Пример #1
void register_vehicle(int fd, struct vehicle_list *vehicles)
    int16_t port;
    char *addr;
    uint32_t data_size, id;

    if(socket_read(fd, &port, sizeof(int16_t)) != sizeof(int16_t))
    port = ntohs(port);
    if(socket_read(fd, &data_size, sizeof(uint32_t)) != sizeof(uint32_t))
    data_size = ntohl(data_size);

    addr = (char*)malloc(data_size + 1);
    if(addr == NULL)
        error_exit("Memory allocation:");

    if(socket_read(fd, addr, data_size) != data_size)
    addr[data_size] = 0;

    id = htonl(l_add_vehicle(vehicles, port, addr));
    socket_write(fd, "k", 1);
    socket_write(fd, &id, sizeof(uint32_t));
    printf("Vehicle %d registered. Count = %d\n", ntohl(id), vehicles->num_vehicles);
Пример #2
int socket_main(int hsocket)
        struct sockaddr_in sock;
        int asocket;            /* Active socket */
        socklen_t sock_len;
        char buffer[200];
        int got;

        sock_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
        asocket = accept( hsocket, (struct sockaddr *)&sock, &sock_len );
        if (asocket == -1) {
                return -1;
        socket_write( asocket, "Hi there\n", 9 );
        while (1) {
                while (socket_poll(asocket)==0) {}
                if ((got=socket_read(asocket, buffer, 200))>0) {
                        socket_write( asocket, buffer, got );
        return 0;
Пример #3
void get_history(int fd, struct vehicle_list *vehicles)
    int32_t id, count, x, y;
    struct single_vehicle *v;
    struct position *p;

    if(socket_read(fd, &id, sizeof(uint32_t)) != sizeof(uint32_t)) return;
    id = ntohl(id);

    count = begin_getting_history(vehicles, id, &v);
    count = htonl(count);
    if(socket_write(fd, &count, sizeof(uint32_t)) == sizeof(uint32_t) && v != NULL)
        p = get_positions(v);
        while(p != NULL)
            x = htonl(p->x);
            y = htonl(p->y);

            if(socket_write(fd, &x, sizeof(int32_t)) != sizeof(int32_t)) break;
            if(socket_write(fd, &y, sizeof(int32_t)) != sizeof(int32_t)) break;
            p = get_next_position(p);

    end_getting_history(vehicles, v);
Пример #4
 * Sends a response to a command continuation request.
send_continuation(session *ssn, const char *data, size_t len)

	if (ssn->socket == -1)
		return -1;

	if (socket_write(ssn, data, len) == -1 ||
	    socket_write(ssn, "\r\n", strlen("\r\n")) == -1)
		return -1;

	if (opts.debug) {
		unsigned int i;

		debug("sending continuation data (%d):\n\n", ssn->socket);
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++)

	return 0;
Пример #5
 * HTTP PUT buffer contents to a remote URL
 * @param url URL to PUT the contents to
 * @param buf Buffer whose contents to send
 * @param count Size of buffer (number of bytes to send)
 * @return HTTP status code, 200 for OK. See the HTTP RFC for details.
int http_put_buf(const char *url, const void *buf, size_t count) {
	char *host = url_get_field(url, URL_HOST);
	char *port = url_get_field(url, URL_PORT);
	char *path = url_get_field(url, URL_PATH);

	int response_code = -1;

	if (host && port && path) {
		String *buffer = string_new("");

		string_append_c(buffer, "PUT ");
		string_append_c(buffer, path);
		string_append_c(buffer, " HTTP/1.1\r\n");

		string_append_c(buffer, "Host: ");
		string_append_c(buffer, host);
		string_append_c(buffer, "\r\n");

		string_append_c(buffer, "Content-type: text/plain\r\n");

		if (count > 0) {
			char length_str[16];
			snprintf(length_str, sizeof length_str, "%zu", count);
			string_append_c(buffer, "Content-length: ");
			string_append_c(buffer, length_str);
			string_append_c(buffer, "\r\n");

		string_append_c(buffer, "Connection: close\r\n");
		string_append_c(buffer, "Iam: anilakar\r\n");

		string_append_c(buffer, "\r\n");

		int http_socket = socket_tcp_connect(host, port);
		if (http_socket >= 0) {
			if (-1 == socket_write(http_socket, buffer->c_str, buffer->size) ||
				-1 == socket_write(http_socket, buf, count)) {
				VERBOSE("Could not write to HTTP server.");
			} else {
				char response[512]; // Need only the first line
				int r = socket_read(http_socket, response, sizeof response - 1);
				response[r] = '\0';
				sscanf(response, "HTTP/1.1 %d", &response_code);				

	else {
		VERBOSE("Malformed URL: %s", url);


