int zend_build_ssa(zend_arena **arena, const zend_op_array *op_array, uint32_t build_flags, zend_ssa *ssa, uint32_t *func_flags) /* {{{ */ { zend_basic_block *blocks = ssa->cfg.blocks; zend_ssa_block *ssa_blocks; int blocks_count = ssa->cfg.blocks_count; uint32_t set_size; zend_bitset tmp, gen, in; int *var = NULL; int i, j, k, changed; zend_dfg dfg; ALLOCA_FLAG(dfg_use_heap); ALLOCA_FLAG(var_use_heap); ssa->rt_constants = (build_flags & ZEND_RT_CONSTANTS); ssa_blocks = zend_arena_calloc(arena, blocks_count, sizeof(zend_ssa_block)); if (!ssa_blocks) { return FAILURE; } ssa->blocks = ssa_blocks; /* Compute Variable Liveness */ dfg.vars = op_array->last_var + op_array->T; dfg.size = set_size = zend_bitset_len(dfg.vars); dfg.tmp = do_alloca((set_size * sizeof(zend_ulong)) * (blocks_count * 5 + 1), dfg_use_heap); memset(dfg.tmp, 0, (set_size * sizeof(zend_ulong)) * (blocks_count * 5 + 1)); dfg.gen = dfg.tmp + set_size; dfg.def = dfg.gen + set_size * blocks_count; dfg.use = dfg.def + set_size * blocks_count; = dfg.use + set_size * blocks_count; dfg.out = + set_size * blocks_count; if (zend_build_dfg(op_array, &ssa->cfg, &dfg, build_flags) != SUCCESS) { free_alloca(dfg.tmp, dfg_use_heap); return FAILURE; } if (build_flags & ZEND_SSA_DEBUG_LIVENESS) { zend_dump_dfg(op_array, &ssa->cfg, &dfg); } tmp = dfg.tmp; gen = dfg.gen; in =; /* SSA construction, Step 1: Propagate "gen" sets in merge points */ do { changed = 0; for (j = 0; j < blocks_count; j++) { if ((blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_REACHABLE) == 0) { continue; } if (j >= 0 && (blocks[j].predecessors_count > 1 || j == 0)) { zend_bitset_copy(tmp, gen + (j * set_size), set_size); for (k = 0; k < blocks[j].predecessors_count; k++) { i = ssa->cfg.predecessors[blocks[j].predecessor_offset + k]; while (i != -1 && i != blocks[j].idom) { zend_bitset_union_with_intersection(tmp, tmp, gen + (i * set_size), in + (j * set_size), set_size); i = blocks[i].idom; } } if (!zend_bitset_equal(gen + (j * set_size), tmp, set_size)) { zend_bitset_copy(gen + (j * set_size), tmp, set_size); changed = 1; } } } } while (changed); /* SSA construction, Step 2: Phi placement based on Dominance Frontiers */ var = do_alloca(sizeof(int) * (op_array->last_var + op_array->T), var_use_heap); if (!var) { free_alloca(dfg.tmp, dfg_use_heap); return FAILURE; } zend_bitset_clear(tmp, set_size); for (j = 0; j < blocks_count; j++) { if ((blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_REACHABLE) == 0) { continue; } if (blocks[j].predecessors_count > 1) { zend_bitset_clear(tmp, set_size); if (blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_IRREDUCIBLE_LOOP) { /* Prevent any values from flowing into irreducible loops by replacing all incoming values with explicit phis. The register allocator depends on this property. */ zend_bitset_copy(tmp, in + (j * set_size), set_size); } else { for (k = 0; k < blocks[j].predecessors_count; k++) { i = ssa->cfg.predecessors[blocks[j].predecessor_offset + k]; while (i != -1 && i != blocks[j].idom) { zend_bitset_union_with_intersection(tmp, tmp, gen + (i * set_size), in + (j * set_size), set_size); i = blocks[i].idom; } } } if (!zend_bitset_empty(tmp, set_size)) { i = op_array->last_var + op_array->T; while (i > 0) { i--; if (zend_bitset_in(tmp, i)) { zend_ssa_phi *phi = zend_arena_calloc(arena, 1, sizeof(zend_ssa_phi) + sizeof(int) * blocks[j].predecessors_count + sizeof(void*) * blocks[j].predecessors_count); if (!phi) { goto failure; } phi->sources = (int*)(((char*)phi) + sizeof(zend_ssa_phi)); memset(phi->sources, 0xff, sizeof(int) * blocks[j].predecessors_count); phi->use_chains = (zend_ssa_phi**)(((char*)phi->sources) + sizeof(int) * ssa->cfg.blocks[j].predecessors_count); phi->pi = -1; phi->var = i; phi->ssa_var = -1; phi->next = ssa_blocks[j].phis; ssa_blocks[j].phis = phi; } } } } } place_essa_pis(arena, op_array, build_flags, ssa, &dfg); /* SSA construction, Step ?: Phi after Pi placement based on Dominance Frontiers */ for (j = 