Пример #1
Файл: log.c Проект: akva2/ert
log_type * log_open( const char * filename , int log_level) {
  log_type   *logh;

  logh = util_malloc(sizeof *logh );
  logh->log_level     = log_level;
  logh->filename      = NULL;
  logh->stream        = NULL;
  pthread_mutex_init( &logh->mutex , NULL );
  if (filename != NULL && log_level > 0)
    log_reopen( logh , filename);
  return logh;
Пример #2
static point_obs_type * point_obs_alloc( block_obs_source_type   source_type , int i , int j , int k , int active_index , const char * sum_key , double value , double std) {
  point_obs_type * point_obs = util_malloc( sizeof * point_obs );

  point_obs->source_type  = source_type;
  point_obs->i            = i;
  point_obs->j            = j;
  point_obs->k            = k;       
  point_obs->active_index = active_index;
  point_obs->value        = value;
  point_obs->std          = std;
  point_obs->sum_key      = util_alloc_string_copy( sum_key );
  return point_obs;
Пример #3
void util_fread_compressed(void *__data , FILE * stream) {
  unsigned char * data = (unsigned char *) __data;
  int buffer_size;
  int size , offset;
  void * zbuffer;
  fread(&size  , sizeof size , 1 , stream); 
  if (size == 0) return;

  fread(&buffer_size , sizeof buffer_size , 1 , stream);
  zbuffer = util_malloc(buffer_size );
  offset = 0;
  do {
    unsigned long compressed_size;
    unsigned long block_size = size - offset;
    int uncompress_result;
    fread(&compressed_size , sizeof compressed_size , 1 , stream);
      int bytes_read = fread(zbuffer , 1 , compressed_size , stream);
      if (bytes_read < compressed_size) 
        util_abort("%s: read only %d/%d bytes from compressed file - aborting \n",__func__ , bytes_read , compressed_size);
    uncompress_result = uncompress(&data[offset] , &block_size , zbuffer , compressed_size);
    if (uncompress_result != Z_OK) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: ** Warning uncompress result:%d != Z_OK.\n" , __func__ , uncompress_result);
         According to the zlib documentation:

         1. Values > 0 are not errors - just rare events?
         2. The value Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal - we let that pass?!
      if (uncompress_result < 0 && uncompress_result != Z_BUF_ERROR)
        util_abort("%s: fatal uncompress error: %d \n",__func__ , uncompress_result);
    offset += block_size;
      int file_offset;
      fread(&file_offset , sizeof offset , 1 , stream); 
      if (file_offset != offset) 
        util_abort("%s: something wrong when reding compressed stream - aborting \n",__func__);
  } while (offset < size);
Пример #4
custom_kw_config_type * custom_kw_config_alloc_empty(const char * key, const char * result_file, const char * output_file) {
    custom_kw_config_type * custom_kw_config = util_malloc(sizeof * custom_kw_config);
    UTIL_TYPE_ID_INIT(custom_kw_config, CUSTOM_KW_CONFIG_ID);

    custom_kw_config->name = NULL;
    custom_kw_config->result_file = util_alloc_string_copy(result_file);
    custom_kw_config->output_file = util_alloc_string_copy(output_file);
    custom_kw_config->name = util_alloc_string_copy(key);
    custom_kw_config->undefined = true;
    custom_kw_config->key_definition_file = NULL;

    custom_kw_config->custom_keys = hash_alloc();
    custom_kw_config->custom_key_types = hash_alloc(); //types: 0 if string, 1 if double
    pthread_rwlock_init(& custom_kw_config->rw_lock, NULL);

    return custom_kw_config;
Пример #5
int stringlist_select_matching(stringlist_type * names , const char * pattern) {
  int match_count = 0;
  stringlist_clear( names );

    int i;
    glob_t * pglob = util_malloc( sizeof * pglob );
    int glob_flags = 0;
    glob( pattern , glob_flags , NULL , pglob);
    match_count = pglob->gl_pathc;
    for (i=0; i < pglob->gl_pathc; i++)
      stringlist_append_copy( names , pglob->gl_pathv[i] );
    globfree( pglob );  /* Only frees the _internal_ data structures of the pglob object. */
    free( pglob );
  return match_count;
Пример #6
static ecl_sum_type * ecl_sum_alloc__( const char * input_arg , const char * key_join_string) {
  ecl_sum_type * ecl_sum = util_malloc( sizeof * ecl_sum );
  UTIL_TYPE_ID_INIT( ecl_sum , ECL_SUM_ID );

