Пример #1
static void
docheck(pmResult *result)
    int			i, j, k;
    int			sts;
    pmDesc		desc;
    pmAtomValue 	av;
    pmValue		*vp;
    pmValueSet		*vsp;
    __pmHashNode	*hptr = NULL;
    checkData		*checkdata = NULL;
    double		diff;
    struct timeval	timediff;

    for (i = 0; i < result->numpmid; i++) {
	vsp = result->vset[i];

#ifdef PCP_DEBUG
	if (pmDebug & DBG_TRACE_APPL1) {
	    if (vsp->numval == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s.%d:[", l_archname, l_ctxp->c_archctl->ac_vol);
		print_stamp(stderr, &result->timestamp);
		fprintf(stderr, "] ");
		print_metric(stderr, vsp->pmid);
		fprintf(stderr, ": no values returned\n");
	    else if (vsp->numval < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s.%d:[", l_archname, l_ctxp->c_archctl->ac_vol);
		print_stamp(stderr, &result->timestamp);
		fprintf(stderr, "] ");
		print_metric(stderr, vsp->pmid);
		fprintf(stderr, ": error from numval: %s\n", pmErrStr(vsp->numval));
	if (vsp->numval <= 0)

	/* check if pmid already in hash list */
	if ((hptr = __pmHashSearch(vsp->pmid, &hashlist)) == NULL) {
	    if ((sts = pmLookupDesc(vsp->pmid, &desc)) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s.%d:[", l_archname, l_ctxp->c_archctl->ac_vol);
		print_stamp(stderr, &result->timestamp);
		fprintf(stderr, "] ");
		print_metric(stderr, vsp->pmid);
		fprintf(stderr, ": pmLookupDesc failed: %s\n", pmErrStr(sts));

	    if (desc.type != PM_TYPE_32 && desc.type != PM_TYPE_U32 &&
		desc.type != PM_TYPE_64 && desc.type != PM_TYPE_U64 &&
		desc.type != PM_TYPE_FLOAT && desc.type != PM_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
		continue;	/* no checks for non-numeric metrics */

	    /* create a new one & add to list */
	    checkdata = (checkData*) malloc(sizeof(checkData));
	    newHashItem(vsp, &desc, checkdata, &result->timestamp);
	    if (__pmHashAdd(checkdata->desc.pmid, (void*)checkdata, &hashlist) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s.%d:[", l_archname, l_ctxp->c_archctl->ac_vol);
		print_stamp(stderr, &result->timestamp);
		fprintf(stderr, "] ");
		print_metric(stderr, vsp->pmid);
		fprintf(stderr, ": __pmHashAdd failed (internal pmlogcheck error)\n");
		/* free memory allocated above on insert failure */
		for (j = 0; j < vsp->numval; j++) {
		    if (checkdata->instlist[j] != NULL)
		if (checkdata->instlist != NULL)
	else {	/* pmid exists - update statistics */
	    checkdata = (checkData *)hptr->data;
	    for (j = 0; j < vsp->numval; j++) {	/* iterate thro result values */
		vp = &vsp->vlist[j];
		k = j;	/* index into stored inst list, result may differ */
		if ((vsp->numval > 1) || (checkdata->desc.indom != PM_INDOM_NULL)) {
		    /* must store values using correct inst - probably in correct order already */
		    if ((k < checkdata->listsize) && (checkdata->instlist[k]->inst != vp->inst)) {
			for (k = 0; k < checkdata->listsize; k++) {
			    if (vp->inst == checkdata->instlist[k]->inst) {
				break;	/* k now correct */
			if (k == checkdata->listsize) {	/* no matching inst was found */
			    newHashInst(vp, checkdata, vsp->valfmt, &result->timestamp, k);
		    else if (k >= checkdata->listsize) {
			k = checkdata->listsize;
			newHashInst(vp, checkdata, vsp->valfmt, &result->timestamp, k);
		if (k >= checkdata->listsize) {	/* only error values observed so far */
		    k = checkdata->listsize;
		    newHashInst(vp, checkdata, vsp->valfmt, &result->timestamp, k);

