Пример #1
static const char *
parse_windows_proxy_setting (const char *str, struct auto_proxy_info_entry *e, struct gc_arena *gc)
  char buf[128];
  const char *ret = NULL;
  struct buffer in;

  CLEAR (*e);

  buf_set_read (&in, (const uint8_t *)str, strlen (str));

  if (strchr (str, '=') != NULL)
      if (buf_parse (&in, '=', buf, sizeof (buf)))
	ret = string_alloc (buf, gc);
  if (buf_parse (&in, ':', buf, sizeof (buf)))
    e->server = string_alloc (buf, gc);

  if (e->server && buf_parse (&in, '\0', buf, sizeof (buf)))
    e->port = atoi (buf);

  return ret;
Пример #2
 * See management/management-notes.txt for more info on the
 * the dynamic challenge/response protocol implemented here.
struct auth_challenge_info *
get_auth_challenge (const char *auth_challenge, struct gc_arena *gc)
  if (auth_challenge)
      struct auth_challenge_info *ac;
      const int len = strlen (auth_challenge);
      char *work = (char *) gc_malloc (len+1, false, gc);
      char *cp;

      struct buffer b;
      buf_set_read (&b, (const uint8_t *)auth_challenge, len);

      ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR_GC (ac, struct auth_challenge_info, gc);

      /* parse prefix */
      if (!buf_parse(&b, ':', work, len))
	return NULL;
      if (strcmp(work, "CRV1"))
	return NULL;

      /* parse flags */
      if (!buf_parse(&b, ':', work, len))
	return NULL;
      for (cp = work; *cp != '\0'; ++cp)
	  const char c = *cp;
	  if (c == 'E')
	    ac->flags |= CR_ECHO;
	  else if (c == 'R')
	    ac->flags |= CR_RESPONSE;
      /* parse state ID */
      if (!buf_parse(&b, ':', work, len))
	return NULL;
      ac->state_id = string_alloc(work, gc);

      /* parse user name */
      if (!buf_parse(&b, ':', work, len))
	return NULL;
      ac->user = (char *) gc_malloc (strlen(work)+1, true, gc);
      openvpn_base64_decode(work, (void*)ac->user, -1);

      /* parse challenge text */
      ac->challenge_text = string_alloc(BSTR(&b), gc);

      return ac;
    return NULL;
Пример #3
argv_printf_arglist (struct argv *a, const char *format, const unsigned int flags, va_list arglist)
  struct gc_arena gc = gc_new ();
  char *term;
  const char *f = format;

  if (!(flags & APA_CAT))
    argv_reset (a);
  argv_extend (a, 1); /* ensure trailing NULL */

  while ((term = argv_term (&f)) != NULL) 
      if (term[0] == '%')
	  if (!strcmp (term, "%s"))
	      char *s = va_arg (arglist, char *);
	      if (!s)
		s = "";
	      argv_append (a, string_alloc (s, NULL));
	      argv_system_str_append (a, s, true);
	  else if (!strcmp (term, "%sc"))
	      char *s = va_arg (arglist, char *);
	      if (s)
		  int nparms;
		  char *parms[MAX_PARMS+1];
		  int i;

		  nparms = parse_line (s, parms, MAX_PARMS, "SCRIPT-ARGV", 0, D_ARGV_PARSE_CMD, &gc);
		  if (nparms)
		      for (i = 0; i < nparms; ++i)
			argv_append (a, string_alloc (parms[i], NULL));
		    argv_append (a, string_alloc (s, NULL));

		  argv_system_str_append (a, s, false);
		  argv_append (a, string_alloc ("", NULL));
		  argv_system_str_append (a, "echo", false);
Пример #4
char *get_host(UriUriA *uri)
	char *ret_str = NULL;
	int i, len = 0;

	if (uri->hostData.ip4)
		return *string_printf(&ret_str, "%d.%d.%d.%d", uri->hostData.ip4->data[0],
			uri->hostData.ip4->data[1], uri->hostData.ip4->data[2], uri->hostData.ip4->data[3]);
	if (uri->hostData.ip6) {
		ret_str = string_alloc(40);

