Пример #1
static int parent_io_setup (struct subprocess *p)
     *  Close child end of stdio in parent:
    if (zio_close_src_fd (p->zio_in) < 0
            || zio_close_dst_fd (p->zio_out) < 0
            || zio_close_dst_fd (p->zio_err) < 0)
        return (-1);

    return (0);
Пример #2
static int child_io_setup (struct subprocess *p)
     *  Close parent end of stdio in child:
    if (zio_close_dst_fd (p->zio_in) < 0
            || zio_close_src_fd (p->zio_out) < 0
            || zio_close_src_fd (p->zio_err) < 0)
        return (-1);

     *  Dup this process' fds onto zio
    if (  (dup2_fd (zio_src_fd (p->zio_in), STDIN_FILENO) < 0)
       || (dup2_fd (zio_dst_fd (p->zio_out), STDOUT_FILENO) < 0)
       || (dup2_fd (zio_dst_fd (p->zio_err), STDERR_FILENO) < 0))
        return (-1);

    return (0);
Пример #3
void zio_destroy (zio_t *z)
    if (z == NULL)
    assert (z->magic == ZIO_MAGIC);
    if (zio_is_in_handler (z)) {
        zio_set_destroyed (z);
    if (z->buf)
        cbuf_destroy (z->buf);
    free (z->name);
    free (z->prefix);
    zio_close_src_fd (z);
    zio_close_dst_fd (z);
    flux_watcher_destroy (z->reader);
    flux_watcher_destroy (z->writer);
    assert ((z->magic = ~ZIO_MAGIC));
    free (z);
Пример #4
static int zio_close (zio_t *zio)
    if (zio->flags & ZIO_CLOSED) {
        /* Already closed */
        errno = EINVAL;
        return (-1);
    zio_debug (zio, "zio_close\n");
    if (zio_reader (zio))
        zio_close_src_fd (zio);
    else if (zio_writer (zio)) {
        zio_close_dst_fd (zio);
        /* For writer zio object, consider close(dstfd)
         *  as "EOF sent"
        zio->flags |= ZIO_EOF_SENT;
    zio->flags |= ZIO_CLOSED;
    if (zio->close)
        return (*zio->close) (zio, zio->arg);
    return (0);
Пример #5
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    zio_t *zio;
    int init_fds;
    const char *name;
    struct counts c;
    int fd;
    flux_reactor_t *r;
    flux_watcher_t *w;

    memset (&c, 0, sizeof (c));

    plan (NO_PLAN);

    test_encode ();

    ok ((r = flux_reactor_create (0)) != NULL,
        "flux reactor created");

    init_fds = fdcount ();
    diag ("initial fd count: %d", init_fds);

    /* simple reader tests
    ok ((zio = zio_pipe_reader_create ("test1", &c)) != NULL,
        "reader: zio_pipe_reader_create works");
    ok ((name = zio_name (zio)) != NULL && !strcmp (name, "test1"),
        "reader: zio_name returns correct name");
    ok (zio_set_close_cb (zio, close_reader) == 0,
        "reader: zio_set_close_cb works");
    ok (zio_set_send_cb (zio, send_reader) == 0,
        "reader: zio_set_send_cb works");
    ok (zio_reactor_attach (zio, r) == 0,
        "reader: zio_reactor_attach works");
    ok ((fd = zio_dst_fd (zio)) >= 0,
        "reader: zio_dst_fd returned valid file descriptor");
    ok (write (fd, "narf!", 5) == 5,
        "reader: wrote narf! to reader pipe");
    ok (zio_close_dst_fd (zio) == 0,
        "reader: zio_close_dst_fd succeeded");
    ok (flux_reactor_run (r, 0) == 0,
        "reader: reactor completed successfully");
    ok (c.send_reader == 1,
        "reader: send function called once for EOF + incomplete line");
    errno = 0;
    zio_destroy (zio);
    ok (init_fds == fdcount (),
        "reader: zio_destroy leaks no file descriptors");

    /* simple writer tests
    ok ((zio = zio_pipe_writer_create ("test2", &c)) != NULL,
        "writer: zio_pipe_writer_create works");
    ok ((name = zio_name (zio)) != NULL && !strcmp (name, "test2"),
        "writer: zio_name returns correct name");
    ok (zio_set_close_cb (zio, close_writer) == 0,
        "writer: zio_set_close_cb works");
    ok ((fd = zio_src_fd (zio)) >= 0,
        "writer: zio_src_fd returned valid file descriptor");
    w = flux_fd_watcher_create (r, fd, FLUX_POLLIN, fd_read, &c);
    ok (w != NULL,
        "writer: created fd watcher");
    flux_watcher_start (w);
    ok (zio_write (zio, "narf!", 5) == 5,
        "writer: zio_write narf! works");
    ok (zio_write_eof (zio) == 0,
        "writer: zio_write_eof works");
    ok (flux_reactor_run (r, 0) == 0,
        "writer: reactor completed successfully");
    ok (c.fd_read_errors == 0 && c.fd_read_data == 5 && c.fd_read_eof == 1,
        "writer: read narf + EOF on read end of pipe");
    ok (c.close_writer == 1,
        "writer: close callback invoked");

    zio_destroy (zio);
    ok (init_fds == fdcount (),
        "writer: zio_destroy leaks no file descriptors");

    flux_watcher_destroy (w);
    flux_reactor_destroy (r);

    done_testing ();