*
            2:       **--->     ???
            3:       *   *--->  ???
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { 2, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            ID = 0;
            //Also hard to figure out from just looking at it... Physician help
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { -1, 0 }));
            simulationtime = 1;
        case SimulationTest::nudge:
            /* Is this how physics works?
            0:  *-->  *->
            1:    *--> *->
            2:      *-->*->
            3:        *--*->
            4:          *-*->
            5:            **-->
            6:             *-*-->
            7:              *->*-->
            8:               *-> *-->
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 1, 1 }, { 2, 0 }));
            startState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 3, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            ID = 0;
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 4, 1 }, { 1, 0 }));
            endState.emplace_back(makeParticle({ 6, 1 }, { 2, 0 }));
            simulationtime = 2;
            assert(false); //forgot a case
    //make simulate quit when encountering a terminateSimulation Interaction
    Interaction terminateSimulation{ simulationtime, -1, -1 };
    //get interactions
    std::vector<Interaction> interactions = make_list(startState, 100, .5);
    //add termination Interaction
    simulate(startState, interactions);
    if (startState == endState){
        //TODO: also check if passed time == simulationtime
        return true;
        std::cout << "\nTest " << int(testID) << " failed\n";
        std::cout << "State is:\n";
        for (const auto &p : startState){
            std::cout << p << ' ';
        std::cout << "\nState should be:\n";
        for (const auto &p : endState){
            std::cout << p << ' ';
        return false;
Пример #23
 * \copydoc Simulation::simulate()
void StatisticsSimulation::simulate() {
	return simulate(false);
Пример #24
 * \copydoc Simulation::simulate(bool)
void MetropolisHastingsSimulation::simulate(bool withSeeds) {
	assert(withSeeds == false); // No finite difference available
Пример #25
void DGSM::doSA()
  int k = m_InputList->size();                  /* number of input factors */

  /* 1. Allocates input/output data */
  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> X(nullptr);
  std::unique_ptr<ResultMatrix> y(nullptr);
  if (m_SaveInput)
    m_InputData.reset(new DMatrix(N_*(k+1), k));
    X = std::move(m_InputData->subMatrix(0, N_));
  } else
    X.reset(new DMatrix(N_, k));

  if (m_SaveOutput)
    m_OutputData.reset(new ResultMatrix(N_*(k+1), m_NumOutputs));
    y = std::move(m_OutputData->subMatrix(0, N_));
  } else
    y.reset(new ResultMatrix(N_, m_NumOutputs));

  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> x(new DMatrix(N_, k));

  /* 2. Generates the first N samples */

  /* Copies then converts to target distributions */
  m_RNG.convert(*X, m_InputList);
  /* 3. Runs simulation for the first N samples */
  simulate(*X, *y);

  /* 4. Allocates xdiff, ydiff if needs
   * xdiff is the 1-column different from X and ydiff is its corresponding
   * output
   * */
  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> xdiff(nullptr);
  if (!m_SaveInput)
    xdiff.reset(new DMatrix(N_, k));

  std::unique_ptr<ResultMatrix> ydiff(nullptr);
  if (!m_SaveOutput)
    ydiff.reset(new ResultMatrix(N_, m_NumOutputs));

  std::unique_ptr<DMatrix> stats(new DMatrix(3, m_NumOutputs));
  const int* labels = y->getLabels();

  /* 5. Estimate sensitivity indices for each input factor */
  for (int iK=0; iK<k; ++iK)
    /* Makes xdiff, ydiff refer to their correct location if needs */
    if (m_SaveInput)
      xdiff = std::move(m_InputData->subMatrix((iK+1)*N_, N_));

    if (m_SaveOutput)
      ydiff = std::move(m_OutputData->subMatrix((iK+1)*N_, N_));

    /* Copy the first N samples to xdiff and diffs the column iK*/
    for (int iRow=0; iRow<N_; ++iRow)
      /* Changes values in column iK */
      double* row = xdiff->getRow(iRow);
      if (row[iK] + delta_ >= 1)
        row[iK] -= delta_;
      else row[iK] += delta_;
    /* Converts xdiff to target distributions */
    m_RNG.convert(*xdiff, m_InputList);
    /* Runs simulation */
    simulate(*xdiff, *ydiff);

    /* Estimates sensitivity indices */
    const int* labelsdiff = ydiff->getLabels();    
    double* sens = m_Sens->getRow(iK);
    for (int iOut=0; iOut< m_NumOutputs; ++iOut)
      double mean=0, absmean=0, std=0;
      double derivative = 0;
      int cnt = 0;
      for (int iRow = 0; iRow < N_; ++iRow)
        if (labels[iRow] == SIM_SUCCESS
            && labelsdiff[iRow] == SIM_SUCCESS)
          derivative = (ydiff->getRow(iRow)[iOut] - y->getRow(iRow)[iOut])
                      / (X->getRow(iRow)[iK] - xdiff->getRow(iRow)[iK]);
          mean += derivative;
          absmean += derivative > 0 ? derivative : -derivative;
          std += derivative*derivative;
      if (cnt < N_ * (1-m_FailureRate))
        throw SAException(ERROR_EXCEEDING_FAILURE_RATE);