		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
			len += sprintf(ret_str + len, "%2.2x", uri->hostData.ip6->data[i]);
			if (i % 2 == 1 && i < 15)
				ret_str[len++] = ':';
		return ret_str;

	if (uri->hostData.ipFuture.first) 
		return string_nnew(uri->hostData.ipFuture.first,
			uri->hostData.ipFuture.afterLast - uri->hostData.ipFuture.first);

	if (uri->hostText.first) 
		return string_nnew(uri->hostText.first, uri->hostText.afterLast - uri->hostText.first);

	return NULL;
static char *ms_error_text(DWORD ms_err)
    LPVOID lpMsgBuf = NULL;
    char *rv = NULL;

	NULL, ms_err,
	(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
    if (lpMsgBuf) {
	char *p;
	rv = string_alloc(lpMsgBuf, NULL);
	/* trim to the left */
	if (rv)
	    for (p = rv + strlen(rv) - 1; p >= rv; p--) {
		if (isspace(*p))
		    *p = '\0';
    return rv;
Пример #6
static void _doc_process_var(doc_ptr doc, cptr name)
    if (strcmp(name, "version") == 0)
        string_ptr s = string_alloc_format("%d.%d.%d", VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_PATCH);
        doc_insert(doc, string_buffer(s));
    else if (strlen(name) > 3 && strncmp(name, "FF_", 3) == 0)
        char buf[100];
        int  f_idx;

        sprintf(buf, "%s", name + 3);
        f_idx = f_tag_to_index(buf);

        if (0 <= f_idx && f_idx < max_f_idx)
            string_ptr s = string_alloc();
            feature_type *feat = &f_info[f_idx];

            string_printf(s, "<color:%c>%c</color>",

            doc_insert(doc, string_buffer(s));
Пример #7
 * GuizmOVPN_get_auto_proxy (struct gc_arena *gc) :
 *      Detect proxy settings
struct auto_proxy_info *GuizmOVPN_get_auto_proxy (struct gc_arena *gc)
    struct auto_proxy_info *pi;
    char szHTTPProxyIP[32];
    char szHTTPProxyPort[32];
    int32_t HTTPProxyPort=0;
    if(strlen(szHTTPProxyIP)>7 && HTTPProxyPort>=0)
        ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR_GC (pi, struct auto_proxy_info, gc);
        pi->http.port = HTTPProxyPort;
        msg (M_INFO,"Proxy detected : %s:%d",szHTTPProxyIP,HTTPProxyPort);
        return pi;
    } else {
    	return NULL;
Пример #8
static obj_t make_string_fn(obj_t args, Reporter rep)
	size_t nargs, i, k;
	char ch;
	string str;

	nargs = list_length(args);
	if (nargs == 0 || nargs > 2) {
		reportf(rep, "make-string: "
			"length and optional fill char expected");
		return unspecific;
	if (!is_num(list_ref(args, 0))) {
		reportf(rep, "make-string: "
			"first argument must be a non-negative integer");
		return unspecific;
	if (nargs == 2 && !is_char(list_ref(args, 1))) {
		reportf(rep, "make-string: "
			"second argument must be a character");
		return unspecific;

	k = fetch_num(list_ref(args, 0));
	ch  = (nargs == 1) ? 0 : fetch_char(list_ref(args, 1));

	str = string_alloc(k);
	for (i = 0; i < str->len; i++)
		str->data[i] = ch;
	return make_string(str);
char *
pkcs11_certificate_dn (pkcs11h_certificate_t cert, struct gc_arena *gc)
  char *ret = NULL;
  char dn[1024] = {0};

  mbedtls_x509_crt mbed_crt = {0};

  if (mbedtls_pkcs11_x509_cert_bind(&mbed_crt, cert)) {
      msg (M_FATAL, "PKCS#11: Cannot retrieve mbed TLS certificate object");
      goto cleanup;

  if (-1 == mbedtls_x509_dn_gets (dn, sizeof(dn), &mbed_crt.subject)) {
      msg (M_FATAL, "PKCS#11: mbed TLS cannot parse subject");
      goto cleanup;

  ret = string_alloc(dn, gc);


  return ret;
Пример #10
static char *
get_pa_var (const char *key, const char *pa, struct gc_arena *gc)
  char k[64];
  char v[256];
  const char *content = pa;

  while (true)
      const int status = get_key_value(content, k, v, sizeof(k), sizeof(v), &content);
      if (status)
	  if (!strcmp(key, k))
	    return string_alloc(v, gc);
	return NULL;