0; j < blocks_count; j++) { if ((blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_REACHABLE) == 0) { continue; } if (blocks[j].predecessors_count > 1) { zend_bitset_clear(tmp, set_size); if (blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_IRREDUCIBLE_LOOP) { /* Prevent any values from flowing into irreducible loops by replacing all incoming values with explicit phis. The register allocator depends on this property. */ zend_bitset_copy(tmp, in + (j * set_size), set_size); } else { for (k = 0; k < blocks[j].predecessors_count; k++) { i = ssa->cfg.predecessors[blocks[j].predecessor_offset + k]; while (i != -1 && i != blocks[j].idom) { zend_ssa_phi *p = ssa_blocks[i].phis; while (p) { if (p) { if (p->pi >= 0) { if (zend_bitset_in(in + (j * set_size), p->var) && !zend_bitset_in(gen + (i * set_size), p->var)) { zend_bitset_incl(tmp, p->var); } } else { zend_bitset_excl(tmp, p->var); } } p = p->next; } i = blocks[i].idom; } } } if (!zend_bitset_empty(tmp, set_size)) { i = op_array->last_var + op_array->T; while (i > 0) { i--; if (zend_bitset_in(tmp, i)) { zend_ssa_phi **pp = &ssa_blocks[j].phis; while (*pp) { if ((*pp)->pi <= 0 && (*pp)->var == i) { break; } pp = &(*pp)->next; } if (*pp == NULL) { zend_ssa_phi *phi = zend_arena_calloc(arena, 1, sizeof(zend_ssa_phi) + sizeof(int) * blocks[j].predecessors_count + sizeof(void*) * blocks[j].predecessors_count); if (!phi) { goto failure; } phi->sources = (int*)(((char*)phi) + sizeof(zend_ssa_phi)); memset(phi->sources, 0xff, sizeof(int) * blocks[j].predecessors_count); phi->use_chains = (zend_ssa_phi**)(((char*)phi->sources) + sizeof(int) * ssa->cfg.blocks[j].predecessors_count); phi->pi = -1; phi->var = i; phi->ssa_var = -1; phi->next = NULL; *pp = phi; } } } } } } if (build_flags & ZEND_SSA_DEBUG_PHI_PLACEMENT) { zend_dump_phi_placement(op_array, ssa); } /* SSA construction, Step 3: Renaming */ ssa->ops = zend_arena_calloc(arena, op_array->last, sizeof(zend_ssa_op)); memset(ssa->ops, 0xff, op_array->last * sizeof(zend_ssa_op)); memset(var, 0xff, (op_array->last_var + op_array->T) * sizeof(int)); /* Create uninitialized SSA variables for each CV */ for (j = 0; j < op_array->last_var; j++) { var[j] = j; } ssa->vars_count = op_array->last_var; if (zend_ssa_rename(op_array, build_flags, ssa, var, 0) != SUCCESS) { failure: free_alloca(var, var_use_heap); free_alloca(dfg.tmp, dfg_use_heap); return FAILURE; } free_alloca(var, var_use_heap); free_alloca(dfg.tmp, dfg_use_heap); return SUCCESS; }
int zend_build_dfg(const zend_op_array *op_array, const zend_cfg *cfg, zend_dfg *dfg) /* {{{ */ { int set_size; zend_basic_block *blocks = cfg->blocks; int blocks_count = cfg->blocks_count; zend_bitset tmp, gen, def, use, in, out; zend_op *opline; uint32_t k; int j; /* FIXME: can we use "gen" instead of "def" for flow analyzing? */ set_size = dfg->size; tmp = dfg->tmp; gen = dfg->gen; def = dfg->def; use = dfg->use; in = dfg->in; out = dfg->out; /* Collect "gen", "def" and "use" sets */ for (j = 0; j < blocks_count; j++) { if ((blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_REACHABLE) == 0) { continue; } for (k = blocks[j].start; k <= blocks[j].end; k++) { opline = op_array->opcodes + k; if (opline->opcode != ZEND_OP_DATA) { zend_op *next = opline + 1; if (k < blocks[j].end && next->opcode == ZEND_OP_DATA) { if (next->op1_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->op1.var))) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->op1.var)); } } if (next->op2_type == IS_CV) { if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j,EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->op2.var))) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->op2.var)); } } else if (next->op2_type == IS_VAR || next->op2_type == IS_TMP_VAR) { /* ZEND_ASSIGN_??? use the second operand of the following OP_DATA instruction as a temporary variable */ switch (opline->opcode) { case ZEND_ASSIGN_DIM: case ZEND_ASSIGN_OBJ: case ZEND_ASSIGN_ADD: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SUB: