Пример #1
void TargetingControl::setupOrientation()
    extern float curfov, aspect; // rendergl.cpp

    vecfromyawpitch(camera1->yaw, 0,                   0, -1, camright);
    vecfromyawpitch(camera1->yaw, camera1->pitch + 90, 1,  0, camup);

    // Account for mouse position in the world position we are aiming at
    float cx, cy;
    gui::getcursorpos(cx, cy);

    float factor = tanf(RAD*curfov/2.0f); // Size of edge opposite the angle of fov/2, in the triangle for (half of) viewport,
    // having unknown radius but known angle of fov/2 and close edge of 1.0

    camdir.x = 0.0f;
    camdir.y = 1.0f;
    camdir.z = 0.0f; // Looking straight forward
    camdir.x -= 2.0f * (cx - 0.5f) * factor;            // adjust for mouse position
    camdir.z -= 2.0f * (cy - 0.5f) * factor / aspect;   // adjust for mouse position


    camdir.rotate(-RAD*camera1->pitch, camright);

    if(raycubepos(camera1->o, camdir, worldpos, 0, RAY_CLIPMAT|RAY_SKIPFIRST) == -1)
        worldpos = vec(camdir).mul(2*worldsize).add(camera1->o); //otherwise 3dgui won't work when outside of map
    void ControlNPC::connect(DynamicEntity* de)
        if(!de) fatal("Controler::Character : no valid Dynamic Entity. Exit!");
        dynent = de;

///TODO: set name ActionInstance
		defformatstring(s)("%p", this);
        copystring(dynent->name, s);

///TODO: set and send basic infos like name, model ...

//        filtertext(dynent->name, lib.librarydescr, false, MAXNAMELEN);
        game::addmsg(SV_SWITCHNAME, "rs", dynent->name);

        dynent->controltype = CONTROL_NPC;
        dynent->lastupdate = lastmillis;

///TODO: spawn behaviour in edit and normal mode
        //first spawn, no actions defined in Actionlib
//        if(editmode)
//        {
            dynent->o = vec(game::player1->o);
            droptofloor(dynent->o, 0, 0);
            vec sp = vec(0,0,0);
            vecfromyawpitch(game::player1->yaw, 0, 50, 0, sp);
            dynent->o.z += dynent->eyeheight;

            game::addmsg(SV_TRYSPAWN, "rc", dynent);
//        }
        isinit = true;
Пример #3
vec menuinfrontofplayer()
    vec dir;
    vecfromyawpitch(camera1->yaw, 0, 1, 0, dir);
    dir.z -= player->eyeheight-1;
    return dir;
Пример #4
 void entradius(extentity &e, bool color)
         case ETR_SPAWN:
             vec dir;
             vecfromyawpitch(e.attr1, 0, 1, 0, dir);
             renderentarrow(e, dir, 4);
void ControlCharacter::init(DynamicEntity* de)
	if(!de) fatal("Controler::Character : no valid Dynamic Entity. Exit!");
	dynent = de;

	copystring(dynent->name, lib.librarydescr);

// TODO (offtools#1#): set and send basic infos like name, model ...

//    filtertext(dynent->name, lib.librarydescr, false, MAXNAMELEN);
//    addmsg(SV_SWITCHNAME, "rs", dynent->name);

	dynent->controltype = CONTROL_CHARACTER;
	dynent->lastupdate = lastmillis;
	plastaction = &(dynent->lastaction); //added by Protagoras

	//first spawn, no actions defined in Actionlib
	if(editmode && !lib.states[0]->steps.length())
// TODO (offtools#1#): fix if author under floor
		dynent->o = vec(game::player1->o);
		droptofloor(dynent->o, 0, 0);
        vec sp = vec(0,0,0);
        vecfromyawpitch(game::player1->yaw, 0, 50, 0, sp);
        dynent->o.z += dynent->eyeheight;

	    game::addmsg(SV_TRYSPAWN, "rc", dynent);

	isinit = true;
void CameraControl::positionCamera(physent* camera1)
    Logging::log(Logging::INFO, "CameraControl::positionCamera\r\n");

    if (useForcedCamera || useForcedPosition || useForcedYaw || useForcedPitch || useForcedRoll)
        if (useForcedPosition) { camera1->o = forcedCamera.o; useForcedPosition = false; };
        if (useForcedYaw) { camera1->yaw = forcedCamera.yaw; useForcedYaw = false; };
        if (useForcedPitch) { camera1->pitch = forcedCamera.pitch; useForcedPitch = false; };
        if (useForcedRoll) { camera1->roll = forcedCamera.roll; useForcedRoll = false; };

        if (useForcedCamera)
            useForcedCamera = false; // Prepare for next frame

