Пример #1
void gfq ( SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble *value ) {

  // max separation between all non-0 planets in planets
  int i,j;
  SpiceDouble sep, lt, max=0.;
  SpiceDouble position[planetcount+1][3];
  // TODO: why do I need a temp var here?
  SpiceDouble temp[3];

  // compute positions
  for (i=1; i<=planetcount; i++) {
    spkezp_c(planets[i], et, "J2000", "LT+S", 10, temp, &lt);
    // copy from temp var (argh!)
    for (j=0; j<=2; j++) {position[i][j] = temp[j];}

  // and now the angle diffs (keep only min)
  for (i=1; i<=planetcount; i++) {
    for (j=i+1; j<=planetcount; j++) {
      sep = vsep_c(position[i],position[j]);
      if (sep>max) {max=sep;}

Пример #2
double earthangle(double time, int p1, int p2) {
  SpiceDouble pos[3], pos2[3];
  earthvector(time, p1, pos);
  earthvector(time, p2, pos2);
  //  printf("GOT: %d %d %f %f %f\n",p1,p2,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
  return vsep_c(pos,pos2);
Пример #3
int main (int argc, char **argv) {

  SpiceDouble lt;
  SpiceDouble ang;
  SpiceDouble v[3];
  SpiceDouble pos[3];
  int i;

  //  spkezp_c(299,0,"ITRF93","LT+S",399,v,&lt);
  //  printf("POS: %f,%f,%f\n",v[0],v[1],v[2]);

  //  exit(0);

  // abq roughly
  georec_c (-106.5*rpd_c(), 35.05*rpd_c(), 1.609344, 6378.137, 
	    (6378.137-6356.7523)/6378.137, pos);

  for (i=0; i<=86400; i+=3600) {
    // pos of sun from IAU_EARTH

    printf("POS(%d): %f,%f,%f\n",i,v[0],v[1],v[2]);

    // angle between abq vector and sun vector (0 = zenith)
    ang = vsep_c (v,pos);

    //    printf("%d %f\n",i,r2d(ang));

  return 0;

Пример #4
void gfq4 (SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble *value) {
  SpiceDouble v[3], lt;

  // angular distance between Mars (for now) + globally defined curstar vector

  *value = vsep_c(v,curstar);
Пример #5
void gfq5 (SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble *value) {
  SpiceDouble u[3], v[3], lt;
  spkezp_c( 5,et,REF,"NONE",601,v,&lt);

  // set global variable "s" to extra data, caller not required to use it

  // This is really ugly; if global variable 'extra' is set, print out
  // extra information; this should only be used when printing results
  // NOT during the search phase (TODO: this is ugly, better way?)

    if (vnorm_c(u)<vnorm_c(v)) {
      strcpy(s, "SUN IS CLOSER");
    } else {
      strcpy(s, "POSSIBLE TRANSIT");

  *value = vsep_c(u,v)*180./pi_c();
Пример #6
int main (int argc, char **argv) {

  SpiceDouble beg, end, et_start, et_end, lt, iss[3];
  char stime[255];


  // the limits of my TLE
  // TODO: compute this automatically from BSP file
  et_start = 506092496.;
  et_end = 507411908.;

  // geocentric angular distance between ISS and moon (transits)
  void issmoon (SpiceDouble et, SpiceDouble *value) {
    SpiceDouble iss[3], moon[3], lt;

    //    printf("%f -> %f\n", et, vsep_c(iss,moon)*dpr_c());
    *value = vsep_c(iss,moon);
Пример #7
double bc_elev(double lat, double lon, double et, char *target) {

  double pos[3], radii[3], normal[3], state[6], lt;
  int n;

  // the Earth's 3 radii
  bodvrd_c ("EARTH", "RADII", 3, &n, radii);

  double flat = (radii[2]-radii[0])/radii[0];

  // rectangular coordinates of position (ITRF93)
  georec_c (lon, lat, 0, radii[0], flat, pos);

  // surface normal vector to ellipsoid at latitude/longitude (this is
  // NOT the same as pos!)
  surfnm_c(radii[0], radii[1], radii[2], pos, normal);

  //  printf("POS: %f %f %f\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
  //  printf("NORMAL: %f %f %f\n", normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);

  //  printf("ET = %f\n", et);
  //  printf("POS: %f %f %f\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

  // position of Sun in ITRF93
  spkcpo_c("Sun", et, "ITRF93", "OBSERVER", "CN+S", pos, "Earth", "ITRF93", state,  &lt);

  //  printf("STATE: %f %f %f\n", state[0], state[1], state[2]);

  double el = halfpi_c() - vsep_c(state,  normal); 

  //  printf("DEBUG: %f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n", lat, lon, 0., el, et);

  //  return halfpi_c() - vsep_c(normal,  state);
  return el;
