Пример #1
int main() {

  std::cout << "[t-eoPartiallyMappedXover] => START" << std::endl;

  Solution sol1, sol2;

  for(int i = 0; i < sol1.size(); i++)
    sol1[i] = i;

  sol2[0] = 3;
  sol2[1] = 4;
  sol2[2] = 1;
  sol2[3] = 0;
  sol2[4] = 7;
  sol2[5] = 6;
  sol2[6] = 5;
  sol2[7] = 8;
  sol2[8] = 2;

  std::cout << sol1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << sol2 << std::endl;

  eoPartiallyMappedXover<Solution> xover;
  xover(sol1, sol2);

  std::cout << "apres" << std::endl;
  std::cout << sol1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << sol2 << std::endl;

  int verif[9];
  for(int i = 0; i < sol1.size(); i++)
    verif[i] = -1;

  for(int i = 0; i < sol1.size(); i++)
    verif[ sol1[i] ] = 1;

  for(int i = 0; i < sol1.size(); i++)
    assert(verif[i] != -1);

  for(int i = 0; i < sol2.size(); i++)
    verif[i] = -1;

  for(int i = 0; i < sol2.size(); i++)
    verif[ sol2[i] ] = 1;

  for(int i = 0; i < sol2.size(); i++)
    assert(verif[i] != -1);

  std::cout << "[t-eoPartiallyMappedXover] => OK" << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
void main_function()
  const unsigned SIZE = 8;
  unsigned i, j;
  eoBooleanGenerator gen;

  Chrom chrom(SIZE), chrom2;
  chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom)); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));

  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << std::endl;
  chrom[0] = chrom[SIZE - 1] = true; chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << std::endl;
  chrom[0] = chrom[SIZE - 1] = false; chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << std::endl;
  chrom[0] = chrom[SIZE - 1] = true; chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));

  std::cout << "chrom.className() = " << chrom.className() << std::endl;

  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << std::endl
       << "chrom2: " << chrom2 << std::endl;

  std::ostringstream os;
  os << chrom;
  std::istringstream is(os.str());
  is >> chrom2; chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));

  std::cout << "\nTesting reading, writing\n";
  std::cout << "chrom:  " << chrom << "\nchrom2: " << chrom2 << '\n';

  std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false);
  std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------"
       << std::endl << "eoMonOp's aplied to .......... " << chrom << std::endl;

      random(chrom.size(), gen);

  random(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinRandom ............ " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoOneBitFlip<Chrom> bitflip;
  bitflip(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBitFlip .............. " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoBitMutation<Chrom> mutation(0.5);
  mutation(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinMutation(0.5) ..... " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoBitInversion<Chrom> inversion;
  inversion(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinInversion ......... " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoBitNext<Chrom> next;
  next(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinNext .............. " << chrom << std::endl;

  eoBitPrev<Chrom> prev;
  prev(chrom); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::cout << "after eoBinPrev .............. " << chrom << std::endl;

  std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false); chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom));
  std::fill(chrom2.begin(), chrom2.end(), true); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));
  std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------"
       << std::endl << "eoBinOp's aplied to ... "
       << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;

  eo1PtBitXover<Chrom> xover;
  std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false);
  std::fill(chrom2.begin(), chrom2.end(), true);
  xover(chrom, chrom2);
  chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom)); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));
  std::cout << "eoBinCrossover ........ " << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;

  for (i = 1; i < SIZE; i++)
      eoNPtsBitXover<Chrom> nxover(i);
      std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false);
      std::fill(chrom2.begin(), chrom2.end(), true);
      nxover(chrom, chrom2);
      chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom)); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));
      std::cout << "eoBinNxOver(" << i << ") ........ "
	   << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;

  for (i = 1; i < SIZE / 2; i++)
    for (j = 1; j < SIZE / 2; j++)
	eoBitGxOver<Chrom> gxover(i, j);
	std::fill(chrom.begin(), chrom.end(), false);
	std::fill(chrom2.begin(), chrom2.end(), true);
	gxover(chrom, chrom2);
	chrom.fitness(binary_value(chrom)); chrom2.fitness(binary_value(chrom2));
	std::cout  << "eoBinGxOver(" << i << ", " << j << ") ..... "
	      << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;