	VERBOSE("HTTP Response: %d", response_code);
	return response_code;
Пример #6
bool NameResolution::waitForData(ims::name::NameResolutionSourceType sourceType) {
	// prepare the command
	cmdLen = 3;
	uint16_t tmpCmdLen = htons(cmdLen);
	memcpy(buf, &tmpCmdLen, sizeof(uint16_t));
	buf[2] = 0; // type, NameResolution
	buf[3] = -3; // function, waitForData
	if (sourceType == ims::name::NameResolutionSourceType::ANY) {
		buf[4] = 0;
	} else if (sourceType == ims::name::NameResolutionSourceType::DNS) {
		buf[4] = 1;

	// issue the command
	if (socket_write(conn_fd, buf, cmdLen + 2, sockTimeout) != cmdLen + 2) {
		// something went wrong...reconnect, try one more time, then fail
		if (!establishConnection()) {
			return false;
		if (socket_write(conn_fd, buf, cmdLen + 2, sockTimeout) != cmdLen + 2) {
			return false;
	do {
		if (socket_read(conn_fd, buf, 1, sockTimeout) != 1) {
			// error
			return false;
	} while (buf[0] == 0);

	return true;
Пример #7
// main
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int s, size;
  pthread_t thread;
  char buf[256];

  if (argc == 1)
      printf ("usage: client <server IP address>\n");
      exit (1);

  s = socket_connect (argv[1], 1024);

  pthread_mutex_init (&g_mutex, NULL);
  pthread_create (&thread, NULL, thread_recv, (void *) &s);

  // メインループ
  while (g_main_loop)
      fgets (buf, 256, stdin);
      size = strlen (buf);
      fprintf (stderr, "sending[%d] %s", size, buf);
      socket_write (s, &size, sizeof (int));
      socket_write (s, buf, size);

  pthread_join (thread, NULL);

  exit (0);
Пример #8
static void write_string(int fd, char const * message)
    size_t const length = (message) ? strlen(message) : 0;
    socket_write(fd, (void const *)&length, sizeof(size_t));
    if (length > 0)
        socket_write(fd, (void const *)message, length);
Пример #9
static bool8 NPServerSendROMInfoToClient (int c)
	if (!npplayer[c].online)
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Sending ROM information to client %d...", c);

	if (NPServerSendMesToClient(c, kNPServerROMInfoWillSend) == false)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send messsage to client.", 1301);
		return (false);

	if (NPServerGetMesFromClient(c) != kNPClientROMInfoWaiting)
		NPError("Server: Failed to receive messsage from client.", 1302);
		return (false);

	uint8	mes[16];
	uint32	l;
	char	drive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1], dir[_MAX_DIR + 1], fname[_MAX_FNAME + 1], ext[_MAX_EXT + 1];

	_splitpath(Memory.ROMFilename, drive, dir, fname, ext);
	l = strlen(fname);

	WRITE_LONG(mes + 0,  Memory.ROMCRC32);
	WRITE_LONG(mes + 4,  deviceSetting);
	WRITE_BYTE(mes + 8,  0);	// reserved
	WRITE_BYTE(mes + 9,  0);	// reserved
	WRITE_BYTE(mes + 10, 0);	// reserved
	WRITE_BYTE(mes + 11, 0);	// reserved
	WRITE_LONG(mes + 12, l);

	if (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, mes, 16) != 16)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send ROM information to client.", 1303);
		return (false);

	if (socket_write(npplayer[c].socket, (uint8 *) fname, l) != (int) l)
		NPError("Server: Failed to send ROM name to client.", 1304);
		return (false);

