int main() { int i, c, tc, n, m; scanf("%d", &tc); visited[1] = happy[1] = true; for(c = 1; c <= tc; c++) { scanf("%d", &n); path.clear(); m = n; if(m >= MAX) m = ssd(m); while(!visited[m]) { visited[m] = true; path.push_back(m); m = ssd(m); } if(happy[m]) for(i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) happy[path[i]] = happy[m]; printf("Case #%d: %d is %s number.\n", c, n, happy[m] ? "a Happy" : "an Unhappy"); } return 0; }
static inline int XDeint8x8DetectC( uint8_t *src, int i_src ) { int y, x; int ff, fr; int fc; /* Detect interlacing */ fc = 0; for( y = 0; y < 7; y += 2 ) { ff = fr = 0; for( x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { fr += ssd(src[ x] - src[1*i_src+x]) + ssd(src[i_src+x] - src[2*i_src+x]); ff += ssd(src[ x] - src[2*i_src+x]) + ssd(src[i_src+x] - src[3*i_src+x]); } if( ff < 6*fr/8 && fr > 32 ) fc++; src += 2*i_src; } return fc < 1 ? false : true; }
virtual SaveStateDescriptor querySaveMetaInfos(const char *target, int slot) const { Common::String filename = generateGameStateFileName(target, slot); Common::ScopedPtr<Common::InSaveFile> in(g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading(filename)); if (!in) return SaveStateDescriptor(); char buf[25]; in->seek(0); in->read(buf, 24); buf[24] = 0; Common::String desc = buf; in->seek(TeenAgent::saveStateSize); if (!Graphics::checkThumbnailHeader(*in)) return SaveStateDescriptor(slot, desc); SaveStateDescriptor ssd(slot, desc); //checking for the thumbnail if (Graphics::Surface *const thumb = Graphics::loadThumbnail(*in)) ssd.setThumbnail(thumb); return ssd; }
TEST(TestSSD, Dev) { tdv::ImageReader readerL("../../res/tsukuba_L.png"); tdv::ImageReader readerR("../../res/tsukuba_R.png"); tdv::FloatConv fconvl, fconvr; tdv::RGBConv rconvl, rconvr; tdv::SSDDev ssd(16); fconvl.input(readerL.output()); fconvr.input(readerR.output()); ssd.inputs(fconvl.output(), fconvr.output()); readerL.update(); readerR.update(); fconvl.update(); fconvr.update(); ssd.update(); tdv::DSIMem dsi; ASSERT_TRUE(ssd.output()->read(&dsi)); EXPECT_EQ(384, dsi.dim().width()); EXPECT_EQ(288, dsi.dim().height()); EXPECT_EQ(16, dsi.dim().depth()); }
int App::Main() { FNET_SignalShutDown::hookSignals(); // would like to turn off FNET logging somehow if (_argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <listenspec> <connectspec> [verbose]\n", _argv[0]); return 1; } bool verbose = (_argc > 3) && (strcmp(_argv[3], "verbose") == 0); FRT_Supervisor supervisor; RPCProxy proxy(supervisor, _argv[2], verbose); supervisor.GetReflectionManager()->Reset(); supervisor.SetSessionInitHook(FRT_METHOD(RPCProxy::HOOK_Init), &proxy); supervisor.SetSessionDownHook(FRT_METHOD(RPCProxy::HOOK_Down), &proxy); supervisor.SetSessionFiniHook(FRT_METHOD(RPCProxy::HOOK_Fini), &proxy); supervisor.SetMethodMismatchHook(FRT_METHOD(RPCProxy::HOOK_Mismatch), &proxy); supervisor.Listen(_argv[1]); FNET_SignalShutDown ssd(*supervisor.GetTransport()); supervisor.Main(); return 0; }
sp_session *SpotifySession::get(abort_callback & p_abort) { SpotifySessionData ssd(p_abort, this); InitOnceExecuteOnce(&initOnce, makeSpotifySession, &ssd, NULL); return getAnyway(); }
TEST(TestSSD, WithDynCPU) { tdv::SSDDev ssd(128); tdv::DynamicProgCPU dp; runStereoTest( "../../res/tsukuba512_L.png", "../../res/tsukuba512_R.png", "tsukuba_ssddynprogcpu.png", &ssd, &dp); }
TEST(TestSSD, WithMedianWTA) { tdv::SSDDev ssd(155); tdv::WTADev wta; runStereoTest( "../../res/tsukuba512_L.png", "../../res/tsukuba512_R.png", "tsukuba_medianssdwta.png", &ssd, &wta, true); }
TEST(TestSSD, WithWTA) { tdv::SSDDev ssd(128); tdv::WTADev wta; runStereoTest( "../../res/tsukuba512_L.png", "../../res/tsukuba512_R.png", "tsukuba_ssdwta.png", &ssd, &wta); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void GmatSavePanel::OnScript(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxString title = "Object Script"; // open separate window to show scripts? if (mObject != NULL) { title = "Scripting for "; title += mObject->GetName().c_str(); } ShowScriptDialog ssd(this, -1, title, mObject); ssd.ShowModal(); }