  ecl_sum->ecl_case  = NULL;
  ecl_sum->path      = NULL;
  ecl_sum->base      = NULL;
  ecl_sum->ext       = NULL;
  ecl_sum->abs_path  = NULL;
  ecl_sum_set_case( ecl_sum , input_arg );
  ecl_sum->key_join_string = util_alloc_string_copy( key_join_string );

  ecl_sum->smspec = NULL;
  ecl_sum->data   = NULL;

  return ecl_sum;
Пример #7
static ert_run_context_type * ert_run_context_alloc(const bool_vector_type * iactive , run_mode_type run_mode , enkf_fs_type * init_fs , enkf_fs_type * result_fs , enkf_fs_type * update_target_fs , int iter) {
  ert_run_context_type * context = util_malloc( sizeof * context );

  context->iactive = bool_vector_alloc_copy( iactive );
  context->iens_map = bool_vector_alloc_active_index_list( iactive , -1 );
  context->run_args = vector_alloc_new();
  context->run_mode = run_mode;
  context->iter = iter;
  ert_run_context_set_init_fs(context, init_fs);
  ert_run_context_set_result_fs(context, result_fs);
  ert_run_context_set_update_target_fs(context, update_target_fs);

  context->step1 = 0;
  context->step2 = 0;
  return context;
Пример #8
stepwise_type * stepwise_alloc0( rng_type * rng) {
    stepwise_type * stepwise = util_malloc( sizeof * stepwise );

    stepwise->rng         = rng;
    stepwise->X0          = NULL;
    stepwise->E0          = NULL;
    stepwise->Y0          = NULL;
    stepwise->beta        = NULL;
    stepwise->active_set  = NULL;
    stepwise->data_owner  = true;
    stepwise->X_mean      = NULL;
    stepwise->X_norm      = NULL;
    stepwise->Y_mean      = 0.0;
    stepwise->R2          = -1.0;

    return stepwise;
Пример #9
ecl_sum_tstep_type * ecl_sum_tstep_alloc_remap_copy( const ecl_sum_tstep_type * src , const ecl_smspec_type * new_smspec, float default_value , const int * params_map) {
  int params_size = ecl_smspec_get_params_size( new_smspec );
  ecl_sum_tstep_type * target = util_alloc_copy(src , sizeof * src );

  target->smspec = new_smspec;
  target->data = util_malloc( params_size * sizeof * target->data );
  target->data_size = params_size;
  for (int i=0; i < params_size; i++) {

    if (params_map[i] >= 0)
      target->data[i] = src->data[ params_map[i] ];
      target->data[i] = default_value;

  return target;
Пример #10
ecl_rsthead_type * ecl_rsthead_ialloc( const ecl_file_type * rst_file , int occurence) {
  if (ecl_file_get_num_named_kw( rst_file , INTEHEAD_KW) > occurence) {
    const ecl_kw_type * intehead_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , INTEHEAD_KW , occurence);
    const ecl_kw_type * logihead_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , LOGIHEAD_KW , occurence);
    const ecl_kw_type * doubhead_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , DOUBHEAD_KW , occurence);
    ecl_rsthead_type * rsthead = util_malloc( sizeof * rsthead );
      const int * data = (const int *) ecl_kw_get_void_ptr( intehead_kw );
      rsthead->day       = data[INTEHEAD_DAY_INDEX];
      rsthead->month     = data[INTEHEAD_MONTH_INDEX];
      rsthead->year      = data[INTEHEAD_YEAR_INDEX];
      rsthead->version   = data[INTEHEAD_IPROG_INDEX];
      rsthead->phase_sum = data[INTEHEAD_PHASE_INDEX];
      rsthead->nx        = data[INTEHEAD_NX_INDEX];
      rsthead->ny        = data[INTEHEAD_NY_INDEX];
      rsthead->nz        = data[INTEHEAD_NZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->nactive   = data[INTEHEAD_NACTIVE_INDEX];
      rsthead->nwells    = data[INTEHEAD_NWELLS_INDEX];
      rsthead->niwelz    = data[INTEHEAD_NIWELZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->nzwelz    = data[INTEHEAD_NZWELZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->nsconz    = data[INTEHEAD_NSCONZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->niconz    = data[INTEHEAD_NICONZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->ncwmax    = data[INTEHEAD_NCWMAX_INDEX];
      rsthead->nisegz    = data[INTEHEAD_NISEGZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->nsegmx    = data[INTEHEAD_NSEGMX_INDEX];
      rsthead->nswlmx    = data[INTEHEAD_NSWLMX_INDEX];
      rsthead->nrsegz    = data[INTEHEAD_NRSEGZ_INDEX];
      // The only derived quantity
      rsthead->sim_time  = rsthead_date( rsthead->day , rsthead->month , rsthead->year );
    rsthead->dualp    = ecl_kw_iget_bool( logihead_kw , LOGIHEAD_DUALP_INDEX);
    rsthead->sim_days = ecl_kw_iget_double( doubhead_kw , DOUBHEAD_DAYS_INDEX );
    return rsthead;
  } else
    return NULL;
Пример #11
plot_type * plot_alloc(const char * __driver_type , void * init_arg , bool logx , bool logy)
  plot_type * plot = util_malloc(sizeof *plot );
      Loading the driver:
    char * driver_type = util_alloc_string_copy( __driver_type );
    util_strupr( driver_type );