	NPNotification("Server: Sent ROM information to client %d.", c);
	return (true);

	// next: kNPClientROMOpened
Пример #10
bool NameResolution::getMappings(ims::name::NameIPMap &mappings, ims::name::NameResolutionSourceType sourceType) {
	// prepare the command
	cmdLen = 3;
	uint16_t tmpCmdLen = htons(cmdLen);
	memcpy(buf, &tmpCmdLen, sizeof(uint16_t));
	buf[2] = 0; // type, NameResolution
	buf[3] = 4; // function, getMappings
	if (sourceType == ims::name::NameResolutionSourceType::ANY) {
		buf[4] = 0;
	} else if (sourceType == ims::name::NameResolutionSourceType::DNS) {
		buf[4] = 1;
	// issue the command
	if (socket_write(conn_fd, buf, cmdLen + 2, sockTimeout) != cmdLen + 2) {
		// something went wrong...reconnect, try one more time, then fail
		if (!establishConnection()) {
			return false;
		if (socket_write(conn_fd, buf, cmdLen + 2, sockTimeout) != cmdLen + 2) {
			return false;
	// at this point, all is well, and command has been issued
	// read back the # of mappings
	uint32_t count32;
	if (socket_read(conn_fd, (char *) &count32, sizeof(uint32_t), sockTimeout) != sizeof(uint32_t)) {
		// error
		return false;
	count32 = ntohl(count32);
	// FIXME fill a buffer instead of reading one at a time
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count32; ++i) {
		if (socket_read(conn_fd, (char *) &nameLen, 1, sockTimeout) != 1) {
			return false;
		if (socket_read(conn_fd, buf, nameLen, sockTimeout) != nameLen) {
			return false;
		tmpName.assign(buf, nameLen);
		if (socket_read(conn_fd, (char *) &ip, sizeof(uint32_t), sockTimeout) != sizeof(uint32_t)) {
			return false;
		mappings.insert(std::make_pair(tmpName, ntohl(ip)));
	return true;
Пример #11
static bool8 NPClientReplyPhaseSpanTest (void)
	uint8   mes[21];
	int		l = npclient.numplayers * 4 + 1;

	NPNotification("Client: Replying sending / receiving pad states test...", -1);

	for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
		if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, l) != l)
			return (false);

		if (socket_write(npclient.socket, mes, 5) != 5)
			return (false);

	NPNotification("Client: Replied sending / receiving pad states test.", -1);

	NPNotification("Client: Receiving phase span value from server...", -1);

	if (socket_read(npclient.socket, mes, 4) != 4)
		return (false);

	npclient.phasespan = READ_LONG(mes + 0);

	NPNotification("  phase span: %d (frames)", npclient.phasespan);

	NPNotification("Client: Received phase span value from server.", -1);

	return (true);
Пример #12
/* Handle a RST 38 (system call) */
int handle_sys(int scall, int parameter) 
        char buffer[2];
        switch (scall) {
                case 0: {
                        /* Read in from telnet */
                        if (flags&DSOCKETS) {
                                return socket_get(tsocket);
                        return 0;
                case 1: {
                        /* Write to telnet */
                        if (flags&DSOCKETS) {
                                return socket_write( tsocket, buffer, 1);
                        return -1;
                case 2: {
                        /* Return !0 if data is available */
                        if (flags&DSOCKETS) {
                                return socket_poll( tsocket );
                        return -1;
        return 0;
Пример #13
static void run_networking_test(bool server)
    if (!server) {
        connection_t *conn = connection_create(&on_connect);
        if (!conn)

        printf("connecting to localhost on port 1337\n");
        socket_connect(conn, "", "1337");

        char buffer[1024];
        while (fgets(buffer, sizeof buffer, stdin))
            socket_write(conn, buffer);
    } else {
        socket_t *sock = socket_create(on_accept);
        if (!sock)

        printf("Server will bind to port 1337.\n");
        socket_listen(sock, NULL, 1337, 10);
        while (1) {
            printf("%d connections ATM\n", sock->num_connections);
Пример #14
static void on_connect(connection_t *s)
    s->on_read = on_read;
    s->on_disconnect = on_disconnect;

