Пример #1
/* Encode UCI CQI/PMI for payloads greater than 11 bits (go through CRC, conv coder and rate match)
int encode_cqi_long(srslte_uci_cqi_pusch_t *q, uint8_t *data, uint32_t nof_bits, uint8_t *q_bits, uint32_t Q)
  srslte_convcoder_t encoder;

  if (nof_bits + 8 < SRSLTE_UCI_MAX_CQI_LEN_PUSCH &&
      q            != NULL             &&
      data         != NULL             &&
      q_bits       != NULL) 
    int poly[3] = { 0x6D, 0x4F, 0x57 };
    encoder.K = 7;
    encoder.R = 3;
    encoder.tail_biting = true;
    memcpy(encoder.poly, poly, 3 * sizeof(int));

    memcpy(q->tmp_cqi, data, sizeof(uint8_t) * nof_bits);
    srslte_crc_attach(&q->crc, q->tmp_cqi, nof_bits);

      srslte_vec_fprint_b(stdout, q->tmp_cqi, nof_bits+8);
    srslte_convcoder_encode(&encoder, q->tmp_cqi, q->encoded_cqi, nof_bits + 8);

      srslte_vec_fprint_b(stdout, q->encoded_cqi, 3 * (nof_bits + 8));

    srslte_rm_conv_tx(q->encoded_cqi, 3 * (nof_bits + 8), q_bits, Q);
    return SRSLTE_SUCCESS;
  } else {
Пример #2
/* Encode a transport block according to 36.212 5.3.2
static int encode_tb(srslte_sch_t *q, 
                     srslte_softbuffer_tx_t *soft_buffer, srslte_cbsegm_t *cb_segm, 
                     uint32_t Qm, uint32_t rv, uint32_t nof_e_bits,  
                     uint8_t *data, uint8_t *e_bits) 
  uint8_t parity[24];
  uint8_t *p_parity = parity;
  uint32_t par;
  uint32_t i;
  uint32_t cb_len, rp, wp, rlen, F, n_e;
  if (q            != NULL &&
      e_bits       != NULL &&
      cb_segm      != NULL &&
      soft_buffer  != NULL)
    uint32_t Gp = nof_e_bits / Qm;
    uint32_t gamma = Gp;
    if (cb_segm->C > 0) {
      gamma = Gp%cb_segm->C;

    if (data) {
      /* Compute transport block CRC */
      par = srslte_crc_checksum(&q->crc_tb, data, cb_segm->tbs);

      /* parity bits will be appended later */
      srslte_bit_pack(par, &p_parity, 24);

        DEBUG("DATA: ", 0);
        srslte_vec_fprint_b(stdout, data, cb_segm->tbs);
        DEBUG("PARITY: ", 0);
        srslte_vec_fprint_b(stdout, parity, 24);
    wp = 0;
    rp = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < cb_segm->C; i++) {

      /* Get read lengths */
      if (i < cb_segm->C2) {
        cb_len = cb_segm->K2;
      } else {
        cb_len = cb_segm->K1;
      if (cb_segm->C > 1) {
        rlen = cb_len - 24;
      } else {
        rlen = cb_len;
      if (i == 0) {
        F = cb_segm->F;
      } else {
        F = 0;
      if (i <= cb_segm->C - gamma - 1) {
        n_e = Qm * (Gp/cb_segm->C);
      } else {
        n_e = Qm * ((uint32_t) ceilf((float) Gp/cb_segm->C));

      INFO("CB#%d: cb_len: %d, rlen: %d, wp: %d, rp: %d, F: %d, E: %d\n", i,
          cb_len, rlen - F, wp, rp, F, n_e);

      if (data) {

        /* Copy data to another buffer, making space for the Codeblock CRC */
        if (i < cb_segm->C - 1) {
          // Copy data 
          memcpy(&q->cb_in[F], &data[rp], (rlen - F) * sizeof(uint8_t));
        } else {
          INFO("Last CB, appending parity: %d from %d and 24 to %d\n",
              rlen - F - 24, rp, rlen - 24);
          /* Append Transport Block parity bits to the last CB */
          memcpy(&q->cb_in[F], &data[rp], (rlen - 24 - F) * sizeof(uint8_t));
          memcpy(&q->cb_in[rlen - 24], parity, 24 * sizeof(uint8_t));
        /* Filler bits are treated like zeros for the CB CRC calculation */
        for (int j = 0; j < F; j++) {
          q->cb_in[j] = 0;
        /* Attach Codeblock CRC */
        if (cb_segm->C > 1) {
          srslte_crc_attach(&q->crc_cb, q->cb_in, rlen);
        /* Set the filler bits to <NULL> */
        for (int j = 0; j < F; j++) {
          q->cb_in[j] = SRSLTE_TX_NULL;
          DEBUG("CB#%d: ", i);
          srslte_vec_fprint_b(stdout, q->cb_in, cb_len);

        /* Turbo Encoding */
        srslte_tcod_encode(&q->encoder, q->cb_in, (uint8_t*) q->cb_out, cb_len);
      /* Rate matching */
      if (srslte_rm_turbo_tx(soft_buffer->buffer_b[i], soft_buffer->buff_size, 
                  (uint8_t*) q->cb_out, 3 * cb_len + 12,
                  &e_bits[wp], n_e, rv))
        fprintf(stderr, "Error in rate matching\n");
        return SRSLTE_ERROR;

      /* Set read/write pointers */
      rp += (rlen - F);
      wp += n_e;
    INFO("END CB#%d: wp: %d, rp: %d\n", i, wp, rp);
    ret = SRSLTE_SUCCESS;      
  return ret; 