		timediff = result->timestamp;
		tsub(&timediff, &(checkdata->instlist[k]->lasttime));
		if (timediff.tv_sec < 0) {
		    /* clip negative values at zero */
		    timediff.tv_sec = 0;
		    timediff.tv_usec = 0;
		diff = __pmtimevalToReal(&timediff);
		if ((sts = pmExtractValue(vsp->valfmt, vp, checkdata->desc.type, &av, PM_TYPE_DOUBLE)) < 0) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "%s.%d:[", l_archname, l_ctxp->c_archctl->ac_vol);
		    print_stamp(stderr, &result->timestamp);
		    fprintf(stderr, "] ");
		    print_metric(stderr, vsp->pmid);
		    fprintf(stderr, ": pmExtractValue failed: %s\n", pmErrStr(sts));
		if (checkdata->desc.sem == PM_SEM_COUNTER) {
		    if (diff == 0.0) continue;
		    diff *= checkdata->scale;
#ifdef PCP_DEBUG
		    if (pmDebug & DBG_TRACE_APPL2) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s.%d:[", l_archname, l_ctxp->c_archctl->ac_vol);
			print_stamp(stderr, &result->timestamp);
			fprintf(stderr, "] ");
			print_metric(stderr, checkdata->desc.pmid);
			fprintf(stderr, ": current counter value is %.0f\n", av.d);
		    unwrap(av.d, &(result->timestamp), checkdata, k);
		checkdata->instlist[k]->lastval = av.d;
		checkdata->instlist[k]->lasttime = result->timestamp;
Пример #2
 		void reset(const auv_msgs::NavSts& ref, const auv_msgs::NavSts& state)
 			con.internalState = 0;
 			con.lastState = useIP?unwrap(state.orientation.yaw):state.orientation.yaw;
// Prepares interpolator instance, e.g. setups spline object.
void interpolator::prepare (int interpol, int repitition, int domain) {
  interpolType = interpol;
  dataType |= (domain & DATA_MASK_DOMAIN);
  repeat = repitition;

  // preparations for cyclic interpolations
  if (repeat & REPEAT_YES) {
    duration = rx[length - 1] - rx[0];
    // set first value to the end of the value vector
    if (cy) cy[length - 1] = cy[0];
    if (ry) ry[length - 1] = ry[0];

  // preparations for polar complex data
  if (cy != NULL && (domain & DATA_POLAR) && length > 1) {
    // unwrap phase of complex data vector
    vector ang = vector (length);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) ang (i) = arg (cy[i]);
    ang = unwrap (ang);
    // store complex data
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      cy[i] = rect (abs (cy[i]), real (ang (i)));

  // preparations spline interpolations
  if (interpolType & INTERPOL_CUBIC) {

    // prepare complex vector interpolation using splines
    if (cy != NULL) {
      // create splines if necessary
      if (rsp) delete rsp;
      if (isp) delete isp;
      rsp = new spline (SPLINE_BC_NATURAL);
      isp = new spline (SPLINE_BC_NATURAL);
      if (repeat & REPEAT_YES) {
	rsp->setBoundary (SPLINE_BC_PERIODIC);
	isp->setBoundary (SPLINE_BC_PERIODIC);
      // prepare data vectors
      vector rv = vector (length);
      vector iv = vector (length);
      vector rt = vector (length);
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
	rv (i) = real (cy[i]);
	iv (i) = imag (cy[i]);
	rt (i) = rx[i];
      // pass data vectors to splines and construct these
      rsp->vectors (rv, rt);
      isp->vectors (iv, rt);
      rsp->construct ();
      isp->construct ();

    // prepare real vector interpolation using spline
    else {
      if (rsp) delete rsp;
      rsp = new spline (SPLINE_BC_NATURAL);
      if (repeat & REPEAT_YES) rsp->setBoundary (SPLINE_BC_PERIODIC);
      rsp->vectors (ry, rx, length);
      rsp->construct ();
Пример #4
session_iterator session_iterator::operator++() {
    obj_ = pn_session_next(unwrap(obj_), 0);
    return *this;
Пример #5
Handle<Value> Proxy::proxyOnPropertiesChanged(const Arguments& args)
	HandleScope scope;
	Handle<Object> jsProxy = args.Holder();

	if (args.Length() < 1 || !args[0]->IsArray()) {
		return JSException::Error("Proxy.propertiesChanged requires a list of lists of property name, the old value, and the new value");

	JNIEnv *env = JNIScope::getEnv();
	if (!env) {
		return JSException::GetJNIEnvironmentError();

	Proxy *proxy = unwrap(jsProxy);
	if (!proxy) {
		return JSException::Error("Failed to unwrap Proxy instance");

	Local<Array> changes = Local<Array>::Cast(args[0]);
	uint32_t length = changes->Length();
	jobjectArray jChanges = env->NewObjectArray(length, JNIUtil::objectClass, NULL);

