Пример #1
    wxLogTrace("mgl_font", "destructing fntrefdata %p, library is %p", this, m_library);
    if ( m_library )
Пример #2
S3D::SGTYPES S3D::ReadTag( std::istream& aFile, std::string& aName )
    char schar;
    aFile.get( schar );

    if( '[' != schar )
        #ifdef DEBUG
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * [INFO] corrupt data; missing left bracket at position ";
        ostr << aFile.tellg();
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

        return S3D::SGTYPE_END;

    std::string name;
    aFile.get( schar );

    while( ']' != schar && aFile.good() )
        name.push_back( schar );
        aFile.get( schar );

    if( schar != ']' )
        #ifdef DEBUG
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * [INFO] corrupt data; could not find right bracket";
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

        return S3D::SGTYPE_END;

    aName = name;
    size_t upos = name.find( '_' );

    if( std::string::npos == upos )
        #ifdef DEBUG
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * [INFO] corrupt data; no underscore in name '";
        ostr << name << "'";
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

        return S3D::SGTYPE_END;

    name = name.substr( 0, upos );
    S3D::SGTYPES types[S3D::SGTYPE_END] = {

    for( int i = 0; i < S3D::SGTYPE_END; ++i )
        if( !name.compare( S3D::GetNodeTypeName( types[i] ) ) )
            return types[i];

    #ifdef DEBUG
    do {
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * [INFO] corrupt data; no node type matching '";
        ostr << name << "'";
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );
    } while( 0 );

    return S3D::SGTYPE_END;
Пример #3
void PNS_KICAD_IFACE::UpdateNet( int aNetCode )
    wxLogTrace( "PNS", "Update-net %d", aNetCode );
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LoadOneEEFile( SCH_SCREEN* aScreen, const wxString& aFullFileName, bool append )
    char            name1[256];
    bool            itemLoaded = false;
    SCH_ITEM*       item;
    wxString        msgDiag;            // Error and log messages
    char*           line;
    wxFileName      fn;

    if( aScreen == NULL )
        return false;

    if( aFullFileName.IsEmpty() )
        return false;

    fn = aFullFileName;
    CheckForAutoSaveFile( fn, SchematicBackupFileExtension );

    wxLogTrace( traceAutoSave, wxT( "Loading schematic file " ) + aFullFileName );

    aScreen->SetCurItem( NULL );
    if( !append )
        aScreen->SetFileName( aFullFileName );

    wxString fname = Prj().AbsolutePath( aFullFileName );

#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    fname.Replace( wxT("/"), wxT("\\") );
    fname.Replace( wxT("\\"), wxT("/") );

    FILE* f = wxFopen( fname, wxT( "rt" ) );

    if( !f )
        msgDiag.Printf( _( "Failed to open '%s'" ), GetChars( aFullFileName ) );
        DisplayError( this, msgDiag );
        return false;

    // reader now owns the open FILE.
    FILE_LINE_READER    reader( f, aFullFileName );

    msgDiag.Printf( _( "Loading '%s'" ), GetChars( aScreen->GetFileName() ) );
    PrintMsg( msgDiag );

    if( !reader.ReadLine()
        || strncmp( (char*)reader + 9, SCHEMATIC_HEAD_STRING,
                    sizeof( SCHEMATIC_HEAD_STRING ) - 1 ) != 0 )
        msgDiag.Printf( _( "'%s' is NOT an Eeschema file!" ), GetChars( aFullFileName ) );
        DisplayError( this, msgDiag );
        return false;

    line = reader.Line();

    // get the file version here.
    char *strversion = line + 9 + sizeof( SCHEMATIC_HEAD_STRING );

    // Skip blanks
    while( *strversion && *strversion < '0' )

    int  version = atoi( strversion );

    if( version > EESCHEMA_VERSION )
        msgDiag.Printf( _(
            "'%s' was created by a more recent version of Eeschema and may not"
            " load correctly. Please consider updating!" ),
                GetChars( aFullFileName )
        DisplayInfoMessage( this, msgDiag );

#if 0
    // Compile it if the new version is unreadable by previous Eeschema versions
    else if( version < EESCHEMA_VERSION )
        MsgDiag = aFullFileName + _( " was created by an older version of \
Eeschema. It will be stored in the new file format when you save this file \
again." );

        DisplayInfoMessage( this, MsgDiag );
Пример #5
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetUsage::~CWidgetUsage - Function Begin"));
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetUsage::~CWidgetUsage - Function End"));
Пример #6
// once we get signaled to read, actuall event reading occurs
void wxFSWSourceHandler::OnReadWaiting()
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, "--- OnReadWaiting ---");
Пример #7
// set data functions
STDMETHODIMP wxIDataObject::SetData(FORMATETC *pformatetc,
                                    STGMEDIUM *pmedium,
                                    BOOL       fRelease)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("wxIDataObject::SetData"));

    switch ( pmedium->tymed )
        case TYMED_GDI:
            m_pDataObject->SetData(wxDF_BITMAP, 0, &pmedium->hBitmap);

        case TYMED_ENHMF:
            m_pDataObject->SetData(wxDF_ENHMETAFILE, 0, &pmedium->hEnhMetaFile);

        case TYMED_ISTREAM:
            // check if this format is supported
            if ( !m_pDataObject->IsSupported(pformatetc->cfFormat,
                                             wxDataObject::Set) )
                // As this is not a supported format (content data), assume it
                // is system data and save it.
                return SaveSystemData(pformatetc, pmedium, fRelease);

        case TYMED_MFPICT:
            // fall through - we pass METAFILEPICT through HGLOBAL
        case TYMED_HGLOBAL:
                wxDataFormat format = pformatetc->cfFormat;

                format = HtmlFormatFixup(format);

                // check if this format is supported
                if ( !m_pDataObject->IsSupported(format, wxDataObject::Set) ) {
                    // As above, assume that unsupported format must be system
                    // data and just save it.
                    return SaveSystemData(pformatetc, pmedium, fRelease);

                // copy data
                const void *pBuf = GlobalLock(pmedium->hGlobal);
                if ( pBuf == NULL ) {

                    return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

                // we've got a problem with SetData() here because the base
                // class version requires the size parameter which we don't
                // have anywhere in OLE data transfer - so we need to
                // synthetise it for known formats and we suppose that all data
                // in custom formats starts with a DWORD containing the size
                size_t size;
                switch ( format )
                    case wxDF_HTML:
                    case CF_TEXT:
                    case CF_OEMTEXT:
                        size = strlen((const char *)pBuf);
#if !(defined(__BORLANDC__) && (__BORLANDC__ < 0x500))
                    case CF_UNICODETEXT:
#if ( defined(__BORLANDC__) && (__BORLANDC__ > 0x530) )
                        size = std::wcslen((const wchar_t *)pBuf) * sizeof(wchar_t);
                        size = wxWcslen((const wchar_t *)pBuf) * sizeof(wchar_t);
                    case CF_BITMAP:
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
                    case CF_HDROP:
                        // these formats don't use size at all, anyhow (but
                        // pass data by handle, which is always a single DWORD)
                        size = 0;

                    case CF_DIB:
                        // the handler will calculate size itself (it's too
                        // complicated to do it here)
                        size = 0;