    // test SGA algorithm
    eoGenContinue<Chrom> continuator1(50);
    eoFitContinue<Chrom> continuator2(65535.f);

    eoCombinedContinue<Chrom> continuator(continuator1, continuator2);

    eoCheckPoint<Chrom> checkpoint(continuator);

    eoStdoutMonitor monitor;


    eoSecondMomentStats<Chrom> stats;


    eoProportionalSelect<Chrom> select;
    eoEvalFuncPtr<Chrom>  eval(binary_value);

    eoSGA<Chrom> sga(select, xover, 0.8f, bitflip, 0.1f, eval, checkpoint);

    eoInitFixedLength<Chrom> init(16, gen);
    eoPop<Chrom> pop(100, init);

    apply<Chrom>(eval, pop);



    std::cout << "Population " << pop << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nBest: " << pop[0].fitness() << '\n';


    Commented this out, waiting for a definite decision what to do with the mOp's

    // Check multiOps
    eoMultiMonOp<Chrom> mOp( &next );
    mOp.adOp( &bitflip );
    std::cout << "before multiMonOp............  " << chrom << std::endl;
    mOp( chrom );
    std::cout << "after multiMonOp .............. " << chrom << std::endl;

    eoBinGxOver<Chrom> gxover(2, 4);
    eoMultiBinOp<Chrom> mbOp( &gxover );
    mOp.adOp( &bitflip );
    std::cout << "before multiBinOp............  " << chrom << " " << chrom2 << std::endl;
    mbOp( chrom, chrom2 );
    std::cout << "after multiBinOp .............. " << chrom << " " << chrom2 <<std::endl;
Пример #3
main(int argc, char** argv)
  const unsigned int T_SIZE = 3; // size for tournament selection
  const unsigned int VEC_SIZE = 3; // Number of object variables in genotypes
  const unsigned int POP_SIZE = 10; // Size of population
  const unsigned int MAX_GEN = 1000; // Maximum number of generation before STOP
  const unsigned int MIN_GEN = 10;  // Minimum number of generation before ...
  const unsigned int STEADY_GEN = 10; // stop after STEADY_GEN gen. without improvement
  const float P_CROSS = 0.8;	// Crossover probability
  const float P_MUT = 0.5;	// mutation probability
  const double EPSILON = 0.01;	// range for real uniform mutation
  double SIGMA = 0.3;       	// std dev. for normal mutation
  // some parameters for chosing among different operators
  const double hypercubeRate = 0.5;     // relative weight for hypercube Xover
  const double segmentRate = 0.5;  // relative weight for segment Xover
  const double uniformMutRate = 0.5;  // relative weight for uniform mutation
  const double detMutRate = 0.5;      // relative weight for det-uniform mutation
  const double normalMutRate = 0.5;   // relative weight for normal mutation
  const unsigned int SEED = 42;	// seed for random number generator

  po::options_description desc;
  std::string matrixdir, model, nullmodel, trainingset, testingset, lastrun;

    ("matrixdir", po::value<std::string>(&matrixdir),
     "The directory set up by SOFT2Matrix")
    ("model", po::value<std::string>(&model),
     "The gene regulatory network model")
    ("nullmodel", po::value<std::string>(&nullmodel),
     "The gene regulatory network null (scrambled) model")
    ("trainingset", po::value<std::string>(&trainingset),
     "The list of arrays which have been selected for inclusion in the training set")
    ("testingset", po::value<std::string>(&testingset),
     "The list of arrays which have been selected for inclusion in the testing set")
    ("lastrun", po::value<std::string>(&lastrun),
     "The output file from the last run, to re-use scores from (optional)")

  po::variables_map vm;

  po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);

  std::string wrong;
  if (!vm.count("help"))
    if (!vm.count("matrixdir"))
      wrong = "matrixdir";
    else if (!vm.count("model"))
      wrong = "model";
    else if (!vm.count("trainingset"))
      wrong = "trainingset";
    else if (!vm.count("testingset"))
      wrong = "testingset";
    else if (!vm.count("nullmodel"))
      wrong = "nullmodel";

  if (wrong != "")
    std::cerr << "Missing option: " << wrong << std::endl;
  if (vm.count("help") || wrong != "")
    std::cout << desc << std::endl;
    return 1;
  if (!fs::is_directory(matrixdir))
    std::cout << "Matrix directory doesn't exist."
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  if (!fs::is_regular(model))
    std::cout << "Model file doesn't exist or not regular file."
              << std::endl;
    return 1;
  if (!fs::is_regular(nullmodel))
    std::cout << "Null model file doesn't exist or not regular file."
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  if (!fs::is_regular(trainingset))
    std::cout << "Training set file doesn't exist or not regular file."
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  if (!fs::is_regular(testingset))
    std::cout << "Testing set file doesn't exist or not regular file."
              << std::endl;
    return 1;

  std::list<double> lastRun;
  if (fs::is_regular(lastrun))
    std::ifstream flastrun(lastrun.c_str());

    static const boost::regex prev(".*SVM Result: .* Result \\(([^\\)]+)\\).*");
    while (flastrun.good())
      std::string l;
      std::getline(flastrun, l);
      boost::smatch m;
      if (!boost::regex_match(l, m, prev))

      lastRun.push_back(strtod(m[1].str().c_str(), NULL));