    socket_write(s, "hi %s\n", s->ip);
Пример #15
void send_svr_disconnect(int sock, char *user_name)
   * Disconnect message to svr:
   * +2+22+592+{user_len}{user}
  int rc = PBSE_NONE;
  int len = 0, user_len = 0, user_ll = 0, resp_msg_len = 0;
  char tmp_buf[8];
  char *resp_msg = NULL;
  user_len = strlen(user_name);
  sprintf(tmp_buf, "%d", user_len);
  user_ll = strlen(tmp_buf);
  len += 8;
  len += user_ll;
  len += 1;
  len += user_len;
  len += LOGIN_NAME_MAX + 1;
  resp_msg = (char *)calloc(1, len);
  sprintf(resp_msg, "+2+22+59%d+%d%s", user_ll, user_len, user_name);
  resp_msg_len = strlen(resp_msg);
  if ((rc = socket_write(sock, resp_msg, resp_msg_len)) != resp_msg_len)
    if (debug_mode == TRUE)
      fprintf(stderr, "Can not send close message to pbs_server!! (socket #%d)\n", sock);
Пример #16
socket_write_all(int sock, const void *buff, size_t len)
	size_t nleft;
	ssize_t nwritten;
	const char *ptr;

	ptr = buff;
	nleft = len;

	while (nleft > 0)
		if ( (nwritten = socket_write(sock, ptr, nleft)) <= 0)
			if (nwritten < 0 && errno == EINTR)
				nwritten = 0;   /* and call write() again */
				return (-1);    /* error */

		nleft -= nwritten;
		ptr += nwritten;

	return len;
Пример #17
 * Send the response to the client. If the response has already been
 * commited, this function does nothing.
static void send_response(HttpResponse res) {
  Socket_T S= res->S;

  if(!res->is_committed) {
    char date[STRLEN];
    char server[STRLEN];
    char *headers= get_headers(res);
    int length = StringBuffer_length(res->outputbuffer);

    res->is_committed= TRUE;
    get_date(date, STRLEN);
    get_server(server, STRLEN);
    socket_print(S, "%s %d %s\r\n", res->protocol, res->status,
    socket_print(S, "Date: %s\r\n", date);
    socket_print(S, "Server: %s\r\n", server);
    socket_print(S, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", length);
    socket_print(S, "Connection: close\r\n");
	socket_print(S, "%s", headers);
    socket_print(S, "\r\n");
	socket_write(S, (unsigned char *)StringBuffer_toString(res->outputbuffer), length);
Пример #18
long tcp_sout (TCPSTREAM *stream,char *string,unsigned long size)
  int i;
  fd_set fds;
  struct timeval tmo;
  time_t t = time (0);
  if (stream->tcpso < 0) return NIL;
  while (size > 0) {		/* until request satisfied */
    time_t tl = time (0);	/* start of request */
    tmo.tv_sec = ttmo_write;	/* write timeout */
    tmo.tv_usec = 0;
    FD_ZERO (&fds);		/* initialize selection vector */
    FD_SET (stream->tcpso,&fds);/* set bit in selection vector */
    errno = NIL;		/* block and write */
    while (((i = select (getdtablesize (),0,&fds,0,ttmo_write ? &tmo : 0)) < 0)
	   && (errno == EINTR));
    if (!i) {			/* timeout? */
      time_t tc = time (0);
      if (tmoh && ((*tmoh) (tc - t,tc - tl))) continue;
      else return tcp_abort (stream);
    else if (i < 0) return tcp_abort (stream);
    while (((i = socket_write (stream->tcpso,string,size)) < 0) &&
	   (errno == EINTR));
    if (i < 0) return tcp_abort (stream);
    size -= i;			/* how much we sent */
    string += i;
  return T;			/* all done */
Пример #19
int nettest2(void)
	int err;
	sockaddr addr;

	fd = socket_create(SOCK_PROTO_TCP, 0);
	printf("created socket, fd %d\n", fd);
	if(fd < 0)
		return 0;

	memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
	addr.addr.len = 4;
	addr.addr.type = ADDR_TYPE_IP;
	addr.port = 9;
	NETADDR_TO_IPV4(addr.addr) = IPV4_DOTADDR_TO_ADDR(63,203,215,73);