case ZEND_ASSIGN_MUL: case ZEND_ASSIGN_DIV: case ZEND_ASSIGN_MOD: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SL: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_CONCAT: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_OR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_AND: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_XOR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_POW: break; default: if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->op2.var))) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->op2.var)); } } } } if (opline->op1_type == IS_CV) { switch (opline->opcode) { case ZEND_ASSIGN: case ZEND_ASSIGN_REF: case ZEND_BIND_GLOBAL: case ZEND_BIND_STATIC: case ZEND_SEND_VAR_EX: case ZEND_SEND_REF: case ZEND_SEND_VAR_NO_REF: case ZEND_FE_RESET_R: case ZEND_FE_RESET_RW: case ZEND_ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT: case ZEND_INIT_ARRAY: case ZEND_BIND_LEXICAL: if (!DFG_ISSET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var))) { // FIXME: include into "use" to ...? DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var)); DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var)); } DFG_SET(gen, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var)); break; case ZEND_UNSET_VAR: ZEND_ASSERT(opline->extended_value & ZEND_QUICK_SET); /* break missing intentionally */ case ZEND_ASSIGN_ADD: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SUB: case ZEND_ASSIGN_MUL: case ZEND_ASSIGN_DIV: case ZEND_ASSIGN_MOD: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SL: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_CONCAT: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_OR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_AND: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_XOR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_POW: case ZEND_PRE_INC: case ZEND_PRE_DEC: case ZEND_POST_INC: case ZEND_POST_DEC: case ZEND_ASSIGN_DIM: case ZEND_ASSIGN_OBJ: case ZEND_UNSET_DIM: case ZEND_UNSET_OBJ: case ZEND_FETCH_DIM_W: case ZEND_FETCH_DIM_RW: case ZEND_FETCH_DIM_FUNC_ARG: case ZEND_FETCH_DIM_UNSET: case ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_W: case ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_RW: case ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_FUNC_ARG: case ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_UNSET: DFG_SET(gen, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var)); default: if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var))) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var)); } } } else if (opline->op1_type == IS_VAR || opline->op1_type == IS_TMP_VAR) { if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var))) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var)); } } if (opline->op2_type == IS_CV) { switch (opline->opcode) { case ZEND_ASSIGN: case ZEND_ASSIGN_REF: case ZEND_FE_FETCH_R: case ZEND_FE_FETCH_RW: if (!DFG_ISSET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var))) { // FIXME: include into "use" to ...? DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var)); DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var)); } DFG_SET(gen, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var)); break; default: if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var))) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var)); } break; } } else if (opline->op2_type == IS_VAR || opline->op2_type == IS_TMP_VAR) { if (opline->opcode == ZEND_FE_FETCH_R || opline->opcode == ZEND_FE_FETCH_RW) { if (!DFG_ISSET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var))) { DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var)); } DFG_SET(gen, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var)); } else { if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var))) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var)); } } } if (opline->result_type == IS_CV) { if (!DFG_ISSET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->result.var))) { DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->result.var)); } DFG_SET(gen, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->result.var)); } else if (opline->result_type == IS_VAR || opline->result_type == IS_TMP_VAR) { if (!DFG_ISSET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->result.var))) { DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->result.var)); } DFG_SET(gen, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->result.var)); } if ((opline->opcode == ZEND_FE_FETCH_R || opline->opcode == ZEND_FE_FETCH_RW) && opline->result_type == IS_TMP_VAR) { if (!DFG_ISSET(use, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->result.var))) { DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->result.var)); } DFG_SET(gen, set_size, j, EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->result.var)); } } } } /* Calculate "in" and "out" sets */ { uint32_t worklist_len = zend_bitset_len(blocks_count); ALLOCA_FLAG(use_heap); zend_bitset worklist = ZEND_BITSET_ALLOCA(worklist_len, use_heap); memset(worklist, 0, worklist_len * ZEND_BITSET_ELM_SIZE); for (j = 0; j < blocks_count; j++) { zend_bitset_incl(worklist, j); } while (!zend_bitset_empty(worklist, worklist_len)) { /* We use the last block on the worklist, because predecessors tend to be located * before the succeeding block, so this converges faster. */ j = zend_bitset_last(worklist, worklist_len); zend_bitset_excl(worklist, j); if ((blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_REACHABLE) == 0) { continue; } if (blocks[j].successors[0] >= 0) { zend_bitset_copy(DFG_BITSET(out, set_size, j), DFG_BITSET(in, set_size, blocks[j].successors[0]), set_size); if (blocks[j].successors[1] >= 0) { zend_bitset_union(DFG_BITSET(out, set_size, j), DFG_BITSET(in, set_size, blocks[j].successors[1]), set_size); } } else { zend_bitset_clear(DFG_BITSET(out, set_size, j), set_size); } zend_bitset_union_with_difference(tmp, DFG_BITSET(use, set_size, j), DFG_BITSET(out, set_size, j), DFG_BITSET(def, set_size, j), set_size); if (!zend_bitset_equal(DFG_BITSET(in, set_size, j), tmp, set_size)) { zend_bitset_copy(DFG_BITSET(in, set_size, j), tmp, set_size); /* Add predecessors of changed block to worklist */ { int *predecessors = &cfg->predecessors[blocks[j].predecessor_offset]; for (k = 0; k < blocks[j].predecessors_count; k++) { zend_bitset_incl(worklist, predecessors[k]); } } } } free_alloca(worklist, use_heap); } return SUCCESS; }
int zend_build_dfg(const zend_op_array *op_array, const zend_cfg *cfg, zend_dfg *dfg, uint32_t build_flags) /* {{{ */ { int set_size; zend_basic_block *blocks = cfg->blocks; int blocks_count = cfg->blocks_count; zend_bitset tmp, def, use, in, out; int k; uint32_t var_num; int j; set_size = dfg->size; tmp = dfg->tmp; def = dfg->def; use = dfg->use; in = dfg->in; out = dfg->out; /* Collect "def" and "use" sets */ for (j = 0; j < blocks_count; j++) { zend_op *opline, *end; if ((blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_REACHABLE) == 0) { continue; } opline = op_array->opcodes + blocks[j].start; end = opline + blocks[j].len; for (; opline < end; opline++) { if (opline->opcode != ZEND_OP_DATA) { zend_op *next = opline + 1; if (next < end && next->opcode == ZEND_OP_DATA) { if (next->op1_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { var_num = EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->op1.var); if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, var_num)) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); } } if (next->op2_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { var_num = EX_VAR_TO_NUM(next->op2.var); if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, var_num)) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); } } } if (opline->op1_type == IS_CV) { var_num = EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var); switch (opline->opcode) { case ZEND_ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT: case