#ifndef __WXWINCE__
                    case CF_METAFILEPICT:
                        size = sizeof(METAFILEPICT);
                        pBuf = m_pDataObject->
                                    GetSizeFromBuffer(pBuf, &size, format);
                        size -= m_pDataObject->GetBufferOffset(format);

                bool ok = m_pDataObject->SetData(format, size, pBuf);


                if ( !ok ) {
                    return E_UNEXPECTED;

            return DV_E_TYMED;

    if ( fRelease ) {
        // we own the medium, so we must release it - but do *not* free any
        // data we pass by handle because we have copied it elsewhere
        switch ( pmedium->tymed )
            case TYMED_GDI:
                pmedium->hBitmap = 0;

            case TYMED_MFPICT:
                pmedium->hMetaFilePict = 0;

            case TYMED_ENHMF:
                pmedium->hEnhMetaFile = 0;


    return S_OK;
Пример #8
WXDLLEXPORT void wxLogQueryInterface(const wxChar *szInterface, REFIID riid)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("%s::QueryInterface (iid = %s)"),
               szInterface, GetIidName(riid).c_str());
Пример #9
WXDLLEXPORT void wxLogAddRef(const wxChar *szInterface, ULONG cRef)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("After %s::AddRef: m_cRef = %d"), szInterface, cRef + 1);
Пример #10
ITEM* TOOL_BASE::pickSingleItem( const VECTOR2I& aWhere, int aNet, int aLayer, bool aIgnorePads,
								 const std::vector<ITEM*> aAvoidItems)
    int tl = getView()->GetTopLayer();

    if( aLayer > 0 )
        tl = aLayer;

    static const int candidateCount = 5;
    ITEM* prioritized[candidateCount];
    int dist[candidateCount];

    for( int i = 0; i < candidateCount; i++ )
        prioritized[i] = 0;
        dist[i] = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();

    ITEM_SET candidates = m_router->QueryHoverItems( aWhere );

    for( ITEM* item : candidates.Items() )
        if( !item->IsRoutable() )

        if( !IsCopperLayer( item->Layers().Start() ) )

        if( std::find( aAvoidItems.begin(), aAvoidItems.end(), item ) != aAvoidItems.end() )

        // fixme: this causes flicker with live loop removal...
        //if( item->Parent() && !item->Parent()->ViewIsVisible() )
        //    continue;

        if( aNet <= 0 || item->Net() == aNet )
            if( item->OfKind( ITEM::VIA_T | ITEM::SOLID_T ) )
                if( item->OfKind( ITEM::SOLID_T ) && aIgnorePads )

                int itemDist = ( item->Shape()->Centre() - aWhere ).SquaredEuclideanNorm();

                if( !prioritized[2] || itemDist < dist[2] )
                    prioritized[2] = item;
                    dist[2] = itemDist;
                if( item->Layers().Overlaps( tl ) &&  itemDist < dist[0] )
                    prioritized[0] = item;
                    dist[0] = itemDist;
                if( !prioritized[3] )
                    prioritized[3] = item;
                if( item->Layers().Overlaps( tl ) )
                    prioritized[1] = item;
        // Allow unconnected items as last resort in RM_MarkObstacles mode
        else if ( item->Net() == 0 && m_router->Settings().Mode() == RM_MarkObstacles )
            if( item->OfKind( ITEM::SOLID_T ) && aIgnorePads )

            if( item->Layers().Overlaps( tl ) )
                prioritized[4] = item;

    ITEM* rv = NULL;

    for( int i = 0; i < candidateCount; i++ )
        ITEM* item = prioritized[i];

        if( displayOptions()->m_ContrastModeDisplay )
            if( item && !item->Layers().Overlaps( tl ) )
                item = NULL;

        if( item && ( aLayer < 0 || item->Layers().Overlaps( aLayer ) ) )
            rv = item;

    if( rv )
        wxLogTrace( "PNS", "%s, layer : %d, tl: %d", rv->KindStr().c_str(), rv->Layers().Start(), tl );

    return rv;
Пример #11
bool CBOINCGUIApp::SetActiveGUI(int iGUISelection, bool bShowWindow) {
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CBOINCGUIApp::SetActiveGUI - Function Begin"));
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CBOINCGUIApp::SetActiveGUI - GUI Selection: '%d', Show: %d'"), iGUISelection, (int)bShowWindow);

    CBOINCBaseFrame* pNewFrame = NULL;
    CBOINCBaseFrame* pOldFrame = m_pFrame;
    wxInt32          iTop = 0;
    wxInt32          iLeft = 0;
    wxInt32          iHeight = 0;
    wxInt32          iWidth = 0;

    // Create the new window
    if ((iGUISelection != m_iGUISelected) || !m_pFrame) {

        // Retrieve the desired window state before creating the
        //   desired frames
        if (BOINC_ADVANCEDGUI == iGUISelection) {
            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("YPos"), &iTop, 30);
            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("XPos"), &iLeft, 30);
            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, 800);
            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, 600);
            // Guard against a rare situation where registry values are zero
            if (iWidth < 50) iWidth = 800;
            if (iHeight < 50) iHeight = 600;
        } else {
            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("YPos"), &iTop, 30);
            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("XPos"), &iLeft, 30);

            // We don't save Simple View's width & height since it's 
            // window is not resizable, so don't try to read them
#ifdef __WXMAC__
//            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, 409);
//            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, 561);
            iWidth = 409;
            iHeight = 561;
//            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, 416);
//            m_pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, 570);
            iWidth = 416;
            iHeight = 570;

        // Make sure that the new window is going to be visible
        //   on a screen
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    if (!IsWindowOnScreen(iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight)) {
        iTop = iLeft = 30;
	    // If either co-ordinate is less then 0 then set it equal to 0 to ensure
	    // it displays on the screen.
	    if ( iLeft < 0 ) iLeft = 30;
	    if ( iTop < 0 ) iTop = 30;

	    // Read the size of the screen
	    wxInt32 iMaxWidth = wxSystemSettings::GetMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_X );
	    wxInt32 iMaxHeight = wxSystemSettings::GetMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_Y );

	    // Max sure that it doesn't go off to the right or bottom
	    if ( iLeft + iWidth > iMaxWidth ) iLeft = iMaxWidth - iWidth;
	    if ( iTop + iHeight > iMaxHeight ) iTop = iMaxHeight - iHeight;

        // Create the main window
        if (BOINC_ADVANCEDGUI == iGUISelection) {
            // Initialize the advanced gui window
            pNewFrame = new CAdvancedFrame(
                wxPoint(iLeft, iTop),
                wxSize(iWidth, iHeight)
        } else {
            // Initialize the simple gui window
            pNewFrame = new CSimpleFrame(
                wxPoint(iLeft, iTop),
                wxSize(iWidth, iHeight)


        if (pNewFrame) {

            // Store the new frame for future use
            m_pFrame = pNewFrame;

            // Hide the old one if it exists.  We must do this 
            // after updating m_pFrame to prevent Mac OSX from
            // hiding the application
            if (pOldFrame) pOldFrame->Hide();

            // Delete the old one if it exists
            if (pOldFrame) pOldFrame->Destroy();

            if (iGUISelection != m_iGUISelected) {
                m_iGUISelected = iGUISelection;
                m_pConfig->Write(wxT("GUISelection"), iGUISelection);

