Пример #1
void smf_flat_malloc( size_t nheat, const smfData * refdata,
                      smfData **powvald, smfData **bolvald, int *status ) {

  size_t rowidx = SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX;
  size_t colidx = SC2STORE__COL_INDEX;
  double * bolval = NULL; /* Data array inside bolrefd */
  double * bolvalvar = NULL; /* Variance inside bolrefd */
  dim_t dims[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; /* Default dimensions */
  smfHead * hdr = NULL;      /* New header */
  int lbnd[] = { 1, 1, 1 };  /* Default pixel lower bounds */
  size_t nelem = 0;      /* Number of elements in first two dimensions of refdims */
  smfHead * oldhdr = NULL;   /* header from refdata */
  void *pntr[] = { NULL, NULL };          /* pointers for smfData */
  double * powval = NULL; /* Data array inside powrefd */

  if (bolvald) *bolvald = NULL;
  if (powvald) *powvald = NULL;

  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  if ( !bolvald && !powvald) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "Must provide at least one non-NULL pointer to smf_flat_malloc"
            " (possible programming error)", status );

  /* Sanity check */
  if ( nheat == 0 ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "No flatfield information present for creating new smfData",
            status );

  if ( !smf_validate_smfData( refdata, 1, 0, status ) ) return;
  oldhdr = refdata->hdr;

  if (powvald) {
    powval = astCalloc( nheat, sizeof(*powval) );
    pntr[0] = powval;
    pntr[1] = NULL;
    dims[0] = nheat;
    *powvald = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE,
                                      pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_NULL, NULL, 0, 1,
                                      dims, NULL, 1, 0, 0, NULL,
                                      NULL, status );

  if (bolvald) {
    /* Handle data ordering */
    if ( ! refdata->isTordered ) {

    nelem = refdata->dims[rowidx] * refdata->dims[colidx];
    bolval = astCalloc( nheat * nelem, sizeof(*bolval) );
    bolvalvar = astCalloc( nheat * nelem, sizeof(*bolvalvar) );
    pntr[0] = bolval;
    pntr[1] = bolvalvar;
    dims[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX] = refdata->dims[rowidx];
    dims[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX] = refdata->dims[colidx];
    dims[2] = nheat;
    lbnd[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX] = refdata->lbnd[rowidx];
    lbnd[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX] = refdata->lbnd[colidx];
    lbnd[2] = 1;

    /* Create a header to attach to the bolometer data. We only want the basic 2-d
       information to propagate. */
    hdr = smf_construct_smfHead( NULL, oldhdr->instrument, NULL, NULL,
                                 astCopy( oldhdr->fitshdr ), NULL, 0,
                                 oldhdr->instap, nheat, oldhdr->steptime,
                                 oldhdr->scanvel, oldhdr->obsmode,
                                 oldhdr->swmode, oldhdr->obstype,
                                 oldhdr->seqtype, oldhdr->inbeam, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                 NULL, NULL, 0, NULL,
                                 "Flatfield measurement", "Response",
                                 oldhdr->units, oldhdr->telpos,
                                 NULL, oldhdr->obsidss, status );

    *bolvald = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL, hdr, NULL, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE,
                                      pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_TSERIES, NULL, 0, 1,
                                      dims, lbnd, 3, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, status );

Пример #2
void smf_flat_malloc( size_t nheat, const smfData * refdata,
                      smfData **powvald, smfData **bolvald, int *status ) {

  size_t rowidx = SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX;
  size_t colidx = SC2STORE__COL_INDEX;
  double * bolval = NULL; /* Data array inside bolrefd */
  double * bolvalvar = NULL; /* Variance inside bolrefd */
  dim_t dims[] = { 1, 1, 1 }; /* Default dimensions */
  smfHead * hdr = NULL;      /* New header */
  int lbnd[] = { 1, 1, 1 };  /* Default pixel lower bounds */
  size_t nelem = 0;      /* Number of elements in first two dimensions of refdims */
  smfHead * oldhdr = NULL;   /* header from refdata */
  void *pntr[] = { NULL, NULL };          /* pointers for smfData */
  double * powval = NULL; /* Data array inside powrefd */
  const char *dom;        /* Domain of axis 1 */
  AstFrameSet *new_fs;    /* New FrameSet for returned *bolvald */
  AstMapping *map;        /* Mapping from pixel index 3 to heater index */
  AstFrame *frm;          /* Frame describing heater index */
  int ubnd[ 1 ];          /* Upper bound on heater index */

  if (bolvald) *bolvald = NULL;
  if (powvald) *powvald = NULL;

  if ( *status != SAI__OK ) return;

  if ( !bolvald && !powvald) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "Must provide at least one non-NULL pointer to smf_flat_malloc"
            " (possible programming error)", status );