      /* advance to start of next key */
      if (*content == ',')
      while (*content && isspace(*content))
Пример #11
 * Prepare push options, based on local options and available peer info.
 * @param options	Connection options
 * @param tls_multi	TLS state structure for the current tunnel
 * @return true on success, false on failure.
static bool
prepare_push_reply (struct options *o, struct tls_multi *tls_multi)
  const char *optstr = NULL;
  const char * const peer_info = tls_multi->peer_info;

  /* Send peer-id if client supports it */
  optstr = peer_info ? strstr(peer_info, "IV_PROTO=") : NULL;
  if (optstr)
      int proto = 0;
      int r = sscanf(optstr, "IV_PROTO=%d", &proto);
      if ((r == 1) && (proto >= 2))
	  push_option_fmt(o, M_USAGE, "peer-id %d", tls_multi->peer_id);

  /* Push cipher if client supports Negotiable Crypto Parameters */
  if (tls_peer_info_ncp_ver (peer_info) >= 2 && o->ncp_enabled)
      /* Push the first cipher from --ncp-ciphers to the client.
       * TODO: actual negotiation, instead of server dictatorship. */
      char *push_cipher = string_alloc(o->ncp_ciphers, &o->gc);
      o->ciphername = strtok (push_cipher, ":");
      push_option_fmt(o, M_USAGE, "cipher %s", o->ciphername);
  return true;
Пример #12
Object obj_mul(Object a, Object b) {
    if (a.type == b.type && a.type == TYPE_NUM) {
        GET_NUM(a) *= GET_NUM(b);
        return a;
    if (a.type == TYPE_NUM && b.type == TYPE_STR) {
        Object temp = a;
        a = b;
        b = temp;
    if (a.type == TYPE_STR && b.type == TYPE_NUM) {
        int len = GET_STR_LEN(a);
        Object des;
        if (len == 0)
            return a;
        int times = (int) GET_NUM(b);
        if (times <= 0)
            return sz_to_string("");
        if (times == 1)
            return a;
        des = string_alloc(NULL, len * times);
        char* s = GET_STR(des);
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < times; i++) {
            strncpy(s, GET_STR(a), len);
            s += len;
        return des;
    tm_raise("obj_mul: can not multiply %o and %o", a, b);
    return NONE_OBJECT;
Пример #13
Object obj_add(Object a, Object b) {
    if (TM_TYPE(a) == TM_TYPE(b)) {
        switch (TM_TYPE(a)) {
        case TYPE_NUM:
            GET_NUM(a) += GET_NUM(b);
            return a;
        case TYPE_STR: {
            char* sa = GET_STR(a);
            char* sb = GET_STR(b);
            int la = GET_STR_LEN(a);
            int lb = GET_STR_LEN(b);
            if (la == 0) {return b;    }
            if (lb == 0) {return a;    }
            int len = la + lb;
            Object des = string_alloc(NULL, len);
            char*s = GET_STR(des);
            memcpy(s, sa, la);
            memcpy(s + la, sb, lb);
            return des;
        case TYPE_LIST: {
            return list_add(GET_LIST(a), GET_LIST(b));
    tm_raise("obj_add: can not add %o and %o", (a), (b));
    return NONE_OBJECT;
Пример #14
int string_new( const char * text )
    int len = strlen( text ) + 1 ;
    int i;

    /* Reuse strings */
    for ( i = 0; i < string_count; i++ ) if ( !strcmp( text, string_mem + string_offset[ i ] ) ) return i;

    if ( string_count == string_max )
        string_max += 1024 ;
        string_offset = ( int * ) realloc( string_offset, string_max * sizeof( int ) ) ;
        if ( string_offset == 0 )
            fprintf( stdout, "Too many strings\n" ) ;
            exit( 1 ) ;

    while ( string_used + len >= string_allocated ) string_alloc( 1024 ) ;

    string_offset[ string_count ] = string_used ;
    strcpy( string_mem + string_used, text ) ;
    string_used += len ;
    return string_count++ ;
Пример #15
string_t *string_copy(string_t *str)
    string_t *res = string_alloc();
    if (str->buf)
        string_set(res, str->buf);
    return res;
Пример #16
set_win_sys_path (const char *newpath, struct env_set *es)
  free (win_sys_path);
  win_sys_path = string_alloc (newpath, NULL);
  setenv_str (es, SYS_PATH_ENV_VAR_NAME, win_sys_path); /* route.exe needs this */
Пример #17
/* EN: Enter Newline */
void cmd_en (int argc, char *argv[])
	pad_t  *pad = e->cpad;
	int     xpos;
	int     ypos;
	line_t *cline;
	line_t *newline;
	char   *extratext;
	int    intab;

	if (!(e->cpad->flags & FILE_WRITE))
		output_message_c ("en", "Pad is read-only.");

	ypos = pad->curs_y + pad->offset_y;

	if (ypos > pad->line_count)
		pad_grow (pad, ypos);