    if (util_string_equal( driver_type , "PLPLOT"))
      plot->driver  = plplot_driver_alloc(init_arg);
    else if (util_string_equal( driver_type , "TEXT"))
      plot->driver  = text_driver_alloc(init_arg);
      util_abort("%s: plot driver:%s not implemented ... \n",__func__ , __driver_type);
    plot_driver_assert( plot->driver );

    free( driver_type );

  /* Initializing plot data which is common to all drivers. */
  plot->is_histogram    = false;
  plot->dataset         = vector_alloc_new();
  plot->dataset_hash    = hash_alloc();
  plot->range           = plot_range_alloc();
  plot->timefmt         = NULL;
  plot->xlabel          = NULL;
  plot->ylabel          = NULL;
  plot->title           = NULL;
     These functions only manipulate the internal plot_state
     variables, and do not call the driver functions.
  plot_set_window_size(plot , PLOT_DEFAULT_WIDTH , PLOT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
  plot_set_box_color(plot , PLOT_DEFAULT_BOX_COLOR);
  plot_set_label_color(plot , PLOT_DEFAULT_LABEL_COLOR);
  plot_set_label_fontsize(plot , 1.0);
  plot_set_axis_fontsize(plot , 1.0);
  plot_set_labels(plot , "" , "" , ""); /* Initializeing with empty labels. */
  plot_set_log( plot , logx , logy); /* Default - no log on the axis. */
  return plot;
Пример #12
local_ministep_type * local_ministep_alloc(const char * name, analysis_module_type* analysis_module) {
  local_ministep_type * ministep = util_malloc( sizeof * ministep );

  ministep->name         = util_alloc_string_copy( name );

  char* obsdata_name = "OBSDATA_";
  char* result = malloc(strlen(obsdata_name)+strlen(name)+1);
  strcpy(result, obsdata_name);
  strcat(result, name);
  ministep->observations = local_obsdata_alloc(result);

  ministep->datasets     = hash_alloc();
  ministep->analysis_module = analysis_module;

  return ministep;
Пример #13
static ecl_grav_survey_type * ecl_grav_survey_alloc_empty(const ecl_grav_type * ecl_grav , 
                                                          const char * name , 
                                                          grav_calc_type calc_type) {
  ecl_grav_survey_type * survey = util_malloc( sizeof * survey );
  survey->grid_cache   = ecl_grav->grid_cache;
  survey->aquifer_cell = ecl_grav->aquifer_cell;
  survey->name         = util_alloc_string_copy( name );
  survey->phase_list   = vector_alloc_new();
  survey->phase_map    = hash_alloc();

  if (calc_type & GRAV_CALC_USE_PORV)
    survey->porv       = util_calloc( ecl_grid_cache_get_size( ecl_grav->grid_cache ) , sizeof * survey->porv );
    survey->porv       = NULL;

  return survey;
Пример #14
config_content_type * config_content_alloc() {
  config_content_type * content = util_malloc( sizeof * content );
  content->valid = false;
  content->items = hash_alloc();
  content->nodes = vector_alloc_new();
  content->parse_errors = config_error_alloc();
  content->define_list = subst_list_alloc( NULL );
  content->parsed_files = set_alloc_empty();