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
		Local<Array> change = Local<Array>::Cast(changes->Get(i));
		Local<String> name = change->Get(INDEX_NAME)->ToString();
		Local<Value> oldValue = change->Get(INDEX_OLD_VALUE);
		Local<Value> value = change->Get(INDEX_VALUE);

		jobjectArray jChange = env->NewObjectArray(3, JNIUtil::objectClass, NULL);

		jstring jName = TypeConverter::jsStringToJavaString(name);
		env->SetObjectArrayElement(jChange, INDEX_NAME, jName);

		bool isNew;
		jobject jOldValue = TypeConverter::jsValueToJavaObject(oldValue, &isNew);
		env->SetObjectArrayElement(jChange, INDEX_OLD_VALUE, jOldValue);
		if (isNew) {

		jobject jValue = TypeConverter::jsValueToJavaObject(value, &isNew);
		env->SetObjectArrayElement(jChange, INDEX_VALUE, jValue);
		if (isNew) {

		env->SetObjectArrayElement(jChanges, i, jChange);

	jobject javaProxy = proxy->getJavaObject();
	env->CallVoidMethod(javaProxy, JNIUtil::krollProxyOnPropertiesChangedMethod, jChanges);

	if (!JavaObject::useGlobalRefs) {

	return Undefined();
Пример #6
 * KW-AD as defined in SP 800-38F section 6.2
 * KWP-AD as defined in SP 800-38F section 6.3
int mbedtls_nist_kw_unwrap( mbedtls_nist_kw_context *ctx,
                            mbedtls_nist_kw_mode_t mode,
                            const unsigned char *input, size_t in_len,
                            unsigned char *output, size_t *out_len, size_t out_size )
    int ret = 0;
    size_t i, olen;
    unsigned char A[KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH];
    unsigned char diff, bad_padding = 0;

    *out_len = 0;
    if( out_size < in_len - KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH )

    if( mode == MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KW )
         * According to SP 800-38F Table 1, the ciphertext length for KW
         * must be between 3 to 2^54 semiblocks inclusive.
        if( in_len < 24 ||
#if SIZE_MAX > 0x200000000000000
            in_len > 0x200000000000000 ||
            in_len % KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH != 0 )
            return( MBEDTLS_ERR_CIPHER_BAD_INPUT_DATA );

        ret = unwrap( ctx, input, in_len / KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH,
                      A, output, out_len );
        if( ret != 0 )
            goto cleanup;

        /* Check ICV in "constant-time" */
        diff = mbedtls_nist_kw_safer_memcmp( NIST_KW_ICV1, A, KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH );

        if( diff != 0 )
            goto cleanup;

    else if( mode == MBEDTLS_KW_MODE_KWP )
        size_t padlen = 0;
        uint32_t Plen;
         * According to SP 800-38F Table 1, the ciphertext length for KWP
         * must be between 2 to 2^29 semiblocks inclusive.
        if( in_len < KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH * 2 ||
#if SIZE_MAX > 0x100000000
            in_len > 0x100000000 ||
            in_len % KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH != 0 )
            return(  MBEDTLS_ERR_CIPHER_BAD_INPUT_DATA );

        if( in_len == KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH * 2 )
            unsigned char outbuff[KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH * 2];
            ret = mbedtls_cipher_update( &ctx->cipher_ctx,
                                         input, 16, outbuff, &olen );
            if( ret != 0 )
                goto cleanup;

            memcpy( A, outbuff, KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH );
            memcpy( output, outbuff + KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH, KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH );
            mbedtls_platform_zeroize( outbuff, sizeof( outbuff ) );
            *out_len = KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH;
            /* in_len >=  KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH * 3 */
            ret = unwrap( ctx, input, in_len / KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH,
                          A, output, out_len );
            if( ret != 0 )
                goto cleanup;

        /* Check ICV in "constant-time" */
        diff = mbedtls_nist_kw_safer_memcmp( NIST_KW_ICV2, A, KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH / 2 );

        if( diff != 0 )

        GET_UINT32_BE( Plen, A, KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH / 2 );

         * Plen is the length of the plaintext, when the input is valid.
         * If Plen is larger than the plaintext and padding, padlen will be
         * larger than 8, because of the type wrap around.
        padlen = in_len - KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH - Plen;
        if ( padlen > 7 )
            padlen &= 7;

        /* Check padding in "constant-time" */
        for( diff = 0, i = 0; i < KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH; i++ )
             if( i >= KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH - padlen )
                 diff |= output[*out_len - KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH + i];
                 bad_padding |= output[*out_len - KW_SEMIBLOCK_LENGTH + i];

        if( diff != 0 )

        if( ret != 0 )
            goto cleanup;
        memset( output + Plen, 0, padlen );
        *out_len = Plen;
        goto cleanup;

    if( ret != 0 )
        memset( output, 0, *out_len );
        *out_len = 0;

    mbedtls_platform_zeroize( &bad_padding, sizeof( bad_padding) );
    mbedtls_platform_zeroize( &diff, sizeof( diff ) );
    mbedtls_platform_zeroize( A, sizeof( A ) );

    return( ret );
Пример #7
:	imp_(seq)
	seq->api_internal = this;


	seq = unwrap(this);
	if (seq != NULL)
		(void)seq->close(seq, 0);

