Пример #1
void MineralEQ3::initThermoXML(XML_Node& phaseNode, const std::string& id_)
     * Find the Thermo XML node
    if (!phaseNode.hasChild("thermo")) {
        throw CanteraError("HMWSoln::initThermoXML",
                           "no thermo XML node");

    std::vector<const XML_Node*> xspecies = speciesData();
    const XML_Node* xsp = xspecies[0];

    XML_Node* aStandardState = 0;
    if (xsp->hasChild("standardState")) {
        aStandardState = &xsp->child("standardState");
    } else {
        throw CanteraError("MineralEQ3::initThermoXML",
                           "no standard state mode");
    doublereal volVal = 0.0;
    string smodel = (*aStandardState)["model"];
    if (smodel != "constantVolume") {
        throw CanteraError("MineralEQ3::initThermoXML",
                           "wrong standard state mode");
    if (aStandardState->hasChild("V0_Pr_Tr")) {
        XML_Node& aV = aStandardState->child("V0_Pr_Tr");
        string Aunits = "";
        double Afactor = toSI("cm3/gmol");
        if (aV.hasAttrib("units")) {
            Aunits = aV.attrib("units");
            Afactor = toSI(Aunits);
        volVal = ctml::getFloat(*aStandardState, "V0_Pr_Tr");
        m_V0_pr_tr= volVal;
        volVal *= Afactor;
        m_speciesSize[0] = volVal;
    } else {
        throw CanteraError("MineralEQ3::initThermoXML",
                           "wrong standard state mode");
    doublereal rho = molecularWeight(0) / volVal;

    const XML_Node& sThermo = xsp->child("thermo");
    const XML_Node& MinEQ3node = sThermo.child("MinEQ3");

    m_deltaG_formation_pr_tr =
        ctml::getFloatDefaultUnits(MinEQ3node, "DG0_f_Pr_Tr", "cal/gmol", "actEnergy");
    m_deltaH_formation_pr_tr =
        ctml::getFloatDefaultUnits(MinEQ3node, "DH0_f_Pr_Tr", "cal/gmol", "actEnergy");
    m_Entrop_pr_tr = ctml::getFloatDefaultUnits(MinEQ3node, "S0_Pr_Tr", "cal/gmol/K");
    m_a = ctml::getFloatDefaultUnits(MinEQ3node, "a", "cal/gmol/K");
    m_b = ctml::getFloatDefaultUnits(MinEQ3node, "b", "cal/gmol/K2");
    m_c = ctml::getFloatDefaultUnits(MinEQ3node, "c", "cal-K/gmol");

Пример #2
void MineralEQ3::initThermoXML(XML_Node& phaseNode, const std::string& id_)
    // Find the Thermo XML node
    if (!phaseNode.hasChild("thermo")) {
        throw CanteraError("HMWSoln::initThermoXML",
                           "no thermo XML node");

    const XML_Node* xsp = speciesData()[0];

    XML_Node* aStandardState = 0;
    if (xsp->hasChild("standardState")) {
        aStandardState = &xsp->child("standardState");
    } else {
        throw CanteraError("MineralEQ3::initThermoXML",
                           "no standard state mode");
    doublereal volVal = 0.0;
    if (aStandardState->attrib("model") != "constantVolume") {
        throw CanteraError("MineralEQ3::initThermoXML",
                           "wrong standard state mode");
    if (aStandardState->hasChild("V0_Pr_Tr")) {
        XML_Node& aV = aStandardState->child("V0_Pr_Tr");
        double Afactor = toSI("cm3/gmol");
        if (aV.hasAttrib("units")) {
            Afactor = toSI(aV.attrib("units"));
        volVal = getFloat(*aStandardState, "V0_Pr_Tr");
        m_V0_pr_tr= volVal;
        volVal *= Afactor;
    } else {
        throw CanteraError("MineralEQ3::initThermoXML",
                           "wrong standard state mode");
    setDensity(molecularWeight(0) / volVal);

    const XML_Node& MinEQ3node = xsp->child("thermo").child("MinEQ3");

    m_deltaG_formation_pr_tr =
        getFloat(MinEQ3node, "DG0_f_Pr_Tr", "actEnergy") / actEnergyToSI("cal/gmol");
    m_deltaH_formation_pr_tr =
        getFloat(MinEQ3node, "DH0_f_Pr_Tr", "actEnergy") / actEnergyToSI("cal/gmol");
    m_Entrop_pr_tr = getFloat(MinEQ3node, "S0_Pr_Tr", "toSI") / toSI("cal/gmol/K");
    m_a = getFloat(MinEQ3node, "a", "toSI") / toSI("cal/gmol/K");
    m_b = getFloat(MinEQ3node, "b", "toSI") / toSI("cal/gmol/K2");
    m_c = getFloat(MinEQ3node, "c", "toSI") / toSI("cal-K/gmol");