    // Show the new frame if needed 
    if (m_pFrame && bShowWindow) {
        if (m_pEventLog) {
#ifdef __WXMSW__

        if (!m_pFrame->IsShown()) {
        if (m_pFrame->IsIconized()) {

#ifdef __WXMSW__

    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CBOINCGUIApp::SetActiveGUI - Function End"));
    return true;
Пример #12
bool wxSetFocusToChild(wxWindow *win, wxWindow **childLastFocused)
    wxCHECK_MSG( win, false, wxT("wxSetFocusToChild(): invalid window") );
    //    wxCHECK_MSG( childLastFocused, false,
    //             wxT("wxSetFocusToChild(): NULL child poonter") );

    if ( childLastFocused && *childLastFocused )
        // It might happen that the window got reparented
        if ( (*childLastFocused)->GetParent() == win )
            // And it also could have become hidden in the meanwhile
            // We want to focus on the deepest widget visible
            wxWindow *deepestVisibleWindow = NULL;

            while ( *childLastFocused )
                if ( (*childLastFocused)->IsShown() )
                    if ( !deepestVisibleWindow )
                        deepestVisibleWindow = *childLastFocused;
                    deepestVisibleWindow = NULL;

                *childLastFocused = (*childLastFocused)->GetParent();

            if ( deepestVisibleWindow )
                *childLastFocused = deepestVisibleWindow;

                           wxT("SetFocusToChild() => last child (0x%p)."),

                // not SetFocusFromKbd(): we're restoring focus back to the old
                // window and not setting it as the result of a kbd action
                return true;
            // it doesn't count as such any more
            *childLastFocused = NULL;

    // set the focus to the first child who wants it
    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = win->GetChildren().GetFirst();
    while ( node )
        wxWindow *child = node->GetData();
        node = node->GetNext();

        // skip special windows:
        if ( !win->IsClientAreaChild(child) )

        if ( child->CanAcceptFocusFromKeyboard() && !child->IsTopLevel() )
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && wxUSE_RADIOBTN
            // If a radiobutton is the first focusable child, search for the
            // selected radiobutton in the same group
            wxRadioButton* btn = wxDynamicCast(child, wxRadioButton);
            if (btn)
                wxRadioButton* selected = wxGetSelectedButtonInGroup(btn);
                if (selected)
                    child = selected;
#endif // __WXMSW__

                       wxT("SetFocusToChild() => first child (0x%p)."),

            if (childLastFocused)
                *childLastFocused = child;
            return true;

    return false;
Пример #13
void CGarbageCollector::RecycleProjects()
    std::vector<CProject*> oProjects;
    std::vector<CApp*> oApps;
    std::vector<CAppVersion*> oAppVersions;
    std::vector<CTask*> oTasks;
    std::vector<CTaskInstance*> oTaskInstances;
    std::vector<CProject*>::iterator iterProjects;
    std::vector<CApp*>::iterator iterApps;
    std::vector<CAppVersion*>::iterator iterAppVersions;
    std::vector<CTask*>::iterator iterTasks;
    std::vector<CTaskInstance*>::iterator iterTaskInstances;
    CProject* pProject = NULL;
    CApp* pApp = NULL;
    CAppVersion* pAppVersion = NULL;
    CTask* pTask = NULL;
    CTaskInstance* pTaskInstance = NULL;
    CRPCProfile* pRPCProfile = NULL;
    CSyncProfile* pSyncProfile = NULL;
    wxDateTime dtExpirationDate = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
    wxDateTime dtRPCCompletedDate = wxDateTime((time_t)0);
    wxUint32 uiInterval = 0;
    bool bAppFound = false;
    bool bAppVersionFound = false;
    bool bTaskFound = false;
    bool bTaskInstanceFound = false;

    rc = m_pHost->FindSyncProfile(CBSLClient::AutoSyncPropertyStateUpdateInterval, &pSyncProfile);
    if (BSLERR_SUCCESS != rc) return;
    if (!pSyncProfile) return;

    rc = m_pHost->FindRPCProfile(CLASSINFO(CRPCSyncState)->GetClassName(), &pRPCProfile);
    if (BSLERR_SUCCESS != rc) return;
    if (!pRPCProfile) return;

    uiInterval = pSyncProfile->GetValue();
    if (!uiInterval) return;

    dtRPCCompletedDate = pRPCProfile->GetLastRequestTime() + pRPCProfile->GetTotalDuration();

    rc = m_pHost->EnumerateProjects(oProjects);
    if (BSLERR_SUCCESS != rc) return;

    rc = m_pHost->EnumerateApps(oApps);
    if (BSLERR_SUCCESS != rc) return;

    rc = m_pHost->EnumerateAppVersions(oAppVersions);
    if (BSLERR_SUCCESS != rc) return;

    rc = m_pHost->EnumerateTasks(oTasks);
    if (BSLERR_SUCCESS != rc) return;

    rc = m_pHost->EnumerateTaskInstances(oTaskInstances);
    if (BSLERR_SUCCESS != rc) return;

    for (iterProjects = oProjects.begin(); iterProjects != oProjects.end(); ++iterProjects)
        pProject = *iterProjects;

        // An item is deemed expired if it wasn't refreshed the last time the synchronize
        // RPC was called.
        dtExpirationDate =
            pProject->GetLastModifiedTime() +
            wxTimeSpan(0, 0, uiInterval, 0) +
            wxTimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 250);

        if ((m_dtNow > dtExpirationDate) && (dtRPCCompletedDate > dtExpirationDate))
            // Sanity Check: Make sure that no task instances refer to this project
            bTaskInstanceFound = false;
            for (iterTaskInstances = oTaskInstances.begin(); iterTaskInstances != oTaskInstances.end(); ++iterTaskInstances)
                pTaskInstance = *iterTaskInstances;
                if (pTaskInstance->GetProjectHandle() == pProject->GetProjectHandle())
                    bTaskInstanceFound = true;

            // Sanity Check: Make sure that no tasks refer to this project
            bTaskFound = false;
            for (iterTasks = oTasks.begin(); iterTasks != oTasks.end(); ++iterTasks)
                pTask = *iterTasks;
                if (pTask->GetProjectHandle() == pProject->GetProjectHandle())
                    bTaskFound = true;

            // Sanity Check: Make sure that no app versions refer to this project
            bAppVersionFound = false;
            for (iterAppVersions = oAppVersions.begin(); iterAppVersions != oAppVersions.end(); ++iterAppVersions)
                pAppVersion = *iterAppVersions;
                if (pAppVersion->GetProjectHandle() == pProject->GetProjectHandle())
                    bAppVersionFound = true;

            // Sanity Check: Make sure that no apps refer to this project
            bAppFound = false;
            for (iterApps = oApps.begin(); iterApps != oApps.end(); ++iterApps)
                pApp = *iterApps;
                if (pApp->GetProjectHandle() == pProject->GetProjectHandle())
                    bAppFound = true;

            if (!bTaskInstanceFound && !bTaskFound && !bAppVersionFound && !bAppFound)
                wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"),
                    wxT("CGarbageCollector::RecycleProjects - Recycle '%p', dtNow: '%s', dtExpirationDate: '%s', dtRPCCompletedDate: '%s'"),

