Пример #1
bool UartDev::getChar(char* pInputChar, unsigned int timeout)
    if (!pInputChar || !mRxQueue) {
        return false;
    else if (taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING == xTaskGetSchedulerState()) {
        return xQueueReceive(mRxQueue, pInputChar, timeout);
    else {
        unsigned int timeout_of_char = sys_get_uptime_ms() + timeout;
        while (! xQueueReceive(mRxQueue, pInputChar, 0)) {
            if (sys_get_uptime_ms() > timeout_of_char) {
                return false;
    return true;
Пример #2
/// Retrieves a packet from the queue handle with the given timeout.
static char wireless_get_queued_pkt(QueueHandle_t qhandle, mesh_packet_t *pkt, const uint32_t timeout_ms)
    char ok = 0;

    if (taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING == xTaskGetSchedulerState()) {
        ok = xQueueReceive(qhandle, pkt, OS_MS(timeout_ms));
    else {
        uint64_t timeout_of_char = sys_get_uptime_ms() + timeout_ms;
        while (! (ok = xQueueReceive(qhandle, pkt, 0))) {
            if (sys_get_uptime_ms() > timeout_of_char) {

    return ok;
Пример #3
bool CAN_rx (can_t can, can_msg_t *pCanMsg, uint32_t timeout_ms)
    bool ok = false;

    if (CAN_VALID(can) && pCanMsg)
        if (taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING == xTaskGetSchedulerState()) {
            ok = xQueueReceive(CAN_STRUCT_PTR(can)->rxQ, pCanMsg, OS_MS(timeout_ms));
        else {
            uint64_t msg_timeout = sys_get_uptime_ms() + timeout_ms;
            while (! (ok = xQueueReceive(CAN_STRUCT_PTR(can)->rxQ, pCanMsg, 0))) {
                if (sys_get_uptime_ms() > msg_timeout) {

    return ok;
Пример #4
bool CAN_rx (can_t can, can_msg_t *pCanMsg, uint32_t timeout_ms)
    bool ok = false;

    if (CAN_VALID(can) && pCanMsg)
        if (taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING == xTaskGetSchedulerState()) {
            ok = xQueueReceive(g_can_rx_qs[CAN_INDEX(can)], pCanMsg, OS_MS(timeout_ms));
        else {
            uint64_t msg_timeout = sys_get_uptime_ms() + timeout_ms;
            while (! (ok = xQueueReceiveFromISR(g_can_rx_qs[CAN_INDEX(can)], pCanMsg, NULL))) {
                if (sys_get_uptime_ms() > msg_timeout) {

    return ok;
Пример #5
static int nrf_driver_get_timer(void *p, int len)
    const int ok = (sizeof(uint32_t) == len) && (NULL != p);
    const uint32_t timerValueMs = (sys_get_uptime_ms() & UINT32_MAX);

    if (ok) {
        uint32_t *timer = (uint32_t*)p;
        *timer = timerValueMs;

    return ok;
Пример #6
bool I2C_Base::transfer(char deviceAddress, char firstReg, char* pData, unsigned int transferSize)
    bool status = false;
    if(mDisableOperation || !pData) {
        return status;

    // If scheduler not running, perform polling transaction
    if(taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING != xTaskGetSchedulerState())
        i2cKickOffTransfer(deviceAddress, firstReg, pData, transferSize);

        // Wait for transfer to finish
        const uint64_t timeout = sys_get_uptime_ms() + I2C_TIMEOUT_MS;
        while (!xSemaphoreTakeFromISR(mTransferCompleteSignal, NULL)) {
            if (sys_get_uptime_ms() > timeout) {

        status = (0 == mTransaction.error);
    else if (xSemaphoreTake(mI2CMutex, OS_MS(I2C_TIMEOUT_MS)))
        // Clear potential stale signal and start the transfer
        xSemaphoreTake(mTransferCompleteSignal, 0);
        i2cKickOffTransfer(deviceAddress, firstReg, pData, transferSize);