  /* Sanity check */
  if ( nheat == 0 ) {
    *status = SAI__ERROR;
    errRep( "", "No flatfield information present for creating new smfData",
            status );

  if ( !smf_validate_smfData( refdata, 1, 0, status ) ) return;
  oldhdr = refdata->hdr;

  if (powvald) {
    powval = astCalloc( nheat, sizeof(*powval) );
    pntr[0] = powval;
    pntr[1] = NULL;
    dims[0] = nheat;
    *powvald = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE,
                                      pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_NULL, NULL, 0, 1,
                                      dims, NULL, 1, 0, 0, NULL,
                                      NULL, status );

  if (bolvald) {
    /* Handle data ordering */
    if ( ! refdata->isTordered ) {

    nelem = refdata->dims[rowidx] * refdata->dims[colidx];
    bolval = astCalloc( nheat * nelem, sizeof(*bolval) );
    bolvalvar = astCalloc( nheat * nelem, sizeof(*bolvalvar) );
    pntr[0] = bolval;
    pntr[1] = bolvalvar;
    dims[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX] = refdata->dims[rowidx];
    dims[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX] = refdata->dims[colidx];
    dims[2] = nheat;
    lbnd[SC2STORE__ROW_INDEX] = refdata->lbnd[rowidx];
    lbnd[SC2STORE__COL_INDEX] = refdata->lbnd[colidx];
    lbnd[2] = 1;

    /* Create a header to attach to the bolometer data. We only want the basic 2-d
       information to propagate. */
    hdr = smf_construct_smfHead( NULL, oldhdr->instrument, NULL, NULL,
                                 astCopy( oldhdr->fitshdr ), NULL, 0,
                                 oldhdr->instap, nheat, oldhdr->steptime,
                                 oldhdr->scanvel, oldhdr->obsmode,
                                 oldhdr->swmode, oldhdr->obstype,
                                 oldhdr->seqtype, oldhdr->inbeam, 0, NULL, NULL,
                                 NULL, NULL, 0, NULL,
                                 "Flatfield measurement", "Response",
                                 oldhdr->units, oldhdr->telpos,
                                 NULL, oldhdr->obsidss, status );

    *bolvald = smf_construct_smfData( NULL, NULL, hdr, NULL, NULL, SMF__DOUBLE,
                                      pntr, NULL, SMF__QFAM_TSERIES, NULL, 0, 1,
                                      dims, lbnd, 3, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, status );

    /* Assign a 3D WCS FRameSet in which the third axis represents heater
       value index (note, not actual heater value, since we do not yet
       know what the heater values are). First split the supplied time-series
       WCS FrameSet to extract a FrameSet in which the current Frame
       contains only the axes within the ame Domain as the first axis
       (this is safe because the first axis is always a spatial axis). */
    if( oldhdr->tswcs ) {
      dom = astGetC( oldhdr->tswcs, "Domain(1)" );
      new_fs = atlFrameSetSplit( oldhdr->tswcs, dom, NULL, NULL, status );

      /* Check this FrameSet is 2D, and if so, add in a third axis describing
         heater value index. */
      if( new_fs && astGetI( new_fs, "Naxes" ) == 2 ) {
         map = (AstMapping *) astUnitMap( 1, " " );
         frm = astFrame( 1, "Domain=HEATER_INDEX" );
         ubnd[ 0 ] = nheat;
         atlAddWcsAxis(  new_fs, map, frm, NULL, ubnd, status );
         map = astAnnul( map );
         frm = astAnnul( frm );

         /* Hand over the FrameSet pointer to the returned smfData. */
         (*bolvald)->hdr->tswcs = new_fs;