DBSEQ_METHOD(open, (DbTxn *txnid, Dbt *key, u_int32_t flags),
    (seq, unwrap(txnid), key, flags), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(initial_value, (db_seq_t value), (seq, value), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(close, (u_int32_t flags), (seq, flags), 1)
DBSEQ_METHOD(remove, (DbTxn *txnid, u_int32_t flags),
    (seq, unwrap(txnid), flags), 1)
DBSEQ_METHOD(stat, (DB_SEQUENCE_STAT **sp, u_int32_t flags),
    (seq, sp, flags), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(stat_print, (u_int32_t flags), (seq, flags), 0)

    (DbTxn  *txnid, u_int32_t delta, db_seq_t *retp, u_int32_t flags),
    (seq, unwrap(txnid), delta, retp, flags), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(get_cachesize, (u_int32_t *sizep), (seq, sizep), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(set_cachesize, (u_int32_t size), (seq, size), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(get_flags, (u_int32_t *flagsp), (seq, flagsp), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(set_flags, (u_int32_t flags), (seq, flags), 0)
		TITANIUM_FUNCTION(GeneralTransform, TransformBounds)
			auto context = get_context();
			if (arguments.size() == 1) {
				auto _0 = arguments.at(0);
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(_0.IsObject(), "Expected Object");
			auto object_rect = static_cast<JSObject>(_0);
			::Windows::Foundation::Rect rect;
			// Assign fields explicitly since we didn't use a constructor

			auto object_rect_X = object_rect.GetProperty("X"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_rect_X.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_rect_X_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_rect_X));

			rect.X = object_rect_X_;

			auto object_rect_Y = object_rect.GetProperty("Y"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_rect_Y.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_rect_Y_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_rect_Y));

			rect.Y = object_rect_Y_;

			auto object_rect_Width = object_rect.GetProperty("Width"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_rect_Width.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_rect_Width_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_rect_Width));

			rect.Width = object_rect_Width_;

			auto object_rect_Height = object_rect.GetProperty("Height"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_rect_Height.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_rect_Height_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_rect_Height));

			rect.Height = object_rect_Height_;

				auto method_result = unwrap()->TransformBounds(rect);

			auto result = context.CreateObject();

			auto method_result_X_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(method_result.X));

			result.SetProperty("X", method_result_X_);

			auto method_result_Y_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(method_result.Y));

			result.SetProperty("Y", method_result_Y_);

			auto method_result_Width_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(method_result.Width));

			result.SetProperty("Width", method_result_Width_);

			auto method_result_Height_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(method_result.Height));

			result.SetProperty("Height", method_result_Height_);

				return result;

			// Catch-all if no arg count matches!
			TITANIUM_LOG_DEBUG("No method signature matched GeneralTransform::TransformBounds with # of args: ", arguments.size());
			return context.CreateUndefined(); 
		TITANIUM_FUNCTION(GeneralTransform, TryTransform)
			auto context = get_context();
			if (arguments.size() == 2) {
				auto _0 = arguments.at(0);
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(_0.IsObject(), "Expected Object");
			auto object_inPoint = static_cast<JSObject>(_0);
			::Windows::Foundation::Point inPoint;
			// Assign fields explicitly since we didn't use a constructor

			auto object_inPoint_X = object_inPoint.GetProperty("X"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_inPoint_X.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_inPoint_X_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_inPoint_X));

			inPoint.X = object_inPoint_X_;

			auto object_inPoint_Y = object_inPoint.GetProperty("Y"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_inPoint_Y.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_inPoint_Y_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_inPoint_Y));

			inPoint.Y = object_inPoint_Y_;

				auto _1 = arguments.at(1);
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(_1.IsObject(), "Expected Object");
			auto object_outPoint = static_cast<JSObject>(_1);
			::Windows::Foundation::Point outPoint;
			// Assign fields explicitly since we didn't use a constructor

			auto object_outPoint_X = object_outPoint.GetProperty("X"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_outPoint_X.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_outPoint_X_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_outPoint_X));

			outPoint.X = object_outPoint_X_;

			auto object_outPoint_Y = object_outPoint.GetProperty("Y"); 
			TITANIUM_ASSERT_AND_THROW(object_outPoint_Y.IsNumber(), "Expected Number");
			auto object_outPoint_Y_ = static_cast<float>(static_cast<double>(object_outPoint_Y));

			outPoint.Y = object_outPoint_Y_;

				auto method_result = unwrap()->TryTransform(inPoint, &outPoint);
			auto result = context.CreateBoolean(method_result); 

			auto out_1 = context.CreateObject();

			auto outPoint_X_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(outPoint.X));

			out_1.SetProperty("X", outPoint_X_);

			auto outPoint_Y_ = context.CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(outPoint.Y));

			out_1.SetProperty("Y", outPoint_Y_);

				_1 = out_1;
				return result;

			// Catch-all if no arg count matches!
			TITANIUM_LOG_DEBUG("No method signature matched GeneralTransform::TryTransform with # of args: ", arguments.size());
			return context.CreateUndefined(); 