//! YY TODO: Now prefer to keep the algorithm clear, so it is highly inefficient. To improve latter. QuantLib::Matrix PCA::doPCA(const QuantLib::Matrix& originalMatrix, size_t reducedRank, bool normalizeDiagonal) // YY TODO: change it to boost::optional<bool> { size_t fullRank = originalMatrix.rows(); assert(fullRank > reducedRank); //! decompose the original matrix QuantLib::SymmetricSchurDecomposition ssd(originalMatrix); // here it check if the matrix is squared, symetric. QuantLib::Array eigenvalues = ssd.eigenvalues(); QuantLib::Matrix eigenvectors = ssd.eigenvectors(); assert(checkEigenvalue(eigenvalues, reducedRank)); //! construct the reducedRank matrix QuantLib::Array D(reducedRank); for(size_t i=0; i<D.size(); ++i) { D[i] = std::sqrt(eigenvalues[i]); } //! normalize the diagonal of the reducedRank matrix. QuantLib::Array diagonalNormalizeFactor(fullRank); if(normalizeDiagonal) { for(size_t i=0; i<fullRank; ++i) { diagonalNormalizeFactor[i] = 0.0; for(size_t j=0; j<reducedRank; ++j) { diagonalNormalizeFactor[i] += eigenvalues[j]*eigenvectors[i][j]*eigenvectors[i][j]; } diagonalNormalizeFactor[i] = sqrt(diagonalNormalizeFactor[i]); } } else { for(size_t i=0; i<fullRank; ++i) { diagonalNormalizeFactor[i] = 1.0; } } QuantLib::Matrix U(fullRank,reducedRank,0.0); for(size_t i=0; i<fullRank; ++i) { for(size_t j=0; j<reducedRank; ++j) { U[i][j] = eigenvectors[i][j]*D[j]/diagonalNormalizeFactor[i]; } } return U; }
CcLgmPiecewise::CcLgmPiecewise( const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr< LgmFxParametrization<LgmFxPiecewiseSigma> > > &fxParametrizations, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<LgmParametrization<LgmPiecewiseAlphaConstantKappa> > > &lgmParametrizations, const Matrix &correlation) : CcLgmParametrization<CcLgmPiecewise, LgmFxPiecewiseSigma, LgmPiecewiseAlphaConstantKappa>(fxParametrizations, lgmParametrizations), correlation_(correlation), n_(fxParametrizations.size()) { QL_REQUIRE(correlation_.rows() == 2 * n_ + 1 && correlation_.columns() == 2 * n_ + 1, "correlation matrix is " << correlation_.rows() << " x " << correlation_.columns() << ", expected " << (2 * n_ + 1) << " x " << (2 * n_ + 1)); for (Size i = 0; i < correlation_.rows(); ++i) { for (Size j = 0; j < i; ++j) { QL_REQUIRE(correlation_[i][j] == correlation_[j][i], "correlation matrix is not symmetric"); QL_REQUIRE(correlation_[i][j] >= -1 && correlation_[i][j] <= 1, "correlation matrix contains elements outside [-1,1]"); } QL_REQUIRE( close_enough(correlation_[i][i], 1.0), "correlation matrix contains diagonal elements not equal to 1"); } SymmetricSchurDecomposition ssd(correlation_); for (Size i = 0; i < ssd.eigenvalues().size(); ++i) { QL_REQUIRE(ssd.eigenvalues()[i] >= 0.0, "correlation matrix has negative eigenvalue @" << i << ": " << ssd.eigenvalues()[i]); } std::vector<Time> allTimes; for (Size i = 0; i < fxParametrizations.size(); ++i) { allTimes.insert(allTimes.end(), fxParametrizations[i]->times().begin(), fxParametrizations[i]->times().end()); } for (Size i = 0; i < lgmParametrizations.size(); ++i) { allTimes.insert(allTimes.end(), lgmParametrizations[i]->times().begin(), lgmParametrizations[i]->times().end()); } boost::shared_ptr<Integrator> simpson = boost::make_shared<SimpsonIntegral>(1E-10, 100); setIntegrator( boost::make_shared<PiecewiseIntegral>(simpson, allTimes, true)); }
void ssd(Vid* vid, Mat* out) { int nf = vid->nf; IplImage** imgs = vid->imgs; printf("Computing SSDs\n"); for (int j = 0; j < nf; j++) { for (int i = j + 1; i < nf; i++) { double v = ssd(imgs[i], imgs[j]); set_mat(out, i, j, v); set_mat(out, j, i, v); } set_mat(out, j, j, 0.0); } }