    // Sync camera height to scripts, if necessary
    static float lastCameraHeight = -1;
    if (ScriptEngineManager::hasEngine() && lastCameraHeight != cameraheight)
        lastCameraHeight = cameraheight;
        ScriptEngineManager::getGlobal()->getProperty("Global")->setProperty("cameraHeight", cameraheight);

    // If we just left forced camera mode, restore thirdperson state
    if (savedThirdperson != -1)
        thirdperson = savedThirdperson;
        savedThirdperson = -1;

    float saved_camera_speed = camera1->maxspeed; // Kripken: need to save this, because camera1 =?= player1
    camera1->maxspeed = 50; // This speed determines the distance of the camera, so the Sauer way of tying it to the 
                            // player's speed is not completely general

    vec dir;
    vecfromyawpitch(camera1->yaw, camera1->pitch, -1, 0, dir);

    if (GuiControl::isCharacterViewing())
        camera1->o = player->o; // Start from player

        vec cameraOrigin = camera1->o;
        if (thirdperson)
            vec up(0, 0, 1);
            movecamera(camera1, up, cameraheight, 1);
            movecamera(camera1, up, clamp(cameraheight- camera1->o.dist(cameraOrigin), 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.1f); // Find distance to obstacle

        vec cameraOrigin2 = camera1->o;
        movecamera(camera1, dir, cam_dist, 1);
        movecamera(camera1, dir, clamp(cam_dist - camera1->o.dist(cameraOrigin2), 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.1f); // Find distance to obstacle

        if (smoothcamera) {
            float intendedDist = camera1->o.dist(cameraOrigin2)*(1.0f-cameraavoid);
            static float lastDist = 5;
            float ACTUAL_DISTANCE_FACTOR = clamp(1.0f - (curtime/1000.0f)/smoothcamera, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            float actualDist = ACTUAL_DISTANCE_FACTOR*lastDist + (1-ACTUAL_DISTANCE_FACTOR)*intendedDist;

            // Start again, move to current distance
            camera1->o = cameraOrigin2;
            movecamera(camera1, dir, actualDist, 1);
            movecamera(camera1, dir, clamp(actualDist - camera1->o.dist(cameraOrigin2), 0.0f, 1.0f), 0.1f);
            lastDist = actualDist;
    } else {
        camera1->o.z += cameraheight;

    camera1->maxspeed = saved_camera_speed;

    // Kripken: Smooth camera movement: We interpolate our the new calculated position with the old one, smoothly

    static fpsent actualCamera; // Need fpsent for new normalization functions
    static vec lastPlayerPosition;

    vec temp(actualCamera.o);


    float yawDelta = camera1->yaw - actualCamera.yaw;
    float pitchDelta = camera1->pitch - actualCamera.pitch;

    // Only interpolate if we are fairly close, otherwise this might be a new map, or we teleported, etc.
    if (smoothcamera && !GuiControl::isMouselooking() && temp.magnitude() < 50*player->radius && fabs(yawDelta) < 30.0f && fabs(pitchDelta) < 30.0f)
        float ACTUAL_CAMERA_FACTOR = clamp(1.0f - (curtime/1000.0f)/smoothcamera, 0.0f, 1.0f);

        vec temp = player->o;
        actualCamera.o.add(temp); // Prevent camera stutter

        temp = camera1->o;

        actualCamera.yaw = ACTUAL_CAMERA_FACTOR*actualCamera.yaw + (1-ACTUAL_CAMERA_FACTOR)*camera1->yaw;
        actualCamera.pitch = ACTUAL_CAMERA_FACTOR*actualCamera.pitch + (1-ACTUAL_CAMERA_FACTOR)*camera1->pitch;

        camera1->o = actualCamera.o;
        camera1->yaw = actualCamera.yaw;
        camera1->pitch = actualCamera.pitch;

//        camera1->o.z += player->aboveeye + player->eyeheight;

    } else {
        actualCamera.o = camera1->o;
        actualCamera.yaw = camera1->yaw;
        actualCamera.pitch = camera1->pitch;

    lastPlayerPosition = player->o;