  content->path_elm_storage  = vector_alloc_new();
  content->path_elm_stack    = vector_alloc_new();

  content->invoke_path = NULL;
  content->config_file = NULL;
  content->abs_path = NULL;
  return content;
Пример #15
member_config_type * member_config_alloc(int iens , 
                                         const char                 * casename , 
                                         bool                         pre_clear_runpath , 
                                         keep_runpath_type            keep_runpath , 
                                         const ecl_config_type      * ecl_config , 
                                         const ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config,
                                         enkf_fs_type * fs) {

  member_config_type * member_config = util_malloc( sizeof * member_config );
  member_config->casename            = util_alloc_string_copy( casename );
  member_config->iens                = iens; /* Can only be changed in the allocater. */
  member_config->eclbase             = NULL;
  member_config->jobname             = NULL;
  member_config->pre_clear_runpath   = pre_clear_runpath;
  member_config_set_keep_runpath(member_config , keep_runpath);
  return member_config;
Пример #16
data_ranking_type * data_ranking_alloc( bool sort_increasing , int ens_size , const char * user_key , const char * key_index , enkf_fs_type * fs , const enkf_config_node_type * config_node , int step , state_enum state) {
    data_ranking_type * ranking = util_malloc( sizeof * ranking );
    ranking->ens_size = ens_size;
    ranking->sort_increasing = sort_increasing;

    if (ranking->sort_increasing)
        ranking->data_ensemble = double_vector_alloc( ens_size ,  INFINITY);  // To ensure it comes last when sorting
        ranking->data_ensemble = double_vector_alloc( ens_size , -INFINITY);  // To ensure it comes last when sorting

    ranking->valid = bool_vector_alloc( ens_size , false );
    ranking->sort_permutation = NULL;
    ranking->user_key = util_alloc_string_copy( user_key );

    data_ranking_init( ranking , fs , config_node , key_index , step , state );
    return ranking;
Пример #17
subst_list_type * subst_list_alloc(const void * input_arg) {
  subst_list_type * subst_list = util_malloc(sizeof * subst_list );
  subst_list->parent           = NULL;
  subst_list->func_pool        = NULL;
  subst_list->string_data      = vector_alloc_new();
  subst_list->func_data        = vector_alloc_new();

  if (input_arg != NULL) {
    if (subst_list_is_instance( input_arg )) 
      subst_list_set_parent( subst_list , input_arg );
    else if (subst_func_pool_is_instance( input_arg ))
      subst_list->func_pool = input_arg;
      util_abort("%s: run_time cast failed - invalid type on input argument.\n",__func__);
  return subst_list;
Пример #18
qc_module_type * qc_module_alloc( ert_workflow_list_type * workflow_list , const char * qc_path ) {
  qc_module_type * qc_module = util_malloc( sizeof * qc_module );
  qc_module->qc_workflow = NULL;
  qc_module->qc_path = NULL;
  qc_module->workflow_list = workflow_list;
  qc_module->runpath_list = runpath_list_alloc();
  qc_module->runpath_list_file = NULL;
  qc_module_set_path( qc_module , qc_path );
    char * cwd = util_alloc_cwd();
    char * runpath_list_file = util_alloc_filename( cwd , RUNPATH_LIST_FILE , NULL);

    qc_module_set_runpath_list_file( qc_module , runpath_list_file );

    free( runpath_list_file );
    free( cwd );
  return qc_module;
Пример #19
static int
			STRING *stringPtr,
			BFile	file,
			long	stringOff,
			long	stringLen
#define string (*stringPtr)
    int		returnValue = 0;

    string = (STRING)util_malloc((size_t)(stringLen + 1));
    bfile_set_off(file, stringOff);
    fread(string, 1, (size_t)stringLen, file->stream);
    string[stringLen]= 0;

    return returnValue;
#undef string
Пример #20
   The plot_config object is instantiated with the default values from enkf_defaults.h
plot_config_type * plot_config_alloc_default() {
  plot_config_type * info        = util_malloc( sizeof * info );
  info->plot_path                = NULL;
  info->image_type               = NULL;
  info->viewer                   = NULL;
  info->driver                   = NULL;      