Пример #14
long wxTaskBarIconEx::WindowProc( WXHWND hWnd, unsigned int msg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam )
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("wxTaskBarIconEx::WindowProc - Function Begin"));

    wxEventType eventType = 0;
    long        lReturnValue = 0;     

    if      ( WM_CLOSE == msg )
        wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("wxTaskBarIconEx::WindowProc - WM_CLOSE Detected"));
        wxCloseEvent eventClose(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW);

        if ( !eventClose.GetSkipped() )
            lReturnValue = DefWindowProc((HWND) hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
            lReturnValue = 0;
    else if ( WM_TASKBARCREATED == msg )
        wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("wxTaskBarIconEx::WindowProc - WM_TASKBARCREATED Detected"));
        eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_CREATED;
    else if ( WM_TASKBARSHUTDOWN == msg )
        wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("wxTaskBarIconEx::WindowProc - WM_TASKBARSHUTDOWN Detected"));
        eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_SHUTDOWN;
    if (msg != sm_taskbarMsg)
        lReturnValue = DefWindowProc((HWND) hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);

    if ( 0 == eventType )
        switch (lParam)
            case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN;

            case WM_LBUTTONUP:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP;

            case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN;

            case WM_RBUTTONUP:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP;

            case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK;

            case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK;

            case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE;

            case WM_CONTEXTMENU:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_CONTEXT_MENU;

            case NIN_SELECT:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_SELECT;

            case NIN_KEYSELECT:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_KEY_SELECT;

            case NIN_BALLOONSHOW:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_BALLOON_SHOW;

            case NIN_BALLOONHIDE:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_BALLOON_HIDE;

            case NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_BALLOON_TIMEOUT;

            case NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK:
                eventType = wxEVT_TASKBAR_BALLOON_USERCLICK;

    if (eventType)
        wxTaskBarIconExEvent event(eventType, this);

        lReturnValue = 0;

    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("wxTaskBarIconEx::WindowProc - Function End"));
    return lReturnValue;
Пример #15
    void ProcessNativeEvent(const inotify_event& inevt)
        wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, InotifyEventToString(inevt));

        // after removing inotify watch we get IN_IGNORED for it, but the watch
        // will be already removed from our list at that time
        if (inevt.mask & IN_IGNORED)

        // get watch entry for this event
        wxFSWatchEntryDescriptors::iterator it = m_watchMap.find(inevt.wd);
        wxCHECK_RET(it != m_watchMap.end(),
                             "Watch descriptor not present in the watch map!");

        wxFSWatchEntry& watch = *(it->second);
        int nativeFlags = inevt.mask;
        int flags = Native2WatcherFlags(nativeFlags);

        // check out for error/warning condition
        if (flags & wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING || flags & wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR)
            wxString errMsg = GetErrorDescription(Watcher2NativeFlags(flags));
            wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, errMsg);
        // filter out ignored events and those not asked for.
        // we never filter out warnings or exceptions
        else if ((flags == 0) || !(flags & watch.GetFlags()))
        // renames
        else if (nativeFlags & IN_MOVE)
            wxInotifyCookies::iterator it = m_cookies.find(inevt.cookie);
            if ( it == m_cookies.end() )
                int size = sizeof(inevt) + inevt.len;
                inotify_event* e = (inotify_event*) operator new (size);
                memcpy(e, &inevt, size);

                wxInotifyCookies::value_type val(e->cookie, e);
                inotify_event& oldinevt = *(it->second);

                wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags);
                if ( inevt.mask & IN_MOVED_FROM )
                    event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt));
                    event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, oldinevt));
                    event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, oldinevt));
                    event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt));

                delete &oldinevt;
        // every other kind of event
            wxFileName path = GetEventPath(watch, inevt);
            wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, path, path);
Пример #16
WXDLLEXPORT void wxLogRelease(const wxChar *szInterface, ULONG cRef)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("After %s::Release: m_cRef = %d"), szInterface, cRef - 1);
Пример #17
 void SendEvent(wxFileSystemWatcherEvent& evt)
     wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, evt.ToString());
Пример #18
void CWidgetProjects::OnResumeProjects(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetActiveTasks::OnResumeProjects - Function Begin"));
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetActiveTasks::OnResumeProjects - Function End"));
Пример #19
// get data functions
STDMETHODIMP wxIDataObject::GetData(FORMATETC *pformatetcIn, STGMEDIUM *pmedium)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("wxIDataObject::GetData"));

    // is data is in our format?
    HRESULT hr = QueryGetData(pformatetcIn);
    if ( FAILED(hr) )
        return hr;

    // for the bitmaps and metafiles we use the handles instead of global memory
    // to pass the data
    wxDataFormat format = (wxDataFormat::NativeFormat)pformatetcIn->cfFormat;
    format = HtmlFormatFixup(format);

    // is this system data?
    if ( GetSystemData(format, pmedium) )
        // pmedium is already filled with corresponding data, so we're ready.
        return S_OK;

    switch ( format )
        case wxDF_BITMAP:
            pmedium->tymed = TYMED_GDI;

        case wxDF_ENHMETAFILE:
            pmedium->tymed = TYMED_ENHMF;

#ifndef __WXWINCE__
        case wxDF_METAFILE:
            pmedium->hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE,
            if ( !pmedium->hGlobal ) {
                return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
            pmedium->tymed = TYMED_MFPICT;
            // alloc memory
            size_t size = m_pDataObject->GetDataSize(format);
            if ( !size ) {
                // it probably means that the method is just not implemented
                wxLogDebug(wxT("Invalid data size - can't be 0"));

                return DV_E_FORMATETC;

            // we may need extra space for the buffer size
            size += m_pDataObject->GetBufferOffset( format );

            HGLOBAL hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE, size);
            if ( hGlobal == NULL ) {
                return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

            // copy data
            pmedium->tymed   = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
            pmedium->hGlobal = hGlobal;

    pmedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL;

    // do copy the data
    hr = GetDataHere(pformatetcIn, pmedium);
    if ( FAILED(hr) ) {
        // free resources we allocated
        if ( pmedium->tymed & (TYMED_HGLOBAL | TYMED_MFPICT) ) {

        return hr;

    return S_OK;
Пример #20
void CWidgetProjects::OnSuspendProjects(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetProjects::OnSuspendProjects - Function Begin"));
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetProjects::OnSuspendProjects - Function End"));
Пример #21
// information functions
STDMETHODIMP wxIDataObject::QueryGetData(FORMATETC *pformatetc)
    // do we accept data in this format?
    if ( pformatetc == NULL ) {
                   wxT("wxIDataObject::QueryGetData: invalid ptr."));

        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // the only one allowed by current COM implementation
    if ( pformatetc->lindex != -1 ) {
                   wxT("wxIDataObject::QueryGetData: bad lindex %ld"),

        return DV_E_LINDEX;

    // we don't support anything other (THUMBNAIL, ICON, DOCPRINT...)
    if ( pformatetc->dwAspect != DVASPECT_CONTENT ) {
                   wxT("wxIDataObject::QueryGetData: bad dwAspect %ld"),

        return DV_E_DVASPECT;

    // and now check the type of data requested
    wxDataFormat format = pformatetc->cfFormat;
    format = HtmlFormatFixup(format);

    if ( m_pDataObject->IsSupportedFormat(format) ) {
        wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("wxIDataObject::QueryGetData: %s ok"),
    else if ( HasSystemData(format) )
        wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_OleCalls, wxT("wxIDataObject::QueryGetData: %s ok (system data)"),
        // this is system data, so no further checks needed.
        return S_OK;
    else {
                   wxT("wxIDataObject::QueryGetData: %s unsupported"),

        return DV_E_FORMATETC;