        // Wait for transfer to finish and copy the data if it was read mode
        if (xSemaphoreTake(mTransferCompleteSignal, OS_MS(I2C_TIMEOUT_MS))) {
            status = (0 == mTransaction.error);


    return status;
Пример #7
/* If FreeRTOS is not running, then we rely on rit service to call this function,
 * otherwise we rely on FreeRTOS tick hook to provide system timer
static void hl_periodic_service(void)
    const uint32_t timer_ms = sys_get_uptime_ms();

    /* If FreeRTOS is running, user should use a dedicated task to call mesh service,
     * so we will not call it if freertos is running
    if (taskSCHEDULER_RUNNING == xTaskGetSchedulerState()) {
        m_system_uptime_ms += MS_PER_TICK();

        /* We don't need RIT if FreeRTOS is running */
        if (sys_rit_running()) {

            /* Round up uptime_ms because if ms per tick is 10, then we don't want to
             * increment this timer by 10 from an odd number because % 10 won't work.
            m_system_uptime_ms = (m_system_uptime_ms / 10) * 10;
    else {
        m_system_uptime_ms += m_time_per_rit_isr_ms;

         * Small hack to support interrupts if FreeRTOS is not running :
         * FreeRTOS API resets our base priority register, then all
         * interrupts higher priority than IP_SYSCALL will not get locked out.
         *   @see more notes at isr_priorities.h.  @see IP_SYSCALL
     * Call SD timer function at 100Hz.
     * Feed the watchdog too while we're at it.
    if (0 == (timer_ms % 10)) {
Пример #8
unsigned int FileLogger::getTimestamp(void)
    return sys_get_uptime_ms();
Пример #9
 /// Resets the timer from this point of time using the previous timeout interval
 inline void reset(void) { mTargetMs = sys_get_uptime_ms() + mIntervalMs; }
Пример #10
  * Resets the timer from this point of time.
  * @param ms  The milliseconds at which timer should expire next.
 inline void reset(uint64_t ms) { mIntervalMs = ms; mTargetMs = sys_get_uptime_ms() + ms; }
Пример #11
 /// @returns true if the timer has expired
 inline bool expired(void) { return (0 == mIntervalMs) ? false : ( sys_get_uptime_ms() >= mTargetMs); }
Пример #12
  * Static function to get the timer value.
  * This is the only method that is needed by the system.
  * @note You can use this method without instantiating an object of the class:
  * @code
  *      uint64_t timer = SoftTimer::getCurrentTimeMs();
  * @endcode
  * @returns the current timer value of the system
 static inline uint64_t getCurrentTimeMs(void) { return sys_get_uptime_ms(); }
Пример #13
FRESULT Storage::copy(const char* pExistingFile, const char* pNewFile,
                        unsigned int* pReadTime,
                        unsigned int* pWriteTime,
                        unsigned int* pBytesTransferred)
    FRESULT status;
    FIL srcFile;
    FIL dstFile;
    unsigned int readTimeMs = 0;
    unsigned int writeTimeMs = 0;

    // Open Existing file
    if (FR_OK != (status = f_open(&srcFile, pExistingFile, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ))) {
        return status;

    // Open new file - overwrite if one exists
    if (FR_OK != (status = f_open(&dstFile, pNewFile, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE))) {
        return status;

    /* Buffer should be at least he size of the sector */
    char buffer[_MAX_SS];
    unsigned int bytesRead = 0;
    unsigned int bytesWritten = 0;
    unsigned int totalBytesTransferred = 0;

    for (;;)
        unsigned int startTime = sys_get_uptime_ms();
        if(FR_OK != (status = f_read(&srcFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytesRead)) ||
           0 == bytesRead) {
        readTimeMs += sys_get_uptime_ms() - startTime;

        startTime = sys_get_uptime_ms();
        if(FR_OK != (status = f_write(&dstFile, buffer, bytesRead, &bytesWritten)) ||
           bytesWritten != bytesRead) {
        writeTimeMs += sys_get_uptime_ms() - startTime;

        totalBytesTransferred += bytesRead;

    if(0 != pReadTime) {
        *pReadTime = readTimeMs;
    if(0 != pWriteTime) {
        *pWriteTime = writeTimeMs;
    if(0 != pBytesTransferred) {
        *pBytesTransferred = totalBytesTransferred;


    return status;