	LINE_insert (pad, ypos, "");
	cline = LINE_get_line_at (pad, ypos);

	if (cline->str != NULL)
		xpos = get_string_pos (pad->curs_x + pad->offset_x, cline->str->data, &intab);

		if ((size_t)xpos < strlen (cline->str->data))
			/* We're 'inside' the string. Get the text on the
			 * right, and truncate the current string. Then put
			 * the 'extra' text on the line we've inserted or
			 * allocated.

			extratext = cline->str->data + xpos;
			newline = LINE_get_line_at (pad, ypos + 1);
			newline->str = string_alloc ("%s", extratext);
			string_truncate (cline->str, xpos);

	pad->curs_x   = 1;
	pad->offset_x = 0;
	if (pad->curs_y == pad->height)

	if (e->occupied_window == COMMAND_WINDOW)
		e->occupied_window = COMMAND_WINDOW_EXECUTE;
		pad_modified (pad);
Пример #18
struct argv
argv_clone (const struct argv *a, const size_t headroom)
  struct argv r;
  size_t i;

  argv_init (&r);
  for (i = 0; i < headroom; ++i)
    argv_append (&r, NULL);
  if (a)
      for (i = 0; i < a->argc; ++i)
	argv_append (&r, string_alloc (a->argv[i], NULL));
      r.system_str = string_alloc (a->system_str, NULL);
  return r;
Пример #19
 * Extract the Proxy-Authenticate header from the stream.
 * Consumes all headers.
static int
get_proxy_authenticate (socket_descriptor_t sd,
		        int timeout,
			char **data,
			struct gc_arena *gc,
		        volatile int *signal_received)
  char buf[256];
  int ret = HTTP_AUTH_NONE;
  while (true)
      if (!recv_line (sd, buf, sizeof (buf), timeout, true, NULL, signal_received))
	  *data = NULL;
	  return HTTP_AUTH_NONE;
      chomp (buf);
      if (!strlen(buf))
	return ret;
      if (ret == HTTP_AUTH_NONE && !strncmp(buf, "Proxy-Authenticate: ", 20))
	  if (!strncmp(buf+20, "Basic ", 6))
	      msg (D_PROXY, "PROXY AUTH BASIC: '%s'", buf);
	      *data = string_alloc(buf+26, gc);
	      ret = HTTP_AUTH_BASIC;
	  else if (!strncmp(buf+20, "Digest ", 7))
	      msg (D_PROXY, "PROXY AUTH DIGEST: '%s'", buf);
	      *data = string_alloc(buf+27, gc);
	      ret = HTTP_AUTH_DIGEST;
#if NTLM
	  else if (!strncmp(buf+20, "NTLM", 4))
	      msg (D_PROXY, "PROXY AUTH HTLM: '%s'", buf);
	      *data = NULL;
	      ret = HTTP_AUTH_NTLM;
Пример #20
struct argv
argv_insert_head (const struct argv *a, const char *head)
  struct argv r;
  char *s;

  r = argv_clone (a, 1);
  r.argv[0] = string_alloc (head, NULL);
  s = r.system_str;
  r.system_str = string_alloc (head, NULL);
  if (s)
      argv_system_str_append (&r, s, false);
      free (s);
  return r;
Пример #21
Object bf_time_asctime() {
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm* timeinfo;
    timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );
    char* ct = asctime(timeinfo); // ct ends with \n
    return string_alloc(ct, strlen(ct)-1);
Пример #22
void alloc_string_array(string_array_t *dest, int ndims, ...)
    size_t elements = 0;
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, ndims);
    elements = alloc_base_array(dest, ndims, ap);
    dest->data = string_alloc(elements);
Пример #23
Char* string_dup(const Char* str)
  if (!str) return 0;
  if (!*str) return &s_empty;
  const size_t len = std::strlen(str);
  Char* const cpy = string_alloc(static_cast<UnsignedLong>(len));
  if (cpy) std::strncpy(cpy, str, len + 1);
  return cpy;
Пример #24
static void tokeniser_advance(Tokeniser* t)
    ASSERT(!tokeniser_eof(t), "next() on empty tokeniser");
    SET(t->tokenIndex, nil_make());

