Пример #1
static int
readPeerId( tr_handshake    * handshake,
            struct evbuffer * inbuf )
    tr_bool peerIsGood;
    char client[128];
    tr_torrent * tor;
    const uint8_t * tor_peer_id;
    uint8_t peer_id[PEER_ID_LEN];

    if( evbuffer_get_length( inbuf ) < PEER_ID_LEN )
        return READ_LATER;

    /* peer id */
    tr_peerIoReadBytes( handshake->io, inbuf, peer_id, PEER_ID_LEN );
    tr_peerIoSetPeersId( handshake->io, peer_id );
    handshake->havePeerID = TRUE;
    tr_clientForId( client, sizeof( client ), peer_id );
    dbgmsg( handshake, "peer-id is [%s] ... isIncoming is %d", client,
            tr_peerIoIsIncoming( handshake->io ) );

    /* if we've somehow connected to ourselves, don't keep the connection */
    tor = tr_torrentFindFromHash( handshake->session, tr_peerIoGetTorrentHash( handshake->io ) );
    tor_peer_id = tor && tor->peer_id ? tor->peer_id : tr_getPeerId( );
    peerIsGood = memcmp( peer_id, tor_peer_id, PEER_ID_LEN ) != 0;
    dbgmsg( handshake, "isPeerGood == %d", (int)peerIsGood );
    return tr_handshakeDone( handshake, peerIsGood );
Пример #2
static int
readPeerId (tr_handshake    * handshake,
            struct evbuffer * inbuf)
  bool connected_to_self;
  char client[128];
  uint8_t peer_id[PEER_ID_LEN];
  tr_torrent * tor;

  if (evbuffer_get_length (inbuf) < PEER_ID_LEN)
    return READ_LATER;

  /* peer id */
  tr_peerIoReadBytes (handshake->io, inbuf, peer_id, PEER_ID_LEN);
  tr_peerIoSetPeersId (handshake->io, peer_id);
  handshake->havePeerID = true;
  tr_clientForId (client, sizeof (client), peer_id);
  dbgmsg (handshake, "peer-id is [%s] ... isIncoming is %d", client,
          tr_peerIoIsIncoming (handshake->io));

  /* if we've somehow connected to ourselves, don't keep the connection */
  tor = tr_torrentFindFromHash (handshake->session, tr_peerIoGetTorrentHash (handshake->io));
  connected_to_self = (tor != NULL) && !memcmp (peer_id, tr_torrentGetPeerId(tor), PEER_ID_LEN);

  return tr_handshakeDone (handshake, !connected_to_self);
Пример #3
tr_peerIoReconnect( tr_peerIo * io )
    short int pendingEvents;
    tr_session * session;

    assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );
    assert( !tr_peerIoIsIncoming( io ) );

    session = tr_peerIoGetSession( io );

    pendingEvents = io->pendingEvents;
    event_disable( io, EV_READ | EV_WRITE );

    if( io->socket >= 0 )
        tr_netClose( session, io->socket );

    io->socket = tr_netOpenPeerSocket( session, &io->addr, io->port, io->isSeed );
    event_set( &io->event_read, io->socket, EV_READ, event_read_cb, io );
    event_set( &io->event_write, io->socket, EV_WRITE, event_write_cb, io );

    if( io->socket >= 0 )
        event_enable( io, pendingEvents );
        tr_netSetTOS( io->socket, session->peerSocketTOS );
        maybeSetCongestionAlgorithm( io->socket, session->peer_congestion_algorithm );
        return 0;

    return -1;
Пример #4
tr_handshakeNew (tr_peerIo           * io,
                 tr_encryption_mode    encryptionMode,
                 handshakeDoneCB       doneCB,
                 void                * doneUserData)
  tr_handshake * handshake;
  tr_session * session = tr_peerIoGetSession (io);

  handshake = tr_new0 (tr_handshake, 1);
  handshake->io = io;
  handshake->crypto = tr_peerIoGetCrypto (io);
  handshake->encryptionMode = encryptionMode;
  handshake->doneCB = doneCB;
  handshake->doneUserData = doneUserData;
  handshake->session = session;
  handshake->timeout_timer = evtimer_new (session->event_base, handshakeTimeout, handshake);
  tr_timerAdd (handshake->timeout_timer, HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT_SEC, 0);

  tr_peerIoRef (io); /* balanced by the unref in tr_handshakeFree */
  tr_peerIoSetIOFuncs (handshake->io, canRead, NULL, gotError, handshake);
  tr_peerIoSetEncryption (io, PEER_ENCRYPTION_NONE);