void SelfSimDescriptor::compute(const Mat& img, vector<float>& descriptors, Size winStride, const vector<Point>& locations) const { CV_Assert( img.depth() == CV_8U ); winStride.width = std::max(winStride.width, 1); winStride.height = std::max(winStride.height, 1); Size gridSize = getGridSize(img.size(), winStride); int i, nwindows = locations.empty() ? gridSize.width*gridSize.height : (int)locations.size(); int border = largeSize/2 + smallSize/2; int fsize = (int)getDescriptorSize(); vector<float> tempFeature(fsize+1); descriptors.resize(fsize*nwindows + 1); Mat ssd(largeSize, largeSize, CV_32F), mappingMask; computeLogPolarMapping(mappingMask); #if 0 //def _OPENMP int nthreads = cvGetNumThreads(); #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) #endif for( i = 0; i < nwindows; i++ ) { Point pt; float* feature0 = &descriptors[fsize*i]; float* feature = &tempFeature[0]; int x, y, j; if( !locations.empty() ) { pt = locations[i]; if( pt.x < border || pt.x >= img.cols - border || pt.y < border || pt.y >= img.rows - border ) { for( j = 0; j < fsize; j++ ) feature0[j] = 0.f; continue; } } else pt = Point((i % gridSize.width)*winStride.width + border, (i / gridSize.width)*winStride.height + border); SSD(img, pt, ssd); // Determine in the local neighborhood the largest difference and use for normalization float var_noise = 1000.f; for( y = -1; y <= 1 ; y++ ) for( x = -1 ; x <= 1 ; x++ ) var_noise = std::max(var_noise,<float>(largeSize/2+y, largeSize/2+x)); for( j = 0; j <= fsize; j++ ) feature[j] = FLT_MAX; // Derive feature vector before exp(-x) computation // Idea: for all x,a >= 0, a=const. we have: // max [ exp( -x / a) ] = exp ( -min(x) / a ) // Thus, determine min(ssd) and store in feature[...] for( y = 0; y < ssd.rows; y++ ) { const schar *mappingMaskPtr = mappingMask.ptr<schar>(y); const float *ssdPtr = ssd.ptr<float>(y); for( x = 0 ; x < ssd.cols; x++ ) { int index = mappingMaskPtr[x]; feature[index] = std::min(feature[index], ssdPtr[x]); } } var_noise = -1.f/var_noise; for( j = 0; j < fsize; j++ ) feature0[j] = feature[j]*var_noise; Mat _f(1, fsize, CV_32F, feature0); cv::exp(_f, _f); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { QuadParams params(argc, argv); // open output file for writing FILE* fout; if (NULL == (fout=fopen(params.outname, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s for writing\n", params.outname); exit(1); } try { // open memory file for vcov ogu::MemoryFile vcov_mf(params.vcovname); // parse the vcov matrix ogp::MatrixParser mp; mp.parse(vcov_mf.length(), vcov_mf.base()); if (mp.nrows() != mp.ncols()) throw ogu::Exception(__FILE__,__LINE__, "VCOV matrix not square"); // and put to the GeneralMatrix GeneralMatrix vcov(mp.nrows(), mp.ncols()); vcov.zeros(); for (ogp::MPIterator it = mp.begin(); it != mp.end(); ++it) vcov.get(it.row(), it.col()) = *it; // calculate the factor A of vcov, so that A*A^T=VCOV GeneralMatrix A(vcov.numRows(), vcov.numRows()); SymSchurDecomp ssd(vcov); ssd.getFactor(A); // construct Gauss-Hermite quadrature GaussHermite ghq; // construct Smolyak quadrature int level = params.max_level; SmolyakQuadrature sq(vcov.numRows(), level, ghq); printf("Dimension: %d\n", vcov.numRows()); printf("Maximum level: %d\n", level); printf("Total number of nodes: %d\n", sq.numEvals(level)); // put the points to the vector std::vector<Vector*> points; for (smolpit qit = sq.start(level); qit != sq.end(level); ++qit) points.push_back(new Vector((const Vector&)qit.point())); // sort and uniq OrderVec ordvec; std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(), ordvec); std::vector<Vector*>::iterator new_end = std::unique(points.begin(), points.end()); for (std::vector<Vector*>::iterator it = new_end; it != points.end(); ++it) delete *it; points.erase(new_end, points.end()); printf("Duplicit nodes removed: %lu\n", (unsigned long) (sq.numEvals(level)-points.size())); // calculate weights and mass double mass = 