  ExpressionMatrixProcessor emp(matrixdir);
  GRNModel m(model, emp, 30);
  GRNModel m2(nullmodel, emp, 30);

  std::list<std::string> trainingArrays, testingArrays;
  m.loadArraySet(trainingset, trainingArrays);
  m.loadArraySet(testingset, testingArrays);
  m2.loadArraySet(trainingset, trainingArrays);
  m2.loadArraySet(testingset, testingArrays);

  // We seed it just so we can restart if need be.

  EvaluateSVMFit eval(m, m2, trainingArrays, lastRun, 30, testingArrays.size());

  std::vector<double> minVals, maxVals;
  // log(gamma)
  // log(C)
  // nu

  eoRealVectorBounds rvb(minVals, maxVals);
  eoRealInitBounded<Indi> random(rvb);

  eoPop<Indi> pop(POP_SIZE, random);
  apply<Indi>(eval, pop);
  std::cout << "Initial Population" << std::endl;
  std::cout << pop;
  eoDetTournamentSelect<Indi> selectOne(T_SIZE);
  eoSelectPerc<Indi> select(selectOne);// by default rate==1
  eoGenerationalReplacement<Indi> replace;
  eoSegmentCrossover<Indi> xoverS;
  eoHypercubeCrossover<Indi> xoverA;
  eoPropCombinedQuadOp<Indi> xover(xoverS, segmentRate);
  xover.add(xoverA, hypercubeRate, true);
  eoUniformMutation<Indi>  mutationU(EPSILON);
  eoDetUniformMutation<Indi>  mutationD(EPSILON);
  eoNormalMutation<Indi>  mutationN(SIGMA);
  eoPropCombinedMonOp<Indi> mutation(mutationU, uniformMutRate);
  mutation.add(mutationD, detMutRate);
  mutation.add(mutationN, normalMutRate, true);

  eoGenContinue<Indi> genCont(MAX_GEN);
  eoSteadyFitContinue<Indi> steadyCont(MIN_GEN, STEADY_GEN);
  eoCombinedContinue<Indi> continuator(genCont);

  eoSGATransform<Indi> transform(xover, P_CROSS, mutation, P_MUT);
  eoEasyEA<Indi> gga(continuator, eval, select, transform, replace);

  std::cout << "Final Population:"
            << std::endl << pop << std::endl;

  return 0;
Пример #4
// GA function accepts data matrix, legal gene matrix, and number of total genes wanted in final matrix
// New stopping criterion: when PD does not increase for maxGenStalled generations
int optimizeDecisivnessGA (vector < vector <int> > & data,
    vector < vector <int> > const& legal, int const& numAdd, bool const& referenceTaxonPresent,
    int const& numProcs)
// initialize random number generator - already done in main
    // srand((unsigned)time(0));