  plot_config_set_plot_refcase( info     , DEFAULT_PLOT_REFCASE);
  plot_config_set_path(info              , DEFAULT_PLOT_PATH );
  plot_config_set_image_type(info        , DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE );
  plot_config_set_viewer(info            , DEFAULT_IMAGE_VIEWER );
  plot_config_set_driver(info            , DEFAULT_PLOT_DRIVER );
  plot_config_set_width(info             , DEFAULT_PLOT_WIDTH );
  plot_config_set_height(info            , DEFAULT_PLOT_HEIGHT );
  plot_config_set_errorbar_max(info      , DEFAULT_PLOT_ERRORBAR_MAX);
  plot_config_set_plot_errorbar(info     , DEFAULT_PLOT_ERRORBAR);
  plot_config_set_logy( info             , DEFAULT_PLOT_LOGY );
  return info;
Пример #21
static queue_driver_type * queue_driver_alloc_empty() {
  queue_driver_type * driver = util_malloc(sizeof * driver);
  driver->max_running = 0;
  driver->driver_type = NULL_DRIVER;
  driver->submit = NULL;
  driver->get_status = NULL;
  driver->kill_job = NULL;
  driver->free_job = NULL;
  driver->free_driver = NULL;
  driver->get_option = NULL;
  driver->set_option = NULL;
  driver->has_option = NULL;
  driver->name = NULL;
  driver->data = NULL;
  driver->max_running_string = NULL;
  driver->init_options = NULL;

  return driver;
Пример #22
ert_test_context_type * ert_test_context_alloc( const char * test_name , const char * model_config , const char * site_config) {
   ert_test_context_type * test_context = util_malloc( sizeof * test_context );
   if (util_file_exists(model_config)) {
     test_context->work_area = test_work_area_alloc(test_name);
     test_work_area_set_store( test_context->work_area , false );
     test_work_area_copy_parent_content(test_context->work_area , model_config );
       char * config_file = util_split_alloc_filename( model_config );
       test_context->enkf_main = enkf_main_bootstrap( site_config , config_file , true , false );
       free( config_file );
     test_context->rng = rng_alloc( MZRAN , INIT_DEV_URANDOM );
   } else {
     test_context->enkf_main = NULL;
     test_context->work_area = NULL;
     test_context->rng = NULL;
   return test_context;
Пример #23
lsb_type * lsb_alloc() {
    lsb_type * lsb = util_malloc( sizeof * lsb );
    lsb->ready = true;
    lsb->error_list = stringlist_alloc_new();

    lsb_dlopen(lsb , "libnsl.so" );
    lsb_dlopen(lsb , "liblsf.so" );
    lsb->lib_handle = lsb_dlopen(lsb , "libbat.so");

    if (lsb->lib_handle) {
        lsb->submit    = (lsb_submit_ftype *) lsb_dlsym( lsb , "lsb_submit");
        lsb->open_job  = (lsb_openjobinfo_ftype *) lsb_dlsym( lsb , "lsb_openjobinfo");
        lsb->read_job  = (lsb_readjobinfo_ftype *) lsb_dlsym( lsb , "lsb_readjobinfo");
        lsb->close_job = (lsb_closejobinfo_ftype *) lsb_dlsym( lsb , "lsb_closejobinfo");
        lsb->kill_job  = (lsb_forcekilljob_ftype *) lsb_dlsym( lsb , "lsb_forcekilljob");
        lsb->lsb_init  = (lsb_init_ftype *) lsb_dlsym( lsb , "lsb_init");
        lsb->sys_msg   = (lsb_sysmsg_ftype *) lsb_dlsym( lsb , "lsb_sysmsg");

    return lsb;
Пример #24
static ecl_rft_node_type * ecl_rft_node_alloc_empty(const char * data_type_string) {
  ecl_rft_enum data_type = translate_from_sting_to_ecl_rft_enum(data_type_string);

