Пример #1
svn_error_t *
svn_repos_fs_change_txn_props(svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
                              apr_array_header_t *txnprops,
                              apr_pool_t *pool)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < txnprops->nelts; i++)
      svn_prop_t *prop = &APR_ARRAY_IDX(txnprops, i, svn_prop_t);
      SVN_ERR(validate_prop(prop->name, prop->value, pool));

  return svn_fs_change_txn_props(txn, txnprops, pool);
Пример #2
static svn_error_t *
close_revision(void *baton)
  struct revision_baton *rb = baton;
  struct parse_baton *pb = rb->pb;
  const char *conflict_msg = NULL;
  svn_revnum_t committed_rev;
  svn_error_t *err;
  const char *txn_name = NULL;
  apr_hash_t *hooks_env;

  /* If we're skipping this revision we're done here. */
  if (rb->skipped)
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  if (rb->rev == 0)
      /* Special case: set revision 0 properties when loading into an
         'empty' filesystem. */
      svn_revnum_t youngest_rev;

      SVN_ERR(svn_fs_youngest_rev(&youngest_rev, pb->fs, rb->pool));

      if (youngest_rev == 0)
          apr_hash_t *orig_props;
          apr_hash_t *new_props;
          apr_array_header_t *diff;
          int i;

          SVN_ERR(svn_fs_revision_proplist(&orig_props, pb->fs, 0, rb->pool));
          new_props = svn_prop_array_to_hash(rb->revprops, rb->pool);
          SVN_ERR(svn_prop_diffs(&diff, new_props, orig_props, rb->pool));

          for (i = 0; i < diff->nelts; i++)
              const svn_prop_t *prop = &APR_ARRAY_IDX(diff, i, svn_prop_t);

              SVN_ERR(change_rev_prop(pb->repos, 0, prop->name, prop->value,
                                      pb->validate_props, rb->pool));

      return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* If the dumpstream doesn't have an 'svn:date' property and we
     aren't ignoring the dates in the dumpstream altogether, remove
     any 'svn:date' revision property that was set by FS layer when
     the TXN was created.  */
  if (! (pb->ignore_dates || rb->datestamp))
      svn_prop_t *prop = &APR_ARRAY_PUSH(rb->revprops, svn_prop_t);
      prop->name = SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE;
      prop->value = NULL;

  /* Apply revision property changes. */
  if (rb->pb->validate_props)
    SVN_ERR(svn_repos_fs_change_txn_props(rb->txn, rb->revprops, rb->pool));
    SVN_ERR(svn_fs_change_txn_props(rb->txn, rb->revprops, rb->pool));

  /* Get the txn name and hooks environment if they will be needed. */
  if (pb->use_pre_commit_hook || pb->use_post_commit_hook)
      SVN_ERR(svn_repos__parse_hooks_env(&hooks_env, pb->repos->hooks_env_path,
                                         rb->pool, rb->pool));

      err = svn_fs_txn_name(&txn_name, rb->txn, rb->pool);
      if (err)
          svn_error_clear(svn_fs_abort_txn(rb->txn, rb->pool));
          return svn_error_trace(err);

  /* Run the pre-commit hook, if so commanded. */
  if (pb->use_pre_commit_hook)
      err = svn_repos__hooks_pre_commit(pb->repos, hooks_env,
                                        txn_name, rb->pool);
      if (err)
          svn_error_clear(svn_fs_abort_txn(rb->txn, rb->pool));
          return svn_error_trace(err);

  /* Commit. */
  err = svn_fs_commit_txn(&conflict_msg, &committed_rev, rb->txn, rb->pool);
  if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(committed_rev))
      if (err)
          /* ### Log any error, but better yet is to rev
             ### close_revision()'s API to allow both committed_rev and err
             ### to be returned, see #3768. */
      svn_error_clear(svn_fs_abort_txn(rb->txn, rb->pool));
      if (conflict_msg)
        return svn_error_quick_wrap(err, conflict_msg);
        return svn_error_trace(err);

  /* Run post-commit hook, if so commanded.  */
  if (pb->use_post_commit_hook)
      if ((err = svn_repos__hooks_post_commit(pb->repos, hooks_env,
                                              committed_rev, txn_name,
        return svn_error_create
           _("Commit succeeded, but post-commit hook failed"));

  /* After a successful commit, must record the dump-rev -> in-repos-rev
     mapping, so that copyfrom instructions in the dump file can look up the
     correct repository revision to copy from. */
  set_revision_mapping(pb->rev_map, rb->rev, committed_rev);

  /* If the incoming dump stream has non-contiguous revisions (e.g. from
     using svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs without --renumber-revs) then
     we must account for the missing gaps in PB->REV_MAP.  Otherwise we
     might not be able to map all mergeinfo source revisions to the correct
     revisions in the target repos. */
  if ((pb->last_rev_mapped != SVN_INVALID_REVNUM)
      && (rb->rev != pb->last_rev_mapped + 1))
      svn_revnum_t i;

      for (i = pb->last_rev_mapped + 1; i < rb->rev; i++)
          set_revision_mapping(pb->rev_map, i, pb->last_rev_mapped);

  /* Update our "last revision mapped". */
  pb->last_rev_mapped = rb->rev;

  /* Deltify the predecessors of paths changed in this revision. */
  SVN_ERR(svn_fs_deltify_revision(pb->fs, committed_rev, rb->pool));

  if (pb->notify_func)
      /* ### TODO: Use proper scratch pool instead of pb->notify_pool */
      svn_repos_notify_t *notify = svn_repos_notify_create(

      notify->new_revision = committed_rev;
      notify->old_revision = ((committed_rev == rb->rev)
                                    ? SVN_INVALID_REVNUM
                                    : rb->rev);
      pb->notify_func(pb->notify_baton, notify, pb->notify_pool);

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;