    // we only transfer data by global memory, except for some particular cases
    DWORD tymed = pformatetc->tymed;
    if ( (format == wxDF_BITMAP && !(tymed & TYMED_GDI)) &&
         !(tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) ) {
        // it's not what we're waiting for
                   wxT("wxIDataObject::QueryGetData: %s != %s"),
                   GetTymedName(format == wxDF_BITMAP ? TYMED_GDI
                                                      : TYMED_HGLOBAL));

        return DV_E_TYMED;

    return S_OK;
Пример #22
bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject& data )
    IDataObject *pDataObject = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = OleGetClipboard(&pDataObject);
    if ( FAILED(hr) || !pDataObject )
        wxLogSysError(hr, _("Failed to get data from the clipboard"));

        return false;

    // build the list of supported formats
    size_t nFormats = data.GetFormatCount(wxDataObject::Set);
    wxDataFormat format;
    wxDataFormat *formats;
    if ( nFormats == 1 )
        // the most common case
        formats = &format;
        // bad luck, need to alloc mem
        formats = new wxDataFormat[nFormats];

    data.GetAllFormats(formats, wxDataObject::Set);

    // get the data for the given formats
    FORMATETC formatEtc;
    bool result = false;

    // enumerate all explicit formats on the clipboard.
    // note that this does not include implicit / synthetic (automatically
    // converted) formats.
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
    // get the format enumerator
    IEnumFORMATETC *pEnumFormatEtc = NULL;
    hr = pDataObject->EnumFormatEtc(DATADIR_GET, &pEnumFormatEtc);
    if ( FAILED(hr) || !pEnumFormatEtc )
                      _("Failed to retrieve the supported clipboard formats"));
        // ask for the supported formats and see if there are any we support
        for ( ;; )
            ULONG nCount;
            hr = pEnumFormatEtc->Next(1, &formatEtc, &nCount);

            // don't use FAILED() because S_FALSE would pass it
            if ( hr != S_OK )
                // no more formats

            cf = formatEtc.cfFormat;

                       wxT("Object on the clipboard supports format %s."),

#endif // Debug

    STGMEDIUM medium;
    // stop at the first valid format found on the clipboard
    for ( size_t n = 0; !result && (n < nFormats); n++ )
        // convert to NativeFormat Id
        cf = formats[n].GetFormatId();

        // if the format is not available, try the next one
        // this test includes implicit / sythetic formats
        if ( !::IsClipboardFormatAvailable(cf) )

        formatEtc.cfFormat = cf;
        formatEtc.ptd      = NULL;
        formatEtc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT;
        formatEtc.lindex   = -1;

        // use the appropriate tymed
        switch ( formatEtc.cfFormat )
            case CF_BITMAP:
                formatEtc.tymed = TYMED_GDI;

#ifndef __WXWINCE__
            case CF_METAFILEPICT:
                formatEtc.tymed = TYMED_MFPICT;

            case CF_ENHMETAFILE:
                formatEtc.tymed = TYMED_ENHMF;

                formatEtc.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;

        // try to get data
        hr = pDataObject->GetData(&formatEtc, &medium);
        if ( FAILED(hr) )
            // try other tymed for GDI objects
            if ( formatEtc.cfFormat == CF_BITMAP )
                formatEtc.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
                hr = pDataObject->GetData(&formatEtc, &medium);

        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
            // pass the data to the data object
            hr = data.GetInterface()->SetData(&formatEtc, &medium, true);
            if ( FAILED(hr) )
                wxLogDebug(wxT("Failed to set data in wxIDataObject"));

                // IDataObject only takes the ownership of data if it
                // successfully got it - which is not the case here
                result = true;
        //else: unsupported tymed?

    if ( formats != &format )
        delete [] formats;
    //else: we didn't allocate any memory

    // clean up and return

    return result;
    wxCHECK_MSG( wxIsClipboardOpened(), false, wxT("clipboard not open") );

    wxDataFormat format = data.GetPreferredFormat();
    switch ( format )
        case wxDF_TEXT:
        case wxDF_OEMTEXT:
            wxTextDataObject& textDataObject = (wxTextDataObject &)data;
            char* s = (char*)wxGetClipboardData(format);
            if ( !s )
                return false;

            delete [] s;

            return true;

        case wxDF_BITMAP:
        case wxDF_DIB:
            wxBitmapDataObject& bitmapDataObject = (wxBitmapDataObject &)data;
            wxBitmap* bitmap = (wxBitmap *)wxGetClipboardData(data.GetPreferredFormat());
            if ( !bitmap )
                return false;

            delete bitmap;

            return true;
        case wxDF_METAFILE:
            wxMetafileDataObject& metaFileDataObject = (wxMetafileDataObject &)data;
            wxMetafile* metaFile = (wxMetafile *)wxGetClipboardData(wxDF_METAFILE);
            if ( !metaFile )
                return false;

            delete metaFile;

            return true;
#endif // wxUSE_METAFILE
    return false;
#else // !wxUSE_DATAOBJ
    wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("no clipboard implementation") );
    return false;
Пример #23
void wxIOCPThread::SendEvent(wxFileSystemWatcherEvent& evt)
    wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, "[iocp] EVT: %s", evt.ToString());
Пример #24
void EDA_BASE_FRAME::CheckForAutoSaveFile( const wxFileName& aFileName,
                                           const wxString&   aBackupFileExtension )
    wxCHECK_RET( aFileName.IsOk(), wxT( "Invalid file name!" ) );
    wxCHECK_RET( !aBackupFileExtension.IsEmpty(), wxT( "Invalid backup file extension!" ) );

    wxFileName autoSaveFileName = aFileName;

    // Check for auto save file.
    autoSaveFileName.SetName( AUTOSAVE_PREFIX_FILENAME + aFileName.GetName() );

    wxLogTrace( traceAutoSave,
                wxT( "Checking for auto save file " ) + autoSaveFileName.GetFullPath() );

    if( !autoSaveFileName.FileExists() )

    wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
            "Well this is potentially embarrassing!\n"
            "It appears that the last time you were editing the file\n"
            "it was not saved properly.  Do you wish to restore the last saved edits you made?" ),
            GetChars( aFileName.GetFullName() )

    int response = wxMessageBox( msg, Pgm().App().GetAppName(), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION, this );

    // Make a backup of the current file, delete the file, and rename the auto save file to
    // the file name.
    if( response == wxYES )
        // Get the backup file name.
        wxFileName backupFileName = aFileName;
        backupFileName.SetExt( aBackupFileExtension );

        // If an old backup file exists, delete it.  If an old copy of the file exists, rename
        // it to the backup file name
        if( aFileName.FileExists() )
            // Remove the old file backup file.
            if( backupFileName.FileExists() )
                wxRemoveFile( backupFileName.GetFullPath() );

            // Rename the old file to the backup file name.
            if( !wxRenameFile( aFileName.GetFullPath(), backupFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
                msg.Printf( _( "Could not create backup file <%s>" ),
                            GetChars( backupFileName.GetFullPath() ) );
                wxMessageBox( msg );

        if( !wxRenameFile( autoSaveFileName.GetFullPath(), aFileName.GetFullPath() ) )
            wxMessageBox( _( "The auto save file could not be renamed to the board file name." ),
                          Pgm().App().GetAppName(), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this );
        wxLogTrace( traceAutoSave,
                    wxT( "Removing auto save file " ) + autoSaveFileName.GetFullPath() );