    if (*t->cursor == 0) {
        t->eof = 1;

    const char* punctChars = "()'";
    for (int i = 0; punctChars[i] != 0; i++) {
        if (*t->cursor == punctChars[i]) {
            SET(t->tokenIndex, makeToken(&punctChars[i], 1));

    if (*t->cursor == '"') {

        // Find out how long the escaped string is, and check it was terminated
        // properly.
        int length = 0;
        t->cursor++; // advance past the initial "
        const char* end = stringEscape(t->cursor, countChars, &length);
        if (*end != '"') {
            THROW("Expected \", got EOF");

        // Now allocate a string and copy it in.
        Pointer ptr = string_alloc(length);
        char* dest = (char*) string_get(ptr);
        stringEscape(t->cursor, copyChars, &dest);
        *dest = 0;

        // Advance the cursor past the string.
        t->cursor = end + 1;

        SET(t->tokenIndex, ptr);
    else {
        // Scan out a token
        const char* start = t->cursor;
        while (1) {
            char c = *t->cursor;
            if ((c == 0) || isspace(c) || isdelim(c)) {
                int length = t->cursor - start;
                SET(t->tokenIndex, makeToken(start, length));
            // Advance the cursor now, not earlier.
Пример #25
    ArgvWrapper(const Argv& argv)
      size_t i;
      argc = argv.size();
      cargv = new char *[argc+1];
      for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
	cargv[i] = string_alloc(argv[i]);
      cargv[i] = NULL;
Пример #26
uint8_t *
make_base64_string2 (const uint8_t *str, int src_len, struct gc_arena *gc)
  uint8_t *ret = NULL;
  char *b64out = NULL;
  ASSERT (base64_encode ((const void *)str, src_len, &b64out) >= 0);
  ret = (uint8_t *) string_alloc (b64out, gc);
  free (b64out);
  return ret;
Пример #27
/* ED: Edit Delete ('delete') */
void cmd_ed (int argc, char *argv[])
	pad_t  *pad = e->cpad;
	int    xpos;
	int    ypos;
	line_t *cline;
	line_t *cline2;
	int    intab;
	int    len;

	if (!(e->cpad->flags & FILE_WRITE))
		output_message_c ("ed", "Pad is read-only.");

	ypos = pad->curs_y + pad->offset_y;

	if (ypos > pad->line_count)
		pad_grow (pad, ypos);
		pad_modified (pad);

	cline = LINE_get_line_at (pad, ypos);

	len = xpos = 0;

	if (cline->str) {
		xpos = get_string_pos (pad->curs_x + pad->offset_x, cline->str->data, &intab);
		len  = strlen (cline->str->data);

	if (xpos < len) {
		string_remove (cline->str, xpos, 1);
	} else {
		cline2 = LINE_get_line_at (pad, ypos + 1);
		if (cline2 != NULL)
			if (cline2->str != NULL)
				if (cline->str == NULL)
					cline->str = string_alloc ("");

				if (cline->str)
					string_insert (cline->str, xpos, "%s", cline2->str->data);

			LINE_remove (pad, cline2);

	pad_modified (pad);
Пример #28
static bool
add_client(const char *line, const char *prefix, const int line_num, struct pf_cn_elem ***next, const bool exclude)
    struct pf_cn_elem *e;
    ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR(e, struct pf_cn_elem);
    e->rule.exclude = exclude;
    e->rule.cn = string_alloc(line, NULL);
    **next = e;
    *next = &e->next;
    return true;
Пример #29
static obj_t string_fn(obj_t args, Reporter rep)
	string str;
	size_t i;
	if (!args_plus_match(rep, args, 0, is_char))
		return unspecific;

	str = string_alloc(list_length(args));
	for (i = 0; !is_null(args); i++, args = cdr(args))
		str->data[i] = fetch_char(car(args));
	return make_string(str);
Пример #30
static void
add_env_item(char *str, const bool do_alloc, struct env_item **list, struct gc_arena *gc)
    struct env_item *item;


    ALLOC_OBJ_GC(item, struct env_item, gc);
    item->string = do_alloc ? string_alloc(str, gc) : str;
    item->next = *list;
    *list = item;