  /* Can return NULL */
  if (data_type == SEGMENT) {
    fprintf(stderr,"%s: sorry SEGMENT PLT/RFT is not supported - file a complaint. \n",__func__);
    return NULL;

    ecl_rft_node_type * rft_node = util_malloc(sizeof * rft_node );
    UTIL_TYPE_ID_INIT( rft_node , ECL_RFT_NODE_ID );

    rft_node->cells = vector_alloc_new();
    rft_node->data_type = data_type;
    rft_node->sort_perm = NULL;
    rft_node->sort_perm_in_sync = false;

    return rft_node;
Пример #25
   The input vectors i,j,k should contain offset zero values.
block_obs_type * block_obs_alloc(const char   * obs_key,
                                 block_obs_source_type source_type , 
                                 const stringlist_type * summary_keys , 
                                 const void * data_config , 
                                 const ecl_grid_type * grid ,
                                 int            size,
                                 const int    * i,
                                 const int    * j,
                                 const int    * k,
                                 const double * obs_value,
                                 const double * obs_std)
  block_obs_validate_ijk( grid , size , i,j,k);
    block_obs_type * block_obs = util_malloc(sizeof * block_obs);
    char           * sum_kw    = NULL;

    block_obs->obs_key         = util_alloc_string_copy(obs_key);
    block_obs->data_config     = data_config;
    block_obs->source_type     = source_type; 
    block_obs->size            = 0;
    block_obs->point_list      = NULL;
    block_obs->grid            = grid;
    block_obs_resize( block_obs , size );
      for (int l=0; l < size; l++) {
        int active_index = ecl_grid_get_active_index3( block_obs->grid , i[l],j[l],k[l]);
        char * sum_key   = NULL;
        if (source_type == SOURCE_SUMMARY) 
          sum_key = stringlist_iget( summary_keys , l );
        block_obs->point_list[l] = point_obs_alloc(source_type , i[l] , j[l] , k[l] , active_index , sum_key , obs_value[l] , obs_std[l]);
    return block_obs;
Пример #26
model_config_type * model_config_alloc() {
  model_config_type * model_config  = util_malloc(sizeof * model_config );
     There are essentially three levels of initialisation:

     1. Initialize to NULL / invalid.
     2. Initialize with default values.
     3. Initialize with user supplied values.

  model_config->case_names                = NULL;
  model_config->enspath                   = NULL;
  model_config->rftpath                   = NULL;
  model_config->dbase_type                = INVALID_DRIVER_ID;
  model_config->current_runpath           = NULL;
  model_config->current_path_key          = NULL;
  model_config->enkf_sched                = NULL;
  model_config->enkf_sched_file           = NULL;   
  model_config->case_table_file           = NULL;
  model_config->select_case               = NULL;    
  model_config->history                   = NULL;
  model_config->jobname_fmt               = NULL;
  model_config->forward_model             = NULL;
  model_config->internalize_state         = bool_vector_alloc( 0 , false );
  model_config->__load_state              = bool_vector_alloc( 0 , false ); 
  model_config->history_source            = HISTORY_SOURCE_INVALID;
  model_config->runpath_map               = hash_alloc(); 
  model_config->gen_kw_export_file_name   = NULL;

  model_config_set_enspath( model_config        , DEFAULT_ENSPATH );
  model_config_set_rftpath( model_config        , DEFAULT_RFTPATH );
  model_config_set_dbase_type( model_config     , DEFAULT_DBASE_TYPE );
  model_config_set_max_internal_submit( model_config   , DEFAULT_MAX_INTERNAL_SUBMIT);
  model_config_add_runpath( model_config , DEFAULT_RUNPATH_KEY , DEFAULT_RUNPATH);
  model_config_select_runpath( model_config , DEFAULT_RUNPATH_KEY );
  model_config_set_gen_kw_export_file(model_config, DEFAULT_GEN_KW_EXPORT_FILE);
  return model_config;
Пример #27
static run_arg_type * run_arg_alloc(enkf_fs_type * init_fs ,
                                    enkf_fs_type * result_fs ,
                                    enkf_fs_type * update_target_fs ,
                                    int iens ,
                                    run_mode_type run_mode          ,
                                    int init_step_parameters        ,
                                    state_enum init_state_parameter ,
                                    state_enum init_state_dynamic   ,
                                    int step1                       ,
                                    int step2                       ,
                                    int iter                        ,
                                    const char * runpath) {

  run_arg_type * run_arg = util_malloc(sizeof * run_arg );

  run_arg->init_fs = init_fs;
  run_arg->result_fs = result_fs;
  run_arg->update_target_fs = update_target_fs;