      mean /= cnt;
      absmean /= cnt;
      std = sqrt(std/cnt - mean*mean);
      sens[iOut*iK] = mean;
      sens[iOut*iK+1] = absmean;
      sens[iOut*iK+2] = std;    
Пример #26
stateStruct Mechanism::initAndSim(stateStruct& startState,std::vector<double>& action){
  return simulate(action);
Пример #27
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  progname = argv[0];
  int show_usage = 0;
  int outrate = 1, timesteps = 17;
  char *infile = NULL, *prefix = NULL;
  int optc;
  while ((optc = getopt_long(argc, argv, GETOPTS, long_opts, NULL)) != -1) {
    switch (optc) {
      case 'i':
        if (infile != NULL) {
        infile = strdup(optarg);
      case 'p':
        if (prefix != NULL) {
        prefix = strdup(optarg);
      case 'r':
        outrate = atoi(optarg);
      case 't':
        timesteps = atoi(optarg);
        if (timesteps < 1) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for timesteps: %s, must be a number greater than 1.\n", optarg);
          show_usage = 1;
          show_usage = 1;
  if (show_usage == 1 || optind < argc || infile == NULL || prefix == NULL) {
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  hsize_t dims[2];
  hid_t file_id;
  if ((file_id = H5Fopen(infile, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) {
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (H5LTget_dataset_info(file_id, CCILK_DATASET, dims, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  size_t rows = dims[0];
  size_t cols = dims[1];
  double *data = malloc(rows * cols * sizeof(double));
  double *next = malloc(rows * cols * sizeof(double));
  double width, depth, nu, sigma; 
  if (H5LTread_dataset_double(file_id, CCILK_DATASET, data) < 0
   || H5LTget_attribute_double(file_id, "/domain/", "width", &width) < 0 
   || H5LTget_attribute_double(file_id, "/domain/", "depth", &depth) < 0 
   || H5LTget_attribute_double(file_id, "/properties/", "nu", &nu) < 0 
   || H5LTget_attribute_double(file_id, "/properties/", "sigma", &sigma) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Encountered an issue reading the dataset\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  printf("Width: %f dept %f\n", width, depth);

  simulate(data, next, rows, cols, width, depth, nu, sigma, outrate, timesteps, prefix);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #28
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	char input;
	char *target;	// Target input file name.
	char *alg;		// fcfs or multi.
	int  memsize;	// Given virtual memsize.

	if (argc != 7) {
		return -1;
	// Getting the options for program execution.
	while ((input = getopt(argc, argv, "f:a:m:")) != EOF)
		switch ( input )

			case 'f':
				// Ascertaining which file to read the input from.
				target = optarg;

			case 'a':
				// Ascertaining which algorithm to use.
				if(strcmp(optarg, FCFS) == 0) 
					alg = optarg;

				else if(strcmp(optarg, MULTI) == 0) 
					alg = optarg;

				else {
					// Exit if optarg unknown
					fprintf(stderr, "Invalid scheduling option %s\n", optarg);

			case 'm':
				// Ascertaining total memory size.
				memsize = atoi(optarg);

				// Should not get here.
				return -1;
	** Here we read processes into disk. Throughout the life of the
	** simulation, this disk linked list will hold both processes that
	** haven't yet been started (future processes whose start times are
	** greater than the current simulation time) as well as processes
	** that have been swapped back to disk because memory was too full.
	int num_processes = 0;
	Process *disk_head = read_processes(target, memsize, &num_processes);
	if (disk_head == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s couldn't be read properly, exiting...\n", target);
		return -1;

	Memory *memory = create_memory(memsize);

	simulate(disk_head, num_processes, memory, alg);
	return 0;
Пример #29
static gmx_bool xhwCallBack(struct t_x11 *x11, XEvent *event, Window wd, void *data)
    t_xhighway     *xhw;
    t_windata      *win;
    float           sx;
    int             i;
    static     int  nyy = 0;
    static     int *yy;

    xhw = (t_xhighway *)data;
    win = &(xhw->win);

    if (nyy == 0)
        nyy = 2*xhw->ir.nlane+1;
        snew(yy, nyy);
    for (i = 0; (i < nyy); i++)
        yy[i] = ((float) i*win->height)/(nyy-1);

    switch (event->type)
        case Expose:
            if (wd == win->self)
                sx = (float)win->width  / xhw->ir.metres;

                XClearWindow(x11->disp, win->self);
                XSetForeground(x11->disp, x11->gc, WHITE);

                for (i = 2; (i < nyy-1); i += 2)
                    XDrawLine(x11->disp, win->self, x11->gc, 0, yy[i], win->width-1, yy[i]);

                for (i = 0; (i < xhw->ncars); i++)
                    t_car *car = &(xhw->cars[i]);
                    int    w1  = car->x*sx;
                    int    h1  = yy[1+2*(xhw->ir.nlane-1-car->lane)];

                    draw_car(x11->disp, win->self, x11->gc, car, w1, h1);
                if (xhw->bDriving)
                    simulate(x11, xhw, xhw->ncars, xhw->cars, &xhw->ir);
        case ConfigureNotify:
            if (wd == xhw->main.self)
                xhw->main.width  = event->xconfigure.width;
                xhw->main.height = event->xconfigure.height;
                for (i = 0; (i < NBUT); i++)
                    XMoveResizeWindow(x11->disp, xhw->but[i].self,
                                      xhw->but[i].x, xhw->but[i].y,
                                      xhw->but[i].width, xhw->but[i].height);
                XMoveResizeWindow(x11->disp, win->self,
                                  win->x, win->y, win->width, win->height);
            else if (wd == win->self)
                win->width  = event->xconfigure.width;
                win->height = event->xconfigure.height;
        case ButtonPress:
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Пример #30
int main()
	return 0;