ZEND_INIT_ARRAY: if ((build_flags & ZEND_SSA_RC_INFERENCE) || (opline->extended_value & ZEND_ARRAY_ELEMENT_REF)) { goto op1_def; } goto op1_use; case ZEND_FE_RESET_R: case ZEND_SEND_VAR: case ZEND_CAST: case ZEND_QM_ASSIGN: case ZEND_JMP_SET: case ZEND_COALESCE: if (build_flags & ZEND_SSA_RC_INFERENCE) { goto op1_def; } goto op1_use; case ZEND_YIELD: if ((build_flags & ZEND_SSA_RC_INFERENCE) || (op_array->fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_RETURN_REFERENCE)) { goto op1_def; } goto op1_use; case ZEND_UNSET_VAR: ZEND_ASSERT(opline->extended_value & ZEND_QUICK_SET); /* break missing intentionally */ case ZEND_ASSIGN: case ZEND_ASSIGN_REF: case ZEND_BIND_GLOBAL: case ZEND_BIND_STATIC: case ZEND_SEND_VAR_EX: case ZEND_SEND_REF: case ZEND_SEND_VAR_NO_REF: case ZEND_SEND_VAR_NO_REF_EX: case ZEND_FE_RESET_RW: case ZEND_ASSIGN_ADD: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SUB: case ZEND_ASSIGN_MUL: case ZEND_ASSIGN_DIV: case ZEND_ASSIGN_MOD: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SL: case ZEND_ASSIGN_SR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_CONCAT: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_OR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_AND: case ZEND_ASSIGN_BW_XOR: case ZEND_ASSIGN_POW: case ZEND_PRE_INC: case ZEND_PRE_DEC: case ZEND_POST_INC: case ZEND_POST_DEC: case ZEND_ASSIGN_DIM: case ZEND_ASSIGN_OBJ: case ZEND_UNSET_DIM: case ZEND_UNSET_OBJ: case ZEND_FETCH_DIM_W: case ZEND_FETCH_DIM_RW: case ZEND_FETCH_DIM_FUNC_ARG: case ZEND_FETCH_DIM_UNSET: case ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_W: case ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_RW: case ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_FUNC_ARG: case ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_UNSET: case ZEND_VERIFY_RETURN_TYPE: op1_def: /* `def` always come along with dtor or separation, * thus the origin var info might be also `use`d in the feature(CG) */ DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, var_num); break; default: op1_use: if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, var_num)) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); } } } else if (opline->op1_type & (IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { var_num = EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op1.var); if (opline->opcode == ZEND_VERIFY_RETURN_TYPE) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, var_num); } else if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, var_num)) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); } } if (opline->op2_type == IS_CV) { var_num = EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var); switch (opline->opcode) { case ZEND_ASSIGN: if (build_flags & ZEND_SSA_RC_INFERENCE) { goto op2_def; } goto op2_use; case ZEND_BIND_LEXICAL: if ((build_flags & ZEND_SSA_RC_INFERENCE) || opline->extended_value) { goto op2_def; } goto op2_use; case ZEND_ASSIGN_REF: case ZEND_FE_FETCH_R: case ZEND_FE_FETCH_RW: op2_def: // FIXME: include into "use" too ...? DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, var_num); break; default: op2_use: if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, var_num)) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); } break; } } else if (opline->op2_type & (IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { var_num = EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->op2.var); if (opline->opcode == ZEND_FE_FETCH_R || opline->opcode == ZEND_FE_FETCH_RW) { DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, var_num); } else { if (!DFG_ISSET(def, set_size, j, var_num)) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); } } } if (opline->result_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { var_num = EX_VAR_TO_NUM(opline->result.var); if ((build_flags & ZEND_SSA_USE_CV_RESULTS) && opline->result_type == IS_CV) { DFG_SET(use, set_size, j, var_num); } DFG_SET(def, set_size, j, var_num); } } } } /* Calculate "in" and "out" sets */ { uint32_t worklist_len = zend_bitset_len(blocks_count); zend_bitset worklist; ALLOCA_FLAG(use_heap); worklist = ZEND_BITSET_ALLOCA(worklist_len, use_heap); memset(worklist, 0, worklist_len * ZEND_BITSET_ELM_SIZE); for (j = 0; j < blocks_count; j++) { zend_bitset_incl(worklist, j); } while (!zend_bitset_empty(worklist, worklist_len)) { /* We use the last block on the worklist, because predecessors tend to be located * before the succeeding block, so this converges faster. */ j = zend_bitset_last(worklist, worklist_len); zend_bitset_excl(worklist, j); if ((blocks[j].flags & ZEND_BB_REACHABLE) == 0) { continue; } if (blocks[j].successors_count != 0) { zend_bitset_copy(DFG_BITSET(out, set_size, j), DFG_BITSET(in, set_size, blocks[j].successors[0]), set_size); for (k = 1; k < blocks[j].successors_count; k++) { zend_bitset_union(DFG_BITSET(out, set_size, j), DFG_BITSET(in, set_size, blocks[j].successors[k]), set_size); } } else { zend_bitset_clear(DFG_BITSET(out, set_size, j), set_size); } zend_bitset_union_with_difference(tmp, DFG_BITSET(use, set_size, j), DFG_BITSET(out, set_size, j), DFG_BITSET(def, set_size, j), set_size); if (!zend_bitset_equal(DFG_BITSET(in, set_size, j), tmp, set_size)) { zend_bitset_copy(DFG_BITSET(in, set_size, j), tmp, set_size); /* Add predecessors of changed block to worklist */ { int *predecessors = &cfg->predecessors[blocks[j].predecessor_offset]; for (k = 0; k < blocks[j].predecessors_count; k++) { zend_bitset_incl(worklist, predecessors[k]); } } } } free_alloca(worklist, use_heap); } return SUCCESS; }
void zend_optimize_temporary_variables(zend_op_array *op_array, zend_optimizer_ctx *ctx) { int T = op_array->T; int offset = op_array->last_var; uint32_t bitset_len; zend_bitset taken_T; /* T index in use */ zend_op **start_of_T; /* opline where T is first used */ zend_bitset valid_T; /* Is the map_T valid */ int *map_T; /* Map's the T to its new index */ zend_op *opline, *end; int currT; int i; int max = -1; int var_to_free = -1; void *checkpoint = zend_arena_checkpoint(ctx->arena); bitset_len = zend_bitset_len(T); taken_T = (zend_bitset) zend_arena_alloc(&ctx->arena, bitset_len * ZEND_BITSET_ELM_SIZE); start_of_T = (zend_op **) zend_arena_alloc(&ctx->arena, T * sizeof(zend_op *)); valid_T = (zend_bitset) zend_arena_alloc(&ctx->arena, bitset_len * ZEND_BITSET_ELM_SIZE); map_T = (int *) zend_arena_alloc(&ctx->arena, T * sizeof(int)); end = op_array->opcodes; opline = &op_array->opcodes[op_array->last - 1]; /* Find T definition points */ while (opline >= end) { if (ZEND_RESULT_TYPE(opline) & (IS_VAR | IS_TMP_VAR)) { start_of_T[VAR_NUM(ZEND_RESULT(opline).var) - offset] = opline; } opline--; } zend_bitset_clear(valid_T, bitset_len); zend_bitset_clear(taken_T, bitset_len); end = op_array->opcodes; opline = &op_array->opcodes[op_array->last - 1]; while (opline >= end) { if ((ZEND_OP1_TYPE(opline) & (IS_VAR | IS_TMP_VAR))) { currT = VAR_NUM(ZEND_OP1(opline).var) - offset; if (opline->opcode == ZEND_ROPE_END) { int num = (((opline->extended_value + 1) * sizeof(zend_string*)) + (sizeof(zval) - 1)) / sizeof(zval); int var; var = max; while (var >= 0 && !zend_bitset_in(taken_T, var)) { var--; } max = MAX(max, var + num); var = var + 1; map_T[currT] = var; zend_bitset_incl(valid_T, currT); zend_bitset_incl(taken_T, var); ZEND_OP1(opline).var = NUM_VAR(var + offset); while (num > 1) { num--; zend_bitset_incl(taken_T, var + num); } } else { if (!zend_bitset_in(valid_T, currT)) { int use_new_var = 0; /* Code in "finally" blocks may modify temorary variables. * We allocate new temporaries for values that need to * relive FAST_CALLs. */ if ((op_array->fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_HAS_FINALLY_BLOCK) && (opline->opcode == ZEND_RETURN || opline->opcode == ZEND_GENERATOR_RETURN || opline->opcode == ZEND_RETURN_BY_REF || opline->opcode == ZEND_FREE || opline->opcode == ZEND_FE_FREE)) { zend_op *curr = opline; while (--curr >= end) { if (curr->opcode == ZEND_FAST_CALL) { use_new_var = 1; break; } else if (curr->opcode != ZEND_FREE && curr->opcode != ZEND_FE_FREE && curr->opcode != ZEND_VERIFY_RETURN_TYPE && curr->opcode != ZEND_DISCARD_EXCEPTION) { break; } } } if (use_new_var) { i = ++max; zend_bitset_incl(taken_T, i); } else { GET_AVAILABLE_T(); } map_T[currT] = i; zend_bitset_incl(valid_T, currT); } ZEND_OP1(opline).var = NUM_VAR(map_T[currT] + offset); } } if ((ZEND_OP2_TYPE(opline) & (IS_VAR | IS_TMP_VAR))) { currT = VAR_NUM(ZEND_OP2(opline).var) - offset; if (!zend_bitset_in(valid_T, currT)) { GET_AVAILABLE_T(); map_T[currT] = i; zend_bitset_incl(valid_T, currT); } ZEND_OP2(opline).var = NUM_VAR(map_T[currT] + offset); } if (ZEND_RESULT_TYPE(opline) & (IS_VAR | IS_TMP_VAR)) { currT = VAR_NUM(ZEND_RESULT(opline).var) - offset; if (zend_bitset_in(valid_T, currT)) { if (start_of_T[currT] == opline) { /* ZEND_FAST_CALL can not share temporary var with others * since the fast_var could also be set by ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION * which could be ahead of it */ if (opline->opcode != ZEND_FAST_CALL) { zend_bitset_excl(taken_T, map_T[currT]); } } ZEND_RESULT(opline).var = NUM_VAR(map_T[currT] + offset); if (opline->opcode == ZEND_ROPE_INIT) { if (start_of_T[currT] == opline) { uint32_t num = ((opline->extended_value * sizeof(zend_string*)) + (sizeof(zval) - 1)) / sizeof(zval); while (num > 1) { num--; zend_bitset_excl(taken_T, map_T[currT]+num); } } } } else { /* Code which gets here is using a wrongly built opcode such as RECV() */ GET_AVAILABLE_T(); map_T[currT] = i; zend_bitset_incl(valid_T, currT); ZEND_RESULT(opline).var = NUM_VAR(i + offset); } } if (var_to_free >= 0) { zend_bitset_excl(taken_T, var_to_free); var_to_free = -1; } opline--; } if (op_array->live_range) { for (i = 0; i < op_array->last_live_range; i++) { op_array->live_range[i].var = NUM_VAR(map_T[VAR_NUM(op_array->live_range[i].var & ~ZEND_LIVE_MASK) - offset] + offset) | (op_array->live_range[i].var & ZEND_LIVE_MASK); } } zend_arena_release(&ctx->arena, checkpoint); op_array->T = max + 1; }
/* This pass removes all CVs and temporaries that are completely unused. It does *not* merge any CVs or TMPs. * This pass does not operate on SSA form anymore. */ void zend_optimizer_compact_vars(zend_op_array *op_array) { int i; ALLOCA_FLAG(use_heap1); ALLOCA_FLAG(use_heap2); uint32_t used_vars_len = zend_bitset_len(op_array->last_var + op_array->T); zend_bitset used_vars = ZEND_BITSET_ALLOCA(used_vars_len, use_heap1); uint32_t *vars_map = do_alloca((op_array->last_var + op_array->T) * sizeof(uint32_t), use_heap2); uint32_t num_cvs, num_tmps; /* Determine which CVs are used */ zend_bitset_clear(used_vars, used_vars_len); for (i = 0; i < op_array->last; i++) { zend_op *opline = &op_array->opcodes[i]; if (opline->op1_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { zend_bitset_incl(used_vars, VAR_NUM(opline->op1.var)); } if (opline->op2_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { zend_bitset_incl(used_vars, VAR_NUM(opline->op2.var)); } if (opline->result_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { zend_bitset_incl(used_vars, VAR_NUM(opline->result.var)); if (opline->opcode == ZEND_ROPE_INIT) { uint32_t num = ((opline->extended_value * sizeof(zend_string*)) + (sizeof(zval) - 1)) / sizeof(zval); while (num > 1) { num--; zend_bitset_incl(used_vars, VAR_NUM(opline->result.var) + num); } } } } num_cvs = 0; for (i = 0; i < op_array->last_var; i++) { if (zend_bitset_in(used_vars, i)) { vars_map[i] = num_cvs++; } else { vars_map[i] = (uint32_t) -1; } } num_tmps = 0; for (i = op_array->last_var; i < op_array->last_var + op_array->T; i++) { if (zend_bitset_in(used_vars, i)) { vars_map[i] = num_cvs + num_tmps++; } else { vars_map[i] = (uint32_t) -1; } } free_alloca(used_vars, use_heap1); if (num_cvs == op_array->last_var && num_tmps == op_array->T) { free_alloca(vars_map, use_heap2); return; } ZEND_ASSERT(num_cvs <= op_array->last_var); ZEND_ASSERT(num_tmps <= op_array->T); /* Update CV and TMP