        // Remove the auto save file when using the previous file as is.
        wxRemoveFile( autoSaveFileName.GetFullPath() );
Пример #25
void CWidgetUsage::OnUsageProperties(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetUsage::OnUsageProperties - Function Begin"));
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetUsage::OnUsageProperties - Function End"));
Пример #26
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetEventLog::~CWidgetEventLog - Function Begin"));
    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWidgetEventLog::~CWidgetEventLog - Function End"));
Пример #27
bool S3D::CalcTriangleNormals( std::vector< SGPOINT > coords,
    std::vector< int >& index, std::vector< SGVECTOR >& norms )
    size_t vsize = coords.size();

    if( vsize < 3 )
        #ifdef DEBUG
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * [INFO] invalid vertex set (fewer than 3 vertices)";
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

        return false;

    size_t isize = index.size();

    if( 0 != isize % 3 || index.empty() )
        #ifdef DEBUG
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * [INFO] invalid index set (not multiple of 3)";
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

        return false;

    if( !norms.empty() )
        #ifdef DEBUG
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * [INFO] normals set is not empty";
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

        return false;

    std::map< int, std::list< glm::dvec3 > >vmap;

    int p1, p2, p3;

    // create the map of indices to facet sets
    for( size_t i = 0; i < isize; )
        p1 = index[i++];
        p2 = index[i++];
        p3 = index[i++];

        if( p1 < 0 || p1 >= (int)vsize || p2 < 0 || p2 >= (int)vsize ||
            p3 < 0 || p3 >= (int)vsize )
            #ifdef DEBUG
            std::ostringstream ostr;
            ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
            ostr << " * [INFO] invalid index set; index out of bounds";
            wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

            return false;

        glm::dvec3 tri;
        glm::dvec3 trip[3];
        trip[0] = glm::dvec3( coords[p1].x, coords[p1].y, coords[p1].z );
        trip[1] = glm::dvec3( coords[p2].x, coords[p2].y, coords[p2].z );
        trip[2] = glm::dvec3( coords[p3].x, coords[p3].y, coords[p3].z );
        calcTriad( trip, tri );

        std::map< int, std::list< glm::dvec3 > >::iterator ip = vmap.find( p1 );

        if( ip != vmap.end() )
            ip->second.push_back( tri );
            vmap.insert( std::pair < int, std::list < glm::dvec3 > >
                ( p1, std::list < glm::dvec3 >( 1, tri ) ) );

        ip = vmap.find( p2 );

        if( ip != vmap.end() )
            ip->second.push_back( tri );
            vmap.insert( std::pair < int, std::list < glm::dvec3 > >
                ( p2, std::list < glm::dvec3 >( 1, tri ) ) );

        ip = vmap.find( p3 );

        if( ip != vmap.end() )
            ip->second.push_back( tri );
            vmap.insert( std::pair < int, std::list < glm::dvec3 > >
                ( p3, std::list < glm::dvec3 >( 1, tri ) ) );

    std::map< int, std::list< glm::dvec3 > >::iterator sM = vmap.begin();
    std::map< int, std::list< glm::dvec3 > >::iterator eM = vmap.end();
    size_t idx = 0;

    while( sM != eM )
        size_t item = sM->first;

        // assign any skipped coordinates a normal of (0,0,1)
        while( item > idx )
            norms.push_back( SGVECTOR( 0, 0, 1 ) );

        std::list< glm::dvec3 >::iterator sT = sM->second.begin();
        std::list< glm::dvec3 >::iterator eT = sM->second.end();
        glm::dvec3 norm( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

        while( sT != eT )
            norm += *sT;

        norms.push_back( SGVECTOR( norm.x, norm.y, norm.z ) );


    if( norms.size() != coords.size() )
        #ifdef DEBUG
        std::ostringstream ostr;
        ostr << __FILE__ << ": " << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << __LINE__ << "\n";
        ostr << " * [BUG] number of normals does not equal number of vertices";
        wxLogTrace( MASK_3D_SG, "%s\n", ostr.str().c_str() );

        return false;

    return true;
Пример #28
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPositionIU )
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

    if( !screen || !m_canvas )

    double scale = screen->GetScalingFactor();

    wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Center Position = ( %d, %d ), scale = %.10g" ),
                aCenterPositionIU.x, aCenterPositionIU.y, scale );

    // Calculate the portion of the drawing that can be displayed in the
    // client area at the current zoom level.

    // visible viewport in device units ~ pixels
    wxSize  clientSizeDU = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    // Size of the client window in IU
    DSIZE   clientSizeIU( clientSizeDU.x / scale, clientSizeDU.y / scale );

    // Full drawing or "page" rectangle in internal units
    DBOX    pageRectIU( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( GetPageSizeIU().x, GetPageSizeIU().y ) );

    // The upper left corner of the client rectangle in internal units.
    double xIU = aCenterPositionIU.x - clientSizeIU.x / 2.0;
    double yIU = aCenterPositionIU.y - clientSizeIU.y / 2.0;

    // If drawn around the center, adjust the client rectangle accordingly.
    if( screen->m_Center )
        // half page offset.
        xIU += pageRectIU.GetWidth()  / 2.0;
        yIU += pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0;

    DBOX    clientRectIU( wxPoint( xIU, yIU ), wxSize( clientSizeIU.x, clientSizeIU.y ) );
    wxPoint centerPositionIU;

    // put "int" limits on the clientRect
    if( clientRectIU.GetLeft() < VIRT_MIN )
        clientRectIU.MoveLeftTo( VIRT_MIN );
    if( clientRectIU.GetTop() < VIRT_MIN )
        clientRectIU.MoveTopTo( VIRT_MIN );
    if( clientRectIU.GetRight() > VIRT_MAX )
        clientRectIU.MoveRightTo( VIRT_MAX );
    if( clientRectIU.GetBottom() > VIRT_MAX )
        clientRectIU.MoveBottomTo( VIRT_MAX );

    centerPositionIU.x = KiROUND( clientRectIU.GetX() + clientRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );
    centerPositionIU.y = KiROUND( clientRectIU.GetY() + clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );

    if( screen->m_Center )
        centerPositionIU.x -= KiROUND( pageRectIU.GetWidth() / 2.0 );
        centerPositionIU.y -= KiROUND( pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0 );