0.0; std::vector<double> weights; for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); i++) { weights.push_back(std::exp(-points[i]->dot(*(points[i])))); mass += weights.back(); } // calculate discarded mass double discard_mass = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)weights.size(); i++) if (weights[i]/mass < params.discard_weight) discard_mass += weights[i]; printf("Total mass discarded: %f\n", discard_mass/mass); // dump the results int npoints = 0; double upscale_weight = 1/(mass-discard_mass); Vector x(vcov.numRows()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)weights.size(); i++) if (weights[i]/mass >= params.discard_weight) { // print the upscaled weight fprintf(fout, "%20.16g", upscale_weight*weights[i]); // multiply point with the factor A and sqrt(2) A.multVec(0.0, x, std::sqrt(2.), *(points[i])); // print the coordinates for (int j = 0; j < x.length(); j++) fprintf(fout, " %20.16g", x[j]); fprintf(fout, "\n"); npoints++; } printf("Final number of points: %d\n", npoints); fclose(fout); } catch (const SylvException& e) { e.printMessage(); return 1; } catch (const ogu::Exception& e) { e.print(); return 1; } return 0; }
static void xyuv_detect( int *pi_width, int *pi_height ) { static const int pi_size[][2] = { {128, 96}, {160,120}, {320,244}, {320,288}, /* PAL */ {176,144}, // QCIF {352,288}, // CIF {352,576}, // 1/2 D1 {480,576}, // 2/3 D1 {544,576}, {640,576}, // VGA {704,576}, // D1 {720,576}, // D1 /* NTSC */ {176,112}, // QCIF {320,240}, // MPEG I {352,240}, // CIF {352,480}, // 1/2 D1 {480,480}, // 2/3 D1 {544,480}, {640,480}, // VGA {704,480}, // D1 {720,480}, // D1 /* */ {0,0}, }; int i_max; int i_size_max; uint8_t *pic; int i; *pi_width = 0; *pi_height = 0; /* Compute size max */ for( i_max = 0, i_size_max = 0; pi_size[i_max][0] != 0 && pi_size[i_max][1] != 0; i_max++ ) { int s = pi_size[i_max][0] * pi_size[i_max][1] * 3 / 2; if( i_size_max < s ) i_size_max = s; } /* Temporary buffer */ i_size_max *= 3; pic = malloc( i_size_max ); fprintf( stderr, "guessing size for:\n" ); for( i = 0; i < xyuv.i_yuv; i++ ) { int j; int i_read; double dbest = 255*255; int i_best = i_max; int64_t t; fprintf( stderr, " - %s\n", xyuv.yuv[i].name ); i_read = fread( pic, 1, i_size_max, xyuv.yuv[i].f ); if( i_read < 0 ) continue; /* Check if file size is at least compatible with one format * (if not, ignore file size)*/ fseek( xyuv.yuv[i].f, 0, SEEK_END ); t = ftell( xyuv.yuv[i].f ); fseek( xyuv.yuv[i].f, 0, SEEK_SET ); for( j = 0; j < i_max; j++ ) { const int w = pi_size[j][0]; const int h = pi_size[j][1]; const int s = w * h * 3 / 2; if( t % s == 0 ) break; } if( j == i_max ) t = 0; /* Try all size */ for( j = 0; j < i_max; j++ ) { const int w = pi_size[j][0]; const int h = pi_size[j][1]; const int s = w * h * 3 / 2; double dd; int x, y, n; int64_t d; /* To small */ if( i_read < 3*s ) continue; /* Check file size */ if( ( t > 0 && (t % s) != 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, " * %dx%d ignored (incompatible file size)\n", w, h ); continue; } /* We do a simple ssd between 2 consecutives lines */ d = 0; for( n = 0; n < 3; n++ ) { uint8_t *p; /* Y */ p = &pic[n*s]; for( y = 0; y < h-1; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < w; x++ ) d += ssd( p[x] - p[w+x] ); p += w; } /* U */ p = &pic[n*s+w*h]; for( y = 0; y < h/2-1; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < w/2; x++ ) d += ssd( p[x] - p[(w/2)+x] ); p += w/2; } /* V */ p = &pic[n*s+5*w*h/4]; for( y = 0; y < h/2-1; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < w/2; x++ ) d += ssd( p[x] - p[(w/2)+x] ); p += w/2; } } dd = (double)d / (3*w*h*3/2); fprintf( stderr, " * %dx%d d=%f\n", w, h, dd ); if( dd < dbest ) { i_best = j; dbest = dd; } } fseek( xyuv.yuv[i].f, 0, SEEK_SET ); if( i_best < i_max ) { fprintf( stderr, " -> %dx%d\n", pi_size[i_best][0], pi_size[i_best][1] ); *pi_width = pi_size[i_best][0]; *pi_height = pi_size[i_best][1]; } } free( pic ); }