references in opcodes */ for (i = 0; i < op_array->last; i++) { zend_op *opline = &op_array->opcodes[i]; if (opline->op1_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { opline->op1.var = NUM_VAR(vars_map[VAR_NUM(opline->op1.var)]); } if (opline->op2_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { opline->op2.var = NUM_VAR(vars_map[VAR_NUM(opline->op2.var)]); } if (opline->result_type & (IS_CV|IS_VAR|IS_TMP_VAR)) { opline->result.var = NUM_VAR(vars_map[VAR_NUM(opline->result.var)]); } } /* Update TMP references in live ranges */ if (op_array->live_range) { for (i = 0; i < op_array->last_live_range; i++) { op_array->live_range[i].var = (op_array->live_range[i].var & ZEND_LIVE_MASK) | NUM_VAR(vars_map[VAR_NUM(op_array->live_range[i].var & ~ZEND_LIVE_MASK)]); } } /* Update CV name table */ if (num_cvs != op_array->last_var) { zend_string **names = safe_emalloc(sizeof(zend_string *), num_cvs, 0); for (i = 0; i < op_array->last_var; i++) { if (vars_map[i] != (uint32_t) -1) { names[vars_map[i]] = op_array->vars[i]; } else { zend_string_release(op_array->vars[i]); } } efree(op_array->vars); op_array->vars = names; } op_array->last_var = num_cvs; op_array->T = num_tmps; free_alloca(vars_map, use_heap2); }
int zend_cfg_identify_loops(const zend_op_array *op_array, zend_cfg *cfg, uint32_t *flags) /* {{{ */ { int i, j, k; int depth; zend_basic_block *blocks = cfg->blocks; int *dj_spanning_tree; zend_worklist work; int flag = ZEND_FUNC_NO_LOOPS; ALLOCA_FLAG(list_use_heap); ALLOCA_FLAG(tree_use_heap); ZEND_WORKLIST_ALLOCA(&work, cfg->blocks_count, list_use_heap); dj_spanning_tree = do_alloca(sizeof(int) * cfg->blocks_count, tree_use_heap); for (i = 0; i < cfg->blocks_count; i++) { dj_spanning_tree[i] = -1; } zend_worklist_push(&work, 0); while (zend_worklist_len(&work)) { next: i = zend_worklist_peek(&work); /* Visit blocks immediately dominated by i. */ for (j = blocks[i].children; j >= 0; j = blocks[j].next_child) { if (zend_worklist_push(&work, j)) { dj_spanning_tree[j] = i; goto next; } } /* Visit join edges. */ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { int succ = blocks[i].successors[j]; if (succ < 0) { continue; } else if (blocks[succ].idom == i) { continue; } else if (zend_worklist_push(&work, succ)) { dj_spanning_tree[succ] = i; goto next; } } zend_worklist_pop(&work); } /* Identify loops. See Sreedhar et al, "Identifying Loops Using DJ Graphs". */ for (i = 0, depth = 0; i < cfg->blocks_count; i++) { if (blocks[i].level > depth) { depth = blocks[i].level; } } for (; depth >= 0; depth--) { for (i = 0; i < cfg->blocks_count; i++) { if (blocks[i].level != depth) { continue; } zend_bitset_clear(work.visited, zend_bitset_len(cfg->blocks_count)); for (j = 0; j < blocks[i].predecessors_count; j++) { int pred = cfg->predecessors[blocks[i].predecessor_offset + j]; /* A join edge is one for which the predecessor does not immediately dominate the successor. */ if (blocks[i].idom == pred) { continue; } /* In a loop back-edge (back-join edge), the successor dominates the predecessor. */ if (dominates(blocks, i, pred)) { blocks[i].flags |= ZEND_BB_LOOP_HEADER; flag &= ~ZEND_FUNC_NO_LOOPS; zend_worklist_push(&work, pred); } else { /* Otherwise it's a cross-join edge. See if it's a branch to an ancestor on the dominator spanning tree. */ int dj_parent = pred; while (dj_parent >= 0) { if (dj_parent == i) { /* An sp-back edge: mark as irreducible. */ blocks[i].flags |= ZEND_BB_IRREDUCIBLE_LOOP; flag |= ZEND_FUNC_IRREDUCIBLE; flag &= ~ZEND_FUNC_NO_LOOPS; break; } else { dj_parent = dj_spanning_tree[dj_parent]; } } } } while (zend_worklist_len(&work)) { j = zend_worklist_pop(&work); if (blocks[j].loop_header < 0 && j != i) { blocks[j].loop_header = i; for (k = 0; k < blocks[j].predecessors_count; k++) { zend_worklist_push(&work, cfg->predecessors[blocks[j].predecessor_offset + k]); } } } } } free_alloca(dj_spanning_tree, tree_use_heap); ZEND_WORKLIST_FREE_ALLOCA(&work, list_use_heap); *flags |= flag; return SUCCESS; }