    DSIZE   virtualSizeIU;

    if( pageRectIU.GetLeft() < clientRectIU.GetLeft() && pageRectIU.GetRight() > clientRectIU.GetRight() )
        virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetSize().x;
        double pageCenterX    = pageRectIU.GetX()   + ( pageRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );
        double clientCenterX  = clientRectIU.GetX() + ( clientRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );

        if( clientRectIU.GetWidth() > pageRectIU.GetWidth() )
            if( pageCenterX > clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = ( pageCenterX - clientRectIU.GetLeft() ) * 2;
            else if( pageCenterX < clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = ( clientRectIU.GetRight() - pageCenterX ) * 2;
                virtualSizeIU.x = clientRectIU.GetWidth();
            if( pageCenterX > clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth() + ( (pageRectIU.GetLeft() - clientRectIU.GetLeft() ) * 2 );
            else if( pageCenterX < clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth() + ( (clientRectIU.GetRight() - pageRectIU.GetRight() ) * 2 );
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth();

    if( pageRectIU.GetTop() < clientRectIU.GetTop() && pageRectIU.GetBottom() > clientRectIU.GetBottom() )
        virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetSize().y;
        double pageCenterY   = pageRectIU.GetY()   + ( pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );
        double clientCenterY = clientRectIU.GetY() + ( clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );

        if( clientRectIU.GetHeight() > pageRectIU.GetHeight() )
            if( pageCenterY > clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = ( pageCenterY - clientRectIU.GetTop() ) * 2;
            else if( pageCenterY < clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = ( clientRectIU.GetBottom() - pageCenterY ) * 2;
                virtualSizeIU.y = clientRectIU.GetHeight();
            if( pageCenterY > clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight() +
                                ( ( pageRectIU.GetTop() - clientRectIU.GetTop() ) * 2 );
            else if( pageCenterY < clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight() +
                                ( ( clientRectIU.GetBottom() - pageRectIU.GetBottom() ) * 2 );
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight();

    // put "int" limits on the virtualSizeIU
    virtualSizeIU.x = std::min( virtualSizeIU.x, MAX_AXIS );
    virtualSizeIU.y = std::min( virtualSizeIU.y, MAX_AXIS );

    if( screen->m_Center )
        screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -KiROUND( virtualSizeIU.x / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -KiROUND( virtualSizeIU.y / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -KiROUND( ( virtualSizeIU.x - pageRectIU.GetWidth() )  / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -KiROUND( ( virtualSizeIU.y - pageRectIU.GetHeight() ) / 2.0 );

    /* Always set scrollbar pixels per unit to 1 unless you want the zoom
     * around cursor to jump around.  This reported problem occurs when the
     * zoom point is not on a pixel per unit increment.  If you set the
     * pixels per unit to 10, you have potential for the zoom point to
     * jump around +/-5 pixels from the nearest grid point.
    screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX = screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitY = 1;

    // Number of scroll bar units for the given zoom level in device units.
    double unitsX = virtualSizeIU.x * scale;
    double unitsY = virtualSizeIU.y * scale;

    // Calculate the scroll bar position in internal units to place the
    // center position at the center of client rectangle.
    SetScrollCenterPosition( centerPositionIU );

    double posX = centerPositionIU.x - clientRectIU.GetWidth()  / 2.0 - screen->m_DrawOrg.x;
    double posY = centerPositionIU.y - clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0 - screen->m_DrawOrg.y;

    // Convert scroll bar position to device units.
    posX = KiROUND( posX * scale );
    posY = KiROUND( posY * scale );

    if( posX < 0 )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar X position %.10g" ), posX );
        posX = 0;

    if( posX > unitsX )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar X position %.10g" ), posX );
        posX = unitsX;

    if( posY < 0 )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar Y position %.10g" ), posY );
        posY = 0;

    if( posY > unitsY )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar Y position %.10g" ), posY );
        posY = unitsY;

    screen->m_ScrollbarPos    = wxPoint( KiROUND( posX ),  KiROUND( posY ) );
    screen->m_ScrollbarNumber = wxSize( KiROUND( unitsX ), KiROUND( unitsY ) );

    wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings,
                wxT( "Drawing = (%.10g, %.10g), Client = (%.10g, %.10g), Offset = (%d, %d), SetScrollbars(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)" ),
                virtualSizeIU.x, virtualSizeIU.y, clientSizeIU.x, clientSizeIU.y,
                screen->m_DrawOrg.x, screen->m_DrawOrg.y,
                screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX, screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitY,
                screen->m_ScrollbarNumber.x, screen->m_ScrollbarNumber.y,
                screen->m_ScrollbarPos.x, screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y );

    bool            noRefresh = true;

    m_canvas->SetScrollbars( screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX,
                             screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y, noRefresh );
Пример #29
std::unique_ptr<PNS::SOLID> PNS_KICAD_IFACE::syncPad( D_PAD* aPad )
    LAYER_RANGE layers( 0, MAX_CU_LAYERS - 1 );

    // ignore non-copper pads
    if( ( aPad->GetLayerSet() & LSET::AllCuMask()).none() )
        return NULL;

    switch( aPad->GetAttribute() )

    case PAD_ATTRIB_SMD:
            LSET lmsk = aPad->GetLayerSet();
            bool is_copper = false;

            for( int i = 0; i < MAX_CU_LAYERS; i++ )
                if( lmsk[i] )
                    is_copper = true;

                    if( aPad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
                        layers = LAYER_RANGE( i );


            if( !is_copper )
                return NULL;

        wxLogTrace( "PNS", "unsupported pad type 0x%x", aPad->GetAttribute() );
        return NULL;

    std::unique_ptr< PNS::SOLID > solid( new PNS::SOLID );

    solid->SetLayers( layers );
    solid->SetNet( aPad->GetNetCode() );
    solid->SetParent( aPad );

    wxPoint wx_c = aPad->ShapePos();
    wxSize  wx_sz = aPad->GetSize();
    wxPoint offset = aPad->GetOffset();

    VECTOR2I c( wx_c.x, wx_c.y );
    VECTOR2I sz( wx_sz.x, wx_sz.y );

    RotatePoint( &offset, aPad->GetOrientation() );

    solid->SetPos( VECTOR2I( c.x - offset.x, c.y - offset.y ) );
    solid->SetOffset( VECTOR2I( offset.x, offset.y ) );

    double orient = aPad->GetOrientation() / 10.0;

    if( aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE )
        solid->SetShape( new SHAPE_CIRCLE( c, sz.x / 2 ) );
    else if( aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM )
        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
        outline.Append( aPad->GetCustomShapeAsPolygon() );
        aPad->CustomShapeAsPolygonToBoardPosition( &outline, wx_c, aPad->GetOrientation() );

        SHAPE_CONVEX* shape = new SHAPE_CONVEX();

        // We use the convex hull of the pad shape, because PnS knows
        // only convex shapes.
        std::vector<wxPoint> convex_hull;
        BuildConvexHull( convex_hull, outline );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < convex_hull.size(); ii++ )
            shape->Append( convex_hull[ii] );

        solid->SetShape( shape );
        if( orient == 0.0 || orient == 90.0 || orient == 180.0 || orient == 270.0 )
            if( orient == 90.0 || orient == 270.0 )
                sz = VECTOR2I( sz.y, sz.x );

            switch( aPad->GetShape() )
            case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:
                if( sz.x == sz.y )
                    solid->SetShape( new SHAPE_CIRCLE( c, sz.x / 2 ) );
                    VECTOR2I delta;

                    if( sz.x > sz.y )
                        delta = VECTOR2I( ( sz.x - sz.y ) / 2, 0 );
                        delta = VECTOR2I( 0, ( sz.y - sz.x ) / 2 );

                    SHAPE_SEGMENT* shape = new SHAPE_SEGMENT( c - delta, c + delta,
                                                              std::min( sz.x, sz.y ) );
                    solid->SetShape( shape );

            case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
                solid->SetShape( new SHAPE_RECT( c - sz / 2, sz.x, sz.y ) );

            case PAD_SHAPE_TRAPEZOID:
                wxPoint coords[4];
                aPad->BuildPadPolygon( coords, wxSize( 0, 0 ), aPad->GetOrientation() );
                SHAPE_CONVEX* shape = new SHAPE_CONVEX();

                for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
                    shape->Append( wx_c + coords[ii] );

                solid->SetShape( shape );

            case PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT:
                SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
                const int segmentToCircleCount = 64;

                aPad->BuildPadShapePolygon( outline, wxSize( 0, 0 ), segmentToCircleCount, 1.0 );