// Constants. Some should probably be user specified: tournamentSize, populationSize, mutationProbability, maxgen
    // int numTaxa = data.size(); // not used
    // int numLoci = data[0].size(); // not used
    int numInitialLoci = countLociPresent(data);
    int tournamentSize = 5; // size of tournament group.
    const int populationSize = 500;
    double mutationProbability = 0.9; // probability of mutation, otherwise xover
    //double stepReplaceProbability = 0.01;
    int maxgen = 100000; // maximum number of generations; ramp up to 100000 or whatever
    int numTrees = 100; // ramp up to 1000
    double bestSolution = 0.0;
    vector < vector <int> > bestConfiguration;
    int genStalled = 0; // number of generations without an increase in best fitness.
    int maxGenStalled = 5000;
// Store fitness
    double fitness[populationSize];
    // cout << "initialize " << endl;
// Initialize population
    vector < vector <int> > population[populationSize];
    // int numAdd = maxGenes - numInitialLoci;     // number of genes to add
    int maxGenes = numInitialLoci + numAdd;
//     cout << "Initial count = " << numInitialLoci << "; adding " << numAdd
//         << " sampled characters for total of " << maxGenes << " occupied cells of a possible "
//         << data.size() * data[0].size() << "." << endl;
// Function currently errors out when too many genes initially present.
// This should be changed to allow genes to be removed.
    cout << endl << "SETTING UP INITIAL POPULATION" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Population consists of " << populationSize << " individuals." << endl;
    if (numAdd < 0) { // subtract genes; not sure when this will be used...
        cout << numAdd << " populated cells will be removed." << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
            population[i] = data;
            for (int j = numAdd; j < 0; j++) {
                mutate(population[i], legal, 0, 1);
    } else { // add genes
        cout << numAdd << " additional random taxon-character cells will be populated for each individual..." << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
            population[i] = data;
            for (int j = 0; j < numAdd; j++) { // Randomly add numAdd genes in legal positions
                mutate(population[i], legal, 1, 0); // last 2 arguments are add, remove (boolean)
    cout << "Done." << endl << endl;
    //cout << "Best solution from initial population = " << bestSolution << "." << endl;
// Calculate initial fitness. For each matrix, crunch through 1000 trees
    cout << "Calculating initial fitnesses for all individuals..." << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
        fitness[i] = calcFit(referenceTaxonPresent, numTrees, population[i], numProcs);
    //    cout << "Fitness for individual " << i << " is: " << fitness[i] << "." << endl;
        if (fitness[i] > bestSolution) {
            bestSolution = fitness[i];
            bestConfiguration = population[i];
    //        cout << "Best solution from initial population = " << bestSolution << "." << endl;
    cout << "Done." << endl;
    cout << "Best solution from initial population = " << bestSolution << "." << endl;
    bool done = 0;        // flag to end evolution loop
    int gen = 0;         // counter for number of generations

// Check for out of bounds parameter values
    if (populationSize < 3) {
        cout << "Population size must be greater than 2" << endl;
    if (tournamentSize < 2) {
        cout << "Tournament group size must be greater than 1" << endl;

// Evolution loop
    cout << endl << "STARTING EVOLUTION" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Running for a total of " << maxgen << " generations." << endl << endl;
    // cout << "Progress:" << endl;
    while (!done) {
        gen = gen + 1;
        cout << "Generation " << gen;
// Choose tournament group
// initialize best and worst with random
        int random = (int)(rand() % (populationSize));
        int best = random;        // integer to hold position of best member of tournament group
        int worst = random;        // position of worst member of tournament group
        double bestFit = fitness[random];    // best fitness
        double worstFit = fitness[random];    // worst fitness
// selection step
        //for (int i = 1; i < tournamentSize; i++)
        for (int i = 0; i < tournamentSize; i++) {
            random = (int)(rand() % populationSize);
            if (fitness[random] > bestFit) {
                bestFit = fitness[random];
                best = random;
            if (fitness[random] < worstFit) {
                worstFit = fitness[random];
                worst = random;
// make sure best and worst are not the same
// if they are the same, choose new best randomly from population
        while (best == worst) {
            best = (int)(rand() % (populationSize));

// Copy best individual to worst individual
        population[worst] = population[best];
// enter stepwise function. too demanding.
//         if (gen % 1000 == 0) {
//             cout << ": Entering stepwise phase." << endl;
//             stepReplace (population[worst], legal, maxGenes, referenceTaxonPresent, numProcs);
//         }
//         else {
// Mutate with some probability, otherwise xover
            double randmu = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX;
            if (randmu < mutationProbability) {
// mutate; change one cell.
                mutate(population[worst], legal, 1, 1);
            } else {
// xover with random individual in population
                int randx = (int)(rand() % populationSize);
                while (randx == worst) {
                    randx = (int)(rand() % populationSize);
                xover(population[worst], population[randx], legal, maxGenes);
//        }
// Calculate fitness of new individual
        fitness[worst] = calcFit(referenceTaxonPresent, numTrees, population[worst], numProcs);
        if (fitness[worst] > bestSolution) {
            bestSolution = fitness[worst];
            bestConfiguration = population[worst];
            genStalled = 0;
        } else {
            genStalled += 1;
// Check to see if max number of generations has been reached
        cout << ": best solution thus far = " << bestSolution << "." << endl;
        if (gen == maxgen || genStalled == maxGenStalled) {
            done = 1;
// End of evolution loop

//     double bestFit = 0;
//     int bestInd = 0;
//     for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++)
//     {
//         if (fitness[i] > bestFit) {
//             bestFit = fitness[i];
//             bestInd = i;
//         }
//     }
//    cout << endl << "Best result found: " << bestFit << endl;
// copy best evolved matrix to original data matrix
//    data = population[bestInd];
    cout << endl << "Best result found: " << bestSolution << endl;
    data = bestConfiguration;
    cout << endl;