	err = socket_connect(fd, &addr);
	printf("socket_connect returns %d\n", err);
	if(err < 0)
		return err;

	for(;;) {
		char buf[4096];
		socket_write(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
	return 0;
Пример #20
string query_ident(object who)
  string name, ipno, id;
  mixed info;
  if(!interactive(who)) return 0;
  name = (string)who->query_real_name();
  ipno = query_ip_number(who);

  if(stringp(info=ident_info[id=name+"@"+ipno])) return info;

  if(info + RETRY_TIME < time() && requests[id] < MAX_RETRIES)
    info=reqno +" "+query_ip_port(who)+" "+ipno;
    if((info=socket_write(sd, info, IDENTSERVER)) < 0)
      _syslog("identd: socket_write failed: " + info);
      return 0;

  return 0;
Пример #21
 *  A simple 'SSH protocol version exchange' implemetation based on
 *  RFC (http://www.openssh.com/txt/draft-ietf-secsh-transport-14.txt)
 *  @author Igor Homyakov, <*****@*****.**>
 *  @file
int check_ssh(Socket_T s) {

  char  buf[STRLEN];

  if(!socket_readln(s, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
    LogError("SSH: error receiving identification string -- %s\n", STRERROR);
    return FALSE;
  if(! Util_startsWith(buf, "SSH-")) {
    LogError("SSH: protocol error %s\n", buf);
    return FALSE;

  /* send identification string back to server */
  if(socket_write(s, buf, strlen(buf)) <= 0) {
    LogError("SSH: error sending identification string -- %s\n", STRERROR);
    return FALSE;

  /* Read one extra line to prevent the "Read from socket failed" warning */
  socket_readln(s, buf, sizeof(buf));
  return TRUE;
Пример #22
// physical layer function to send data.
int phy_send(COMMCTX* ctx, char* buffer, int size)
	SOCK_CTX* mctx;

	return socket_write(mctx->sock, buffer, size);
Пример #23
int Dps_ftp_send_cmd(DPS_CONN *connp, const char *cmd) {
        char *buf;
	size_t len;

    	connp->err = 0;
	len = dps_strlen(cmd)+2;    
        buf = DpsXmalloc(len+1);
	if (buf == NULL) return -1;
	dps_snprintf(buf, len+1, "%s\r\n", cmd);
	if (socket_write(connp, buf)){
		DPS_FREE( buf);
		return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
	fprintf(stderr, "ftp://%s (cmd) : %s", connp->hostname, buf);
	/*DpsLog(connp->indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "ftp://%s (cmd) : %s", connp->hostname, buf);*/
	if (Dps_ftp_read_line(connp))
		return -1;
#ifdef DEBUG_FTP
	fprintf(stderr, "ftp://%s (reply): %s", connp->hostname, connp->buf);
	/*DpsLog(connp->indexer, DPS_LOG_DEBUG, "ftp://%s (reply): %s", connp->hostname, connp->buf);*/
Пример #24
/** Called to write into the socket
 * \see oml_outs_write_f
 * If the connection needs to be re-established, header is sent first, then buffer,
 * \see \see open_socket, socket_write
static ssize_t
net_stream_write(OmlOutStream* hdl, uint8_t* buffer, size_t  length, uint8_t* header, size_t  header_length)
    OmlNetOutStream* self = (OmlNetOutStream*)hdl;
    size_t count;

    /* The header can be NULL, but header_length MUST be 0 in that case */
    assert(header || !header_length);

    /* Initialise the socket the first time */
    while (self->socket == NULL) {
        logdebug ("%s: Connecting to server\n", self->dest);
        if (!open_socket(self)) {
            logdebug("%s: Connection attempt failed\n", self->dest);
            return 0;