  run_arg->iens = iens;
  run_arg->run_mode = run_mode;
  run_arg->init_step_parameters = init_step_parameters;
  run_arg->init_state_parameter = init_state_parameter;
  run_arg->init_state_dynamic = init_state_dynamic;
  run_arg->step1 = step1;
  run_arg->step2 = step2;
  run_arg->iter = iter;
  run_arg->run_path = util_alloc_abs_path( runpath );
  run_arg->num_internal_submit = 0;
  run_arg->queue_index = INVALID_QUEUE_INDEX;
  run_arg->run_status = JOB_NOT_STARTED;

  if (step1 == 0)
    run_arg->load_start = 1;
    run_arg->load_start = step1;

  return run_arg;
Пример #28
ecl_rsthead_type * ecl_rsthead_alloc_from_kw( int report_step , const ecl_kw_type * intehead_kw , const ecl_kw_type * doubhead_kw , const ecl_kw_type * logihead_kw ) {
  ecl_rsthead_type * rsthead = util_malloc( sizeof * rsthead );
  rsthead->report_step = report_step;
      const int * data = (const int *) ecl_kw_get_void_ptr( intehead_kw );

      rsthead->day       = data[INTEHEAD_DAY_INDEX];
      rsthead->month     = data[INTEHEAD_MONTH_INDEX];
      rsthead->year      = data[INTEHEAD_YEAR_INDEX];
      rsthead->version   = data[INTEHEAD_IPROG_INDEX];
      rsthead->phase_sum = data[INTEHEAD_PHASE_INDEX];

      rsthead->nx        = data[INTEHEAD_NX_INDEX];
      rsthead->ny        = data[INTEHEAD_NY_INDEX];
      rsthead->nz        = data[INTEHEAD_NZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->nactive   = data[INTEHEAD_NACTIVE_INDEX];

      rsthead->nwells    = data[INTEHEAD_NWELLS_INDEX];
      rsthead->niwelz    = data[INTEHEAD_NIWELZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->nzwelz    = data[INTEHEAD_NZWELZ_INDEX];

      rsthead->nsconz    = data[INTEHEAD_NSCONZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->niconz    = data[INTEHEAD_NICONZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->ncwmax    = data[INTEHEAD_NCWMAX_INDEX];

      rsthead->nisegz    = data[INTEHEAD_NISEGZ_INDEX];
      rsthead->nsegmx    = data[INTEHEAD_NSEGMX_INDEX];
      rsthead->nswlmx    = data[INTEHEAD_NSWLMX_INDEX];
      rsthead->nrsegz    = data[INTEHEAD_NRSEGZ_INDEX];

      // The only derived quantity
      rsthead->sim_time  = rsthead_date( rsthead->day , rsthead->month , rsthead->year );
  if (doubhead_kw)
    rsthead->sim_days = ecl_kw_iget_double( doubhead_kw , DOUBHEAD_DAYS_INDEX );
  if (logihead_kw)
    rsthead->dualp    = ecl_kw_iget_bool( logihead_kw , LOGIHEAD_DUALP_INDEX);

  return rsthead;
Пример #29
static output_type * output_alloc( const char * file , const char * format_string) {
  output_type * output = util_malloc( sizeof * output );
  output->keys = vector_alloc_new();
  output->file = util_alloc_string_copy( file );
    format_type  format;

    if ( util_string_equal(format_string , S3GRAPH_STRING))
      format = S3GRAPH;
    else if ( util_string_equal( format_string , HEADER_STRING))
      format = HEADER;
    else if ( util_string_equal( format_string , PLAIN_STRING) )
      format = PLAIN;
    else {
      format = PLAIN;  /* Compiler shut up. */
      util_abort("%s: unrecognized format string:%s \n",__func__ , format_string);
    output->format = format;

  return output;
Пример #30
smspec_node_type * smspec_node_alloc_new(int params_index, float default_value) {
  smspec_node_type * node = (smspec_node_type*)util_malloc( sizeof * node );

  node->params_index  = params_index;
  smspec_node_set_default( node , default_value );

  node->wgname        = NULL;
  node->ijk           = NULL;

  node->gen_key1      = NULL;
  node->gen_key2      = NULL;

  node->var_type      = ECL_SMSPEC_INVALID_VAR;
  node->unit          = NULL;
  node->keyword       = NULL;
  node->lgr_name      = NULL;
  node->lgr_ijk       = NULL;

  smspec_node_set_invalid_flags( node );
  return node;               // This is NOT usable