  if (tr_peerIoIsIncoming (handshake->io))
      setReadState (handshake, AWAITING_HANDSHAKE);
  else if (encryptionMode != TR_CLEAR_PREFERRED)
      sendYa (handshake);
      uint8_t msg[HANDSHAKE_SIZE];
      buildHandshakeMessage (handshake, msg);

      handshake->haveSentBitTorrentHandshake = 1;
      setReadState (handshake, AWAITING_HANDSHAKE);
      tr_peerIoWriteBytes (handshake->io, msg, sizeof (msg), false);

  return handshake;
Пример #5
static int
readHandshake( tr_handshake *    handshake,
               struct evbuffer * inbuf )
    uint8_t   pstrlen;
    uint8_t * pstr;
    uint8_t   reserved[HANDSHAKE_FLAGS_LEN];
    uint8_t   hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];

    dbgmsg( handshake, "payload: need %d, got %zu",
            INCOMING_HANDSHAKE_LEN, evbuffer_get_length( inbuf ) );

    if( evbuffer_get_length( inbuf ) < INCOMING_HANDSHAKE_LEN )
        return READ_LATER;

    handshake->haveReadAnythingFromPeer = TRUE;

    pstrlen = evbuffer_pullup( inbuf, 1 )[0]; /* peek, don't read. We may be
                                                 handing inbuf to AWAITING_YA */

    if( pstrlen == 19 ) /* unencrypted */
        tr_peerIoSetEncryption( handshake->io, PEER_ENCRYPTION_NONE );

        if( handshake->encryptionMode == TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED )
            dbgmsg( handshake,
                    "peer is unencrypted, and we're disallowing that" );
            return tr_handshakeDone( handshake, FALSE );
    else /* encrypted or corrupt */
        tr_peerIoSetEncryption( handshake->io, PEER_ENCRYPTION_RC4 );

        if( tr_peerIoIsIncoming( handshake->io ) )
            dbgmsg( handshake,
                    "I think peer is sending us an encrypted handshake..." );
            setState( handshake, AWAITING_YA );
            return READ_NOW;
        tr_cryptoDecrypt( handshake->crypto, 1, &pstrlen, &pstrlen );

        if( pstrlen != 19 )
            dbgmsg( handshake,
                    "I think peer has sent us a corrupt handshake..." );
            return tr_handshakeDone( handshake, FALSE );

    evbuffer_drain( inbuf, 1 );

    /* pstr (BitTorrent) */
    pstr = tr_new( uint8_t, pstrlen + 1 );
    tr_peerIoReadBytes( handshake->io, inbuf, pstr, pstrlen );
    pstr[pstrlen] = '\0';
    if( strcmp( (char*)pstr, "BitTorrent protocol" ) )
        tr_free( pstr );
        return tr_handshakeDone( handshake, FALSE );
    tr_free( pstr );

    /* reserved bytes */
    tr_peerIoReadBytes( handshake->io, inbuf, reserved, sizeof( reserved ) );

    *** Extensions

    tr_peerIoEnableLTEP( handshake->io, HANDSHAKE_HAS_LTEP( reserved ) );

    tr_peerIoEnableFEXT( handshake->io, HANDSHAKE_HAS_FASTEXT( reserved ) );

    tr_peerIoEnableDHT( handshake->io, HANDSHAKE_HAS_DHT( reserved ) );

    /* torrent hash */
    tr_peerIoReadBytes( handshake->io, inbuf, hash, sizeof( hash ) );
    if( tr_peerIoIsIncoming( handshake->io ) )
        if( !tr_torrentExists( handshake->session, hash ) )
            dbgmsg( handshake, "peer is trying to connect to us for a torrent we don't have." );
            return tr_handshakeDone( handshake, FALSE );
            assert( !tr_peerIoHasTorrentHash( handshake->io ) );
            tr_peerIoSetTorrentHash( handshake->io, hash );
    else /* outgoing */
        assert( tr_peerIoHasTorrentHash( handshake->io ) );
        if( memcmp( hash, tr_peerIoGetTorrentHash( handshake->io ),
                    SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ) )
            dbgmsg( handshake, "peer returned the wrong hash. wtf?" );
            return tr_handshakeDone( handshake, FALSE );

    ***  If it's an incoming message, we need to send a response handshake

    if( !handshake->haveSentBitTorrentHandshake )
        uint8_t msg[HANDSHAKE_SIZE];
        buildHandshakeMessage( handshake, msg );
        tr_peerIoWriteBytes( handshake->io, msg, sizeof( msg ), FALSE );
        handshake->haveSentBitTorrentHandshake = 1;

    setReadState( handshake, AWAITING_PEER_ID );
    return READ_NOW;