    /* If the underlying socket has registered a disconnection, it will reconnect on its own
     * however, we need to check it to make sure we send the headers before anything else */
    if(socket_is_disconnected(self->socket)) {
        self->header_written = 0;

    out_stream_write_header(hdl, socket_write, header, header_length);

    if(o_log_level_active(O_LOG_DEBUG4)) {
        char *out = to_octets(buffer, length);
        logdebug("%s: Sending data %s\n", self->dest, out);
    count = socket_write(hdl, buffer, length);
    return count;
Пример #25
void stream_file(int sock, char* name){
	int fnlen = strlen(movie_dir) + strlen(name) + 1;
	char* filename = (char*) calloc(fnlen, sizeof(char));
	strcat(filename, movie_dir);
	strcat(filename, "/");
	strcat(filename, name);
	FILE* fd = fopen(filename, "r");

	int delay_ms = 150;
	char* line = NULL;
	size_t len;
	ssize_t read;
	struct timespec sleep_time;
	sleep_time.tv_sec = delay_ms / 1000;
	sleep_time.tv_nsec = (delay_ms % 1000) * 1000000;

	while((read = getline(&line, &len, fd)) > 0){
		socket_write(sock, line);
		if(strcmp(line, "end\n") == 0){
			nanosleep(&sleep_time, NULL);

Пример #26
// Report that a child has exited
void child_cb(EV_P_ ev_child *w, int revents)
	char str[100];
	char format[] = 
	    "{\"processTerminated\" : "
	    "    {\"pid\" : %d, \"returnCode\" : %d, \"bySignal\" : %d, \"endTime\" : %ld }}";

	struct timeval tp;
	gettimeofday(&tp, NULL);
	long int time = (long int) tp.tv_sec * 1000 + tp.tv_usec;

	sprintf(str, format, w->rpid, WEXITSTATUS(w->rstatus), WSTOPSIG(w->rstatus), time);
	socket_t *s = w->data;

	ev_child_stop (EV_A_ w);

	frame_t *frame = malloc(sizeof(frame_t));
	frame->fin = 1;
	frame->opcode = WS_OP_BIN;
	frame->len = strlen(str);
	frame->payload = str;
	int fr_len;
	char *fr_str = write_frame(frame, &fr_len);
	socket_write(s, fr_str, fr_len);

	ilist_remove(processes, w->rpid);
Пример #27
void send_static_message(int sock, char *message)
  if (socket_write(sock, message, strlen(message)) < 0)
Пример #28
static int send_status(int sockfd, struct iovec *iovec, int status)
    ProxyHeader header;
    int retval, msg_size;

    if (status < 0) {
        header.type = T_ERROR;
    } else {
        header.type = T_SUCCESS;
    header.size = sizeof(status);
     * marshal the return status. We don't check error.
     * because we are sure we have enough space for the status
    msg_size = proxy_marshal(iovec, 0, "ddd", header.type,
                             header.size, status);
    if (msg_size < 0) {
        return msg_size;
    retval = socket_write(sockfd, iovec->iov_base, msg_size);
    if (retval < 0) {
        return retval;
    return 0;
Пример #29
static int say(Socket_T socket, char *msg) {
        if (socket_write(socket, msg, strlen(msg)) < 0) {
                socket_setError(socket, "LMTP: error sending data -- %s", STRERROR);
                return FALSE;
        return TRUE;
Пример #30
 * send response in two parts
 * 1) ProxyHeader
 * 2) Response or error status
 * This function should be called with marshaled response
 * send_response constructs header part and error part only.
 * send response sends {ProxyHeader,Response} if the request was success
 * otherwise sends {ProxyHeader,error status}
static int send_response(int sock, struct iovec *iovec, int size)
    int retval;
    ProxyHeader header;

     * If response size exceeds available iovec->iov_len,
     * we return ENOBUFS
    if (size > PROXY_MAX_IO_SZ) {
        size = -ENOBUFS;

    if (size < 0) {
         * In case of error we would not have got the error encoded
         * already so encode the error here.
        header.type = T_ERROR;
        header.size = sizeof(size);
        proxy_marshal(iovec, PROXY_HDR_SZ, "d", size);
    } else {
        header.type = T_SUCCESS;
        header.size = size;
    proxy_marshal(iovec, 0, "dd", header.type, header.size);
    retval = socket_write(sock, iovec->iov_base, header.size + PROXY_HDR_SZ);
    if (retval < 0) {
        return retval;
    return 0;