                // TransformRoundRectToPolygon creates only one convex polygon
                SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& poly = outline.Outline( 0 );
                SHAPE_CONVEX* shape = new SHAPE_CONVEX();

                for( int ii = 0; ii < poly.PointCount(); ++ii )
                    shape->Append( wxPoint( poly.Point( ii ).x, poly.Point( ii ).y ) );

                solid->SetShape( shape );

                wxLogTrace( "PNS", "unsupported pad shape" );
                return nullptr;
            switch( aPad->GetShape() )
            // PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE and PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM already handled above

            case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:
                if( sz.x == sz.y )
                    solid->SetShape( new SHAPE_CIRCLE( c, sz.x / 2 ) );
                    wxPoint start;
                    wxPoint end;
                    wxPoint corner;

                    SHAPE_CONVEX* shape = new SHAPE_CONVEX();

                    int w = aPad->BuildSegmentFromOvalShape( start, end, 0.0, wxSize( 0, 0 ) );

                    if( start.y == 0 )
                        corner = wxPoint( start.x, -( w / 2 ) );
                        corner = wxPoint( w / 2, start.y );

                    RotatePoint( &start, aPad->GetOrientation() );
                    RotatePoint( &corner, aPad->GetOrientation() );
                    shape->Append( wx_c + corner );

                    for( int rot = 100; rot <= 1800; rot += 100 )
                        wxPoint p( corner );
                        RotatePoint( &p, start, rot );
                        shape->Append( wx_c + p );

                    if( end.y == 0 )
                        corner = wxPoint( end.x, w / 2 );
                        corner = wxPoint( -( w / 2 ), end.y );

                    RotatePoint( &end, aPad->GetOrientation() );
                    RotatePoint( &corner, aPad->GetOrientation() );
                    shape->Append( wx_c + corner );

                    for( int rot = 100; rot <= 1800; rot += 100 )
                        wxPoint p( corner );
                        RotatePoint( &p, end, rot );
                        shape->Append( wx_c + p );

                    solid->SetShape( shape );

            case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
            case PAD_SHAPE_TRAPEZOID:
                wxPoint coords[4];
                aPad->BuildPadPolygon( coords, wxSize( 0, 0 ), aPad->GetOrientation() );

                SHAPE_CONVEX* shape = new SHAPE_CONVEX();
                for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
                    shape->Append( wx_c + coords[ii] );

                solid->SetShape( shape );

            case PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT:
                SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
                const int segmentToCircleCount = 32;
                aPad->BuildPadShapePolygon( outline, wxSize( 0, 0 ),
                                            segmentToCircleCount, 1.0 );

                // TransformRoundRectToPolygon creates only one convex polygon
                SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& poly = outline.Outline( 0 );
                SHAPE_CONVEX* shape = new SHAPE_CONVEX();

                for( int ii = 0; ii < poly.PointCount(); ++ii )
                    shape->Append( wxPoint( poly.Point( ii ).x, poly.Point( ii ).y ) );

                solid->SetShape( shape );

                wxLogTrace( "PNS", "unsupported pad shape" );
                return nullptr;
    return solid;
Пример #30
wxRect wxWindow::ScrollNoRefresh(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rectTotal)
    wxASSERT_MSG( !dx || !dy, _T("can't be used for diag scrolling") );

    // the rect to refresh (which we will calculate)
    wxRect rect;

    if ( !dx && !dy )
        // nothing to do
        return rect;

    // calculate the part of the window which we can just redraw in the new
    // location
    wxSize sizeTotal = rectTotal ? rectTotal->GetSize() : GetClientSize();

    wxLogTrace(_T("scroll"), _T("rect is %dx%d, scroll by %d, %d"),
               sizeTotal.x, sizeTotal.y, dx, dy);

    // the initial and end point of the region we move in client coords
    wxPoint ptSource, ptDest;
    if ( rectTotal )
        ptSource = rectTotal->GetPosition();
        ptDest = rectTotal->GetPosition();

    // the size of this region
    wxSize size;
    size.x = sizeTotal.x - abs(dx);
    size.y = sizeTotal.y - abs(dy);
    if ( size.x <= 0 || size.y <= 0 )
        // just redraw everything as nothing of the displayed image will stay
        wxLogTrace(_T("scroll"), _T("refreshing everything"));

        rect = rectTotal ? *rectTotal : wxRect(0, 0, sizeTotal.x, sizeTotal.y);
    else // move the part which doesn't change to the new location
        // note that when we scroll the canvas in some direction we move the
        // block which doesn't need to be refreshed in the opposite direction

        if ( dx < 0 )
            // scroll to the right, move to the left
            ptSource.x -= dx;
            // scroll to the left, move to the right
            ptDest.x += dx;

        if ( dy < 0 )
            // scroll down, move up
            ptSource.y -= dy;
            // scroll up, move down
            ptDest.y += dy;

        // we need to hide the caret before moving or it will erase itself at
        // the wrong (old) location
        wxCaret *caret = GetCaret();
        if ( caret )
#endif // wxUSE_CARET

        // do move
        wxClientDC dc(this);
        wxBitmap bmp(size.x, size.y);
        wxMemoryDC dcMem;

        dcMem.Blit(wxPoint(0,0), size, &dc, ptSource
#if defined(__WXGTK__) && !defined(wxHAS_WORKING_GTK_DC_BLIT)
                + GetClientAreaOrigin()
#endif // broken wxGTK wxDC::Blit
        dc.Blit(ptDest, size, &dcMem, wxPoint(0,0));

                   _T("Blit: (%d, %d) of size %dx%d -> (%d, %d)"),
                   ptSource.x, ptSource.y,
                   size.x, size.y,
                   ptDest.x, ptDest.y);

        // and now repaint the uncovered area

        // FIXME: We repaint the intersection of these rectangles twice - is
        //        it bad? I don't think so as it is rare to scroll the window
        //        diagonally anyhow and so adding extra logic to compute
        //        rectangle intersection is probably not worth the effort

        rect.x = ptSource.x;
        rect.y = ptSource.y;

        if ( dx )
            if ( dx < 0 )
                // refresh the area along the right border
                rect.x += size.x + dx;
                rect.width = -dx;
                // refresh the area along the left border
                rect.width = dx;

            rect.height = sizeTotal.y;

            wxLogTrace(_T("scroll"), _T("refreshing (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)"),
                       rect.x, rect.y,
                       rect.GetRight() + 1, rect.GetBottom() + 1);

        if ( dy )
            if ( dy < 0 )
                // refresh the area along the bottom border
                rect.y += size.y + dy;
                rect.height = -dy;
                // refresh the area along the top border
                rect.height = dy;

            rect.width = sizeTotal.x;

            wxLogTrace(_T("scroll"), _T("refreshing (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)"),
                       rect.x, rect.y,
                       rect.GetRight() + 1, rect.GetBottom() + 1);

        if ( caret )
#endif // wxUSE_CARET

    return rect;