Пример #1
bool insertKey(TreeNodePtr node, TreeItemPtr key){
    assert(node != NULL && key != NULL);
    int pos = getItemOrNext(node, key->key);
    bool keyFound = isKeyFound(node, pos, key->key);
        node->items[pos]->data = key->data;
        return false;
        addKey(node, pos, key);
        return true;

    if(node->nodes[pos]->keyCount == MAX_KEY_COUNT){
        if(!splitChild(node, pos)) return false;
        //after we splitted, a chance, that a key
        //added in node is less then a new key, is apperaring
        assert(node->items[pos] != NULL);
        if(node->items[pos]->key < key->key) pos++;
        assert(pos == node->keyCount || node->items[pos]->key > key->key);
    bool res = insertKey(node->nodes[pos], key);
    if(res) node->subtreeKeyCount[pos]++;
    return res;
Пример #2
bool insertKeyInTree(TreePtr tree, TreeItemPtr item){
    if(NULL == tree) return false;

    assert(tree->root != NULL && item != NULL);

    if(MAX_KEY_COUNT != tree->root->keyCount)
        return insertKey(tree->root, item);

    TreeNodePtr newRoot = newTreeNode(0, NULL, false), oldRoot = tree->root;

    //newTreeNode also sets childCount to 1, so the following line fixes it
    newRoot->childCount = 0;

    oldRoot->parent = newRoot;
    tree->root = newRoot;
    addNode(newRoot, oldRoot, subforestKeyCount(oldRoot), 0);
    splitChild(newRoot, 0);
    return insertKey(tree->root, item);
Пример #3
bool node::insert(string key, string value){
	//first we will initialize as the index of the rightmost element so it becomes easy to move over smaller elements
	int i = numElements - 1;

	//Next we check if this node is a leaf node
	if(leaf == true)
		//find the location of the new key to be inserted and move all the greater keys ahead
		while( i >= 0 && keys[i] > key){
			keys[i+1] = keys[i]; //move the key over to the new index position
			values[i+1] = values[i]; //move the value over to the new index position
		//Last we have to insert the new key and value into the new found location
		keys[i+1] = key;
		values[i+1] = value;
		numElements++; //increments numElements by 1 ( + 1)
		return true;
	else{ //in the case that this node is not a leaf

		//first it will find the child the new key should be inserted too
		while(i >= 0 && keys[i] > key){
			i--; //decrement i

		//Next we need to check if the child is full, if it is we need to split it
		if(children[i+1]->numElements == 2*size - 1){
			splitChild(i+1, children[i+1]);
			//now to check which of the children of the new split node gets the key
			if(keys[i + 1] < key){
		return children[i+1]->insert(key,value);
Пример #4
//Launch function
int main(int argv, char* argc[],char* env[]){	
	pid_t child_parent;
	//Create a child process
	child_parent = fork();
	return splitChild(child_parent,argv,argc,env);